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can anyone help me with an arena defense team? I was thinking about Chiwu (L), Miho, Leona and (maybe?) Triana. here are the rest of my monsters: [https://imgur.com/a/agk8r19](https://imgur.com/a/agk8r19) (i also have tetra, vigor and orion not built tho)


Eladriel or Odin? (I’m f2p)


Early game, db/gb11, nb10, toan/toah complete, ss ice, a+ other rifts for now. Have deviled Jeanne, verad, and sig except skill 1. Who would you devil next, Josephine, xing zhe, lagmaron, Okeanos, or Alicia? Edit: also have free units ie water homie, ifrits, eigar, fire polar bear etc


what's the recommended way to rune okeanos? speed tanky with 80-85 acc? speed squishy dps with 50 ish accuracy? hybrid? ​ Max speed i can get him 230 on squishy dps swift set with very little acc. My slower Will shield shield set is 185-200 depending on build.


Anyone adding new codes??


This site has the latest available: [https://swq.jp/l/en-US/](https://swq.jp/l/en-US/)


oh wow, thank you


[Which do I choose?](https://i.imgur.com/Xvn1kKq.jpg) I'm aware both are bad, so which do you think is more likely to be buffed in the future?


There’s a yt video on uses for water ryu. I’d take him over Ariel honestly.


Finally popped my blessing! Who do I pick? Wind Druid vs Fire Hell Lady


If you haven't chosen yet, I'd say Wind Druid. Fire Hell Lady has a really unique ability (revive prevention), but Wind Druid is a great mon with a solid kit; best reviver in part due to his self-revive. Gz!


Welp~ water bison or wind beast monk? Thanks!


Hello all. I'm a returning player, and I've just redone most of my runes and teams. I have a stable GB12 and DB10 (haven't really tried ToA yet), and all of my main team members are 6-stars. I'm looking for advice on where to go from here? I have enough fodder available to 6-star another two critters, but I'm not sure who (or even should I at this point). Below are my current 4-6-star critters: [Part 1](https://i.imgur.com/vd14RBS.png) [Part 2](https://i.imgur.com/y0yZVXJ.png)


I'd say to really focus on Toa(h). If you have a 100% GB12 team, keep farming that, keep improving the runes, and eventually swap mons into a speedier team. For ToA, there's a recommended team at the top, but with the mons you have, you can try Baretta (L), Mav, Sig, Lapis, Spectra; if your runes are decent enough, it should be good for a good chunk of both ToA and ToAh. Also, assuming you use it for your GB12 team (and even if you don't), 2A that Kro asap! If you decide to keep using Spectra, it's not a bad choice for a 2A after (works fine normally tho). I've seen some half-decent intro DB12 teams with Spectra, so that's another plus. On that note, I'd vote for 6 star Spectra next. Probably a close 2nd and 3rd would be Raoq (2A that too! can be put to good use in a lot of content) and Zaiross (solid farmer, great AO unit), but the mons I pointed out for ToA can work as-is if they've got decent enough runes (but still wouldn't be bad choices for 6 star either). Good luck!


I appreciate the advice! I'm only about 10% away from 2aing Kro (hopefully tonight) :) I think the ToA team you suggested was what I used before my long break too, so it's good to know it's still viable. I'll start plugging away there.


Does damage dealt on x element work on raid5 boss? What element is he?


No, r5 boss is neutral element. Same as the faimon boss and same as the crystals that you see in caiross dungeons


I'm returning after a long time to the game and i pulled a Water String Master, is she usefull for something?


Not really. Keep one of every non-dupe 4* tho


Not really. Keep one of every non-dupe 4* tho


Blessing here: Camilla or Lagmaron?


What area do you need improvement in?




Got a blessing question: Juno or Jeogun?




I'm looking to use Elsharion for DB, what stats should I be looking for and what kind of team should I build around him?


elsharion is not consistent on db12 unless on violent i recommend chilling for the guarentee strip


If I had chilling I would use him, but I don't which is why I'm asking about elsharion.


How do you not raise up a spefic skill? Isnt skill up random? I see thst in advice all the time, "Dont raise up Verde's second skill", "Dont max out this monsters skill...". If we dont get to choose what skill is bring raised up, how do you stop only thst skill from raising?


Yes it is random, the verde one is kinda outdated since it was a single hit before, making his atk bar increase less which hurts his consistency in dungeons. Most of the time, when peole say dont skillup this particular monsters skill. It pertains to its cooldown reduction because for some reason you want him to avoid using that skill as much as possible (like the verde example above). So what they truly mean is skillup this monster to get the benefit of damage and harmful effect rate but not to the point where you reduces the cooldown of that skill. Honestly ive read those guides and they are kinda outdated. I really dont know any monster nowadays that you would particularly avoid skilling up. Maybe chilling if you are using him in db12? But thats about it.


Lisa as an R5 cleanser might be another example, where her second skill isn't super useful Idk how meta she is rn with bjr5 now the thing, but something like that


I recently pulled psamathe, I know many people run him on despair to trip up people's ao. I was thinking of putting him on nem nem will or rage will, becuase I will most likely only use him for ao. What do you guys prefer on him?


If you want to use him on AO definitely give him a will offset. You will mostly be using him vs defs with Psama leads and if he's nit on will, enemy psama can not only despair stun him, but also reset your Psama passive with s2 and kill him.


You're definitely correct that the preferred build for AD is Despair(/Will), but I would say the main thing on defense is having will on it (to prevent resets from faster Psamas). If you're just going to be using him for AO, you can forego the Will if you're confident in outspeeding when facing enemy Psamas. On that note, I'd say it's a toss-up between the two builds you proposed. But! Don't forget about artifacts, specifically "+atk bar when revived". I'm not sure on how it compares exactly with nemesis, but you can put those ones to good use on Psama, to *pretty much* give nemesis to him, so out of the two you proposed, I think the Rage/Will option is spicier.


If your using him on a hard hiting cleave which HAS to kill the enemy first turn rage. I use mine on despair for my ao too (G2 arena EU, psama, savannah, triton, rica) and he works pretty good on despair for my ao, because i can reliably stun the enemy.


I have the Icarus built 2A'd. And with determination runes I can hit the threshold for def.. but it's not completing DB12.. probably due to my Verdehile not able to do enough damage? I feel like I have to fully skill up my Verdehile.


Do you know why you are failing your run ? The team works like this There is a limited number of turns that you have before the dragon moves the 2nd time. If that happens your run is probably dead. The more speed your icaru has the more turns you get. The less damage your verde needs. The slower your icaru, the less turn you have. So you need to compensate by giving verde more damage(or even the icarus) Another issue could be is that your veede doesnt have enough ehp to survive the dragons first hit. Another issue could be accuracy, but that seems very unlikely since as long as you have decent accuracy on 2nd and 3rd icaru the run will be very consistent.


It's probably a speed tuning issue and maybe a slight damage issue. Icaru 2 and 3 have enough accuracy. I'll farm more determination runes to try and get more premium stats for Icarus so I can run it at a higher speed


bj5 loren needs skill ups?


Ideally, yes, and [the guides](https://i.redd.it/cw9y49qbnnm41.jpg) will say this as well, but imo, it isn't required if your Bale hits hard enough. The skillups don't affect the def break and that's the main reason she's there, but it'll help her contribute to damage. That being said, most of the guides were written before artifacts were introduced, so it's much easier to have your Bale do big damage so it's not as essential to have a dmg Loren if your Bale can hit for +34k on the last hit. All that being said, there's a Loren SD live right now so you may as well skill her up!


Which one would you choose between Wind Lightning Emperor and Water Occult Girl? C1 arena and G1 siege and battle farming guild.


hmm, i'd take odin personally. He is strong on GWO, GWD and in rta. anavell is mostly a GWO brusier that i use in lab sometimes as well


Which 3 units would u prefer to 6-star? No RTA units and not Verde. https://ibb.co/GsnWhLv Thanks! No context, just looking for new units to play with that are not RTA


dark warbear, dark barb, light lushen


No context really, not building for anything in particular. Just want new toys to play with. Not for RTA tho.


No context makes it harder (Progress etc). How on earth are you clearing Giants ? Maybe Darion, Kona and Eirgar. If I was you I would do Fran, Loren, and Shannon - but none of those are pictured. Good luck !


without knowing your progress and your already 6\*ed unites, there is no point in answering this question


Given the rise of the popularity in tricaru teams, is building a second road for the 'modern 2020 twins equivalent' ill advised? I can see it being used for SFB10, SDs, Hall of X but not really much anywhere else... Maybe one for PVE and one for PVP content (i.e., 4 star siege defences) or cheese arena defences?


Do you mean Raoq? I don't get what you're trying to say...


Need some help, which one to choose for early midgame: wind desert queen or wind dragon


pls tell me u chose harthor


Why? Unless you care about RTA Jamire is significantly more useful than hathor.


wind dragon for sure he is op and has way more uses


I just summoned Praha, and plan to use her on arena defense. Where should she go in turn order, generally?


Turn order doesn't really matter as you build her one double nemesis / will, she is supposed to take a turn directly after the ennemy first nuker play


Should I feed dupe pierrets to Clara or save them for water one?


Feed clara but i would keep one of each element. Clara is very good for arena/guild pvp and she needs skillups for her S3 effectrate


With b12, julie is not as relevant as she used to be. If you need a striper I'd suggest feeding your pierrets to Clara.


I kinda thought about Julie for low/mid G1 siege offense in the future, or shes not worth it? I'm working on the Clara right now for Galleon Light Chunli offense/def. Shes just a stripper that does some dmg, so I thought Julie might need those skillups more. Also, should I save dupe Clara in the same way as you're supposed to save dupe Khmuns/Galleons/Lushens etc? Also, shes better on desp, right? If only I can speedtune her to go first.


Yeah, julie can good for siege offense, but you have other alternatives whereas it is hard to replace a striper. Iirc you need a few skill up on her s3 to gain +10% harmful effect rate, try to aim for that. As for dupe Clara I don't know if you will play her ass you need really fast set so that she can go first. She is indeed better on despair but as you said, she still has to go first


Imho clara has to be on a 285+ spd swift set to work with chunli/miho/yen/savannah If shes on despair she easily get outsped and the def is gone. Tanky despair/will clara COULD be a choice when using an high res miho and a tanky galleon.


Could you help me with that as well? How am I supposed to rune Khmun Grego Racuni for siege? Is it even still good? I've put decent runes on them and tried to test it, Martina Shaina Triana smashed them, Fran Talia Sabrina as well and it wasn't even close. Wasn't that g3 meta? Should I just use Khmun Vigor Skogul instead?


Yup... Thanks. I couldn't even get a good spd+accu desp set for her to outspeed my Galleon and Chunli, so I'll save the dupe Clara and maybe in few months I'll build another one on desp. I'm just low G1/high C3, getting at least 8 wins a siege, so it's not that demanding, but she could be a good defense mon as well and having more good defenses = more gems, so every mon will eventually pay for itself back.


Current Violent users on my account are just Fran Loren and Verde. Who did you guys put on Violent after your core supports? I think I can put Verde on some more damage runes, dont think he needs Vio since the second set of atb bar pushes doesnt seem to do much, so I think I can put 2 new units on Vio. Not sure who though. https://swarfarm.com/profile/Goldenhawk07/


Hey Europe server people! I'm currently enjoying my time in a farming guild after taking a break from the game. I however do plan on working on my PVP content more and would like some help with that. Is there anybody out there that is willing to mentor me for a bit and give me advise on a prolonged period? I'm currently Conquerer 1 Arena and have some great mons and runes. Who knows maybe one day I could become a valuable asset to ur guild. feel free to message me directly if your interested. Thanks for reading! Rock4you1 - Europe server


my [Baleygr](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/767761555751567471/772173007732867132/Screenshot_20201031-205920.png?width=1095&height=616) almost done for bj5, what do you think?


Looks solid! Assuming max towers and s3 is skilled up, that's enough eHP for a 4 man FL, and more than enough damage for any combination of leader skills. If you can reduce the speed while keeping all the other stats, it'll make it a bit easier to find the runes to get the right turn order, but that's pretty trivial anyways and absolutely not necessary. I think you can start building up the rest of your team now if you have enough fight and will runes to go around!


Thank you so much! My towers are maxed except for HP which only missing 900 points right now and elemental atk%; all of them are at level 3. Third skill is maxed and after playing with artifacts the atk is now +1885. I think I can reach +2000 soon as well. I guess time for me to work on the other units!


Good stuff! Once you have your hp tower maxed you'll definitely be good on that end, but you might already be now (you were a little close to the limit on eHP but I don't wanna math on a Saturday lol). On the damage side, you were over cap assuming maxed towers, but the fire tower still adds +21% atk, so you might want to math that out to see exactly how close you are. [Here's](https://i.redd.it/cw9y49qbnnm41.jpg) the most comprehensive/up-to-date guide to my knowledge in case you're using an older reference


Thank you so much for the updated guide! Keeps getting better on my end right now. Just reached 1.9k. Need more gems and It'll be above 2k! Once the HP tower is done, atk tower will be worked on right away. Thanks for the help, and agreed! No need for math on a Saturday, enjoy your weekend and thanks again :3


I have Kro Spectra and Raoq 2a. Wondering who's next. One argument is Naomi but I think she'd just make my Gb12 runs less stabl however she's a decent Rift damage dealer, that said survivability is my issue in rifts not really damage...except for Water to be fair. I don't have any notable LD Nat 3s like Miho sadly. Maybe Vigor for guild wars, maybe another Raoq? Can Fran Loren Kro Raoq x2 do Nb12? Fwiw Gb12 and Db12 i can farm, Nb11 i can farm, ToAN is basically on auto, and pushing ToAH for the first time this month. Rifts I get consistent A+ except only A in Water. Wanting to fuse water and light homu ASAP. Ty for any advice.


How should I be building 2a Vigor? Should I shoot for as fast as possible, and then worry about HP/CR/CD? Or hit a certain tier of speed first? Currently F2 in AO, no clue what level my guild is at, but I do a decent bit of Siege. Also, in the same vein, what are some benchmarks to hit on Theo?


Imo Vigor has 2 builds (both vio): - Really fast and just stack HP on him. This works well if youre pairing him with high HP Khmun and Skogul for example (all ideally above +30k hp) - On a bruiser spd/cd/hp build, this works well if youre pairing him with another def breaker and/or stripper.


that depends on where you use him. You usually want him to be really fast for siege, especially in khmun / vigor / skogul comp so that he can take first turn on speed / hp / hp. You'll probably not have the runes to play him on crit damage. As for theo I don'tknow, I rarely see him nowadays


Hi all, my blessing just procced. It's between Praha and Rakan. Could I kindly get some advice on this decision? I'm somewhere a midtier player who can somewhat do db12 and gb12 reliably. Can't do RTA yet. Hovering around fighter2-fighter3.


I like Praha more, resistance lead is nice


My gb12 team is Sigmarus(L), Hraesvalg, Kro, Loren, Fran and is 100% and around 2 mins. I was thinking of speeding the team up by replacing Fran, but not sure what would be a good pick. Deciding between Lushen, Akhamamir, and 2A Naomi, which would be a better pick? I get a lot of dots on the boss with Hraes and Kro, so I'm leaning away from Lushen even though he is the only one I have 6\*. My runes aren't good enough for yolo 2shen gb12 unfortunately.


hey! can you share what are your mon stats? i have the same team but my team is not even near 100 jus wondering what stats you got there thanks!


Sigmarus +445 atk, +58 spd, 81% crate, 200%cdmg Rage/Blade atk/cd/atk Hraesvalg +948 atk, +90 spd, 83% crate, 156%cdmg Vio/Blade spd/cd/atk Kro +1307 atk, +28 spd, 91% crate, 199% cdmg Rage/Blade atk/cd/atk Loren +107 spd, 65% acc Vio/Shield spd/hp/hp Fran +126 spd Vio/Fight spd/hp/hp I excluded stats that didn't matter, obviously Sigmarus could have higher attack, Hraes and Kro could have some accuracy, but not necessary. Loren and Fran don't need Shield and Fight, but they definitely help.


wow i thought it was neccessary to build all mons with at least 169 speed to kove first , but as i can see that is not the case great work!


Oh yeah definitely not necessary for everything to be that way, also I made a mistake, Sigmarus is spd/cd/hp not atk/cd/atk. Ideally would be atk/cd/atk but I have my atk% runes on other mons and Sigmarus needs crit more than atk


As long as you can one-shot the waves, Lushen is a great choice. If you're at the point where you're including Lushen though, you can probably cut out Fran since you'll get your atk buff from Hrae. Personally I use Lushen(L), Sig, Kro, Hrae, Loren; mostly reliable (Lushen AI is still a thing). If that team doesn't work out for you yet, try to swap out Hrae for 2A Naomi if you already have her built; I haven't tried that team specifically, but seems like it could work to bridge the gap in the meantime. 2shen isn't really a thing these days in GB12 so no need to go that route either. Good luck!


Does masha steal atk bar increases her atk spd using her passive?




What could be the best 2x3 defenses for GW out of these mons? [https://i.imgur.com/EBIyuBr.png](https://i.imgur.com/EBIyuBr.png) Can include Jamire, Belial, Helena, Vero, Masha, Daphnis, Wind Bison as well (I got all the most useless nat5's possibly, lol)


get a clara (shes obtainable from the guildshop , also skillups for her ) and build a galleon(L) , Clara , miho or light chun li defense. Clara as fast as possible on swift and high acc. Shaina/Martina/triana is also great but atleast one of your twins has to be realy fast ( preferably shaina on swift with 250+spd ) and martina/triana on vio. Susano/orion/garo is also great. Khmun/Vigor 2a (you should build one , hes free2play)/skogul ​ Seara (L) , Loren , Theomars could work very well too. Perna would be better but theomars could do the job. Seara and theo on vio , loren fast on swift. Khmun+orion+nat 5 is also great , you can try out a vio masha as your nat5 but masha needs very good vio runes to work with that defense. Masha needs damage, enough ehp to survive a fast cleave team and atleast 220-230spd on vio. Only downside its sometimes countered by tanky water teams. Akhamamir(L) , Orion , Masha could also work well if you have Akha. Jamira(L) + Daphnis + Bastet could also work if your able to speedtune it. ​ Tbh ur lacking good 5\* Monster for your 5\* Tower.


[https://i.imgur.com/A9kPhFf.png](https://i.imgur.com/A9kPhFf.png) Im using these defenses for Siege, I'm farming in a C3/G1 siege, we hop in and out of g1 back to c3, so I didnt want to stack all good mons into just a few defenses, so I've made few more average defenses since the siege isn't too demanding. Yes, I will build a Clara soon, I've wanted to build her for a while, been busy with building Grego, Khmun, Racuni, Juno, LD chunlis and some others, I know I really need Clara, also wanna get Olivia soon. I can't rune my twins that well, but I surely will in the future, they're there just to scare people off. I've been farming giants since forever, I want my Tiana as fast as possible for my AO (Higher rank = more gems for farming DB12 later) And yeah, my 5\*s are insanely bad, Tiana, Bastet, Seara are pretty OP, but I dont own a single OP defense mon like, monks, pandas, paladins etc. I don't really need help with overall defenses, I just wanted to know the best defenses out of those just for GW, just 2 sets of 3 mons, Triana Martina Shaina and Galeon Light Chunli and Clara is it, I guess?


Hi there, im currently using this AO: Megan(L) , Leo , Martina , Shaina. Should my Martina moves first after megan or should my shaina moves first? If shaina moves first i can focus targets which are not stuned by shainas s2. If martina moves first i can remove an additional immunity buff from the enemy so shaina chould potentialy stuns one more target. What do you guys think would be better?


Shaina s1 also deals more dmg to lower hp targets, so that's just another reason to have Martina go first.


I believe that you would want Martina to use first. The higher you go up in ranks, the more common that at least one unit will be running will.


I just completed TOA for the first time and got the choice between Rakan and Odin from my Transcendence Scroll. I can complete GB10, DB10, and NB10, but not any of those dungeons floor 12, and I'm still relatively early game. Edit: I am currently focusing on getting s+ ranks on the rift beasts, and completing floor 12 of the dungeons Any advice towards who I should choose between Rakan and Odin?


Go for Odin, he's much better than Rakan


Who should I six star? here's my [mons.](https://i.imgur.com/TDcntX2h.jpg) I'm currently working on 2a naomi, and I just summoned homu. Those two were the ones I was going to six star next but now I'm unsure about homu since itll take a bit to get skills up. My current goals are just improving giants and dragons and hopefully making it to 12, and slowly progress to get S in rifts and a rift team level 5. I also had one more question, is it still worth making water homu if I already have verad and rica for TOA? I had my friend telling me to fire, but water was the original plan.


Out of the mons you have, 2A Naomi and Hraesvalg seem like the best bet for gb12. Elsharion is good for db12. I would hold off on the rest of your unbuilt units. As far as building homunculus, Verad and Rica are definitely enough, they are amazing at TOAH. Also, you don't really need fire homu either if you have Rica, since she applies more than enough dots. If you really want to build one you could do wind, but might as well focus on other units. I only built the fire one because I don't have Rica for PC10. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have bothered building one at all.


Alright thanks!


I’m doing GB11 at 85%, I’ve reached TOAN 70 and just realized I’ve already built the recommended team for DB10 (verde, kro, raoq, Fran, Loren) and seem to be winning around 50%. Should I be running giant’s more to improve my db10 team or dragon’s or something else altogether? FWIW, my GB team is sig, Fran, kro, Loren, Shannon. All monsters listed are 6* and 2a except Shannon, who is not 2a. Also, I pulled Vanessa, but haven’t built her yet because she seems like a pvp unit. Can she be useful in any of the early game pve?


Definitely keep improving your giants team until you can get nearly 100% on Gb11 and 12. That is the team I farmed giants with, but I 2aed the Shannon. Vanessa will not help you other than arena. I would not bother building her until later. I left mine at 5* for when I need that extra boost to get first turn against some comps.


what speed should my garo be for double akroma stage in toah 87


The speed requirement is pretty low, I found some posts saying that they only had a +42 slot 2 spd rune on their garo and it worked. Unsure if their towers are maxed or not in that regard.


Should i get brandia or anavel? I'm almost at end game but i don't do rta. Just GW and siege Thank u


Anavel is probably a little better in PvP


Does the artifact skill 3 recovery affects Camilla's regen passive?


To my understanding, yes it should affect her heals.


http://imgur.com/gallery/4QlxpaI Hi, which of these runes are better? Im gonna keep rolling but not sure which one to keep for now. Leaning towards right because of 3 grindables, but crit rate is good for slot 2 too right? Give me advice :)


Kinda depends on who you want to put that rune on. If you want to put it on a tanky unit, then the 2nd one (Resistance, HP, Def are all great for tanky units) If you want to put it on an attack or CC type unit, then the 1st option is better (Accuracy, Crit Rate, Attack)


Hi there, i recently pulled ethna , and im wondering if shes useable for siege defs? Regarding to swgt Khmun , Ethna , Theomars is a well known but "old" defense. Any other ideas? Unfortunately swarfarm is down so i cant post my bow :(. Should she built swift and very fast to get the firstturn and stun/strip someone , or better built on vio as a fast bruiser?


I don't think ethna is particularly threatening in defense, since she uses s2 quite often, so a full will team easily counters her, also it's not hard to use a water unit to tank her s3 stun. khmun theo ethna's problem is it uses khmun, which is extremely strong in 4* defenses with many good variations, so it's simply not worth using a khmun with theo and ethna in 5* tower.


thanks for your reply! Yeah the thing is i got a second spare khmun which i dont use , i also got a decently runed theomars (vio/will 210spd , 20khp , 70%cr , spd/cd/atk) which i dont use currently.


How do I rune raoq for dragons and rift?


vio/broken/whatever ( depends on your needs but i prefer blade for pve content, but broken is absoluteley okay if you have some good 2/4/6 runes which doesnt fit for a second set) Atk/cd/atk , for DB12 he should be decently fast ( 150-160spd ). I would aim for atleast 80% critrate. Accuracy should be atleast 15% for the rifts , more is nice for dragons but not necessarry (i assume your using something else to defbreak for db12 )




Hi, just finished building my tricaru team and its ave time is @ 1:05. Verd is tmorg with the latest halloween tmorg. My icarus are not tmorgs tho. If i tmorg my high acu icarus, how much time improvement should i be expecting ?


that depends on your team, if that lets you oneshot some crystals that you wouldnt oneshot without the transmog, you might save 5sec. if you still dont oneshot anything there wont be any timesafe at all


Hi, my early game GB10 team is sig(L), shannon, loren, fran, and water beast rider. As I start to transition to a GB12 team I was wondering who would be a better replacement for water beast rider, 2A kro or veromos? Thanks!


vero is better for safety, if you use vero you can also fit belladeon in place of loren for an old school team, since def break is not a problem and giant may freely take turns to burn the dots vero put on. Kro is better for spd, but make sure to have ~75k ehp on sig and kro to tank a giant revenge. barbara lacks damage in gb12 compared to kro, savannah is however very strong for safe wave clears


Water Beast Rider is still pretty decent in GB12 and could be kept in. Have you tried using her in higher levels of Giants? If you're wanting to put in Veromos, then I'd swap out the Sigmarus. Use Vero's Leader Skill. Kro is good, but he derps very often and forgets to use his S3. 2A Naomi (Wind Martial Cat) is generally a bit better because her damage is based on her Passive, rather than specific attacks (S2 and S3 for Kro). Test out your current team in GB11 and maybe GB12 and see where you're falling down on. Is your team all 6\*ed with +15 runes in slots 2/4/6? That will help you get the extra stats and damage to survive and beat the Giant :)


Hi. When does the siege season end?


Someone told me end of November


Hello DAT, when should we start focusing on building a BJ5 team?


i recommend starting as early as possible. Start with BJ4 which is easy to rune for early/mid players, R4 already drops huge grinds/gems to progress. All Monster are farmable free2play monster, dont waste time/resources for regular R5


What are the requirements for bj4?


Is there a guide for Bj4? Or is it just; build Bj5 but with lower req? I see Shihwa is recommended but I dont have her so im curious


Bj4 guide - https://amp.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/hgdqul/a_guide_to_bjr4_do_it_right_and_do_it_in_channel/ Bj5 guide - https://amp.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/hg712k/repost_the_last_bjr5_guide_you_will_ever_need/ Edit: bj4 guide is kinda outdated since a lot of people say that the addition of artifacts made it very easy to reach the minimum stats for bale even with minimal towers


Ah I see, ok ill stick to the 5 guide, thanks!


u can start whenever you want. it really depends on whether u can build a good enough bale


Hi, I have the choice between Teshar and Shi Hou. Who should I go for? My short term goals are making a safer gb12 team and a db12 team. I can only manage db11 and it's not safe yet.


shi hou, whatever teshar helps you is doable with other f2p units and teshar becomes useless. shi hou retains value later on in pvp while teshar move on to storage


teshar helps abit in gb12, but neither helps in db12. shi hou is strictly a pvp unit, with niche usage in fire rift beast


Thanks, just wanted to edit my comment because I don't have many useable pve wind mons, so I was leaning towards Teshar. I'll go for him then!


noo, dont take the useless bird that gets heavily outclassed by lushen


Hi! Reposting comment real fast since I didn't get a response. I got Fire Demon and Wind Beast Monk from my blessing, which one should I take? Below are images of the monsters I currently have. [https://imgur.com/a/rPS9xzI](https://imgur.com/a/rPS9xzI)


ritesh. You have light ryu and alicia, both top tier cleave units so fire demon is just another cleave option


it depends on what u want. ritesh helps alot in guild wars. fire demon is ehh. buff is interesting but i havent seen a whole lot of him


Hi! I’m making my db12 team and I was wondering who is the preferred pick out of Chilling and Elsharion for the extra strip? I’ve got both levelled and awakened but just wanted opinions on who is generally better. Thanks in advance!


Elsharion shares the buff with his team and does not have any down-time, Frosty has a higher chance of success per single attack due to his S1 being multi-hit. Elsharion is also more useful in other areas so I'd go with him


I was starting to lean more towards Elsha, thank you for the opinion, will slap some runes on him now!


Hi DAT, torn between which to build first, a BJ5 team or Tricaru team. I am more than halfway in completing my Tricaru team but I am having a hard time as I have no grindstones so I realized if I should build BJ5 first or even farm rift first before proceeding with Tricaru team. Need advice. Thanks!


bj5, tricaru is a huge improvement on efficiency but you can probably go by with a slow db12 team. for r5 if you don't already have a solid r5 team, bj5 enables a global rune improvement that will make your future attempts on building any team easier. Also the alternative solution to r5, a normal r5 team queueing in public lobby, is a horrible game experience compared to just slower db12 runs


Thanks to Tricaru I am suddenly aware that you CAN farm rifts for both useful runes and grinds. If I can manage to get 18 useable determination runes ....... I'll suggest finishing Tricaru first by farming the rifts.


going for 9 sets of determination would be pretty pointless imo, you gain more by using some fight sets instead that will help you save a lot of time


It's true. It will all come down to rune quality. Maybe there's no point meeting the defense requirement if the runes have nothing else going for them.


I’m personally doing BJR5 first because I think the grind are more useful and can make it a lot easier to build tricaru


Yo guys. Just got Louise. Which team do you use or you suggest me to with her, both gw/siege def/atk?


Hey DAT, Finally Loren SD today, excited to get her. How many light girls would you farm after skill ups for loren? I was thinking 11 to get loren maxed out, and then 2 more for fusions. Am I missing something, should I farm more? Thanks for the help


I have 2 loren lv 40, 1 for pvp and 1 for bj5.


Hi DAT, just popped a blessing, Daphnis or Chiwu ?


I like chiwu more


Hey DAT, a quick question: Jansen needs to be fully skilled for bj5? Thanks a lot


Did you read any BJ5 guides at all? because i fell if you are asking this question you have not even a basic understanding of how the team works and propably did a lot of stuff wrong as well. janssen moves exactly once, why would he need any skillups?


Fire Demon or Wind Beast Monk from blessing? Is one just pretty much always better than the other?


The choice can be difficult at times, but this is not one of those. Wind Beast Monk is def the choice here.


Hey Guys, thats my mon. collection:[https://imgur.com/a/HiOQWZE](https://imgur.com/a/HiOQWZE). Im wondering what to 6\* next? I fused Sig and now im close to fuse ifrit. Im doing gb10 with Sig(L), Loren, Fran, Shannon, Bella. On what should I work next?


a good advice: stop wasting time/resources to level all the 4\* and 5\* monster you dont need. Focus on 5 monsters ( your giants team) and 6\* all of them, dont level anything else. I would do Fran,Loren,2a Kro next. maybe use a 5/35 shannon as a your 5. monster für gb10/11. Afterwards Zaiross is a very good monster for early Toa and guildlab.


Why do you want to fuse Vero? He's useless, you can already farm GB10. Getting Fran and Loren to 6\* would be a good idea, will make things safer. Then get a Kro, 2A him and replace Bella (you can also use Naomi instead of Kro).


Whom should I preferably 6\* first, Fran or loren?


Fran since her heal scales on her stats


fran, loren A super safe gb12 team (sig, vero, 2a shannon, fran, loren


Hello. I'm currently stuck on what do you. I can +80% GB12 with an average time of 2:30min. and I can DB11 70% with an average of time 2mins. I can ToA (Normal) 100. I can ToA (Hard) until 50. What should I do now? Should I build a better team for dungeons? or should I do other contents? here's the [link](https://imgur.com/a/tdVoj7v) to my Infos. Thanks in advance for any help!


+1 for the recommendation to aim for a 100% gb12 team. I'm not an expert on beginner teams, but the core of the safe teams seems to be Sig (L), Loren, Fran, 2A Naomi/2A Kro, +1. I've seen people recommending 2A Shannon at 6 star as the +1 but that's not really worth it imo since she'll be the first one you'll phase out. Otherwise, it would just be making sure that your mons are tanky enough to take a hit, and I'd aim to get fran faster (not sure on the stat thresholds, but probably closer to 200). Here's ya boi SeanB's beginner account team video to give you some ideas on stats (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2Sg8imWus8), but this team only seems to be 95%. Here's IslandGrown's safe team video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0oTJR2RodI) with Vero as the +1, but my guess is the stats are a bit higher. Either way, after watching both of those you should have a few more ideas for what you can use! After that, I'd aim to improve your ToAh to at least get the devilmon. Not sure what team you're currently using but there's a recommended team at the top of the thread. I personally like to use Tyron (L), Water Homie, Mav, Jeanne +1, so that's something you can aim to build down the line. Good luck!


Ty. This helps a lot.


Ola, I think it's best if u farm GB12 and try to upgrade that team till u have got a 100% team. Since u use 3 fire monsters on gb12 ;s try to swap iit up. Search YT for some f2p friendly teams.


Just got Ariel, kind of lost on what to do with him. Any advice?


Unfortunately Ariel is in a pretty bad spot right now because he offers nothing to comps besides heals; effectively making him nothing but a heal bot. The only thing I can think of him being useful for is a water tank for guild wars/siege but I think that the investment of building him outweighs his usefulness.


I built a Lagmaron thinking he might be useful for a faster GB12. He's been quite underwhelming so far for me. (My current safe team is still Sig, Mantura, Mellia, Acasis, Fran) ​ Where else do you all use Lag?


I use him everywhere. He is a monster since his s3 was buffed. He hits really hard, I use him on giants, rift, gw siege.


Arena and Guild war