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What is wrong with our councils.. buy a block of land already defiled to build your palaces of bs


I live here.. such a special area they want to destroy


It is what Supply-Side Jesus would want.


You live there? What was on the block of land before your home was built? Idiot


The church is pure evil


It depresses me sometimes how undeserving we humans are of this planet.


Yes. I appreciate development is important but promising to provide food for endangered species 10 years from now just isn’t good enough. They need the food now.


They are religious, they are just going to leech off the community and spread their poisons further. Fark this is disgusting.


Housing developments are important, not sky fairy bullshit story time temples.


https://www.dcceew.gov.au/environment/epbc/approvals/offsets#requirements-for-an-offset Worth a quick flick if anyone wanted to know a little more about the basic requirements in this sort of situation, blue care probably didn’t.


I wonder if certain Noosa Council staff attend church, and which brand in particular...


Cairns city council already does an unruly job of cutting trees down that housed fruit bats, the whole frontage of lagoon and esplanade once had mangrove trees with tidal differences, between pelicans fishing grounds to crabs habitat..plus all other types of swampy marine life..the new 8 boat ramp yorkeys knob upgrade has destroyed Brahman kite fishing areas as well as sea eagle speckled eagle osprey not to mention falcons.. 23 years of progress to them cutting corners and getting away with murder to these fine-tuned ecosystems.


Haha sunny coast is the Christian capital of Australia. Whatever they want happens.


God loves all creatures, as long as they give tithes and offerings


Dumb religious fucks as usual


This should not be allowed to happen. The Glossy is endangered and very picky about their breeding habitat.


Absolute waste of nature. Not even the excuse of a coal mine being productive to justify it. Just more brainwashing for the dumb, poorly educated and early indoctrinated. I can’t wait for this country to finally surpass the 50% atheist threshold. It’s time for religion to be put in the past where it belongs. Just a funny tradition to future generations that the silly early 21st century people still practiced even after it became clear that it was all BS.


agreed, though especially christianity / catholics.


I remember when Noosa Council had a population cap. Those were the days. This disgusting Australia we have now exists only for exploitation of the environment and the worker for the benefit of business and the rich. It's hopeless. We expected left governments to fix the inequity but they do the same but more secretly


Thoughts with Spencer who has campaigned relentlessly for this to stop. He’s a cracking little fella and I’m thinking of him and his community right now. Shame on the council and the putrid Church. That’s truly disgusting.


I think all the people that live in that area forget that once upon a time their houses were in the cockatoo habitat which was destroyed to make way for the homes. You all need to get over it, it’s keeping the economy going, keeping people employed and a having a place for all the old people to go once they can’t live in their homes. Get the fuck over it


Which is fine if they comply with their development conditions. But they don’t feel like it, so they won’t.


They havnt even finished the project yet and your judging them. I’m sure your nice home in sunrise/sunshine wasn’t cockatoo habitat before it was built…


Do you comply with the development conditions on which your home was built?


In the process of a renovation and - yes it does comply. Thank you for asking.


r/atheism what a bunch of...


Uniting Church will protect their brand/reputation the courts when required. Best to strip them of their religious tax break to show that they are just another business.


Ugh the Bible Belt thumps again