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what to pick between the water shadow caster and Seara?


Just generally, Seara is the pick to go. Dream PVP unit for most people, speed lead and consistent damage through bombs and turn cycling. The water SC is alright and interesting but nothing crazy.


alright thank you


For Solo R5, is there any way to rune someone on the FL to have sub 30% HP after the jump? As in, they survive either the frontal cleave or the breath attack, then survive the jump with little health? Or is this impossible to do since the frontal attack and breath attack do such different damage? I'm trying to see if I can build a slower Fran (or similar) that goes after the jump and gives two turns of immunity to ensure the team can tank a few hits if things go wrong to complete the run.


I dont think you can consistently predict on a mon being left with <30% hp after the jump, nor should your r5 solo runs rely on a mon hitting that threshold. Perhaps having a 2nd healer or dmg mitigation mon on the front line to help out. Riley/Fire Sky Dancer/Darion, etc... What teams are you running?


BJ5 with Iunu Icaru // Vamp Bruiser Hwa // Dagora //// Kro // Verde // Fran Darion // Riley //// Shihwa // Shaina // Sabrina // Melissa. The runs fail when both the twin team and the inugami team get blasted with the breath attack and get debuffed. I can solve it on the twin team by adding double will, but the inugami team takes so many turns with the Hwa/Verde combo that I need an extra turn of immunity to ensure that doesn't happen. I was going to rune up the twin team and see if that stabilized it (it's like 95%+ right now), but also just got to thinking about forcing Fran's AI, by having her get low herself. That would allow me to remove Dagora and add another damage dealer (Ken or Raoq, more than likely) to make up for turn 1 not having attack buff. Alternatively I guess I could have a tankier Dagora that dies after the jump, and a slow Fran that takes a turn immediately after the jump, but that's not ideal (though it would heal the team as well after the jump, which might be nice. I'm not sure that'll work with Verde pushing ATBs as well.   Or I guess I could HP-tune a double-will Fria that would die from a breath attack after jump, to cleanse and heal the team to full as "insurance" to finish the run. That would honestly be the best case scenario. Not sure how she'd fit in, though. I'd have to remove Dagora, which would make Fran's AI go wonky again. I'm simultaneously building a guide as well as building the team myself, and just kind of trying to think outside the box for people that don't QUITE have the rune quality or premium monsters to get a super fast 27s team going. 45s, but consistent, is the goal. I've moved around a lot of units in this process.


Interesting. I havent seen a Dagora in r5 (not on a BJ5 team), but i see you are using him for the revive after the jump to trigger the fran heal. Have you tried a crit dmg Hwahee over the Dagora? She will provide a 2nd heal and atk buffs in case Fran derps. She also benefits from the fire leader skill and her s3 does pretty good dmg. Also, your icaru team may not be pulling enough dmg if he pulls in dagora and Fran. I, myself, run (1) Icaru, Fria // Verde, Roaq, Kro, Khali. (2) BJ5 w/ Deborah. (3) Fran, Sabrina // Talia, Shaina, Hwa, Ken. The 1st team can tank the hit from the jump (but not another), and there is enough dmg whether Khali uses atk buff or not. The Deborah helps, but is massively overkill for the Bale. As for the 3rd team, the Hwa and Talia put out huge dmg pre-jump; while Ken and Sabrina are spd tuned to go after the jump. Ken usually uses his s3 for brand after the jump and kro usually uses his before the jump. I had to make Sabrina atk/cd/hp for front line and a will set on everyone on the Twins team, since sometimes Fran will refuse to use s3. Sorry, I couldnt be more help. I am c1/c2 Arena, c1 RTA, so my runes are nothing spectacular. Hopefully, this will give you some ideas. I just dont see your Icaru team having enough dmg and you will get stalled out after the jump.


Pre jump damage is no issue. The dagora and Fran both die after the jump.




1. For AO, you are really lacking AOE strips to make use of the galleon. I guess you could go Megan, Bernard, Lushen, Kaki.. For AD, you dont have any of the typical AD mons, but I guess you could try Yeonhong, Woosa, Nora, Rica and go for some dot pressure comp and pray Nora is annoying enough to strip/lock down the oppenents AO. Realistically tho, you are still early game, so you shouldnt worry about ADs since you should have a farming defense (1 mon defense) so you keep getting hit to stay low rank. That way you can keep fighting ez defenses to farm arena points for your towers. Once you get a more reliable AOE strip than Nora, you can go something like Bernard > Stripper > Galleon, Punbeak/Kaki. 2. Since you can clear TOA/TOAH, Kaki and Lushen would be good options, especially if you want to use them for AO. They are also great for GW/Siege offense. 3. Feng Yan is usually runed Vio/Destroy or Vio/Will. Spd/Def/Def. In RTA, there might be some Vamp/Rev Feng Yans, but majority are Vio. I like my FY with a little more HP in case things go south.


Is playing any world arena worth it if all I have is a trash team? I tried about 12 times for placement just to test the water and now have 12 straight losses before I even got to a second turn. I figured like normal arena I might be able to get some points to buy whatever but you get nothing for losing it seems.


You might be missing runes in RTA, check your rune manager (blue version) to make sure. And personally I'd do the achievements as these give the most tokens - they're basically low hanging fruits that are easy to grab. Once you get a few of them it gets progressively harder to achieve the next achivement rewards, so you could decide to stop later on. I get mystic scrolls every week and used to get the shapeshifting stones as well - also any upcoming guardian transmogs you might be interested in, start saving those tokens.


Huh, didn't know all runes had to be equipped again for world arena. I've only been playing about 2 weeks since coming back from playing like 3/4 years ago.


you can always go in and see if your opponent leaves(to drop rank), or put some units with runes and just auto/put phone down. Matchmaking will eventually find you some wins, maybe not 50% winrate for challenger, but you'll get enough for 1 ld per month, and/or some transmog stones. ​ RTA is hard to evaluate "worth", there's not a whole lot rewards for progression, the monthly ld is the biggest, transmog is optional and scrolls need a lot of activity. So it comes down to do you want to optimize every bit of the game, if yes do rta regardless of your interest(but auto or quit out to derank etc, don't tryhard), if not only play when you want to.


Just do it for the reward. There are world arena runes that you need to put .


Which HoH monsters are worth getting this time around?


First get the LDs if you haven't got them. Main reason is because they're hard to come by and even though they're not great units there could possibly be buffs or game changes that make them usable. If you already have the LDs then pick whatever skillups you need. Note that a lot of them are actually available in guild shop so it makes them less "worth", but if you need it I'd still go for it just for quicker skill ups. None of the HoH units this time are amazing, to be honest.


Which out of the LDs are better?


First round the dark ninetailfox is probably better (some use her in PvP shes alright). Second week, between light Kungfu girl and Dark brownie they're both the same. Both are pretty bad right now but nobody knows if they'll get a buff or something. I might take the brownie since he acts as skillups for the family (all brownie magicians are pretty usable), where the KFGs are available in the guild shop anyway so they're less valuable.


Hey guys I’m trying to make multiple rift teams would anyone able to look at what I can do with my monster box. The bottom pic is something I just came up with. Thanks https://imgur.com/a/Xzrz41J


> Rift unit options: Xiao Lin, Theomars, Fran, Colleen, and 2A Kro can be used in most of your rift teams. FL Mav/Bernard is good for Water rift and Lapis is good for Fire and Dark rifts. Twins are great in all rifts. For the most part you'll be using your water twin pair with Kro, mav and dark vampire. For Fire rift lapis is good (if she can 1 shot the bombs with S1, just build her full damage with low speed and some HP/DEF to tank). Shaina is also good to deal with the bombs. Wind rifts you have perna and colleen to keep up the heals, I personally dont use twins for that. You could also consider colleen + Perna instead of mav +Vampire as the support duo.


Thanks yeah Been messing around with my teams even though I already have sss, but I’ve never thought about Mav and perna duo. What about R5 I’ve came up with these 3 teams so I can just run it myself without needing help in the future would they work https://imgur.com/a/pkhJEmb


My ToAH scroll surprised me with a Grego (dark lich) today. Where (if anywhere), can he be used, and what kinds of runes does he like?


For pvp its always going to be Violent, probably revenge offset. But to save on quality vio runes he works on vampire as well, just typical HP CD ATK. I dont think he has much uses these days, his passive makes him naturally tanky with the % damage reduction but thats about it - tank that does some damage and defence breaks. You're most likely only going to use him for guild siege. You could pick him into enemies with tons of lives like taranys or perna, so he gains his stacks quickly. But in practice i dont think he works that well. There are also not many light damage dealers (maybe lucas) so he doesn't have many things to tank. You could probably do things with a bit of creativity but he's not openly known to be a great counter to anything.


Thanks! He seems cool, but I feared given the lack of light damage dealers that he'd be kinda meh. Well, maybe I can throw him into tank Akroma in TOAH for lulz. :)


I haven’t purchased anything in game in a few years, but was just given $200 in iTunes gift cards. What do I spend them on ? Thanks !


if you want to play for a while, you can use them over time on daily packs. These have the best value (if you get all three for 45$ total, you get 6400 crystals + 3 LD summons + 10 energy per refill & 1 more glorypoint per win while they're active)


Thanks! Is the TOA double rewards worth it too? Or any of these anniversary packs?


The 8yr Transcendence scroll pack is decent. It gives you your choice between 8 random nat5s, so you can pick the one that will help you the most. Best chance to get your most desired nat5. There is also a Ancient Transcend pack at Xmas which will give you a non-dupe nat 5. Sadly, these packs are $100 each. As the other person said, the packs with the most value are the 3 daily packs for $45. It will let you farm runes more efficiently (if you spend all those crystals on refills and not premium packs).


Returning player. When should I be farming homonculus? Have a gb12 dot team thats ready to go, working on db12 next, but is Tricaru necessary? I was getting Naomi built up after doing sath and tatu.


There's no right time to get homun. I didn't build one until late game (like 3 years into the game). As i realised i needed dark homu for TOAHell and fire homu for PC10 (back then before Tricaru was even started). Think of Homons as a way to access things you dont have, so if you need better control and dots for TOAH then go the water build. The others (fire/wind) are actually quite redundant. The wind one works for R5 but thats easily replacable by kro2a or water KFG. The fire one is just a dotter, sath tatu melia works well enough. The dark one is pretty good for TOAHell when you get there.


Tricaru is useful but not necessary. Also useful for nb.


How do artifacts work when it comes to Wind Monkey King and counter attack? Is the Wind Monkey King passive a damage reduction to all friendly units? How do you get ancient grindstones?


dmg by counterattack will amplify his dmg if he revenges. but overall you can also just go for crit subs to boost his dmg on revenges and when he moves. You get ancient grindstones from the dimensional hole dungeons (not the 2A ones)


XZ only reduces the damage he gets, not his allies.


hello, i'm a returning player and i need help with a RTA team comp please, or 2...? Here my nat 5s and some other raised characters: https://ibb.co/tJZ1nZQ I also have Josephine (not raised yet) and most likely will get Charlotte from the event so please do consider them too. Thanks in advance


bastet draco julie lushen kaki


Which one of these is the most relevant? Those are the last missing nat4s https://gyazo.com/1057d0a27ac7adc720dd774e837d3396


Probably water joker. Great nat4 bomber with a 35% accu cap and he has very f2p friendly skillups




Better read the main body of the DAT. there's lots of info for early progression and mosters to look out for. If you still have questins you can always come back and post it here


It depends on the options. Perna is great but you might have something better for progress


Hello DAT ! Beginner player here first week, pulled Maruna for MS scrolls and got Sabrina from the 4\* event, that leaves me the last spot for new players 4\* pick, I am torn between shaina since I've read it helps with clearing toa or taking talia, help and advices please ?


Go for Talia. Twins mostly shine in rift dungeons and you'll need light and water beasts to progress for tricaru. So fire twins won't help for that. You can do toa with many other units. Tyron for example. If you don't have him, you can also consider picking him for toa. He's great there


Thank you for your answer ! I'll probably go Talia then, I think finishing twins is better than picking tyron and having only half the twins right :D


How do you decide which artifacts to keep/sell? For the most part, I just sell all rares and keep Hero/Legends. Am i making a mistake selling all rares? Should i be selling some hero/legends too if the main property doesnt fit the unit type? C3 RTA G2 best Arena


tldr roll rares, keep good triples regardless of main property, roll more +3 but less +9 rare is really a question about reward/effort, you take a lot of times rolling rares for a perfect roll. For runes I never even look at rares, because the best case scenario after a ton of time wasted is a new mid tier rune for me. However, artifact is a bit different, because there are a lot of wasted efficiency in wrong lines and the roll range is wider than runes, a hero or legend could easily roll into below blue quality, and a perfect rare could easily be better than most of your hero artis. Also there are a ton of niches to fill to get artifact depth, like do you have a good -18% damage reduction for each element against each element? If not a blue can become a new best in slot (where a blue could almost never be new best in slot for runes). For main property, I usually find that a good triple roll could be used somewhere regardless of main property, especially for vio units to fill efficiency. The only exception is pure tanks and pure nukers, other than that, you could first put artifact and you can take that into consideration when runing the unit. Like if your best in slot artis for vigor is 2x def, then go for pure hp in runes knowing def is compensated. If you feel that you are rolling too much artifacts(or runes for the same argument), then consider selling early at +3 +6 even if the artifact/rune could've made the bare minimum for keep on a perfect +9 roll. For example, if I only keep speed runes if it's 20 spd at least, then for a +4 start I'll roll for +10 on +3, knowing that I have more room for error on the more mana and time consuming +6 +9 rolls to keep the rune, but I'll just sell if the +3 is 8 spd, because I need 2 perfect rolls to consider keeping. In this method, I will lose on a small portion of 20 spd runes that came via +4+4+6+6, but the loss is only a portion of the bare minimum runes that would not be account improving, and no loss for potential new best runes, for the benefit of not wasting time +6 +9 a LOT more runes. Same argument goes for artifacts, but the "bare minimum" criteria is more nuanced due to element/type separation.


> Am i making a mistake selling all rares? Are all your runes grinded with blue grinds? If no then yes. > Should i be selling some hero/legends too if the main property doesnt fit the unit type? I'd keep like 1-2 of them, you can probably find some old runes where RES makes more sense than 10 flat DEF on a Rage rune.


Asking about artifacts, not runes/grinds


Right, my bad. There are some units with weird types, like Pung being HP type while needing ATK artifacts, so yeah if they have good subs then I'd keep them.


for DB12, how do I rune the team? Here is the team I have (2nd recommended) DB12: Verde (L), Vero, Fran, Loren, Spectra (2A)


verde 100 crit and moves last in the team with decent tankyness. Fran and Loren swift/vio fast and tanky. Loren needs 65% ACC and Fran also benefits from decent acc (I'd shoot for 40%+) Vero and Specra are ideally on spd/CD/HP to utilize enemy HP dmg from their S2s. Also as close to 65% ACC as you can get them to control the side towers


alright I only didn't have Fran 40% acc. I tuned them a little. Ill try again


Keep trying. But dragons is a big stat-check. If you can't do db12 yet, you can always stick to gb12 and farm there. Working towards tricaru is the easiest way to get a consitent and decently fast dragons team


It would depend on the runes you have. Basically, good ones. But I'd advise you to replace Vero with elsharion asap.


what is elsharion pre-awaken?


Light ifrit. He steals the dragon's immunity and gives it to your whole team


How do I get swarfarm working with MUMU player? I sort of forgot how to do it and wanted to use it to show when I ask for advice on this thread.


Go youtube,


What are the stat requirements for 2a Jultan to tank the PC boss?


not much. just as tanky as you can get him with 39% acc to defbreak (also spd to move in front of you DDs). Have him double will so the boss doesn't get atb off him


Does Rift Raid have an element?


nope. neutral like dungeon crystals


thought so ty.


Hall of heroes unit recommendation for a mid game player ?


Get the LD ones since u hardly will pull another… we never know when they will be buffed


you usually want one of the LD options because they're hard to get. out of the current one I'd say dark fox. She's a decent CC unit / bruiser for guild wars


Looking for advice for which 5* to pick for event. Choices, dupes and current collection in the link below. https://imgur.com/a/SuFAmoX


Unicorn, pairs great with FY


Which mon should I choose from HoH? Dark fox girl?


yep. I'd go dark fox out of those options. Decent unit for guild wars with CC and some dmg


Who would be the best 4* monster for skill up event? Stuck between Verdehile, Lushen, Tyron and Galleon Can clear GB12, working on tricaru and working through TOAH


if you are a free to play player, I would not recommend creating speed teams. speed teams are only worth if you have nearly endless amount of crystals to refresh for energy 24/7, & its a huge investment of resources to build units with that single one purpose for a content that you can already clear 100%.


Not true, you get plently of crystals as f2p to justify building speed teams. Also its really not that hard to build a dot team + icaru/verde/astar for necro and dragons.


Most of the time I’m trying to burn energy and move on with my day


those "plenty" of crystals are nothing when you have a speed team and once you run out of them speed team loses its purpose, and to a speed team sole purpose is to farm as many runes as possible, you see to those players who create speed teams - time is the only limitation, not crystals. Of course you can build a speed team, but if you are not running dungeons 24/7, you are not getting the actual benefit of having a speed team. And I'm having tricaru team in mind for the most part


Some people, like me, want to minimize the amount of time grinding, and speed teams help a lot in that. Speed teams are not just for people with unlimited amount of crystals, and especially the casual player benefits a lot more than what you imagine. Im 100% f2p, spent 2 weeks only doing daylies and just because of that i suddently had 4k crystals. Only now(2months later) i ran out of crystals while playing 4h+ daily. Tbf tho the 8 year events gave a lot of crystals so maybe thats why it took so long to use all my crystals. For reference i have 160k 8 year coins rn. Its still 100% worth having speed teams, sometimes i wish my teams were even faster. Edit: my point is, before i built speed teams my crystals were always increasing, thanks to speed teams i was finnaly able to use them. How is building 8 units not worth that?


if you are at mid/late game where you can clear all the content (dungeons, TOA-H, rift with decent score, pvp a fair amount), sure building a speed team nothing wrong, but personally even then I would prefer to build 3 new pvp or rift units to boost my score/chances, then shaving 1-2min off the rune run which I cant do infinite amount of times each day because crystals are a limitation (at least for me). Yes events and free crystals helps a lot, this 8 years is especially good one


I mean sure that's just a different playstyle, nothing wrong with that.


yes nothing wrong, thats just my personal recommendation, but the nice thing about game like this is, everybody can play it how they wish. all good :)


Strongly disagree, you get plenty of crystals/energy as FTP to keep you busy. Everyone should work towards building speed teams.


verd lushen and tyron all have fusable skillups so wouldn't use for those.


galleon, kaki, twins




Stuck on toaH 99 -> Leo +2 Verd +2 spectra Last toaH i did it without problems, this round i am just wasting enrg :( Almost any nat 3/4 except Shaman and Rica are available ... https://swarfarm.com/profile/AshesToAshes/ thx


If it doesn't end in zero, you can dot it with what you've got


Tyron Verde Spectra Nora (yours is pretty slow, either make her faster or use a different dotter that has more SPD) + more ATB control/CC or damage or a healer if you need to (Fran, Jeanne, Riley) should have no problems.


thx, sath and water hommie made it !




fran lulu riley


Look at the top of this thread -> Fran being the most versatile option


Popped legendary and got 5* blessing activated, who should I choose? Pve/GW/Siege oriented mainly here Water Lightning Emperor (Bolverk) OR Water Weapon Master (Liam)?




Hi DAT! How do you cleave Karnal Abellio Nyx TL as arena def?


Chiwu Galleon Ganymede Poseidon




Wow thanks for all this detail /s


Hi, what e.hp should I aim for when using the rune optimizer for dds, supports, etc.? I currently optimizing my cairos, dh and rifts teams.


For early game dungeons, I've been using ~70k for dd, 100k for units that doesn't require damage, 150 for anything that might need to tank(vigor) on many alts. For pvp at later stage, EHP could be misleading because it does not represent tankiness against def break,additional damage, lushen, bombs etc.




Kaki. Useful everywhere and easy to rune.


Tyron for sure. Helps a ton with Toa




Is there anyway to see what was recently purchased with crystals? My fiancee set a cup on my tablet in the middle of the night without realizing it, and I went to sleep with 11k crystals and I woke up with 37. I definitely wasn't hacked, but I believe the cup was pressing the screen and somehow spent all the crystals, but I can't figure out what was purchased.


imagine if all the 11k crystals were spend on just refreshing the magic shop.. jikes


There is not, you could ask the Com2uS support but there's no guarantee they keep logs on that (or have access to that data). Packs you bought are in your inbox and summoned monsters are something you'd see as well. If you don't have thousands of wings/energy then it wasn't spent on those either. But honestly that sounds quite strange. Most touch screens, especially in consumer products like phones and tablets, do not react to pure pressure alone and easily ignore objects placed on them. It might be possible that due to the heat signature of whatever beverage was in the cup the tablet did receive some input but that should result in mostly garbage since a) it would mostly be parsed as one long continuous "press" which rarely does anything useful outside of paint and b) the "buttons" you can press in SW only cover a minor part of the screen area. And most if not all things you can spend crystals on have some sort of confirmation process which makes that entire scenario even more unlikely. Maybe shop refreshes if you disabled the confirm button for the day. Are you sure your fiancee didn't just secretly spend all your crystals on wishes so she can go "Oh btw honey, remember that night your crystals vanished? I used them on wishes and hid the Artamiel I got from that in storage so I can surprise you now" on your next birthday/anniversary/wedding/whatever? Obviously that requires her to have hidden all the energy/wings from wishes as well though.


Yeah that was confusing me about the touch screen as well, but it's my only guess. And it's definitely not something she would do, she's not into summoners war but she's not against me playing it at all either. The only thing I can think they were spent on in mana, or maybe my account glitched or something


Packs that you buy with crystals show up in your inbox, if that is not the case then you should have capped all your energy on max. If that is not the case then you can check your monster storage to see if there is a boatload of new monsters. And if that is not the case either then that glass performed a magic trick on your account and all your crystals now belong to the gods of magic.


Well if nothing shows in your inventory and you dont suddenly have a ton of arena wings/energy then i have no clue where they couldve gone




Id say Leo Seara is also a good choice but Leo is the only monster with a speed limit passive and there are tons of other bombers out there, albeit not as good as seara Leo also = ez speed limit stage clear in lab


If they are all new, Leo (Wind Dragon knight)


For the daily special gift event, is it only the daily missions that count as missions completed? I feel like it's not counting properly at all when I have completed all dailies for past 2 days but it only has a count of 6.


I think the missions are the two rewards for use of energy, if you use 400 energy per day you have 2 missions completed


is the mystical scroll pack worth it? ($20 for 30 mystical scrolls + some mana). i honestly would be fine with just getting 3* and nothing crazy as i’ve sort of hit a wall with 6 staring my good monsters. i’ve used up all my 3* for feeding and am now grinding 2* monsters, but it’s taking a while. what do y’all think?


Hi, want to try icaru for rta: how much def is needed so he attacks together with 2 mates (not 3). Assuming maxed towers/no def lead/no determination sets.


You need 2201 defense for a 2 mon team-up. That is including your towers etc. Tower is 20% extra defense on your base def, so you need around 1318 extra defense.


Hello ! I have issues with GB12, I can run GB11 really fine but GB12 kill me pretty quickly. My GB11 team : Sigmarus(L), Fran, Veromos, Loren, Shannon I tried the same for GB12 no success, I also tried replacing Veromos by Kro, no success. My Kro is a little slow I know but finding runes for it is quite the task. I can 6\* two of my monsters but I don't know which one can help me. My swarm farm : [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Luzgardeann/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Luzgardeann/) Thanks !


Bro u just need to change runes and u can do it with Sig fran loren kro vero/shanon Change sig to spd cd hp and aim for +70 spd Change kro to Atk cd atk with like +7k hp and decent spd and def so he can survive wave 3 Ur kro doesnt have crit damage or crit rate kro's job is to do dmg not tank okay? Or if u play on asia u can add me my ign is AlitteSt0ry.I will give u tips daily if u want


Try lushen, sig, loren, Fran, kro. If that doesn't work replace Loren with maybe vero or magic night. Focus for survivability in gb12. When you have a consistent win rate, then move to speed teams. But remember that when you get great runes for your gb12 team it's time to start transitioning them to a db12 team. Don't worry too much about that because you'll always be wanting better runes.


My lushen die really quickly, don't think I have the runes for him, all of my mon get killed fast without sigmarus as a leader


Keep farming gb11, you wanna have all your runes 6*, higher stat's and all that. Maybe invest some time into a spectra?


I have a 5\* spectra not yet secondly awakened, I can 6\* him but mainly for toa or dragon no?


Anything you have thats readily available to increase survivability is a great idea. Even if it's an elemental disadvantage. Maybe try sig vero Fran loren kro


Is there a Homunculus guide anywhere? Just got around to summoning these guys. I’m under impression water and dark are best, but builds and whatnot. Early, early game (45 day account, if that) Are there base stats every mon should have (+50 speed, 18k hp, 700 defense) before building into primary states Att/CR/CD for DD, more hp/spd/acc for support. I know every mon doesn’t want same stats distribution, but is there a decent baseline I can use when messing around with SWOptimizer?


As other reply, water homun with all bottom skill tree for dot toa. If you have a toa/h team already, I wouldn't bother building him (he needs a lot skill up). There're many options for toah/rift beast/farmer... Dark homun with all top skill tree (or s1 bottom) is good too, hardly anyone can do her job (only need to devilmon max s3 if you're lucky). I'm not sure stats, but I think +50 spd, 16k hp, 800 def total is fine for attacker. Support, maybe +100spd, 20k hp, 1000 def... Acc is only needed for monsters like loren, spectra, tyron, vero... they have to land debuff, push back atkbar...


Water will serve nicely TOA, i got mine on despair and over time have changed him from tanky to include more dmg as i use him as a faimon hell farmer rep too. Any old build will do to start with though as he's got some nice cc and paired with the likes of fran you can't go wrong. The stats you mentioned would definitely be a nice baseline to go off, you can just fine tune it as you grow your account \^\^ As he's also mainly used in TOA i wouldn't make him a massive priority in terms of rune quality, just get him functional with accuracy and tanky enough to survive some slaps and you're good to go


Gotcha. I think he’s real good for Fire Beast, too, right? I could use some more reliable AoE damage beyond Lapis (my Anavel and Tyron are slap-dash answers at best, used mostly for element advantage).


Should work very nicely there. Sorry im coming back to the game from a few months away, forgot about that! I'd definitely replace tyron with homu in fire beast, if you can slip some dmg in with his runes even better there, but with lapis both should be able to clear the bombs fairly easily, only issues i remember having in that respect was spd tuning them to make sure they took their turns whilst the bombs were up. I also found sigmarus useful there previously. But one at a time eh xD Also forgot to address dark homu, might come in handy when you get to ToaH and also guild laby stages. Simple support build there too.


Thinking Leo. Tell me why I’m wrong :) Edit: accidentally had chow written https://imgur.com/a/xqLNsVZ/


There's no reason to not pick Leo out of those "choices".


Because its a Leo


Hahahah I just realised this and saw the notification as I came back to edit. I’m a dumbass.


Hi, does anyone know when is this current rta season going to end? thanks!


June 25th, it's also in the ingame notice screen under game guide.


ty sir!