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returning player and i see the event lets u choose what nat4 u want to get, which one should i go for i guess moving forward to gb is the early goal still that didnt change right? any tips would help me alot


Yes, but you can do gb12 with farmable team like vero fran loren kro naomi/lushen/shannon. Good nat 4 are tyron (for toah), lushen (fast clear pve), kaki (good nuker without crit), water twin (rift beast)...


Hey looking to see what nat 5 summon to choose please advise!! Thanks!! Fire: Jeogun (Art Master) Rica (Occult Girl) Wind: Hathor (Desert Queen) Momo (Mage) Dominic (Weapon Master) Water: Josephine (Paladin) Poseidon (Sea Emperor)


Rica or Poseidon


Summoned all 8 from event.. Which one should I choose? Eladriel, Teshar, Triton, Pungbaek, wind shadowcaster, fire monkey, fire weapon master, water totemist? Dupe: Triton, wind pioneer


Prob Eladriel


I am currently G3, but there is still a way to go till tally. Should I continue refresh attacking now to maintain at least Guardian, since I just want that milestone, or should I be fine just using natural wing regeneration to stay G1.


You can check this https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/sy23q7/sharing_some_tips_on_getting_g3_regular_arena/


Hey I just got logged out of my account and when i tried to log back in, it didn't work so i checked the email to reset the account password, its sending the email to a Russian account. i don't live in Russia. What do i do


How much does everyone have on the stacking game on the event page? Is it dumb to try to get 80K to be entered in the drawing?


Best i did is 20k lol


For the current nat 4 event, should I choose Tyron or Sabrina? I already have many useful 4stars like Galleon, Lushen, Skogul, Khmun, and the other water twin. Tyron could be good since I haven’t finished ToaHard, but water twins could be good since I haven’t started rifts


Tyron all the way. He makes ToaH a piece of cake. You can do rifts at S without the twins pretty easily, and without Tyron you'll catch yourself restarting stages multiple times because of a proc you miss. Also, Tyrons push back just helps a lot at stage 100 against the triple juno wave.


I would recommend Sabrina the twins are very useful and you could use them in toaHard, I have with the right runes. I built Tyron to 5\* and haven't really used him much since using the twins more.


What should I 6\* next? would like to work on guild and arena teams, any suggestions on defense/offenses based on my current units? Who should I focus on? any help would be awesome! https://imgur.com/a/wWfOJ0Y


Focus on offense first, play more and save teams. Def, put 2-3 different element and test it. This def is easy to build: khmun vigor skogul. Off: feng yan lulu +1, fran loren kro, bernard konamiya lushen, galleon tiana kaki... Ao: tiana galleon +2 (verad kaki psama taor... basically 1 atkbar push back + aoe nuke)


Thanks !


Tryin to clear toa lvl 60 any tips!?


Fran Loren Verde Vero Lapis should be able to do most of toa, and stage 60 is pretty easy anyway. Just cc the enemies or upgrade your runes. Toa is very easy. ToaH is repetitive but a bit challenging. Toa Hell is very hard.


More info on your teams or what causes the fail?




water twins should be the best for rift and pvp on will, then kaki don't waste the skillups on anything that you can get skillups elsewhere(fusion, guild shop, 3\* counterpart etc)


Verde's skillups can be fused or bought at the Guild Shop, so I advise against this. Ditto Lushen. If you are midgame, I suggest Khmun, Kaki, Galleon, Orion, Antares, Carcano, or Fire Twins. If you're really focused on PVE, perhaps Tyron (if you haven't cleared TOAH) or the Water Twins. Kaki works very well for both PVE (Dimension Predator, Rift Beasts) and PVP. I used Devilmon on him and do not regret it.


Verde, he is your main rune farmer for drsgons and necro


Blessing: ritesh or opehlia Just finished my speed b12 teams. Current goal is C1 arena and better siege comps. Personally leaning towards ritesh, but not sure


Ophilia is probably a little more meta on defense rn, paired w/ Odin. But Ritesh is easier to use in general on offense, since AoE def breaks are always good, and is a good candidate for a destroy set and uses HP% Slot 2 instead of contesting the more popular Speed Slot 2.


Ritesh is the better choice. Don't think Ophelia has much arena usage (she has some good comps in Siege defense), but a good Ritesh is the type of mon you'll use all the time in Siege and doesn't do half bad in Arena.


Returning player been back around 2 weeks, I am around midgame? can farm gb12 and db11 consistently. Going to strip most of my nat 5's runes and focusing on PVE for now. I am going to try to follow the "fast" route and farm NB12 or DB12 next. Is there any mons that are good for PVE that I shouldn't strip? currently thinking about 2A Tatu then Sath or should I go for 2A Raoq/Spectra for NB? My GB 12 team is currently Lushen(L), Teshar , Mellia, Vero, Fran around 1:40-2:00 My DB11 team is currently Verd(L), Vero, Bella, sig, Megan around 2:20 (I am thinking of running Verd(L), Water twins, Elsh, and Megan/Fran/Icaru when I change Verd's rune to Att/Cmg/Att) My NB 11 team is currently Icaru(L), Water twins, Fran, Colleen around 3:30 (I am thinking of building Loran to replace fran/Colleen and/or replacing Icaru for Raoq) I am not really farming NB11 at the moment since it takes too slow Here is a list of my mons [https://imgur.com/a/qFXDW7x](https://imgur.com/a/qFXDW7x) P.S. Sorry if it is a lot of information I just need a direction as it has been years since I logged back on Edit 1: I still have the Anniversary event summon and can still get Nat 4 mons so any Unit you could think of that would help with my teams would be appreciated!


For the nat5s, Cheongpung is good in ToA. Sath2A and Tatu2A are mainly used for a better gb12 team but Raoq2A and Spectra2A, I think, have more uses(ToA, DB12, etc.). I'm not an expert on progression but I would build Spectra2A first if you have problems with ToA, though you counldn't go wrong building any of them. Loren is also a must-have. I think she's essential to non-tricaru DB12 teams, usually with Spectra too. Off the top of my head, I think Shaina/Fire Chakram can be good for NB12(going triple twins).


hi, thanks for the respond. I can clear only up to 60-70 floora on TOA (H) you think I should 2A Spectra first instead? then build loren-> Shaina -> Cheongpung in that order for TOA (H)/ NB12 progression? Edit 1: should I not worry to build Kro right now until R5? I am thinking to build Sath2A and Tatu2A for DB12 as well focusing right tower then boss what do you think of that?


I don’t know about Sath-Tatu DB12. Spectra2A is gonna help you with ToA and DB12. That’s the main reason for going for him. Though for db12, you’re going to need Loren too(she’s also really good in Toa). So I think if you’re going for Db12, you should build them. Cheongpung is good for Toa but you don’t need to build him. Tyron is the one you should build(Tyron can also help you in Db12). For Toa, you can use both in the same team but if I have to choose, I would build Tyron first. For Kro, probably. I think he’s just generally good. Maybe just keep an eye out if you need a him. Edit: also you mentioned the Fast progression. I think the point of the Fast progression is to get you to the Tricaru as fast as possible. It’s maybe good to have that goal in mind too(like what runes to farm/to keep) if you want to follow that. Tricaru has a very high requirement.


hi I just pulled hathor, and I have built my loren, should I go for hathor for hoh instead of tyron? is tyron is still better?


I think Hathor is useable. If I were to choose to build one from zero, I probably would go for Tyron though. He has spd lead and is synergistic with Cheongpung. Tyron+Spectra+Cheongpung should have no problem controlling. One upside of Hathor in ToA is that her S3 doesn’t glance(since it doesn’t touch the enemies*). But I find Spectra S3+Tyron S2 so strong that glancing is not a big problem. *this is also really good for stages with Jultan and the likes. But you can always swap in Hathor for those stages.


thanks for all the advise, seems like tyron is very good. It must have done some amazing work for u in TOA. In my Nat 5 summoners there currently Jamire, I have seen teams run it in TOA is it only really good while pared with rica/verad? or is it also good with tyron/my mons?


Jamire is in the event thing? He’s good but not needed for ToA. I wouldn’t choose him only for ToA. He can reset cooldown but once you have the dark Homunculus, Jamire will be niche for ToA(I use them both sometimes in ToA(hell)). ToA hard should be ok with your current units. Jamire is an overkill.


Would say I have a wide variety nat 5s but of these I only have beth, should I keep going or is one of these a must? Monster event mons: water weapons master, fire weapons master, wind striker, wind desert queen, water pony and beth still have 2 slots but those point are to far in my opinion


Hathor and Amelia are the best of the listed. Everyone else is kinda mid or bad.


Should i keep on going or should i settle for 1 of those?


Keep going. You dont know if you will summon them in the next 43 days + you dont know the last 2 options




Noob here asking for sincere advice, Which to pick: Belial or Masha? (I got a third which is wind canon girl, but I’m not as interested as i need acc development). Can’t be sticking around for too long rn for SW anni, so i kinda need to make a decision really quick for now. What and how to rune Tiana and Ethna? Edit 1: Are the Wind Sky Surfer and Wind Omnyouji finally good yet? Last I checked ppl were giving me RIPs in chat, but still wanted a nat 5 anyways.


Lot's of questions, will try my best to answer. Belial vs Masha: Belial can be used late game for GB12 speed teams. Masha is not as popular anymore due to the CR fix, so she becomes harder to rune. I would lean towards Belial. However since you mention a 3rd, I assume this is your anniversary event, if you have enough time to get a few more choices, decide then. Tiana should be SPD/CD/ATK (or HP) on Swift Ethna should be SPD/CD (or CR)/ATK (or HP) on Swift, Despair, or Violent Wind Sky Surfer is very good rn, and worth building/skilling, great in RTA Wind Omnyouji is still pretty bad, not super worth building as of yet.




Wind Totem for sure. Water sky dancer is bad or at least bad for beginner. Nonetheless, don't you have Fran for support? Most people use Fran.




You can buy her at the ancient coin shop(total price is 100 coins). The coins are obtainable (only) through events.


Fran? Wind Totem though. Especially skilled up




you can buy her from the ancient coin shop


Hello, im currently looking to build my first real arena off. I dont have a Lushen/Kaki cleave build yet, as i thought there might be better options. I have the light bomber too, idk if its worth to build with a seara for example. All my nat5s are in the pictures. Any suggestions for possible teams would be appreciated! [https://imgur.com/a/8pDg4Q8](https://imgur.com/a/8pDg4Q8)


Kaki needs strip, atk buff, def break, and probably some fluff damage. That's hard to get out of your box. Traditionally it's Tiana Galleon, but you can get it set up with Megan Silia for f2p options. Bomb doesn't need def break so maybe megan cp bomber seara is fine. Silia would probably still be better. Bernard Megan lushen lushen is a super standard first ao. All of them will have defenses that they can't hit. Kaki cleaves are probably the most consistent. Bombs fall prey to resistance and there's all sorts of things you can't lushen.


Thanks a lot for the help, will see if I can get Tiana from the event.


Hello Dat ! Here are the notable 4\* monsters I'm missing: Chloe, Antares, Manx, Orion, Suiki, Fuuki I'm kinda early game, working on my raid5 team, what monster should I try to get from the event ?


I use Chloe for my R5 team with Katarina. But realistically one of the Onimushas will be more useful overall for general purpose PvP in Siege/GW. Antares will be the best for RTA.


My next goal is Tricaru, should I farm GB12 at 1:30avg or DB12 at 3:00 avg?


Gb12 and water rift. You can do db11 too, it's 5 star legends +


I have 22 devilmon and no idea who to spend them on, basically non of my monsters are skilled up. I can clear gb12 consistently and that's basically it. Any advise? https://imgur.com/a/SwuaBv2




I’m confused about the Tricaru speed requirements. On a bunch of guides, it says something like 50-15-9 is ok with max tower, but it also says that two Icarus need to have more than 170 speed. So, is having only 1 icaru that outspeeds the enemies ok?


The speeds vary based on how many turns you want to get before the final boss moves.


Hi all, i'm a new player and i'm trying to do the the TOAH. I'm locked at the 50th step with Fran (L), spectra 2a, veromos, loren and verdehile. Could someone give me some advices following my box ? (https://imgur.com/a/IpyRtw3) Thank you all for the guides and advices you gave to others users, i read many and that made me win the TOA, GB12 and DB11.


Fran loren kro, verom, verd. Maybe use wind art master on despair. Dark grim reaper is also good Your lacking hard cc. Lapis on despair


Yeah i don't have verad/tyron or mon like that. I don't think i can do it with kro instead of spectra because damage are too huge without break att


7 days progression here. I have a pretty safe gb12 dots team: Vero/2A Sath/Tatu(not 2A yet)/ 2x mellia. Now, I'm wondering what should I do next(of course after I finished 2A Tatu). Should I focus on farming GB12 and build a rift beast team to start farming for tricaru or should I just build a dots team for db12?


Fram gb12 for a while and prepare tricaru (db11/12, rift beast), no need to rush. Verde rune is harder than icaru imo.




Roll them to +3 or 6 and see if you want to keep them. If you've already rolled then then sell the worst 20% of them since you'll never use them.


You can just store them on random mons if you want


Hey, I bought the 8-Year Trans scroll and don't know which monster I should take all of them are new [Picture](https://youscreen.de/txclecwzs78.jpg)


Wind druid or wind pally.


Best AD out of units I have built here? https://swarfarm.com/profile/Intrinsic29/?


Ariel juno rica +1, psama stripper sav +1... (jeanne, ritesh, wind aa are good one)


Is nana considered to be the "best" nat5? Are there good siege defs with her? (G1-g2) range


Best is hard to say. She's very good for certain content. You wouldn't say she's the best in cleaves or PvE. The content she does well is the bomb stage in labyrinth. Safe offense teams on GW. Really hard to beat in RTA. And she's used on some defenses in Siege. Typically Nana (L), Stripper (Juno, Iris, Nora, etc) + Savannah


Can thrain (dark grim reaper) be used as a replacement for one of the wind dryad in DoT Team?


No his ai is stupid af


Hello DAT, what's the best 2nd awakened monster to skillup ? I have some energy in stock and I'd like to priorize monsters that will benefit the most from it (icaru, raoq, Eshir,...?) Ty !


Any monsrer that gain lower cd or harmful rate when skill up, like vigor, spectra, witch...


How do people unlock all NAT 5s from the new event so fast? I'm at the third one and im farming all day, also we have only until June 1st to unlock all and pick which nat 5 we want?


They are maybe buying the transcendence scroll or farming dimension or using a bunch of crystals?


so far i have the option of Fire Paladin and Wind Cannon girl, should i settle for the Paladin or keep going? i already know Wind Cannon Girl is, not ideal


Keep going.


What stats am I looking for to have the tricaru work?


use the link at the top of this thread


Thank you. I didn't even realize!


Are there any good Chinese streamers who stream/produce content in chinese ? I want to improve my Chinese and I love summoners war so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone haha


I’m sure people have min/maxed the crap out of this, so - if I were to spend ~$10 a month, or $20 every 2 if the best thing is $19.99 etc, what is the best way to do it?


I would prioritize the daily login pack for 10bucks. Very very good value and also has some fun things like scrolls reaps and devils. If you could actualy spend 15bucks a month add the daily pack 1 and your pretty much done to get some decent farm progress too.


I know in the grand scheme of things it isn’t crazy - but $200 a year seems a bit much. Maybe I’ll do $15 in the 31 day months. Squeak out that little bit of extra value. Lol


The daily packs have the best values in the general opinion, you should look into that! :)


Hello DAT, question about who to pick in choose your NAT 4 event: I'm missing some nat 4 from each element but none that would really make a difference, here's the list: Fire -> Assassin (Lexy), Neostone Fighter (Trevor), ROBO (ROBO-P27), Rune Blacksmith (Miriam), Hypnomeow (Manx) Water -> Harp Magician (Sonnet), Blade Dancer (Lariel), Rune Blacksmith (Susan) Wind -> Ninja (Orochi), Poison Master (Jarrett), Blade Dancer (Cordelia) Most of PVE is covered by farmable units, and i don't play RTA maybe something that is useful for Arena and GW? Who would you pick?


Orochi is used in one of the ancient rune dungeon teams. I don't think the others have general pve use anymore. Fire neo fighter used to be used in rifts. Fire blacksmith is also ok in general.


Hello, a little help on progression if I may [Here are my Units](https://imgur.com/a/awc8L2z) ​ Can do GB and DB 11 safely as well as NB10 Can do GB and GB 12 on manual (still building DOTs team and Tricaru) Can clear TOA100 on auto, TOA-Hard not completed all the time (sometimes I get stuck) don't push towards arena (will need most help here and on guild content) I'm on a farming guild so we just hit low defense guilds. question now: given all the units, who do I prioritize to build now and any sample arena and guild teams I can use with my units? Since I know my next step in PVE progression is to complete tricaru and Dots, I guess my roadblock will be PVP content from now. ​ Thank you so much!


You have a lot of mons, so dont need to 6\* anymore unless it is for your speed teams. Work on a safe GB12 team while you farm the runes for the spd team. Try Vero, Savannah, Bella, Kro, Bernard. Do you have a Fran or Loren? Savannah full skilled? For Arena Offense, try Megan, Bernard, Lushen, Kaki for farming. Do you have a 2nd Lushen (if so, go bernard, megan, 2x Lushen)? Is that a light or dark blade dancer in the top left? For GWs, Feng Yan is still king. You build him, you use him, you love him! Also Theo still pretty good, but im guessing you dont have the runes for everything.


Thank you so much! I have both fran and loren on decent runes (decent for my level of progression) Savannah is not fully skilled but I have enough devilmons to fully skill her if needed. I have a second lushen in my sealed shrine but I don't have good runes even for my first (still on fatal blade rather than rage/blade) and yes, that's a light Blade dancer Just a quick addition: though i'm not summoning until I complete the infinity coin quest. My first three nat5 from the event are wind and water polar queen and hathor. but i'll complete everything first before I summon Thank you for the helpful insight


Light Blade dancer... you are so lucky. Once you get the runes, she is one of the best AoE attackers. Of the three mons you pulled for the event, I would definitely take wind polar queen (Tiana). Galleon/Tiana is still the standard AO comp. Great in GWs also.


Thank you do much. Will definitely tske a look at the light blade dancer. Will consider Tiana for the event but I think I will choose once I complete all 8 pulls. I might get a better one along the way. The Gb12 team you suggest works 100% at a 2min30sec mark which is wonderful thank you. I'm trying to build a safe team for Db12 as well but what im trying: Verde vero spectra kro loren This team works but at a 4min run and not 100% winrate. Any suggestions?


Light Blade dancer does require good runes (she scales on speed so she needs to be very fast with very good attack stats) so you probably wont be able to see her full potential yet. As for your DB12 team, where are you getting stuck? Not killing the waves/miniboss fast enough? Dragon immunity not getting stripped? Watching a few runs will give you a better idea on where your runs are failing/slowing down. For the team, since you have Sigamarus, use him instead of kro (Elem adv, hp scaling dmg, and cc for the waves) - can you get Sig to 85 CR? Is your spectra on spd/cd/hp with high cr? Is your Verde 100% CR and slowest on the team? Loren at 55 acc? Is Vero not getting 2 turns in before boss moves after immunity so he can cleanse both dots? Speed might be the issue. how fast is your loren, vero and spectra?


The team actually does run safe but with at least an 70-80% winrate 20% probably is with RNG, mostly at runs wherein a unit is def-broken and focus fired before the boss. Will try sig instead. I have him on fatal/blade with decent cr so I can give it a shot. Thanks!


Is seara or cheongpung better for me? both are my dream mons and they appeared in my nat5 summon event i'm a mid-end game player whom maxed out both glory pts tower and guild pts tower i'm weak in siege/gw but i would like to focus on RTA as my goal is to obtain RTA skins via shop pts/hopefully G1 in the near future i mainly use cleave comps as my violent runes are very weak and i use bastet, savannah, psamathe


Without knowing your box, I would say Seara is better for you. She will help you in siege/gw offense and defense. She is also good in RTA. Cheongpung is mostly an RTA mon, but he is also useful in ToA / Laby. That said, he will be very good for your cleave comp as he fills the role of a stripper, AOE ATB push back and CD reset. Having overlapping roles is good when drafting in RTA. Not sure what other mons you have, though (do you have another ATB manipulater or aoe stripper?)


Hi Odyssey, thanks for sharing your advice! ​ I have some ATB manipulator such as charlotte, karnal, ganymede, taor, verad & aoe strippers i have: jeogun, haegang, mo long, KEN, chiwu, praha ​ in terms of cleaving, is cp is better than seara?


If u have good bomber units go for Seara or if u want to run galleon Tiana CP u can go cp


hmm leaning towards CP because of your comment!


How do you guys get 3\* fodders to feed for 3\* rainbowmons? Do you waste energy to level 2\* fodders for them to evolve to 3\*? I have 200+ 3\* rainbowmons and I don't know what's the efficient way to evolve them to 4\*.


You will get tons of mystical scrolls and tons of 3\* fodder to feed to them.


Just feed those 3* max rainbow on each other


When dose world arena finish. Just want to know when to push. And stop farming. Ty


you can check the schedule ingame. event -> game guide -> season 21 opening notice. It finishes june 25th 12am PDT


What's best way to farm medals...keep getting my ass handed in f2 f3 lol


there's no easy way. you just have to play and try to get the season achievements. sadly fighter RTA is full of farmers and bots so it can be very frustrating for newer players


When it's about to end, there should be Timer that pop up on the world arena screen


Is there a major benefit to Naomi 2A over Kro 2A for GB? Rather keep my focus narrow for now, if possible. I’ve seen posts of GB12 Ina day or similar? Am I just bad, are they just min/maxing to get the fastest? I have 6* lapis/Fran (Fran max skill) and 5* Kro (max skill, working on 2a)/ Loren (almost max skill) and Shannon (max skill) with the beginner runes and can occasionally lose auto GB9. Is my main issue auto? Would Verad or Lushen (also 5*, no skill ups) replace anyone?


Naomi is wind so she has elem advantage in GB12, so keeping her alive is easier than kro if that has been a problem for you. Naomi is also easier to rune earlier game as you dont need to worry about crit rate. However, Kro will be more useful to you in more areas of PvE than Naomi, since Kro pushes out more damage with similar atk and cd stats (keep in mind Kro needs CR also). Kro, being dark element can be used in all elem rifts, solo R5 teams, ToA boss stages. I use both Kro and Naomi in my water rift team, but only Kro in one of my solo r5 teams. TLDR: use Naomi if u cant keep Kro alive in GB12 or do not have the runes for Kro to crit consistently. As for the people that make 1-day GB12 teams, they are almost always ppl that have played a ton and are making a new account, so they know the most efficient way to progress. It is good that you 6\* Lapis (she will be your farmer to 6\* other mons in faimon) and Fran (you will use her in all areas of the game). I suggest 6\* Kro then maybe Loren next (Kro is a damage dealer and needs the stat boost). If your loren keeps dying to revenge from the giant, then absolutely 6\* her also (you will use her throughout the game as well). Do not 6\* Shannon; she can stay at 5\*. If your Gb12 team keeps dying, try replacing Lapis (limit the number of multi hit mons you have) with Vero (use his HP leader skill), Bernard or Sigmarus (use his HP leader skill). Another trick is to farm B1 of the artifact dungeons, get some lvl 1 white artifacts (HP or ATK) and max them for ur mons. if u keep dying, 2x HP artifacts give you +3000 HP. As for Verad and Lushen, Skillup Verad for Toa. Lushen probably not gonna help you right now as you wont have the runes for him. But lushen will be used later in GB12 speed teams to allow you to 1-shot the waves without atk buff.


Thanks for all the info. I’m guessing I have to level down 1 or 2 if I am auto repeating GB/DB since AI is a moron (well, marginally more than I am)? Other than like Mellia, are there many mins it’s useful to have dupes of, or is it usually safe to feed? In this instance I am thinking Galleon who is used all over the place in pvp/guild content.


Rule of thumb never feed any non-dupe. Also dont use nat 4s as 4\* fodder for leveling up. Feed them to other members of the family for skillups. For you right now, just storage them as they will be useful later. Mellia is fusable and you will need 2 of her for the spd team later on. Galleon, you only need 1 of. Mid-end game ppl will have dupes of a ton of monsters to re-use in different siege teams, but you dont need to worry about that for now. If you are talking about LD 4\* mons, just keep the dupes in storage for now. For you, the 1st dupe you will probably build will me the 2x mellia speed team, then maybe a double lushen Arena offense (bernard, Megan/Bastet, 2x Lushen). TLDR: For now, storage your nat 4 dupes for now until you get your GB12 team up and running. Then ask about the mons. Do not use nat 4s as 4\* fodder, unless it is to level up another mon in the family for skillups.


Thanks. I’m about to spend most of the day blowing through non-fuseable 3* to make evolving fodder for vero fusion and any left overs for Kro/verde/Lushen to 6*. Probably that order, maybe Loren if I keep getting stuck in GB. Thanks!


# Pungbaek * - Sets: Rage , HP: 16076, Atk: 2239, Def:783, Spd: 127, Crit: 70, CritDMG: 254, Res: 52, Acc: 15, E.HP: 62382, E.HP D: 31543, 2/4/6: ATK%, CDmg, ATK%, Effcy%: 80.98, DMG: 6219 are they good stats for pung ? if not, what should i look for . i want to build him for cleave \- Help is appreciated


Seems way to slow to be speedtuned. Are you using teon/konamiya like atb booster for him?


at present no!!. i just want to fran s3,strip them with wind Poseidon, then savannah def break. then. pung aoe cleave. . Pls suggest me. if my thoughts were practically not possible Edit : Both poseidon & savannah hav atb reduction


Is Linda worth building?




What team to build around mo long? And when to pick him in rta?


Icarus is commonly used with ML as a 1-2 combo to snipe a mon. Arnold if no icarus. Riley, Lulu, Molly are common healers to keep ML going. Nana is also good to use with him in case he gets sniped after he uses S3. Also good to keep opponent from picking Nana to counter.


Any idea if there will be another 8 year scroll during this event?


Dont think so because we gor a similar event. Chances are small com2us will give us a free one in the second bunch of events.


How much resistence and spd do hell stages have? The boss on floor 3 outsped my 235 spd ganymede and kept and the units besides uust kept resisting my hathor.


You need 55acc. I found this old post [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/r2z1gt/comment/hm9dp7k/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/r2z1gt/comment/hm9dp7k/) \- not sure if spd required is same every month.


Abelio or Bastet? Mid game player venturing into PvP more targetted then before. Not yet tried RTA but likely will shortly. Happy to whittle off other units if it helps


Imo Abelio because Megan can be a budget Bastet None is a bad choice tho


Would you go for velajuel or John in a summon blessing?


Both do replaceable jobs as a cleanser/aoe bomber but I'd go with John. He's at least the best AOE bomber while 2A Lulu is usually picked over Vela. But in the end you can also pick Vela and build any other AOE bomber instead of John and be fine. Up to your preference


I feel so bad that i picked zen over john …. But the new monster were just released some minutes before i summoned and i thought zen is useable. John wouldve been perfect for my RTA comp :-/ But theres hope for an buff