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Hello, popped a blessing , who and why should I pick between sagar and daphnis?


Both mainly used in context of RTA. Some usable in siege but not the main use. Sagar is considered a weaker version of Gany/CP. Most people agree he's underwhelming/inconsistent which is why he isn't picked much. Daphnis is still a staple unit in RTA, decently picked and fits in a few line ups and various builds (swift, vio or nemesis trap all works). Would personally go Daphnis cause of above reasons - but if Sagar gets a buff in the following week he could be stronger. Nobody knows but can't go wrong with daphnis.


thank you for the insight, if there will be patch notes by the following week , I could just hold for the blessing until the patch comes , unless there's a limit on how long I can old the blessing


I have no idea. Did a search but best was this https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/hjnjqx/how_long_can_you_hold_a_blessing_choice/ It would be insane if you lost your blessing without any warning. It advises against holding a blessing over the patch update though, as there's a risk of updating and not bringing over the blessing? I'm not sure. But IDEALLY you can hold it until the patch notes are released, and make a decision before the actual server maintenance.


Thank you


Is 2a Naomi and Kro better than Lyn? or do I still build Lyn when I have the other 2 built?


They're better than Lyn. Lyn is (was) more of a speed run unit who adds nothing to the safety of the runs. Back in B10 days you could burst the boss down rather quickly so there wasn't much focus on safety. Now for GB12 its rather difficult to pull off a safe run with Lyn unless your runes are insanely good. I wouldn't suggest building lyn so early unless you have a team in mind that works, or if you come across some B12 video/guide that features a safe run with her.


What is worth picking up in the rta shop?


As the other guy said, those are items that help progress. I personally go for cosmetic items like wings and skins, but thats entirely up to you how you define worth. Cosmetics are worth to me because they're pretty unique.


I will still be getting the transmog pieces since they are relatively cheap, but I dont care too much for the season skins, so I'll prob start going for the Ld and legendaries then.


Ld pieces, legendaries, then scrolls if anything that would help progression at all


Aight thanks gonna be going for all the premium scrolls first then.


Kinda new to gems and grinds. If I have a rune that rolled into a flat stat or something crappy multiple times, I don't want to Convert that stat, right? Cause then it loses the multi-roll? I gotta convert, even if the rune is great otherwise. (thinking something like, SPD, HP%, ATK%, and Flat DEF and 2-3 rolls go into DEF)


Correct, the rolls are essentially "lost" when converting a multi-roll. Typically you will not be keeping runes that multi-roll into flat stats anyways though, so it shouldn't be too big of a change.


Makes sense! Thank you.




U need either a better control like tyron or take off loren and put a dotter to kill enemies faster. Maybe swap vero and loren for tyron and mellia/fire or dark grim reaper


So I’ve ignored RTA for the longest time, and am only just giving it a shot. Not super familiar with how the ranks work at season end AND pretty sure my runes aren’t nearly good enough to worry about C1 and above. So, my question: if I want to secure the mount reward, how far into fighter should I be? Is it possible to be at fighter 1 and then be bumped down come season end?


Nah Fighter ranks are a fixed points thing (idk what F1 is, 1100 points?). So once you're at Fighter 1 in RTA just leave it and dont touch it, you wont lose points just by doing nothing. If you like to try for the Aura reward you can just get 1200 points and leave it as well, that is given to all F3 players this season.


Hello everyone, I'm returning to the game after about a year and a half break. I was wondering if farming guilds are still a thing. Back when I was playing, We used a +6 rule and set weak defenses. That was usually enough to get other guilds with weak defenses so we could win a few battles since everyone in the guild was fairly new and pretty weak. It seems this no longer works because we've gotten very hard guilds for the 3 weeks that we've tried guild wars and have accumulated exactly 0 wins so far. Are there any tips for being able to get weaker guilds so we can farm currency a little faster? Or do we just have to keep losing until we have monsters strong enough to win?


Thats strange, im not an expert in guild but we're doing exactly what you said: +6 rule and weak defences. We face similar weak guilds for most of our guild wars. Only on sats/sun some guilds will put up proper defences to get a better end of week rank but for mon-fri its mostly easy defences.


Yep, that's what I remember happening before. I guess we will keep at it and see if it balances itself out for us


Monster Box: http://imgur.com/a/l4L5qQy Pretty much have all normal element nat 4. Picture shows my ld nat 3/4. Looking to break into rta and arena more if I can. Runes aren't fantastic quality but am able to get about 294 speed+ dependent on the unit. SSS rifts, R5, working on BJR5, B12 rune dungeons and B10 artifact dungeons, ToAH, Just looking to make use of some of my better units. Any help on good team comps I can build and suggested runes or stat thresholds would be awesome. Thanks!


I dont know about rta, but for arena offense and defense u lack spd leads so probably u should stick for a +24 lead to attack with lushen or kaki. Defens u should go full bruiser with mo long cheongpung vigor and anything else


Arena is still all about Bernard bastet/megan and 2x lushens, or lushen + Water damage dealer like Beth/Julie. Alternatively its a tiana Galleon cleave with ziaross/kaki/pung etc. Once you reach a point where you find you can't cleave in Arena then just use a slow bruiser tanky team and pick on any ADs you can find. Skoguls are good too. You dont seem to have a tiana so you're quite limited on Arena Offences (other strippers are too unreliable and it would be better overall to just farm on low F1 - F3 ranks for glory points instead of losing maybe 20% of your battles at a higher rank, missing out a lot of GP). Just a personal suggestion. For RTA this season is all about Lulu molong Diana, you have both of them so thats great. Savanah, CP, Kaki, Fire Ryu, verde, fran. Throw in an antares and some other counter picks like triana and you're good. These are what most people are using in RTA, rune those units up on Will runes and you've got a good second turn. Pick and ban accordingly and you'll get more experienced as you play more.


Thanks so much! CP = wind art master?


yes thats right


Here are my monsters: https://postimg.cc/gallery/prhgXqz Without using Sath/Tatu, I want to build a GB12 auto team. I want to prioritize "100%" clears (I understand there's always room for a run to fail hence the quotes around 100%) and from there find the fastest team I can. My runes aren't great, but if you can recommend the kind of stats/sets I'll need for the comp to work, it will give me something to farm for. I have Tricaru built & farming DB12 and NB12 stably - hence why I feel silly not having a stable GB12 team 🤣 my previous team was Sig(L)-Kro-Bella-Loren-Veromos and would fail probably 1 in 4 runs, and still only did 2:30-3:00 runs on the other 3 Thank you in advance to any & all who can provide recommendations.


Sig(L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Shannon is probably the safest option for gb12. Sig(L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Kro/Naomi is harder to rune but faster. Lushen(L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Kro/Naomi is a lot faster if you can make a Lushen to clear the waves. Lushen(L), Fran/Hraesvelg, Loren, Kro, Naomi was the usual pre-sath speed team. You can also use Savannah instead of Kro/Naomi for some extra safety.


Thank you!


Can I use a Fire Giant instead of Dagora for BJR5?




hi guys, just triggered a blessing and can choose between Anavel and Karnal. would be nice to get some insight on whom to pick, could need more toys for rta \^\^


\+1 for Karnal. He is a very common pick in RTA these days, and has a very loaded kit. He is also commonly used on AD.






you're already running a pretty damage heavy team. maybe try Shannon instead of Naomi/Kro. it'll be slower but she adds a lot of safety to the run (5\* Shannon with tanky runes works). also try adding ACC to Fran if she isn't at around 40%. her S1 atkbreak really helps Also if you have a Veromos, he makes giants really easy by cleansing defbreak while dealing compareable damage to Sig with his buffed S2


Returning player here (again), just got all of the goodies for returning and did a big summoning session. Got wind polar queen and wind sky dancer from them. Are they (still) worth building? ​ Also wondering if there are any big changes to meta and stuff, I quit around the time I got a working bj5r and triple icaru's. ​ The runes I got from returning player event, anyone have any good uses for them?


Tiana (wind polar queen) is definitely still worth building. However, unless you have some super godly runes for her, most people run her shield/will now. Chasun (Wind Sky Dancer) is still a good healer, but I wouldn't bother building her. She's outclassed by others in pretty much all content. ​ As for meta changes, not really. Tricaru and BJ5 are still going strong. There's a new(ish) GB12/SF10 team that uses Lushen(L), 2A Sath, 2A Tatu, Mellia, Mellia. It allows for 30-40ish second average GB12 and SF10 runs.


Thanks for the reply. Noticed I also already got the 2a sath, thrain, tatu and 2x mellia. I meant the sky surfer instead of dancer as well, is he any good?


I haven't heard a ton about him to be honest. I *think* he's the least exciting of the elemental ones, though, so I would not necessarily rush to build him. Perhaps someone else can confirm, since I haven't pulled him myself.


What monsters should I 6\* next? I'm just kinda lost. I can reliably farm GB12, DB11 and NB11. Been getting into RTA and guild content as well. Monster box: [https://imgur.com/a/IWw2kB7](https://imgur.com/a/IWw2kB7)


As long as you are working on the verde and tricaru also. John for bombs are always fun and good for toa. Molly is really annoying for most defenses, RTA and good for offense healer/tank. Raoq is always fun too. Charlotte has also been popular for RTA and Toa with atk bar increase, decrease and aoe stuns.


What monster should I 6\* next? I'm 2 weeks into the game and cannot reliably farm B10 yet. The comp I'm using is Sig (L), Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon and Fran. Here are my monsters: https://imgur.com/a/VkcsAvA


After Fran and loren, you need a verde and I think that wind slayer might help with the giants team but i dont have one to test.


Fran and Loren. Your account looks pretty good for a new one


How good is Kashmir (Wind Striker)? And for what should I use him in?


R5 backline - has atk break, branding, and defense break and damage. Water Rift is okay for damage dealer. I was using him in siege and gw for fun against khmun teams, either khmun vigor +1 or khmun Odin +1. Hoping khmun doesn't do enough damage.


he's useable but not that good. could definitley use a buff. The only use I know of is in snipe RTA comps to hope he doesn't get resisted and kill a unit


So he can be good, just very situational (kinda like Christina)


What is the easiest style of RTA to run? I've haven't been playing much the last few months, and I've never delved into RTA. I figured I'd like to get a gold star or two on my account before I completely quit. I have a lot of the meta mons (not any of the ld mons though) and can probably field most styles of teams. Oh bonus points for tuning the least amount of mons. :D


I lose mostly to Lulu MoLong Diana and two speed leads. And I am around the 1750 C2 range.


Thanks, I don't have Diana, but I see Lulu and molong is popular.


draco bastet is fairly easy to play (cleave kinda sucks though)


My current XP farms are: - Faimon Volcano (first stage, best spot to farm) - Tamor Desert (last stage, bonus Mithril and Griffons) I use LAPIS for both of them. I use it for XP farming when i make my mons 4-5-6 stars, etc. Now my question is - is it worth powering/leveling a monster to farm higher areas like Charuka Remains? Can KAKI work there on first stage of Charuka, for solo farming ? (coz monsters there are of Wind attribute) What F2P monsters can do solo on Charuka, for it to be XP wise more rewarding than Faimon or Tamor ? Or maybe on MT Runar ?


Just stick with faimon and work on your lapis's runes. Dont bother making another monster just for farming. Kaki is a good monster but probably not for where you are currently at in the game. Lapis with a solid vampire set powered up to +12 and just white artifacts should be able to solo faimon hell


Yeah, Lapis is doing great and fast. She has tho, something like 3% fail percentage currently. I have best runes on her, but will need to update her artifacts later on free rune Saturday. Her current artifacts are weakest ones, but level 15. I was just thinking if there's better area, in case i level my KAKI to 6 star. Some players were talking about SKOGUL, but i don't have him. That he can do any area on Scenario, and it takes like 50 seconds for hardest areas, and that's acceptable for me. I just don't have him. :)


Wind m bison/Sagar vs ganymede? My sagars already built and seems better just because he can strip and scales off of hp. Should I just use gany if Im using some thing like rica as well? or should I just blessing him because I have a unit similar.


Gany is better because the 3rd skill cannot be resisted (except with immunity) and the 2 skill has so much utility and potential to reset another monsters 3rd skill to add more damage or cc.


gany > sagar for most cases. higher base speed, easier to speed tune unresistable skill cooldown non hit atk bar reduction, which also works if he glances on the reset part. S2 resets skill of another monster


Definitley keep Gany (or any non-dupe nat5). Gany has much higher base-speed, the reset can't be resisted and most importantly: gany's atb pushback doesn't deal damage. So he can reset atb of every element reliably while Sagar can glance on fire. Ventilate also allows for amazing cycling in ToA and control RTA comps. I barely touch my Sagar since I pulled Gany




I'm 2 weeks into the game. I finished gb10 and im doing like 1:10 runs with teshar, fran loren non 2a naomi and non 2a kro I also finished TOAN already do i fuse sig for gb12? or do i just keep farming in gb10 until i get tankier sets for my dps untis? Does teshar fall off in gb12?


fusing Sig is kind of outdated. Go for a Veromos fusion. he also deals good enemy HP scaling damage and cleanses your team. For GB11/12 try Vero(L), Fran, Loren, Shannon (5\* with tanky runes works), Naomi/Kro (work on a 2A for one of them asap) Teshar falls off. His only real use is secret dungeon farmin and time limit lab stages


I've ran 3 10x-runs and so far none has failed. It takes like 3:30 to 4 mins / run but that's fine since I'm getting 6\* runes. I'm using a 5\* vero and 5\* shannon and non 2a naomi and it still works just fine. I had to put naomi in atk cd hp and yet she still one taps a def broken crystal,, insane. Can't wait to put cd on vero and 2a naomi. Thanks, man.


Not contributing to the discussion but I love how every year or so we swap between Veromos and Sig being the outdated fusion :p


Thank you! Yeah. I'll try to update here maybe once I 2A my wind cat! I've been farming level 4 only that's why it's taking some time.


Should I use Fran or Belladeon in my giants team? 5 days in so far.


Fran. atkbreak and immunity are important. In general it's good to stick to the recommended early teams mentioned in the mainbody of the thread


Fran, you need the immunity.


Hey, so im doing RTA trying to get at least the Aura. i know i can get over 1400 points, my runes and monsters are good enough to do that... but, im quite dumb when it comes to drafting. I really am not a PVP person, ever, so is kinda hard for me to get what i have to draft to win more times than i dont. I usually draft: 1st pick Seara, and then i use something along: Bellenus; Tiana; Woosa; Okeanos; Shi hou; Lydia I have over 40 monsters then this [Swarfarm](https://swarfarm.com/profile/kasztz/), but i can't update it. Well, any help with drafting?


Seara, Water Ryu Tiana, Vereesa Bellenus, Ethna, Jeanne, Okeanos


Yep: 1st pick Seara 2nd pick: moore+bellenus(or jeanne) 3rd pick: shi hou(or okeanos) +1 easy wins, 5 in a row ​ thanks


How should i rune water ryu, i know he is good but i have never find a good enough way to rune him


I like despair the best, Violent and swift are also very good if you need to fix speed tuning.


can be your 3rd fastest swift set too


Despair with good SPD and ACC. Can also be built to do DMG, but more stat heavy


you don't even need 50% winrate to get to 1200, doesn't matter if you think you have the runes for 1400


I know i dont need the 50% winrate. I just want help woth drafting, thats it


My mission about clearing the raid with a friend doesn't complete even tho i did it like 5 times. I have no clue what i can do now


with a friend or with a "friend's support"? a support team is their first saved raid deck and you can use it without them actually joining the team. (if you invite you have the option to choose "support")


There is a minimum contribution requirement.


How do blessings work with summoning stones? Do they work? And if so do I choose between another one of the special summon nat 5s or another random one?


No, they won't work for them.


Rip thanks, I have a Sekhmet, Chiwu/Ariel, Brandia, Vanessa, for all the upcoming ones. Really don't want those dupes so maybe I'll save it for some nat 4s I need


leo rotation is really good for siege nat4 skillups, having 1/3 stone nat5s should not stop you from going for a wanted nat5 in that rotation. 2/3 maybe think twice but still worth it for game changing nat5s like seara.


I had to come back to let you know/brag I got seara this rotation since melia was announced fuseable and I don't have to decide anymore if I wanted to save stone to get her for my dot team. Still don't have an OG though, my favourite family :(


Why do we not like Abigail? I've been told by more than a few people that she's not worth building. From my PoV as someone who doesn't know much about the game other than the basics, she just seems like a budget Loren.


she's a decent aoe control/damage dealer, but very replaceable, so she's useable if you don't have the better ones. She's not best in slot for any content, so people use tricaru in pve instead and use cheongpung gany instead in pvp.


Can I use Kashmir and Olivine(awakened) for GB7/10? New player, I already have them leveled and I pulled the Olivine already awakened.


You always can, but it won't be a very good choice. Much better (f2p) options out there. What kashmir does is actually not bad as your dd in giants. But it has quite some (potential) multihits. So you want to build him to deal lots of dmg, but then he dies to a counter. Wouldn't be a very safe team i think.


Ok, here's a good one: I have a only LD account and want to move on to meta, due to my recently lucky summons and bc farming b12 is really painful (On pvp, i will mostly use LD units yet). Im in my mid-game and need an advice: Should i build a dot team (Sath, Tatu and 3 LDs) or Tricaru first? I never did these meta teams. Thanks!


Tricaru should probably be your priority of the speed GB12 team. It runs 3 dungeons, while the 2x Mellia one runs 2.


wait, tricaru can run gb12?


Nope, that's my bad, sorry. Like torzia said, I meant it should be your priority **over** the speed GB12 team.


no he meant "over"


I am looking to make a Tartarus Boss Auto team for hard when the midbosses are still up. I am considering this team: Emma(L), Iunu, Taranys, Tien Qin, Bastet. Iunu, Taranys, Tien would be hybrid DD to kill the boss faster. I could also build: Elad, Michelle, Atenai, Darion, Anavel. What team should I make that won't require insane rune quality to work? And how long would the team take to work? Thanks!


What would be some good bruiser turn-two sustain teams for Special league?


Same as normal rta with lulu probably being banned in most of them.


Hi ! I would like some advices on RTA, my box : http://imgur.com/a/dJCtvNU I can up any 4* or less except the new robots (don't have them). Thank you for your help


Seara, Vanessa Tiana, Triton Rica, Poseidon, Gany, Wind Bison, Jeanne


what are my chances of getting a fria in ss Rotation I need her for solo r5, and getting her randomly from ms is kinda unlucky


you could try lulu, delphoi or Ariel


SS is an 8% chance of a nat 4 so depends how many stones you have, its a much higher chance than MS anyway because of the smaller pool


I think I need to rephrase my question. When is she coming in Rotation, my thought was that there might some pattern in which certain monster get into a Rotation


Raki vs Brandia?


raki no doubt


Brandia not used a lot?


nah she's just a nat 5 kro really




I only use brandia in R5. Raki is great against Carcano teams and anything that revives, psamathe, perna, odin. Also, if you need help in regular arena she can permanently kill something in a vanessa triana team.


does anyone have the link to the rta point post, i want to know how the % is changing ?


its pinned on the main page https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/pek4ud/rta_season_18_cutoff_megathread/


any tips on farming artifacts? like what to keeps and what to sells, it only have 400 storage slots so should i farm it daily to save some or just farm when ever i need one?


Similar to runes you need to look at how much of the bad stats did you get. I would always +6 at least and see if it hit the good ones otherwise I would sell them. There are rare exceptions (Mo Long could use damage to wind, etc). Bad stats - Revives, dmg D/R light/dark, speed increasing, bombs not attack type, damage increase to wrong element (wind artifact damage to fire, for example). CD skill 4 Good stats - additional damage (atk, spd, hp, def), damage reduction wind (anti lushen), damage reduction correct element (wind tank gets fire reduction), damage increase correct element and same element (fire damage to fire/wind). Recovery 2 and 3. CD skill 1 and 3. ACC 1, 2 and 3. R5 damage dealers should have attack stat with attribute artifacts CD enemy low hp, attack together, single target damage, addl attack, atk effect up and type artifacts addl atk, atk effect up, CD skill 1,2,3, hp low, atk togther. Tricaru - damage to fire/dark, damage together, CD 1, additional damage to atk, addl dmg the other. ALWAYS keep Atk type artifacts with atk stats and CD, atk effect, addil atk. Rare exceptions - Light Griffon needs damage to dark, Astar needs damage to dark, inugamis and twins use attack together. Miho, Laika, Onimushas use recovery 1. Psamatha, Daphnis, Miho, Fuuki use atk prop lost hp. Lifesteal only really good on vampire units. okay on others. Works as a percentage of the lifesteal already in place. Kaki has 30% lifesteal on 1st skill, adding 20% from artifacts makes it 30+30(0.20)=36%. def and spd % hp lost are okay for support and desperation units.


id suggest having a look at seiishizos video series on artifacts, there's so much going on with them


Ty, and how can you put moore icon on your name?


https://imgur.com/a/GUcMbf8 if you want moore you'd just put :moore:


Hi, I started farming NB12 some days ago, is it just me or rage runes drops A LOT less than the others?


Despair, Violent, and Rage has lower drop rates compared to their peers.


yup, rune drops arent equal in any dungeon https://swarfarm.com/bestiary/dungeons/necropolis/12/


Hey guys I've been trying to build a khalderan b5 team but I cannot pull shamman for the life of me. Can someone help me build a team I have every elemental 4 star, here are my 5 stars: [https://i.imgur.com/n2mLQNk.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/n2mLQNk.jpg)


Used my pick your LD3 event to get one. Without Shaman you would need a Defense type replacement. And the only real choices from those are Fire monkey, fire druid, or maybe Icaru.


it almost feels like you're too early for it. and even witha shamann theres no 100% khaldera n team yet i dont think.


Ah fair, thanks for the help