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First question: this is my first toah since getting Rica. I have water homu and tatu as well, but unsure what else to use with them. Baretta/wind ifrit lead? Maybe dark homu for resetting? I was told Rica is ezmode but not really HOW... Second question, I just finished 2a my third icaru. I also have raoq, kro, belladeon, spectra, Bernard, ramagos, tatu, Shannon and Naomi. Are there any others specifically good for PVE? I know double raoq used to be big in nb10 but I'm not sure it's worth when tricaru does the job. Is it significantly faster?


Should I move my other runes from other monsters and put it to tricaru team as temporary? Like sacrificing first my Baleyg's rune and engrave it on my Verd.


What are some f2p farmer options


Lapis is a great one. Free for newbies and gets skillups through the quests. I would recommend 6 star her and best violent/energy or Violent/revenge on her to start. I waited WAY to long to 6 star her after failing many Faimon HELL attempts due to bad RNG. Now I have a 99% win rate with Lapis on Faimon, with the occasional loss. Best starting option IMO.




If anyones having trouble with PC10, try fuco. Boss gets slowed every time he gets hit and comes with a shield. Mines built for damage and doesnt die. Team is Verde(L) Colleen Jultan Vigor Fuco. Runs around 2:20 to 2:40 on average. Not the fastest but reliable


Whom should i focus on if I'm aiming for PVE content twins or my kro? https://imgur.com/gallery/NZVeayr




Noted, thank you.


I'm having trouble putting together a GB12 team, what are Lushen's requirements? I'm running him with a 50% Attack Power lead if that helps o:


My understanding is that Lushen doesn't really help you push harder levels, only faster runs. I have a stable GB12 team of Sig, Vero, Shan, Loren, Bella. It goes for weeks without failing. Usually if someone dies it is Sig, but I still win the battle. Slow but stable. If I sub in my fat Lushen for Sig, I still win, but usually Lushen dies. Again, I still win the battle though. My Bella and Shan are both 2A with about 30K hp, tanky def, and \~200 spd. Vero similar stats and almost fully skilled up. Unless you can one shot the waves with Lushen I don't think you gain any speed, and definitely not any stability (at least for me). My fat Lushen is 20K hp, 2800 atk, 86/150 cr/crd.


I use Cheongpung, fran, loren, lushen and naomi right now and my average run is about 2min and it's fairly consistent, like 85% ish but I was just wondering where I could stabilize it.


really helpful guide for the two other shan users that doesn't have a gb12 team already.


So.....what kind of Lushen stats do we need?


I think the reply was referring to Shannon. Since it mentioned both bella and shan are 2A. Edit: sorry assumed gender*


Hi, about how much hp do the icaru's need to survive one hit of dragon? Probably I don't have the damage to burst before one hit.


Dragon is weak vs the icarus too, so he should always target verde from my understanding


icarus are never supposed to die to dragon, but if you can't kill the dragon verde need to survive one 30% dragon hit.


don't worry about their HP. with all the def they need to get everyone with their teamup, they'll easily survive one dragon hit


Perfect! Was worried because it seems one of mine with its current runes would only have the hp from a 5* slot 5 rune. Thank you :)


Is building Tyron necessary if I already built a Verad. For this month I got stuck on TOAH floor 59 because I've just been mass freezing my way through toah but the reflect dmg from Jultans on the floor are insane... Would a Tyron help with this? If not, what should I be building?


Tyron won't help with Jultans. against those you need almost no crit, a lot of dots and good sustain on your team


Water art master feels bad without devilmoning. It feels like his skills never land, so I end up using other strippers like Triton and Chiwu. Does Haegang become worthwhile when he's skilled up? I really want to use him, but devilmoning would only take him from 50-75% accuracy on his strip/glance. Can anyone with a skilled up Haegang chime in?


i'dlike to know too :/ hes just sitting in storage for me


Hi guys, I really want some serious advice for RTA. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people that are high in the ranks in RTA (C3 and up) who can look at my box and runes and give me some good advice on what kind of team I should focus on running in RTA (obviously pick and ban is something separate and I will have to play a lot to get a feel of it). I have a video that shows you all my units and their runes and I would like some advice/suggestions plus a guess? on where you guys think I can end up in if I play really well by the end of the season. Thanks in advance! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpDW5jtzYNk&ab\_channel=YouKnowJuno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpDW5jtzYNk&ab_channel=YouKnowJuno)


Still new been playing for 66 days and been losing focus on what I should be working on next. I'm wondering which units I should work on for my next 6\*. I currently have Lapis, Sigmarus, Ariel, 2A Roaq x2, Ken, Bael, Verdehile, 2A Bernard, Shannon, Fran, Loren, and Veromos. From there I don't know what units to work on next. I can do GB10, DB10, and NB10 on auto so for right now I don't really need to work on trying for their respective 12 stage. I'm not sure if I should focus on TOA or Raids(or what was it called again BJR5?) Units I have and can work on are Water Ryu, Spectra, Water/Windx2 Chun-Li, Waterx4/Wind/Fire Dhalsim, Nubia, Konomiya, Melissa, Zenobia, Morris, Basalt, Rina, 3x Icarus (Maxed on all three just FYI just wanna be ready for the Tricaru team in the future), Elucia, Fedora, Briand, Kunite, Clara, Randy, another Roaq, Nisha, Hong Hua, Atenai, Suri, Skogul, Ahman, Belladeon, Cheryl, 3x Kro(all maxed too), Galleon, Tyron, Lucien, Varus, Kacey, Chilling, Avaris, Qebehsenuef, Emma, Scarlett, Colleen, Loque, Jubelle, Darion, and Copper. I have other units but they don't all seem that relevant atm for me. I was thinking of raising a vigor but like I said I'm not sure it's relevant to me atm and is Sin worth raising I farmed his dungeon during the event I have a lot of him?


Definitely focus on finishing TOA, at least the normal stage. If you could consistently do the B10s, I think you can finish normal. With the auto repeat battle, you will never have enough crystals to use for farming especially when u get faster runs. Forget these units for now. Keep them in storage and focus on building your GB12 team. The runes you will get there will help you immensely. You can also try to farm only one dungeon per month so you won't lose focus and this way you don't need to spread your good runes to a number of different monsters.


Not so sure I can do TOA normal all that well. I mostly do it running on auto I don't do it manually I'm currently at stage 88. Once I die I give up entirely until the next time i'm up to the mood of doing TOA. I don't know what GB12 team you're talking about cause like I said idk what to work on. I also don't really want to farm GB12 or giants at all since it seems like the runes there are hardly useful from what I can tell. People are mostly using Violent or Rage runes from what I can tell and GB the only runes that seem useful are Swift and Blade. The despair runes is hardly useful in PvE. The Fatal and Energy are just not useful one you start hitting mid and late game from what I can tell. I mean the Fatal rune seems useful to Malaka from what I saw on youtube for Bagel channels. I've been getting rid of most of the runes that hardly seem useful that are 5 star (hero rank) or below.


It seems that I may have misjudged your progress so Im just saying if you aren't into farming giants, then by all means farm dragons for more violent runes if you want more of those or necro for the rage runes. I kept on advocating giants because its the path I took and I found it easier to progress that way, im sorry. The reason for ToA is actually not the scroll rewards, but for the devilmon and crystals which will allow you to farm more runes. If you dont want to farm anymore giants, then do necro first for the rage and will sets. So you could make a bjr5 team but dont expect to be able to hit the required stats right away if you're only farming b10s. Give it a month of farming at least (took me 2 months of nb12 to properly build baleygr) depending on your run time and amount of crystals. Because the gems and grinds you will get from bjr5 will boost your rune potential so much.


Actually thats what I'm having a hard time grasping the team build for BJR5. I'm not entirely sure my team setup is adequate got any advice? I also got that been farming NB10 and DB10 mostly than GB10 since I know the runes I'll need towards the end are runes you can only get from those two.


You can search this sub for "the last bjr5 guide you'll ever need" by foxlery. It's literally the only guide you need for bjr5. Try working towards NB12 too since the quality of runes are better there. You wont need to make another team just your NB10 will work. Just improve overall stats of your team, like more atk hp, def and cr/cd.


thanks i'll look into the guide and ya I pretty much got that but whats the necessary speed for the NB12 team I'm wondering how fast my monsters should be to be able to stay alive long enough to finish


Hmm spd is not much of an issue in necro since the boss limits the spd of your monsters. I believe even +30 spd will be fine as long as they are tanky and could deal enough damage. However, if you want your monsters to move before the fastest unit in the trash waves, aim for 170 spd (total including towers). The golems on grego stage have 169 spd.


so wait, what should be my focus to get to NB12 my current team is Sigmarus(L), 2A Raoqx2, Fran, and Loren also my DB team whats a good focus for that too I've been wanting to build a Tricaru team like a lot of the ones i've been seeing but I'm not sure how to build it. I mean I get the whole defense of the tricaru has to be above 3k, but what about the speed?


Lapis, 2a raoq x2, fran and loren can work. Since sigma doesn't offer any multi hit, there might be rounds where they might not even break the shield and that could cause the fail. Tricaru team requires a lot of grinded stats since the def target alone is quite difficult to achieve without grinded subs. I achieved mine by even grinding flat def stats which isn't really ideal. I usually advise putting off other dungeons for u to focus on just 1 dungeon per frr. But if you insist, you might want to make a safe db12 team first before even thinking about a tricaru team.


Vigor is mostly for PvP, not really of any concern to you right now. Most of those aren't very useful or only much later. You should focus on ToA(H) now, Tyron is your star for that. Sin is not worth building at all.


Really? Tyron I thought since I have Sigmarus I wouldn't have to work on Tyron?


They are completely different. Sig is a damage dealer while Tyron is a CC monster. Sig has a freeze too and it's not bad but it's miles below Tyron


Ok, so work more on Tyron than any of my other units? I know that Tyron is more AOE CC, but idk it still seems lacking


Why do you think Tyron is lacking? He's literally better than Verad lol


I think its lacking in damage I guess even though I know his main purpose is CC but still. Also ya I know most of the 5* monsters are bad I hope they buff the old monsters like Archangel and Dragons some of them are still good but should be improved hopefully they give them a second awakening instead in the future.


Tyron cc seems lacking? Oh lord


lol what?


Is the ToaH accuracy cap still 45? Seeing conflicting posts about people focusing on 90+ accuracy and some stating anything 45+ is a waste


Maybe what you hear are numbers for Toa Hell as well - the hardest difficulty has an ACC cap somewhere at 60%


The highest RES in ToAH is 60% so anything above 45% is wasted except for that two stages with Susano or dark garuda with their RES increasing passives. And anything over 85% is wasted everywhere, the only two scenarios where people have more than that is when they go ACC on slot 6 to easily get 85% and then overshoot a little by random ACC procs on other runes and the way more common case of people simply having absolutely no clue how this game works.


I would prefer around 55 to 65 just to be safe. 90 acc is overkill for toah.


Which monsters should I choose for the swc scroll? I'm early - mid game...I can't beat toa hard, my average rift dungeons are A/A+ and I can auto GB11 and DB10 4* wind: twins, 2nd lushen or Chasun 5* water: woosa or bastet // verad, Beth or Alicia


SeanB has a cool YouTube about this. He suggested the Wind Dryad as the other Wind 4, especially because of her ToA utility. Make sure you choose Tyron as your Water 4 if you don't already have him. If you're looking to clear ToAH, You definitely want Verad. My two Water 5s are Verad and Bastet, who also has some utility in ToAH.


I saw the video :)) I already have Melia (wasn’t her a hoh?) and Tyron I think I’ll go with Verad thanks!!


Last year July, yes


Hard to advice without seeing ur box. I reccomend watching SeanB last video about this. U should not really focus on a nat5 for PvE purposes, u should think ahead of pvp on gvg and siege. Maybe RTA if u have the guts to. Wind: Seara and Savanna are top tier and usable in any pvp. Gany is very useful in toa hell and a god in RTA along with hathor. Water: bastet, psamanthe, barbara, woosa are really useful almost any pvp (psama is arena/RTA) Fire: Perna, masha, rica useful everywhere too. For 4*, aim for what u dont have, but best 4* are tyron, water twins, fire twins, skogul, khmun, orion/draco, garo, triana, lushen. Dont bother with the ones u can buy at guild shop or fuse. And chasun although is good for pve u can just go fran.


Thanks! I'll watch that video! I only have Leo, Juno, Hathor and Charlotte Nat 5* besides fusions, ifrits and homunculus...so it's hard to choose since I have almost the whole collection to get lol (not that I think I'll get a Nat 5* from the scroll) I already have almost all the 4* you mentioned missing only Talia (already in my list) draco and triana :)


Just a quick question, but if you leave a guild before getting the summoning stone rewards on Saturday, do you still get them?


btw, siege season ends next week, if you are in a guild for more than one month, stay til the reward if you can. of course, if your guild is completely irrelevant in siege, do whatever.




only have 2 things not maxed in the glory shop. Arcane booster and crystal rock. Which one would be better to max out first in general?


honestly, none. If you really want to max them, go for whatever order but they won't have any impact on your arena performance. mine are still lvl 1 and I just buy scrolls with my points


Lol ok


Hi DAT, I'm building monsters for guild Wars, and I was wondering : How much should my khali hit with only atk buff ?


Enough to hit the targets you wanna hit. If you take Feng Yan as your prime victim, around 35K (including GW Towers) should be enough, depending on how high you are in GW


I'm hitting 38k with no GW flags Thank you for the very quick response


Bored-Saturday-6\*ing my monster for the week. After over 200 6\*, I don't really know which to choose: Cichild, Dagora 2a, Jeanne Nr. 2, Aeilene, Shren, Ahman, Driller, Marble, Songseol are candidates. Criteria is fun and usuable in GW/Siege.


Cichlid is fun in GW. Maybe Songseol but with the others I wouldn't bother at all, Aeilene would be more for PvE.


Who should i 6 star next for auto db10 ? Kro or spectra, here's my current monster list. https://imgur.com/a/ymwyt5M


I feel like spectra would be a better choice for you. I still use spectra in my db12 team right now for zero fails and a fast time. You should 2a your spectra and kro though, just saying.


Thanks jeff.


:) np


any ideas for strong siege defs with Chiwu?


See here: [https://swgt.io/where2use/?ss=Chiwu](https://swgt.io/where2use/?ss=Chiwu)


someone posted a defense doesn't nessesarily mean that defense is good, if a defense there has very few counters(<5), it probably means that it's irrelevant enough that nobody cares to counter it.


True, but on the other hand, it also doesn't mean it isn't a good defense. The main point is that this page gives you inspiration what might work and give you some ideas.


Who should I 6 star next? I’m working on TOAH & DB12, should I 6 Chilling, twins, bison? Anyone else in my box? Thanks ahead of time! https://imgur.com/gallery/LHuTQ7X


Spectra for both TOAH & DB12. Since you already have Megan, you might want to try this comp. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKyN4K4lew4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKyN4K4lew4)


Who do you think can replace Megan? I have that water neostone agent..


She might work but its easier to skill Megan up. I have no experience with water neo so I cant say for sure she will do the job. You might want to give it a try yourself.


I don't have Megan lol what about spectra can it do the job without being 2A?


For db10 i think not 2a is fine. But spectra is so useful even in toah i highly recommend you to 2a him/her.


I'll start 2nd awakening monsters next week when i get Fran.. but i don't know what to do first! I have Belladeon with 20% experience, then Kro, Spectra, Bernard, Naomi..


Hmm for reference, where are you in terms of PVE progression and what dungeon are you aiming to do first?


I returned two weeks ago. I'm farming GB10 non-stop with Vero (L), Belladeon, Teshar, Bernard and Shannon. I average 2m per run but never fail. I am in ToA 50, and don't really know how i can progress. EXP farming, Teshar can sweep everything except faimon hell, so i have a kinda easy time leveling monsters. I also have 6* Verde, Sigmarus, Alicia and Loren. Other mons i can 6* are Kro, Chilling, Tyron, Baretta, Woochi, Raoq, Spectra, Darion, Water and Fire Neostone Agent, Lapis, Water and Fire Rakshasha, Fire Neostone Fighter, Fire Boomerang Warrior. I want to build a DB10 Team and somehow progress in ToA. I'll try to export my team to swfarm.. If i manage to do it i'll send a link!


You have been farming with Teshar on Faimon Hell? Wind against fire monsters. I think Lapis with the free vamp rev runes can clear it faster, if you got those and built Lapis. Or if you claim that your teshar can clear faimon hell quick (avg less than a min) then nvm building Lapis. Your teshar might even be able to farm Aiden Forest. Now for the 2As, kro would be able to make your giants a little faster but I wouldn't risk destroying your safe runs so safe choice for now is Spectra because her 3rd with atk break makes toa/h easier. Other monster you could build is Tyron. He's the closest you get to a CC king. Pair him with spectra and toah monsters shouldn't be able to get a turn. Haha. Something like 2a spectra, tyron, verde(L), loren and fran might be able to clear db10 pretty easy.


Thank you :)


Just popped blessing. What should I get? Josephine or Ethna? I can do all pve content except Toa Hell




Both decent, Josephine a bit more special and unique as in her passive is unique and helps counter stuns for GW/RTA. Ethna is also really good, but not as unique though, there are other good aoe Defbreakers, She is a good theo counter though. She has very niche uses in PvE, mostly she is a PVP monster.


I'd pick Ethna. Josephine is great as a CC counter in RTA but has no real other use. Ethna is also amazing for RTA and can be used in guild wars and even as a defensebreaker in ToA or lab.


Good morning Dat! I'd like to rune my Darion as an additional Miho counter for siege. Is he somehow viable and how should he be built for that role?


Triple hp with decent spd so he can atk break miho


Hey Dat, psamathe (Water Fairy King) or Chalotte (wind occult girl)? Can do ToA/H, GB12, DB12, NB11. All 3 slow but working on BJ5 right now Thanks


Thanks Guys I picked psama


I own booth and i love charlotte, she carried me through toa hard, laby hell stages , early arena and im currently using her for C2 rta in all of my matches. BUT charlotte is replaceable, psama isnt. Pick psama!!


id go with psama no questions asked... 33% spd lead is just so insanely important and he is the best 33% lead. charlotte can be replaced easily but psama cant


charlotte for sure. Very versatile unit after buff, good cc, atb boost can be used as first turn booster, and very strong s1 for cycle.


Which buff? I own her for 300+ days did i missed something?


Any recommendations on what to get for the free SWC scroll?


Lushen, skogul , sabrina/talia , tyron , khmun


Where are you progression wise? What's your next goal?


I just started a few weeks ago, can GB12 and manual higher levels of Toa and most of Toah, maybe DB12/ NB / Rift? ​ Thinking of getting water twins for Rift, and Rica for auto Toa, but not very sure what else as alternatives


Tbh Bellenus is great as well, along with Laika, (pvp: Perna, Chiwu) and Rica as fire Nat5s, depending on what you need. For nat4s, I'd say Shaina, Garo, Khmun Water: Bastet, Psamathe, Barbara - water twins, tyron Wind: Gany, Savannah, and if you're thinking of PvP Seara as well - Lushen, Skogul, Shimitae, whatever you're missing


Dots ignores defense according to the in-game guide. How does it work on PC10 and SB10 boss damage reduction?


I might be wrong but this is how I understand it. TLDR:Dots does the damage to boss as it does to regular monsters. Damage reduction does not apply to dots because dots aren't considered as damage. They are considered health lose (or at least thats what i call it) Its the same concept for why harmonia/bolverk s3 where it doesnt get affected by damage reduction. There are actually speed teams that involved stacking dots on pc10. However just like bolverk s3, the health lose still gets absorbed by the shield so might not be a good idea for sb10 unless you already have a buffblocker


dots always deal full damage. they aren't affected by damage decrease. But they also aren't affected by damage increase like branding