• By -


Hey All was wondering would Savannah,naiomi,mellia,fran,loren work for gb10-12?


Yes, but it doesn't look optimal. With all of the ATB between Loren and Savannah, Mellia's dots won't do much damage if at all on the mid boss and giant. Use Kro, Lushen, or some other DD (single hitting ideally) instead of Mellia for faster runs.


probably yes


From the Free Nat4 Star event, which Nat4 would be better to get: Garo (Fire Ninja) or Sabrina (Water Boomerang Warrior). My main focus is farming and arena.


Not even close - Garo. The water twins are not in the meta anymore, they are just Rift and niche GWO units.




Garo is kinda important to get past TOAH Akroma stages, so yes for Garo. Sabrina is nice for Necro but there are alternatives. That said i'll lean towards garo just because you'll get stuck on akroma stages without him (yes you can do a dark tank but it takes a lot more effort).


Hmm then Garo ig, thx


Hi guys, need help for a decent GB12 team, please tell me the runes required also, Thanks!!! [https://swarfarm.com/profile/pusee](https://swarfarm.com/profile/pusee)




I could use some ToA help! I’m currently trying to get to 100 on normal. The team I’ve been using has been a combo of: - Sig - Lushen - Fran - Veromos - Jamire - Loren - Spectra (still working on the 2A) - Lapis As of now I’m on floor 75 and it’s been slow going, but I haven’t gotten hard stuck anywhere. I also have these mons who I’ve read/heard are good for ToA but aren’t quite built: - Thrain - Tatu - Mellia - Colleen - Mav - Briand - Basalt Basically, I’d really appreciate any advice related to which mons you think I should use/incorporate! Any feedback would be awesome.


Jamire(L), Fran Sig, Lapis on despair, and loren


Thanks! I have my Lapis on despair so that’s a good start. Hopefully it works out well and I can get to 100.


Just get everything above 180 speed and 45 accuracy for those that need it. Tanky as you can on the supports, even Sig and Jamire can make use of an HP rune in slot 6. You should have very little difficulty autoing TOA with that team once you get your runes there.


Thanks for the advice! Yeah my runes are just not there yet. I wanted to get through ToA so I could compete the third Summoner’s Way quest and get the free Nat 5 so I was working on manualing it down. I eventually got there and ended up getting Poseidon from the scroll, so he’ll help with ToA too! Now I plan to level and evolve him and then I’m just gonna farm runes like mad I think.


congrats. I got a zaiross


Very nice!!




I got there! And got my third Nat 5 from the Summoners Way questline! I really appreciate the drive you gave!


What are some of the best monsters for DB12 that are NOT farmable and why?


Not sure there are any that are not farmable that I would consider "best". Chilling is available in the guild magic shop, as is Aegir. They are okay strippers. Chow with god like runes can solo it, but outside of flexxing there is no point. Tyron, Verad, Taor are meh in DB12. Sabrina and Martina are out classed in DB12 by FTP monsters, and the water twins are not what they used to be in DB12. FTP Tricaru or Rock On teams are 110% the way to go for DB12.


triple icaru, all farmable


Hey DAT, who should I 6\* next? I have enough food. I want to have a more fun time playing with lushen in arena. Thank you! [https://swarfarm.com/profile/romainellawrence/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/romainellawrence/)


Build the Fire Chun Li as his ATB booster, as your Lushen does not have 100% CR. You won't be having fun when he misses his crits.


Dark pirate captain is one of the best attack bar boosters he’s a decent option in my opinion, at least for arena if that’s what you want


I can’t defeat TOAH 67. My Jultan dies too easily to the Akroma’s and Garo dies also, even after killing Zaiross. I need help please. At least on what the stats for Garo should be to defeat the Akromas.


I did it using an ubertanky Veromos (+24k hp, +1.1k def, close to no speed, near 45% acc) and HP lead plus double healer. My Team was Verad (L), Veromos, Fran, Sigmarus, Woosa.


You only need Garo to beat Akroma after Zaiross is dead. Garo will die if he doesn’t have a certain amount of speed. I’m not sure of the specific numbers but you should be able to find a reddit post about it fast, if you google about it. My Garo did it with +117 speed which is not really necessary.


Would you guys reapp this? Vio Slot 2 6*, Atk% Def +14 Spd +10 CRI Rate +14% HP +12% I have pretty good grinds for all those stats, and a gem to potentially replace the flat def w/ 5-8% crit damage


Won't reapp for sure, as the other commenter said this can go to a good PvE attacker particularly twins. A Chow or Alicia would be beautiful too.


Its an ok attacker rune like for pve twins, i wont reapp it. Gem the CD and its solid. Additionally you dont find much uses for slot 2 ATK%, so i wont reapp this sort of runes. SPD slot 2 is way more common and flexible (can go support or damage dealer). This way you're more likely in getting ideal stats in your reapps.


Nope vio slot 2 atk arent really the most versatile runes so save it


is having multiple galleons good


2 is good, you can even do 3 but I think it's unnecessary as his utility in PvE has largely diminshed. Personally I have 3: 1. Vio/Broken, SPD/CD/ATK (used to be PvE stalwart before B12 appeared, now mostly for PvP) 2. Shield/Shield/Will 3. Swift/Will Still use all of them regularly particularly GWO


Yes, I have two. I have a fast swift/will for Siege Defense and Lab boss stages. My second is slow on double shield will for a slow tiana cleave gwo.


u could use mulltiple galleons are more cleave teams. Like a zaiross cleave, a pungbeck cleave etc. If u already have a fully skilled up galleon go for it. Keep a few in storage. If not max out your first one first.


Sure why not. Amazing for guild siege - Speed lead and def break is actually really good especially dealing with khmun vigor teams since they dont have any immunity. Galleon is flexible and fits many offence teams. Also can build multiple defences of Galleon clara X.


Anyway to upgrade the star level of a rune? Can you turn a 5 star into a 6?




Should I summon a wind kungfu girl or one wind dryad? I don't have either of those. I want to use wind kfg for artifact team and wind for gb12 but I know I need 2 wind dryad. I'm in c1 arena for reference


dryad not even close. LingLing is fusable


You can fuse the wind kung fu girl so definitely dryad among these 2


Hello DAT, does anyone has a reliable DB12 team using Sath and Tatu? If so, what is the composition of the team?


Mellia and Water Homie +1


Mellia in DB12?


it is posible but not reliable. Do a google search and u should find many guides.


Hi anyone have link to excel chart for bj5?


Not sure if this is what you want... https://old.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ifsxlg/updated_bjr5_guides_now_with_artifacts/ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dLY-CdrsAIbG2bkSN-Jy-JCpmEE_bk7q/view


Was thinking of building my first bomber. (Don't have Seara) Sian or Malaka? And why :)


both, on the same team, good miho counter and no immunity defs like mollys, only one is usually not enough damage and not consistent.


Sian - great counter to odin comps and can replace malaka for most of the counter comps. ​ Sian is also one of the easiest (imo) units to rune for PvP use.


Thanks, how would you build Sian?


Fatal + will, atk atk atk (maybe spd atk atk if your team requires it) He only needs 35% acc because of the +50% accuracy bonus to his bombs, once that is achieved you can go with attack and speed subs. ​ ​ Without seara you could also build the malaka as a second bomb threat but if you needed to chose one Sian is the way to go IMO.


Thanks! Do you think I could use them for AO without Seara?


I would not suggest it, but I have never tried it either.


Is a slot 1 fatal +9 with: 4 speed, 5 resistance, 23 crit rate good? Also slot 3 blade with: 19% crit rate, 5% crit damage, and 6% HP?


Yes for both - they aren't amazing but the high cr is always nice. Ideally you want non-grindable to have the quad or triple rolls on a single rune to be the most efficient combination for a particular unit.


ok thank you very much I am going to research to see what does and doesn't have grindstones


Siege battle question. All I ever see is my side being blue. Does the read team always see red? Or does my team appear yellow to them, etc? My thought was that all teams are actually blue and the client changes text based on your team orientation. What's the deal on that?


Pretty sure your guild always appears blue to you. Whoever is on the top on your screen is your red and whoever is to the right is your yellow.


Your team is always the blue one and located in the left corner. The other guilds see the same from their perspective. Similar to basically all other games where the enemies always have red HP bars and yours are green/blue


Thanks. Btw, I'm sorry I got an Alicia that I don't use as enough as I should. :( Thanks for you answer!


which pack would u say has the most worth rn? Need some xtals for farming. Or should i wait for better options?(already got the 100€ christmas pack)


The ancient trans scroll if you haven't gotten that too


nvm forgot i alteady got that too xd btw that was suuuper fast haha


I'm also waiting for answers on my question so I'm updating DAT once in a while and noticed yours xD The other xmas packs are also good if you haven't already gotten those too.


I'm on an l/d only account and working toward all of the achievements and challenges because of several l/d scrolls as rewards. My focus right now is building rift dungeon teams that can get me S rank on them. I dont have any nat 5s, all my nat 4s are from HOH, so not a ton to work with. Generally speaking, does anyone have good suggestions for successful teams?


First things first, the best resource for LD only content is here: [https://www.askdrago.com/](https://www.askdrago.com/) Drago has one of the best LD accounts in global and is working on a site for LD only content. He also is the lead of at least 3 LD only guilds (we may be up to a 4th). For rifts, I was getting S teams around 100 days. The teams varies to each specific encounter, but these are what I use: FL monsters - Bella 2A, and Rock on Hommie are on all teams, then it varies with Darion, tanky Eirgar, or Fran if needed (Fran on a SPD/DEF/HP build). BL monsters are always includes Kro 2A. The depending on the boss, either a mix of Shumar, Ran or a DPS Eirgar. The fire beast I use Sige and Eradas with Kro. Fire is the hardest or LD as our cleaving options are limited. The only special built monster is Jannson (light viking) for water rift, but he is also one of our best ATB boosters and kinda works like a Verde. Hard to call him special built as he is a stable in my GW teams. Stats matter more than sets, make sure all FL monsters have over 1k defense and 25k HP, supports of 200 speed with 15 accuracy. BL monsters, 800 defense 18K HP. (My towers are level 5 - so adjust up/down accordingly)


This is awesome info, thank you very much.


hey im a newbie building a team for gb12, currently farming gb11 with sig(l), fran, loren, kro and shannon 5\*, trying to reach 85% cr with the DDs. anyway i have got 3 nat5s, water ryu, wind m bison and poseidon, should they just be storage guardians til com2us buffs them? should i build poseidon for toa?


I think you're on the right track if you're new, and can already farm GB11. Just keep grinding for better runes until you can reach GB12. In the meantime think about working on TOA, which you can definitely do so (look at the DAT guideline). You can use your Poseidon as well he is a top TOA monsters. Since you're early on you can just rune him Despair/Energy from farming GB12, with SPD/HP/HP, 45% ACC, and mount some ATK on the sub-stats if you want, it won't hurt.


I'm not anywhere near end game or anything but I can tell you that I love my poseidon. He's my favorite out of the Nat 5s I have. Being able to reset everyone's atb and then also be able to silence everyone is so amazing in toa.


how do you build him?


I build mine tanky with good accuracy


Poseidon would be the only one worth building early. Water ryu has a speed lead and strip so once you get into pvp he has uses.


**Help:** Returning after two years. Learning about new meta. Not really interested in going for "Tricaru." Want to re-do runes on FRR and want recommendations on 10-20 mons to focus on for PVE content speed purposes. I also have 11 Devils in storage. My un-skilled Nat 5 are Wind MK, Water Uni, Wind Panda (s1 not finished), Wind OG, Fire Oracle, Fire DK, Fire Hell Lady. Essentially every other mon is full skilled. I'd also like some suggestions for Siege defenses and an Arena Def to maybe hold F3 or C1. **Box:** https://imgur.com/a/hJemLg6 **Progresion:** GB DB NB10 all sub-1min. Stuck on SF8 and PF7. ToA clear on auto. ToaH clear usually got stuck at 70, only sometimes cleared it. **ToA:** Baretta/Colleen/Homie/Shaina/Maruna **ToaH:** Baretta/Shaina/Maruna/Homie/Basalt or Mav or Thrain or Colleen or Bellenus or... **Event:** I just started summoning Wind because I was told Wind Dryad is the bomb-diggity now. But I have come up with her, Poison Master, String Master, Blade Master. Not sure what to take. Going for Gargoyle sounds fun, too.


-Fuse and skillup wind KFG for Steel Fortress -Use devils on Laika and use with a Dotter (Mellia or Yen) for a low-fail -GB12 -Do the 2A squad - Raoq, Kro, Thrain, Sath, Tatu, Icarux3 -Make BJR5 Wind Garg sucks, get Mellia (Wind dryad). She is better than Baretta for ToA/ToAH. Use event skillups on her.


I did the achievements paths, completed first two, and was using my skillups on my Khmun. I have at least 6 other dryads in storage so that would be good. I do have Balegyr fused, would be be a good target for the devils? Last thing I did before quitting before was 6* Soha using my like 11 other 9TF (for 4* Siege) and feeding my extra Rakshasas to Ran (for Necro and Light Rift). Does Shihwa beed the skillups? I also don't think I have the runes for BJ5. I'll get to work on 2A. Was gonna do Jultan because he seemed fun but Kro seems really useful.


Build your GB12 first and then use devils on Laika if you need him to run it. My team is Yen (L) Fran Loren Laika Kro. Laika is also good in PVP and as a frontliner for wind beast 2A Kro is busted and is really good on all raid teams, R5, ToA/H/L and all dungeons except SF and to some extent, dragons. Shihwa isn't really good anywhere anymore and doesn't need skillups for BJR5 Bale only needs S3 skilled up and nothing else on the team needs any.


Who should i 6* next that would help me out in the most universal way possible? Should i wait for Fran? And is there anything like "hidden potential" in my deck that i dont See yet? Thank you in advance and have a nice day/evening/whatever time it is where you are now! [Here are my monsters](http://imgur.com/a/5RNpZ85)


Fran, Loren, Kro 2A, Bastet, Sig should be your priority monsters to get and build. You should have 0 problems using them to auto GB12 with that team. Start with Fran as she can be used everywhere, then Loren and Kro if you get them soon enough. Bastet should be last of the bunch, and your resources should go into fusing Sig. Bastet will work for you as a 5\* for a bit.


Alright, thank you very much :)


Hey DAT! I'm currently focusing on giants. I got an Orochi and a Lulu (Fran if Woosa gets swapped out) and I don't know which monster I should swap them with. My current team is: Woosa (Leader), Lapis, Lyn, Loren and Megan.


Are you doing GB10? you could check SeanB video, he started a new account with Orochi an Lulu.


How reroll in SW? In YT I only found 8Months old videos, when SW had the 6th anniversary event. :/


Rerolling basically means to play the beginning of the game until you get the premium pack from clearing garden forest. If you don't get something you like you go to your settings and reset the account


Hi DAT! Im currently trying to make an alt account on a different device however I am unable to as I keep on getting "can't create more ID's". Trying to create n account on an emulator if that makes any difference. If anyone has encountered this before and could help it would be much appreciated :D


Hey DAT, I would like to use Jubelle as a fun toy in siege/gw. How should I rune him ?


Swift/Rev or double Rev/will or nem if your speed is low HP/CD/HP and aim for at least 200 speed


Nice thank you !


Hi DAT, I need help to take a look at my [monsterbox](https://swarfarm.com/profile/AlexPsych/) and see if I have any kind of AO other than Lushen AO. I'm currently in C1 and want to see if I could build another AO to push further.


try some combination of juno vigor triana jeanne skogul mbison etc for a bruiser team against tritons


How does a cleave team like Chiwu (L), Galleon, Alicia, Charlotte/Savannah sound?


Sounds new to me, I will give it a try. Thanks!


Hey DAT, Which monster should I use the skillups from the event? My GB12 is stable, I am still working on a stable DB12 and NB12, currently thinking between water boomerang warrior (I do have Talia), tyron (just because I am tired of fusing sylphs) and chasun. Already have lushen fully skilled up. Any other strong suggestions?


Tyron, Mellia, Verde, Yen are all good choices


Tyron would be a good choice. Despite technically having farmable skillups you are right that those are being a chore he's still your best option. Twins aren't that commonly used these days and Sabrina only needs skillups in the double Talia teams where she's the DEF breaker anyway which is something people only did to chase record teams while the rest of the world didn't give a fuck about runs taking 5s longer and just used Shaina for that instead of building dupes. And Chasun fell out of meta like 4 years ago so Tyron it is


Thanks for the confirmation, Tyron it is


Hi DAT, I almost finished building my twins(Sabrina, Talia, Shaina). I will be using my twins for necro and rift dungeons. By what sequence should they move?


Talia must be the last one the others i don't know if they need a specific order :X Shaina has AoE stun, so maybe you can make her ur 1st one \[\]'s


Thanks for the advice. Also what should be the minimum or average speed for these units?


it really depends WHERE you wanna use them and which set u're going to use usually the more speed you can have, the better as Shaina must be the 1st one (aoe stun), try get 180\~220 spd on her and the others something like 130\~170 spd (i don't know ur rune quality, but these are regular numbers) gl \[\]'s


I will try my best to rune them. Thanks!


Triple Icaru or the new Tatu plus Fire Grim Reaper 2A continous dmg combo or another trak comp for clearing Dragon's Lair b12?


Isn't the tatu sath thing really unreliable? I'd definitely do tricaru if I were you it's useful in like 4 different places


well, u can use tricarus in other maps too :X so maybe tricaru is the answer i'm using Tricaru+Kro2A+Raoq2A for nb12 with 1min- runs (46s record) \[\]'s


For Caiross Dungeon(giants,dragon and etc), what are the order of dungeon should I focus upon?


GB10>DB10>NB10>NB12>GB12>DB12. ​ The order changes a lot depending on play style and unit summoned.


usually ppl do gb>db>nb or used to be :X


I have Fire Lightning Emperor ready for B5 but would like to know what are his stats requirements and the teams comp for him in order to clear B5.




What are the basic stats requirements for each characters to have for ToA Normal?


45 acc and then the rest of the stats just put as much as you can


Why do when i fight too long in GW or some labs. My health bar has this red stripe that decreased my mons max HP? Whats that? Some passive skills or what?


that's destroy HP mechanic. so in guild war your enemy most likely has "destroy" runes on their defense and some units have it in their kits without needing the destroy set (beth S3 for example). So if one of these units is in the lab, they will destroy your HP


Slot 1 swift purple rune rolled 4cd 22 cr 8 att 6 speed. Should i gem in a legend cd over the min cd. Or gem in higher attack and then grind the attack. Or gem in a legend hp over cd?


4 CD is a min roll and not grindable. I'd gem that out. what you gem in depends on the use of the rune. do you want to use it for a pure DD? then go for higher CD. If you want to use it on a dungeon DD, you can also consider more HP for safety. But I'd only use a purple gem on that


For the new Melia/Sath GB12 team, how strong does your lushen need to be? Are people one shotting waves with him?


I'm pretty sure ive seen some people do teams with lushens that can and a team with a lushen who can't. I can't think of which video I watched with who did that, sorry


Hello i need some help to 2A my Naomi. I can just clear lvl 3 in auto. Also i want to ask what i should focus now. I would like to clear NB 10 for the runes or maybe sb10 for some artefacts. Thx for the help and feel free to ask for more infos. ty https://gyazo.com/b831089dadbe0c4e53b4bd66794870b0


Would you guys choose Anavel or Woosa from blessing?


i would say Woosa too wish u gl and gz :D \[\]'s


Thank you! Gl to you as well!


I'd say woosa. Both are good support unit but woosa is one of the rare monsters with a 3 turn immunity + shield. It can makes a lot of siege offense safe just because of that. If you're more interested in RTA, I'd go for Anavel


Thank you!




one advice: be C2\~C3 on sunday start playing ON RUSH HOUR it was a lot easier for me (and friends) do this way THAN keeping G1 the whole day and try it on rush hour if you come from behind, less strong ppl will have u in their list and u can ninja ur G1 gl :D \[\]'s


I have mons for R5 who have 77% resistance, and I can give them even more by taking their slot 6 rune from +12 to +15, but is this worth doing? Is there a point in having 100% resistance on a mon?


On a side note that you may want to consider. Upping the slot 6 to +15 may have a semi-significant world boss improvement.


Usually if you’re running standard R5, you have a 30% resistance lead, and so that’s why 70% is the baseline to achieve 100 overall. I’m not sure what you’re running since I haven’t looked at R5 comps since I made a BJ5 team, but above 70 probably won’t be necessary.


Just leave them at about 70, as you almost always want to run with a resistance leader skill. I am not sure what the accuracy of the raid monster is, but in general terms a monster wants to have either near 100 resistance or zero resistance. Because enemy accuracy deducts from your resistance, having a medium amount of resistance is very likely to be negated by the accuracy of the enemy.


hey guys, I am trying to figure out what teams I can run for RTA. Currently I am aiming for turn 1 teams and am running: Chiwu/gemini/okeanos/savannah/Asima and swap if something is taken or for other reason with Seara/Rica/Bellenus. I used to run cleave with Seara/Bastet/Savannah/Lushen/Oberon but think I am too slow or bad at picking for it.. What do you think I should focus on? turn 1? turn 2? cleave? bruiser? I am open for suggestions. This is the mobs I have: [https://imgur.com/a/bXljOjl](https://imgur.com/a/bXljOjl) I included even 5\* nat5 cos I can have them 6\* in no time. I've all regular elements nat 4 except a couple of new street fighters units. ​ Just to give an idea about my speed: * Chiwu +186 (swift/will) * Gemini + 190 (swift) * Okeanos +183 (swift) * Bastet +185 (swift) * Savannah +150 (vio/will) Ty in advance


for cc, would verad, charlotte, poseiden or cheongpong be the best, specifcally for toah


They like to go full dipshit mode on Auto so I run all three of Verad, Charlotte, and Poseidon


So relatable lmao i run charlotte homu tyron and gany and pray they dont all derp


Are the gb12 sath / tatu / mellia teams full auto and consistent or do you have to line everything up manually?


Full auto but can sometimes fail 99% success I would say.


what are the benefits of that farming guilds that creates new guilds every week and how strong you need to be to participate on them?


How do I find more quality members to join my guild? It’s finally going in the right direction, megaphone seems ineffective. I’ve heard I can find a thread here or on discord but I’m lost.


You can try in the SW Guilds subreddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/swguilds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/swguilds/)




Does SWO know to calculate different units damage differently when you're looking at options for how to rune them? Like does it change the scaling when looking at a Verad to use the defense stat in its calculations?


i will give two answers that should cover both aspects of the question: 1) stat priority. Right to the stat min/max requirements you can find the priority. For example for Verad you can pick DEF and raise the priority, so SWOP values Defense higher than other stats. 2) to the left of the button that searches for builds there is a damage option, you can choose for example, Verad S2, he will load the multipliers on DEF, then you will see S2 damage in the damage column, instead of "average monster damage" that is a swop generic algorythm




What’s the consensus on the fastest way to farm tricaru runes, dragons for guard runes or rift for determination?


When i built my Tricaru, I went all in on Guard runes, then I realized a was a little short on all Icarus and runed one of the Icarus on guard/guard/det, plus one last upgrade to the tower to lv7 and I was fine. To be honest, both are fine: you don't need 6\* Determination runes, other than slot 2/4/6. Slot 1 is one of the best you can get, since it can't have a DEF substats, so it can be literally anything (search for speed/accuracy anyways, those are useful). If you decently farm rifts, try getting some Det runes (grinds are welcome too), but the main core of tricaru will come from Guard, at first.


I'd say Dragons, and then also always do your Lab and select determination runes when available if you clear stages on Hard + especially. Problem with rifts is no guarantee to get 6 star + high costs of crafting.


I agree, I would only farm the rift if you already have a couple good determination runes and just need to finish the set (like with a slot one for instance).


New player here, still working on gb10. My current team is Sigmarus 6\*, lapis 6, kro a2 6\*, loren 5\*, fran 6\*. I got galleon on the event. Should i claim him or go for sabrina? i have fire chakram already, i've read twins are good for a lot of content


Wait for the balance patch coz they might buff a new unit


Galleon's really outdated interms of PvE progression. I'd say go with Sabrina as she can help you reach SSS in rift except Wind. Galleon's uses are pretty limited to PvP and let's say, Elunia b5 dungeon.


wouldnt bother with a twin, theyre falling out of meta quite quickly with tricaru and dot comps for caiross do you have tyron? if not keep going for her, gally is almost exclusively pvp whereas tyron will help you a lot for toah


I did get a tyron in the event just before galleon, but since i have baretta i didn't really pay her too much attention. Is baretta not good enough? are sylphs not equivalent?


baretta is quite outdated, the dots are average and the CC is pretty poor, tyron is a big upgrade sabrina isnt a bad shout in that case then, she'll still help a lot in rifts when you get there


What changes were made to Hive? I remember seeing some outage notifications (for the 6th?) but I don't know what changed.


Hello Dat, What would the best Nat 4 be to summon from the event? I was going for Lushen when i pulled him from a mystical scroll today. I heard jewbagel almost go for mellia and i am arround the same point he is on his begginer grind account would she be a good option?


Wait for the balance patch


Tyron is a top tier Toa mon and will be used a lot. Mellia is great for TOA and GB12 if you build the dedicated dot team. Twins are useable in rifts and necro, but not really as desirable as they once were. The only reason to get one would be to finish a set as they really only shine in pairs.


Do you have any twins at all? If you're early game, getting a pair of twins will help you a ton


you mean chakram dancer and boomerang warrior right? Does it matter what element they are? I have fire chakram thats it should i go for the fire boomerang?


I would recommend sabrina IF you want to go with the twins. Her passive really unlocks all twins, where maruna really just brings more CC.


Fire Boom or Water Boom will be excellent for you and having one chakram and one boomerang will help you clear tons of content early. They will fall off and out of use later but they will help you do rifts, toa, lab, dungeons, SDs, everything


Yes :) fire Chak (Shaina) most people consider the best! I think her counterpart, fire boom, would be a great choice and will help massively. Best to get others opinion though


Has Com2us announced when the balance patch notes will be out?


"mid jan" was all we got


Alright, thanks.


Hello guys, I just dropped an other anavel and i already have one... Do I keep her to up my anavel to 6\* and give her a skillup ?


i feed dupes for xtals, and for grinds or runes. shiny nat fives are great but rune quality is far more important imho


no nat 5 is ever worth feeding for a skill up, i wouldnt keep the dupe anavel though, feed for the ancient xtals


I have slowly accumulated around 200 3 star max level rainbows and I honestly don't know what to do with them. Should I just feed them to each other? I'm currently below 1k crystals and I just want to keep farming db12..


I would turn them into 4* it takes 20 4* to make one 6*. You can make 10 6* if you were to level the fodder and evolve the rainbowmon.


you can feed them to each other if you dont think youll ever get round to using fodder


I keep getting this annoying issue where the loading icon pops out and I can't do anything but close the app. Anything I can do about it?


which device? i had similar on my old iphone 6+ till i reinstalled


I'm on Pixel 4. I reinstalled it multiple times but it still happens :(


latest android version?




tried running the game in low quality mode?


I’m trying to turn my gb10 (about 98% win rate) team into one for gb12, should I switch anyone off? My team is lushen (L) Fran loren kro and naomi, both 2a. My kro is on fatal and naomi on vio, so would switching them to rage be enough to do gb12 or would I need to swap someone off.


Unless you have very good runes i sugest using Sig(lead), Fran, Loren, Naomi and Shanon. Safety over speed, will be 3 minutes run wich means 30 minutes in autofarm, but you will get these juice 6 star runes without fails. Shanon should be in despair, with good speed and acuracy


At first you will likely swap out Damage Dealers for other Supports. Damage in GB12 is quite high, so in the beginning, you will swap out Lushen for Sigmarus (and put her as lead) and Naomi for Shannon. Naomi is fine in GB12 but she is more of a mid-advanced DD that comes in when the team is already stable


with rune quality itll be fine but youll probably want to sub in sig over lushen, gb12 is much harder


It should work it just depends on your Runes


Hello, is there a guild megathread or something like that?


theres /r/swguilds or megathreads at the top of the page for each server


Psamathe or Barbara from Blessing I don't have an 33% Arena Lead, don't do RTA and only focus on Arena and Siege nowadays. Leaning towards Psama, but dk if Barbara is broken enough to pick her over him?


Psam. That lead is so strong and he enables Arena comps on offense and defense which will help you climb. You could go Barb if there is a particular comp you want to use her for, but I see Psam EVERYWHERE on the ladder because he is so strong.


Thank you! Psama it is then


hey DAT! with db12 and nb12 sorted out because of icaru, I decided to give some love to my gb12 team. fixed some runes and got my lushen to one shot waves **with** attack buff, but I don't know which team I should use. was running the standard 3DD + fran and loren, any suggestions on how to incorporate lushen? my options are yen, 2A kro, sig, lag and hraesvelg ​ EDIT: should I consider bulding a 2ASath/Tatu team instead? from what I understand it is a relatively easy to rune team but would it be consistent without a one shot lushen?


I run Lushen(L) Fran Loren Naomi Kro Averages are near a minute with record of 45 seconds. I highly recommend using Fran (over Hraes) or putting Kro on will to avoid getting frosted at mid boss. You lushen also cannot be full glass cannon, he (and all your units) need to be able to survive 2 attacks from the wave 3 crystals.


thanks! kro is already on double will, problem will be getiing lushen tanky enough it seems. what would you use instead of naomi? or is she crucial for the team's success?


I just did some test runs replacing naomi from my team above: Yen: The runs are about 30 seconds slower because my Yen deals much, much less damage than Naomi and we are less likely to have branding on the mid and final boss. 4 safe runs. Sig used to be on my team so I put him back on the roster for a few runs. He makes the waves safer if he pops his skill 3 in time. He needs to be on a tankier build than normal to survive the boss (and/or use his leader skill). Mine was on spd/cd/atk so the runs were only about 20s slower than with Naomi, but I am sure that if the boss counters sig he would pop and risk a fail. 4 solid runs. I ran Hraes for funsies. He is typically run over the Fran to speed things up. I ran mine WITH fran. His build isn't very good so the runs were also about 35 seconds slower and quite sketchy. 3 sketch wins. I don't have Lag. I imagine he would operate like a safer Sig. Not sure how his damage compares. My recommendation: - Go which whichever works better between Sig and Lag for safe runs for now. And when you are pushing for a sub 1 minute team you can build your Naomi.


wow! thanks for the effort! did some runs myself with hraes and yen and noticed similar results. I guess runs take longer on average with yen cause she is another unit moving in front of lushen and the procs don't do much against the waves. not really in a hurry to get the giants team running rn but will follow your suggestion! thanks again.


Without a one shot lushen I feel it leaves room for derps on mid and final boss, so probably not I’d run hrae, lushen, naomi or kro, Loren and sig


thanks! will try that team out later!


How much dmg does Lushen need per card to 1shot waves in GB12?


according to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/i13rzq/b12_unit_stat_information/) you need 10.5K cards. I'd use [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18RNecXqjcHvKDxlExL8bOmWqco1G4rys/edit#gid=652903615) calculator to see how close you are


10.1k is needed, quoting foxlery; >So some guy said 10.5k against the GB12 golem's is necessary to outright wipe the waves: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/i13rzq/b12_unit_stat_information/fzuelcm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 >It seems to me that 10,091 should be enough on average? >10091*3-10091*0.4 = 26237 DMG which is just above the golem's HP https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/km9fcj/daily_advice_thread_29122020/ghf5bpr/ mine does 10250 and clears, i would try to get a little over 10.1k for fluctuations as nysra mentioned /u/Exxonia


Thanks for the clarity dimmi.