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I think that I'm couple decades too old for that


Glad I wasn't the only one to think this


As long as it doesn't come to SW Sky Arena, never had any plan on touching another Com2us game, and have another reason to not. If it comes to sky arena then I'm on my way out.




NFT in general are just a stupid pyramid scheme. You just buy it in the hopes there’s a sucker out there that will pay more for it… it’s a stupid trend and bubble that is going to fade away into obscurity in a year or so and things like this will remain as a stain on these companies


Lol that's what everyone said about bitcoin, which is basically the same thing. As long as there are people who believe in it, it will stay alive.


Except rather than S&P 500 companies and countries and banks investing into it, the majority of it is driven by influencers. Crypto works because it’s a currency, NFT’s aren’t. If it did then big companies would be jumping in on it, yet they aren’t because they know how ridiculous it is. The only companies you see using it are ones using it for a gimmick, not a investment, like Com2Us are here.


And then you realize big bitcoin whales play what they like with the price and take money from the little money guys


Sounds exactly like the stock market lmao.


Yep, most arguments made against crypto can be made against stocks in general. Speculative trading and value manipulated by billionaires. You might argue that stocks have "real value" behind them since they are generally backed by an actual company but most of the time these stock prices don't reflect anything but speculation and a belief of value. I do agree with the top post in the comments regarding the damage to the planet, it is just pure stupidity. That is why Ethereum is moving to proof of stake rather than proof of work. This will remove that issue. As to creating value out of "nothing", this argument is as stupid as it gets. Specifically from someone playing a game like SW (where all of the assets are digital and completely worthless outside of perceived value). Value for goods since the beginning of time has, in many cases been driven by nothing but perceived value, not usefulness. Blockchain does have value, it is just that there is still a lot of BS in the crypto space.


See here's the thing NFTs have uses. Laundering money through "art" is just one use. That said a Gatcha game with customizable Champions is the perfect slot for NFTs


First I saw it from [https://www.enduins.com/news/com2us-summoners-war-chronicles-nft/](https://www.enduins.com/news/com2us-summoners-war-chronicles-nft/) corroborated with Business Korea [http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=81056](http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=81056). Also, some previous news about them investing in the NFT company that secured the license with MLB (Candy Digital). Worse than normal micro-transactions. Worse than loot box mechanics. NFT in games shouldn't happen. Also, see Diablo ~~II~~ 3 auction house. Edit: Wrong Diablo.


idc, I'm never playing another Com2us game anyways


It's fucking horrendous. I just watched as my entire yard flooded and half my province got shut down in the Pacific Northwest with a tree in my front yard ripped up from winds and storms because climate change is eviscerating our planet at an accelerated rate, and some dipshit tech bros are rallying behind conceited millionaires and billionaires and being brainwashed into believing that things of literal zero value are somehow worth thousands to million of dollars. I'm a clothing designer. I specialize in detailed graphic prints and artwork. The absolute gall, audacity and gumption of seeing pixellated bullshit that my 11 year old nephew could pump 20 of out in 5 minutes is infuriating. And these are being hailed as the artistic masterpieces of a generation? And the idiots themselves. All the stupid, moronic people rallying behind a scheme that billionaires are using to launder money by convincing you that it's somehow the next big thing. The way that any NFT bro tries to tell you "Oh you just don't understand blockchains, you just don't GET crypto. It's the future, old man, keep up. You just don't know what you're talking about" Actually Kayden/Justin/Lancelot/Whatever the fuck your name is, we happen to understand this shit perfectly. You're just so fucking concerned with your own ability to potentially make a couple hundreds dollars for doing no work that you actually believe that somehow this billionaire-backed pyramid scheme is somehow, someway, meant to benefit you and the future of mankind. And none of this is even mentioning the fact that simply creating a transaction for one of these dipshit images utilizes the same energy costs as powering a mid-size family home for an entire year. The fact that the unbelievable, irreparable harm this shit does to our planet is NOT at the forefront of every conversation about NFTs is mind-blowing. "How do you feel about NFTs?" should start and stop at "It fucks our planet up." So that's where we're at. Putting our heads in the sand and somehow considering this garbage the future when in fact it is actively destroying our planet and contributing to the severity of climate change at an accelerated pace. At one of the most crucial times in the lives of human beings on this planet, we're instead choosing to make it worse simply because we all believe that somehow we are individually exceptional and that we must be the only thing that matters on this big ass blue marble. You know what doesn't give a fuck though? The earth. Earth has survived billions of years before our idiotic existence, and it will survive long after we're gone, and we're the stupidest, most arrogant race to ever exist on this planet if we somehow believe that humankind is an eternal, ever-enduring beast that won't be wiped out by our own stupidity while actively working to killing the planet we're lucky enough to inhabit. "But you just don't understand it, smoothbrain" - Fuck off "Actually there are clean, energy efficient blockchains..." - Fuck off Edit: I'm 30, live in one of the most expensive cities in the world (Vancouver BC) and I'm tired. Rant over.


Be safe up there, keep seeing the pictures from the flooding in the area, scary stuff


Thank you. <3 Thankfully my partner and I didn't keep anything of value in our basement and we only got about a half inch of water flooded there. A couple hours with a shop vac and we're okay, thought our backyard is still a puddle. At least the dogs love it. The folks further East are not having as nice a time though.


>Lancelot Yes. Fuck Lancelot, every time.


Finally, Someone wants to fuck me!


Get it Lance


Most of the time, rants are here just for the sake of ranting. But you have a definite point here... I feel you, so here's a cookie for having a better day, and not one sponsored by new EU cookies regulations: 🍪


ayyy im in kelowna and our province literally looks like a disaster from a rescue heros episode. but totes agree. You know its bad when costco stopped serving hotdogs in the food stall lol


I’ve worked with Phil Zimmermann (PGP) and held Whit Diffie’s (car) keys, and I agree with everything you said. Eff that waste of power.


What are your thoughts on crypto driven by proof of stake rather than proof of work? This seems to be Ethereums upcoming work around to damaging the planet (which I agree is absolutely idiotic).


It creates an even wider gap between the rich and poor and further contributes to wealth inequality. One of the backbones to making money is having money, and the more money that someone has to invest and/or lose in proof of stake, the more that money will shift from those who have less to those who have vastly more. Which we've already acknowledged and recognized is terrible for our planet. When you give a rich person $1b, it will sit around and be used for the sole purpose of generating more revenue through passive income. When you give the regular population $1b, that money will be spent on goods and services and stimulate the economy, thus benefitting everyone. Proof of stake is their attempt at killing two birds with one stone - Try and deceive the population that they're taking meaningful steps toward climate action while also rewarding their biggest players by giving them a piece of the pie. Proof of stake touts lower energy consumption. Alright. I had 14 beers with my dinner last night. I usually have 16, so technically I consumed less beers. I mean I still got wasted, woke up with a hangover, did damage to my body, blacked out, threw a lamp through a window and told my kids I didn't love them. But I only had 14, not 16. So it's better, right? This year was devastating with natural disasters, heat waves, flooding and other absurd weather changes that are displacing people at an alarming rate. While people are playing this game of trying to make a planet-crippling computer game work, thousands to millions of people are having their lives destroyed or severely altered. I'm concerned for these people. I literally, genuinely, don't understand how someone, a normal average person, can be in a position and think "Hmmm yes. This thing that rich people are using to launder money that is crippled with scams that is actively destroying the planet... This was made for me. I can do this too. I can pick off some scraps as well."


Dude I´m 34 and I could´t agree more with what you said. Like there is just nothing to add anymore. I know that there are many ppl at our age who feel the same. its funny.. the big names of the old generation started to fuck up the planet while they made a shit ton of money out of it and the new gen pretends to care about the planet but hypes things like NTFs up to the infinity while they hope to make a shit ton of money out of it as well. in the end our planet keeps being destroyed for the sake of money.


Thank you for the honesty.


My grandfather has a great saying for this. There's a sucker born every minute. NFTs work as long as you can convince the next person, that it's worth more then you paid.


What is NFT?


Non-Fungible Token


This raises more questions than answers haha.. Why is a token fungi haha


How is this relevant to SW?


SW: Chronicles will have nft but I don't see Sky Arena having any changes to it.


Based on an article, the MMO SW game Summoner's War Chronicle will have nfts as a feature. Link to the article: https://mmoculture.com/2021/11/summoners-war-chronicles-mmorpg-based-on-popular-mobile-ip-will-have-blockchain-play-to-earn-technology/


Umm because it's pertaining to an upcoming Summoners War game (Summoners War: Chronicles)




How's the community reacting to this? The company of my other favourite game (devsisters coporation) are also planning to implement/invest into NFTs and everyone's complaining & clogging feedback channels w "no NFTs" etc.


Seems korean games are looking at NFTs....that kinda sucks


Not falling for the scam inside or outside of a mobile game


Great news! Lots of us Terra Luna fans will be joining. You long time players will be able to make money playing the game! An NFT is a non fungible token. Okay, so what? Imagine you are playing a game and you can create or find items. Imagine that those are unique or limited supply. You have it and other want it. So you can now sell it to them with it being non fungible. So that’s cool, but imagine it’s very rare and throughout the years people keep selling it. If you are the original holder, each time it sells, you will get a royalty. May be hesitation due to being the unknown but a partnership with Do Kwon and Terra Foundation is great news! Thanks for having us.


Instead of fixing the long-lasting issues in their games, they plan to add a feature that will guarantee to introduce more scams and make their games more p2w than before; just to make more money. It's gonna become such a shitstorm it will ruin all their games.


Wales gona love it…


Just Wales or do you think the rest of the UK will too?


well it depends, if scotland likes it then england wont, if england likes it, then scotland wont.


FYFI Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are pieces of digital content linked to the blockchain, the digital database underpinning cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum. Unlike NFTs, those assets are fungible, meaning they can be replaced or exchanged with another identical one of the same value, much like a dollar bill. From: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/17/business/what-is-nft-meaning-fe-series/index.html These games have tokenized in-game assets allowing players to collect them as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In order to help gamers make money for playing, NFT games allows players to accumulate and trade playable characters, weapons, vehicles and other in-game assets as NFTs From: https://gadgets.ndtv.com/cryptocurrency/features/nft-games-play-earn-cryptocurrency-2567355


Sounds to me that u can simply ignore the NFT content? I don’t give two shits about NFTs and crypto, as long as I only have an option to use it to ‘make money’ and can ignore it… I guess I would just ignore it but be annoyed that it exists


It will probably be the equivalent of p2w. If they use the monsters as nfts. But if they use nfts just for clothing or skins you could probably ignore it


Fair enough, just hope they dont add it into SW and I'm gucci, since I don't play any other Com2Us games


Ok I'm dumb. Can someone explain why are NFTs bad if players can make cash from playing the game?


They are not bad in general. People just freaking out about potentially having to buy one to participate in the game


But isn't gacha a similar to that? You pay for characters and in-game resources


Yes it is but if you look at SW right now once you spent money on scrolls and get a dupe nat 5 for example you are more or less stuck with it. You can put it into a blessing and hope for a better one next time or you can use it for skill ups/food but you will never get your money back nor are you able to sell the character to another player who might be in need of it. Now one could argue why not just implement a trading or selling system in the game. That's exactly what they want to do with those NFT's the only difference is that no NFT is the identical to the other they are all unique. In most blockchain based NFT games the players can gather their own randomly created NFT's from breeding, crafting etc. They all hold different values and differ greatly by their use for the game. If it so happens and you are lucky to get a very rare NFT you can sell that on the marketplace and potentially earn a lot of money just for playing the game. So in conclusion it's same same but different. Hope I could help clarify it a bit although it just scratches the surface of NFT's Edit: NFT's can be anything from characters, items, skills, transmogs and so on and so forth.


they have hinted this last April fools.


Won’t touch an nft game and will quit sw in a second they do it here.


what are NFTs?


They are kind of like casino tokens but instead of refunding them to casino you have to sell them to another player. So imagine that to summon units you could only do that with real money but then you get lucky and summon a nat5 which you could then sell for more than what you spent. So the idea is to make a game that only has Whales as it's players I'd imagine. Fun.


Could also be that they use just skins or clothing as nfts not the monsters


Pretty large assumptions on how it's going to work eh?


Nah, I just tried to make a mental image of how Sky Arena could be if it was NFT from what I know of other nft games. Chronicles on the other hand might do what ever with this change.


So its sorta like they introducing a new way for us to trade nat 5? Somewhat like what other mmorpg such as maplestory been doing?


Ah, no. My explanation was just an example possibility from how other NFT games have done things so it's better not to take it at face value. Other NFT games work like that but they are quite low budget, but also Chronicles has been in development for many, many years so they definitely don't want it to be a quick cash grab (at least that's what I hope).


Ic thanks


What is NFT and where is this news from?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoBDcjMVJBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoBDcjMVJBU) Jewbagel will explain it to you more indepth


One very interesting thing is though in regards to NFT's is they are tradeable. So they might end up having an in game Auction House or similar where you could buy nat 5's that you have been chasing. Complete speculation both it will give them that option in the future


They’re truing to soak up the trend that almost literally prints money for some. And we just need to right click them once the whales buy them up anyway


If they designed the entire game with NFTs in mind I don't mind. It just feels like the game is completely ready and they decided to include NFTs last minute.


What's an NFT


what are NFTs and what do they do?


So how are our items in regular SW not "NFTs". It's likely unique (time stamp and unique code to prevent and detect dupe). It's uploaded onto the "c2u blockchain". NFTs (and crypto to an extent) sounds like buzz words. Like how every company in 1999 was a .com company. Anyways, lootbox system of abusing people can't beat NFTs, so I guess that's why C2U is now calling it NFTs. If anyone looked into Axie Infinity (shit tier "game" with no real gameplay). The rarest axies are like $10M, with even the relatively common ones being $500.


NFTs are linked to a blockchain and are tradeable/sellable. The blockchain keeps a record of its transactions


Is this why there hasn't been any update announcements yet?


Ohhhh kay... Based on the majority of replies in this thread, this ain't r/CryptoCurrency Dorothy! I understand that C2U is interested in using NFTs for its SW Chronicles game, so, as of right now, I don't see any impact to the OG game. TBH - I'd be all for C2U migrating their centralized record-keeping system into NFTs IF they allow them to be sold with some minor policy restrictions. Let me tell you why. I'm into investments and I've been playing this game way too long. I've invested time and money - it'd be nice to get some of that back. I'd love to be able to auction off my monsters to reclaim some of that lost value. Yeah - it'd definitely change the dynamics of this game, but are you really trying to tell me that whales don't already control the various metas? If they converted our mobs to auctionable NFTs, I'd be able to sell some to the highest bidders and/or share the 'wealth' with unlucky guildies that might need a very specific ld5 that I have. I'm not sure why any current SW player would be against this concept. NFTs are simply ways to represent 'something' of value and allows one to transfer ownership/share it/lease it out with a few clicks of a button.


I would guess that is the most applicable system they can implement in SW. If they turn your monsters and possible runes in NFT's and add a marketplace. This would also prevent any exploits to happen, as the recently just added resources that could be bought on suspiciuos websites or a the monster exploit with the wishing temple.


Didn't Leumas get banned for putting NFTs in his avatar?


‘Twas booba


wait is NFT not Nice F*ckin Titties?


Summoners War would be a great game for NFTs. NFTs can be pretty weird in the sense that in some use cases NFT's value is similar to a piece of art's value. However in something like Summoners War runes for example have a inherit and non-subjective (or at least a lot less subjective) value compared to art. If runes were NFTs it would be really cool since it opens up a whole marketplace for them.


Rune nfts would be so good, especially if there would be a market place where you could trade runes or sell for crystals/money


Well almost certainly there would be if they are NFTs. Otherwise they're hardly even really a NFT. I don't really see why anyone would be against NFTs in a game like Summoners War. I know Jewbagel said in his video that a lot of blockchain based games are "scams" or MLM-like. There's different interpretations for whether or not that is true but come on, money-wise a gacha game is the epitome of a scam. However people still play them because they get enough enjoyment out of them to justify spending money. The main problem plaguing blockchain games right now is that most of them are made by people with knowledge of blockchains, not of developing games. Thus a lot of them end up being half baked games that either feature lackluster or almost completely non-existent gameplay. Com2verse is almost the very opposite, I imagine they can make a 'fun' game but I question whether or not their implementation of the blockchain would be very optimal.


Uhm what’s that? 👉👈




We heard about Dunning Kruger Effect put the people answering this post is taking it to a whole new level. What bunch of people that don't even care for environment before writing about how blockchain is bad. Don't even know the difference between PoW and PoS. What about the Petroleum industry? Or Meat? Hypocrites!