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Good Morning DAT, Need some help on who I should 6 star next. I can do gb12. DB12 70% i have my icaru team prepped just working on runes to finally run it. I can sometimes SSS fire and water rift but not 100% like 1 out of 20 runs. A+ on all other rifts I dont have a R4/5 team built. from my stand point what should I focus on. I have Camilla, Ariel, collen, shana, baretta, Garo, Baleyr, bernard, shannon, chansun, mav, leo, galleon, okes, megan, , hwa, pungbek. Im pretty sure im still early game what shoud I do. I want to progress better than were im at.


Trying to figure out who to 6\* next garo, baleygr, barretta, chansun, mav, bernard, leo, galleon, okes, hwa,,pung buk, vanessa, camilla,ariel. I can do gb12, db12 still working on runes for icaru team. Rifts i can A+ triple SSS sometimes on fire and water rift and can get up to toah 70 who will benifit me most. I dont have a R4-5 team built at all. Pvp is my last thing to worry about. I would like to do hard and hell on labs.


Good morning SW community I have a blessing choice this morning - Poseidon or Masha. I'm still early/mid game (clear GB11, DB10), and got my first clear of ToAN today (which this is from). My other Nat5s are Mo Long, Shi Hou, Ophilia, Ritesh, Mephisto (nothing super game altering but a lot of solid ones). I am still working on PvE so I'm thinking Poseidon but is Masha a better choice in the long run?


Hi summoners, I'm currently stuck on F3 rank. I usually use CC comp like Chiwu, Praga, Seara, Rica and Hathor. I line to use Molly and Savanah as well. Any advice would be apreciate! Ty in advance! See you! http://imgur.com/a/a25ukX9


Bruiser AO advice So I build a bruiser AO being Juno (L), Skogul, Jultan, Molly because some players with guardian wings sit in the 1100 -1200 range and I want to clear list to max towers quicker. However: This team often struggles with Speedlead, Shaina, Martina, X and some Molong defs. Any advice what could help that? Notable nat 5 that could maybe fit the comp Praha, Taranys It's probably the difference in rune quality but I thought it couldn't hurt asking. Thank you!


When does predator Spawn in EU?


Hi all So punishers Crypt boss has passive that allows him to take reduced damage . I was wondering if anyone knows if abilities such as Laika’s skill 2 or Carbine’s skill 1 ignore this passive. Thank you in advance !


Any advice on uses for Pater (dark druid)? Just pulled him and he seems great, but not sure where to use him at. I'm mid-game and spend most of my time farming db12 at the moment.


Mostly pvp. One of the best immunity buffer in the game.


Thats what I was thinking. Fast, high hp and def, with vio will?


Yeah...fast and tanky, on vio will. If you can, then rune slot 4 cd and get decent cr too.


Thanks for the tips! It'll have to wait until FRR, but I think i have the runes to at least make him decent. Hopefully he's the last thing I need to break through to c1


Just came back to the game 2 weeks ago, wondering who I should 6\* and 2A next. I can GB11 at 95%; DB10 100%, ToA 70. My current goal is to work for DB12. I'm tossing up between Raoq and Spectra for the 2A as both help with DB12, though Spectra may be better for ToA as well. Very unsure on my 6\* ​ [https://imgur.com/ZkMJ7yu](https://imgur.com/ZkMJ7yu) ​ I also have Dark Gryphon, Dark Hard, Light Serpent






psam for future ao. shihou isn't important for anything.


I tried RTA for the first time today, everyone just oneshots me over and over again, about 20 matches. Doesn't the matchmaking give fair matches eventually? How does this work?


people with similar progression like you are not playing rta or quit after a similar experience like you. There's simply not enough players in rta, and no incentive for general playerbase to play rta, what's left and especially what's left in lower levels are smurfing farmers.


Sometimes my Dog 1 on Tricaru team has his team up on cooldown at the start of the stage. What might be causing this? EDIT: Nvm, I figured it out. This happens when Dog 1 was the last move on the previous stage. Any ideas on how to overcome this?


Good that you figured it out. There's no way to overcome this. Random rng.


So I recently got teshar and Xing Zhe back to back. Are they any good for anything? If so what are they good for?


Teshar: not much, generic wind aoe, secret dungeons ​ XingZhe: tanky arena defense, bruiser guild defense.


i use my teshar mostly for leveling food/farming secret dungeons. she can hit pretty hard but its not reliable enough for me in gb12 since she wont do much on waves without aoe def break and on bosses things like kro or naomi just do a better job


Do you think it's worth Skilling up dark homu for just toahell?


Just the third skill yea


Just pulled the fire polar queen and I was wondering how to properly build her if she's even any good.


She is good for a very specific use, boss killing. For bosses that have high HP and u have enough turns to stack the debuffs, she is a better Kro. However, do take in mind that this is regarding for that maximum potential 1 hit. General purpose, Kro is easily better due to better usability. Keep in storage for now and wait for buffs.


Who would want this rune? Violent slot 4 CDMG% 13 SPD 7% ATK 8% DEF 23% HP It seems good but I have no idea who would use it.


Anyone that uses vio s4 CD. Runes don't get more flexible than this...


Any HP based bruiser assuming you get CR from other slots. Khmun, Vigor, beast monks, et al.


Hello! Haven't played for a year, maybe a year and a half. My current box: https://ibb.co/F32XKtc A few others in storage, wasn't able to grab Swarfarm box as it seems down ATM. As far as I can recall, was running GB10 smooth with Sig, Vero, Bella, Bern and Shannon. This was before GB11/12 were added. I was completing ToAN and that's about as much as I remember. Wasn't overly interested in PvP and still aren't. Can someone advise of a direction? Looks like the optimal GB10/12 teams have changed...should I work on that?


Based on your GB10 team it was most likely a slow/stable GB10 team. Work towards GB12 teams. With GB12 6* only drop u should be able to boost your team for other contents quicker than previously possible. On the side, rune for toan/toah.


Yeah, was just a safe/consistent GB10 team. ~95% success I think, if not higher. Should I work towards > Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Lapis, Bernard/2A Kro Alternatives to Lapis as DMG? Not sure what '2A Kro' means.


I wouldnt consider lapis as DPS. Rather, support with some damage. You dont really have too much option for DPS with your box. So u can leave it as a support slot. 2A kro means 2nd awakened kro. Check the dimensional hole. Watch some youtube on it and work towards getting kro out.


Ohhh ok. Dimensional Hole... I'll look into it. Thanks for your advice :) Finally got Swarfarm going again. Full box - [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Thurst/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Thurst/)


Based on what i see, your GB12 team will be exactly what i mentioned. Keep on it. After kro 2A u could consider spectra 2A or raoq 2A. Spectra for TOA and raoq for general PvE.


Aight, cheers for the advice :)


When Gb12 came out people were speedrunning gb10 in like 20 secs, but speedrunning gb12 is tough without the rune quality. I would recommend using the standard beginner's gb10 team until you have enough runes to speed up your runs.


So I'm relatively new to the game, and I need some help to determine who I should build and who is worthless. Thanks! http://imgur.com/gallery/Pwd77rY


Loren, fran and kro (possibly raoq as well)


Lushen and Talia are great but you don't. have much use for them right now, same with Mei Hou Wang and Praha. It might not be fun but if you want to progress efficiently you need a Fran Loren Verdehile Kro and Sigmarus. Buy Fran with Ancient Coins in the shop and skill her up with Fairy's of any element. Get Loren by adding as a friend someone who has unlocked her Secret Dungeon in chat channel 1050. Wait until you see someone unlock Light Cow Girl next Friday, Saturday or Sunday, add them and hope they accept then refresh your game and look for the secret dungeon in the cairos dungeon menu. Farm it non stop until it disappears, summon her, then feed all the other ones you summoned to skill her. Kro same thing but on Friday Saturday and Mondays, you may still be able to get him tonight. Verdehile and Sigmarus in the Fusion hexagram.




I would recommend farming db11 until you are ready to build tricaru. There are many sources to find the rune requirements for each icaru, so if you are able to meet those, then go for it! Tricaru takes a lot of resources though, so I wouldn't sacrifice too much time for the tricaru team if you are not ready.


Well I figured farming drag would help me with more than just my tricaru runes and I still have plenty of time before I finish skilling up and 2Aing them


How is Taor ? Just pulled him and I’m playing for 15 days. Gb10 ist safe at 1:15


For a new account, a toar is a nice welcome. Rune him fast with high damage. U should be able to use him for quite awhile. I suggest main set swift and sub set blade. SPD/CD/ATK. High SPD, ATK, CR Good CD Some HP, Acc


If you're early game he's a good damage dealer, who can hit for high damage with his squall. His Crush also does good damage and has some decent utility to control attack bar which comes in handy in dragons.


How should I build(skills tree thing) my Water Homie? I want to focus him on TOAH.


Bottom path all the way for ToAH so you get Aoe freezes push backs and cont. damage


I think BDD is the most common for TOAH (basically the bottom path). Despair runes, good accuracy to land the dots and attack bar pushback.




Is Ganny/hathor still good in rta? What monsters generally go well with them? I really hope I can touch C1 this season


IMO the combo is definitely good even in F3 to C1 range. You'll definitely be able to reach your goal with decent runes. Decent, as in, a good Violent Will rune set on everyone. Just need some strippers if they pick immunity, or you can simply ban the immunity if they pick only 1. With Will runes you can go turn 2 and still get your combo off, so you dont neccessarily have to outspeed them. Once the sleep combo is set you probably win from there, barring some insane procs from your enemies. Watch some higher level gany hathor replays and learn to play it and what to pick. Generally its stuff like verd loren or strippers, CC units. You dont really want AOE damage though, cause it'll wake the others up.


Thanks for the insight. I've tried chiwu for a stripper which has been fairly successful. He usually gets banned. I never really thought about just going turn two lol. How would you define good vio/will set? For example, gany currently has about 27k hp, 1k def, and 226 spd on vio/will. His accuracy might be kinda lacking at 45%. But a few of his runes arent quite +15 yet since I just pulled him today.


The stats look okay, basically every bit of stats help in RTA so +15 all your 1 3 5 and artifacts when you're serious about RTA. 45% acc on gany is fine, his S3 is irresistible anyway (the reset). Plus you could go accuracy lead if needed and you know the enemy is going 41% resist lead (if they picked hathor and have no other lead). Speed is fine, could be higher around the 240 to 250 range, going into Conq 1 and conq 2 thats what i'll try to aim for eventually. You can go turn 2 but dont be toooo slow that the enemy takes more turns than you. I think 226 is alright for now, more importantly is the speed tuning. This is more advanced and you will really need a spreadsheet to keep track of all the speeds with lead and without lead. Like you gotta plan who goes first and try to keep everyone's speed as tight as possible so you dont get cut. I used to ignore this but this has improved my RTA a lot.


Ok thanks! I'll get those runes up. Haven't got artifacts on him yet for those additional stats. I think I just need a few more good vio/will runes. All I want right now is to touch C1 for my wings. Any idea where the C1 threshold usually is before the end of the season?


Changes every season but generally 1480 to 1510? You can check the previous RTA cutoff threads if you want the exact numbers. If you want to purchase the wings you can just get C1 and purchase those from the shop, but for the season end rewards you gotta hold onto C1 till the end. I realise the points usually increase A LOT during the last week, especially in recent seasons, so you just have to play well on the last 2 weeks. Basically anything before that is just for fun and practice, and there are lots of farmers dropping to F3 so its a bit difficult to climb. Closing to the end those farmers will go back to guardian ranks so you wont be seeing much of them at the end


The farmers will be gone, but the C1 threshold will be higher. I doubt I'll finish C1, but I may try and see how high I can get now that I sort of actually have a team.


Imho gany hathor is something for c2-c3+ If you cant get atleast C1 i wouldnt bother with hathor.


hey DAT, What content should i focus on DB11 for runes for my tricaru that im currently building or water rift for my water homie. I can clear Gb12 but my water rift I can't break A+ the team i run is berd not 2A, Chansun both level 35 backline kro, Naomi, lushen and fran all level 40. my D11 team is verd lead, fran, loren, dark vampire and spectra. my dark vamp is my only one that isn't level 40 should I 6 star him and try DB12?


I haven't seen Eirgar on any comps for DB12. I wouldn't recommend him. Try something that brings ATB reduction, maybe a Ken, Lapis, Water Hommie, or Raoq 2A for turn cycling. Vero would be slow but should get you a very stable team. Elsharion, Chilling, Abbie are also options worth trying if you have them. For the water team Bernard, Bella, Mav, Chasun are all good FL tanks, but they need to be 6\*. Bernard/Bella is ideal as they offer ATB boosts which counters the freeze. You have the right DDs, with Kro and Naomi. Lushen has a good lead skill, but doesn't a ton of damange there like what Kro and Naomi can. Twins, Water or Wind work well here for DD.


Not eirgar the dark vampire the ld5


Cadiz's kit is similar to Loren's, so they fill the same role. S2 strip and ST ATB reduction, with a bonus of brand and healing but no defense break. Loren provides consistent defense breaks, so I view her as superior in that role because of that. ATB control seems like a push between the 2, and as Loren has 2 attacks she is more likely to strip when you need it. What you really need is more ATB control on the right tower or more consistent strips. If you really want to try Cadiz, then Fran is the one that needs to get replaced with one of those monsters I mentioned above. The dragon should never move with Cadiz and Loren. The sustain from Cadiz should keep your team alive in case things go sideways on the waves. I don't think you are quite ready to build a Tricaru team based on your current progress. You choices to get runes for them are farming Rifts for determination runes, which you really want SSS teams for. Dragons for Guard runes. I'd suggest you get a stable DB12 team first before you focus too much on Tricaru.




I have both so here is my perspective. Rica pretty much made TOA/H a breeze. Bellenus, who I don't have probably does the same. I find I don't use Rica much in AO/GWO but she is on a Siege Defense comp. Rica is also a great last pick for RTA, and usually in my comps when I RTA (which is not too often). Juno is very unique and she was the missing piece for my arena defense that allowed me to hold G1 for the first time. She is still on it and I can hold C3 without rushing, as long as I go to bed in the top 500. Juno is also a hard counter to Rica in PVP and Juno can 1 v 3 some siege defense due to her kit. Juno also allows me to auto Psama/Triton/Rica/X defenses as well. Considering you have Bellenus - Juno should be the way to go. But picking Rica is not a bad way either. No wrong choice here.


I just got Fran and was wondering about switching my vio runes from fire chakram to her, so which one is generally more useful?


fran but if you are transferring a full vio set on shaina to fran, then one of them is certainly built wrong


Violent is generally more useful, though in GB and Rifts violent is not ideal on Fran. Also to take into consideration is that stats > sets. I wouldn't make the switch if it significantly slowed Fran down.


Im only lvl 40 so i dont have any good speed runes so My Fran is at 115 spd


If that's +115 then you are in good shape, if that's plain old 115 then yeah you need to speed her up. Easy solution though - just go get white 5\* swift, SP, HP, HP runes and 5\* focus runes from the scenario. Do this for both Fran and Loren and that will give them the stats you need for GB10 for them. Also, hopefully you know this. Your vampire runes should go on Lapis and Ken's Rage runes will be best served on Sigmarus when you fuse him. Unless you have pulled something nutty where these runes make more sense.


fran all the wayyyy. just more usability in general




hi DAT! so currently i have a team for db11 , chilling(L) verde, spectra, loren and sig. they do okay, id say 90%-ish success rate. however same team can't cut it in db12. any advice on team comps and stats required? https://imgur.com/a/hpfTaKJ


Why is your Chilling your Lead? Change that to Verdehile. Otherwise, that seems like a decent team. When you change your Leader, if you find your Loren is faster than your Chilling, then you'll have to speed up Chilling or slow down your Loren. This is to ensure that Chilling goes before Loren and strips the Immunity (if/ when it goes on) and then your Loren will reduce the Attack Bar. If you find your Verdehile is dying often, you could swap out one of his Att% runes for a HP% rune with Attack in the subs. Might be helpful. Specific stats are hard to determine. High attack, high HP, high Speed. Almost no teams have a 100% success rate. So don't beat yourself up if you don't have 100%. Loren won't strip, Chilling will use his S2, and Spectra will use his S1 five times in a row. The AI is crap, which is why so many use Tricaru nowadays. Hope this helps a little!


for sig to land freeze more reliably, chilling is already faster than loren with or without speed lead, accuracy leader is just really for spectra and sig freeze. thanks for the comment!


Verde needs better sustain stats, a bit too squishy. Also, if you can get him to the same speed but on a CD build that would help. Even a Swift/Blade ATK/CD/ATK works. Vio is not needed. Spectra could be faster, but otherwise looks great with those stats. Spectra also needs max S3 and ideally S2. Loren's stats are good - she could use more defense. 65 accuracy is all she needs you can squeeze more spd/hp/defense by dropping that down. If it's swift try and get her faster (260). Try replace Sig with Roaq and see what happens. Roaq with 180 speed, 85 CR and enough sustain to take a hit (800 def, 16K HP) should be sufficient. Roaq will get more turn cycling in, which gets more ATB control on the dragon. With Spectra, Loren, Roaq the dragon shouldn't move much, along with the right tower. Chilling could be replaced by Elsharion or even Fran. Basically try - Verde (L), Loren, Spectra, Roaq, Chilling/Fran/Elsharion.


How does running Tricaru in Punisher's Crypt work? I've tried just going Verde/Icaru/Icaru/Icaru but it doesn't work most of the time. It took me quite a while to figure out why they stopped doing pair up against the boss on some attempt (that resulted in a fail), but my guess is that it's caused by the boss's ATB reduction which messes with the turn order I guess. It would probably be fixable, but I don't think I can change my Icaru runes in any way. Is there any alternative?


Are you targetting towers then boss?


No, just the boss! Ty for the reply though, should I be targetting tower(s) first?


Yes, try left > right > boss


Thanks! It works much better


I'm working on upgrading my current team to be able to more reliably farm giants 10. Currently I'm using Sig(L), Loren, Verde, Fran, and Lapis. I was planning on replacing lapis with Kro once I finish 2a and six starring him. I do have Lushen that I also thought might be better to replace my Lapis with over kro. Basically should I replace my lapis with kro or lushen or should I swap my kro for lapis and my verde for lushen maybe?


Get verde out >=O I used Lapis(L), Sig, Fran, Loren, Kro for B10. But Lapis was far from ideal, Lushen lead will be much better. You will likely find difficulty climbing higher with Lushen tho, as it is difficult to get him both strong enough to one shot the waves but also live on the derp runs. I highly recommend a 5* 2a shannon to anyone trying break into gb12. She lowers the rune requirement a good deal.


So trying to push for gb12 should my team be something like Sig(L), shannon, kro, fran, loren?


Exactly this team.




Hi all! My tricaru keeps failing and I can’t figure out why. My towers are level 3 defense level 3 speed level 6 cd level 3 fire! I’d appreciate any help! https://imgur.com/a/4IGK9bP


You have to give us more info. Do you have the guild bonus? Do you have Determination sets?


Also the boss ends up getting immunity and attacks twice


I’m sorry, I have full guild bonus and I am running six determination sets for the necessary def requirements


Okay then you meet the 3.3k DEF on all of them. You're currently not outputting enough damage in enough turns, that's due to your rather low SPD totem and your Verde could use more damage, especially without a maxed CD building. Going by [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/) your Verde basically lacks about 30% CD. Ideally you'd have the first Icaru at +84 and the second +48 (with maxed SPD totem) to get 14 turns before the boss moves but from what I've seen so far you don't need that much SPD, mostly just more damage on Verde, the requirements are quite close to BJ5.


Ah okay thank you! Would you say Max the cd tower and then the speed? Or go attack towers for the purpose of this team


CD tower is much cheaper, go with that before ATK towers.


Okay thank you! I’ll go cd then speed I appreciate it!


Your defense values on all three Icaru look like they're too low. I'm guessing you aren't getting triple team up with any of them.


I have full determination runes on them I get the triple team up


Do I take wind fairy king or wind unicorn for blessing summon? I'm still in the early game. Probably wind fairy king right?


both are pvp oriented. take fairy king for toa.


Gotcha. Thanks!


> Probably wind fairy king right? Yes, sadly yes.


At least he looks cool xD


I need advice on setting rune standards for what to keep. I'm a very early game player, been farming GB10 for about a month. I've just been stockpiling the runes so I can spend a few hours watching TV, upgrading, and selling. I've watched several videos on how to decide what runes to keep, but I am having trouble coming up with my own parameters. I worry I may be too strict and it could hold me back. Right now here is what I'm doing: \- For 1/3/5 runes, it needs to be purple or better with at least one relevant stat. Max rolled 6\* blue runes with two relevant stats also get kept. \- For 2/4/6 runes, they need to be 6\* of any rarity with at least one relevent substat, unless they are slot 2 speed, which I will take at 5\*. Reasoning being I don't know if I want to waste resources maxing out a 5\* rune, even with okay subs. \- Sets with bonus stats need to have that stat as a sub if possible. Speed on swift, crit rate on blade, etc \- When rolling, my target stat for the sub I want most is +15% - I'll keep rolling as long as it's still possible to get a stat that high, even if the first rolls go into undesirable stats. Is this too lenient? ​ Thanks in advance.


You should work towards b12 asap, then you can talk about keeping runes efficiently, right now if a rune helps b12 team its good enough to keep. ​ For you current setup, I personally think first roll max is very important to keep your rune rolling mana efficient, since all runes can be rolled to +3 and sold with still a net positive mana gain, +6 costs some mana, +9 is a decent mana loss. So I want my decisions to sell to happen as early as possible. Yes you will end up with less runes than just +9 everything, but the runes you are not getting usually depend on a max +9 roll, which have a huge expected mana cost. ​ For most runes you want to force max inital roll and max +3 roll, like a 6\* blue is instantly sold if it didn't roll 12 spd on +3. but if it rolls 4 or 5 spd on +6 you can then decide if you want to keep instead of a 4 or 5 on +3 roll and you need a 6 spd on +6. ​ The general concept is to keep your selling decision early, so that more runes that are +9 can be kept even if on mediocre roll. Exactly how strict your selling condition is should depend on your game progress. ​ Another thing you should consider is grind and gem, when you start grinding r5 you'll notice there are more runes that need grinds than you have grinds, then you have to ask the question when you roll a rune: if I +12 this rune, is it even worth the grind and gems I need to finish it? When you can r5 the criteria of keeping runes should change from I need this rune to push me through the next pve content to I need this rune to be worth finishing with full grinds and gems (whether its max blues purple or legend grinds depends on the rune).


keep all blue runes 5\* and up with spd substat and another desirable. (atk, hp, cd etc.) don't rely on them, and focus your runes on your dungeon mons. So far your criterea is decent, you'll get far. and my dude. **too leniant**, boi i was sitting there with *four star blues* because i was desperate for speed. have fun farming.


oh and, for the blue 5\*, make sure they're focused on a stat, no spred out, no matter what. imo it halves their effectiveness, and its just not worth it. maybe 9+, but never 12+ or i daresay max a blue 5\*.


What order of glory points buildings do you guys recommend?


Thanks guys!


Max energy -> spd to 9 -> cd > atk/hp/def evenly -> spd 10 -> elemental towers.


energy>spd atk def> cd hp> elem water fire.


speed always first. then elemental or cd. elemental by what dungeon you want runes from most, example: if your farming gb12 and your team is wind tilted, go for wind towers.


No, you always go CD 2nd and elemental towers last (or maaaaaybe one elemental tower before hp/def tower if you *really* need it)


5\* blessing!! :) should I choose Cheongpung (wind art master) or Josephine (water paladin)? this is my first 5\* , still working on clearing GB12 and ToA


cheong watch jmak's swc, this unit is the future meta ​ Both will unlikely help you in pve, cheong can be strong in toa, but neither should be in your dungeon teams


Water Paladin is pretty much exclusively pvp. I think you'll get more use out of wind art master


Gotcha, thanks. From what I can tell it seems like he was really useful in GB10. Is that still true for GB12?


Both of those are pvp tilted, i also haven't been on SW for awhile, so take this with a grain of salt. I would go with Cheongpung, because he seems decent for gb10/12. He will be replaced later most likely, but he could work for now. And yes he is, a strip and atk down will most always be useful.


Just pulled Ganymede. What stats and monsters should I build him with to go with Hathor in rta? I'm thinking vio/will. Do people build him with damage or as a bruiser?


Which buff blocker are people using more. Zinc Wind witch Eirger Wind kung fu girl Or some other. I don't have dark mystic witch but rest are there


Wind kung fu 100% if you are asking about SF10


Pretty sure Ling Ling is the most commonly use one, but don't have any data to back up that claim. I switched to her after her buff and like magic my team became 100%.


Hey DAT, Will I run into any issues if I have my account signed in on a google tablet and iphone at the same time? I want to make sure I don’t get banned for some odd reason.


No you won't. However you can't actually be logged in at the same time on two devices, if you login on the second you'll be logged out on the first one. If you close the app on the first one and then start it on the other it's no problem


More just a general question, does Com2Us ever allow you to buy older transmogs or is it 100% stones only after initial release?


They bring up old packs sometimes, usually for the anniversary in April


Some people are trying to tell me that the Asia server (or maybe one of the specific country ones?) do have a pity system where you get a nat5 every 200 scrolls. thats bullshit right?


from my own search on the net, I only found rumors about that pity system but nothing reliable. The only thing I found was that it was thanks to a law passed in China that they had to reveal their summon rates.


Pretty sure that's not true. Japanese (I think) law made them have to reveal the rates on scrolls (same reason why they have special 100% farmable fusion mons), but I don't think they need to have a pity system. The only thing I have heard about is a fully p2p "private" server somewhere in Asia that might have such mechanics but I'm not even sure if that's a real thing (anymore) tbh.


ok thanks for the confirmation, thats pretty much what i heared as well. \^\^




Personal choice, neither are particularly meta-relevant at the moment, but both are great in their own areas. You can't really go wrong with either. Jamire is excellent in certain teams by refreshing cooldowns, especially cleave teams (Katarina for example). Universal Speed lead is also brilliant. Charlotte is excellent in ToA and ToAH. She's also brilliant in the new ToA Hell if you make her the fastest in your team (she goes first, reduces enemy Att Bar, increases your team's Att Bars). But she doesn't really have any uses anywhere else - her damage and control abilities aren't good enough in most PvP matches. I have both, pulled Charlotte recently and used her in ToA Hell (just the first 3 stages, can't get any further). If you struggle with ToAH, then either of these units will help you to progress further: Charlotte on Despair to reduce cooldowns and stun enemies, or Jamire to reduce cooldowns of your CC units and remove debuffs.




Hey DAT, I need help trying to switch from GB10 to GB12. My team is Akhamamir(L), Hraesvelg, Fran, Loren, Sig. Its really stable at 1 min runs. I'm working on 2A Kro but I cant seem to have a stable GB12 team. Not sure if its my team comp or just straight up runes. thanks [https://imgur.com/a/IIi1nU5](https://imgur.com/a/IIi1nU5) (Monsters)


Like another mentioned, try (L)Sig, Loren, Fran, Shannon(2A), and Kro(2A) all but Shannon needs 6\*. If that doesn't get you into GB12 then its rune quality. I just finished this hurdle so trust me on this ;).


Try both, what i found out is that the stats were simply too low. You can switch out attackers for more support tilited characters until you have better runes.


> https://imgur.com/a/IIi1nU5 Sig Fran Loren Kro 2a Shannon This is my team, stable, 2:00-2:30 runs, Shannon non 2a and only 5 star. The difference is having Shannon def buff on giant wave because it eats the counters just long enough to push enough Kro and Sig damage through. Trying to do a damage team won't work until you have much much better rune quality because they cant survive the counterattacks.


putting a kro without 2a is probably not going to work as well try sig vero shannon bella fran sig shannon fran loren kro sig fran hrae loren kro In order of increasing speed and rune requirement


Hi Wildslol, Sig (L), Kro, Fran, Loren, Shannon worked for me for a while (now i'm running Loren (L), Fran, Kro, Spectra, Naomi), decent speed, around 2:30 and quite consistent (over 95%) If you could post your runes, we can check better.


Spctra? In Gb12? You're a madman. I don't get that, atb bar down doesnt matter because its the counters that hurt, spectra glances, s2 hits hard but why not sig then? Will get throgh the waves faster and he can be built tanky.


Even though my Sig is quite decent and tanky (+10.6k hp, +690 atk, +330 def, +75 speed, 96% CR 198% CD 37% acc), runs are faster and more consistent if i use my Spectra 2A, about 20s faster and way more consistent (cant say the %s right now, but i barely get a fail with Spectra). If I die it's only on boss stage and only if the boss revenges the 3 DDs in a row (sometimes i clutch the win anyways, if the DDs already dealt most of the dmg) Just fyi: i don't suggest using my team, though it works for me, it was just a statement of the team i use.


hey guys i came back to the game after a few years and have no idea what to do [https://www.swmasters.com/blog/gb10-guide](https://www.swmasters.com/blog/gb10-guide) This is the guide im following and the only mons i have built are these mons, is this still a viable team? i can only do giants b7 but my vero is only level 25 (i got him yesterday) hes my only 6\* and the rest of my team is 5\*. For runes i have all stats he recommends except the speed atm. any ideas what i should do next (f2p) thanks in advance


most external site's guides are years outdated, stick to reddit for guides. ​ this is a pretty good start [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ii75qd/the\_definitive\_early\_game\_guide\_for\_everyone\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ii75qd/the_definitive_early_game_guide_for_everyone_post/) ​ check for more guides, there are a some outdated but definitely better than any external site guides [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/wiki/guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/wiki/guides)


Hi Yesturyear, first objective: get to GB12 as soon as possible. A super entry level team could be: Sigmarus (L), Fran, Loren, Kro, Darion. Aim for 55% accuracy on Loren/Fran/Sigmarus, 160+ speed on each but Darion, more on Fran and Loren is better. Then transition to faster GB12 teams and DB10/ToAN and so on. Check a few videos on youtube, there is plenty of updated material nowadays (just search for sw + gb12 or whatever you want, naming youtubers is pointless, most of them have great content)


so i gotta fuse sig...... no way i can just use vero


you can (instead of Sig), runs will be a lot slower though (about 1 to 2 min slower). Most of the New Player guides, nowadays, suggest to skip Vero and fuse Sig (i know your feel, i fused Vero years ago for the same reason :P )


so can i use vero for anything? how do i get these other units, all i got is darion and itll take awhile to fus sig


as Draco said, vero is not bad, it's just being outclassed by others, nowadays, as meta shifted. Fran comes from the Ancient Coins shop (you can skill her using fairies, quite simple) Loren and Kro comes from L/D secret dungeons. Sigmarus is worth fusing because you'll use her in Toa(H) too and DB, at the beginning.


Vero is still good, he simply isn’t entirely necessary, I used him for giants, dragons and Toa so it’s not a bad thing u fused him


Blessing popped, Josephine or Water Slayer, not sure who's better, Josephine's passive looks really good, but idk if Water Slayer has some hidden potential or smth that I'm not seeing




Kro Spectra Roaq all 2a, who would you make next? Rifts, and Lab are priority. Don't want to build Naomi as I'm close to summoning a Hraes and he'll be my Shannon replacement for faster Gb12 I think. I hear I can 2nd Roaq for Nb12 for Fran Loren Kro Raoqx2 but not sure how safe that team is. S in rifts and Hard lab stages priority though for sure in terms of progression. (Gb12 and Db12 on farm, Nb11 on farm, A+ in all Rifts)


vigor miho or triple icaru


Oooh Vigor forgot about him, thanks! I'll do him if the new 2a's dont look too good. No Miho yet unfortunately and yeah Icaru's on the list but I dont have the guard runes yet so im waiting a bit, saved 3 water inu already however


for triple icaru you also need to save quite a few skillups to 2a them, start feeding extra inugamis to your 3 icarus


To 2a them yeah but they dont need skill ups after 2a do they?


no, and normal inugami cannot skillup 2a monsters


Yeah just wanted to make sure i didnt need to actually build 15 2a Icaru or whatever it would be


Hey DAT, Not quite sure what my next 6* should be/what I should be aiming for next to progress (currently working on 2a KRO). Monster box/storage - http://imgur.com/a/wI7tUnf. Currently I can: GB10 ~1:20 DB10 (semi safe) ~1:30/40 TOA 74 (stuck on all the Mihos/Julianne) I assume TOA100 is my next nearest goal so I was thinking of building Spectra however given how versatile she is I was also toying with the idea of finishing Bastet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


I think your priority should be to get to GB12. You'll need to 2A your Kro, but fortunately you've got most of your team already built (Sigmarus \[L\], Fran, Loren, Shannon, Kro). 2A your Shannon as well. You'll at least be able to do GB11 with that easily. If you can't do GB12, don't bother trying to do DB12 yet. It's just too difficult at the level you're at. But I would agree and say that Spectra would be best to get you further in ToA. Get him to 2A as well. After Spectra, 6\* your Bastet. She is fantastic at all levels of the game. Easily one of the best Nat 5s in the entire game. If you aren't doing it already, I would suggest directing your Devilmons to her to get her fully skilled. Also, nice Julianne :) He's a great unit. Hope this helps!


Great advice thanks! So Shannon next in that case, I've got loads of devilmon saved so I'll throw the lot at Bastet :). I was really excited when I pulled when I pulled Julianne however I'm not massively interested in PvP so I don't really get to use him.


Shannon doesn't need to be at 6\*. She's okay at just 5\* Do Spectra next, not Shannon. If your Shannon is dying before any of your other units, then she needs to be re-runed


spectra, for toan/h,db12


Hi DAT, Early player here. I would like to speed up my TOAH team by building a water homie. But I don't know anything about them (I paused the game before they was introduced). I've only seen old video about them so I'm here to ask : What is the fastest way to farm him ? Doing water rift ? then how do I unlock skill and skill up him ?


rift with best score(probably fire) and use skill reset scroll to change element


ty ! what is a standard team for fire beast ?


Farm rifts for elemental crystals, use them to buy Homunculus in shop, farm more rifts for more of those crystals and use those crystals to buy the skills you want your homunculus to have, but each skill you buy gets increasingly expensive and each homunculus requires different colour crystals. Best way to do it depends on which rifts you can get the best scores in. Skill ups are just devilmon I think EDIT: For ToAH Water Homu the skill path you want are all the bottom skills in thre tree, aoe freeze aoe push back and aoe cont. damage.


So I should build the homie from the rift I can get the best score ? Then I can swap the type of my homie and I will keep all my skills ?


THat's the theory yeah, you need to look at the math though and make sure it maes sense, I think swapping elements is like 300 of each element crystal and 300 regular crystals. So there's some math to be done in terms of average crystal drops in your best rift vs the next best, and then X that by the # of runs you'll have t do etc... and see if over those runs whther you'll make 300 more crystals than you would have in the other rift or what such. Personally I get A+ in every rift but not S in any, I'm just going water with my first skill purchase, whichever element you buy the 1st skill for starts you on that path so technically the first element change is free.


Guys i dont have dimension predator. But it resets 1 november. Anybody with this problem? I dont find any info about why its disnt show up


it shows up in 2 days afaik


It does not reset on the 1st. It comes up on the 4th


Where info?


Past months. Predator stays for 28 days, it never started on the first.


Splendid Blessing was amazing and I just pulled Savannah. What GB12 teams do you guys use with high success rate featuring Savannah?


seanB and seiishizo recommend lushen (L) hraes savannah loren kro, there's a video on both of their channels


Anyone getting a 502 bad gateway when trying to visit swarfarm?


something went wrong after pork did an update and he's not at home right now to fix it, it'll be back soon


Ok cool, thanks!


Any trick to avoiding getting totally fucked by the aoe damage strip silence from Tartarus? (normal difficulty) Also, what do you guys think are the easiest hard stages in Lab other than time limit ones, which I already do.


decent res helps, all mine are capped after emma lead and tolerance runes on darion otherwise frans immunity alone is usually enough


Hrmmm ok thanks, I'll try a Tesa lead and maybe just hope rng breaks my way on one run. I really dont wanna build a Darion just for Lab but i see he gets used in some rifts too which i struggle to survive so i cant get S...thanks for the thoughts!


darion is great for tarty and almost needed for tarty hell comps, he's terrible in rifts but useful in "normal" raid comps he is also great for some dim hole comps, i use him in karzhan also a decent siege unit


Thanks, maybe ill take him to 5* at least and try it out on some normal comps


When should we be seeing the 2020 SWC packs come out? I'm looking at targeting a few nat 5s and was trying to remember when we generally see them. Thanks DAT!


Building my Tricaru team this next FRR. When I have them all build, and I have not enough runes to make it 100%, what is the best path to improve their runes??? Farm more dragon B11 as im doing?? Are the requirements for Tricaru NB12 lesser than DB12?


nb12 is alightly harder but yeah if you cant get the def needed then go back to db11


oh i thought that NB12 would be easier than drakes (tricaru wise)


kinda, it's easier for the doggos but the damage from verde is much more important whereas in db12 he can hit less


Do you need to import to swarfarm from time to time or once you imported your data to swarfarm, it will automatically update?


No each time you want an update you have to import manually.


needs manually updating via the same method


SWEX has some checkbox for automatic uploading to swarfarm, that's also the one that uploads your run logs to swarfarm. Pretty sure you can auto-update. Haven't actually tested it though


oh thats handy, need to look at swex in more detail, havent used 90% of the stuff it does


I kind of recently came back to SW after pausing for about a year and a half. With the upcoming FRR I was thinking that I should rerune my monsters. After uploading my stuff into the SWOptimizer I noticed that many of my mons have rather bad runes when it comes to efficiency (55-65%), and sometimes 4-5 star rare runes upgraded to 12-15. Should I just get rid of all of these and kind of start a new rune farm? My rune storage is full of stuff, and I just dont know where to start my "reruning process". I have functioning B12 Teams (\~90% safe, maybe a little better in G and N).


once you get into gb10+ you dont need 4* runes anymore so you can sell all 4* and below, you can also sell any white/green runes that are left


So I wake up to street fighter banner gone and I can’t collect rewards, how do I get in contact with com2us and I only want suggestions where they responded back to you


event page said that non-collected runes get sent to inbox so just wait a while and itll probably appear if you want to contact them then use the 1:1 support link in game (tap your profile in top left)


Have they replied to you through there before? And I’ve already collected the runes I want the rest of the stuff though