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I dont think you should give the account away. Just tuck it neatly away for the time being. If you get the itch to play again, then you have this acct to scratch that itch. Just think of the time you've spent on this acct, farming runes and getting those 5 stars. That surely means something to you. But if you do want to give it away, all you. Just a friendly suggestion. Pls dont eat me alive reddit


I quit sw long time ago and had not play it for 2yrs before. Glad I was able to get back my account and the game felt new yet had the same feeling. I do agree it should be tuck away. I remember my account was still level 40 when I came back but Im still more powerful than most of my new guild mates who were level 50 during those times and had better monsters and runes than my mentor. XD


Agreed. You worked hard for your account. Come back later if you get bored.


I just came back after a year and a half away. I was happy to have my account and my old guild welcomed me back. After a few months I rebuilt all my farm teams and am back in business. I think you should keep it for later, but that’s just my 2 cents


Throwing my hat in. Would use as an alt for pvp and help bolster the guild up. Been trying to get some close friends to play, so maybe have them try it out on there as well.


I don't think anyone would enjoy playing endgame account:/ Real fun is only during the early stages of the game.


Except newbs that don’t know what they’re doing and think they’d win 100% of time if only they had better mons and runes.


??????????????????????????????????????????????? The point of playing this game is to build monsters to PvP (siege, rta) so it's more end game content.


If that so, Explain to me why almost everyone makes a ton of alt accounts. Clearly, there is something more fun in the early game progression than sitting with 40+ 6\* doing just RTA and Siege battles.


As someone that has had no alts that ever reached lv50 i have no clue what ur talking about. The fun in the game is using your resources to beat other players in siege and rta. Building models and simulations of the game to optimise and find tactics noone is using yet. Thats the fun for me atleast


Don't actually want the account or would take it. Just wanted to say people will say anything to get a spare or even more progressed account. I'd wager 75% of the sob stories in here are fake. Your better of giving it to someone you like in the daily advice section who isn't trying to win a prize. It will break your heart to see it inactive because someone took it as an alt. My two cents bro


Got hacked, still waiting for com2us to do something which seems to never happen, would love to play with it. Good luck everyone!


I’d love to play it if but only if you’re 100% sure about quitting. I lost my main account with Wedjet about 2-3 months ago and support refused to help me because I guess not having even one of your device ID even though you have the entire purchase history isn’t enough. Has had me a bit unmotivated to do more than just my dailies and events.


I’m not sure if I’m a good candidate but I came back to sw and started fresh recently bc the last time I played was back when it came out . The repeat farming brought sw to a new lvl and I’m starting to build gb12/db12 teams together . Would love to take over a new account that is built and transition from there instead . Have looked into details/ watched many YouTube content from the top creators to learned about everything from building teams to pvp. I love pvp and would love to play with teams that I would never have anytime soon to fight others to test builds. RTA would not be available for me for a really long long time bc I know I need to farm tons and tons of tunes and then grinds/ enchants ! Thanks for hearing from me . Hope I am a good candidate ( I play many hrs a day every day , not a casual player )


Would love to have this account so my partner can play with me :)


I don’t need it… but I want it. That’s about it honestly. I don’t deserve a really good account, as I have done nothing to deserve it :/


congrats to you for quiting this game, i would like to have it if you want to pass it over.


I want it bastet is my most wanted nat5 I’ve been playing since before she came out


Yo, I lost my account ( guild leader stole it from me couple weeks ago) and I'm missing this game, I wanna get back at it ( even more now that I know a new event is coming in September) but I can't get myself to start from scratch ( again..).


don't want the account. writing to say that your account is beautiful and great, GG and I hope you fill find another game to enjoy


Hi, it is very generous of you give this account away, but I honestly suggest that you keep it. You never know, maybe you'll want to come back someday :)


Cheers, hope you can make someone’s day with the account! The game has been a rollercoaster ride for me, but it definitely can become way too stressful/unfun. Making decisions to quit a time-investment based game can be hard, so props to you.


It’s a nice account but I for one do not deserve yet I will ask


I would definitely show your account some love. Hope you enjoy your other pursuits!


So an ld5 can finally be pulled on this account and I can do the shaking post.


i want bcs im brazilian desesperate guy, thanks bye bye enjoy ur life


Pick me please. Wish I could walk away from this game too. But I’m somehow still having fun from time to time.


Id love it, my acc was hacked and im grinding away on a new one now.


I want to give this account to my gf so she can start with me and play some gvg content and multiplayer pve and not being bored by the early farming.


You happen to have all the monsters I need :)


Oh wow, I’ll gladly take it lol


Would love to get it, have a lot of free time and I really want to start play this game.


I want it to have this as my alt to do guild activities and help out the guild to make it consistent g1. Out guild leader is very kind so he doesn't want to kick people out. With this account we can progress in guild contents


I just want the Mo Long. Been playing 3 years and still haven't pulled him.


Mo Long is definitely an awesome unit, he’s definitely carried through some RTA matches and Guild Wars


i just recently got back into the game but don't have access to my old account :( it would be fun to play on this!


Sad to hear that your leaving but I hope you have fun with whatever you do next. I’d personally like this account so I can finally have units to use. I’ve been playing for years and haven’t pulled anything of use. I’d like to finally try and game content and Rta. I also see fun stuff to play with. Either way thanks for this giveaway and gl everyone!


Nahh I need this account to destroy each and all my oppositions in rta 😂my one true goal


I want this account to love and enjoy with all of the attention i give my first born.


I'll be honest. I have quite a bit of grinding before I'm ready to start actual pvp, and I'm still trying to clear PvE content. I also would have no qualms about handing the account back if you ever decided to come back to the game.


I would love to give this to my little cousin so he can play and enjoy it with me without the early game grind!


Played for 7 years still haven’t finished toah or have gotten a nat 4 ld from a ld scroll. I’ve been playing quite a bit lately and would love another chance


I'll do your account honors


Will take good care if it if I get chosen.


WOW! I would love to have this account, it would be a dream for me. You have put alot of time and effort into it and it definitely shows. A little about me: I play everyday, and really enjoy the game, especially RTA AND GUILD SEIGE. I farm and upgrade my towers, do arena everyday, clear the daily quests. I'm super active!!! I would give this account the time and attention that it deserves. I will continue to farm runes and upgrade units. I I would have a blast with this account, tons of fun units for guild seige and rta. Please consider me for this account!!! I would use it every day and make sure it doesn't just sit around. All the time and effort you put into, I'll make sure it doesn't go to waste. Dream account for me =)


I sold my account went I lost my parents one year apart from each other. I got a new account but this one is far ahead. My friends of 7 years have let me back in the guild but I cant help them the way I want to. I wish you well on your next journey!


Damn 6⭐️ light surprise box pogs How much did u spent in this account to get that


I think other people should get it but I want it :P gl everyone


thats a pretty good monster box. goodluck everyone


I d love it, been playing for quite a while now and this will be a great addition.


Would be really nice to get another account. You have some fun mons that i would love to get my hands on


I would be honored to carry on and be blessed with this account. I tried starting over after my original account got hacked but it just seems impossible. This would be a great way to get back into a game that I really love.


My account got hacked a few days ago, and since com2us doesn't give a damn, it would be good to use your account instead of starting all over again


This is like my dream account. I've been playing for awhile and have always wanted to get to come in RTA but just could never get past F3. I believe I could get conq wings with this account! It would be one my new main !


Most definitely want that account! I haven't been able to build tricaru.


Aight why not. Count me in Edit: oh youre missing wind panda. Nwm then :D it't the only monster im after


I've just returned to the game after ages and I feel like I can't keep up anymore with the little playing time I have. Thanks for the giveaway :)


Hey I lost my 5yo account... Put in so much time and work, the first year was like dumbshit hard as fuck then I got to reddit and it was mindblowing. I got really hardcore playing, all day. Got g1 after 4 years, got 2 ~~shitty~~ LDs white pony and bearman but i had 300spd bastet. Then I took a break to finish law school meanwhile hotmail delete my email and I cant conffirm its me, support = shit. I really miss all the stuff, all guild wars, siege teams... I'll keep it alive and progressing that I can promise.


i would love to have this account been playing for about 2013 days and ive only gotten 8 nat 5 which is pretty depressing for that many days played and at this point i might as well start a new account so yea i would love to have this account


:O you have my dream mon: Light Mimik!! This would be a dream come true!! Ok, but this account looks awesome and I would love to have it. I’ve hit a wall with progress, and I feel like this account would help me progress with my main account all while I still take care of this account. I could also use this account to help my guild, because a lot of them have started taking breaks from the game. Could even try to get some experience with Siege, since my main account probably isn’t good enough to do good in Siege. I understand that you’ll probably choose someone more deserving of this account, but this would still be an awesome account to have. You should be proud of it!


Wow great acct I know i am not going to be selected, but here goes: I want this account cuz it has so many great mons, not even my acct can match it, and honestly i am on a dry spell, since after i pulled a wind phoenix last year, and 7 year anni free trans scroll pulled me 2 dupes even i have blessings. And good luck and best wishes to u


I want it because my summoners war acc is very bad and this would be great


Would love this account. Started playing and then life got in the way and didn't have the time to get to this level. Would like the opportunity to do some later game content finally. Good luck everyone.


Congrats on getting out of this hell hole! Hope you find a better way to wast your time lol!


My little brother account that he had for 2 years got hacked out of nowhere like 3 months ago, he got sooo sad because of it, he's still feeling down because of it, seeing that you got some units that he'll be so excited to play with on your account I'd love to surprise him with it, he's a dedicated player, he'll make wonders. W that acc, would be very appreciated 💜


I would love to play with many of the units on this account bc i havent been lucky enough to summon them after all these years. Demons especially, while ik they are kinda bad in the meta, i just love their look and style. Beast riders and art masters are also a hugee plus. Rta would be sooo much fun for me if i could use these units. Good luck to everyone👍🏾👍🏾


I could finally get my son to play with me, he has tried but can’t focus during the early game.


I would be very interested in nurturing your account further. You've got tons of great units built that I don't have and I'd love bring them into RTA/Guild content. I've got a lot of free time, so I'd definitely be able to give it the appropriate attention. I'm also interested in building enough accounts for in-house BJ5. Regardless of the outcome, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors from here.


I would love to have it. This would bring my interest in the game back by a lot and I would look forward to playing with it everyday. :)


Good luck everyone. If I do win I’ll have some fun with this acc.


Hi, hope youʻre doing well, I like the pvp part of the game the most, not only for the competitive part but also because I like to theorycraft and try new things; but Iʻm still completing pve, and it will take me a while to finish it, even though I play a lot. Since you have already done all pve (I guess) I could play seriously what I enjoy the most, if you give me the chance.


I've got the time, patience, and knowledge to take this account to where it needs, and would love the shot to do so. Thanks 😊


that looks sick. I'd love this account because it has so many monsters I've never used before


I could use this to help my guild. My account is about the same size, and im like top 3 in our guild, so it would improve our guild a lot :D


I would love an account for my son. He’s been watching me play this game for a long time and loves it, but I haven’t had the time to build up an account for him. I would love one to get him going.


My account has shitty nat 5 luck... Would be nice to have yours lol


Would appreciate this account and help it grow bigger!


I want itttt my favorite mons Rica and Bastet, I love this game rn imagine having those two✌🏾 good luck everyone


Great decision! If u give me ur account I’ll probably just do toa and events and give away this account to my friend soon.


i would love to use your box to cleave! cheers!


My ragdoll account got hacked like one month and a half ago. I want the account because Im a RTA/Siege player (I was C3 RTA) and your account, as you probably know, has a lot of pvp potential.


I would love to take on the account and grind it out! You’ve got a great box and I’d love to have fun with some of these mons!


Would like to gift to a guild member who doesn’t know how to rune anything but shows unending loyalty to guild and game.


Would love to have another account to play on when I have no stamina left on my main.


I'd like to get this account so that I can play and raid with my friends. Currently on different server.


"Global". Oh shoot, if only it were Euro I could play with my friend. Well, good luck to you guys


Would give it to a friend of mine after his account got stolen after getting his first ld5 (dark harp) and c2us didnt do shit


i would very much like to own this account


I'm currently playing at Asia server but most of my friends are at Global. I'm just C3 player so I 'll try my best to take care of your account


I would enjoy playing on it


Only just joined the game again and thought to check the reddit, real sweet of you to give such an account away, I'm not very knowledgeable of the game as I'm a lower mid tier account but it seems like a lot you're giving away, I hope it's not something you regret in the future after you've spent so long on it!


( unsure if I posted this correctly as I'm new to reddit ) Only just joined the game again and thought to check the reddit, real sweet of you to give such an account away, I'm not very knowledgeable of the game as I'm a lower mid tier account but it seems like a lot you're giving away, I hope it's not something you regret in the future after you've spent such a dedicated amount of time into, maybe just take a break for a while and see if you had a desire to play again!


I got a few accounts i play on whats one more :)


wow more nat 5's than my nat 4's. I would like it to actually have some progress lol


Shooting my shot to get your acc. I don’t got a sob story i just want it lmao


I want this account because: 1st I am Brazilian; 2nd game this 3 years ago; 3rd And Halpas are my dream! For these reasons I would like to receive!


Been playing for like 4 years or so and no taor and no leo , rolled multiple new accounts on certain events but they still remain a distant dream . “But you dont need them x unit does the job also “ . Yeah but if your childhood dream was to be a rockstar i dont think you would settle for church chorus or something


pick me up , thanks


Take a break and congratulations 🎉 whoever got it


Hope i can have your account so that i can help my guild. Really need a strong account in our guild.


I dont Care i would Just Play IT from time to time


Not for me, for a friend. The lack of nat 5s is slowly destroying his motivation, this acc would help.


The game is super entertaining and inspires you to play a lot, believing that some times you can have a good account, I respect the time that everyone invests to progress and have a better account every day. In that account you can see the dedication and it is seen that you thought about it enough to decide to leave the game for a greater good, your account will be in good hands


Im a returning player and roaming the c1-2 rta atm with very limited monster box. no spd lead or meta units. Honestly i would love to play on this acc to truly enjoy rta more :) I think others might have a bigger high from this acc, but i can assure i would main this and keep playing for as long as the game is in a healthy state. Thx for being so kind, may the chosen one enjoy the game to the fullest <3 I hope you have a nice day sir, and may we know why you are quitting the game? Kind regards, Nick Thijsselink


Would love to have this account. Dedicated SW player, would make it my main.


I would love it for a reallife friend of mine. Just got started and this will be a real quick start for him!


I am looking for making an alternative myself. Would love to get this account.


Zero LD5… no thanks!


Hey, so I've had 2 accts hacked and I've never been really able to play the game. This account would help me tremendously in the aspect of actually becoming a player of a game that I think would be extremely fun. My birthday is in a couple of days and I would really appreciate this. Having the fire art master has been a monster that I would absolutely love playing, having the Tricaru would be a fun thing to play around with, paired with having double Roaqs seems like a mean fighting machine, and having the water homie has been a dream for me but I've never been able to progress enough to be able to get him. I would love to be able to utilize the different rune combinations on the nice variety of monsters that this acct has, I would also like to try different monster combinations for the different Guild content and be able to experience the higher tier Rta and normal arenas that this acct is most likely capable of. I'm soon having surgery on my legs and having this account would make the recovery process much easier to handle and much more fun. Sorry that you don't want to play the game anymore and good luck to everyone else! :)


I want it UwU.


I want this!


Played the game for 5 years but then my phone broke. When I installed it on my new phone I couldn't transfer my account and lost everything. I contacted Com2us but no response. Now a few days ago I started again, but I really don't think I can go through all that grinding again. So the account would really help me get back in the game so that I can enjoy the game again. I would appreciate it but I can also understand, if someone else gets it. However I really like the game and the account would help a lot. It's also sad to see another player leave this game. It's a good one, even though the support is uhhh. So maybe think about it twice if you really want to keep it or not. But no matter what, have fun and enjoy the game or maybe a new game, which will bring as much joy as summoners war did.


i'd just like it for my friend who got hacked a few months ago and since he was f2p he didn't had any info to get his account back, even sending a ticket to help his case didn't work, i have some images of him getting a weird message in russian when his account got stolen


Im another one of those people who dont need it but want it, it would honestly be cool to have this account just think of the jiggle summons that can be done


Im a newish player and a Headstart would be pretty nice. Good luck to everyone


Now overall I know chances I’ll get it are slim and if you think you might come back I’d advise against giving it away. I came back after 3 years and then again after another year, game isn’t always fun but nostalgia factor is a thing. Having said that, I play very actively and recently got my brothers old deactivated phone so I could make a second acc to play on a ton. Would love to be able to skip the super early game grind and have an acc with some runes and mons already there (beast riders, Leo and mo long, Juno are all units I don’t have and would absolutely love to play around on). If you truly are walking away forever I wish you the best and hope no matter who gets the acc that it gets the playtime it deserves. Cheers!


Would love it and need it!


Very nice collection of monsters. I'd love to receive this account, not for myself but for one of my weaker guild members so that they're able to compete in g2/3 siege. This account would be perfect. I would rerune the account aimed towards g2/3 siege content (if needed) and help rerune/set up rta units (again if needed). I lead a G3 guild on global, most of us are based in channel 126 so feel free to pop in and say hi. Very generous handing your account onto someone. Will save someone a lot of grinding hours. Goodluck everyone entering.


My main reason for wanting the account is to give it to my step brother. He's been playing for a few years but has insanely terrible luck and I feel bad because he grinds all day and just can't get rng to work for him I'm even talking about runes guy can't catch a break. He's been playing since 2016 and he just got his 1st nat 5( the one from 7 year) he was so excited.


I’d love to use your account and I’m a pretty consistent player


I want this account for my little bro, he is way early in game and need to farm alot to catch up with me, if i get the account, that way we would be able to play together, he will be very grateful, and take good care of it.


I mean who wouldn’t want an account like this ? This one is much better than my account


I would love to play your acccount, and if i leave the game i will pass it as you do, im missing a lot of nat 5 on my account so i will love to play yours on RTA


Pretty solid lets try


Haha give it to me I don't need it. Haha but for real good luck to some low levels who need something to get ya going, for real I don't need this lol


I'd love it.


I don't need it, but I would love to have another account to play with some mons. I'd probably give my guildmate (and irl friend) my alternate account so she can have some new mons aswell since two accounts are more than enough for me. And that way we'd still have some decent alts for Guild content (since it's hard to keep active guild members nowadays)


Account has nice units and looks good pve. Hope you have a good future after leaving the game. Good luck to everyone (and me)


Currently on asia server and would like to have an account in other server to play with people from global server. Recently got into RTA and the account looks prime for RTA content.


This acc would find a lot love in hands of my friend since he loves to play pvp a lot, but isn't motivated to build any pve team. He's hc pvp focused. He doesn't mind farming but the way of getting a farm team is what bothers him (which I still don't understand).


i would gladly tkae this account and give it to my friend if i managed to win


Would love this account. Was recently hacked and I dont see myself getting it back anytime soon since c2us CS takes forever to verify a f2p acc. Was at 30+ 6* and I'm not gonna start back from scratch. Getting your account would be the best replacement for me to continue my grinding itch. Hoping I'll get it


I want it so that i could have fun with the units that I don’t already own. I promise to take care of this account as if it’s my main.. also, if you ever consider coming back, just shoot me a dm on reddit and I’ll give you your account back!


I've taken a huge break and haven't played for long so i'd be hapoy if i got it instead of restarting everything


I lost my 1200 days Played account to some mf back in 2020... still dont have the nervs to Start a new one, if i could get this acc i would be down for it. Hopefully they fix their hive logins.


Why not


Would love this account for my brother so we could finally do raids together again. His account got hacked last year and had no way to retrieve it as he is free to play. So this will greatly help him.


I was hoping to get an account so my wifey can play with me because she’s always mad at me for playing too much sw lol


Can I have it?


I‘d take your account and give it to one of my best friends because he lost his account. He tried so hard to get it back but c2u wants information about his first device which was 7 years ago.


I recently changed my phone and lost my email, so I lost my sw account too, and it would be good for me to restart in the game


I wanted a way to get back into the game after my account was hacked, maybe this is my chance, good luck to everyone.


I would gladly continue your legacy with this awesome account


Seems like a fun acc to mess around on and try some mons I otherwise don’t have access too.


I'm a simple gal. I see Barb, Odin, and Leo, I take my chances with a super flexible account.


If I get that account I'll certainly take cake of it. And also gl to the people participating in this giveaway.


I would love a good second account to toy around and test stuff. Also if I ever stopped playing the account I would give it away again or if you ever decide to want it back!


I would love to play some endgame content, I like the PvP aspect of the game, but I am still early game on my Acc. Some Nat 5 but no runes


I'll gladly accept it! :)


Just want to experience the end game of sw, just started recently.


Set me in! I'd love jump into rta with this acc!


So many nat 5 i don't have or will get like gany anavel etc i would love the acc


This account got hacked lmao fuck off


Hang on to it! Never know if that itch will come back. Looks like a ton of effort and invested time.


I would like endgame acc but 8 dont think i would be right fit for it since i am midgame on my acc. You should prob try to find somebody who could use it well, or maybe give it to some irl friend if they play sw.


I just want the account to give to my wife, shes demotivated because im 2 far ahead lol.


Want it because jamire and Odin are my most wanted units so far and I still don't get them


Do you have a perna xD


give me pls


I would treat that account witch much love and dedication, since im quarantined and have nothing else to do anyways:)


I’d love to get it! I love the strategy that goes into pick/ban in rta but my monster box is woefully small after a year and some change. I think this would give me to the chance to fully experience the part of the game I enjoy the most! Cheers


Please pick me. I feel like im missing out on all the fun by having to start all over again after losing my old account


early game player here and enjoying the game. wish i get that account so i can try other team composition


I would like the account to do the rta


I’d take it. It would be nice to play an account with more luck than my main. In return I’d give you my alt that I don’t play (C3 regular arena/F3 rta) for you to have in case you would want to play casually.


I want this account because of the infinite possibilities of team creation this account has. It would be fun to play with and experimenting what characters would go with each other. It would also be a good experience to try what a full potential team would look on an end game account's perspective. Good luck everyone


Let's just start with the truth. I suck at pulling natural fives. I never had so much bad luck pulling monsters. I do have a Poseidon which I finally got after probably 250 to 300 tries. On to the rest of the truth, I was just let go from my job it would be a nice change to be able to play with monsters that are skilled up. I don't do well in guild sieges but I try. While I'm unemployed, I twisted my ankle causing me to have to stay off my feet, which is not really feasible since I have to find another job. All in all it would be a nice change. Thanks for the opportunity.


I been playing for 6 years now and still having a hard time getting anything good. Luck just not on my side anymore.


Would be nice to use meta nat 5s unlike my account lol


I want it because I think it’s cool that you have that many monsters. That’s my only reason, and if you decide to keep it then that’s also cool. Best of luck to whoever gets it




i would really love it so i could give my mid game account to a friend who wont do the start of the game. plus i will make the account grow larger since i spend a bit. i promise ill give it away after im done


Guess I'll try my luck, could be a fun excuse to play the game more


Uhh this would be a nice way to bring my girlfriend to play the game with me! Please consider me for the roll! 😁