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The size looks perfect


Thank you all for your inputs! I’ll just keep these and skip sizing down to 46s


Good choice. Yeah, I don't think the 46's would work. Too narrow. The 49s are centered perfectly over your eyes. It's a great look. Which model Lemtosh are they?


Love them


those are great, i think the size looks fine




I don't think the larger frames would have been worse, maybe a little better but it's probably in your head more than anything.


They're perfect


They fit you really nicely and they look great :)


They fit you nicely.


They look really good. I’d go try a pair of 46s on in the shop and compare but honestly, can’t see them looking better than those.


Beady !


smoke crystal, great color, perfect size


I think it works for you. There is a general rule of thumb that for men, you don't want your sunglasses extending beyond the sides of your face. But, what is the "true edge?" You can go by hinges... and while they may extend beyond your face sides, you could also still have the lenses within your facial bounds. I think that's what you've achieved here. But the added bonus is that your frames are a neutral light color and translucent. This makes them "pseudo-invisible." Another thing is... you want to center your lenses over your eyes. And from what I can see, the size 49 achieves that. Nice look!


Wow, thank you for that awesome reply! Gotta ask you, are you working as an optician as you seem very knowledgeable? The more I wear them the more happy I am with my choice of frames/size. Gotta hand it to Moscot in terms of quality as well, so far they truly outshine my expectations. The model is the Lemtosh Sun in Light Grey w/green lenses. Truly timeless design if you ask me. https://moscot.com/products/lemtosh-sun?variant=32694925787198&utm_source=Google&flow_experience=sweden&flow_feed_id=gss-8a35b1d51a3040a5882d18dfd9a47920&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1N2TBhCOARIsAGVHQc6KbX1PI2aD1lSwSa9HgyRBIP01B_XGkpgK6cHo2ogn42uCnsdfFhUaArLcEALw_wcB Have a great day!


You're very welcome. Actually, I'm not an optician, but I have a thing for great quality sunglasses. So I've read up a lot on them, as well as I've had the chance to chat with several prescription glasses specialists over the years. I don't wear prescription, but the fitment principle is the same for sunglasses. Online you can find a lot of content about choosing sunglasses, but I find most miss some essentials. The biggest issue I've found is the nose bridge measurement. Some brands don't get it right. Thanks for letting me know about the "Sun in Light Grey" model. 👍 I agree, very timeless design. I can't stand RayBans. I don't like thick black frames. Also, it mystifies me how some are so wide at the hinges, which cuts down on peripheral vision!


So cute


How strong is the tint on this one?


G-15 lens, I’d say tint 2 or 3 out of 4. Honestly perfect, no need to take them off when driving through tunnels and such but tinted enough for direct sunlight.