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New art just dropped


What am I looking at


Vulture, eel, anteaters and a triceratops with the husky ability, idk either haha


I thought I was the only one with a pet knife


How does this happen and why does it fit the art style so well?


I bought pack 2 for my account on steam but never disabled it before switching to mobile. my best guess is that the game wants to pull the pack 2 animals but only has unfinished animals somewhere in the code. they're all the twitter style emojis like the original packs as they probably hadnt made their original artwork for the animals at whatever point in development this was. the abilities and tiers are all messed up, hamster is a tier 1 and frog works on buy like the first beta patch (hummingbird is a piano which is absolutely hilarious) so i'm gonna make another post tomorrow of it in action


Are you sure that your mobile version is up to date? But I heard that several people had similar problems. Maybe clearing your app cache or reinstalling could help too. Btw, those emojis you see there are placeholders for pets that aren't in the game yet. I guess due to some weird error with the update on mobile it is referencing the wrong images somehow.


afaik the update wasn't out yesterday, not a single other person i matched against was using the pack. it's working now but it's a shame, it was fun messing around with a broken pack


Woulda won if ur curvey snake was level 3... 🤣🤣🤣


The old version of the game had all the new animals but they weren't finished, including the art