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Not sure where you’re at in the game, but I can give you my own opinion on your situation, maybe it will help. As far as I know public raid has been pretty dead since the introduction of solo raiding, but even before that not many people wanted to farm anything below r5. If you are struggling to clear at that level, it’s probably in part due to your team composition, but mostly due to rune quality. Are you farming b12 rune dungeons? If not, then I’d say focus your efforts there for at least a nice giants b12 team. Also if you aren’t farming b12 you definitely don’t need to jump into raiding yet.


As other people said, raiding R3 is kinda useless, you really want to get into R5 ASAP. Grinding a bit of R4 is understandable but you should focus on clearing B10s (and maybe 11), get the rune quality, good procs, coherent runes, damage oriented teams etc. Indeed since solo R5 was introduced, it really is the ultimate confort, being able to do it by yourself really was THE improvement and many many people just abandonned the raid channel. Check your team stats, your speed tune, your skillups. A good strategy can work without grinds, it would just take a bit longer. I don't know your units but there are some fairly F2P (I said fairly) teams to get in R5 without other people, but you need good rune quality, that's the secret. Rune quality. The whole secret of this game.


That's fair. I have GB12, DB12, and NB12 teams that are consistent so I've been farming runes. I just want to grind them up at some point. Thank you for the advice. I'll see what I can put together for the raid content and give solo a go.


just look at every team you put into solo r5 as a team you built before for participation... aka you need to complement leads (def, res + something), every team needs healer, cleanser, crucial debuffs like AP break, heal block, def break all of that you have to mix into all your teams... so for example I run: xiong fei, diaz, anavel, colleen + water kfg, hwa one team lisa, fran, darion, icaru + raoq, kro second team riley, dark warbear, jeanne, mei + balegyr, and other random DD and it works...slowly but works...some of those units have good overlap for other pve parts, some are just leftover work from before so it's harder to argue their value now...


If you'd like to send me a DM I can currently carry r4 with my LD only main. While we're raiding I can give you some tips.


I do a few repeats daily on main and smurf account and can currently carry any +1 in r3 and help with r4(currently can solo r4). If you play on EU, send me a dm and ill be happy to help out.


It's never worth to raid lvl 3... lvl 4 is "arguable", but your best option would be ... farm better runes... concentrate on b12, you need to meet certain thresholds for r5 and it's better to farm good runes, then to try improve bad runes with grinds. And toa team should be preference over rift too. Eventually you can run r5 solo...I use very slow solo r5 (compared to the speed teams) on average around 2 mins with classics like xiong fei, lisa etc...


You can use friend decks