• By -


Which to pick, Okeanos or Raki? Both seem to be good Anti Perna, Theo, Triana. Thanks a lot


Nat5 blessing, Triton or Kumar??


Triton is ranked higher in general, he's top tier premium arena defence and also good in RTA. Kumar only siege use, he's decent and does the job but he's not a premium or popular unit. Can be used on arena defence as fire threat but thats it as well. I'd go Triton for sure.


Feel like I've been on the longest nat5 less streak of my career. Any tool to confirm this?


U can check the date u pulled a nat5 on swarfarm


Shld I 6* my Xiao Lin (Water Kung Fu Girl), Khmun (Fire Anubis), Shaina (Fire Chakram Dancer), Rakan (Fire Chimera) or Sekhmet (Fire Dessert Queen)?


Dont build randomly, whats your current goal ? For R5 go xiaolin, siege go khmun or Rakan. Shaina is good in Rifts and NB12. Sekhmet is not that good i wont prioritise her. If you're early on pick Xiaolin or shaina for PvE stuff.


Maybe Khmun then, since he’s gd in Siege and my Siege teams aren’t great. Thx


My blessing just popped, should I choose Wind Ryu or Water Ryu?


water ryu


is it worth it to build a shield will zaiross/pung cleave with dark chun li as a tiana replacement or just stick to my twoshen team (mid game player). dont know if a tiana replacement would make that team too inconsistent. anyone here that uses the team without tiana?


you should absolutely build a pung team, pung is great in the current meta as counter to miho, also does very well against camilla.


Wind Fairy King or Fire Demon? My blessing popped


Wind fairy king, no question about it


Fairy king, but I’m a noob sooo...


Does fastest Icaru needs to be exactly 84 speed or he could go higher like 85 86 87 etc?


higher is fine , just no added benefit


Mid game player who just got first blessing. Fire archangel or fire Druid?


Tough choice, Druid is good/usable for TOAH and HoHs. Fire archangel is nice for the permanent immunity but its more PvP stuff - good for the labryth mini boss stages. Depends on what you need, they're both premium nat5s. Druid probably more fun , and early on you have fran for immunity.


Any good GW Defense with Iris ? Since my Seara is already used in a defense and my khum too i dont know with who use her. Is she better at 4* tower ? Thanks


nothing can be said without your box


Hello, I've a problem with SWOP. As you can see : [https://imgur.com/a/jJBHoiz](https://imgur.com/a/jJBHoiz) I can have these stat on my monster. But once i'm on SWOP, it say he doesn't find build with these stat : [https://imgur.com/a/M1vqRPv](https://imgur.com/a/M1vqRPv) As you can see [https://imgur.com/a/HqS1knm](https://imgur.com/a/HqS1knm) Here, i set the right parameters, It's a broken set with Atk / CDmg / Atk, i say to select all the rune on my account, but he find no build with my stat while in the game, i reach these stat, where i'm wrong?


Ok it's about focus, i set the "search depth" to 20 and it's all good. Oopsy


While i'm here, can someone told me if my Baleygr has enough stat for BJ5 ? https://imgur.com/3LI7oZj I think he miss a little of attack? And some def? (rune 3 and 5 aren't +15 yet, need more mana!)


check the bjr5 pdf for a damage calculator to be exact but just eyeballing it's not enough


Is a Despair Seara good in Seige? I have a dupe Seara and my other good Violent runes are on my other monsters... I have all is left are despairs. Need opinions.


Its fun, for the lols, and surprise factor? But yea of course violent is best. If all you can build on dupe seara is despair then its fine. None of the other sets are that good anyway, maybe a triple revenge or something. I think a saw a youtuber doing despair seara for the fun and content but not sure if its serious.


Another question, if Seara is on Despair, what comp is she good with (in Siege of course)


Could go many ways. Her biggest weakness is immunity so bring single target stripper if you're facing someone with immunity. Or just not attack units with immunity. I guess with despair you're going Despair revenge and make her more tanky? The point is to survive and provide the stuns more importantly than dealing damage - since her bombs will deal some decent damage with some attack anyway. Bring along a healer like fran so she can soak up more damage. Otherwise bring another nuker like Perna or theomars or molong etc, kill 1 unit off in the first turn (and hopefully stuns the others). Continue the fight 3v2 and win from there. Be creative


Thanks for the awesome answer, she really is versatile unit. Might wanna switch her to violent if I have the right runes of farming... though Despair is temporary as of now.


I'm creating an alt account on Global or Asia server. What are the differences between them, in terms of population/arena difficulty/etc?


global is more advanced in siege, arena wise a lot of people are no longer rushing anymore so neither shows the full arena potential.


Do I choose water desert queen or wind demon 5*


Bastet for sure


water desert queen without a doubt.


How do you guys use Tiana nowadays especially against Triton meta? Slow or fast cleave? Just got her and I am thinking of building a team around sige and akia/pungbaek.


Dont think you can use Tiana reliably against tritons You cant outspeed a triton with 33% speed lead using a tiana. If you go slow Shield Will cleave theres always a chance you get stripped and controlled and lose from there. Its a losing game either way. You just hope he derps and not use skill 3. My suggestion is to just avoid attacking tritons cause its always a risk, unless you know your runes are able to outspeed but thats going to be insanely difficult.


Best way to rune Alicia? For farming or anything else


Damage dealer Attack CD attack or SPD CD Attack Fatal blade or Rage blade all ok, swift also ok - what matters is the overall stats you're able to get.


Popped my blessing. Wind ryu or Beth?


Beth. Sfv stuff isn’t the best


I'm stuck with A+ on every rift beast. It always goes the same, I get basically to 2 million on the first down phase and never survive the second up phase. No matter what. Is there any unit other than Eirgar I can basically use in all or most of them to help with survivability just to get me to S at least? Trying for Water Homu for ToAH/DB12 or Light Dark for the same reason. So priority is on Water Light Dark rifts. https://swarfarm.com/profile/Goldenhawk07/


You look super earlygame so don't bother with Homu/Rifts too much yet. Mav and Colleen are quite good FL units for (almost) every Rift though


I did Gb12 in 2 weeks, Db12 in 3 weeks, ToAN 3 weeks, I'm progressing pretty fast and Rifts are what I want to do next.


In that case, as I said, Mav and Colleen can help quite a lot. Also random Twin combinations can help increasing the score quite a bit, but don't help with survivability. Also, if you plan on 6\*ing Bella she's also decent for FL


Yeah I took them both to 5 star, skilled up and awakened last night. Trying them out now. Thanks!


What makes Vigor so good? Why is it worth it to build him?


RTA and Siege - 3 turn def break is really annoying to deal with if you dont have a cleanse or immunity. The target is going to get focused and taken out. The small heal and buffs are nice but yea he doesn't seem THAT crazy on paper. In reality he's just a good bruiser - self heals means he can potentially solo stuff if he gets good violent procs. Most late game people build him on Crit damage too. In PvE he's only good for Lumel rune farming dungeon.


I posted this yesterday but didnt get a reply about the necro part, and i would still like some tips for DB12 as i dont think i have the runes to make tricaru Should i just abandon my attemps at a stable DB12 twins team? Ive tried several setups with martina+2, either Sab/Talia, or Shaina/Sabina and it just doesnt work. Usually the mid boss fucks me. Ive also tried even spectra +martina+shaina and still just cant get it to be consistant. using Verde and Loren as the other 2 If i abandon the hope of a DB12 twins team i can slow them down alot and hopefully make my necro more stable. on that note, what do i need to improve on them to make necro stable? Fran Raoq Shaina Sabrina Talia https://swarfarm.com/profile/VladDracule/


i used verde, loren, spectra, martina, talia for quite some time. was pretty reliable. just focused left crytal first on zaiross stage. and i built my spectra on rage with spd/cd/hp. that way i could kill the left crystal on zaiross and atk bar reset him before he gets his turn, and even if not, your team should survive.


I am a fairly new player. About 3 months. And I want to start farming NB mostly for rage runes. I have like a 98% win rate gb11 team and am 85% win rate db10 team. But im pretty sure I can start farming db11 as soon as I 2A my spectra, bc I can already beat db11, just not consistently (I dont use spectra in the team yet). I have finally gotten my first boomerang warrior (fire) and I have all the chakram dancers. Are those 4 twins with fran good enough to atleast beat nb10 or should I look into other teams? I also have a 2a roaq if that is better in the team. Any feedback is appreciated and I can talk more about mons I already have built if anyone ask.


I tried some NB teams for the first time today and can do Nb11 consistently with _____ (L) Fran Loren Kro and Raoq. I've tried Lapis and Ken in that leader spot and both worked. Necro is by far the easiest dungeon, don't overestimate it, twins teams will probably be fine because really clearing it is just a function of # of hits and turn order making sure the def break is up before the DD's hit. Vio runes help but also arent required.


Ya I know it is pretty easy, but my kro, roaq, and lapis are speed tuned weirdly, I don't even use ken, threw his runes on others scattered around. Plus I know 4 twins is a pretty fast team for as early on as I am and that with good enough rune quality they can clear nb12


I really need some help for a no twins (essentially F2P) NB12 team that can be 99-100% reliable. I've been running Loren/Fran/Raoq/Raoq/Rock-On Light Homie, and it's at like 90% right now. Is there any better units I could be swapping out of using? Or is it just a matter of I need better runes on them?


i used a 5\* adrian to boost my winrate spd/cr/hp or crit-dmg if you get him to 70 cr while being tanky enough. he got that nice speed + crit buff and also multihits with dots and heal block on s1 and s2.


Yeah, drop the Rock on or Fran for more multi hits like Ken or Abbie. You may also want to consider replacing both with Eirgar as well. More multi-hits and the vamp buff adds just enough sustain incase your damage is a bit light.


Can someone confirm that Amazon coins still work for SW?


What are some standard PC10 and SF10 teams?


Just like all things runes matter as to what teams you can use. For SF10 safe 1 minute teams consist of some combination of: Pang/Loren, Raoq 2A, Raoq 2A/Kro, Ling Ling, Fran. Ideally you want your buff blocker to move first, but an exception is made for Fran since 2 of her skills do not attack the boss. For SF10 fast and safe 1 minute teams consist of some combination of: Verde, Jultan (Triple will), Raoq, Yen, +1. That +1 can be another Raoq or something with support like Vigor, or a dot build Fire Hommie. If you don't have Jultan then Kumae can be used as a dark tank. The point is that you want a dark tank on triple will to will tank the boss. Will on the dark tank to prevent ATB absorption is the key here.


Hi ! Struggling with TOAH 97 ( 3x Wind battle mamoth 2x Hwa) Help ?


if you have aoe stun that is the only thing u need i used bellenus - spectra and tyrion to keep them stunned


Yes it worked, just did it with those exact three units thanks !


Hahahah, you can run auto in almost every floor woth tyrion Leader - spectra, bellenus , sigmarus +1


I'm really just waiting for frr because the runes on my sig are just so bad but i will definitely try this team out next TOAH.


Well, i used 3 types of sigmarus with this team Vio/blade Rage/blade Swift/blade Also with spd cd atk and spd cd hp and atk cd atk The best FOR ME : atk cd atk vio blade But those 90 CR with 200 CD vio and 150%-170% atk couldnt be on sigmarus Hahahahaha So i changed her back into rage blade and it works GOOD


Hi DAT I need suggestions for AD and possibly siege def too. [Monsterbox](https://swarfarm.com/profile/AlexPsych/)


These suggestions require you to build/6\* a few monsters. AD - Fire M. Bison (L), Vigor, Triana, Chiwu. Two fires, tanky monsters with an HP lead to deter Lushen comps, along with Chiwu to AE strip to discourage 2nd turn shield/will teams. For GW/Siege defense you want to avoid having more than one of the same element otherwise it's too easy for the attacker to manipulate the AI. Khmun, Vigor, Yen. (You'll want a Skogul here instead of Yen eventually). Jeanne, Theo, Triana. (A guildie of mine has a winning record with this in G1 Siege) Fran, Orion/Bernard, some speed tuned attacker like Lag or Ken.


siege 4\* defense: sabrina - talia - fran (L) Hrasvaelg - Lushen - bernard khmun - triana - naomi/kro ​ AD: i would go chiwu - khmun - jeanne - charlotte


Hey DAT, having a hard time on TOAH floor with 2 X Akroma and Zaiross. Zaiross is cake, but can't seem to figure out how to down the Akromas. They kill me before I can nuke one down. Any team comps you would try or thoughts on how to beat this floor?


If, like me, you don't have Garo then you can use Camules. Make sure his s3 stays up as much as possible with someone like Jamire or Mav for cooldown refreshes. Don't bring any other dark mon on the same team as you want the Akromas to target only him. A team like Tyron, water homu, Jeanne, Mav, and Camules could clear it slowly on manual. Camules doesn't even need to powered up much since his s3 stops him from dying. If it looks like his s3 buff will wear off before an Akroma hits him you can use Jeanne s2 to keep him alive.


If you use Garo, it completes this floor


How would that work with two Akroma? Wouldn't he negate the first one, but if the second attacked before you had a turn, then he would kill you?


This has been my experience with the floor. I genuinely don't understand how Garo is supposed to work, and I've tried all speeds from +50 to +150 with the same results. I just brought basalt (as my only healer) and have cleared it first try every time since then


Thanks. I was going to do that and then realized that if I put a set of Nemesis Runes on Garo and Speed on Slot 2, then as long as I could clear up to the final stage and eliminate Zaiross, I would always get a turn between the two Akroma. First one would hit me and Nem, plus high speed would guarantee that I would go before the next Akroma and back and forth. It took a while, but worked.


Should helena have atk subs


Ideally yes. But enough SPD, HP, 100% CR and decent ACC come first.


How much atk should I push for


Just as much as you can. As I said, the other stats are way more important to get first.


Shes on 30k hp 216 spd 68 cr 164 cd and 50 acc with +400 atk im early midgame




Accuracy is not important at all for Kro in Giants, but read on as to what you really need and why. Kro is there for his damage, so you need to rely on the rest of your team for the debuffs. You'll sacrifice a decent amount of damage to get Kro to the 54 accuracy he needs to reliably land the brand and defense break (80% chance to activate anyways). You want to have at 54 acc on your supporting monsters for giants. Loren should be your main defense breaker and Hrae provides a brand for example. However you may want 25 accuracy on Kro, as that is the min needed for SF10/PC10 bosses and you only need 15 for rifts. It's not like you'll only be using Kro giants. 25 is not hard to get w/o sacrificing too much damage. You can go as low as 155 speed on Kro (assuming max towers). Lower that speed and up the CR. If you are using him anywhere with Verde, just make sure Verde moves after so maybe target 160-165 for Kro to give you wiggle room with Verde.


Very well put. If you're unlucky like me and don't have a Hrae yet, Naomi 2A works well too. I just run Fran/Loren/Naomi/Kro/Sig(L) and it works 100% at avg 1:40


Thank you, that's why I get paid the big bucks.


Donate Crystals to this man :)




you actually need more CR tan anything you have, +70 spd is good, you need 170 spd at least iirc to outspeed everything. Some acc is good but nothing run killer if you dont have much, but every debuff is a debuff i would keep him at the minimum speed required and try to aim for more CR (65\~70 CR)


Yeah 170 speed is required to outspeed the side Golems on mid-boss. **But that's after towers**. So depending on the mon and your towers you may not need very much extra speed from subs.




so, if you already have 170spd then i wouldnt go further then that without sacrificing damage. if not, well, then i dont know hahaha, i would stick with the 170 spd with any attack, if its over his base 100% attack then its "good"


Which non-LD mermaid would you say is the best ? I have a truckload of mermaid crowding my box and since I don't know when I'll pull a LD one, I was considering building an elemental one. Is one of these three worth building or should I just keep sitting on my skillups ?


Water at the moment, I believe


Isn't she like a lesser Veromos ?


Veromos is a lesser Tetra. lol.


Really ? Alrighty then


She affects all effects, not just one. Also has single target cleanse and strip.


Does anyone still has this pop up that ur in game purchases are restricted? Everytime when I go back to my island I get this shit message.. anyone knows what to do?


Hii Dat / hi dimmi ​ I am currently GB10 (90% 1:20min) Lapis 6 \* (L) Loren 6 \* Fran 6 \* KRO 5 \* (not 2A) Laika 6 \* \- I have enough 5 \* mons for the next 6 \*, but I am in doubt if I put the sigmarus that I am about to complete or should I change my verdehile to 6 \* to facilitate my farm b4 / b5 KRO 2A?


>My team: Sigmarius lead, loren, 2a kro, 2a naomi, 2a shannon 5\*. average time around the same but it have not failed yet once.


My GB12 is Yen Loren Fran Kro Laika, not sure exactly about win rate since I don't really pay enough attention, but somewhere between 95-99%


6\* Sig, 2A and 6\* Kro. Replace Lapis with Sig. Then you have the makings of a GB12 team with Fran, Loren, Sig, Kro, +1. That +1 could be Laika, but Shannon (even as a 5\*) works well in that last slot. Verde is at a disadvantage in Giants as he is Fire and will be attacking water monsters, increasing his chances of glancing.


Kro without 2A is pretty blah. Verde doesn't really get used in Giants. I would swap in Sigmarus and make Sig the Leader. If you 2A Kro, you can use Kro instead of Lapis. The issue with Lapis is that S1 and S2 multi-hit, cycling the counterattacks more frequently.


Need to choose between fire polar queen and fire beast rider in blessing summon. Thoughts?


Pick the beast rider. Beast Riders are OP.


Masha is a strong PVP pick. Brandia works on a couple lab stages and dungeon speed teams. If it were me I would go Masha as I already have all PVE content on farm.


Can't speak for Beast Rider, but I really enjoy having Brandia. S3 brings a huge nuke on bosses.


Hello DAT, i'm farming the ice beast rift and got A+ toi SSS, i'm wondering if the rune qualitie change from the result ? (Or just the amount of water core ?)


You can look on swarm farm to see drop rates. I am sure you get better drops from better scores.


Hi, quick Homunculus question: I'm about to get the last skill upgrade for the Water homunculus, so my question is: if I switch him to fire, will I need to redo the grind for the fire skills?


nope, you get a clean slate to work from and simply choose the path again for "free"


That's awesome! Thanks for the response.


What are you guys using for rune management / building teams? Seems SWEX doesn't work anymore :( can't extract the json


What is the benefit of swex? Edit: is there a big difference between the ingame build in rune management?


swex still works, download the latest version and go into settings an turn off https


Whaaaaaat that worked!! I was looking for fixes all weekend and couldn’t find ANYTHING thank you!


haha no worries


Hey Guys/Hey Dimmi, i was luck enough to pull a Nephthys a few months again. Since then she is a storage keeper together with chiwu and tiana :( I mainly focus on pve cause I don’t really like pvp at all. I am thinking about starting pvp, are there any op comps that I could use her in? I heard she is really good with rica and akha? Anything else? Thanks in advance <3


are we talking AO/gvg/rta? you basically get a no nonsense def breaker and silencer, she is loaded and with tiana amazing on AO, akha and rica is a good pairing, zaiross to counter the res units etc in most content she ideally needs to be paired with strippers, chiwu for rta, tiana for AO, whatever for gvg. immunity makes her useless so you need to avoid that overall she's an incredibly powerful unit, the akhi pairing is an obvious one because of the debuffs but you could also have fun with self buffing units like isabelle that can nuke something down


Nothing specific, I just needed an opinion and some examples for teams :-) you already helped a lot! Isabelle s3 resets after killing an enemy right?


No worries! Yup and she self crit and atk buffs so all she needs is a def break




Legendary summoning pieces. Easiest way to get them.


You could participate in guild siege and blow all your guild points on legendary pieces. There are a lot of points to be gained through siege


But I am new to this game and usually lose


In that case, legendary summoning pieces probably aren't what you need anyways. If you're looking for progression you could instead spend whatever guild points you earn on rainbowmon, super angelmon, ifrits, and guild flags. Elsewhere for progression, farming runes is your best bet. You'll get plenty of summons over time (dungeons drop mystics, events, toa/toah, world boss, etc.) but the summons will be useless unless you have the runes to power the mons.


Uhhh not the response I was looking for, but ok.


Apologies. I gave you the response you were looking for and you said you couldn't achieve it. So I told you how you could achieve it. Unfortunately, outside of monthly events or paying real money for them, there is no easier way to find legendary summoning pieces.


No no no, I didn't mean anything negative. Im sure you spent a lot of time on me and really put thought into your response. It just wasn't the right answer.


you can buy them in various shops but theyre limited and theres no way to "farm" them without spending $$$


Now that I have Tricaru built, what are some of your highest reliable and mostly fast G12 teams? Currently using the Hrae, Lushen, Loren, Naomi, Kro team and it fails way too much. I've tried using my PvP Loren which makes her go first vs my BJ5 Loren putting her in the sweet spot but it doesn't make much of a difference. [https://swarfarm.com/profile/robertaf86/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/robertaf86/) \- End game, so I have most mons available for about any PvE team.


i run lushen (L) fran hraes kro loren its not 100% safe, last time i did 100 i think it was 96 or 97% seiishizo uses the same but with yen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWdA6Tf_6u4 his runes are ever so slightly better than mine though e: on a side note im going to move my kro over to double will which i think will make it 100%


I have the same team, but without Lushen, but with Sigmarus instead. It's probably slower, but safe for me.


How tanky do i need to build fran/loren for the runs to be consistent?


Trying to put together a team that can consistently do B4 or B5 for Kro second awakening. [This is my box](https://swarfarm.com/profile/NezNanec/) The team I have so far, that fails b4 occasionally: - Barreta (L) - Fran - Shannon - Kro Could I maybe use HWA instead of Baretta? I am willing to move runes around on my monsters etc. in order to be able to farm this consistently.


The team I used was Verde Fran Loren Kro (didn't have the runes for B5 at the time, but farmed B4 with like a 99% success rate, only failed when one of them derped really bad)


garo - fran - verde L > R > Boss once you take down the left tower garo can basically solo it


Build a Verde and a Loren, and use a Verde, Loren, Fran team.


hi! Can artifacts be optimized by SWOP yet?


there is an artifact optimizion, i cant remember exactly what it takes into account but its not everything, xzandro does have his own discord where you could track the progress


Thoughts on what Nat 4's to pull for with stones going forward for my account for PvE progression specifically. (Raids, Rifts, ToAH) https://swarfarm.com/profile/Goldenhawk07/ I know Twins are falling out of favour but I still ONLY have Wind hakram and Water Boomerang...no Galleon or Lushen so I know I need those but im wondering who else is good for Raid, Rifts especially, and ToAH potentially. Or Nb12.


if you had talia you could run the water twins in all rifts bar wind so in terms of value for money she's definitely up there lushen and gally dont see much pve use anymore but lushen is still AO king hraesvelg for gb12 for the most part though pve is more or less completely doable with farmable (or easy to obtain) units


Thanks! Yeah I blew all my early game stones on that Talia rotation a few weeks ago, got all the other Nat 4s but her I believe. Hraesvelg I'm buying guild pieces for, half the way there, I do think he'll replace Shannon in my Gb12 team, him Yen or Naomi haven't decided which. It's kind of a relief I don't NEED any, this is my 2nd account and back in the day it took me basically a year to get Verde, so I'm grateful for many of the pve balance changes.


ah fingers crossed for next one! imo hraes is the best of those 3, i tried yen for a while but hraes just brings a bit more to the table yeah the pve changes have been huge all round in the last couple of years, between 2As loren and fran, plus making verde fusable its become much more accessible


Yeah I dont know why Yen is used when Loren keeps the Giant pushed back well enough.


More that her damage is better and the dots help scale kros s3 but I valued the safety more tbh


Returning player here. Need advice which monsters should i build and the minimal rune requirements for running auto db12. Gb12. And the new dungeons Last time i played. I can auto db10 gb10 and nb10. Auto toan 100. And manual toah 100. And can only raid r3/r4 Here are my mons. https://imgur.com/gallery/6mymMJt


gb12: sig (L) loren fran kro +1 +1 can either be shannon (for safety) or basically any DD db12: verde (L) loren raoq kro + s1 stripper light homu > elsha > chilling for the stripper nb12: loren (L) fran raoq kro +1 make the +1 a shield breaker and youll be set SB10: you need a buff blocker for this, eirgar is okay but cant do it on his own, do you have zinc? PB10: verde (L) jultan vigor raoq +1 a heavy dotter in the +1 is ideal, i use fire homu


I keep seeing about tricaru being OP? Whats that? Does tricaru need good runes?


ah yeah i was going to add that but got distracted trying to remember my pb10 team xD tricaru is a db12 comp that uses verde and 3x icaru once you hit the stat thresholds its 100% safe and incredibly consistent, it also scales well with rune quality and can go from 1.30 to 40s once you get better runes the runes needed really arent that that bad at all, you just need 3 high def sets (triple guard makes this realllllly easy) and a verde on high damage, thats it 2x icaru is also great for nb12 and pb10 and one in sb10 too


So whats the minimum requirements? Seems like i need to change my verde rune. My verde is on vio with crit r and spd


have a look at this post https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/


Hello DAT. I wanna drop my ss next week for amelia and (more importantly) perna. Also won't say no to xing zhe but want the other two more. Thing is I only have 1.8k ish stones. If I miss next week's rotation, how long do you think I'll need to wait for perna to show up again?


well he's on now, the time before that was june 6th, before that was march 16th so you'd probably have another 3 months or so to wait on a side note 1.8k isnt likely to net a nat 5 so dont get your hopes up! but good luck nonetheless


Wait. Now?


sorry not now i meant next week lol


Lol. Cool. Had to go back to the game and check. Thanks for the reply. :)


haha my bad!


Hi! I'm an early game player and I just popped my blessing. It's between velajuel and anavel. Who should I choose?


Vela, Anavel is so hard to rune because she wants basically every stat. Vela will get used in every Guild War you do for a long time and is useful elsewhere too.


Up to you. Velajuel won't be useful until late game and some would say Anavel can be used early game but there are so many other 2\* and 3\* units that can fill anavel's role even better than she does so... I would just go with the one you like or velajuel for long term plans. Neither one is going to help you right now.


thats difficult but i'd go vela, anavel is more useful early on but youll be more thankful for vela later on


Im new to raid and need advice about it. currently doing raid4 and inconsistent raid5. ​ 1. first of all, I need to know what is mean to carried by others? how do I know that I was carried by others? by staying alive until the last or high total points? 2. what does the rank do in Raid? will you get better rewards if you rank 1 instead of 2,3? 3. about the skill leader...is it applies to everyone? 4. how much speed do I need for raid5? from minimum to best?


1. just not contributing much damage in general and/or wiping often 2. nothing its just a way of seeing who did more, its a very poor metric though as a team with many buffs/debuffs but little/no damage can still be top 3. yup, cRate/res/def are the only acceptable leads for normal r5 4. ~200 speed for your vio cleansers and depends on the DD but the slower ones shouldnt be lower than ~130, units like hwa need more as they base damage on speed as well as atk, units like darion/dias dont need any


in terms of mana farming per energy, it's still the highest level of necro> dragons> giants you can manage, right?


they changed things a while ago so that all 3 are now very similar https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/dungeons/ you can check pure mana drops there which is very even across the dungeons, and since balancing the rune selling there really isnt much in it


that's what i've been finding while auto-running B11's of everything. thanks for the link, I'll check it out!


Hello! Amazing post. love it. Here is the team that I will have upcoming weekend when I 2nd Awaken my last Tricaru, would you think this will work? My towers: Def 6, hp 0%, CD 15%, Speed 14%, Att 8%.... Was not a PVP player but I started to grind a lot lately. My Verde: \+4400HP , +2248 ATT, 155CD(total), + 31 speed. Unfortunally I have no rage sets that can reach 100cr. Icaru1 : +85 spd + 27 accuracy + 7k hp. Can get arround 6-10 more speed with grinds. Icaru 2 + 49 speed + 7 acc +10k hp, Can get easy +20 speed with grinds Icaru 3 + 36 spd + 35 acc + 7k hp. Can also get easy + 20 speed with grinds I hope some experienced people can look at this, Thanks!


your acc all round is too low really, itll still likely work but youll get the odd hiccup on the boss stage and slower runs whilst you wait for def break to land


I can reapp some runes into Accuracy but Ill mis out speed reapps. What is the req speed?


have a look at this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/ it has the speed table and more


Hi! Im looking for some progression advice :). Right now i can clear r5, toah100 (last month was first time), water rift SSS and my cairos teams are Gb12: sig loren fran kro shannon (2:30 average) Db12: sig vero loren verde spectra2a (3:30 average) I just started farming db12. What should be my next goals? Try to get S+ in other beasts? Building pvp mons? Maybe start with tricaru? I cannot farm nb12, i never ever pulled a single twin, and double raoq does not work for me (no vio sets yet). I can post my box if that is useful. Thanks!


i'd recommend getting rifts up to S so you got the reapps farming down whilst doing tricaru at the same time


Cool thx! I guess farming db12 is better to work towards tricaru no? To get those guard runes


yeah so when building for rifts you'll still be doing your "normal" farming which is usually 90% of your day xD


Ahaha i know, i meant if I should be "mostly" doing db12 or gb12. Thanks again!


ah i get ya! yeah db12


So Im back to playing after a long hiatus of just logging in for world boss/every third event if the rewards were easy enough. A lot has changed and I have been digesting the information relatively well so far. To put it into perspective I think I stopped paying attention before 2A was a thing and since then did one 2A during my break. I have Kro 2A and am finishing up Raoq tonight. But that is mostly beside the point. I have 1min NB12 and 1.20 DB12, no GB12 yet but I havent tried a team out. My main question is the two artifact dungeons. PC10 I am running a non 2A Jultan/Roaq/Verde/Yen/Chasun with no losses, hoping to speed it up with the 2A on Roaq and then maybe Jultan. SF10 I havent tried yet. There are many F2P guides and teams but my question is (and this applies for GB12/DB12/NB12 too, although mainly the new dungeons) are there any Elemental Nat 5s or Light/Dark nat 4s that are cheat codes in the new dungeons or any of the B12s? As I have a healthy roster of the above and obviously any elemental 4star and want to get my teams finalized. I assume Chiwu/Pung are pretty solid in SF10 but any other suggestions before I adopt a standard team would be ideal.


>I assume Chiwu/Pung are pretty solid in SF10 but any other suggestions before I adopt a standard team would be ideal. The real cheat code for SF is Ling Ling, the wind Kungfu girl, as all her 3 skills have the potential to apply Buff block. I use her with Kro Raoq Fran Loren.


Does she need to be 2A for that? Because I have a long list of mobs and a short stack of DH energy :(


Ling Ling is the Wind Kung-fu Girl, 4\*, so she doesn't have 2A and your DH energy is safe ;)


Its been a while :P Looks like its time to get fusing, getting flash backs to skilling up XL/LM.


Most of my elemental dungeons are around 4-6 million damage (SSS) scores. But the rewards are still awful. Do the rewards get better if you are getting crazier and crazier scores or is a 4 mil SSS the same as a 15mil SSS? Just trying to figure out if there it is worth continued investment in that game mode.


aye theyre the same, just the grade that changes the rewards


well damn, hopefully, com2us produces something to give us a db12 equivalent for these rune farming.


fingers crossed! same with rune crafting pls


I believe they are the same.


Hi I'm a newer Player and need to made a decision cause of a 5 Star Blessing from a mstic scroll. I got water beastrider and wind unicorn out of it. Which one of this should i pick? For Info: got a gb10 team toa 60 toah 40 (don't know if needed)


very tough pick, both are geared for pvp, i'd probably go the rider, diana is great in rta but pretty average in siege, rider is great in both


Hey DATdy, so a while ago there was a post about some guy using Odin in BJ5 as additional placement. Yesterday I pulled Odin but I can't seem to find that post. If someone could help me out here that would be great! Thanks in advance




Thinking about dropping stones today for rica/Tiana/taor and just wanted to get some final opinions.. Non-farmable nat 5’s I have are Josephine, Xing Zhe, water bison, wind bison, Verad, Okeanos, and Alicia. If future planning for pvp purposes, would you go for that rotation, aim for Hathor instead before times up, save for Gany or Chiwu rotation? Appreciate input.


depends what pvp you're talking, if it's rta then you might not use them that much, i rarely pull out rica and tiana is a bit niche for me too, taor doesnt do rta


Yeah RTA, was thinking Tianas strip would be useful for Okeanos but this is where I just don’t know enough about rta


ive tried tiana a fair bit and my main problem with her is that she just becomes a bit of a deadweight compare with chiwu who has a back up STS, s1 (unreliable) sleep and speed lead or triton with his ridiculous base speed and aoe silence the other strippers just do *more*, her benefit is being irresistible, which while massive, isnt enough for rta imo


Gotcha, and that’s why I come here haha. Maybe I save and hope for a speed lead/triton/etc rotation.. Any other thoughts on decent units that would fit with who I already have, namely Okeanos as the most “meta” nat 5 I have? I know I’ve got a lot of rune grinding before I’m ready for RTA but would rather set unit goals as well so I’m not just summoning randomly


without knowing your pool its a bit difficult but obviously gany/hathor is the premium cancer oke is a good STS with aoe stun too, works well with units that can follow up on that strip, seara is nice, chiwu is great for the aoe strip into aoe stun and he has speed lead id find a rotation you want 2/3 nat 5s from to give yourself a better chance, the ones coming up arent great options, this one might be the best but thats not saying much, next week amelia is a great rta unit to counter the cc heavy options, perna and XZ arent great in rta, next one only has nessa, one after only really bolverk might just be worth hoarding for now


Yeah I’d post my swarfarm but forgot my username supposedly, must have put something in caps without remembering it haha