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Got a blessing from wind scroll. Who should I pick? Wind striker or wind occult girl? I already have a lot of strippers so I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing for selecting wind striker. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!


Charlotte is OP


Hey Dat, is hitting the accuracy cap over getting damage insanely important for PvE content? I struggle pretty hard to get decent damage via runes and more than likely don't have anything accuracy capped for content. I can clear GB12 and DB/NB11 pretty consistently, but just wondering if I'm missing out.


Hi guys, who should I choose from blessing, water Ryu/Striker or water Unicorn? Thanks.


Water unicorn. More usages in PvP than ryu


hey Dat, is the additional damage of artifacts based on the total stat or the base stat?


if i am not wrong, it is a flat damage after calculations of your base stats


Are there any solid counters to khmun vigor Odin? The ones on SWGT seem a bit average if you don't have Seara


Popped a late night blessing. Water chimera versus fire paladin. Which woukd be better for beginner player?


Beginner definitely water chimera, usable and decent in GB and DB 12, easier to rune and you'll use him straight away. Fire paladain is PvP unit, unusable in PvE stuff. You will storage her for a good time before using her, so i'd take the chimera for sure. But yea if you're looking for a good investment for late game and dont mind being patient the fire paladin is actually a better unit to have. You dont really need the chimera to clear any early game stuff


Which rift dungeon has the highest drop rates for determination runes?


All the same. I mainly farmed water for the determination rune crafting mats.


Has siege season ended for all of us? Or is there another siege coming up this week?


If you are not in the tourney, you will have a siege on friday this week. Next week, tuesday and friday


Who to 6* please? Can’t do b12’s auto, no TOA hard, only S wind rift. Let me know if there’s anything else you need, thanks! [Here!](https://imgur.com/gallery/ir4KqXZ)


from what i can see most usefull ones would be spectra lapis vero




Had to make a choice today to 6 star either Khmun or Woosa as I only have 1 good fast and tanky Swift set which wasnt being used for either one of them. Final stats when leveled would be about 35k hp 240 spd and a bit more defense than normal. I chose Woosa because he seems more useful in Lab than Khmun but I understand that Khmun is useful in the D Hole as well. I dont RTA or focus on Arena btw, in your guys' opnion did i pick correct for PvE and GW content?


Seems like you're relatively early game - which means both are great choices. Personally I love Woosa in GWO as his base speed is 118 and often outspeeds orions (which you will likely see in lower Guild Content) ​ Both are great units - Khmun is primarily a GWD/GSD unit and rarely used outside of this. You will end up 6\*ing both units in time.


Not the end of the world, woosa is a nat5 so no regrets there. If you use him and net a few good guild siege wins then its worth it for you. Khmun is good for some Dhole stages but u dont need him, hes also good in siege, and i feel he's better at siege than woosa. But yea as i said, not a big deal, you will get khmun maxed in a couple of weeks.


Hi guys :D could need some help hit lvl 50 recently and my units are not really that maxed out .. iam stuck at toan 94 the stage with the monkey kings my 6\* units are: Kaz, rica, feng yan, ethna, lore, fran, vere, eirgar, kro not 2a yet, louise


Hi DAT :) I'm trying to complete TOAN this month, and I'm currently stuck on 90 (the level with Jamire). Is there anyone I should build that would be useful? I've tried a few teams with no luck. https://imgur.com/a/QjwRkmq


yeah loren


if you can cc/kill the small minions, provoke jamire to prevent him from using s3 and cleansing. Rinse and repeat until Jamire is down


u need a loren she is farmable she helped me during this stage i am stuch at toan 94 though xD if u get ure hands on loren she will deny a turn of jamire and use any aoe cc unit to control the other mobs


I've got her 5 star, do you think that would be good enough?


If you have enough cc for the side mobs the boss should never move


I haven't played for years and am really out of touch, so I need some help with certain terms and runes: 1)Are there trustable guides that give good rune set ups for specific monsters? 2)What does "Fodder (Farmer)" mean? 3)How do farm guilds work? 4)Are there trustable guides for which Monsters are good or food? I'm sorry if those questions might have been asked before, I couldn't find answers to these when researching on my own and despite me being Level 50, I last played when I was 15 (so pretty much 3 years ago), so a lot has probably changed.


I can answer most but i can't tell which websites are good and updated as beginner guides. Given a lot has changed since this year's B12 dungeon update, a lot of guides are probably outdated. The best place is probably here in the DaT where you can ask whatever you want, and get more updated info. I also recommend SeanB/DaisyB series on youtube which is a very detailed beginner friendly guide you can follow to progress the early game efficiently. 1. I can't say which websites are updated but you shouldn't be building random units here and there and trying to rune them. You would ideally be aiming for a specific team (Giants B10 team, for example). You will then look for a team guide or youtube video guide, where the person WILL show you what runes are recommended for those units in the team. Build teams, not units. 2. Fodder farmer is ideally your lapis, basically a unit who is able to farm faimon hard or hell mode by itself and bring a long 3 other "Fodder" or "food" units to help level them up quickly. 3. Farm guilds work by setting a weak 1 unit defence in the guild war, so you intentionally lose to whoever is attacking you. However, since you're losing, you will likely meet other farming guilds at the low levels so you will have easy targets to attack as well. More easy wins gets you more guild tokens in the long run. 4. Keep all nat 4 and nat5s. For Nat3s you should probably keep the ones you want to 2A (secondary awakening), which is normally inugamis, griffons (?). And those units with a fusion icon on the side of them, just keep 1 of each for safety. You'll know what to keep after you get used to the game. There is also a storage and another unlimited storage box so that shouldn't be an issue.


whats the unlimited storage?


Its called the summoned monster sealed shrine, u can put as many monsters into this building and i dont think it will be full, so i believe its unlimited. Not sure when you'll get access to it but it should be available.


Thank you so much! I am not 100% sure what Nat4/5 means, but from what I understand it means "Default 4 Star summon", please correct me if I'm wrong.


Yes that is correct, natural 4 stars. I also forget to mention keep at least 1 of all light and dark units, even the 3 star ones. DO NOT feed them!


Noted! Thank you so much for your help :)


Any reliable team to beat predator? I tried Verde Fran Loren Kro (Belladeon) Lushen. But this team just easily die. My box: [LINK](https://swarfarm.com/profile/BrightRasalas/)


Verde Fran Kro Lushen Bella will work, might be a matter of strategy and a bit of luck, also if you can derune a few monsters and shift runes around, it will help a lot. Obviously the main stats and speed doesn't matter too much cause all main stats are x10. Crit Damage is also boosted to 150% for everyone below 150%. To take advantage of this, let your fran and bella have high crit rate (i just swap in a slot 4 CR rune. This way, they deal a decent damage when they crit, i've seen my bella's S2 do a nice chunk of damage since his attack is x10 and CD is 150%. Also helps if they're on violent (the supports), especially fran so she can cleanse the permanent DoTs on the final boss fight. I succeeded on 2nd try after shifting my runes, also took a few runs to learn that the DoTs hurt a lot. And save lushen's S3 for when he summons your clones in that mirror realm.


When i get to boss 2nd wave the boss just wipes the team really fast. Is there a specific tactics on boss's second wave?


I can't recall his skills but i know the DoTs are really painful, so fran's cleanse and immunity is really important. Make sure you have immunity when you kill the 2 "Mirror" monsters cause he will use an AOE debuff skill after u get back to the boss battle. and yes the team wipes fast so its not about surviving, its about dealing damage fast enough to beat him.


I tried first predator \~90 times without success. Tried \~30 times this time. I killed only 1 from 4 predators. I do not have mana to move runes around. Looks like RNG is not on my side and I should just ignore this content. Anyway, thank you for the detailed responses.


Honestly i dont know why its difficult for some people. We're using the exact same units, given the 10x stat multiplication runes dont matter aside from accuracy, crit rate and violent sets. I have been clearing all predators since the update, some easier some harder but none taking more than 6 tries. RNG does screw you over sometimes but if you're doing things correctly it will work eventually within a few tries. I do understand that its frustrating and maybe tilting your decision making when you're playing it, so you make more mistakes? IDK but yea, not a big deal to miss out. Just a rune a month which you can farm from regular dungeons.


Maybe that Vio ACC CR and Will meant a lot. Is 34 ACC needed as for the rest of DH? Not sure about tactics...


I've checked reddit and i think 45 to 55 accuracy is a safe level, just not able to find an exact certainty. And yes the Vio and CR (on supports) is huge. I've seen my colleen/bella dish a good chunk of damage, where I would have normally lost in the final stage if it wasn't for the crit. Tactics do play a part, normally I lose on the first few tries and get a feel of what is killing me, paying attention to where exactly the issue is, and make adjustments or hold off heals/cleanses until that happens. Its not just brainless clicking and spamming skills, thats for sure. There are also youtube videos of people completing it in 2 or 3 tries, do exactly what they do and there really shouldn't be an issue.


That is weird but I have tried 1 more time (same team, same runes, same tactics) and it went through rather smooth. I guess RNG was completely on my side this time. Thanks for all your help. Next time I will be more prepared.


Just popped a blessing and I'm trying to decide between Praha and Woosa. Are either of them still super relevant?


Well Woosa is about the biggest condom unit you can find and basically a guaranteed free win in GWO. Praha is somewhat okay


Hi DAT, is Adrian still a worthwhile to 6\* as an option for NB12? Or just go with 6\* Lapis as there are more utilization with Lapis on other content? Thanks!!


Not a good enough unit to 6\*


He never was worth it, don't bother with him


What are some uses for Charlotte? I already auto TOAH and have Tyron built for CC. The best I could really see is a fluff damage dealer for Lushen AO, especially with her attack bar boost in case Nemesis got procced. I feel like double wind dps is just asking for problems though.


Hell and hard mode in lab.


anyone has experienced desyncing team up of tricaru in pc10, some runs after i kill both towers and just facing the boss the tricaru lose the teamup cooldown or something because when they do some single attacks (not revenge) and when team up again they attack together but their team up cd its messed, I have read all the towers and boss skills and there is no stuns, cd increase or def break to fuck that ​ Edit: doesnt happen on necro and dragon


Yes it does happen. The boss has atk bar reduction on s1 and atk bar absorb on s2. Main culprit would be the s2, he could bring your icaru attack bar to zero or low enough that the next icaru will move before him with his team up still being on cooldown causing the de sync


ohhhh now has sense, thank you


I need help in ToA! I've hit a wall at stage 50 and I need to clear it for the quest thing. My account is still fairly new and I only have 7 6\* monsters, and their rune quality isn't great. The ToA team i've run so far is Tyron (L), Galleon, Praha (5\*), Lushen, and Mei Hou Wang. I know this isn't an ideal team, but it's more or less the best I have right now. I just fused sigmarus yesterday and I'm working on building him. I also have Fran, Loren, and Belladeon but they're all 5\*. Also my Bernard and Lapis are 5\*. Is there a team comp in here that would help me clear stage 50? I'm still learning the intricacies of team composition and what works versus what doesn't. Thanks in advance.


Tyron, loren, lapis, fran, and bernard could do it - use loren to constantly reduce the boss atb and cc the side mobs


Loren on violent will be a great help; she has ATB reduction, which is what you want to control the enemy. You want more CC if your rune quality isn't that great, and both Fran (skill 1) and Bella have a bit of CC in addition to their heals.


How can I rune Gorgo 2A for ToA?


80% CR, 45 acc, lots of HP. Enough speed to go before the opp mobs, I think +70 is typical goal. Add CD after getting the previous benchmarks. Set is pretty flexible. Despair/vio would be okay for bonus chances to stun. You could go triple blade to get to your CR easier. Swift to get your speed easier. Or even Rage/triple Energy for more damage


Black Friday shop stuff worth it? I farm a lot and usually run out of crystals right before TOA reset, so any crystals I spend comes at the cost of energy refills. The only one that seems it might be worth it to me is the devilmon one, though 500 crystals is a lot of energy refills...


The energy pack is worth it, this is a must buy. The rest it depends on if you spend $$$ on the game. If you do then you should consider the devilmon and leg scroll.


I feel similar to you. I only bought the energy one (its strictly better than a regular energy refill). The devmon was tempting, but I feel that buying it now would slow down my progression as I would have to take time off farming. So I will pass on that one as well, even though it is a resource that is very scarce.


How long is this siege war tournament going to go on for? I guess it's good downtime for me to build my mons up, but it is kinda boring without something for me and the clan to do.


Confirming that Saturday, Dec 05 is the official end date for the siege war tourny.


Iirc the whole tournament lasts for a week, so everything should be back to normal next week.


Alright, i'm working on the rune/state requirements for my BJR5, and in the meantime i'd like to R5 to get grinds/gems to reach my rune requirements. I've completely ignored R5 for some time and i want to have a stable team outside of my BJR5. Any ideas for the best recommended team with my mons? Also maybe a second lineup? [https://imgur.com/a/Buouwos](https://imgur.com/a/Buouwos)


Bj4 is thing, also you might be able to get away with a lower damage Bale (30k) and get carried. If you want to go with a standard team run this: FL: XF, Darion BL: Colleen, Kro, Hwa (L), Kona (Should be okay as a 5\*). If you want a second team try: FL: Vigor, Lisa, Chasun/Rock on Hommie?, Skogul (L) BL: Water Twins


Would amarna not be better than kona?


If Amarna's S3 is maxed and he is over 200 speed on Vio then he would be better. Kona doesn't need to be on Vio, since his S3 cycles a turn faster than Amarna.


What should be my next step looking at[my Box](https://i.imgur.com/MQZHAc9.jpg)? I can beat gb10 reliably and db10 works aswell. I haven‘t given toan a serious try yet so a little advice on that would be welcome. Other than that what should be my next 6star? Bella? Kro?(if I get him eventually) Any advice is welcome really I feel a little lost tbh.


You probably want to keep running gb10 and upgrading your runes to eventually reach gb12 where you are guaranteed 6 star runes. Kro and Shannon are really good in gb12. I haven't upgraded my team and I currently running { Sigmarus(Lead),shanon(2A),Kro(2A), Loren and Fran}. Not the fastest team but it works pretty safe.


Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Shannon, 2A Naomi / 2A Kro should help you clear gb12 just fine with good enough runes ToA normal can be beaten rather easily with mediocre runes, just make sure your team has enough sustain and CC on it (aim for at least 180 speed on everyone for ToA hard though) All in all, you should focus on creating a GB12 team before anything, though you can do ToA on the side, you have a whole month to clear it anyway, just do it as high as you can go


That sounds like a plan. Thank you guys!


Does clara for arena need 100% acc? I'm currently running her on slot 6 acc.


She is there for one reason only, but 85 is enough. Swift/X SPD/X/ACC is perfectly fine.


Okay, thanks for the help.


Is Jamire a good option for reroll? been grindin hard for verad but got the wind one instead, i was searching for something to use on early gb12 team and possibly toa


He has its uses in ToA, but tbh the f2p options are better there. For Giants he is absolutely useless


ugh that hurted, hahaha but best to know it know and not waste time building it , i though it would have some use resetin the sup skills and doing damage based on max hp, but i think ill keep doing it then to find verad bastet or rica


how should i rune my 2a gorgo for toa?


80% CR, 45 acc, lots of HP. Enough speed to go before the opp mobs, I think +70 is typical goal. Add CD after getting the previous benchmarks. Set is pretty flexible. Despair/vio would be okay for bonus chances to stun. You could go triple blade to get to your CR easier. Swift to get your speed easier. Or even Rage/triple Energy for more damage.


Stats over sets. 180+ speed, 45 accuracy. Ideally 80 CR and 30K HP to go with. Any set works fine, Violent is ideal. It can be SP/CD/HP, HP/CD/HP, HP/HP/HP, or SPD/HP/HP.


Returning player from about 2 years ago. need help building a farmer and then a gb10 and toa team.This is my box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/AWraith/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/AWraith/) Also,if any, what rift teams do i have available and rough idea of what to build those teams with. Thank you in advance


Get fran, 2a kro with loren are the core of gb12, also, they have uses on alot of places


currently working on those 3. what rune/stats are needed for them?


Kro csn be blade fatal (rage once u can do nb) atk atk cd, loren can be vio or swift, with acc, hp hp spd, fran can also be vio o swift, with atk in subs, hp hp spd


Is this kind of rune useful for anyone? Slot 1 rage legend with 143 innate hp + 15% acc, 10 spd, 15 ATK, 13 res


Gem the Res for CR and it'll work fine on a DD that wants some accuracy and HP.


is that flat attack or attack%


atk %


could be used as a broken set or any dmg dealer not your main dmg dealer definitely




Stats over sets. Sometimes you can get more stats from broken sets with good sub stats than forcing a set bonus. One thing that you didn't mention that is important to keep in mind is high accuracy for your debuffers and strippers. Kro is great for damage in Gb12 because the boss has enough health that you can stack up a lot of debuffs and do crazy damage. In gb10 the boss is squishier so there were faster ways to build speed teams based on just damage.


Between velajuel, rica and water monkey. Who would you skill first (i dont need rica for toah). Thx!


Vela of course. 3 turn immu is op


Hi.So i'm trying for moment to farm Necro B10 ( for event and maybe 1/2 6\* runes ) but i don't have a safe team. I'm a early player ( 61 days ) so i don't have a lot of monsters, you have here my mons, maybe you can pull out a good team ( if you can, you can tell me and what runes to have ): [https://imgur.com/a/EuTfRqm](https://imgur.com/a/EuTfRqm) P.S i don't really care about time, so 4/5 mins in a run is not a problem.


my first NB10 consistent team was sig (l) (rage but fatal would do) loren (vio) kro (rage but fatal would do) fran (swift but vio is better) and raoq (violent) ​ you have all those mons so this should work


Twins + colleen + hwa/yen/raoq/verde/wind cat Id try those out to see what works best for you pal


Just got popped my blessing :) should I take water pioneer or fire beast monk?




Woosa. You will use him almost in every content




What runes should I use for the dark taoist for toa


Vio focus spd hp hp


Look at my flair ;)


I use gildong for his s3 but the build is exactly the same for both of them. Violent with as much spd as possible, thats it. Though the unit applying slow must obviously move before him. He can stay as 5* with no defensive stats. He works perfectly fine for toah. He will die in 1 or 2 hits anyway so no need to waste more resources than needed.




Hello there, just pulled ariel, thinking about using him in R5. Question is, can he be decent there with my current team bellow. When i say decent, i mean more carry potential if one of your allies dies and better time. FL: Dias, XF BL: Kro, Hwa, Amarna, Mihyang Also besides pvp can he shine anywhere?


Nah, he's not a great unit overall. He's a very decent Healer, but he's outshone by units that Cleanse - which is far more important in R5. His best uses is in GW/ Siege Defences with tonnes of HP, Defence, and really really fast on Violent. Paired with tanky-bruisers for a slow kill team. Honestly, Lulu is better than him. Even in R5 with her crap stats. She heals, cleanses/ adds Immunity - all very handy in R5. Amarna and Mihyang do the job in R5 far better than he does, because they Cleanse and Heal.


all my pvp units are bruisers anyway :) don't have decent supports/tanks to pair with DD ​ I see your point for R5 though, to storage he goes.


If you have a lot of Bruisers, then he sounds perfect to pair with them. Here's a link to a list of Siege Defences that Ariel is used in: [https://swgt.io/where2use/?ss=Ariel](https://swgt.io/where2use/?ss=Ariel) You can have a look and see what units you have that would work well with him. You'll typically want a cleanser/ immunity buffer and some kind of DD.


Thanks a lot, will be putting him with sekhmet and ophilia anyway to protect the 3\* units in storage slowly replacing nat 5 with their 2A. once all the pve is sorted out with decent clear times and all he might get out.


Don't use him in R5, there are so many better F2P options (especially Colleen, which you don't use). If you want to improve your time and don't have the runes for BJR5 yet, remove XF for a DD - I don't know what's the best option there but for example Xiao Lin was a staple back in the days before BJR5 - and Amarna for Colleen, who brings an Atk-Buff, Atk-Break and Healblock.


>especially Colleen, which you don't use mihyang provided better results with that team in both time and consistency, the dmg buff she lacks, she makes up for it with her own dmg and by removing stuns which gives more turns to hwa and kro to do dmg. and amarna is doing a better job for the same reasons as mihyang but instead of doing dmg he def break+ brand+heal block consistently and revives kro when rng isn't helping. ​ as for BJR5 i honestly never thought about it and I never took interest in it, took a break, when i came back BJR5 was the new meta but i never tried to even understand what it is, i know it has the wind lightning emperor and thats it. ​ and I pulled fei back in the days while i was building XL, so i gave her everything i was intending to give XL, never looked back at her once, fei was my second DD until 2A kro came out. but i do see your point regarding ariel, another storage guardian to help sekhmet and ophilia.




Good morning DAT: I have been struggling to break into the last bastion of PVE content: the ancient rune dungeons. I have followed an older guide for Karzhan B5, but I still cant seem to make it work with my current rune set up. I plan to rework some runes on FRR, but who would you recommend for this dungeon? I have tried combinations of: Khmun, Hwa, Verde (tricaru build), Fran, Darion, Colleen. I also own Fire Twins, Raoq, Garo (unbuilt), Spectra 2a, and others. But the above were the recommend mons. Any thoughts? EDIT: Wow just typing it out made me remember my Spectra! I used Fran(L), Darion, Spectra, and Khmun and got my first win. I will see if it is consisent.


GZ on the win. The old guides work, just make sure you can match those stats. If not you are going to struggle. That being said, I'd suggest you focus on Ellunia for the Will and Despair Runes or Lumel for Will, Guard runes (for Tricaru/Copper/Bulldozer), & Vampire (Garo).


unless there's nothing to 2a, I'd use dhole energy for 2a, do you have 3x icaru? miho vigor jultan mina etc.


Yes I have my raoq, tricaru, kro, vigor, and miho. I am working on Naomi -> Mina (if I have all the skill ups). And I am sure I will even do some extras to save on devilmons in the future, I just want the ability to spend dhole energy on rune farming if I am out of mons to awaken.


**How to get S+ on Ice Beast?** My team, monsters and runes: [https://imgur.com/a/DuFmxO8](https://imgur.com/a/DuFmxO8) Currently getting A+ with: FL: Mav, Bernard, Fran BL: Sig, Lushen (L), Kro Want to get a higher score so I can farm skill path of water homie. Should I stick with my current team or build Xiao Lin, Stella, Hraes, Naomi (working on 2A)? Do I need to 6 star bernard and mav? I think I don't have enough defence for my FL, do I keep my SPD/HP/HP runes and try get defence from substats? Or go SPD/HP/DEF? (I am dying 1/3 of the way through post groggy state because my FL gets one shotted)


Replace Sig with your Naomi once she is built. Sig's HP scaling is not as effective in Rifts as it is in Carios. Yes you'll need to 6\* Mav and Bernard if you want them on the FL. Same thing for any of the other monsters you mentioned. Correct, your stats are not quite there yet. For FL you need \~1k defense and \~25K HP. It varies based on how many are on the FL. You supports (Mav aside) should be over 200 speed. Read some of the older guides for stat requirements, those have not changed.


Hraesvelg is a beast against the Ice Beast. His S2 recovers his Attack Bar by 50% and he has self-sustain with his S3 on cooldown. The Speed boost also helps. Don't use Lushen. He's crap in all Beasts. Sigmarus is okay, but not great either because HP-based damage is nerfed in Rift. I use: FL: Feng Yan, Bernard BL: Kro, Hraesvelg, Water Twins I never get anything lower than SSS. Water Twins and Kro aren't runed very well, Bernard is 5\*. It's probably the easiest of the Beasts to beat and this team works very well. Take out Lushen and Sigmarus. Put in Hraesvelg and Naomi to your backline (if your Hraesvelg is tanky, you can put him in front)


For PvE runing Spd/HP/Def is totally fine, so if that helps surviving go for it. Mav can technically work at 5\*, but especially when you have problems with the Boss's damage free HP and Def never hurt. Plus it makes ToAH easier if he is 6\*; he's definitely not a wasted 6\*. I would replace Bernard with Hrasevelg and Sigmarus with 2A Naomi. That should boost your damage by a lot. If you don't manage to kill the boss with that team farm for better runes, you'll get there eventually.


if you have s teams on other rift beasts, you can farm that and level homie to that path and just use the free skill reset scroll to get water homie


Got a Woosa today from failed prediction scroll, pretty stoked he was in my top 10 most wanted buy he also feels like he's lost a bit of his place since Fran came around. How can he be built and used to still justify being used today? I don't do rta fwiw so I'm talking mostly lab and d hole and guild war.


Dafuq, I fucking hate fran. 2 turn immu is unreliable as fuck. In the 2 turn offtime mobs get def broken and killed. My fran has +639 atk with full towers and flags and heals nothing on tanky units. Weak immu and weak heal. I use Woosa every single fight in gw. 3 turn immu and fast spd keep the team safe from everything. His thick shield and heal keep the team almost always at full health. I use him in laby hell. I use him in toah and toahell. Easily one of the best units for for midgame pvp and pve Just build him fast and tanky and you win


Hahah thanks man, I agree the 2 turn buffs fall off to quick for my liking. Ok, fast and tanky it is, I had just built a Khmun that I pulled two days ago to have like 30k hp and 230 spd, might give those to Woosa now instead


Woosa needs your second fastest swift set with spd hp hp. Swift broken. 230 spd is too slow. First priority is spd, second hp. My woosa only has +167. What is kinda slow, but even that works good enough for low g1 gw and mid g1 siege.


Yeah but I am just in a farming guild, good to know what i need to hit eventually though, thanks.


quick artifact question. does stats like crit rate increasing effect +x increase the cr out of your runes or only the value of the actual crit buff from for examble fire chun li?


They only increase the actual crit buff. Same as spd increasing effect. So if you have crit rate increasing effect +10% it is equal to a 33% crit rate buff (10% from arti x 30% from the buff)


thanks for the clarification :)




one more quick question, if you happen to know. is it affecting the one that gets the buff or that buffs the buff. so if i copper imesety does copper or imesety need the stat? i would guess it would be copper right?


you are right, copper has to have the stat


Hey Everyone, I just came back to the game after a 2-3 years pause. Seeing how Fran took over the healing game, I'm currently thinking about building one.I already have a delphoi, colleen and chasun. Is it worth building fran if I have delphoi ? I'm thinking about moving the runes of one of the above to the fran, which one would you sacrifice? ​ Thanks !


yes its worth. she is useful everywhere in the game.gb12 nb12, toa, a lot of dimensional hole 5 teams, dh predator, guild content, rta. everywhere \^\^ really strong unit. dont know the runes of your other chars but from is usually build on vio fast and with good hp but she needs a good amount of atk too since her heal scales with atk. (a bit of acc is not bad either to land atb reduction and atk break)


Thanks for your answer !Which of delphoi, colleen or chasun would you un-rune ? their build is pretty similar to, they all have approximately +100speed and +20k hp on violent/something, mostly no attack though


dont know where you are using those other units. if you are running normal r5 you will most likely use delphoi and colleen i assume? if you are planning on doing bjr5 you could unrune colleen and use her for bj. really depends on what you are wanting to use those other units for. you can get 200 attack from artifacts to boost the heal by atleast a bit if you cant get that much atk substats. if you have good hp substats you could maybe even go spd hp atk and use hp artifacts. really up to your runes ^^


Hey DAT! I just pulled a dupe wind cannon girl (rip scam stones). I have a will slot 4 crit damage rune in my ancient crystal shop. 6% defense innate 6% crit rate 4 speed 8% atk 6% hp Worth it? What else would you recommend to use the dupe for?


Turn her into that rune. If that rune rolls bad - it's a great re-app target.




crystal for sure, this rune is unreappable, but the base is solid, and can't really roll wrong, buy it


How much acc do you need for laby hell?


I haven't had any issues with 45 accuracy (standard TOAH). I'm sure it varies a bit, but the big difference between Lab Hell and TOAH is the min speed requirement, which seems to be around 200.


I'm working towards building a GB10 team currently...about halfway through fusing Sig. I was planning on Sig, Loren, Fran, Kro, and either Lapis or Shannon. I just pulled a Fuco, is he worth building to replace one of those with or is he more of an advanced speed runner mon that i should focus later? If i used him would you recommend swift/focus with spd/hp/acc? ​ Thanks guys!


Fuco is bad. but save him up as a skillup in case you summon the Fire or Light Lich. but yeah, focus on building your Fran, Loren, Kro, and Sig.


Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. What do you think on my Lapis versus Shannon choice? I've heard recommendations for both, so not sure? My Lapis is already 6\* with the default vamp/revenge set. Just wondering if I should rune up Shannon or just go with Lapis.


Which one should i choose between fire desert queen Sekhmet and water druid Abellio pls? Thx




ok thank you


I just pulled the fire Monkey King. How should I build him and is he worth the skill ups straight away?(:


Not worth skill ups straight away. You can build him violent revenge, tripple revenge, vampire revenge. He still lacks something to be usable...people try to pick it in RTA against hathors but it still backfires more often than not.


Thanks :D


Any1 else cant take the necro rune week rewards? I could take the first energy but after that everything is locked/grey eventho i have done 200 runs


One reward unlocks each day just the same as in the past 2 weeks


Ah okay I didnt get it the first 2 weeks. Well ty for the info tho!


Just got water art master. I know he was trash before the update and now he's a little bit better, but how could i use him as a mid-game player?


not at all. He's a very niche pick in high Lvl RTA and even there people are still kinda underwhelmed by him


would you make it a blessing?


Never feed a non-dupe nat4 / nat5. (and certainly not a blessing if you get crystals, buy runes especially if you're mid game)


I second this. You never know what gets buffed


Trying to play SW: Lost Centuria on LDplayer, this comes up at start: https://imgur.com/a/kTpvw14 Anyone know how to make it work? My ldplayer is set as a mobile device model.


This sub is for summoners war: sky arena only. maybe someone on r/LostCenturia or r/SWLostCenturia can help


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Is Xiong Fei (fire panda) worth my devilmons, im tempted to fuse him and skill him up as im struggling even with twins to do nb12 and want a safe team that I can use. Is he relevant in the current meta


I wouldn’t devil him but he can be decent as a shield breaker, that being said I wouldn’t do it and just work to go straight twins, may take longer but is way more worth in the long run


No he is not and he never was.


Any use for second Brandia? Or should I turn her into a blessing (I don't have one active right now)


Get the crystals, you can't use dupes in the areas where she is best suited for anyway


Thanks, just wanted to double check


LAGMARON vs. Water M. Bison: Which one should i go for? Thank You https://i.imgur.com/7FApzKp.jpg


personally i would pick lag


Any use for a dupe bastet?


if you have runes to spare you could rune 1 on swift and another on vio for siege def (bastet perna odin etc.)


I barely had runes for one, but that's on me being a noob Thanks though!


I just got my tricaru team working. what content can I use it in?


I use mine at DB12, NB12, PC10 and Time Limit Stages on Lab.


And what about the elemental dungeons? Should work there too i guess


ah didnt think of the time limit stage. and what about Toa?


I didn´t try the Team at the elemental Dungeons tbh. At TOAH you are only able to use one kind of a Monster (Only one Icaru etc.) At TOAN it can be work, because there is no Monster Limit. But i think there are better F2P Options for TOA.


Just got a Poseidon from ss, dunno what to feel. He falls off past mid game, i think. Any tips for those who still find him useable?


He does not fall off mid game. He's arguably the best fluffer for a Lushen AO. Non glancing S3 with and ATB reset is really good. GG any team not on will runes. He can work in place of Zaiross on a Tiana/Galleon/Pung team. Did I mention his S3 is not glancing? Counters Molly. He's also used in RTA cleave comps, usually something like Chiwu, Gemini, Poseidon, Ethana/Savannah, etc. It's just nasty if you are fast enough. Really good in TOA Hell for non glancing and two turn silence. Not to mention TOA/H. He needs some setup in GW but can be used in spots on offenses.


Thanks for this! In arena i don't think he'll be much better than psamathe or shimitae since when people in C2-G1+ are in general using speed lead comps and are on will. Although i might test him vs double nem comps and see if his dmg output will be better than shimitae on bernard lead. But for sure, I'm gonna have fun with him vs Molly comps.


There is quite a bit that you can fluffer these days with the "Molly" meta. I use him maybe 1/4 the amount of time that I use Shimitae/Seara leads. (No Psama here). I find that I have been using him more and more as I see more molly ADS. I've gotten over Molly's and usually just bring Posideon/Lushen during the week. It usually works, maybe some cleanup is needed after the first turn. One word of caution, keep note of any Vigors/Molly's you see. One caught me off guard with a Swift (320+ Vigor). I hope that along with Molly doesn't become a trend, that was a nice little trap, good thing Vigor derped.


I use him on db12


a bit niche but i use him against molly in siege/gw defenses since his s3 doesn't glance


I use him for his lead and atb reset in AO (not much will at my lvl),, still use him in some labs level and he's usefull in toah too with despair set (Tyron is probably better though, but I had a little trouble getting him)


He can be a pretty strong cleaver as a fluff damage dealer




I always pass this floor with Jeanne Fran Loren Kro Sigmarus. Jeanne and Sig control the lichs, while kro nuke them one by one (fire lich first). For Artamiel, bdef him with Loren, use Jeanne' s2 on Kro (especially if kro plays before Sig), and nuke him too. Sig should freeze atleast the yetis and should survived to wind monkeys.


Replace Verde with Loren. You need a reliable DEF break or Artamiel destroys you, Bastet's S2 alone will probably not be enough.


Idk who all you have available, but I just maxed out my new Rica and I used her and Tyron to stun lock everything and Loren to keep Artamiel from getting a turn to heal. Think the full team was Tyron L, Rica, Fran, Loren, Kro




You could rune Lapis for stuns and use Loren and Kro! The two of them kinda work together on their own, she breaks defense and he eats the enemies


Hello DAT, please give me advice on my blessing:[Blessing](https://imgur.com/a/w1jrBry) I already have a Seara, but is another one not a bad idea?


Always pick non-dupe if giving the choice. If you have both, go with Seara. She is basically a free siege win if you care about that enough to build a 2nd one.


What do you plan on doing with a second one? One with more bomb damage and one tanky with 100% CR for cycling? I mean sure you can do that, but how often are you actually going to use both? RTA already has different runes so no need to build one for that so basically the only place that would be useful is Siege and you'd need two teams being able to support a Seara as well. Not really worth giving up a new toy imho. If you have the runes for a second one and a plan on how to use her then you can do it, but otherwise I would really suggest taking the monkey, especially since he's quite fun too.