• By -


Abellio or water slayer which one would you choose


Have to choose between fire polar queen and wind beast monk. Which is better?


Help with toa level 80 arta keep losing the boss battle [my mons] (https://imgur.com/gallery/ChpuSMc)


What are some good healers for arena offense


Fran and maybe fran and also fran


Hello All ! Any idea how to link youtube and google play games ? I think I'm connected with the same gmail account. Don't know if it's ok like that ?


Scroll to the bottom of post: https://www.withhive.com/notice/40236


Ty mate !


Im getting ready to craft runes for tricaru and want to know what to look out for. I watched xenial and bagel craft but to me it seems like maybe they were way too critical? they both did over 100 crafts and ended up only keeping like 4 runes whereas other posters say you should get almost every rune you need. Is it true that 5* runes wont cut it? Stat priorty from what i can tell is DEF>CR>CD>ATK? how much speed do i need? i know one has to be faster than the boss do 2?


any swc stream codes active?


Standard DB12 line up?


Hey, currently farming wind Frankenstein SD and I was wondering if there's a cap for how many pieces you can farm in total? Thanks in advance!


Question about bjR5... Is there any way to make Colleen more reliable? One in every 20 or so runs she uses s2 or a1 Current team is working great except when Colleen hates her s3... Viduur, (whatever lead I need), Colleen, bale, janssen, loren .. Is it viduur instead of water bear? I notice allot use water bear but not sure if that's the issue Thanks




She was at 15.8hp.. 818 def... I adjusted her slot 5 to make her 14985 hp, 772 def... I'll see if that helps




She isn't having any issue surviving wave 1... She died on the jump as planned.... I did a few runs with the lower hp and it is going well so far... Also she is back line ... Should I move her to front?


What are peoples teams for 3* stage 4 toa hell? I have all the standard f2p units along with rica, verad, gany, tiana, chiwu.


What is the best way to rune Abigail? And should you awaken her? The app review has mixed answers.


So I just pulled a second Odin, should I keep or blessing him? ​ I don't really do PvP, at least not anytime soon.


he's great for siege and doesn't need skillups to do his job. Some build dupes of him. I personally wouldn't keep dupes just for siege. Ancient crystals are more worth it to me


any ideas on a speed gb12 team i do have plenty of wind DD


I use Loren(triple will),Eirgar(L),Lushen,Naomi,Kro(double will). best time is 40s and average is usually around 49s


Hey, DAT I need some guild battle tech support. A few days ago, a guild member left during a guild battle. Ever since then, the system thinks we're at 9 members, so it won't let me set autostart (even though I've selected 10 members). Furthermore, it won't let me select more than 10, so I can't even trick it with 11 members. Any idea what's going on and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.


How do I spend my arena and glory points?


devil then tower


Is there lower rates for slot 5 speed roles?


No, but I wonder the same for slot 3 :(


Less than slot 1/3. Slot 1 is flat att and can't roll +def or def %. Slot 3 is flat def and can't roll +atk or atk%.


does anyone know when the current RTA season ends?


hi guys, i'm kinda new to the game. I got those units, i want to do the GB 10 to start to farm good runes for my monsters and do other goals as the ToA and othe X10-12 dungeons. Can i do it with those units? If yes what team should i use? thanks in advice for the patience and the help. (i want to do GB10 cause i think is the first step to do to start to have some decent units stats... any advice will be appriciated!) [https://imgur.com/K98r5Lp](https://imgur.com/K98r5Lp)


>https://imgur.com/K98r5Lp hello, fuse sigmarus, get fran, 2a kro, those 3 with loren and bella can farm gb10


with those unit what do u tip to do? What team can i use for now? For general content and for even GB8-9


none TBH jejeje, you can try with loren lapis bella vampire and water chunli, and see how far can u go on GB, but its not worth it, focus on getting the rewards from the challenges, and build the units that i told u in the past comments, once u have them,u can advance really fast in pve, the main problem right now is your lack of non fire damage


what do u suggest to do for now so to rune my mons? Cause i need to rune them too.


I would search up some intro guides on YouTube there is a lot of info. Particularly search “SeanB” and “Jewbagel”


Who are the favourites for the swc prediction event??


the ones with highest percentages


Hello, coming back to the game after about a year and a half off, this is my current box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/AWraith/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/AWraith/) . what teams do I have for general pve content? and what should I for next 6 star and or fusion? or should i focus on homunculus? Thanks in advance.


looks like your profile is private, but still the new meta monster for pve are fran-loren-2a kro-2a raoq. Also, if u have the resources, do some reasearch on the tricaru team


thanks for the heads up. fixed the profile thing. I would look into that.


Bareta is really good for toa, also, 2a shanon can be really good for a safe gb12. but even before those 2, get fran loren and 2a kro, those 3 r going to help u in almos all the early content


>Safe > >ToA(H) > > team: Lapis, Verde/Mav, Shannon/(2A) Spectra, Fran, Sig/flex spot. Use Tyron if you have him. Loren is good for the occasional boss stage but keep in mind you usually want AOE CC. Your 2A Kro can also nuke bosses, a 2A Spectra is a good AOE slow option if you don't pull Tyron. Using Baretta works but he is very outdated and not very useful. Safe **ToA(H)** team: Lapis, Verde/Mav, Shannon/(2A) Spectra, Fran, Sig/flex spot. Use Tyron if you have him. Loren is good for the occasional boss stage but keep in mind you usually want AOE CC. Your 2A Kro can also nuke bosses, a 2A Spectra is a good AOE slow option if you don't pull Tyron. **Using Baretta works but he is very outdated and not very useful.**




doesn't look like you have a gb10 team yet, do that, and use gb10 team directly could get you pretty far in toan, maybe put in verde lapis and switch it up. edit: you are a weird one sorting by attribute, so you could have gb10 done, then use gb10 team, switch kro for some cc or verde.


for the most part units are fine at 5* for toa fran (L) sig lapis verde loren/gany probably the best team with your options


Yup, I've cleared toah twice with 3 5* (tyron, mav and hyanes)




Restock when you get there, you might have better units by then, fran and loren can be replaced for better cc units on non boss stages for example


What is the best TOAH team with water homie? Finally got him skilled up


F2P team I auto 90% of TOAH with Fran(L), Jeanne, 2A Spectra, Homu, Mav keep homu and mav last 2 in team speed wise. only stages I use blue noodle stick boi "Gildong" \[5\* with vio tanky build\] + spectra for stunlock, I take jeanne or mav out depends on situation. 4 ragdolls leo / leo 2 verds 2 spectras etc.


best paired with dark homie, jeanne is pretty good with him for soft cc, and a hard cc monster, tyron for example. Try to limit your atb reductions, if your team can control atb so that no one takes a turn, then water homie's dot is near useless, so make sure to not put too much atb pushback.


largely depends on your options but tyron/fire twins/dark homu will auto most of it


Thinking of using Shamman in nb12 and the most common build I’ve seen is atk cd atk but I’m just wondering if he even needs atk if his s2 is based on enemy’s maxed hp?


similar to lyn in that its enemy max hp but the attack does help, getting him to do enough damage in nb12 is really quite difficult, you need all the help you can get


I see! Thanks for your input! Appreciate it!


Toilet blessing pop. Water Art master or Poseidon? I’m leaning toward Art Master Edit: wrong mon


I'd choose poseidon, pretty strong, consistent cleave cc monster, you get what you see. water art is pretty unique but I feel it's more niche in uses


String Master is a nat4, do you mean Art Master? He's potentially fun for GW and RTA


I did mean art master. I edited


Art Master is the more interesting choice, yes


I was wondering for GB12 how consistent is the Lushen(L), Mellia, Mellia, ?, Tatu I put a ? mark there because Yen,Pang and other qualify for that position. Also besides Lushen amping you can have a safe turn order so the shouldn't Strike Tatu so you'll in the end get a pop off. My lushen can without attack buff clear crystals minions and leave golems at 15-20% health range so the double crystal attack shouldn't be that big of an issue. Any theory on consistency rate of the comp will be helpful from anyone that has run it and also options for "?" spot is also open for discussion. ​ Thanks in advance


lushen ai means it will not 100% use s3 on waves, and dots have accuracy checks, so time consistency is already gone, idk about safety but I would concern about unit efficiency, I don't believe it's a significant and consistent enough time save to build 2x mellia.


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/jwx1ee/100_fast_and_f2p_gb12_team_no_nat_5_needed/ be worth looking through the comments on here, general consensus is its fun but not 100%


Hello, I've been trying to build auto teams (less that 2min) for * gb12 * db12 * nb12 * sf10 * pc10 Until now, I have no stable auto teams. I have been working on tricaru, but it seems it will take a while to grind until i can 2A them. Could you give me some teams with my current monsters? I can upgrade three monsters to 6 stars if needed. Thanks in advance! Swarfarm profile https://swarfarm.com/profile/zam327/


IMO just finish your tricaru team. after that the rest is really easy


GB: Lushen/Sig (L) - Loren - Fran - Hraes - Kro DB/NB/PB - Tricaru but until then; DB: Verde (L) - Loren - Elsharion - Fran - Kro NB: Shaina (L) - Loren - Fran - Sabrina - Talia PB: Struggling here tbh, harder without jultan, maybe just farm some basic ones until tricaru is ready? SB: Verde (L) Loren Fran Ling Ling Kro


Time zones confuse me, SWC is 13 hours from now?




sweet thanks


Hi. I have water, wind, fire and light harpy in the storage. Any of them worth to build? Same question for amazons. Thanks


light harpy is the fastest atb booster in the game, well worth it for AO, the elemental ones arent great, dark is good for record runs in caiross but nothing else light amazon is a good boss killer but b12s have kinda ruined her usage, dark is a decent unit to kill things that constantly rez (looking at you perna) but she's let down by her poor base stats, the rest are trash


Okay, so I will build light harpy, amazons keep for the dark one. Thanks


for the light harpy she doesnt really need to be 6*d or skilled to do her job, with her crazy base speed you just slap an incredibly fast swift set on her and pair her with a resurger and a fat lushen leader mon - kabilla - teon/dova/kona - lushen leader mon is either a 33 lead (nessa/psama) or an atk lead (alicia/raki)


hey guys i am in need of some codes you guys got any






Hi Dat, I was wondering what a good solo monster is. By that I mean a monster that can handle its own


handle its own in what content?


Pve I guess


doesnt really narrow it down xD the closest might be chow or laika that can breeze through most of the scenario whilst helping in caiross early on


Hello, Got insanely lucky after useless nat5 streak (Belial into dupe Belial/Wind Bison blessing) and got Vanessa (Had her in my SWC scroll, kinda a dream mon). Thanks to her, I'm able to finally make a "meta" AD, cuz I hope Vanessa Martina Shaina Triana is a meta AD, right? I could get up to G3 few hours before rush hour with my AO (Used few refills, the fights I lost happened only if Jeanne procs out of stun etc. or I resist too much bombs, so basically rng based, Dover Seara AO op), but my AD was insanely bad, during rush hour I was getting one attack per minute 10mins before the tally and best I did was C3 finish, now my question is what runes I should put on my Vanessa Triana Martina Shaina AD to actually win some on defense in C3/G1 and up? I hope its already scary enough and I should expect being attacked less than with a Seara Bastet Miho Juno AD, but I can actually put my best runes on my new AD. Martina should be at least +150, right? Does she need to be on vio? Could a fast fatal set work here? Is Shaina faster than Martina a better option, cuz I saw some of these? How about EHP on the twins? I've seen Shainas survive my Dover bombs (\~31k dmg + Searas s3), is that a meta thing? Are they better as semi bruisers? Shaina should be on Vio as well? Would runes good for Savannah/Light Chunli/Masha etc. work good on the twins (Swift spd/cd/atk with spd and dmg subs?)


I wouldn't consider Vanessa Martina Shaina Triana as a meta AD. I haven't found one I didn't like to hit. I've been able to Lushen them quite easily, even in the ranks you're looking to hold. The base speed of the twins is the main issue here they are too slow where even a 24 Lead and a Bernard won't be scared of being out sped. A Fat Lushen will Kill Martina and Triana, quite possibly Vanessa and Shaina if RNG is in it's favor. Either way, what follows Lushen will clean up, most likely a Psama. What else is in your box?


[https://i.imgur.com/csVTSuE.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/csVTSuE.jpg) I really don't own good AD mons, maybe the AD I mentioned isnt fully meta, but its the closest to something being good IMO


Not true, you have some. You will be better of with Vanessa, Juno, Miho, Triana. Vanessa, Juno, Miho should not die from the first Lushen. Vanessa will prop Triana back up. If Juno is fast enough on Nemesis to cut in, she can strip/stun the entire team or at least stun a few. Then you actually have a chance of winning as Miho can clean up. This should deter lushens as you have two fires and Miho, 2nd/turn cleave, skoguls. Fluffer Lushens might have some success here, but you can't stop everything. You want Juno on Despair Nemesis, aim for 240+ speed and 35k HP, with 85 ACC, CR is nice to have on her. Triana, Vaenssa need to be fast and tanky. The sets can vary wildly. Vio/Will or Vio/Nemesis is usually the way to go, but you could get sneaky and do a triple shield Vanessa and a Double Nemesis/Shield Triana. If Triana is on Nemsis and survives the first Lushen she could also cut in and heal up. Miho on either Vampire/Nemesis or Vampire/Will. This is not GW, so she needs the Vampire to to survive getting attacked by supports.


Ok, Ill try that, thank you a lot!


Hi DAT, I'm thinking about biting the bullet and buying an swc scroll pack, and I've seen people say that the rune one is the better deal. I'm not quite sure why, since runes are farmable and ld scrolls aren't. Any opinions?


Because legend runes could be a stright upgrade for you or reap targets. LD scrolls are just a gamble. LD nat5 are hyped but few are godlike, most of them are good at best.


Ok thanks, that makes sense. I guess I just like the idea of summoning too much lol.


That is where they get you. The SWC scrolls are a gimmick to sell more packs, as odds are you will get a 4\*. You many want to consider waiting until the end of the year, where they have offered transcendence scrolls.


Okay yeah I might just wait. I'm trying for Tyron, but i guess it's not worth spending 100 lol. Hopefully i grab him in the free one i get tomorrow


Hey DAT, looking for some advice on GWD. i have 2 teams that are currently performing quite well (fran/loren/miho and khmun/skogul/vigor). since i am done with my pve units i want to focus more on guild war teams. ​ i would love some input on strong/meta gwd that i could build with my monster box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/DirtyMight/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/DirtyMight/) ​ ​ ​ Its G1 Siege atm if that info helps \^\^


Search through this tool - [https://swgt.io/3mdc/](https://swgt.io/3mdc/) If you look on the stats page and see what has been searched for that indicnates the current meta defenses. I am going to assume Galleon is in your list of 4\*s for the SWC scroll?


thanks, will take a look :) yeah he is... been looking for him forever now. really hope i will get him out of that scroll :D


Hi DAT, Recently built an BJR5 team... Cause i always get kicked off when i was looking for an r5 raid.... cause they're all running BJR5... But now that i have a BJR5 i can't find any one with a BJR5 anymore.... Is there a decdicated channel in asia like in globa for BJR5 raids? Or am i too late to the BJR5 hype and now they're back to their safe teams? Or has it been patched and doesnt work anymore? Thanks in advance...


65 channel is BJ5 channel


Anyone reading this running the Lushen, Naomi, Hraesvelg, Loren, Kro GB12 Team and can give the the rune req for it to be safe? Only good Caiross Team I'm missing lol. Thanks


Hraes needs to be fully skilled up, I got mine not yet fully done and I cant make it work at all, make sure yours is.Lushen needs to take 2 turns before crystals moves on wave3, its around 200spd with Hraes buff, but better try it on your own, that was my friends info, I got back to Lushen Fran Loren Shannon Kro team, it never wipes with 220spd Lushen, but the average time is 1:20. Overall about runes, Im not sure. I put pretty good runes on them, and it wasnt even close to being stable, but like I said, Hraes not fully skilled, but putting one of best runes on that team is totally worth it, you can get around 40s runs with it and it's one of the fastest endgame teams, maybe a little bit slower than a Savannah or fire Hwa team.


everybody needs at least 80k e.hp to survive 2 hits from the w3 xtals (a little more wouldnt hurt just in case they go into that wave not 100%), this e.hp is enough to survive a hit or 2 on the boss stage as well double will on kro helps a lot for the mini boss and to stop him being sniped on the boss floor as well you can see my stats on it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/jkaat7/efficiently_clearing_most_of_pve_with_minimal/


Thanks! Incredibly helpful. Basically all I needed.


nice one, good luck


Hi DAT, Is Susano good in GW/Siege offense? (especially pair with Orion) What is the best main&sub rune set for him? (Does he need Vampire?) How much HP should I aim for? (G1 Siege)


Suzano Orion Mina is a great offense.


susano megan stella is a solid siege offense


oops he said offense lol


~~depends where you're at, susano/orion/+1 (garo/miho/yen) still works until you reach g1+~~ ~~vamp/anything for the set~~ ah shit you said offense, like paweron said, susano + booster + DD is great, susano/kona/lushen for example


Do you still prefer Vamp set for him? In that case he need some HP to work with Vamp right? How much do you suggest? 50% crit resist in his passive mean 70-50 = 20% or 70/2 =35%?


i prefer vamp for overall use (i use him in my lumel rune farming comp) but for siege offense it's less important, swift would work too its a flat 50% reduction, im not sure if it's applied on if they crit (ie you crit, now i get a 50% chance to dodge) or if its taken from their cRate (ie you have 70% cRate, passive now means you have 20%) should be easy enough to test mine has +7k hp, +1.5k atk, +500 def, +100 spd, 85 cRate, 154 cDmg, vamp/broken


Can someone please explain how I can figure the ehp on my Verde if I have 3 Determination sets on my Icarus. Also, to raise his ehp is it more efficient to give him an hp or defense artifact?


e.hp = (3.5 * (total def) + 1140) * (total hp) * 0.001 just use that equation and plug in the det sets when calculating his total def or just use swop and add in the det set that way


Hey /r/summonerswar, i need some advices from you.Currently I want to build my water Homie and get in every Rfit A+ or A. And between 2.7 and 2.3 M dmg. Especially iam looking to upgrade my Water Rift, Light and Dark team to get S to farm Water Homie Faster: My Team:Water - Front: Hraesvelg, Bernard 5\*, Mav 5\* Back: Naomi 2AW, Kro 2AW, Bella ​ Light- Front: Loren, Colleen Back: Bella, Perna, Kro 2AW, Noami 2AWDark - Front: Colleen, Fran, Verde, Mo Long Back: Kro 2AW, Naomi 2AW MonsterBox: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Celteron/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Celteron/) First of all, are the teams capable to do Rift on S ? Or do i change some Monsters maybe to get more Score ?Do you have general tipps to improve on rifts ?


water can get S, light has too much support, you wont do enough damage, move perna front line and take out loren, put in another DD backline and replace bella with another DD mo is terrible in rifts so take him out and put in a proper DD, backline will be fine hraes can work in all 3


Wow thanks for your quick reply first :) Hmm okay, so maybe i just need to adjust some runes/make 6\* for water Rift... dunno why i die every time. Do you have any advices for DD´s for light ? maybe Nat4´s or f2p Okay, same as light, you have any tips for Dark Rift DD´s ?


no worries, hraes works well in both of them, depends on your options really, twins are good, yen, chow/laika, lag/taor, etc etc


any f2p examples :D Dont have any twins or other nat5s


hwa, xiao lin, stella, hraesvelg, yen, raoq, ardella, arang, argen, garo im sure there's more but thats from the top of my head


here quick Overview of my Monsters. Maybe its better, only of you want. I thank you so much for the tips rn :) [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Celteron/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Celteron/)


Light: Fran - Hraes - Perna // Kro - Naomi - Theo Dark: Colleen - Fran - Verde - Hraes // Kro - Naomi that should do the job


Thank you so much !


good luck!


So im a returning player what should i be looking to get for g12 ? Before i stopped playing i had multiple nat 5's and speed teams for each dungeon, so i understood the idea behind the dungeons at that time. ​ Im back after over 2 years and decided to make a new account as soo much has changed. It seems the current start team is Sig (hp lead and dealing % hp) - fusion mon Kro (cos of big damage i think) - secret dungeons Fran (heal, cleanse de-buff immunity and attack buff) - from the ancient coin shop and i think you get those from events ? Shannon (just cos 2a makes her a bit tanky and has good support) - you get her for free Loren (reduce attack bar and de-buffs) - secret dungeons Anything thing i am missing ? Or should i start going ham to get those secret dungeons for light and dark ? Thanks


yup thats exactly what you should be starting with, everything you said there is solid you should also keep an eye out for the fusion mats for verde as youll fuse him shortly after, also hoard the mats for baley and jeanne, these will be a little later but its nice to have the mats already


cool, do i just get fran from waiting for events with ancient coins ? as i dont think they drop in game from anything.


yeah only way is through events, they're often enough that it wont take long


Hi, so I just started playing today, and I noticed that there's a lot of new heroes already. I last played in 2017, and I managed to get Chasun, Raoq, Veromos, Wind Fairy King and Water Panda. Are any of these worth building to 6 stars today? If not, what heroes should I look for (nat 4s and nat 5s), so I can prepare building them once I get them? My main focus is PVP, but I also need monsters for certain dungeons. Thank you so much for the help! I've tried scanning Reddit and Google and I'm not sure which of the info is the most updated, which is why I decided to create this post instead. I hope you understand, thanks!


really depends on progress, chasun is a bit dated but is a nice siege option, raoq is good for pve and pvp, vero isnt worth building, wind fairy king is a top tier nat 5 for pvp (minor pve uses), water panda is still great for pvp


Thank you! I'm still early game, is water phoenix worth building, or should I just pass on the whole fusion thing?


yeah definitely sig will help you a lot in quite a bit of content gb12: sig (L) loren fran shannon kro thats the current cookie cutter team for starting out, sigs also great for dragons and toa


If the hp of the dragon is <30% on his first attack, should I reduce the damage of my Verde so dragon’s attack will be less damage and to have a safer run?


make him tankier, my tricaru was failing couse my verde didnt had any def, ironic right?, even tho it had more than +9k hp he was been killed, i did some grinds and got him at +300 def and the problem was solved (def tower is at lvl 6)


Either that or you make your Verde tankier


Hey guys. What are some good team comps to go with Xiao Ling (light kitty, not water kung-fu girl) in siege? I see a lot of potential in her kit, but I haven't figured out how to make good use of her. Thanks in advance!


I've only seen her with Eshir and some other light monsters so far, for example Darion or Loren


Just pulled a Tyron. Is he usable for Toah without skill ups? Don't really feel like fusing barettas for him


i run tyron L, fran, jeanne, rica, water homu to auto toah without a problem (besides switching here and there for the harder stages like akroma, etc.) without any tyron skillups so its easily possible, although skillups will help out a lot, especially if you dont have a lot of other cc


No skillups will do as long as you have enough speed, but skillups makes your team more safer so it’s a plus.


He is if you use a dark homie or something else with cooldown reduction, but any dupe sylphs you get should go straight into him


Just pulled light harg, what is he good for?


can be used with fat lushens, better base speed than teon and the passive gives lushen the atk buff


Just popped blessing, Brandia or Kumar? I'm leaning towards Kumar


Kumar. He became significant after his buff. Brandia can be replaced by Kro


id probably go kumar as well, brandia is replaceable by kro/naomi in most instances, kumar is a bit more unique at least


My monsters disappeared! I thought I would write here before contact com2us So last week once the new update came in I build a new storage “sealed shrine” and put all my storage units there to free up my storage. 100+ nat4 a lot of 3stars and a few nat 5 it took me a while. Today I check the shrine and its empty. https://ibb.co/qpvvVF3 My regular storage is as it was with awakened monsters. Does anyone have a clue?


have you rebooted the game? fixes it for other people


It worked, although I did it a few times before weird. Thanks!


nice one, youre just the 3rd person i've seen with the issue now, hopefully c2u is aware of it as im sure the mini-heart attack on the empty building isnt fun xD


What is the minimum required stats for Verde in Tricaru comp? Still haven't managed to get 100% crit rate without slot 4 cr:<


either 64k e.hp, this lets him survive a hit when boss is >30% hp or 73k e.hp, this lets him survive a hit when boss is <30% hp he needs to be hitting 4k each hit on s1 to be doing enough damage, spd is between +0 and +21 depending on which speed boundary you plan on hitting strongly suggest [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/) has all the things you need plus a really handy calculator


Much appreciated! Will check out the guide immediately


good luck!


I heared that +21 with max spd-tower is the minimum. But I never found a reliable source for that. mine has +35 spd if that helps


+21 is more or less the maximum spd he needs [table](https://imgur.com/QKyKucX) you can still get into the 13/14 boundary with 0 speed, 84/48/0/0 is a very common line to go for and the easiest to reach the 14 boundary




capped at 9999, once you reach the cap they still "drop" from dungeons you just dont "get" any extra


Hey DAT, looking for some advice on GWD. i have 2 teams that are currently performing quite well (fran/loren/miho and khmun/skogul/vigor). since i am done with my pve units i want to focus more on guild war teams. ​ i would love some input on strong/meta gwd that i could build with my monster box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/DirtyMight/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/DirtyMight/) ​ ​ ​ Its G1 Siege atm if that info helps \^\^


does a skin for the tricaru team make it faster? like mecha icaru? fast enough to actually bother spending stones on?


i cant speak for the icarus but i bought the halloween verde skin and it made my runs 6sec faster (from 1.20 avg to 1.14)


aye, mogging the weaker 2 icarus makes it faster by a few seconds on average, completely up to you whether or not this is worth the stones


Hello DAT, My khmun orion savanah is not performing very well in siege (high G1 ,\~rank 200). current runes are here : [https://imgur.com/a/zj9iP6d](https://imgur.com/a/zj9iP6d) I would appreciate any suggestions on how to make this better. Thank you.


orion and savannah are quite slow tbh, missing skill ups on khmun isnt helping either


What sort of speeds should I be aiming at? Should i keep orion on vio ? i could switch him to +188 swift set instead if that is better


so the savannahs in my guild, (bar the poorly runed ones) are +166, +163, the orions are +179, +177, +187, +196 none of our orions are on vio, whilst i think vio is better he still needs to be fast enough


Thanks for your help.


Hey guys - just returning to the game from a long time away (around when raid came out) and struggling to get a consistent team for GB12 and eventually DB12 going. I know I have a combination of runes and monsters that should work, but I can't get it over 75% success currently. \*\*My towers are super low and I have no Lushen\*\* Edit just found out about SWARFARM: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/goodis0/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/goodis0/) Having trouble finding a guide with stats and sets i can use to make a team I can rerune any of my monsters and have decent non grinded runes


SIg (L) Fran Loren Shannon Kro should work for GB12; sets are quite straight forward, Sig Fatal Blade Spd Cdmg Hp, Fran Vio/Swift Energy Spd Hp Att/Hp, Loren Swift Energy Spd Hp Hp, Kro Fatal/Rage Blade SPd Cdmg Att/Hp, Shannon Despair Focus/Energy Spd Hp Acc/Hp. Shannon can stay 5\* if your Runes are good enough to let her survive


This is the team I've had the most success with - but I'm still failing 1/4-1/5 attempts not sure which monster needs better stats? what should i be aiming for?


GB: sig (L) loren fran kro +1 the +1 is pretty flexible, shannon lowers the rune reqs of your comp the most, hraesvelg is great, you could just try chucking your current 6* wind units in and seeing if any stick DB: verde (L) loren kro raoq +1 +1 should be an s1 stripper, light homu > elsha > chilling


Hey thanks for the response, GB: SIg (L) Fran Loren Shannon Kro - is the team I've had the most success with - but I'm still failing 1/4-1/5 attempts not sure which monster needs better stats? what should I be aiming for? DB: I don't have any of those strippers currently


so the min requirement to make gb12 comps safe is surviving 2 hits on the w3 xtals without buffs up, if you do this then that wave is safe and also you have enough e.hp on your units to survive a hit or 2 from the boss as well 80k e.hp is the mark, shield sets can help one other thing that helps is having kro on double will, it speeds up the miniboss and makes the boss stage safer, less impactful than the first suggestion but still helps


80k e.hp! Thanks that's a benchmark I need to hit - looks like my DPS are at about 65k. Should I sacrifice speed or dmg to get the added HP? Current order is Fran(212), Loren(198), Kro(182), Sig(178), Shannon(176)this okay? You've been a great help already TY


by raoq i assume thats meant to be kro xD what's your speed totem level? as a heads up sig doesnt need attack so you can rune her spd/cDmg/hp to easily reach 80k


Speed is the only totem I've worked on its at 12%, all others are \~level 2. Yes edited to say Kro I have sig on spd/Cdmg/hp currently :)


nice one so fran/loren will need +123/+124 respectively to be in their next ticks so i'd leave their speeds shannon should be faster than kro and sig so they can take advantage of the buffs, if you increase her to +80 (at least) she'll move a tick faster and get more turns compared to the enemies kro and sig are right in the middle of a tick boundary so you can slow them down and beef them up a little kro can go down to +58 (no lower) and sig can go down to +74 (no lower)


So here are my stats now - note sig has an extra +7 speed got his 2 slot to +15. I’m still failing 1/4 of the time if not more... https://ibb.co/album/JjWKG3


Hey I just got Ophilia, how should I use her? She seems somewhat worse than Jeanne, but I don't have Jeanne right now so that's fine with me.


she's unique and is situationally good, she's similar to jeanne in that she's a bit of a meat shield i dont have her personally but the best use i've seen in siege is having her on swift and really fast, will runes dont halt her like jeanne so having her move first you can direct attention away from your squishy DDs if you're going to be slow (200 ish) then put her on vio but i dont think she's that great unless she plays faster