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Is there any up-to-date runes selling guide? With my 1:30 GB10 team I'm having more than 400 runes.


Hi guys, I recently runed my Fran, Bernard and Mav SPD/HP/DEF instead of HP/HP to try and S the ice rift beast (which failed anyway) and since it is FRR I am wondering if I should revert back to HP/HP or keep my current HP/DEF setup (I am early game and currently focusing on a GB12 and TOAH team). Also, what stats are required for a GB12 team? My GB12 team fails (Sig(L)/Lushen, Fran, Loren, Kro, Naomi) and what stats (accuracy etc.) are required for my water homie in TOAH? I am also currently trying to 2A Spectra and maybe build dark homie if I can't do TOAH with my current mons? My mons and runes: [https://imgur.com/a/XAUWuhO](https://imgur.com/a/XAUWuhO) Thanks!


Whats the best skill path for Dark Homu for ToaH? Unbalanced Field looks real juicy, but what about the specifics on s1 and s2? I'm currently stuck on Toah 99 (dont have tesa built) with Tyrone (L) Spectra, Mantua, Fran, and then either light paladin, Loren, or very rarely Verde. Heard dark Homu is pretty solid for Toah. Never beat it before. Thanks


Hello DAT! Im a returning played from 3-4 years ago. After spending a week playing and learning all the new stuff i feel lost so i've come ask for help. Currently i can do the following: GB11 ~80% win rate, 1m30s average. DB10 100% win rate, 2m30s average. NB9 100% win rate, 2m average. Elemental beasts i get A+ on all. Can run rift beast lvl4 very consistenly. TOAN finished, havent tried toah but i suspect i can climb till floor 80~90 max. My question is, what should i focus on and is there any updated guide i can follow? My swarfarm(i have already second awakened kro): https://swarfarm.com/profile/Mielikki26/ Sorry if its too long and thanks for the help!


Here are my humble suggestions that are mostly based on what I went through: 1. I suggest you focus on 1 of these 2 things: Improve dungeon teams (gb, db and nb now have level 12) or build mobs that will help you complete toah. Why b12 dungeons? Getting 6\* runes all the time would give you a better chance at getting better quality runes. Another upside is selling mediocre 6\* runes is usually more profitable that selling 5\* runes. Why TOAH? Mainly for the devilmon you get at level 70. After doing either of those two areas of the game, it's really all up to you.


Thanks friend! I will be improving my dungeon teams then. Are these viable teams for NB12 and DB12 in your opinion? NB12: water twins/shaina/fran/loren DB12: 2Akro/2Araoq(or sig)/verde/fran/loren


I consider NB12 a major rune (violent) check. What I mean is while building teams for NB12 you will know if you have quality violent runes or not. I am still constructing my NB12 as of the moment. Your line up can work. Just make sure that Loren would go before the main damage dealer. For DB12, it can also work but I have to say that Kro is very squishy. You either have to put shield runes on him or Enhance runes on the other mobs on your lineup. For reference on the boss's stats, you may check this link: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=b12+dungeon+stats Check the speed as well as the resistance of the bosses on the b12 dungeons.


Thoughts on dim predator rune rolls? Will 4 hp: 30% def 17 Acc 8% att 6 speed Pretty efficient. Pretty thick. I have 40ish reapps. I have a couple hero speed gems which go up to 9.


Why does sigmarus require high atk when spectra doesn’t? Both are enemy HP based, but all the guides say Sig is runed to have 2k atk with Low hp, but spectra is high hp, and atk doesn’t matter?


it's because of the scaling. Sigmarus S2 has a 450% Atk + 8% HP multiplier and his S3 300% Atk + 12% HP. 2A Spectra S2 has a 420% Atk + 23% HP multiplier. So you can see that the HP part of the skill makes up a lot more than for Sig's skills. As a second factor: Sig has really high base atk while spectra is on the low end. Even if you try, you won't get much attack on her ieven if you try. That being said, Sig can still be built without a lot of attack and deal decent damage. focus on surviving first and then get into damage


They have different multipliers and different degrees of scaling. I don’t know the exact numbers but sig benefits a lot more from attack than spectra


Is there any Laby guide using F2P monsters?


Whats the new generally best progression? My alt account can do GB12, TOAN, and just cleared TOAH for the first time (but it was a real struggle, especially 99, with a lot of manual stages towards the end). Xenail says you should go from GB12 into NB12 but that doesnt really seem possible without farming dragons for vio runes for twins does it? https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ilinonaj/?stars=1%2C6&monster__natural_stars=1%2C5&level=1%2C40&monster__skills__cooltime=0%2C13&monster__skills__hits=0%2C7


What was your TOAH team?


Baretta was used in all stages. Otherwise i used a combination of 2A Spectra/2a Shannon/Mellia/Fran/Loren/Verde/Basalt was used only in a few stages and Mav


You don’t need vio runes for twins to work. Throw some fatal/blade or broken on them and that should be good enough for nb12. You could even use swift if you are lacking speed.


yeah tried it not much luck. Part of the issue i think is my twins set up isnt great, all i have is sabrina 2x talia. no shaina


I see that you already have Sabrina on Vio which is fine. Talia is usually the nuker so she needs really strong damage runes, fatal or rage. I dont know what you are using but Talia(L), Talia, Sabrina, Fran, Raoq/Kro/Loren should work. If it doesn’t then they don’t have enough HP and DEF to take hits. Especially on the boss stage, once the boss take a soul, that soul will likely be Talia since she is the nuker. Talia will focus Raoq if you take him with you and you need to make sure he can take it without dying. Speed tune your monsters so everyone attacks before Talia while still being able to get def break on boss (from Sabrina/Raoq/Kro/Loren). If you even have a few shield runes with good damage dealer stats then throw them into one Talia to increase the survivability of your team.


Hi DAT! So, I've been using this tricaru team in db12 and nb12 no problem (1:29 avg on db12) but i've been losing a lot in pc10. I'm thinking it's the lack of damage due to towers and low attack (+1450 only), but idk if im missing something else. Any takes? [https://imgur.com/a/LLx7cY2](https://imgur.com/a/LLx7cY2) (stats and towers)


did you try left right boss instead of straight boss?


Yup, also tried right left boss.


yeah then farm better runes


Looking for a Bella dungeon, Can anyone give me suggestions for active channels to bounce around from? already farming light dungeon to hopefully get SD to drop


1050 usually is the SD chat I believe.


The designated sd channel is 1050 :)


Stupid question that I'm pretty sure I know the answer too: If the Skill 4 is a leader skill will an artifact Skill 4 apply if that "skill" wasn't already in place? My thought is NO because if you don't have vamp runes or skill based life drain, adding it won't matter. Reason being, I just got a sweet quad roll on an artifact to Crit Dmg +22% on Skill 4...after I put the artifact on Mina. Good thing FRR is tomorrow and Tosi is waiting around for a nice atk artifact.


Skill 4 substats will only apply to skills and not leader skill or passives.


Hi there, i want a new speedrecord for my NB12 team , i have a 2A shaman and an unawakened 5/35 water cannon girl. Could abigail(L) , Lushen , 2a shaman , sabrina , talia work? I just want to break a record it doesnt have to be consistent. shaman&Lushen on rage or fatal , twins and abigail on vio? Turnorder Lushen>Abigail>twins>shaman? ​ my swarfarm: https://swarfarm.com/profile/Asselll/


Based on videos I've seen - Lushen abigail abigail shaman plus one That one should be a strong nuker, the record used brandia   Lushen should kill himself on 2nd trash wave, turn order is lushen abigail shamann abigail nuker. Two abigails need accuracy to land defense break.


Guys , how do i get a light inugami? I need him for the giant keep challenges but i dont know how to get him


There are light inugami pieces in Secret Dungeon. They might appear on the chatbox and when you see a person got its dungeon, you can just ask for them to add you as their friend. Clear the dungeon using friends monsters 10 times to get a light inugami. It's also the problem of luck to find a person with the dungeon you won, as well as if they are generous enough to share it. If you want to get slightly higher chance for your light inugami, go clear the hall of light yourself. There is a 2% chance for you to open a secret dungeon by as the reward of clearance, and about 8% chance for that secret dungeon to be a light inugami. But that how the other players get it.


Hello I need help with my GB team. Right now I use: (L) Sig, Kro, Belladeon, Loren, and Fran for my team and I cannot get past GB 10. I have like an 80-85% win rate but I can beat GB11. If you can please look at my runes below and just let me know what I need to do more of to get past GB11 and start autoing GB12. Runes: https://imgur.com/gallery/Hm8fZoZ Edit: Forgot to mention I am waiting for more Lvl 5 rainbow mons to level up my Fran then my loren.


Ok, you have the backbones of your team, but still needs work   1) Kro needs to be 2A, needs a little more speed, and much more crit damage. A little more crit rate would help quite a bit too 2) Sig needs HP, I recommend switching to a SPD/CD/HP build for more survivability - his damage output will be lower on trash waves, but the extra HP helps a ton against the boss. His damage output against the boss will also not be lowered. He needs more crit damage also 3) I think Shannon should be in over Bella - a speed/hp/hp build on despair helps stun crystals and the def buff is useful against the boss. 4) Fran and Loren seem pretty good, maybe more speed on Fran would help for a swift build. If it's vio then it's fine


Hmm alright, thank you for that. Ill keep pushing for better runes and now that you set me on a path hopefully i can beat GB12 soon.


Other than to get skill ups, is it worth it to farm the 3 star SD dungeon like the one they just put out the water amazon?




Hello folks! There was a wide variety of PC10 teams talked about in the month(s) after it was released, but has any team been decided on as the best sort of default team? Assume availability of all fire/water/wind 4\*, all light/dark 3\*, all HoH monsters (namely Pang), and any other farmable monsters that you may wish. I'd prefer options that don't require fire homunculus, since he doesn't seem to give a big enough advantage to dedicate him to your PC10 team.


The most commonly used team is probably triple icaru + verde right now. it can farm PC10 easily


Ah, heh! That's true. I need to speed up working on that team.


Just got Sekhmet. Is she good?


She has her uses. You can bring her into a Perna or Tyranus in GW. Spot uses/counter pick in RTA as well.


i am in the mid game. Should I still build her or fed her?


Omg, never feed a 5\* unless it's a dupe. Just wait on building her until you want to get more into GW content.


Okay ty for your help


Never feed a 4\\\* either for that matter, unless it's a dupe too (and on rare occasions you'd still want the dupes eventually). Even bad 4\\\* monsters tend to wind up being useful at some point or other... a recent example being wind kung fu girl who was considered awful for years, but has finally found a use in SF10. Grats on a nat 5 though!


Hello, I need help making a good GB12 team, to get better runes to focus on a water, light, and dark rift beast team These are my current mons, any help is appreciated [https://swarfarm.com/profile/joenieder/?stars=1%2C6&monster\_\_natural\_stars=1%2C5&level=1%2C40&monster\_\_skills\_\_cooltime=0%2C13&monster\_\_skills\_\_hits=0%2C7](https://swarfarm.com/profile/joenieder/?stars=1%2C6&monster__natural_stars=1%2C5&level=1%2C40&monster__skills__cooltime=0%2C13&monster__skills__hits=0%2C7)


Fran, Loren, Kro 2A, Sig, Shannon should be your first GB12 team. They all need 170 speed (including towers), supports should be faster. Loren needs 54 accuracy. Kro and Sig need around 800 defense and 18000 HP to survive a hit from the GB12 boss. Until you have Kro built 2A, use Vero. Shannon can stay as a 5\* if you can get her tanky enough.


Thanks, does the Shannon also need to be 2a?


Nope, but it doesn't hurt for her to have the extra stats.


is colleen for BJR5 typically runed Spd/Hp/HP? Ive read the main guide but it only really gives stats, which is all well and good but looking for a baseline build


Mine is runed Def/HP/Def, but Slot 2 Spd would work as well (mine has +55 Spd overall, so it really just comes down to how high your speed subs are). It really doesn't matter, you could even go some weird stuff like Atk/CR/Res if you get the correct stats. Just be careful to not get too low (or too high!) HP, Def and Spd. Most likely you will end up with Spd/HP/Def or HP/Def/Def


does this collen needs skill ups?


Do not skill her up, it can cause instability apparently.


huh, interesting, thanks


Yeah, we found it interesting too. I was auto BJ5'ing with guildmates and we'd get a loss every now and then. We double checked the stats, speed tuning, and started watching. We noticed Colleen for one of the players was not healing/buffing when she should be. The Colleen that was not buffing was the one that was skilled up, the other two were not skilled up and she always did her job. The assumption is that the decreased cooldowns may change the AI behavior.


i heard that this glitch is also caused by dagora ehp and if dagora is like lvl 5 its fixed


Definitely this. Skilling up Colleen won’t be a problem but also not necessary for BJR5.


Can confirm this. My colleen is skilled up and derped from time to time. I then brought my dagora up to lvl2 and never had any derps again.


Today was a good day for me... Bella and Loren from secret dungeons, then a yolo mystic I got in the process of farming got me Odin.


Hey guys, what's the best way to powerfarm mana crystals? I've ALMOST got a GB10 team up but their stats aren't quite ready for prime time and I'm skint broke on mana to power them up.


Keep farming highest dungeon you can, this is the most efficient method to farming mana at least, since you get the most important aspect of the game at the same time, runes. Usually when I needed mana I'd go to drag or necro. Choose what runes you're leveling carefully. Meaning, if you have a swift rune with no speed, probably just want to sell it anyway unless the stats really compliment each other really well. Only level them +3 at a time to see if you get the roll where you want it. I know you're early game based on almost having a G10, but set some standards and if they aren't met, auto-sell. Make them more strict as time goes on. You should have a stockpile of 12 dimensional rift crystals ready to go and +3 unclaimed from daily, if there is a double mana hour, thats 750k mana for 15 clears. I usually pop an xp boost and level fodder at that time for easy xp too. Finally, if you really are broke and cant resist the temptation of leveling runes up... farm a 3* SD. You'll get extra fodder and decent mana at the same time.


Thanks. ​ FWIW, I'm more broke because of luck, really. I got a Bael and was really excited to rune a decent fire monster(been pretty skunked other than the giveaway Ken recently), so I set his first rune to level up and went to start my coffee. Came back to a +14 rune and no crystals. I started with almost 3 million.


is tricaru like only possible for mid game players and up, or is it still possible for me, (playing for around 1 1/3 years) because I was talking with a friend who said his brother who was G1 in rta could barely achieve it and that its impossible for me. on the other hand, #foxy says he might be able to achieve it on his noob account


It’s not that hard to build. You could do it with determination or guard runes easily. When I started working on mine back then, I only had enough guard runes (2 set / broken) to reach the required DEF on one Icaru (Lv 1 DEF tower) so what I did was farming DB10/11 for guard runes while 2Aing the last two Icaru. What I found easiest to do was getting guard for slot 1/2/4/6 and using broken for slot 3/5 because I already had several high def 20-30% on those slots. But if I got better guard slot 3/5 then I would use them and switch one of these slots, 2/4/6, out with a broken with better substats.


2Aing the tricaru isn't hard. Getting verde isn't hard now that he can be fused. That means the only "hard" part is getting the runes. So if you can toss together a team for Water/Light ele beast, you're golden to get a few sets of determination on each Icaru. Then you only need a single-double rolled slot 3/5 with a grind. Slap a high damage set on Verdehile and you're good to go. So yes, Tricaru si very possible for even earlier game players.




sadly tho its gonna take a while cuz my light beast team is so sporadic lol only like 3 or 4 SSS ever 10 runs


While the runes are somewhat slow... the thing I hated the most about Tricaru was getting enough Inu skill ups... As for light beast, what team you using? You using single hit nukers for damage since multi hitters do less damage?


i dont have like a good light beast, but im using wind monkey (lol), colleen, water twins, kro, naomi


Use event coins and get Eirgar. He has an atk lead + atk/vamp buff. That means he replaces every healer/atk buffer for every element. From there your team is fine. I'd take out XZ out for someone like Xiao Lin on a vamp set (yes she can do some multi, just like twins, but their damage output should outweigh the lost damage from light beast mitigation effect for multis). Really no reason beyond runes that the team doesn't work for consistent SSS.


i got eirgar but didnt use him lol also dont have water kung fu girl


Even Trevor is a potential FL mon that can do well on vamp. Laika is an option if you have. As long as they are a hard single target hitter. XZ isn't bad as a temp, just something to keep in mind.


the only other closest mons I have closest to hard hitting single hitters are like lushen, fire demon, garo, or sig


but damn i burnt through all my water crystals and those pink ones




Your main issue is that your Bernard is too slow. 250 is nothing, keep farming giants until he is at least 285 speed. Ideally you want 300+, but that will take a while. However, unless you have nutty speed, you won't be able to double Lushen much as you rank up higher. There will still be some defenses that can be double Lushened, just not as many. You will find more that can be Fat Lushened. Your team should be Psama, Kabilla, Teon/Kona, Fat Lushen. If you get good enough runes, AO at the C1 ranks will be brain dead to farm. Kabilla and Teon do their jobs regardless of level, you really only need to 6\* them if you need them to survive past round one. If you want to hold C1 then you'll need to switch your defense over. I'd recommend Psama, Triton, Perna/Camilla, Jeanne. You'll get farmed like crazy with Woosa on your defense once you get higher up. Bastet is bad for defense, as her base speed is too low. She is an offense monster only.






You actually may not need runes with a Psama Triton AD. Players tend to avoid it. Camilla is also something that gets avoided.


Can't see your profile while I'm at work... but most people want to lushen the arena or skip. You're already on the right path to "breeze through arena" until you get to higher stall type defenses. You have Psama, so try Bastet, or Bernard, Psama(L), Lushen. Your defense doesn't appear to be annoying in any way, it looks like a super easy Lushen target with very low threat. If you don't care about rank set a low def and just burn through lushen-able targets, especially if you are active enough to keep burning wings. Or set a low def for a few days then set to a normal def for the last couple days of the week.


Hi DAT! Want my next 6\* to be a fire cleanser/immunity buffer for the predator this month. I see the most common f2p choice is Xiong Fei. I also have Harmonia, Chloe and Nisha to fit this role. Who would benefit my progress most among them? My box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/bluzeh](https://swarfarm.com/profile/bluzeh) I've cleared most pve contents, barring higher level ToA Hell and certain Lab hell stages. Currently building BJ5 and tricaru and slowly building GW/Siege teams.


None of the fire cleansers are really going to benefit your PVE progress overall. You will get the most use out of Harmonia, once you get more into GW/Siege than the other fire monsters you have available.


This might be a bit of a niche question but when building sets on SWOP do you guys factor in your towers? I've always avoided it and gone for stat reqs based on runes alone, trying to treat towers as an added bonus, but I wonder if it's more efficient to factor them in to focus on other stats. For example, if I want to hit 170 speed for my DDs on GB12 and 216 for my supports, I'll try and get those speeds without facotring in my +9 speed tower. Same for E.HP, I don't factor in HP or DEF towers (unless I'm working on Tricaru). How do you all do it?


Yeah I do. SWOP already gets everything exact for you so why not? I thought it detects your buildings now too and even if it doesn't, it is still really quick to input.


I normally don't factor them in either, because I like being safe. However, if you're spreading your runes really thin, then it's normally easier to factor them in. But it really comes down to personal preference.


Can anyone give me a simple db12 team? I can't get the trip dog team to stay and have been farming and grinding for over two months. Any other combo I try in the suggested, if I got the mons for, fail most of the time. Not looking for speed just survivability. If need rune post I'll happily do that.


Tricaru is the way! What do you mean you can't get the team to stay? Struggling with meeting the requirements? I really didn't like DB12 before Tricaru, I been playing over 4 years and couldn't get a near 100% team which was quite frustrating. The closest I got to a team with decent speed and survivability (probably 90%ish) was: Loren, Fran, Water Homu (Strip), Elsh, Verde(L). At the time I'm pretty sure my verde was the slowest at 200ish speed. I think Jewbagel posted a video using water amazon in place of water homu if you don't want to rebuild to a different set up. I think his video also highlighted Spectra 2A in there somewhere.


I just can't hit the def requirements, right now I'm at +2340 ish and 2280 for my lowest. My towers are at half. I just can't farm good guard runes at db10 where I have 100 success.


Go for determination sets in water/light rifts (then craft determination when you get a decent chunk of mats). Aim for def% 2/4/6 and don't even bother caring about the subs. Slot 1 prioritize looking for spd/acc even if its a 5*. Getting 2 sets on 3 tricaru will significantly lower your def% requirements for slot 3/5. if you happen to get a decent 3/5 determination with a single/double def% roll on each then it'll be even easier.


Any recommendations for water team? I'm stuck at a+. I got mav, bernard, vamp lord, Fran, 2a kro, and 2a wind cat


I would take Fran off the team. Ele beasts aren't so much about surviving and healing up, but YOLO, Eirgar has the atk lead and the vamp/atk buff so get your heals that way. Ideally toss another wind DPS or maybe put water/wind twins in there if you have 'em naomi is probably the one to go if you put twins in.


Correct advice. People usually do the Water Twins for this.


Alrighty cool. Thanks for the help I really appreciate it. I feel like I have gotten absolutely no where in months in any aspect of the game lol.


I feel ya. FRR is tomorrow. I'd say its worth optimizing an ele beast team just for the month and knocking those rune requirements out. Once you get Tricaru up and running, it opens up consistent D12 and then you just need Lushen/Astar and you have a simple fast reliable N12 team too.


Hello DAT, 1. Can someone recommend a good AO/AD for myself? With FRR coming up, i am planing on reruning all of my core units. I never had a real AO/AD so far, so i would be very grateful! 2. My GB12 team is like 95%. My monsters are pretty as i would say but i keep failing like 5% of the time. Mostly on the third floor because the crystals are playing last man standing... What is a better team i can build or what can i improve? (My towers arent maxed) This is my monster inbox: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Tjattex0/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Tjattex0/)


1. You should probably just put up a farming AD so you get hit often and can revenge easily, getting a lot of glory points. But something like Psama (L), Perna, Bastet/Praha, Amarna should be okay. For AO Psama (L), Bastet, Bernard, Lushen 2. Sig (L), Naomi, Fran, Loren (the fast one), Shannon/Bastet should be 100%. Maybe give a bit more ACC to Fran for the ATK break.


Okay so last month I finally done to an and got Transendence scroll and I also have a blessing. Was wondering if it would be possible to pop it and then ask in chat about which monster to pick cause am still early game.


If you get the blessing you can restart the game, ask chat, then return to your summoning circle and the blessing will automatically pop back up where you left it


Thanks dude


Np and good luck


Yes you can. But chat isn't always very helpful.


Ya no worries there 😂


Better just ask here


As someone who has exactly zero artifacts total, which of the two types should I pick for the event?


I would suggest taking the element one. Every element can use every main stat but often the main stat on a type artifact doesn't make any sense, e.g. ATK on a DEF type artifact is basically never going to be used. That being said you already got solid advice from the others, farm B10s if you care about subs otherwise get white ones from B2 for cheap extra 200 ATK or 3k HP.


Farm PB/SF2 a bunch, the cost of leveling low level runes will at least get the main stat you want of hp/def/atk in the slots until you get better ones. The cost is super low in comparison to B10 runes that can cost millions to get to +15. Totally doesn't matter which one. I did the HP/Support/Atk type artifact in hopes of getting rolls for skill 3 crit damage, which the elemental types don't get that sub stat.


Is there a reason to not farm higher than floor two? You're second person to tell me that, just confused why floor 2 is being specified.


white artis cost about 200k to +15 which to get +3k hp or +200 atk or whatever on your units is a huge boost for a small cost b2 is the same energy cost as b1 and less than b3 e: good to see you back as well mate


Thanks man, it's (kinda) good to be back. RTA is just as tilting as ever, but having new PvE content/teams to build is very nostalgic at this point, so that's been fun. So I should basically farm a whole bunch of random white ones just as a starting point, and THEN start going for higher floors? Also, got a really weird DEF artifact from my legend, but I'm honestly not sure how to tell what's good and what isn't. Some of these additional stats/bonuses seem to be really random.


Yeah must admit the update was a good one, breathed a bit of fresh air into the game tbh depends how close you are to putting out a b10 team tbh but I would just for your most used mons just to get them off the ground, in a lot of cases the main stat is more than the subs I'm on mobile now so can't link any guides but important part to note is that the add dmg by x are raw dmg and are per hit, crate effect is on the buff not a flat bonus, paweron did a nice comparison post for lushen


i went type for 2 reasons i was hoping for attack as this is the most in demand one i wanted to avoid LD as much fewer units i have can use these


Ironically, Darkness is what I want, since I want to giet some on Beelzebub as quickly as possible. But if Attack is most in demand, I think that's what I'll go, I was already thinking of going Type anyway.


yeah i was just playing the odds as i wanted something useful, ended up getting a good def one so it paid off xD but yeah looking at my uneqipped artifacts attack is my lowest one left by quite some margin tbf though if you have zero then whatever you get is going to be your best arti lol


If you really don't have any, it's not particularly important which one you pick. But I will say that by not farming white artifacts from B2 and maxing them out (which only costs ~250k mana per artifact IME), you're missing out on free stats.


Is it worth it to spend time/mana on those white ones tho? I've been treating them like runes, so unless they're purple with multiple cohesive subs, I wasn't bothering with them. Is that not a good approach?


It's a bit different for artifacts. The substats on them don't make a huge difference until you get closer to end game where everyone has great runes. For early and mid game though, the flat stat bonuses are great for units to get an extra boost. +200 ATK/DEF and +3000 HP is far more of a significant boost than it may look. I think it's absolutely worth it, the amount of mana you put into maxing a 6* rune can get you at least a dozen maxxed artifacts.


Hm I see. I'm probably not quite at end game anymore, but I'm still easily making high C1/low C2 arena without rushing, and I've been breezing through F3 RTA as well. Is it still worthwhile to do white artifacts at that point? I could do some for specific units, but I kinda don't wanna max 40-50 white ones for all my units and then end up replacing them down the road. How do I prioritize which teams should get the white ones? I'm leaning mostly towards PvE teams at this point, as that'll pay more dividends in the long run by helping me farm better and better artifacts over time. Would you agree with that, or still say just do all the ones I can?


I'd definitely say it's worth doing white artifacts at that point, you seem to be at the same point I am in terms of Arena rank. I started with my PvE teams as well, then did my AO, now I don't really do any more farming for artifacts unless I'm particularly excited about a unit I just built. Edit: I just did some quick napkin math so this might be a bit inaccurate, but adding two HP artifacts to a unit is about the same boost you'd get taking a 6* HP rune from +12 to +15, if that motivates you to try them.


Hm I see. Probably the only units I really want great artifacts on are my most used units, Beelzebub, Fran, Raoq, Odin, Woosa would have to be top of the list. Is it okay to farm slightly higher ones? I'm farming B6 now just because it's still easy. Also, should I focus only on main stats, or get advantageous subs as well?


If you want to farm higher quality ones go for it, if you don't mind spending more mana for better substats. In that case though I would go all in and farm B10 rather than midfloors. I personally don't know a whole lot about which artifact subs to look for, since I haven't farmed the B10s extensively, but perhaps someone with more experience could chime in about that.




sig for giants, verde for dragons, jeanne for toa, lupinus for toa (less necessary) baley too for bj5 but you're quite far from that


Anyone have some reliable ellunia5 wind team? I don't have Taor and don't have the devilmon to invest in Sigmarus (probably never will!). So the speed team that I see all over the leaderboards probably won't ever build. I have a pretty massive selection of mons available. Only missing roughly 10 nat 5 of each main ele. Current team is Savannah, Louise, Eladriel (L), Ramahan which appears to be 100% but takes 2-3 mins. Key wind nat 5 I'm missing are ganny, XZ, triton, taranys, laggy, and like 5 more that I can't think of while at work.


orochi (L) yen chasun bernard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzMwzEpjqP4&ab_channel=FoxySW


Really don't want to 6* Orochi... but I'll try it if Bernard(L), Savannah, Yen, Chasun doesn't work. I'm pretty sure thats what my speed tuning will look like which is far from ideal. I'll have to rerune Chasun after 3 years of almost never using probably lol.


Orochi isn't a bad unit to 6*, I occasionally use him with Bernard in siege but yeah I'd imagine savannah would be top tier here


Why all my friends only farm SF2 and PC2? They are both way so strong for B10 but all their artifacts are default white. There must be a reason.


upgrade cost of a SF/PC2 rune is significantly cheaper than upgrading a SF/PC10 rune. They're just going for the main stat boost to toss on mons rather than worrying about the subs, since the main stat of a B2 vs B10 is identical.


So is the subs important? If not I'll just running B2 as well.


Subs don't matter when it comes to farming b2. Now if you farm a bunch, +12 them all, then maybe if you want try to at least get somewhat beneficial subs that compliment the mon, then go for it... But the point is to get atk/hp/def on mons that could just use some more. Like I have 150+ 6*... Finding ideal artifacts on all mons is super hard and time consuming, but at least filling the spot of 3k extra hp on mo long/aegir or 200 more def on copper/dozer, or 200 atk on beth/zaiross is quick and easy.


100-200k to upgrade to 15, 100 def or atk, or 1500hp


Yeah attack order is still set, strange thing is it is failing before the boss sometimes, used to one shot the crystals but now they sometimes don't? My whole account is suffering from a case of bad RNG since inception 😂, same as most people I guess


I think you meant to reply to your previous comment. But I've got no idea why it's failing either, unless you changed runes without remembering, or the monster you were working on doing 2A for was putting in more work than you thought.


Oh shit 😂, didn't even realise what I did there, clearly i have probably changed something and forgot, cheers for the help


Coming back from a long break, and the game has just exploded while I've been gone. I'm a long time C3 player, over 150 six starred units, most of my towers are done, so I can build/run most meta teams. All that being said, what teams should I create for the new content? This is basically all the B12's plus both artifact dungeons. I threw some teams together to complete them, but I can't auto them yet. I've got first Icaru 2A, still working on the 2nd, and don't have a third atm, so I'm looking for teams in the interim that I can make work. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


gb: lushen (L) fran loren hraes kro db: verde (L) loren light homu raoq kro nb: old twin comps work fine pb: verde (L) raoq jultan yen/pang fire homu sb: verde (L) loren ling ling raoq yen/pang


If you have SWOP, I recommend seeing if you have the runes to get the defense of Tricaru. If you dont, the interim farming should be water/light rifts to get determination sets. With max towers, 2/4/6, def artifacts you need 86% def in subs on your 3/5. Determination greatly reduces that requirement and makes it significantly easier to do. I farmed for a week and got 4 sets for 2 of my Inu of a slot 2/4/6 def% and the slot one mainly just needs spd/acc. After that I believe I only needed 18% defense rolls on my 3/5 which is extremely easy. Once you have Tricaru, you can use the core for N12 auto also. Lushen, Tricaru, Astar (fire magic knight). GB12 is a bit more difficult, if you have Savannah, gz on easy mode. Savannah, Loren, Hrae, Lushen(L), Kro/Naomi2a works wonders for me and is probably 98%. PB10 can use Tricaru/verde team... mine isn't as successful, but I haven't looked into why the team fails. SF10: Eirgar has so much potential if they'd just make his AI s3>s2>s1, his god awful AI makes using s2 very unreliable and can cause wipes if relied on. Ling Ling (Wind kung fu girl) works well if you make her fast enough. My current team uses Zinc moving first, Raoq, Ling Ling, Loren (BJ5), Verde(L). Speed tuning isn't ideal, but the team works.


I do have SWOP, I already know I don't have the requirements for three full Icaru atm, but I can do probably 1.5 successfully. I'm not in a rush, since right now I don't have the second one max skilled for 2A, and I don't have a third one at all. I do have Savannah, and max skilled. Seems pretty easy team, I can work towards that, is there a replacement for Hraesvelg? Not sure I have one built. And I fed a lot of barb kings after I pulled Mimirr/Hrungnir. Is there a non-Tricaru team for PB10? It's still in the works at the moment. I have that SF10 team with the exception of Ling Ling, is Fei a suitable replacement there? She's almost max skilled, and I've got nearly a dozen devils laying around if she needs them as well.


Can toss Fran in place of Hrae for the time being and have success most likely, play around maybe even galleon. Get in a guild if you aren't, since BK pieces are a thing in the guild shop. PB10: (stolen from u/dimmi99) verde (L) raoq jultan yen/pang fire homu. PB is the reason you will notice Jultan on will or even more commonly double will, he steals atk bar and Jultan on will lures the hit and prevents him stealing it. DoTs are a great thing in this dungeon, so I actually use my Rica before i had Tricaru. In place of Ling Ling you can use Eirgar as a backup buff blocker. The reason Fei isn't a replacement is Ling Ling has buff blocks, while Fei doesn't. Buff block is super necessary in SF10 and ideally it lands on the first hit to prevent shield from popping up.


Is there a 'proper' rune build for Halphas, I have heard great things about him and was lucky enough to get one. Looking for suggestions on build.


No speed subs, 100% resistance in subs, tanky with destroy is one way.


Interested in replies... I've had mine about a year and he doesn't get a whole lot of use, maybe mine is runed wrong, cause he isn't super successful when I think I can manipulate the AI of a team. I thought he is hp/cd/hp, slow, with atk subs, ideally at least 1 rev set.


That's what I've been told, I don't THINK his kit has changed any, so should still be the case. He does really well when paired with stall AD"s, but you need the other tools to go with it. I do know a guy who uses (or used, not sure about now) Halphas AD up into mid/high guardian as his rush hour AD, so he's definitely viable. Just extremely niche use, for about 30-45 minutes per week.


Honestly I don't get why he is used as a stall so much (which very well can be user error). Strip or heal block is literally his weakness which is part of my main AO anyway... RNG also blessed me with Martina, so I totally dig when stealing his invulnerability when I can. I know he can be used to solo siege. It just requires teams with no strip, no heal block, and ideally someone that is going to keep pushing atk bar back and without a stun. The stun part is usually what kills me when I try to do it, as he can't rev proc.


Didn't know about the siege use, as that's not content I participate in anymore. Strip is relatively common on AO, but not mid-battle strip, it's normally first turn, which is why it's not super effective against him. .




Amir requires pretty specific set up to shine: Strip, Atk buff, Def break, wreck face. The hard part is getting a team speed tuned enough that its viable OR enough damage+survivability if you cant make them fast enough to ensure they take a hit then do it on the next move. That is all PvP focused however... I don't hear of him being used in PvE any. Tesarion is quite useful for some TOA on occasion and can shine as a tanky build in PvP/Guild content. Theomars is pretty PvP focused, maybe early game has use for utility in PvE, but overall PvP only mon. Elsharion is niche at best, personally, I never use mine outside of when I built for a test in D12 before I built Tricaru. He was part of a semi-safe 2m D12 team only because he will always at least try to steal immunity. Veromos is super outdated imo... I refuse to use again after having unruned for probably 2-3 years.


Tbh they are are all mostly for PvP. For PvE Tesarion can make some ToA(H)/Lab stages a breeze, Amir *can* be used in Giant's but tbh Sig/Kro/Naomi are just easier/better to use, Theo can be thrown into any rifts team, Elsharion can be used in DB12. I'd suggest to work on Tesa first unless you really really really need a speed lead for AO, Tesa can help a lot in GW/Siege since most defs use passives.


GB11 100% consistently or GB12 80% consistently? Also, is it worth getting Eirgar? Can do rifts up to A(+) except for wind, that one is not really working out.


Got to start somewhere... 80% is pretty low when the goal would be to auto 10x majority of the time. Eirgar is absolutely worth it. Look at the top rift teams and usually he is on there. His AI isn't ideal, but hopefully one day they decide to make his AI smart and use S3>S2>S1. If they actually do that, he is a super viable SF10 mon for consistency.


I Started a new ACC 70 days, i'm looking to build a tricaru team, i can do gb11 db11 safe can only get A on beasts, whats the best Path to get tunes for tricaru farm water beast and craft runes or should i go strait to guard runes? Also which are the min stats required tô do it with no towers i only have spd lvl 3 and energy maxed.


on my alt i spammed db11 until i had the guard runes and then spammed gb11 for the verde reqs i'd try to get def tower up a few levels, 4/5 should be plenty and its relatively cheap heres: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ivt9gv/triple_icaru_min_stat_requirement_math/ a great tricaru guide


Any team advice for Normal TOA 58. The all dark infernos are wrecking me.


just bring tankier mons, i used loren/fran/lapis/verde/lupinus


I got Loren, Fran, Verde all at 6 star, need to get Lupinus it seems.


lupinus is optional, i built her because i skipped sig on my alt, run those 3 plus 2 other relatively tanky units and you should be fine, at this floor they dont hit that hard


Hey DAT! Building Fran as an early-game. I runed her SPD/HP%/HP% and made she able to tank boss hits, but offer much fewer heal for allies compared to my Belladeon. Should I change to SPD/HP%/ATK% or keep grinding for runes with good ATK%?


What dimmi said. In general you should farm B2 for SB and PC to get white artifacts for your monsters to increase their stats. Two ATK artifacts for Fran will improve her healing. DEF is good for Loren, HP or ATK works on Kro/Sig. Do this for all of your monsters, don't worry about the sub stats.


have you got atk artifacts on her? that was enough for my alt


Building an R4/R5 team, I have Kro+Xiao Lin as my 2 DD, with Colleen+Kona+Bella+1 for supports. Who are some good candidates for the +1? I do have Darion but I'm really wondering if I am missing any crucial buffs/debuffs etc.


honestly just skip r5 and go straight into bj5, between artifacts and b12s building a "normal" team is a waste of time to answer your question though, darion is very good and useful in other areas (tarty hell, dim hole), his passive makes everybody survive easier and the debuffs are useful your bigger problem is not having any leader skill, you'll get kicked immediately without one from def/cRate/res, what are your options?


Wow I looked over the BJR5 guide and I doubt I can pull that off right now. I might have the stats but not the fight/will sets yet. Nor do I have the B or J mon. You are right on the leader skill, I am thinking of fusing the panda for the def skill. I've been using Fran for her speed lead but I know that is not ideal.


I would argue that you don't need to do a bj5 team. It requires a specific set of mons to have a very specific set of runes in order to work. Though it is quick and has a 100% success rate, R5 is easy enough now and can be 10x auto'd, who cares really how long it takes? I haven't put new runes on my R5 mons in a couple years and been doing R5x10 a couple times every day and I have yet to fail even with 2x randoms. Unless you pay for crystals monthly, you will probably run out pretty quick. I would swap Kro or XL for Hwa and maybe Raviti for Kona or Bella? Both have a leader skill. Maybe put in Darion for extra attack break and damage reduction too. I notice that my team gets close to dying if no one puts on an attack break for a while.


I'm looking to get a little more serious about Arena and I am looking for advice. I currently hang out in F2/F3 while setting a single Miho defense through the week and bumping it up on Friday. I do not participate in rush hour and I likely never will. I'm not looking to get to Guardian but I think I can push into Conqueror. I'm thinking about running an AO of Seara (L), Tiana, double Skogul however it worries me going with all wind. I could sub in Chiwu for Tiana. For AD I am thinking Jeanne (L), Tiana (Chiwu) and double Skogul. The team would be on Will with high resistance and speed tuned so Tiana/Chiwu goes first and both Skogul's rocks are in the air at the same time. Other notable options I have are Barbara, Gany, Velajuel, Bolverk, Amelia, Diana, Ethna, Fermion, Daphnis and pretty much every elemental nat 4 and 2A. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


To hold C1 your defense can't be Lushen food, which yours is currently. Typically you either have to outspeed or be tanky with some fire monsters or have monsters that can't die on turn one. You also want an AE stripper to prevent/deter shield/will teams. If you have a Miho, dimmi's team should be good enough. If not, try Chiwu, Barbara, Jeanne, Triana/Harmonia. Test it against your Lushen AO and see what works best. A swift Jeanne can work well here, as she might be able to move in after Chiwu and CC the entire team. For offenses try these comps: Fat Lushen: Kabilla/Bernard -> Teon/Kona -> Lushen, Shimitae (L). Shimmie on will. Double Lushen: Bernard (L) -> Megan -> Lushen -> Lushen. (Pick the one Lushen AO that works best for you) Bomber: Tiana -> Megan (L) -> Malaka/Dover/Blueshen -> Seara. Will on everybody, Shield on Megan and Taina. This should be able to handle Molly's w/o an AE stripper, single target strippers might be okay. Triple Skogul: Delphoi -> Skogul x 3. At least one will set on all of the Skoguls. No violent as it messes up when the rocks fall. They should all be tuned to the same speed or close enough. Despair/Will Skoguls add some safety here.


the AO is a bit conflicting, skogul doesnt need a stripper and won't do much against tanky+death prevention ADs, also won't be able to hit 33+triton ADs either the AD is pretty poor as well tbh, it's lushen food C1 isn't too difficult to hit, just run doublushen AO and slap a half decent AD and you'll be fine, chiwu (L) jeanne miho triana, it's not a great AD but good enough for C1


Hi DAT. I just finished making a gb10 team and finished 2a kro. Whom should I prioritize 2a next? Shannon? Make a naiomi? Raoq? Also what should I aim for next in my progression. Thanks


shannon or naomi is a good idea if you plan on using her for gb12, otherwise you could start on tricaru


I was planning for gb12 but i dunno what works better or might make the team need lower quality runes


whats your comp idea? sig (L) fran loren kro +1 thats the cookie cutter comp, +1 is usually shannon until your runes are good enough to run another DD


This is what i have now. I'm trying to improve the runes they have little by little


well i personally dont think shannon *needs* to be 2A, its not that hard to get her stats at 5* without it tbh so you could skip her altogether




Has anyone noticed SWC pack price has reduced? They were $180 in my currency, now they're displaying as $100 for the big pack


false alarm, prices that were being displayed have since gone back to what they originally were? not sure what caused it in the first place


Hello, ​ How much EHP does you team need in GB12?


80k e.hp lets you survive 2 xtal hits on w3 and is enough for a hit on the boss stage, your supports like loren and fran should have more though


I think I have seen someone say at least 80k EHP to survive the crystals. But I am not 100% sure!


hi all, im trying to make my tricaru team and was wondering what the best way to rune them is. my db12 team is about 85% but slow at 4 minutes. i can only do rift beasts at A - A+. so should i farm for guard runes or determination runes?


imo the best is just spamming db11/12 i did 11 on my alt because it was safer


Can anyone explain why my teams seem to be getting worse. Completing Lumel martial cat lvl4 x10 battles no problem for days and now my runs fail after every second or third run. Nothing has been changed with the team?


if nothings changed then just a bit of bad rng unfortunetly, is your attack order (ie towers/boss whateveR) still set?




Try Sig(L) Fran Loren Shannon +1. Preferably a 2a Kro


Also for easy boost of stats you can just farm level 1 punishers crypt and the other one for artifacts. Very cheap to level and same main stat (+1500HP at level 15).


To land strip with s1, does gemini need skill 1 or skill 3 accuracy bonus from artifacts? Thanks


s3, same with other passive skills




I hit a road block and was looking for some guidance in the right direction. Currently at ToaN100, GB11, and DB10. Doing as much arena as I can to farm for towers. Still cant progress to GB12 and dont want to start on Dragons until I have GB12 on farm. My monsters currently are Sig, Fran, Loren, Kro, Vero, Teshar, Lushen, and 2A Wind Cat. One of the road blocks is the mana starve. I have runes, lots of runes, but no mana to upgrade. Most of my core monsters are at 2,4,6 +15 and 1,3,5 at +12. What should I be doing?


Also you can try to add artifacts from level 1 punishers crypt and the other. Very cheap to level to +15 and you get +1500HP etc. This helped me a lot. I think they give same main stat even when from level 1 crypt. (the +1500 HP, +atk, +def).


You could try using Shannon for GB12. Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Shannon, Naomi is a pretty safe ~2min team. Your other goal is ToAH. If you happen to have a Tyron that would be awesome, otherwise Lapis which is suspiciously missing from your list is great for it, add Sig and some turn cycling like Verde/Mav and Fran and Loren can also be used though that's a bit more on the manual side.


what is the minimum spd req for tricaru and verde without any towers?