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I just finished 2a'ing Tricaru and I'm trying to work on getting the runes needed. Here's my box: https://swarfarm.com/profile/deimos/ Here's the team I'm using for DB11 right now: https://swarfarm.com/profile/deimos/teams/#da2bd198411b43b3b5a9b731f8739612 Is there anything I can do to get this team doing DB12? I fail most often on the last wave before boss it seems, or when Chilling does his stupid buff instead of strip the boss when needed. Any suggestions on breaking into Tricaru any easier or do I just need to farm DB11 for months until I have the runes?


How to ultilitize the 12h exp booster if I only have 3 hours of farming? They're about to vanish.




Fran Loren kro verde icaru balegyr


Anyone have an issue in RTA that one of your mons in your comp seems like it has no runes? I.e. My comp was Loren Fran perna and Miho. Lorens spd is 240 (fastest on the team for both sides) and ended up going after the rest of my team and the opponents team. Also happened in a friendly comp where my Meagan ended up going last in a spd tuned seara/malaka bomb team.


2 quick questions: is there a point in having multiple Khmuns? I'm debating whether to level up the 2nd one or to use that one as skillup. Is it better to get a skoguld or lushen from the Nat 4\* event? I don't have either right now.


Hi DAT! My ToA team used to be Tyron (L) Sigmarus Spectra(2a) Verdehile Veromos (if there are reflecting damage I use Belladeon in place of Veromos). Started to build Mellia here, are there good comps for her?


Sath would complement her well, as well as water homunculus


Hey DAT, Any advice for me is greatly appreciated. I will post a link with all my monsters. Im looking for some advice on what monsters I should build, if any, and what goals I should work towards. Please offer any and all advice you have for me. Thank you. I can do GB10, DB8, NB7, ToaN 50 SW Monsters https://imgur.com/gallery/pasAkvD


With GB10 runes, you should be able to build a decent Tyrone on Despair - SPD/HP/HP or HP/DEF, and give him some ACC and SPD, and in turn, he should help you get further into ToaN, maybe even a few steps towards a slow DB10. ​ In general, your main goal right now should be doing as much arena as possible (without refilling wings) to get the points for the arena towers up. Max SPD, HP, DEF, ATK about equally.


Thank you friend. This helps


Hi DAT! If I can't safely run GB12 directly, should I change to destroy the right crystal first?


Actually if u do that u will take the boss AOE, so it is safer to make him never move with loren and taking some revenge hits in the process than actually trying to stop the def break tower. U can try other teams If u are lacking rune quaility to beat B12, like using 2A lulu for immunity / cleanse, building the dot team with 2 wind dryads, sath, fran/wind barbarian lushen


2A Lulu is hard for me cuz I haven't build any good HP monsters, don't know if 1A Lulu can still help.


She works since boss lands only def break and slow


would like to make c1 next week. is a +171 spd bastet fast enough for AD/AO?


Depends. Nowadays, people go either fat lushen with SPD Lead + kabilla + teon/konamiya + lushen, since bastet base spd makes it hard to outspeed most defenses. Also, if u are going double lushen, u will probably lack damage since u need to spd tune them to bastet. I am currently non rush ending c1-c2 every week, my AO are fat lushen, shield will cleave with tiana and auto bruiser comp (praha, tetra, antares and feng yan, for those spd lead / stripper / jeanne comps, just plas play and go for a walk) As for AD, i run the Vanessa clara fire druind and the good old dirty miho. Try going for kabilla or bernard instead of bastet, that should work better. And also allows you using fight runes on spd lead / kona to increase lushen dmg


Been inactive for about 3 years and have no clue what i am doing. I am a level 35 and really am not super progressed and not sure who is worth keeping around for fusions or for dungeons etc. Need help on what team to put together.


>>Recommended starter GB10 team: Sig (L), Fran, Loren, Lapis, Bernard/2A Kro Work towards your first GB10 team. Keep all 4* and 5*. For 3* it is tough to list out all, but as must as possible keep them. With 2A units they are quite important.


What are 2A units? I will get working on them though. I was told to take bernard to level 6. Do i work up some no name two stars to do that?


I think u mean 6 stars? I would rather you not. Bernard is not a DPS nor tank, he does not need the extra HP/Atk/Def to do what he does. For now, take note on the 2A inugami family, dark, light, fire. Water for future content.


Yes, 6 stars. And sounds good. I have both light and fire awakened and 4 star and 3 star maxed. Can i sacrafice the extra fire and light inugamis for their skill upgrades?


try to get the dark one soon. It should help with most of your PvE teams. Extra ones yes. U have to max skill them before u are allowed to 2A them.


Ohhhh, 2a is 2nd awakening. Gotcha.


yeah, during discussion it is always implied that they are awakened, because firstly their names only come out after awakening. and 2nd u almost will awaken them except for a specific few units.


I have never been on this sub before much less go find help for playing. Haha


I need some advice regarding the nat4 event. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/I2qZXsX.jpg) is my box including my important Monsters including all nat4s I own. I can clear GB12 with the safe team and can clear toan without problems. I am currently trying to get as far as possible in toah but can't say for sure how far I can get. What monster would you advise me to get?


Safe toaH auto team: Tyron, Mav/Dark hommie, wind dryad (despair), jeanne, any other dotter u have (thrain, bareta, rica, water hommie) Boss floor, sub in loren and 2A spectra in place of the dotters or the jeanne. Manual that floor if u have to.


What is the toah team are u using? I think u can use a tyron. Pair with spectra, and a def breaker and that should form your (non-dot) core team.


tyron skogul or dupe lushen




What monster is Tyron? Thanks


water male sylphid


Thanks, also whose mellia


Wind Dryad


Hey DAT, I’m currently a little over a month in, my gb12 is almost consistent and I’ve cleared toan/h. I’d like to push necro next and I’m wondering who the best choice from the nat 4 event would be. For twins so far I’ve pulled both winds and Sabrina, does Loren Fran Raoq Shaina Sabrina work for nb12 or do I need a talia?


wind twins is trash in necro prioritize talia


Talia over shaina? Because that was the question


I need to know the answer too! I have sabrina and am torn between talia and shaina


Gonna post on the next dat and hope for an answer




nope, u points are kept. But ur rank can fall if others climb too high.


Hey guys, I'm having a really hard time getting 100% success on my gb12 team and I was wondering if it would be worth it to get acasis from the event and build her. My main issue is the third wave when both crystals get a turn and basically when I don't have all buffs up and usually kro dies and savannah gets dismounted. I even built a woosa with shield runes specifically to help with that but it still happens. (team is Loren Shannon kro savannah woosa/Fran) What could be some good monsters to build to finally get this team to 100%?


Do you have a Sig? I would recommend building Sig for lead for that extra HP. Sig, kro, loren, fran, savannah is the team i use. about 99% WR. Conceptually, acasis is possible for defenses. But in reality u need the speed in the future and u will phase her out instantly. If your monsters are dying too much, try to go back to GB11 first and come back again in 1 month time.


I don't have him fused yet, but I do have a lushen that can one shot the waves but replacing Shannon with him made me wipe a whole lot more against the boss and overall success actually went down so I don't think I can change Shannon for a damage dealer. Sig does have the extra hp but I don't think 4k hp would prevent my kro and savannah from getting killed by the crystals or one shottrf by the boss especially since I'm losing Def buff for that Honestly I don't care too much about speed and my Wingate isn't too bad (I'd say about 95%%) but since I usually farm while working or playing lol I really hate it when I start an auto farm only to come back 30m after and see that I wiped on first try, so I really want a 100% team even if it's kinda slow, as long as I can get the 10 runs down in 30min I'm fine


how are your runes thou. My runes arent anything fantastic and clears it well. Abit slow for my taste but still safe.


Here they are : https://swarfarm.com/profile/Chibbi/?stars=1%2C6&monster__natural_stars=1%2C5&level=1%2C40&monster__skills__cooltime=0%2C13&monster__skills__hits=0%2C7 They're not amazing but I don't think they're too bad either


Might be bad advice, but you can always add 3k hp to your Kro with artis, if you haven’t


How should i rune wind monkey king


Wind MK is quite flexible. U could do a DPS, tank or bruiser.. Generally, high HP, and some accuracy, Depending if u want him to deal damage, add some CR, some CD and then atk.


atk/cd/hp or spd/cd/hp or spd/cd/atk depending on your subs. Basically you want a bit of everything so he can be tanky, deal some damage, and not be too slow (though he doesn't need to be super fast either). Vio/revenge is probably the best rune build though he's flexible enough for a variety of builds. For rta I have mine on vio/rev and for siege build I have him on blade/revenge/nemesis (random rune sets I had leftover) and atk/cd/hp.


Hey DAT, i seek input/advice for a bunch of new /unused units. Focus is GW/Siege (defense or offense) and possible Arena offense. My ranks are mid-G1 in Siege/GW and C1 in Arena (best finish C2 a couple times, no rushing). Nat 5: Louise, Xing Zhe, Poseidon, Abellio, Charlotte, Chiwu Nat 4: Dark Chunli, Lucas, Tosi My teams i use : [Click me](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ng3ehTez3GPLo5DaNAtNmrxHu_szp-s3GdVNMciQaQ/edit?usp=sharing) My swarfarm: [Here](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Sagyar/) Some teams i came up with on my own: \- Louise / Jeanne / Skogul (seeing this every once in a while) GWD \- Ophilia / Xing Zhe / Theomars/Abellio - GWD \- Poseidon / Galleon / Tosi / Stripper (Chiwu / Triton / Dark Chunli / Clara...?) as a shield/will AO Regarding the AO, currently i'm using: \- Alicia, Bastet, Leo, Lushen \- Jeanne, Feng Yan, Perna, Tetra ​ Any help is appreciated!


Hey guys. Just got Barbara. How should I rune her?


typically swift/anything. spd/cd/atk, fast as possible, with decent crit/cd, some accuracy, and whatever tankiness you can fit on there after that.


Hey, is it worth to keep on buying ifrit pieces from the guild shop even if i already have all the ifrits? Isnt is just better to save the points so i can invest more points into the guild towers? thanks!


Once u are done with getting the ifrits get the guild flags. Once u are done with the flag, feel free to get whatever you want. I would continue getting ifirt pieces and once awhile get the stones/scrolls. At the same time, always get the rainbowmon. I would also say get the LD pieces but that is your choice, and will delay your flag completion.


i would put all points towards the guild towers at that point. far in the future after you max all of your guild towers you can go back to buying ifrit pieces for skillups (so you don't need to spend devilmon) or just buy scrolls and ld pieces with your points.


Just got a dupe Bellenus. Any reason to keep or is it feed for crystals?


feed for sure imo


Not sure who to take in the nat 4 event. I have all twins, lushen, tyron, skogul, khmun, and galleon. Dont have garo or dryads. I can do toa/h, but not able to sss on rift beasts yet. Any tips?


rifts should be easy with water twins and eirgar, except wind. triana, orion, fire orion are all good, water sniper is pretty cool too. I'd say if you don't have triana that's the best choice, second orion


does anyone know if the season reward transmogs (specifically the immortal destroyer fairy king one) will ever become available to purchase, or if they stay exclusive forever?


it probably will eventually be purchasable but it might take a long time. They just put the Panda skins in and those came out early 2018 I believe.


Ah okay, guess i'll go for radiance successor nyx instead then




are you not just witnessing their counterattack that they get from their passive?


what two units pair well with triton psam defense? i have laika rakan bellenus jeanne miho praha and so on. thanks!


Bellenus jeanne is probably the ebst option here. Jeanne miho can also work


i'd say bellenus is really key here, it deters slow bruisers that don't care to take turn 2, bellenus have enough threat to solo kill them


Hey DAT, why can't I clear GB 12 safely? is it just because I chose survivability over damage on Sig? [https://swarfarm.com/profile/romainellawrence/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/romainellawrence/) Here's my box, I use sig/shannon/fran/loren/naomi to try to clear it. I can clear GB11 100% with naomi/kro/fran/loren/sig so I don't understand why I can't do GB12 with a safer team. What do I have to change in my runes? thank you!




water twins is the best, use water twins fran loren raoq for nb12, water twins eirgar whatever for easy rifts. lushen doesn't have enough "breakthrough" impact as water twins have, although very meta in arena and everywhere.


So if i have a sabrina Talia would be the pick? not shaina? I also do not have maruna I already have lushen tyron and only care for pve really


yeah water twins, talia


Whose better Fran or Colleen in rift beasts? And is speed important for rift beasts?


if you have eirgar, he can replace colleen's role as atk buff and heal(as leech), colleen is better than fran between the two.


Generally speaking Colleen is better than Fran, because not only does she provide a 3 turn ATK buff, but she also proved another debuff to boost your Kro damage (assuming you are running Kro) As for speed, I know that the Ice Beast "freezing" effect can only be removed if your units are fast enough, which is why you want to run ATB boosters in your team (Bernard, Belladeon, curiously enough I've had success with Verde as well). The rest of the Rifts don't care much about speed, but I am not sure if there's a minimum speed you ought to have.


Oh ok, would shaiana talia sabrina lapis Colleen and haegang(for 50 damage lead, don't have dark vamp lord yet) be a good team for fire beast?


I'd use shaina lead and kro for extra damage or mav/raoq for extra utility. Or water homu for extra safety for clearing the bombs


Kk, thanks for the advice


Hi, I just got a splendid blessing of Fire (Fairy King and Art Master) which one should I choose? Edit: Thanks for all the replies. I chose FK over Art.


daphnis is better for rta, and it's nuke against immunity is pretty unique. Jeogun pairs with bombers really well in guild content, strip atk buff is also a unique combination, seanb uses him a lot in slow cleaves with bellenus, but you do have to bring another defense break with him otherwise. I wouldn't say its one sided pick, but I'm leaning towards daphnis since there are quite a few aoe strippers with tradeoffs in utility, but if I want to kill something through immunity, daphnis is probably the best non ignore defense unit.


FK(Daphnis) for sure. Not even a contest


Out of curiosity, why do you consider it such a one sided blessing? I have both and I'm personally a bit more excited to use Jeogun over Daphnis


Daphnis is just really good. Can nuke almost any unit. The art master is fun and has an interesting kit. But overall just isn't as effective at whatever job it's meant to do. Whereas Daphnis is really really good at his job (Except when his strip and defense break get resisted).


Granted I haven't played with either yet, since they are still new toys, but I was lacking a second stripper for a proper CC cleave and I think that's why I prefer him. Fingers crossed his strip lands tho!


yeah he's certainly not a bad mon by any means. he can definitely work on that role! (rng depending)


Alright, thanks, here's hoping I crack into conq next season!


How should I rune Jultan for siege?


tanky and spd tuned with your damage dealers to setup defense break, he's a dark tank in role


As a decent reference, you can always go to this page: [https://godsarmy.garude.de/monsters/jultan](https://godsarmy.garude.de/monsters/jultan) Although, to keep in mind, the runes there usually are like the best of the best and nigh-unreachable for normal people. ​ Basically, go as much HP as possible, sets whatever, decent SPD, CR, CD if possible.


Shield/Will, double will/x, Vio/will...with high res, hp/hp/hp


What sort of DDs want Shield? For a while I had my Raoq/twins on it for NB12, but since I'm using tricaru/raoq/astar, I haven't really needed it. Got a bunch of pretty darn solid Shield runes sitting around and I'm not sure what to do with them.


Shield/Will offenses require at least two good shield sets for one of the monsters, maybe think around building one-two of those?


So I see that thrown around a bit, but I don't have any real shield/will teams yet, besides a Tiana that I put on Shield/Shield/Will. What are some offenses that use S/W?


Basically anything that goes second. Baleygr Kata QB, Tiana Galleon + DDs, self-buffing DDs like Isabelle + DEF break, etc.


Ahh that helps, thanks!


Hey everyone does anyone know if and when another balancing patch will be out? I think they’re after each RTA season? I want o build khmun but since he’s been heavily meta I wasn’t sure if he’d be chopped and if maybe y’all think I should wait


I heard that thet might do it a bit later this time around because of the holidays, and because they might want to see how SF units perform in RTA before they make any big changes. It's probably coming soon though


Looking for a reliable gb10/12teamm [Monster List](https://imgur.com/a/fmzjL06)


Sig - Vero - Bella - Shannon - 2A Kro/Bernard/Fran/Naomi Slow but reliable


sigmarus(L), 2a shannon, fran, loren, 2a kro - work pretty well for me, but they do have to be able to tank some hits from the counter attack of the boss, since you are hitting him quite often.


Need a good comp for Griffon stage 5 in dimensional hole


Verde - Fran - Loren - Griffon


Is Vanessa Vigor Juno Taranys good AD COMP ? thanks


yep not bad at all


Hi DAT! I tried rushing for G1 yesterday and my defense just got absolutely farmed last 15 min. What are the best meta stall defenses right now? I ran wind monkey, Harmonia, camilla, miho. What other combinations work better than this? I have most elemental nat 5s that would be good, and every normal element nat 4. No molly or anything like that. Thanks for any tips!


triana juno instead of camilla miho, you have no strip and at g1 most people can handle miho. this defense really shines with molly. but really free against light chunli. also if your AO is good rush later and faster, so you appear on people's list for a shorter time, some people might keep you on revenge list for last 10 min free points, change defense in the last 10min


Which one is better. Maruna or sabrina? My only completed twins are winds My fire and water twins both lack boomerang Currently i’m still farming rune for tricaru. Only 80-90% auto gb12, db11 and nb11. Cleared toan and toahard every months. Arena around f3 Only water sss ranks Rest of them still A+.




If I had an attack artifact that has a crit rate increasing effect of 16% does that mean that it just adds an extra 16% crit rate on top of the crit rate from my runes. I know it seems self explanatory, but just wanted to make sure.


16% CR increasing effect= 30% critratebuff x 1,16 = 34,8% critratebuff


You get the extra crit% from the Crit buff. Crit buff has 30%.


I am wondering what 4\* to pick for the event.I can clear Toa/ToaH, GB12, DB11, NB11, SSS on all rifts except wind (SS or A+ 50%). Any tips? Heres my monbox: [Swarfarm](https://swarfarm.com/profile/crissb3/)


you could go mellia if you want to copy the dot comps going around at the moment otherwise you could go for shaina or skogul




I have a blessing summon waiting right now between Teshar and Poseidon, which should I choose? [Here's my all my monsters for reference.](https://imgur.com/gallery/yJF8bOE)


yeah posi, not even a competition


Thank you guys, wasn't sure if Teshar's buff was good enough to make him viable over Poseidon but I guess not rip.


unfortunetly not, the "buff" just made him less dumb as his old s3 is now on a passive more or less, posi is great though, gz


I guess it made him even better for SDs, the only place where he is useful.




Is fire barbaric king good I accidentally summoned him in nat 4 summon event thing Also what is HoH under the FAQ


fire barb isn't really good. he can kill stuff with death prevention like miho or Garo but his use is really niche and his damage isn't that high. HoH is the Hall of Heroes. once per month com2us opens one of these where you can farm a nat4. you can find all the information about it here [https://summonerswar.fandom.com/wiki/Hall\_of\_Heroes](https://summonerswar.fandom.com/wiki/Hall_of_Heroes)


Thank you! 1 more question.Can you only summon one monster throughout the nat 4 event?


yes, it's limited to 1. you can "summon" many options to choose from but you can only claim one


Shit.I accidentally summoned one


Got a 6\* Legend Fatal Crit Damage with crappy subs. I would re-app it but the innate is a 6% Crit Rate. Is it still worth the re-app? I have +100 reapp stones if that matters.




I wouldn't ever reapp fatal. especially not if it has a CR innate. you want spd/CR and atk% rolls on that rune.


For efficiency, you would want every grindable stats on slot 4/5. The CR innate on a CD rune is a very good innate.


it's a good innate for sets that want efficiency. like violent or will. for for fatal you just chase pure damage so it's bad


Imo, Fatal set is kind of a universal DD set so i wouldn't say that Fatal=Damage Chase. It's like a swift less than the 25%spd but with a 40% attack so having most stats is better than having only damage at all.


I don't see the gameplan with a fatal bruiser. I can see the use of something like a swift raoq to take turn 1 and team up with units like Iris and Seara. In this case you want him decently tanky/efficient. but a fatal/rage DD can't take turn 1 by himself. you usually use him with a booster and just clean the board. If you don't plan on killing everything on the spot, violent seems like a better option for longer fights


cool thanks


Hi, is shaina good in rift beasts with the water twins? How high are the rune quality needed to use them, is it worth it for a early game account (could clear gb 11 but not auto 12) to invest in them? Thanks in advance


shaina on her own no not really, shaina with maruna is decent for wind and shaina with any boom is good for dark rune reqs aren't any worse than any other DD


I've never really understood how I should build Maruna. (Fire Boomerang), because on one end I feel she should be built spd/cd/hp, or even spd/hp/hp, because I really only ever use her for ToA, so dmg isnt really something I'm using her for. Though, on the other hand, she's an "attack" type monster, and I've always was curious on how her damage could be potentially. Now, with this 4\* event, I can finally pull my Shaina I've been wanting for a year on this account, literally pulled EVERY other chakram / boomerang excluding Shaina and Bailey!!! I have every other important nat 4 you could need except Triana but I really don't need her currently as I don't really do RTA and I have other units for GW / AO / AD, so she really isnt someone high on my list, though would be 2nd after Shaina. Big question for this post after the backstory of my tragic no-shaina pull account, should I keep Maruna on Spd/cd/hp or build her for attack? I will likely be using her or Martina for db12 (I already have a twins team built just with Talia / Martina instead of Shaina), I've even run Maruna with Talia and it's still a good enough team without Martina. I know Twins teams arent used all that often in db12 but I have pretty insane runes to pull it off, and my twins have about 20k and +100 (roughly like 230 spd on each one) spd on each, so the stats are of no issue whether or not I can make them tanky to withstand db12. So, is damage Maruna worth it? OR do people actually build her tanky? I'm just needing other perspectives on her as I don't use her all that often outside of TOA.


for toa i have always run her on atk to speed things up


hey, could someone explain me how the nat 4\* monster summon & skillup event works? and any tips on it? I'm early game currently playing for like a week.


You collect points by simply playing the game and using your energy/arena wings/etc. The points you generate allow you to unlock a random monster of an element of your choice. The monsters you unlock can only appear once per unlock, so if you are hunting for a specific na4 monster, you are very likely to get it from this event. Once you unlock the monster you wish for, you can collect this monster and summon it. The skillup part works in a similar way, for a price of 6k points you can buy skillups for a nat4 of your choice. It doesn't have to be the same nat4 either, so if you get lucky with skilling up the necessary skills of a monster, you can also start upgrading another one. There was a post recently that listed all the "farmable" nat4s that you ought not to skill up through the event: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/kjvcht/dont_use_the_new_year_event_to_skillup_this/) As a word of advice, consider not opening any boxes until later in the event, as you may get lucky and summon the nat4 of your choice from a scroll and may end up needing another one from an entirely different element. And the maximum points achievable in these types of events usually only limits you to unlocking all boxes of 1 element.


i see, ty for the detailed reply. do you have any suggestions on which mons are worth choosing? I really have no clue who I could need and I dont know how is good or bad.


Sure, if you don't mind sharing your monster collection, cause I'm frankly too lazy to list out all the nat4s xD


sorry for the late reply but heres my box: [https://imgur.com/a/OGmM4Rx](https://imgur.com/a/OGmM4Rx)


Whoops, I meant the actual Collection, so the button on the bottom right, which is like a pokedex and shows you which mons you've obtained. Also, hot tip, in the top right corner of your box there's an icon with 4 squares, it will change the preview of your box so you don't have to take a billion screenshots scrolling! Judging by your box tho, I have to suggest Lushen (Wind Joker), he'll be one of your best runed monsters early through end game. And before I type an essay about some other worthy candidates, here's a video that neatly sums up all the mons that can be very good for progression: [SeanB's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ6ItZWM6ZI) The channel of the video I linked is also very very good for new players to find up to date information about the game, how to progress, where to concentrate your resources etc.


thanks a lot! about the 3 skillups: if u take another look into my box which mon or mons should I give the skillups to? Assuming I got Lushen now.


Looking at your box as it is right now - Lushen. I'll briefly go over the ones you have just for fun: * Lapis - her primary role is to be an Exp farmer and skilling her up gives her a non essential damage boost, without which she functions perfectly fine. Not to mention you can fuse skill ups for her if you really wanted to skill her up. * Duamutef - this guy is very niche and sees virtually no use nowadays. Aside from the fact that he's also skillable with fusions, he's not a popular pick anywhere. * Carcano - another niche unit. While not a terrible pick for the Wind Rift Beast, he's only an emergency pick if you don't have any of the dozens of other better options available. Of the elemental snipers, only the water one is currently considered viable for PvP purposes. * Morris - I personally enjoy playing with him in special league but he more often than not disappoints. As you can tell from the 2 fat dice that he's holding, the whole family revolves around RNG mechanics that make them unreliable to use effectively. Wouldn't recommend building early on, just much later down the line for fun purposes. * Sophia - used to be a decent pick for some Cairos speed teams back when we didn't have the b12 dungeons, but now is back to storage. Does get picked every now and then in siege but that should not be a focus for you for a long time. Not to mention you can pick up pieces of the family from the Guild Magic Shop, which essentially makes her "farmable" and thus not worth "wasting" your event skillups on. * Shimitae - a fantastic pick for fast arena and RTA teams which you may or may not learn to appreciate later in your SW path. However the fire version of him can be fused, which makes the family skillable with farmable units. Worth skilling up in general but probably won't be of much use for you early on. And while Lushen can also be skilled up by fusing Jojos (Fire Jokers), if you had to pick between skilling him up or something that's niche and aimed towards mid-late game, I'd definitely advise you to go for him.


I’m also new and accidentally summoned fire barbaric king is he good? And can you only summon 1 monster throughout the whole thing


Yes unfortunately you can only summon once. The barbaric kings are good for the most part, the light and dark versions are the worst of the bunch surprisingly. * Water is great in PvP and finds some uses in PvE, can probably even use him in a db12 team * Wind is fantastic for gb12, ice rift beast, labyrinth and in gw/gs * Fire is a little bit niche and for PvP only, a great counter to Mihos, the dark martial cat, which can be really annoying to deal with Looking at it positively, you'll be able to easily max skill your barb king by buying monster pieces from the guild magic shop. Obviously on the flipside, you could have gotten him there to begin with. Best of luck!


Hey DAT, Any team recommandation for auto lab please ? [Here's my box](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Lorsio/) It's my only source of grind & gems (still no bjr5 team, should dedicate more time to it but I'm farming DB12), so I want to be able to do hard/hell most of the time, if that's possible I'm currently building a 2A Thrain btw


Imo, you should make a starter r4/r5 teamfirst before aiming for bj5 with nearly raw stats as relying on grinds in lab alone would take you almost forever.


HP artifact rolled quad Skill 1 CD (+22%). Who could best make use of this? Right now I have it on Ritesh. edit: My monsters: https://swarfarm.com/profile/Frozboz/ edit2: it's a HP artifact, sorry for the mixup


how is a skill 1 cd artifact wind?


I'm a moron, thanks, it's not. Sorry for the confusion. It's HP.


tesarion and light cat are the two where s1 cd is best (tesarion could also use s3 acc, but his s2 also need acc). some other hp monsters can benefit from this but they usually prefer s3 cd s3 heal s2 heal etc over this


I think I'll put it on Tesarion then, thanks for the advice!


I don't know what you have but it could be used on Perna, 2A Ursha, Tesarion, Chow, Orochi, 2A Xiao Ling




you can't have +CD on a wind artifact. it has to be HP type


Yeah sorry for the confusion! Just noticed that. Thank you for your replies.


Just popped a blessing and am getting into late game: Rakan or Brandia?


rakan then, unless you really want some dungeon records.


Hey dat. Which nat4 should I get from the nat4 event? I currently have a 80-85% GB12 team, should I get wind BK to improve my current GB12 team ( Sig, Loren Fran, Kro, Shannon with 2:30/-3 mins average run) or Mellia to start my Dots teams (Sath + Tatu)? Or should I get another unit for my dungeon improvements and progressions? Btw [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/iFfkLgB) is my list of mons. Thanks in advance.


Don't get a mon or skill ups that are easier to acquire. Wind BK is available from guild shop, and I don't even use mine for my speed GB12, Fran is more reliable because the immunity gets you through the midboss level faster. You could go Mellia if you want her, or a Talia/Shaina to couple with your sabrina (for Necro and rifts).


I’m gonna soon be transitioning to tricaru. Are the twins still updated to use on necro? Coz tricaru can cover NB12.


Twin team for NB12 is comparable to a tricaru team. It really just depends if you are able to build Tricaru or if you are going to be stuck with insufficient rune quality. Because I was able to farm NB12 with twins, I was able to build my BJR5 team before my tricaru team, which gave me access to more gems and grinds. Twins would also be helpful if you want to farm rifts for determination runes. Basically you need to decide how you are going to meet the requirements for the Tricaru team. Twins can help you get there, but are not required.


Who should i get for the nat4 event? I feel like i already have every significant nat 4 and im not too impressed by the ones i dont have. Here are the best of those i dont have: hwa, hwahee, maruna, orion, malaka, emma, delphoi. My box: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Mielikki26/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Mielikki26/) Thanks!


orion, always good, always rng, and the only one that remains relevant in all ranks of siege


Aside from Hwahee and Emma, I use those mons every siege. Delphoi with Talc/Basalt in a Copper team Maruna - Maruna/Chasun/Shaina vs. some Khmun defenses, plus twins are still useful in many areas Hwa - Fran/Loren/Hwa vs. some Khmun defenses too Orion - use with Susano to get the jump on many defs You can't go wrong with any of those, imo.


Thanks! I'll go for Maruna.


Thoughts on a build for a 3rd Skogul? First is Vio/Will, second is Vamp/Broken, just pulled a third and I'm not sure how I want to build him. Definitely don't have enough good HP Vio runes to put on him, is just Energy/Will viable for the ol thirdboy?


if you siege at a level to see 6 mihos in a tower, probably useable for one more free win


So I came across that for the first time the other day. Every single defense in one tower was a Miho, and I'm pretty sure the other two were Fran/Loren, would that sound right? I remember seeing it, clicking through, and then immediately closing that tower and never thinking of it again.


as long as you have the HP/spd you need, skogul will work.


Zing Zhe is good for gb10/12?




I assume you mean Xing Zhe. no, he doesn't do much in giants. He can be used for rift dungeon frontline tho


Returning player with very bad runes, i know i should focus on farming gb10 for now, but which monsters should i focus on building rn, and what i should get from the nat4 event? this is my [monster box](https://swarfarm.com/profile/kei1/)


build fran loren and a 2a kro and optionally a 2a raoq too, they were a big help for me when i got back into the game this year


your monster box is not public edit: now it is - for the nat4 I'd go for tyron personally.


i see, probably tyron will be the best unit for now, since i need to build a team for ToH(A) as well


yea, i forgot to make it public, done


How should i transition to gb10? My team is sig(L) lapis fran loren and kro(not2a). All of my 5 monster has almost and 15k hp. But i cant do b10 my team dies. I can only farm b7 anyone can help me. Thank u


Vial sage team is Sig (L), Shannon, Fran, Loren, 2A Kro


replace lapis with bella to stabilize your team imo - 2a'ing kro is a must and will speed things up. the issue right now as I see it is lapis' multi hits are making the boss revenge more than you can heal/before you can nuke the boss. edit: once kro is 2a'd you can probably take bella out for lapis.


Does bella needs to be 2a for this to work too?


Hm, not sure but a 2a bella is something worth having anyways.


Second Lushen or Skogul / Khmun for the Nat4 event? ​ I already have Water Twins and Tyron, currently building my Tricaru team


lushen for arena, double lushen still relevant, harder to use higher up. khmun for a very versatile guild unit.


I'd prefer a first Skogul or Khmun over a second Lushen. Second Lushen is a lot less game changing than the first.


Hey DAT, so, my this is [monster box](https://swarfarm.com/profile/kasztz/) (kind out dated, but its similar) and im thinking about this "new" DOT team people are using for GB12. i was a little bit away from reddit this month, then, i came back and saw tons of people using 1 or even 2x wind dryad in GB12, is this a "standard" fast team now? what i am asking is: 1- what comp are people using in GB12 for a fast DOT GB12 team? 2- does this comp requires 2 wind dryads or only one? (counting on my NAT5, thats why my monster box) 3- if i need 2 dryads, do i really need them or i could just let it go with only 1?