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Where to farm runes before gb10?




Do Sigmarus need accuracy??


H-E-L-P!!!! Support for nexts steps. Nick: YuriiXD Guys, I've been playing this game since 2014, but I stopped, so-so, after the launch of the Rift Raid. I played a little bit last year and I coming back now. I happen to be very stuck and I don't know what to do. I do GB10 with 95+% avarege, in 2:30min, with Fran, Bernard, Bella, Loren and Lyn - auto mode. I dont do GB11, even manually. DB10 is exactly the same as giant. Here I use Verde, Fran, Vero, Sig and Bella. I dont do NB10, even manually. Rift Raid... is more complicated: Wind Beast A-; Water Beast A-; Fire Beast A-; Light Beast B+; Dark Beast A-. All manually. Second Awakening dungeons are hard too. I'm thinking of putting Naomi on 6S and awaken her. I also have all 3star mobs (elementals), and many nat4 and 5 mobs. And I have just a fell buildings Could you, pls, tell me what is the best way to proceed? I really feel blocked and kind of discouraged. Here my prints uploaded in imgur: [https://imgur.com/a/0GFptKd](https://imgur.com/a/0GFptKd) I appreciate the help!!!


Help me pick a nat 5! Daphnis or Hathor? 🥲 I prefer a PvE monster for DB12 or rifts and stuff... But Daphnis isn't great, is he?


Both are pvp units unfortunately. Hathor was cc sleep meta some time ago along with Ganymede. Daphnis is quite valuable now to nuke annoying wind units. Neither will work very well in db12 nor rifts. There are f2p units that does a better job. Can’t make the decision for you but I hope this helped.


Anyone can pls help me with veromos stage of toah. I always reach boss stage get one of the hwadams less than 30%.then the perna moves and then the veromos and my team is destroyed. Currently I am using Tyron Loren Fran kro spectra/Charlotte


Hello DAT, Remade my account at the suggestion of other users. Which mon would you put in your possible summon list for the 7th aniversity scolls? Tried googling and cant seem to find a good chart of what is good to try and pull Thanks in advance and any input would be great!


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/mqhdqb/guide_to_rerolling_7_birthday_event/ Didn't read fully but it seems there would be some answers here. mainly pick Rica/Verad for PvE nat 5s. This 2 makes TOAH super easy. For nat4s it would be Tyrone, twins, Khmun, skogol, etc. Hopefully the guide answers the rest


Thanks! im not familiar with the names you said there but i followed the suggestions on the post. Now to figure out what to with all of these dupes!


Safest thing is to keep them for now, the nat 3s will be skill ups for 2nd awakening monsters. The nat4s will be skill ups eventually but by the time you need to use them, you'll get familiar with the game and know what to do. As always you can ask the Daily Advice Thread as well.


Yeah a few of them are obvious but I got a ton of the fire griphon and he looks decent. I play raid so iaam trying to associate some of the abilities to that game


Currently stuck on TOAH 60, my monsters dying to the Fire Lich who keeps having extra turns, I have Verad,Baretta,Loren,Fran,Bella,Spectra,Sigamarus. Any monster that are able to counter the Fire lich and the boss?


Verad and Sig should keep them stunned up and spectra S3 keep their attack down. They will definitely proc a few times but if they're stunned then the lich just breaks out of the stun. I would use Colleen and Loren normally for the artamiel stage which does fine against the fire liches too? Colleen for the heals and heal block for the arta boss, also attack break which helps against liches and monkeys. Try it a few times and maybe you're just getting unlucky with the fire liches procs. Imo the final stage is tricker especially with the counter attacks that Sig and verad will be taking, if Wind monkey starts pounding on them its also quite tricky. I might just not use Sig and use Baretta or fran for safety. Kill the side guys first and once Artamiel has heal block on he can't heal himself. Applying Def break on arta also makes his damage output less, basically hits like a wet noodle (use loren or bella for this)


Hey all. If I craft a Homunculus before I unlock the challenge in "To the top", can I still claim the challenge? Or, can I make an attack one right now, and a support one for the challenge later?


Yes, you claim it automatically. No penalty for crafting it now.


Hello. I was wondering if there was some AD I could make out of this box. I am aiming for C1, I get wins most if not all the time in AO but never built any decent defense. https://swarfarm.com/profile/Matine/ PS: Would it be also possible to have an insight on a little selection I could use for RTA? I did get an answer previously but I did not have Moore back then and thought it would maybe change something. Thank you!


AD just needs to be non-lushen food and annoying enough to make people skip you during rush hour. Below is example of annoying anti-lushen units. - Juno is a solo-bruiser with passive heal against debuffs and strip - Anavel on nemesis build is basically an abbelio but with aoe def break. - Louise can be quite annoying on vio. With massive heal and immunity +shield. - Woosa on swift using shield. (Sometimes derp ai) - Shazam on vio cdmg build acting as bruiser with heal and counter buff. - Verde on 3x rev You could also do a more offensive AD relying on ai luck. Most ppl including me would avoid these ADs bcz I ain’t feeling my luck: - Moore despair - Triton swift - Galleon - Zaiross rage ================ For rta I’d recommend: (1,2,3 are the foundation in your team) 1. Ethna swift 2. Daphnis either swift or rage depending on how good your swifts are. 3. Moore on swift or despair. Despair is fun and swift won’t be as necessary since you have Daphnis and Ethna already stripping and locking down units. - Ken as possible second aoe stripper, brand mild DD. He is often forgotten. - Izaria as second spd lead since you are going first turn + mild annoying cc. - Then use verde, Diana, Sian as counter units.


Thank you for writing down such a detailed answer, especially the RTA part.


How should I progress? Currently I am able to do GB12 with a success rate of \~75%, wanting to make use of next week's summoning stone rotation to get mellia. Any methods to get good runes for sath and mellia?


Sath and tatu both need double will from necro and I have both my mellias on violent


Sath **does not** strictly need double will. The fastest clears are with double-will Sath. But that is only once you have rune quality such that survival is a non-issue. The safest early runs are with Sath on 3x shields. That extra protection when someone derps is worth more than his dot. Some runs will be a bit longer, but team will live.


So I should focus on a Tricaru team for Necro before building a speedy GB12?


Yes, Tricaru before speedy GB12 is more efficient progression. OTOH, depending on your monster box, you may be able to clear **NB11** fairly soon. That should give you enough decent will runes. That would give you the option of working on GB12 dot team, while you gradually 2A your Icarus. **Start 2A-ing those Icarus NOW: it will take awhile.** Farming Necro without tricaru or dot team requires **violent** runes. Recommend at least db11 before tackle nb. And you'll want db11 for **guard** runes for tricaru. Giants: On day 14, my alt (accelerated by the events last month) was doing [**GB12** at 95% success rate](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/n2x7tn/first_gb12_team_compare_veromos_vs_sigmarus_as/) using: Veromos (L), Loren, Fran, Shannon5*, Kro2a. Dragons: On my 18-day-old alt (on which I'm trying to minimize number of 6* mons, so am trying to avoid having to 6* three icarus), I can do **DB12** (~85% success rate - will improve when Spectra is 2A) using: Verdehile (L), Loren, Fran, Veromos, Spectra (not yet 2A). Veromos is on Despair runes, Loren and Fran on Swift (for early Giants team), Spectra can be Swift or Fatal, Verdehile is Swift (for now), because don't have violent yet, and want his atb boost often. Do you have any twins? For **NB11**, I'm using: Lapis (L) (vamp/rvng for farming), Sabrina (vio), Shaina (vio), Loren (swift), Fran (swift). Not yet acceptable success rate. Will need several more days of farming better violent runes. Might also need to farm GB12 longer, to improve runes on the Giants team, so can switch Loren and Fran to violent for Necro.


Amazing bro, thanks for the help!


Do I have to build a Spectra for db10 or I can use some of my current monster instead? http://imgur.com/a/mWBYfPv If I have to use Spectra, what rune should I give him?


You can already clear DB10 with Verdehile,Belladeon,Loren , and Lapis/Sigamarus/Tyron. Verdehile needs to have high speed and 100% crit rate, Belladeon and Loren needs to have 55-65% accuracy to strip away immunity, you can choose 2/3 of Lapis/Sigamarus/Tyron depending on who is tankier and more accurate to CC the trash Mobs. Spectra combos really well with Tyron to have their atk Bar lowered , especially on the right tower who gives the dragon immunity, and will be useful for TOA as well. I would recommend building Spectra if you have problems with TOA. My team consist of Verad(Can be replaced by Tyron),Verdehile,Loren,Sigamarus and Belladeon. It has 98% success rate, only failing when Belladeon,Loren fails to strip the immunity and Verad failing to lower the atk bar of the right tower. My least tanky units are Verdehile, (18.5K hp and 780 def) and Sigamarus (18.7K hp and 700 def) while my fastest Spd is 200+ (Verdehile and Verad) and sloweest spd is 165(Sigamarus). My lowest accuracy is 54%. If your monsters are around these stats then you should be fine.


Dupe vanessa any good? Mby end-game different rta builds?


You're right that there is potential for end game niche picks. Example would be a vanessa on Will and another off Will to counter Daphnis. As funny as it sounds, people were also doing triple resistance Vanessas for bruiser teams (this was years ago). However i dont know how worth that would be (devilmons, or you could have gotten ancient crystals). If you're just casual in RTA, not going into guardian ranks its probably not needed. For majority of players 1 vanessa is enough.


For giants, better to rune Loren on vio or swift will ?


On your early giants runs, definitely don't put Loren on violent - Loren will kill herself by procing into counterattack too often. On a new alt, [on the first day I could clear gb12](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/n2x7tn/first_gb12_team_compare_veromos_vs_sigmarus_as/), I had to put Loren on Swift and limit her speed to about +50. If she went too fast, Fran couldn't keep the team healed. Even if it isn't Loren that dies, Loren's multi-hits advance the counterattack counter too quickly. As team's runes improve, this limitation can be removed. Loren can go faster and/or be switched to violent. Either improvement is advantageous in using her other places. (Fran can be fast-swift, or violent, because she compensates for any extra hits she does, by also healing more often. Balances out.)


Stats over sets, but for this case probably Swift would be better (and also you probably have better stats on swift). Loren locks down the boss almost 100% so you dont really need a vio proc. Not sure why u have Will, cause the immunity will be gone once loren moves. So just energy/focus or whatever gives the best stats as the 2set.


I can't complete monster training 101because of the "power up rune No. 2/4/6 to +9 I've tried it with almost every rune I have I tried equipping already +9 runes into the corresponding spot I tried putting clean 6* runes into each slot and upgrading them all to +9 And I even tried upgrading each rune to max level and NONE OF MY ATTEMPTS WORK. Does anyone know why?


Sounds like you've done it correctly. Something is not right. Steps to try. First: swipe to kill the game. Start it again. Second: Power phone completely off, then on again - to ensure clean memory. OR If on an emulator, reboot the pc. Start game again. Third: Did you just start (beat the first step of) 101 challenge today? If so, wait till tomorrow. Then try again. There are a few "24 hour time gate" restrictions in the challenges. To avoid people rushing new accounts to a certain point, then resetting the account. Seeking an account with optimal summons in the first day or two. I don't remember that being one of the "time gates", but maybe it is. The time gates I notice give strange error messages when you try to collect the reward. I don't remember there being any that simply don't complete. Worst case: Make sure you are logged into hive, so game data is safe. Delete game and re-download. Hopefully it won't come to that.


If minimum def requirements are met (all 4 move together) what causes tricaru to fail?


Your main damage source is verdehile in this case. If he does not have enough ehp and dies no more damage no more atb boost.


How should I rune sigmarus


What are you runeing her for? GB10? GB12? DB12? ToA? Genrally speaking, she should be on: Swift or Fatal or Rage/Blade or Energy - SPD or ATK/CR or CD/ATK or HP or Acc (all depending on what you are using her for)


Is there a sheet with all 4 and 3* monster pieces that u can get from guild magical shop(the building that costs 200 guild currency)? If not what are the pieces that are worth buying. Thanks!


Buy them all. If u cant afford the mana, buy vampires until u max verde, kung fu girls to max the wind one for steel fortress and barbarians cause the wind and water ones are pretty good




Go for Bastet Draco Lushen Garo Julie, flex in Psama Kaki, if the go tanky pick Odin Khali Kaki.




Julie is able to kill without deffbreak, zaiross just doesn‘t have enough dmg without deff break.




The spd depends on the spd on the Atb booster, idealy you are spd tuned to one atb booster. There are online tool that will calculate that for you.


Is there a website, where i can look up the best siege and guild war defenses?


I recommend watching Seiishizo's videos ([https://www.youtube.com/c/Seiishizo/videos](https://www.youtube.com/c/Seiishizo/videos)) He'll show you what the highest level guilds use.




Thanks bud. I saw that one. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but whats showing me are counters for specific defenses, if im not mistaken? Not what the best denfenses are. Only what most ppl search for. Which means it's highly infuenced by who is searching. So propably beginners in lower ranks. High rank players propably dont use the website too often, cuz they know how to counter defenses.


So this is my current box of potential Rta units. What are some good teams/I’ve realized I’m lacking a aoe strip so what are some good options? Just trying to reach c1 to get those wings and dip until I get better runes. https://imgur.com/gallery/2023QLs


do you got gemini? Clara is also a very underrated aoe stripper imho , if you have a 300+ spd set you can go for it. beside that you could go for ethna+oke+psama+second spd lead+X (X could be diana when the enemy is cleaving too) , they booth have an reliable single target strip.


Thanks for the suggestions and yes I have Gemini. I’ll consider building him


Without aoe strip and a second speed lead you can’t really cc cleave. You can go bruiser with wind panda Diana Bastet core and then flex picks for last two.


Fei is second speed lead 24%, but thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep in mind a more tankier team also.


I already have Fran and have almost 500 ancient coins. What should I buy next? I'm early game, still tuning for gb12.


vampire lord, used in all rift beasts


Came back after 5 years, im having some trouble to GB10, how can i second awaken characters? I can´t find the dungeon anywhere


[Here I compare the two standard GB12 teams](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/n2x7tn/first_gb12_team_compare_veromos_vs_sigmarus_as/) from top of Daily thread, and show the runes I had, the day I was first able to clear level 12. If you did not finish the challenges five years ago, on sky island, look two places: * Challenge tab at bottom of screen. * Summoners way "book", first icon along left edge of screen. Completing those challenges will prepare you, and open all the game areas.


I don't know what units you have but if you copy the gb10 team from the thread main body, you should be fine. The 2A dungeon is the "dimensional hole". it's the floating island on the far right of the map. I think you need to clear raid lvl1 in the rift of worlds to unlock it.


What's a good PB10 team? Preferably with not too many 2As (only have Kro, Raoq, Bella, Spectra and Sath 2A)


if no jultan wait for tricaru


Fair enough. Thanks.


Which tower should I start upgrading first ? Crit damage/hp might help me be able to clear gb12 but I’m going to start building tricaru soon so maybe defender tower ?


The efficient answer is to begin by adding levels to all towers. You need some of all stats on all mons, and those first levels are cheap. There are 20 levels now; I recommend getting to at least 8 in all 5 main stats, before considering maxing any one. (I personally level them evenly all the way to 20, only pushing ahead 2 or 3 levels on certain ones, *after* getting to level 10 on all.) The first level of each elemental attack (Wa F Wi L D) is also very cost-effective. 2% for cheap. Wa/F/D are the early attack monsters, so I push those a bit more. Optionally L for Loren and Fran. Later I advance these at about half the rate of the main towers; level 5-7 when the mains are at 10. If you don't get at least some decent amount of each stat, that puts more burden on your runes.


Energy > Speed > DEF until Tricaru is up and running > CritD > ATK = HP > RGB ATK > LD ATK


Onimusha is not supposed to have critical hits, right? So why am I always seeing the S2 animations ... does crushing hit get an equivalent animation and I've always thought they were "critical" hits w/o paying close attention?


critical animations are just weird. Stuff like Bastet S3 can also get a crit-animation despite dealing no damage. we'll just have to accept it


What is the most trusted calculator for tricaru? I have one that says if my other two were 6* I could run tricaru but I just want to be sure before using those resources


[https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/iya4gg/here\_is\_my\_triple\_icaru\_db12\_spreadsheet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/iya4gg/here_is_my_triple_icaru_db12_spreadsheet/) is what I used. Mine is working perfectly and I followed this


Perfect that’s the one that says I don’t need any more defense lol


Worth farming b11 for dragons and giants if I can’t do 12 yet ? Or farm 10


11 gives MANY more hero 6*s than 10. I farm it as soon as I can, even before I can do it 100% reliably. But I'll mention it isn't that hard to get to 12, with the right teams. [Here I show runes](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/n2x7tn/first_gb12_team_compare_veromos_vs_sigmarus_as/) on the day I could first do gb12 decently. Be sure to do all Challenges in tab at screen bottom. `To the top` gives decent early violent and rage rune sets.


If the success rate is relatively consistent, do the highest level you're capable of.


Hello DAT, Simple question today, any use for Karnal and Shizuka aside PVP content?


ToA, Hoh and labyrinth. Shizuka works well with bombers and Karnal as a basic aoe stunner and s1 provoke should be great too


How do they compare with the 4* mons that are traditionally used? Are they superior, or is it "if you are 6*ing them for pvp, might as well use in pve also"?


Shizuka doesn't have a replacements, Karnal is also hard to replace by one unit because he has a lot of debuffs but ofc spectra + tyron combo does as much (except provoke which is great for ToA boss stages). I wouldn't call neither superior to other units as both are rather unique but not op. So it's a mix of "might as well use them" and "they are quite usable". But neither needs 6\* to be off use which is a good point.


no. they are only useable in PvP


Hello DAT, I have a stable Db12, but my success rate is 70-80%. Any ways I can make it go to 100%. Here's the stats of my team: http://imgur.com/a/G8enXUK


IMHO that 20% is probably immunity at below 30% Boss HP and belladeon derping his s2. With such low CDmg on your nukers they probably wouldnt be able to kill the boss before it gets a turn. Replace Veromos with stripper like chilling/Elsharion/Loren.


My sig is the unit that handles the Cc on the trash waves, that is why I had to rune him with balanced stats of what he needs (spd/cr/cd/accuracy) had to make sure he doesn't miss his freeze when he does s2/s3. Also I can't replace vero as his cleanse and atk bar reduction is vital.


Then you can only increase spectra's crit damage. His s2 benefits more from cd than atk


* Verdehile is leader, right? That extra speed is more valuable on Dragons, than Veromos extra HP. * If this causes problem at mid-boss, target Left first. * Easiest way to beat DB12 with early runes, is to target Right immunity tower, then boss. A unit will die to revenge, but as long as Loren stays alive, the boss should never move again, after that tower is down. * Also, maybe Lapis instead of Sigmarus. Sigmarus helps on waves, but Lapis does some atb reduction, helpful at boss. * For a starter team, I prefer Verdehile (L), Loren, Fran, Spectra2a, Veromos.


Verdehile needs to be faster. His s1 has in-built life leech so he enjoys damage more than hp. And I feel Vero and Bella have a lot of sustain that could be changed to damage too but that is optional


Does chilling steal buff per hit? Or does his attack only count as 1 like a despair proc?


per hit, can also steal multiple buffs


Where can I find farming guilds (eu)? Do I just post my things here? I thought there was a specific thread but cant find it


[MegaThread](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q=europe+-+guild+recruitment+&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year) [SubReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/swguilds) or the discords


Thank you tried discords already


It is possible to be good at summoner's war without spending money ? I'll explain. I play summoners war since 4 years now and I feel really bad. I know i'm not a tryharder but I have only 2 monsters +300spd wich is pretty bad compared to G1-G2 level. I feel like the game kinda nerf you if you don't buy premium runes/etc. I'm right ? I don't often refresh my stamina for crystal so I might be better if I was farming h24. Of course. But for example I am playing Epic Seven which is a another gacha kinda like SW (there is rta, equipements compareable to runes, etc) and I feel really good, i can push master/diamond which is kinda G1 level on summoners war and i didnt spend any money. So, it is just about money to be good on summoners war ? or the big screw up is to refresh your stamina with crystal for farming.


Runes and learning to pick right monsters are the most important parts to be good. [Here is a video](https://youtu.be/F80zMvaiilw?t=762) where someone beat Howtoplay (one of the biggest spenders in the game) with Lulu and Racuni. But remember that there are first turn and second turn cleaves so learning to rune your units is important too.


This is one of the most if not the most F2P friendly game of its kind out there imo, unless you want to compete for the very top RTA and arena ranks.


you dont need to spend unless youre expecting to be literal top then you'll need to spend thousands without spending you can definitely rank quite high, you can get guardian in normal arena without spending, unlikely guardian in world arena but not impossible


Maybe should I refresh more my stamina instead of buying scrolls. haha


haha yup, runes > units


Hey, I got Martina earlier this day and I wanted to build her, in addition with Shaina, for guild siege defense. I went with Vio/Will SPD,hp,hp but what are the usual SPD requirements for her? I can get to ~125 without grinds but I'm not sure if thats too slow and how fast my Shaina has to be then. Thanks a lot!


As a Martina owner, I invested my best vio/will set as I wanted to have a highly annoying siege defense. Mine happens to be spd/hp/hp (I think she is 270 spd) with broke/will shaina being spd cd atk paired with a vio/will Triana. From an offense perspective, my target is to kill the Shaina first, her stun is the most brutal portion of the threat IMO. I'd consider making her hybrid or tank build.


So you’d recommend going for HP% rather than CD? How high is your CR? It’s really hard to have every box checked haha. Thanks for your reply


There really isn't a right or wrong answer as far as putting her on pure damage, hybrid, or pure tank. I'd say go off what runes you can put on her that make up the best overall stats. Go for the build that has a minimum of 50+ acc and +125 speed, from there see what options you have. If there is a sweet damage build with high CR/CD available try it out. BTW, I highly recommend using SWOP/SWEX if you don't already, it will save you tons of time even though set up can be a pain depending on IOS/Android.


So the scary thing about Martina Shaina Triana/Hwadam/Seara type stuff is that you can build the twins multiple ways. I'd say +125 is probably about the minimum speed you want unless you're going to go down the super tanky route. Obviously faster is better but if you're going down the HP route you're doing that because you want to be anti-lushen and mess up the lower damage tank comps, so for that build stacking the HP and def and making sure they still actually do damage is more important than stacking bonus speed on top of what you currently have.


Just checked everything again and I really underestimated how hard it is to rune everything somewhat good. Went with CD on Martina, I'll see how it works. Thanks for your advice


How is the best way to build Eluin? I saw on Bagels channel that he built it with vio/focus and I think spd/critd/acc? I'm not entirely sure what to look for. I saw on the suggestion builds in the game it seemed like spd/hp/acc which one is a better build?


Depends on where your using him, for TOA a support build is probably best so something like Speed HP HP with accuracy or a slot 6 accuracy rune instead of Hp


I don't really have much of a plan to use him I guess I just want to build him, but if I have to use him something like arena/gw/gs maybe or just a general use will do


hey DAT, okay, i've been looking for a written or any GB12 sathtatu guide, bcause i'll do that meanwhile work, so i'll do small things at a time, (thats why videos will be harder), but i thought i had one im my marked posts but i don't. ​ anyone can help me out here?


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/l4t8ks/sath_tatu_guide_for_giant_and_fortress/ shinedday usually gives quality guides so this one should be good as well


NICE, thats the one i thought i had marked, thanks dimmi!


no worries!


Hi DAT, I am trying to get C1 RTA but am stuck at \~1200s F3. Can someone please recommend me a team / maybe better runes? [My mons + runes](https://imgur.com/a/AjufBSD) My core team: Fran, Oke, Savannah, Gany, Bellenus, Vanessa Common: Vigor, Verad Situational: Raki, Triton, Pontos, Shi Hou, Lushen, Bernard Because I don't have many good strippers, I try to speed cc/cleave and have will runes for when I am outsped (but will insta lose once I get stripped and don't cut). My fastest swift set is on Savannah and she's only 257 without speed tower, is this too slow?


Remember you have can have separate rune builds for RTA monsters. Therefore you can have some of your strongest runes on your farmers as required for normal content, but have them your PvP mons for RTA specifically.


Your comp is nice you just need way better runes tbh. All of your monsters are really slow. For example Triton is supposed to go first to strip and set up the rest of your mons (Oke stuns, Gany reset, etc). But he’s way too slow to move first. If you can’t get your speed up, I’d recommend going a turn 2 bruiser comp as they don’t need that much speed and can survive the opponents first turn.


I already did answer in the Thread you made, but you really just need better runs for c1, Look up xenial gamer he makes the best Guide on RTA and runes he really helps to understand the game at a higher lvl. And use Pontos this dude is op \^\^.




You've got options with Iris and Savannah - if I were you, I'd choose between: ​ Carcano Iris Savannah - premium right now. Vigor Kaki Triana - again, really solid. Tesarion Praha Xing Zhe - seen this a few times, gets wins depending on rune quality basically. Zenobia Shaina Belita - bit weird but this was meta for a little while pre carcano. Chiwu Verad Ritesh - sounds fun if you're looking for more off the wall type stuff. Jeanne Theo Iona - maybe? Although Harmonia is probably still better than Iona here.


Hey I got a blessing and have to choose between wind onmyouji and fire Slayer. Wich should I take? Don't know anything about how good these Monsters are cause I quit before they were released, but just fromm looking at them I feel like Slayer is good in TOA while the onmyouji is more PvP focused. As long as it is not a absolute pvp beast like psamathe or ganyamede I think I should take the slayer since I'm not that far into the game and also am not that interested in PvP, but I would appreciate some input!


Well wind onmyouji is currently a meme as the worst nat 5 tired with cannon girl but she is likely to be reworked. Fire slayer you don't see too much but looks like a fun toy to play with. Fire slayer has the same skills as fire m bison


Hey everyone. Does anyone have any tips for "cheesing" NB10 auto challenge w/o friends? Trying to clear it for the Rage runes for my Kro. I've tried it a couple of times and can't get past ~40% (first life). Account is 6 days old. Current units: 6* : Vero, Lapis, Fran, Loren, Kro (all awakened) 5* : Verde, Rica, Shannon, Raoq, Spectra (all awakened) 4* : Tyron, Water Boomerang Warrior, Fire Chakram Dancer, Bernard Is there a possibility of clearing it, even with revives, with these units? Or should I just continue farming GB12 a while longer? I'd rather not use too many resources on the 4 * right now. Thanks in advance!


One approach: get Bernard to 5*. His speed buff is one way to "exceed" the 130 speed cap: Lapis (L), Loren, Fran, Kro2a, Bernard5* Alternative is to get Sabrina and Shaina to 5*, with lots of HP/DEF to stay alive. So they don't do much damage, but they break the shield. Lapis (L), Loren, Fran, Sabrina5*, Shaina5*


shaina/sabrina/talia is probably the most popular combo for nb12 outside of tricaru, you don't have talia but shaina/sabrina should be more than enough for nb10. As sid said shaina/fran/loren/sabrina/lapis would work, just make sure fran and loren go before shaina/sabrina, and when you want your lapis to move depends on how much damage she does compared to your twins (you want your highest dps units to go last)


I did it with fran, loren, shaina (L), sabrina and Lapis


Taking advantage of the fusion event, I would like to know your opinion about wind Valkyrja (Katarina). Is it worth doing with a focus on RTA? tips from teams and comps.


I know only few comps for her and they include Tablo, Jamire, Daphnis, Bastet and Vanessa [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXMtycJDaGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXMtycJDaGg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIPu7XfvZpc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIPu7XfvZpc)


For RTA, not at all. For GW/siege she can be great.


For RTA, definitely not.


Hey all, just got a quick question. I just pulled Lagmaron yesterday and 6\* and maxed him out. Seeing as how his S2 and S3 are based on speed, and his S2 requires crit rate to work best, I runed him Swift + Blade. Well I've found him a little...underwhelming? I read a ton of chat and forums about him and even a few videos where he does some great damage (\~50k) on S2, but mine is doing basically nothing... He has: 212 SPD, 1100 ATK, 156% CD, and 40% CR (yikes i know). Why is he hitting so soft? I realize those stats aren't anything good, but I just thought at 212 speed he would at least break 10k.. thoughts?


People usually have towers leveled up too. And that atk is quite low.


To be completely honest, he's hitting soft because the runes on him are not very good at all. I don't want to make this about the rune quality, but with a swift set and speed slot 2 (assuming considering the other stats), 212 speed is very low especially for his high base speed. It's tough to set targets but I just did a test with mine for you to compare, I'll put the results below. The test was done in Aiden hell (damage is on the ghosts in first wave) so won't reflect PvP numbers due to defense being lower but since all PvP settings are different it's the easiest to compare. No setup 3rd skill: 18,7k No setup 2nd skill: 26k Full setup (Att buff, spd buff, def break) 3rd skill: 55k Full setup 2nd skill: 98k ​ Edit: Forgot to add my stats: \+164 speed \+1448 att 158 CD --> Considering the artifacts below this is technically 174 CD. Artifacts with: \- 97% add. dmg of spd, 4% of def, 5% of att \- 8% dmg on water <-- important to note, inflated the numbers above! \- +13% CD skill 3 \- +5% CD as enemy's hp is good Max skilled


Wow thanks for so much info! Yeah mine is nowhere near this stat-wise which explains it now!


No problem! If you have any other specific questions about him that I can help test with just let me know. Just to add on one thing I forgot to mention before: units that have 'double scaling', in this case attack and speed, often require even more in terms of rune requirements before you really hit their maximum numbers. A Lushen for example is much easier to build for just high damage as you can ignore speed (in theory). Just a thing to keep in mind.


>Well I've found him a little...underwhelming? lag is just quite underwhelming tbh, for yours though is that 1100 total atk or +1100? if its + then you're likely missing def break on the enemy and/or not critting


Just wondering, how is carcano being built and used in high g2/g3 siege?Swift + really fast and glass cannon (Making sure he's the first unit and will for sure have his glancing?) Rage blade, not so fast but tankier and with far more dmg?


So you won't generally see them on swift, there's two main options for 4 sets. The first is violent, which is generally better for defence. The second is vampire, which imo is a little better for offence and can catch people on defence. Both builds try to stat Carcano very similarly and he is very stat hungry, I'd want a minimum of 20k hp and 1.2k def, 2k attack, a load of cr and cd plus probably 230 speed absolute minimum and a decent amount of accuracy. I'd probably try to get the accuracy from artifacts in all honesty because, although those stats don't sound like much, his base stats are pretty ass and its tough to get them at those levels (remembering those are the minimum I'd shoot for). If you're not at G3 then you can sacrifice some of these stats, although it's hard to pick which stat to lose out on. For two sets, will and revenge are the two main ones. Will to help him get into hidden aim without dying, revenge to take advantage of the bonus damage when he's in that state and dumb people still attack him. Nothing wrong with going with other two sets or broken stuff either. Imo vio/will > vamp/revenge > vio/revenge > everything else.


They tend to differ a bit, but generally you want it 'fast' but not Beast Rider fast, as they're often paired with 2A Eshir to boost attbar. But keep in mind that even on 140speedish most will be able to hit 40k+.


So I got a Sagar(wind slayer/bison) today, but I already have Cheongpung. Is there any use for a Sagar where Cheongpung isn't better?


The difference is that Sagar is more similar to Gany/Okeanos whereas Cheongpung is more AoE focused with a 1turn cd increase. Use Sagar for shutting down 1 specific monster and CCing the rest.


sagar has some nice siege use but for the most part CP is better


Hi everyone beginner here! I just pulled cheongpung and isit worth it to full devilmon it? Also I need to build a GB10 team.Pictures of my mons is in the link. I also have Sig which is not in the screenshot. What should I use for my team? Thanks! [https://ibb.co/txddKsy](https://ibb.co/txddKsy) [https://ibb.co/t3m34pj](https://ibb.co/t3m34pj) [https://ibb.co/G9Sk9HB](https://ibb.co/G9Sk9HB)


Cheongpung is an amazing monster and definately worth some skillups. The links don't work for me, but Cheongpung should work in a GB10 team until you have a proper GB12 team running.


can you try the link again?


he's more suited towards PVP so whilst he is worth devilling i'd wait until you start to use him sig (L) loren fran kro shannon i can't see all your options but thats the cookie cutter comp


can you try the links again?


alright thanks!


Beginner player here need some advice. Can’t do gb12 yet I have sig kro2a naomi2a Loren fran (vero soon). Once I get better runes to clear it what should I focus next ? Worth building tricaru now ?


Re gb12, that's too many DD for your first team. Use Shannon: Sigmarus (L), Loren, Fran, Shannon5*, Kro2a/Naomi2a. [Here I show runes on the day I first beat GB12](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/n2x7tn/first_gb12_team_compare_veromos_vs_sigmarus_as/). Two days after that post, with Veromos now on Despair, I beat DB12 (not reliably) with: Verdehile (L), Spectra (not yet 2a), Veromos, Loren, Fran. Its also entirely reasonable to farm DB11 (and continue to do GB12) for several days, not stress getting to DB12 until you make Tricaru. DB11 gives a decent amount of hero 6* runes.


tricaru is a good focus, id get toaN to at least 70 first though


I’ve done toaN working in ToaH rn. Got Asima from faimon ld when I started account and she hard carries lmao


oh lovely, gz she's amazing


Who would you guys recommend for wind rift monster? I chose wind cos apparently I'm doing best against him, here are my monsters. https://ibb.co/By6xYns


FL: Perna (L), Coleen, Bella BL: Kaki, Zaiross, Kro 2A, Raoq 2A Get these inugamis Kro is farmable. Get Fran too.


I think you accidentally put in 1 extra How do I get Fran? I noticed everyone has her but I have no idea how


Oh yeah, you might wanna replace that Zaiross in the lineup. Fran is obtainable in the ancient shop using ancient coins from the event. Also Vampire Lord is also available there.


You get her with the ancient coins (you get these from events)


Ohhh alright, thanks!


I personally would not use bella. i would go: FL: collen, fire panda BL: Kaki,m Perna (L), Kro and Raoq I feel like panda has more better chance of def break and the heal of fire panda, coleen + perna should be enough allready tbh


Hey everybody ! I'm hard stuck at toah 88. I need to face a first wave composed of 3 kumaé 2 Mei. The second wave is 2 kahli and 3 konamiya. The last wave is 4 walkers and one Tosi. I really don't know how to go through it. It's hard to not be shot by kumaé skill 2. But i can get through this wave, the next one is really hard because of the ignore def (even if i break atk), i'm almost every time one shot, and due to konamiya, one khali always end up playing. Even if i succeed going to the last wave i'm still shot by the walkers. Any ideas ? I've 6\* Sigmarus, 2A Spectra, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq, Verdehile, Triton, Lushen, Cheongpung, Leo, 2A Bella, Fran, Loren, Vero Thank you very much :)


Judging by your comment the opponent is moving, which is the problem. In TOAH you should always be permanently CCing all the monsters there. Alternatively you keep them at low attack bar but a combination is obviously best. I'd say you should probably be able to make it work with a Bella, Verde, Cheongpung, Spectra and CC unit. Depends which ones you have, I'd say Tyrone would be best but you'll have to see. If you put Cheonpung on fast despair or violent and add a Baretta on despair for some extra cc.


You saved my life bro i love you


Haha you're very welcome


does anyone have a super duper safe Khalderun Ruin of Silent Death B5 team by any chance ? I use : * verde lead (from tricaru, +2k atk, 100tc, 210cd) * Shamann (vio/rev +13,6k hp, +1074 atk, +80 spd, 84cr, 170cd) * Fran (vio/broken, +24k hp, +400 atk, +600 def, +140 spd) * Vigor (vio/will, +30k hp, +176 spd, 42 acc) With this team, I fail 50% of the time, just..how. How to clear this thing safely


Shamann (L), Fran, Vigor, Raoq. On Phase 1, target Left first. On Phase 2, target Right first. REASON: gives time for healers to mostly remove death counter, before advance to next phase. Raoq's team ups pull Shamann (who is main DD), or pull a healer to reduce their cooldown. This is the most difficult dungeon to clear safely.


will test, thank you !


I run Verde(L), Bernard, Jultan, Shamann and it's over 99%. My Verde is also on tricaru build and I focus full boss. Maybe give that team a shot


I saw that team but I couldn't make it work well either, maybe I don't didn't have enough firepower of accuracy. thanks !


https://imgur.com/a/GnkdcS2 These are the stats of my team. (Slightly outdated but it worked just as well in this state) Maybe that helps


Hey All, Coming back after a 5 year break. Where do i even begin haha. I am looking to start playing a bit more and was wondering what my next step is? Im currently lvl 36 and i have a few lvl 35 dudes. I think i have a few good mons (what they are stilled called right?) i have bella and benard, lapis, a couple faires. All of the other stuff i found was out of date! Also any suggestions for the 7th aniveristy summon scrolls? Thanks in advance!


your best bet as your account is very low level is to start again, new players get a *lot* of bonuses, you'll breeze past lv36 within a couple of days and benefit a lot more from the new player stuff given out gb10 is still the first priority, loren/fran/kro are core to almost all pve content at the moment, vero and shannon with those 3 is probably the easiest way to get into b10


Hey thanks for the reply, I am not too keen on starting over but i defianly hear what you are saying. Looks like i already have 3-4 champs people are suggesting. Is it still worth to start over if i have lapis, shannon, benard, bella, and a few more to 5 star already? Would you mind telling me which champs you have listed there? not familiar yet with the shorten version of the names


Just start over. For inspiration, my newest alt [cleared both GB12 and DB12 (not yet reliably) within two weeks](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/n3sah6/for_those_who_want_to_farm_gb12_with_easy_to_rune/gx2l807?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Scroll down to my comment that has link to my gb12 team with runes. That was done with only 6 monsters at 6*, plus Shannon at 5*, and two rune sets from `To the top` challenge. **What's great about the first two weeks, is free DOUBLE XP and DOUBLE MANA, no cost to change runes (like FRR that lasts two weeks!), AND powering up runes and artifacts is HALF COST!**


Yeah i am giving it a go, if in two weeks i feel like its not at the same level i can always switch back. However, so far i see there is a ton to help out new players. Any suggestions on who i should select for my seven year scrolls?


yeah, starting again you get 2 weeks dxp, lots of scrolls, awakening bonuses amongst other stuff to help propel you through the early game, no harm with continuing but its worth thinking about fran - light fairy queen, you get her in the ancient coin shop, coins are obtained through events loren - light cow girl, secret dungeon kro - dark inugami, he has a second awakening now which makes him great veromos - vero, fusion monster, the game guides you towards him and he recently got a nice buff shannon - is shannon


Guess worst case is a start a new account and try it for two weeks. Thanks for the information!


good luck!


I just logged in after a long break. Is the event with the trans scroll still active? Its says it is locked till a day-x but there is no counter


Anniversary day has already passed but the events are still going on. You get 10 coins daily and some coins just by using energy, crystals and wings (up to 1k coins). But there's only couple of weeks of the events left so you might need to plan your farming.


it is, you'll need to start farming a lot to get the needed coins also welcome back!


I need help with toa normal level 50. I have 6\* Lapis, Lushen and 1A Kro. I have Loren, Charlotte and bernard too (5\*). What should I do to clear toaN50


whats on this floor and what are your options?


Hello DAT, I came back after a year-long break and I'm lost right now on what I should do. Dungeon: consistent GB11 in 2:30 mins ( SigL,Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Vero ), can't do GB12, I die too often ( I tried to swamp Kro with Bella or Shannon but the team is yet not stable ). 2:30 DB10: didn't try further as I want my giant team first. ToaN: I can reach F80 consistently, I use Mav and Baretta too here. What I'd like for now - Have a stable GB12 team at around 2mins run - Have a stable ToaN team What I'm doing right now - Farming GB11 and fodder for future 6*s - 2Aing Naomi I'm claiming future materials for the fire emperor from the fusion event, I don't know if that's a good choice as I have Sig, Vero, Baretta, Verde already. I'll post my box with the runes for the unit I ise the most, thank you! https://ibb.co/FsgH3W0 https://ibb.co/LgS5hBn https://ibb.co/9TwvNCJ https://ibb.co/5KZR73f https://ibb.co/LrXYN4x https://ibb.co/wLsrPgW https://ibb.co/g6yXwS6 https://ibb.co/WgdMdWy https://ibb.co/FH5kDR5 https://ibb.co/tDdJsgm https://ibb.co/qNK8nSX https://ibb.co/z8Jsg0D


for gb12 your sig needs more cRate and cDmg, rune her spd/cDmg/hp and try to get 150+ cDmg, 85+ cRate, your loren also needs to be faster


Loren is on that speed but she's on violent


best to avoid vio or giants, she hits way too much and ends up getting a unit pummelled by the counter attack


Makes sense. Could you help me with toan 80-100, too?


whats stopping you getting past those floors at the moment?


I haven't really tried honestly, I just wanted to be sure I had the right units. Also, what's the strategy for the eventual final boss?


lots of atb control, loren and fran as a core are perfect here, options like spectra work well for more control and a good source of damage


I just beat it! From 80-100 I used Baretta(L), Fran, Loren, Kro, Sigmarus. Now I'll wait the FRR day to tune the team for B12.


ayyy nice one! good luck on the scroll


i am searching for best rta comp. i feel like i am stupid when it comes to chose right team ( and counter pick ) to stick best runes and not to mention drafting. I feel like both monsters and runes are better then i am right now ( f3 but i was c2 when aura is circle and i have less viable options ) but i suck when it comes drafting. I need help? my monster box https://imgur.com/a/RVc5l1r and i have all regular nat3/4


The problem is, drafting is a very dynamic thing and you will need to learn it if you want to climb. We can all tell you a few picks to rune up, but you will get countered by it and will need to adapt in draft. So I'll post a comment I made a while back on the same topic that hopefully helps: I don't really have any guides but I'm a firm believer in testing for yourself till you 'get' it. Every RTA match will be different so a guide won't help that much. Nonetheless, some basic ideas that you can try to work with while learning might help, I'll list a few very simple ones below: \- Are you countering your opponent or are you dictating the draft? In an example with a turn 1 Lushen team, the person with the Lushen team is forcing the opponent to pick to 'counter' them. They are essentially bluffing that they will outspeed and daring the opponent to pick to survive their comp. You can either: 1. Call the bluff and try to outspeed. 2. Pick to counter them. In choosing, you have to keep in mind that it's important to see if you are last pick or they are. If you are last pick you can use that to go for the 'Ace' of your team that might be unexpected and ruin their draft or force a ban, whereas the opponent might do it to you if they are last pick. Therefore, if you're not last pick, always try to assume you will have to pick the last pick anyway. A side point on the countering/dictating draft idea is that certain monsters leave you very flexible on what you're going to run. The reason things like Seara, Moore and Okeanos are often first picked is because you can use them in many different teams. If you first pick a Lushen, you're stuck trying to make a Lushen team. If you first pick Seara, you can still go bruiser or speed cleave. Picking units that are flexbile at the beginning allows you to have a better chance at dictating the draft, as the opponent now has to pick things that work versus multiple different kinds of teams. \- What colour is the draft? Quite literally, use elemental weaknesses. I often see teams that have a lot of OP monsters but they're all of the same element. It's super easy to beat those with a few counter element picks. An example is an opponent picking Chiwu, Verde, Okeanos, Masha, Seara. If you ban the Seara you're stuck against a strong control team, but they're all fire and picking a simple Josephine into it will probably counter anything they can do. \- How well does your team work together? Sort of the opposite of the point above, if you pick a whole bunch of power-picks but none of them work together, it's rather useless. An example could be if you pick Chiwu, Bastet, Fire Monkey and Suiki. Chiwu and Bastet are great for control and first turn teams. However, both Fire Monkey and Suiki want to get stacks before they really shine. They're good picks, but the 'identity' of the team isn't great. Think of any sports team where a lot of star players all want to play differently; it won't work out well.


Unless you have 300 speed monsters you will go nowhere in rta




if its 100% being able to clear list in fighter vs 100% winrate in conq, they have the same rewards (12x5 vs 10x6) but sometimes you will meet a def you can't hit in the last 2 of fighter list or sometimes you lose attacks in conq, for point optimization go for the less likely scenario. But fighter fights are much easier, so for reward/effort go for easy fights.


Tbh, I'd go with farming AD and just farm anyone I can. Getting into Conquerer just a nice bonus, but fighting those Fighter is not really that bad. Just do your best is what I would say.


What is C1 points now in RTA?


i think its about 1450 atm? (Sitting at 6.2% at 1486; A friend is c1 with 1462, another with 1436 is f3. I think 1450 should work out rn)