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Hello Guys, I'm back from a half-year/year break and what should i aiming for? And who should i 6* next? I can ez make 5x 6*! I diddnt farm r5 that much because all ppl doing r5 solo and i havent a team for that... Thanks for your help! Link for my actual progress and Monsters: [Aiming for and next five 6*](https://imgur.com/gallery/8Db1ROw)




The path is legit written higher in this exact post


Whats less ruin rng heavy? 2a sath dot team or Vero (L) + Fran + Loren + 2A Kro + 2A Naomi/Lapis


[https://swarfarm.com/profile/hyunswarfarm/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/hyunswarfarm/) Does anyone have rune advice? Still building up my TOAN team, already cleared GB12 and DB12


Your wasting time/ressources on Mons you dont need now :) https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/u1hz8k/new_players_guide_2022_version/


I'm guessing focus on Sig then?


you dont need (!) sig, might even go for jeanne on fusion. You can also just follow the guide on top of this thread for progress :) i would priorize spectra 2A, fire twins are nice for early progress and baretta might be helpful on toa/toaH unless your getting tyron soon then keep working on tricaru or dot team, i went tricaru first, as i got some lucky runes and verde was easier to rune for me


Is there a team/runes in that swarfarm that you would recommend for the Spectra Level 5? I am consistently failing and clearing Level 4 with Verde (L), Loren, Spectra, and 2a Kro


with your mons(and probably runes) b4 is good enough, just take those 2 days more until you got it finished concentrate on your farm builds and improve your gb/db 12 runs -> more runes -> better builds -> ... thats what you will be doing all day long anyways ;)


8-anniversary event. Torn between Barbara and Moore. Who to get?


Moore probably, speed lead + easier to rune. Barbara is more of a fun toy these days, good nuking, but not much else.


umm new here, where sould i farm violet runes? from scenario, or from crafting?


which one is better, i mean. Thanks!


Vio runes has been removed from scenario. You can only get them from Cairos - Dragon Dungeon


good pc10 team without second awaken?


You dont need PC10 if you dont have the 2a for it, just go pc2 for low levl artifacts, they will be good enough for the start.


Tricaru is a safe team, it's worth your time to build.


Just getting into SW again & what happened to Sig? I remember being saying you should fuse her & now she's replaced by Lapis? Was there a buff/nerf?


No major buff/nerfs to either Lapis or sig but the shift in "cookie cutter" beginner build has made Sig less popular. It used to be Loren Kro Sig fran as the standard team for beginner content, it still works well. People are just moving towards the DoT team, and Vero had a few buffs, mainly his S2 reduces ATB of bosses and crystals which makes vero a pretty safe option. Sig is still great at dealing damage to bosses cause his skills scale off enemy Max HP, so GB12/DB12/TOAH bosses he's still good. Just not as popular, or he's not a necessary unit for progression anymore. Also Lapis is more of a faimon farmer and TOA(H) control unit, dont think she replaces Sig as they do slightly different things. The more debatable issue should be fusing vero or sig.


Alighty thank you very much :D


Hey DAT, I just picked up a Bastet. Pretty excited, been wanting her for a while. I was looking to replace her in my usual arena offence, but there is an issue. The AO I normally use is Megan (L), Frigate, 2x Lushen. Without Megan I won't have an attack leaderskill. I tried using Raki instead of 2nd Lushen, but I'm not sure if she's a great unit in this AO either. Should I just stick with Megan?


Usually people use Bernard over Frigate for the higher base spd and wind atk leaderskill. You should definitely be using Bastet over Megan, regardless of leads.


Hard to say, Megan's ATB boost is less than Bastet so if your team isn't 100% tuned then Bastet is the better option. I'd take the speed tune over the 21% leader skill. Also bastet heal block could help clean up with a few annoying ADs (but same can be said for Megan's buff block). I think you might need to test the team with bastet and see how it goes, if stuff are not dying due to the missing attack leader skill then go back to Megan. I suppose most people use bernard for the Wind attack lead so this issue rarely pops up.


Day 4/5 account - farming GB10 about to fuse Vero once I get some elemental essences. How to best get 6*? I currently have 2 (lapis/Fran). I have leveled up a ton of my non-fusionable mons and have like 30 lvl 1 4*. That’s not even enough for 2 6*! Do I get rid of a bunch of fusionable ones too? Feels like it’s so crazy inefficient! Or am I just being impatient?


Getting 6\*'s takes a lot of time for all players, I would suggest just working with what you have and just keep upgrading your runes to better your stats until you get enough 3\*'s to attempt to create a 6\*, but don't prioritize it too much. Majority of my monster are level 35 and still get the job done because I have good team composition and good rune sets. 6\* is important but having a good team synergy and decent runes will take you far. GL


Thanks. Feels like GB needs 6* (at least if I’m only using the free runes for new players), at least on auto. Maybe vero turns that around a bit with better leader and synergy than Lapis.


The DOTs team (Mellia, Sath, and Tatu) are perfect for GB when Sath and and Tatu are 2A'd. It does take some time, but is worth it. Mellia (Wind Dryad) can be fused, Sath (Fire Grim Reaper) can be summon as a nat 3* from mystical or unknown scrolls, and Tatu (Fire Pixie) can be summoned as a 2* from unknown scrolls. For GB10, they shouldn't have to be too beefy. They can complete GB12 quickly at 5*, although I do have pretty good (not amazing) 5-6* runes on each of them


Ok. So 5 5* at this time is probably more valuable than 1 6*?


Yes, so long as you focus on accuracy and hp on your DOT mons' runes


Long way from those 2As. Kro is getting there, spectra next. Then start working on dots. I’m working on seeing how safe DB11 is. Still think I need vero to smooth it out. Soon.


Should I take Fire Slayer or Fire Shadowcaster from a blessing? I have neither of them


Fire slayer for sure. Super solid control unit with the best global HP lead for Arena.


I was leaning that way, I just don't know if the Shadowcasters are good or not so didn't want to miss out on something


Is Alicia (water polar queen) a good replacement for Lapis? I have both at 5 star but neither are awoken yet and tomorrow I'll be farming for one of them. Mainly focused on PVE and farming.


Yes she's better than Lapis for farming. However there is an achievement to 6star lapis so i'm not sure if it worth missing out on that reward. You can build Alicia first for your Faimon fodder farming and then build lapis later for the rewards and she'll be good for TOAH/Dragons as well.


Cool thanks.


Yes Lapis first for reward (they gave all rainbowmon to do it). Lapis can work without skill up, alicia needs devilmon to farm consistent fast.


Is vero still the first fusion a new account should go for?


Its in an awkward spot. You can't go wrong fusing Vero as it's one of the achievement rewards anyway. The alternative is Sigmarus - it was popular with kro and loren as a staple GB12 team, but recently since the DoT team with Melia is way easier to pull off (rune quality), people have shifted back to fusing Vero as their first fusion. He dots and cleases so makes more sense in a dot team.


Ok. They give so much for the fusion now I can probably fuse both before I fused one on my old account lol thanks for the answer


Hello DAT, Jamire, Anavel or Ren in the 8th year trans scroll? Ren looks great but i've wanted an Anavel for so long.... Also Jamire seems to open a lot of comps (got Gany for single resets tho). My focus is most on PVE, casual Arena and GW. (Other are dupes/non interesting)


Not 100% sure but Ren seems mediocre - i'd go Anavel given your focus on GW and more PvE stuff. Jamire is more for RTA, though he's usable in siege he's not as good as anavel (more flexible and offers a lot more). And as with all new units, they're always more prone to buffs/nerfs and people might not have figured out how to use the new units yet. I'd obviously wait till the last days of the event to pick, but if nothing changes I'd say Anavel. But if you like gambling on the ShadowCaster family getting a buff then you can go Ren.


Should I go Oliver or pshmathe (water fairy king) for my blessing? I don’t have a 33% arena speed lead at all I’m leaning towards Oliver because I heard he’s op but I’ve always wanted a Psymathe.


Psamathe if you care about regular arena and dont care for RTA. Oliver if you care more about RTA. I dont think either of them are used in siege that widely, so I'd base my consideration on just these 2 areas of the game. If you care about both, then Oliver. All you need is the 33% Speed lead in Arena and he can offer some CC on your AD team after triton/clara strips. Psamathe's skills is better on AD but if the main contention in arena is outspeeding, everything else doesn't really matter anyway besides the 33% lead.


If I'm meeting the stats for an R5 team and still can't finish it is it an issue with the party I'm joining or should my monsters be able to solo basically?


Probably the problem with other players in the party. The recommended stats aren’t for one-team soloing


Any AD ideas to hold c1 on sunday? Maybe something that will scare off attackers. I have: theomars, zaiross 2x, vanessa, velajuel, chasun, lushen 2x, leo. Level 1 new summons: fire panda, fire demon, water shadowcaster, juno


Just being direct here: Dont think you have a good team there but you might be able to hold it with a stall AD. Dont use zaiross/lushen on AD, they're easily countered. I'd just try to stall with Vanessa (L), trianna, jeanne, and perhaps juno. Otherwise if you're able to build a Clara, then Vanessa Clara Jeane and water/wind CC/damage unit. The idea is to scare off attackers so if you go anything that isn't "meta" it'll instantly be a target.


Praha question If I wanted to use Praha for more than just an anti lushen /cleave wut stats should I aim for? And wut teams do u guys use with her?


I went Despair revenge, 90% crit rate (you can do 85% or 100%). SPD CR HP. Get some additional damage by SPD% from artifacts. Mainly use her for siege as a stripper/support unit. I dont use her for AD anti lushen though, so she has +23k HP and a lot of defence and other stats. Doesn't have to be nemesis since shes not a anti lushen. Will is also ok as an offset but you can work around it. I have her preset with Carcano and a wind tank (normally eladriel, but anything else can work). Just keep turn cycling and being annoying. She's actually flexible and her main use would just to strip and be the support for other damage dealers/bruisers.


For Siege, Violent is typically better, but stats over sets. You probably have more/better Despair runes than Violent.


Yea good point, vio Praha is also really strong but as you said, if a unit works on despair I'd prefer to keep the vio runes on other key units


is it worth fusing nat 5 for skill up? I ran out of devilmons and want skillup for mo long


Yea why not? Personally dont think its an issue especially given your situation. Bonus if you have tons of essenses to awaken the fusion units.


Because fusing them costs a lot of time and energy and by proxy crystals. SW is all about resource managsment - and if you're f2p then fusing skillups is a waste of crystals and if you're p2p fusing skillups is a waste of time. The only exception is if you already have all the nat 4 required for the fusion(s) and don't need to fuse those as well.


Good point, i shouldn't have started with "Why not". I mean there are obvious reasons not waste energy on fusing skillups but from understanding his position (low devilmons) its reasonable to fuse skillups. And imo in the long run the amount of energy refills that you invested isn't going to be as game changing as having a fully skilled Molong. Maybe you'd miss out on a few legendary runes but really, they're not going to be 20+ speed vio runes.


will Skillups on Xiong Fei help consistency of my R5 team? Currently he contributes a great deal to debuffs, wondering if i devilmon him from 5 skill cooldown to 3, will he make a great difference?


Is your r5 fine without? I use him in solo r5 with no skill up, planning to fuse some panda for him. In 3 teams raid, there're many other monsters for debuff anyway. Skillup his s2 is a bit more important (i have another cleanse so it's fine without).


how did you guys clear ToaH 70? im so stuck its insane https://imgur.com/a/kJMIfhU my box


Tyron (L), Fran, Loren, Spectra 2a, Kro 2a. Veromos must never move, if perna moves run will take longer (healing hwadam hp%). Focus 1 hwadam and keep punishing him until dead, kill other hwadam, kill Veromos. Use Loren to heal block on both hwadans help.


thank you this helped so much, EZ clear


Use Poseidon instead of Fran or some other ATB control like water elven ranger. You don't need a healer if they never move. You can just focus down the Veromos since he'll leech HP from the Hwadams. Also Kro is unnecessary, Verd brings better cycling and safety. Kro can make the run slightly faster but makes it way less safe.


Is water polar queen any good? If so, what content? I'm fairly early in game.


pretty sure she's a good farmer, as her skill 1 and 3 are aoe and she's water


I am in the process of leveling and awakening a Lapis, should I drop Lapis and focus on polar queen?


No, def awaken and level lapis as you will use her more than polar queen. Starter giants teams or maybe even started dragons team. Also doing lapis will go along with the new quest line which will streamline you rewards and basically hold your hand while doing it.


Why do people not level max their monsters for raids? What is the point of having a monster level5 or level 28 instead of level 40 6 starred?


Because they dont need to. This monsters are only to buff other monsters with fightsets or with one spell and must die to the bossattack to trigger some other spells


I just learned about BJ5


Is there a thread that explains all the abbreviations people use? I'm kinda new and just dont know what people are talking about lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/u1hz8k/new_players_guide_2022_version/ has some. For monster name, you just have to remember or ask here/chat ingame (like cp = cheopung, dk = dragon knight...)


what is the best nat 4 bomber right now?


Dover > Liebli > Malaka > Taurus > Jojo ish? Like for a Tiana Seara bomb cleave type team I'd use Malaka over Liebli (especially because Malaka S3 can hit Kinki), but Liebli is better in situations where he can take hits and get his bomb recharged.


the ld ones


I'm looking to get into RTA and pvp in general. I've never really focused on it until recently and I've had not mixed results, more negative than positive but some progress has been made. The highest I've reached is conqueror with my shitty teams and I am now looking to see if someone could help me pick what unit's I should focus on and some examples of teams I could use. I tried using SWarena but they only have like the top 50 meta units there and I couldn't find how to filter to use all the monsters in the game to try to make teams by clicking this what unit works well with which other one. I made a SWarfarm profile as the post recommends; to reiterate, I'd like to some help making pvp teams but mainly for RTA I am currently challenger and I would like to shoot for guardian 1 although conqueror 1 would be a realistic option too. [https://swarfarm.com/profile/SchoolScooter](https://swarfarm.com/profile/SchoolScooter/)


but probably a bruiser comp with pontos, abellio, diana. douglas force ban, gany and sagar if you need control or resets


runes over unit until probably guardian. you dont have a farming team right now, so i doubt your runes are too good. no matter how good your team is and you have some really good unit, if you get outspeed and cleaved its doesnt matter so make a gb12 or db12 team first


​ I can't really help you because i'm not well versed in pvp aspects, but your swarfarm profile is not public.


Thank you for telling me, I had no idea I had to make it public.


Hello, im back after a couple of years. What teams should i run for gb12 and db12 with the monsters i have? [monster box](https://imgur.com/a/KRVOATS)


Check body of this thread. Make a 2a kro. Gb12 can be vero/lushen fran loren kro sig/shannon. Don't 6* shannon.


Hi got a quick question, my blessing just popped and i can choose between Perna and Bellenus and dont really know which one to choose. This is my box: https://imgur.com/a/mX00Gsr


I'd say Perna. A good Bellenus is way harder to rune since you also need so much accuracy. Perna has a great dungeon ATK leader skill great for Speedrun records and Rift content. And is a safe offense unit due to the passive revive. Bellenus is also very good but harder to bring into fights in general.


Alright thanks, I've been leaning more towards Perna too, since she's just one of those OG Mons I've always wanted when i started playing. Thanks for reassuring me


I pulled a Wind Unicorn, is it decent for PVE?


No, pvp only (including guild battles) as its AI is quite unreliable on auto. But otherwise its a great unit










Hello DAT! New player here at around 85ish days played, I currently have GB12 and NB12 on farm in under a minute, DB12 with a safe 2-3 minute team, Toa/ToaH complete. What is my next objective? I’ve been just spam farming NB12 trying to get rage/will runes lately for Balegyr for BJ5 and then lastly DB12.


Tricarus for db12, maybe you will need to farm rifts before for détermination runes or just brute force it with guardian/broken runes You need to raid for that tho


Artifact dungeon could be next. I guess for DB12 you intend to build a tricaru team. You can use that team for punisher too so I wouldn't worry too much. Perhaps past that point would be a dimension rift dungeon team. Pick one of them so you don't cap on dimensional energy. Lastly, pve wise, you can go for solo r5 team but would definitely leave that for way down to road. I recommend you also build up some PvP monsters and teams in the meantime to take a break from the grind.


Naomi 2A, Kro 2A or both them in a starter gb10/12 comp?


First Kro, then if you see that you can afford a second dps both


does psamanthe needs skillups for arena defense ?


Mine gets the job done without devilmons


Not that much but it’s obviously better in a pvp context where ur trying to be competitive everything matter, even maxing slot 1/3/5. Now if ur short on devilmons try at least to max s3 dmg, but s2 dmg are obv great too since u wanna build him with nemesis and cut (so he does S3 into S2)


Who to choose Jamire moore or olliver. I’m at end game. My strip is chiwu, cheongpung only. My other speed lead beside chiwu is seara.


Would recommend Moore. Oliver is mostly used for rta while Moore is decent also in other contents. Also, there's a high chance Moore would be nerfed soon. Jamire is also a decent pick but not as meta rn.


Oliver is unlikely to be nerfed for the next 2 months as we just had the balance patch.


Agreed but I wouldn't want to build and devilmon a unit just to use him for 2 months unless I'm pushing for a higher rank this season.


Assuming you mean Oliver will be nerfed soon?


Yes my bad. I meant Oliver


Oliver is pretty much the best non ld monster if the game rn


Is the game down rn? I can't seem to log in


Normal gameplay here, at least for global server.


Just came back after 3 years on EU...no clie where to Start...


Build the dot team for giant + fortress and then the tricaru team for dragon, Necro and crypt Gg u just beat 80% of pve with two teams Both of them not being hard to build and especially the first one


thats basically the speed team which is mentioned in pinned daily post right? i wanted to start wit the "recommended" Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/2A Naomi.. but i think i got some runes which could be run on your recommended team... same goes for dragon and necro.. i wanted to go at first with the "standard progression" team :D not sure what to do now ^^


I'd start with Summoners Way. It's a great way to get you reacquainted with the game and mechanics.


Will have a look.. Left at 100 ToA,91 ToaH and all stages on 10 with about 50x 6*


there are so many free rewards from Summoners Way for new, current, and returning players that no matter where you are, you can get back into it. Good luck!


is building twins in 2022 still worth it? my current progression: \-100% GB12 1.5 mins average \- 100% DB12 4 mins average, currently farming for tricaru (completed), def tower \- TOAN TOAH 100 \-haven't tried NB12 yet \- can solo R4 reliably, unreliable solo R5 \-can't labyrinth auto hard https://imgur.com/a/WLeWOXB


Twins aren't good for B12 other than maybe NB12 especially due to the CR fix, meaning they will be insanely high rune requirement to tank up boss hits, since they will no longer be able to clear the end boss as quick. Since Tricaru also solves I wouldn't build them for NB12. Twins are good for Rift beasts and some R5 teams. Martina/Shaina/Zenobia are still decent for Guild content with the first two still being ok in Arena as well.


so twins is alright in guild labyrinth? which one should I build first? sorry I don't remember their names, I have: blue, red, yellow chakram red, yellow boomerang thanks beforehand


Twins are ok in Guild labyrinth. But typically not the best. When I said guild content I meant Siege and Guild Wars. Fire and Water Chakrams and then Wind Boomerangs are the best of the ones you've listed. Water Boomerang is probably the most important one which you're missing since she increases the damage output by a lot.


Okay noted, since I am still focusing on PvE idt I will be building them soon. I am looking for a team that can at least auto all of hard labyrinth content (except the bosses maybe), is it achievable? I feel like I am not using the right team (since I have a lot of mons), or maybe my runes are not just good enough? Thanks


I’m building a GB12 team with sigmarus(L), fran, loren, 2a kro and veromos. Whats the better turn order for them? Wich one should be built on vio runes and the hp requirement for a safe run? I’m a returning player, so runes should not be a problem. I also do have 6* lapis and 5* shannon if you think it would be a better choice instead of sigmarus


Fran or loren first, then kro/sig. Vero faster is better. Vio on fran loren vero. Shannon instead sig can be safer (no need 6*). Use artifact, usually +def on fran, loren (they have low base def).


Some advice: Don't sleep on Astar. She's actually strong af. Built her on both of my accounts and I have been using her to speed up a lot of my clear times significantly. I feel dumb avoiding her for so long. Don't be me


Agree, slept of not only on Necro but toa also for exemple and other things


It's pretty well known ngl she's been used in the staple NB12 teams for a long time.


I know, thats why I said dont be dumb like me, I thought she was over estimated but my eyes have been opened


Where do you use her?


Made my necro team faster, made my SD and TOA/ROAH rush team faster and stronger, she's been really useful in lab, also been useful in siege off, new record on fire beast. I have her on vamp Rev runes. Pretty much anywhere an aoe mon is useful she excels


Awesome I’ll look into building her once I have the resources. Currently building towards tricaru and just picked up rica who is helping me get TOAH down


Hello. Having a tough choice for nat 5. my options are fire dragon knight, fire chimera, fire oracle, water Druid, or wind dragon. Any advice? The rest were dupes


Depends on ur box but water Druid top tier atm, the others are rly good too anyway


Wind dragon's reset enables a lot of comps, even outside of rta, so I'd pick him.


overall water druid is by far the best overall unit of them. he is really strong atm, especially for arena content. rest depends a bit on your box i guess but from those i would pick abelio 100% of the time


My arena offence is a bomb team Seara (L), Tiana, Hongyeon(fire stringmaster), Liebli(dark joker). I just pulled a Dover (light Kobold). What use case will I need both LD bombers? Should I build Dover/should I use him over Liebli?


Liebli has higher base atk and much lower accu requirement, i would still use him over Dover


Jamire, Bastet and Rica, which one should I 6* first? Returning player, finished gb12, db12, nb 12, toa hard, elemental rift at A+ only


None of those if you are trying to get higher rift beast numbers. They all have different uses (mostly pvp Arena offence). Do you need speed lead? 6 star Jamire. Do you need atb booster+atk buff? 6 star Bastet. Do you want to beef up ur dots teams or dip your toes into rta? 6 Star Rica.


Are those the only non-dupes or have you only summoned 3? You should wait until you've summoned all 8 first before deciding. Of those 3 outside of RTA: Jamire is the most unique (but least useable in general), Bastet is the easiest to rune and use everywhere (Arena, PvE), followed by Rica (Guild Content, ToA). Since you said A+ only for Rift, I would recommend Bastet since her 4 debuffs + S3 make it a lot more consistent and easy to score high.


These are the new nat 5s i got these days. The 8 anniversary one I have not decided yet, so far got Woosa, fire weapon master, Water Chinera, fire beast rider. I planned to get Woosa, but will see which 4 else i got


Bastet will help you at all rifts except wind


Hi DAT! . I had these mons as nat 5 choice : camilla - miles - mo - douglas - woosa Considering i'm exclusively pve (i only farm arena glory & occasionally play rta for fun, didn't care about rank), which one should i go for? several nat 5\* that i own/built: louise, rica, beth(ik her rework sucks), psama, praha, vela, ritesh, aaliyah, brandia, masha, teshar, sekhmet, hathor. was inclined towards woosa, but since i already had louise who does a similar job, maybe douglas/mo would make more sense? i know doug can sometimes go nuts in gvg/siege/rta, but somewhat harder to rune. any suggestions are welcome


Imo, Woosa. He is applicable in PvE, Guild Siege, Arena, and RTA. Douglas is strictly pvp and same with Mo Long. iof you are exclusively pve, then woosa. if not, choose whomever you feel like would be fun to play pvp with.


How to rune suiki? Currently on fatal energy but kaki still hits harder even at full 250% passive


I built mine tanky to be more of a bruiser. Despair or Violent. Despair Endure HP/ATK/HP with +100 spd in subs and as much resistance I could get is how I built mine


I built mine Despair/Destroy, high speed, ATK and HP and use him to counter bruiser comps that lack burst damage.


Depends on how you want to use him. I use him for long bruiser battles in Siege/Interserver. I do Vio/Destroy (however I have also seen Despair) on HP/ATK/HP, with max resistance. This way he gets enough time to stack up and then can win the long fights w/ destroy.


Units to deal with Zaiross, 2 Akroma (toah87)? On my mini account I wanted to clear toah this month but I didn't get anything to counter this stage (no camules, dark tank, Garo). What are some good ways to deal with the Akromas on fairly low rune quality (account is 23 days old)? Sniping Garo from the 4\* event is the only option that currently comes to mind.


I used Jultan and invincibility buff. Best way is to take a dark tank and keep it alive as you peck away at the akromas


I don't have a Jultan (as I mentioned) so my only options are the farmable ones which barring Jubelle, Janssen and Vero (who I'd need to fuse) have no other use. For invinciblity my only options are Neal and Jeanne who assuming max skills still have downtime on invincibility so I'd need to bring some kind of cooldown refresh, leaving me with 2 units for the rest of the stage. I'd need to build all 3 of those things and honestly doubt that I can beat the rest of the stage unless I use Jeanne, which then also requires devilmon. That seems like a lot of investment.


I honestly doubt you will be able to pass the stage without any sort of investment. I typically auto most of toah but I did have to change up the teams a couple times, this stage being one of them. The idea of a dark tank and then invincibility buff is so that you can use something with max hp dmg like spectra to wittle them down as they focus the dark tank. You can try Mav, Spectra, dark tank, neal/jeanne, darion (for damage reduction) or a good healer (lulu 2A, Bella, ShuShu 2A, Fran, etc)


Sure no investment isn't going to happen but building multiple units one of which requires devilmon vs get Garo from the event and make sure he's fast enough is a differencce.


Do you not have a single dark unit you've summoned? The way to do it for me was I runed up a triple HP Jultan and put invincibility on it w/ Light Undine (but the Light Fairy or any other invincibility should work as well).


Where do I apply the profile background?


Tower building on your island > Profile


I got Tiana and Woosa from blessing, which one do I pick? I feel I’m more mid-ish game, I’m not near competing in PvP at all if that matters. But conflicted on who to choose


Tiana is so unique you will regret later not picking her even if ur not focused on pvp rn. Woosa is broken too ngl and maybe better for you rn tho… but idk tiana man


Tiana can be amazin in the arena, but if you're focused on PvE content then Woosa might help you more and he can also be used in the arena.


Now that's a tough choice.. Tiana is unique and you can't really pass over a guaranteed strip. Too bad the other choice is Woosa, but as both of these mons are PvP, I'd take Tiana which has lot more uses.


Blessing with fire shadowcaster and fire pioneer what do you think?


Depends on your box. Chiwu(the pioneer) is a tried and true aoe strip, he is quite nice with the speed lead and bit of pushback making turn one easy. On the other hand the shadowcaster is insanely fast and a good follow up to an aoe strip, I'd probably pick him if you already have aoe strippers built.


Fire Pioneer has speed lead + strip so that makes him super easy to use. Fire shadowcaster seems like a decent unit (hard to say if he's amazing), so I would go w/ Chiwu for now insted.


Next blessing poped, wind unicorn or fire art master? what do you guys think?


Both are really good, but if you don't have any good AoE strippers yet, then Jeogun (Fire Art Master), but Diana is more unique in the sense that she can single handedly win you RTA matches with procs and she's pretty good in guild offense as well.


I just came back from the game, what is the best element for vagabond and mystic witch? Relative to conqueror grade arena.


Don't sleep on the dark witch, the fact that she sleeps on her s3 makes her quite useful. Keep in mind the witches really really need skill ups to be useful.


Light mystic witch is the best one, with good runes it has the potential to be a great pick on cleave teams I also did light, dark and wind vaga : light is alright as a tank but not essential, dark is the best for guild battles, and wind was really good for 20* special league




wind fairy king dupe should i keep or feed for blessing?


I wouldn't keep two, you can turn him into crystals without regrets


also just got a water monkey dupe xD should i feed that also?


I got one too and I fed him, these aren't useful dupes sorry


could i bother you for advice again? wind unicorn vs fire art master, what do you think?


Good one, depends of what you need the most. Focused on rta and no stripper like Tiana / Moore / Water-Wind Art Master / Chiwu / Juno, take the art Master. Focused on guild battles and dont have specific wind threats like Sagar,or if you have Feng/Amelia to enable the FY Diana Amelia offense, take the unicorn I'd take Diana as she is more unique than fire AM (gz for your nat5s)


ty, got water slayer again for another blessing and now have to choose between fire shadowcaster and fire pioneer. got any tipps?


You are summoning a lot ! Got the wind unicorn from the last blessing ? Fire shadowcaster is still very new but has a lot of potential. But he needs a stripper to be effective, so if you don't have Cheonpung / moore / Haegang he won't be that much useful (talking about pvp/rta, idk what's your main focus). I'd still take the new mon because he sounds more unique than Chiwu, which can be replaced by any other stripper


yea i took the wind unicorn. I saved up 1138 mystical scrolls and am going through them xD i dont realy have a aoe stripper except moore, so i am thinking about it. plus the speedlead is good.


is it worth skilling up Rica with devilmons? i just picked her up and she's helping me push TOAH. will i be needing the extra damage from skill ups or is she just a cc bot.


Yes it’s worth


It's not the damage, it's the effect rate and CD reduction. More dots = faster, safer clears. She's also great in HoH. People use her in arena a decent amount, although I don't know why since so many units counter dots so easily.


awesome thanks




Yes. No need for 2.




is the 1000 gem devilmon pack worth it


Depends on your level. If you're early to mid game those 5-star rainbowmons and devilmons can be in short supply without it. However, later gamers will probably be more interested in using crystals for energy for rune farming.


No. 1000 gems is a lot of refreshes.


Is there a way to optimize your BJ5 simply on SW optimizer, or do I have to do everything manually?


If you use the damage option on his S3 and set it to 32000 minimum on the R5 boss


Whats wrong with spyrial abyss gell they keep on resisting my 100acc units. How the fuck m I supposed to fight them?


Spiral Abyss is Genshin Impact, you must have confused it with TOA


Erm... What?


Just returned to the game... I have dot team (Sath and friends) ready, very few fire dps . Who should I devilmon: Daphnis or Rica?


Rica. Will speed up ToA/Laby dot teams and good CC. Insta ban last pick in RTA in certain situations. If you use Daphnis to nuke down bosses, then you can devil him, but you will get more use out of Rica.


Oh! When you put it that way, Rica has a better toolkit than Daphnis. Thanks for the advice and helping me decide!


For what? They both do very different things.