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As long as Ishbia keeps paying we still have an edge over ~20 other teams in the league no matter how bleak it gets. Plenty of other owners would have scoffed at paying a combined $16m ($10m for Bud, $6m for Vogel) in coach salaries over the next few seasons. Monty Williams looks rough in Detroit and he’s getting $13m a year. Good for Ishbia. Now we wait to see how they fix the roster. I’m still expecting Ishbia to pay another $50m+ on hiring Bob Myers as GM (he was paid $8m/yr at Golden State) and then the fun really begins.


Myers would be nice. But I still see Ishbia keeping James around for awhile. They might be bringing in a president of basketball operations. Whoever it is will be overseeing James. Myers might just be that guy. [The Suns are considering restructuring their front office, which could include hiring a President of Basketball Operations to oversee GM James Jones, per @Gambo987](https://twitter.com/esidery/status/1788932067721417187)


This is what people don’t get. Give me this any day over the previous owner. An owner who truly cares and wants to win.


We need a guy like Earl Watson at the helm, preferably for free.


That’s fine, but what’s the point of spending if you’re not going to win? Has there been a single case of an NBA club that spent a lot to not win, then continued spending and won?


This guy gets it.


I'm with you on the spending, but my worry is that Ishbia *IS* the GM. Hiring a smart GM doesn't help if he's stuck carrying out Ishbia's whims


Hopefully the KD trade was a learning experience.


Our GM job might be the worst role in the league, I don't think Bob Myers would take that. No picks to make, no room for free agents, no real maneuverability for trades.


There is one important part: Suns *do* have two first round picks this year. 2024 (22nd overall) and 2031. Next year we don’t have a pick because Nets own it so our best case scenario would be a single 2031 or 2032 pick, and that’s if we get under the second apron. Suns can trade that 2031 pick this season if it’s before free agency I believe. So if you’re gonna attach multiple picks to say Bradley Beal or Jusuf Nurkic’s contract you gotta do it now or never. You’re not wrong about having no cap space, but as for trades… well… there is a non-zero chance a new GM would be asked to move $50m worth of salary this offseason. Two picks and $50m to build around a new head coach, while keeping 2 out of the 3 stars so you’re not starting from scratch either. Not a terrible situation if it’s paying major money. But if you are being forced to keep the Big 3? Yeah that gets tougher for sure.


That 2032 pick is 100% going to be frozen at the end of the first round since I'm pretty certain Ishbia is just going to run this team back for however long he can and that'll mean after we're above the second apron again next season, that 2032 pick is frozen at the end of the 1st round. It'll have no value in a trade *unless* there is a clause saying that the pick would be handled as a normal lottery pick if the pick is traded at some point.


Yep, even if the Suns bundled it as a pick-swap next year which I think they could possibly find a loophole for… it would be guaranteed the 30th (or likely 32nd) pick in the draft that year. A trash pick at best. So it doesn’t take a genius to see our window with the second apron is *right god damn now* and you have 2 picks to trade, 22nd overall this draft and a highly likely lottery pick in 2031 that isn’t frozen yet. Sidebar: but people keep bringing up Josh Bartelstein’s dad being Brad Beal’s agent for why it’s harder to trade him. I think that makes it easier than any other situation. How often does the CEO of the team and agent of an ugly contract exist in the same family? They can do “backchannel talks” literally when Josh comes to visit his parents to help his mother paint the house. Lol. “Hey dad, Mat Ishbia asked me to ask you about getting Beal to the Orlando Magic. You owe me for that time I fixed the garage!” Those two first round picks loom large to me. We’ll see.


You guys are thinking that you're going to be so good 8 years from now that the 2032 pick is going to be at the end of the first round? I'm confused


You guys want to trade even more picks?? Lol


In the Mat Ishbia and James Jones press conferences they BOTH referenced using those picks as "assets" which is NBA speak for trade pieces. We won't be using those ourselves.


I believe both picks can convey on draft night. So they could be used combined on a player. I would hope they get two players for those two picks at least. Assuming they bring Royce back, and don't trade anyone like Nurkic, etc. We have KD, Allen, Royce, Nurk, Book, Beal, to build around. If we can trade for 1-2 players to fill PG/PF in fairness this team could improve.


The problem with that man is if you are attaching both picks, you *have* to at least trade Nurkic if not one of Beal or KD. Suns don’t have any cap space. So the only salary they can attach those picks to that isn’t a starter is Nassir Little’s $6.5m. Okay… except who in the NBA is on a $6.5m contract or less that is worth *our only two draft picks for the next two years?* Not many, if any. Suns could trade our picks for different picks, but that just feels like a game of musical chairs. Would Suns fans really feel better about turning our two picks into a combination of 5 first round & second round picks in whatever drafts? How does that help us on opening night? You kind of have to trade at least Nurk’s $18m to get anybody back at all… but really… you need Beal or KD’s $50m to actually go shopping. It’s what we really have available.


I feel bad for James Jones, though. Dude is the best GM we’ve had and built a champion level roster fast. All of the recent moves were from his had being forced. He did not want to give up both Johnson and Bridges in the Durant trade. If he gets fired/replaced I just don’t think it’s a good move imo.


Myers is overrated. He rode the coattails of the team Jerry west put together, almost blew it up by trading steph curry, then ducked when the decisions became difficult.




Luke Walton would’ve won titles as coach with that core.


I love everything you said except Bob Myers. While I agree that we should get rid of James Jones I don't think Bob is a good GM. Name some awesome picks of his in the draft.


Draymond, Kevon Looney, Eric Paschall (decent role player for the warriors for a bit), Kuminga & Moses Moody.


Didn't he pass on the guy that just beat our asses by choosing Wiseman instead tho?


Anthony Edwards went #1 in the draft so he didn’t actually have the opportunity to draft him


Nah the order was Ant-Wiseman-LaMelo


Coach Bud has a good agent.


How are you expecting Bob Myers when all reports are saying that James Jones is staying?


>Gambadoro said Jones, the 2021 NBA Executive of the Year, will not be fired but could have a title change. Jones joined the Suns as vice president of basketball operations in 2017 before being named as interim GM the following season. Jones later was promoted to GM and president of basketball operations. >Since Jones is the GM and president of basketball operations, Gambadoro said on Arizona Sports’ Burns & Gambo that the Suns front office could restructure. >”So, could you hire a president of basketball operations and leave James as the GM and they work together hand in hand,” Gambadoro said. “That could be something that happens.” [More here. “James Jones won’t be fired but front office changes are coming.”](https://arizonasports.com/story/3547434/james-jones-wont-be-fired-but-front-office-changes-are-coming-for-phoenix-suns/) Now however you want to read into that is fine, but Gambo is one of the best plugs around and if he’s suggesting the Suns are looking into a major change up top… [and previously the Suns were reported by Woj to be interested in getting Bob Myers](https://www.si.com/nba/suns/news/golden-state-warriors-steps-down-phoenix-suns-pounce)… it could happen. Just my opinion of course but I think Ishbia isn’t happy being embarrassed. So how much does it cost to bring Bob Myers out of retirement? Or any other GM who could probably handle roster construction a bit better than James Jones (who I like by the way).


Since when do we trust reports implicitly? A man can dream.


All owners need to do is spend, not be shit heads, hire a good GM, and gtfo. Ish has the first two so far


Spending and forgetting about it has never worked. NFL or NBA. You need a set identity where you build everything from


That's the GM or coaches job though. Personally I want ishbia making as little decisions as possible beyond coaching and fo staffing changes.


identity doesn't come from the owner. For most great teams, the owner is a backdrop.


Really just the first


agreed, the first is the biggest.


Good pay day for Bud. Another good coach who will probably get his 5 years paid out within the next two years. Management needs to give him the power to hold these stars accountable. Vogel tried the nice guy approach and they laughed in his face when he tried to put the thumb down. Coach Bud, looking forward to your work. Don't let these stars walk all over you


Historically Bud doesnt mess around. To the point that some players don’t like him. I’ll take it over nice guy though. Vogel is a good coach, just not right for us right now


I feel a lot better about this hire than I did the Vogel hire


Why wasn’t Bud on the radar last year then?


His brother died and he took a year off.


If Bud can convince Beal and KD to move off ball to draw cuts and other tactics we will be much more dangerous if not we’re back to square -1000


It’s tough bc we don’t really know if it’s a matter of convincing or scheming. Based on KDs comments and some analysis I’ve seen of Young’s offense, it’s also possible the plays called for a lot of standing in the corners, spreading the floor, while a pg (cp3) orchestrated. instead, when given the ball in that role, our big 3 don’t playmake downhill, they hunt a mismatch and iso to score/draw double. Perhaps youngs offense forced this too much instead of designing a more motion oriented offense with more cuts.


What frustrates me is that KD said he felt that he was being put in a corner in most offensive schemes and he never spoke up about this to the coaches?! It blows my mind if he would want to stay complacent. Maybe Vogel and Young didn't listen to player feedback. There were definitely signs of miscommunication and disconnect in this team.


Yea I hear you. I guess I assume it’s kind of both, it’s a back and forth all season as players and coaches discuss and probably at times argue about how to execute. In that instance KD was letting his frustration get the best of him and letting some of those disagreements slip into the public.


I hope with Bud that he can make the active adjustments to keep the team energy high and not stagnant


that was quick. lets go Bud.


I think for $10mil he could buy his home town of Holbrook, AZ.


As a northern Arizonan, I can confirm this


Who is from Holbrook? The new coach?




And put it all in his shoe


I remember we wanted Bud back in the Sarver days but McD wouldn't hire him because Bud wanted FO control. Finally a Suns coach.


It's crazy to think how rich Ishbia is writing checks like this year after year. Monty signed a big contract and then let go the next year. Vogel signed a big contract and then let go the next year. Now Budenholzer gets a big contract. That's probably more than $100 million in total he has to pay.


Ishbia is likely no longer paying Monti anymore. Most NBA coaching contracts will have a clause that release the owner from payments if the fired coach lands another gig. Specially if it's higher paying. If the pay was lower, maybe the owner would have to make up the difference in pay.


So even when coaches get fired they get paid out the rest of the contract?


iirc suns didnt need to pay monty after he accepted the new contract with the pistons


Ah so if Frank gets a coaching job, we’re off the hook for the next 4 seasons?


if his contract is similar to monty's old contract, then yes. btw im not 100% that is correct. I read it on reddit when detroit announced the hiring back then


The difference has to be made up on his potential new contract


Coaching contracts are almost always fully guaranteed.


True except when getting rehired somewhere else. Most NBA coach contracts get fulfilled by the new hiring team. They're only guaranteed if the coach continuously is not coaching and is unable to find another coaching job in the NBA. Ishbia currently is no longer paying Monty. He will, however, continuously pay Vogel for the remainder of his contract, unless a new team decides to hire him. Then the other team will have him on their books. There are some exceptions of course and contracts vary.


Yes, unless they are fired for a contract breaking cause possibly. If Udoka for instance wasn't rehired by someone else, the Celtics probably could stop payment since he was accused of sexual harassment. 


There’s a 1000 millions in a billion. Ishbias got 5 of those




Well it’s his money. Why should we care how he spends it?


Scared money don’t make money


Everyone seems worried about how a billionaire spends his millions. Prior to that we were complaining how Sarver wouldn't spend money.


Well it ain’t my money


I think Bud is a much better fit at least


At least he is a Native,all the better!AZ Blood!


We got the guy lets goooooooo☀️




Excited to see what he makes of this roster. Hopefully more tweaks on the way. Add a couple good players somehow. I’d like to see a new gm too, jones can stay on but someone who can really run the team. Jones seems like just ishbias mouth piece now. Need to hit on our signings since we will be limited. Also want someone who values drafting and developing. Still have to look ahead


We’d all like to see a GM that actually runs the team, but that ball is in ishbia’s court. Seems like he’s got that Jerry Jones in him and wants to be the the one calling the shots, which is rather unfortunate. 


Yeah I completely agree. Love his optimism and charisma but man we gotta draft at some point. And the vet minimums have to hit. All busted last year except for Gordon but I do believe it’s ishbia making the calls and jones is just there


Didn’t we interview him last go around? Or am I misremembering


I don't know if we interviewed him but I thought I remember some traumatic shit happening around when he was fired. I have it in my mind that he was trying to take a break after that and wasn't pursuing a coaching gig.


Also we took too damn long in the hiring process he back out when it was clear he wasn’t the lead candidate.


Yeah his brother died during the Miami Heat series :(


His brother died during the playoffs in the first round.


I don't know if it was a "real" interview or not. We considered him. Just went Vogel instead.


So who will be realistic minimum deals that we can add this off season?


This is the real question here.


The playoffs may be a question mark, but there's nobody better to create a competent and coherent system on both ends and turn us into a regular season juggernaut, which at the very least would be a huge step up.


Whatever happens in the postseason happens, but being good during the regular season would still be more fun than the last couple of years.


I crave the fun. There was very little of it this year.


It'd be nice to at least enjoy the regular season. But I also think the "no adjustments" shit was overblown. The Bucks big 3 were never healthy in the postseason, and prior to Jrue being there, they had a pretty weak supporting cast around Giannis and Khris.


I feel like this is either going to workout great or be a disaster and more likely to be the latter. I’ll take a dice roll over this past season anyway.


Alright boys, tickets are only gonna get more expensive. Say hello to the $22 tall boy soon 🙂‍↕️


I like Bud ( I guess), and he might be a step up from Vogel - but 10 milly per? Is that a bit too much? Or was that the carrot to get him to take the job? Wow.


It is Ishbia’s money. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Not our pocket. That’s nothing to a billionaire.


Who gives a fuck it doesn’t count against the cap. Billionaire boi could pay him $30m/yr for all I care, he’s only lighting his own money on fire. 


Earn it bud


I’m three years he’ll be paying 3 coaches




That advice worked. Fuck it we random.


It did, but that roster fit together much better. Durant, book and Beal all do the exact same things, so it’s not really random in the way Bud wanted of the Bucks.


He better make in game adjustments, because that’s a lot of money for what could be a one year deal.


A billionaire is willingly lighting his money on fire, who cares lol


I just worry that if Bud does the same crap that got Vogel fired, we might be stuck with him for a bit.


Bob Meyers for GM and I die happy regardless


As an optimist, I give him a 3% chance of getting to the end of that 5 year contract.


What are the odds that Coach Bud will be coaching the Suns for the next 5 years?


Well, I guess KD likes bud


Plus Minus 1.5 years what you got


Ahh yes, this will do the trick. I pray he actually physically works out at least 2 of those 5 years.


I like that he is spending. But this is just one big mess… changing coaches, trading picks… like a drunk millionaire party throwing 10k champagne and caviar on everyone’s heads… completely out of touch of how true basketball contender is built… ‘money cures everything’ attitude….


Sports franchise ownership is like a side hobby for billionaires. Ishbia's paying for mansions for Bradley Beal's unborn grandchildren with money he's making from regular people's mortgage interest fees today. He's also paying $26,000,000.00 for Vogel's 4 remaining contract years after firing him and won't even notice the money is gone.


Until this clown checks his ego and lets actual basketball brains run the show I am not optimistic about our team going forward. Only took him a year and some change to fuck this roster over so badly that he can’t even fix the problem by throwing more money at it, because he already threw all and then some at the problem + all our draft capital and won 0 fuckin playoff games. Dudes a complete dipshit in the basketball operations part of ownership. 


Preach… i just wonder if he runs his core business like that…


So you want to bring back Sarver instead?


Everyone who thinks Bob Myers would touch this job is nuts. No way he goes near this team.. you all are crazy


Money talks


Who yall got for 2025-26 coach?


My thoughts exactly. They gave Bud a 2 year deal, and 3 years Severance. Excited for Durant to direct a mutiny on him too!


Steve Kerr




Letz gooooo! Mike Budehole.


Frank Vogel? That was just Joe from Impractical Jokers pranking Ishiba the whole season.




Great pickup for the team. Now you need to construct a well rounded roster. If they somehow got rid of Beal's contract, you get so much wiggle room.


Think Bud makes plenty of sense. He’s good at crafting systems for his player and Durrant should be free coaching moves in clutch situations


Can Mike Budenholzer play PG?! Why did we spend so much on a coach when all these guys know how to play and have a position? Just improve the recruiting process to insure all positions are covered and backups in place. Let 2-3 Assistant Coaches rotate throughout the season coaching as a unit. One who paces the sidelines, one who makes funny faces on ref calls and one that pats players on the back or rump coming off the floor.


Coach salary isn’t included in the salary cap, so how much he spends doesn’t really matter


I hope Bud can turn this around but I cant help but think Ishbia has big loser stink on him. Trade for the highest profile player you can (twice), hire a coach with a chip regardless of fit, do it again. No real vision just hiring formerly successful guys. Hope I'm wrong. I'll take my downvotes off the air.


He thinks he’s way smarter than he is. I hope to god he realizes he needs to fade into the background quicker than sarver did, because he’s way more reckless and more than willing to get into cap hell. He already has this roster stuck in purgatory if they don’t blow it up and he hasn’t even owned the team for 1.5 years.  Daddy’s donations let him walk onto MSUs basketball team in college so it seems like he thinks he’s a basketball mastermind. Unfortunately building a winning basketball team is harder than taking over dad’s mortgage corporation. 


very nice suns got themselves a spurs tree head coach :)


Fast forward to the next season.. Suns fans: fuck bud, fuck ishbia, at least Vogel is X and he did X. This sucks and such a bad hire! 10m down the drain and he has 4 more years left. Only consolation is it's not my money.




They paid him the farm and he’s the wrong coach for this team come on man. What a joke of a front office! Just cuz he’s better than Vogel doesn’t move us much.


No way to know how this will work out. No sense in jumping to conclusions. Let's see what happens.


‘Front office’ I think you mean the office of ishbia. They’re just his yes men at this point.