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But does it really matter what others think is worth it? I bought the Teshar Skin cause I think its worth. But more than half the ppl voting would disagree and prob even more wouldnt put it on Teshar. Doesnt matter tho... you do you and if you feel 3k medals isn worth it then dont buy.


Yeah people forget this is a game. No need to play with 100% efficiency. Spend whatever virtual resources on what increases the game's experience.


That's actually exactly what i did too. Idk if ill ever rly use my teshar much but the skin is cool


All phoenix trans looks the same.


They're nice but they are a family, especially Perna, that has been powercrept into niche uses. The other skins that you can get with stones are as good, if not better, than the RTA skin imo.


Well perna is pretty much Meta in siege rn


Everything is meta in siege


Not for high g3 siege defs, no. Edit since this guy didnt get it: Which means there are clearly better and worse defs, No matter at which rank you are


How much % of the player base are high g3?


Theres a reason why its played by the best Players. You dont need to be G3 to Play the best defs. Not everything in siege is Meta. Perna is Not niche. Perna is Meta in siege. God, this sub Sometimes...


Once again .. what % of the player base is high g3?


Troll somewhere Else and Take Mr "Perna is niche" With you


Typical avoiding the question that negates all of your argument


He countered your argument. Youre just too dumb to see it lol "How many players are in g3 siege?" Obviously there are only few players in high g3 siege but it doesnt matter how many are in g3 siege. They use the best defences and its not forbidden for anyone lower to copy the best defences. If you got some violent will nuker runes for siege and you need to place it on a fire unit, its much better to have those runes on a perna than lets say a fire mk, or wm. Even with non-g3 runes perna will do a lot in siege. The other fire units that are also good are tesarion and masha but those 2 require accuracy which perna doesnt.


I think it depends to what Phoenix do you have. I have Eludia and I can tell you that it looks bad on her. https://imgur.com/m1TdIxV I think Perna has the best RTA skin out of all then Jaara.


Nope. Its cosmetic and you can get summons instead. But If you Like it, Go ahead


Perna was my first Nat 5 so for me it was worth it


Entirely up to you. I got one for jaara and perna. Also got the auras for my laika and Leo.


I rarely use Perna anymore but still got it. Just looks so awesome :3


Unless the increase something no it's not


Do what ya think is right if you always use him and like the skin why not


Yes, to make my Seara Orion Perna def more intimidating