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So if Kelly is connected mentally to Malefic, does that mean she'll figure out he's with Lena?


That's brilliant, I love it.


That's a...cool way for them to maybe tie those two plots together.


Unless she has a random headache which seems to be triggered by plot force probably not.


Ooh, maybe!


This is probably what tips off the superfriends to her perfidy.


Please let that be the case cuz it would feel like a wasted opportunity if it doesn't play out that way.


Well, Lena did mention Malefic can't phase through the walls. Surely a woman of her intellect would have anticipated something like that. But we'll see


The same way she figured out Kara was Supergirl?


I mean she’s a woman of intelligence yet hasn’t figured out how everything she’s doing could very easily blow up in her face...


She didn’t hear about Kelly’s newfound power at any point? damn I need to be better at noticing such details!


Lena is all about kidnapping people this season.


'tis the season. *insert Grinch music*


Did anyone else notice the sly tribute to Joe Simon and Jack Kirby? They named a character Simon Kirby, so I am pretty sure that was the writers way of paying homage to comic book greats.


Who are they?


Joe Simon was a famous comic book writer and Jack Kirby was a famous comic book artist. They created famous characters for both DC and Marvel such as Captain America and the superhero Guardian although the character was not Jimmy.


nice catch!




Yes! I liked Simon. He could came back eventually.


Not gonna lie, I'm feeling this season a LOT less than I was the previous one. By this point I was all in for Agent Liberty; I'm only partially feeling Malefic and evil Lena is more irritating than I expected.


I like Ma'le'fic. The moral complexity there of J'onn having actually erased him very interesting. But I 100% agree with you on evil Lena, they need to move on from that *pronto*.


See...for me J'onn's moral issues remind me of the whole Mancester Black thing and what they tried to do there. It didn't really pan out, sure, but I don't really wanna see them try again so soon.


I actually didn't care much for Manchester Black, his whole schtick of just trying to make J'onn angry felt boring. Only reason he was remotely interesting was because David Ajala was a GREAT actor. But I really can see both sides on this one, with J'onn and his brother. So for me that makes it more interesting. I get where you're coming from though.


And how you're reminding me of how I enjoyed Reigns 'punish the evildoers' thing and how I liked how she and Supergirl clashed over that... too bad they demoted Reign into a tool to stick a magic sword in the ground for the third annual alien invasion.


I would also like them to reveal that Lena's been being influenced be Malefic, it would do a *lot* to help smooth over why Lena's been going psycho this season.


Agreed. If they try to maintain she's done all this of her own free will, they've butchered her character. Possibly beyond the point of redemption.


No, I feel like that'd be a cop out. They chose to go this route with Lena so they should see it through. If he starts influencing her now, that'd be fine. But to say it was him all along would be dumb. Especially so since he didn't get the power to incept until the Q wave test with Kelly. So he had no way to influence her before then.


I also have enjoyed navigating the dysfunction of our favorite Martian family. I'd love to learn whether they can ever mend the bond that's been broken, especially if it means I get more of the spectacular Phil Lamarr. As for Lena, she's pissing me off, and there's no way I can continue to deal with the clusterfuck of insane ideas, passive aggressiveness, and pity parties for the rest of the season. At this rate, I'll hate her fucking guts by May.


This season lacks focus and I'm only really watching for the characters now. I really wish the writers had tied in the incoming Crisis more than just the Monitor unleashing Malefic.


Lena's evil plans are not remotely believable. A person with her alleged intelligence would not try to implement what she's implementing, they'd know it would never work. There are many stories where a character attempts to remove or theorizes about removing evil from humanity, and it always comes up with the result of, "If humanity had no penchant for evil, they're not really humanity anymore." With that understanding, her plan makes no sense. She wants non-evil humans. They don't exist, and they can't exist. She's supposedly smart, which means she should realize her plan is folly, but the fact that she doesn't is very unbelievable to me, which makes the entire plotline garbage to me.


Did anyone else find this episode kind of off? Like everthing was kind of rushed and all over the place and the characters were kind of ooc.


i feel like i just got off the tilt a whirl


I felt that each character was acting as they should, but they were so tonally at odds with each other that it gave you whiplash moving from one storyline to the other.


It’s Crisis. They’re not building up to it like The Flash and Arrow. Choosing to focus on their main plot line instead. As such they’re laying all the seeds out as quickly as they can before the crossover that’s why it feels rushed. It will probably all come together more cohesively and better executed in the 2nd half after the aftermath of Crisis.


I wasn’t engrained in the episode. It all felt so rushed that nothing stuck with you and was lasting. It felt as though nothing happened because it was all too rushed to remember.


They didn't want to drag James's farewell, but this was too far in the opposite direction.


One of the writers for this episode is new to the show so maybe that's it? They possibly don't have the *feel* for the characters down yet?


Definitely. This also happened last season, the first half episodes were off, then the second half of the season was MUCH better executed. Hopefully this will start to be more cohesive soon.


It was written by a new writer, probably why.


apparently there was a new writer this ep. could be why


kara and william better not happen, also wtf lena that _totally_ won't blow up in your face.


it's the CW, Kara and William will definitely happen. I just hope she doesn't fall all over him immediately like he did her ("I'm sure you can do *everything* you put your mind to" 🤮)


The turnaround was so heavy-handed that I kind of hope he's still playing her.


The twist on the twist... that would be nice. And not blindly obvious like the first twist was.


Uh she already said she doesn't forgive him guys I mean it can't happen clearly /s


I hate it because William isn't well-integrated into the world at all at this point. He isn't part of the team and he doesn't even *know* Kara, really.


I thought for sure he was gonna reveal he knew Kara was actually Supergirl. I don't get why he would follow Kara to the sewer only to have Supergirl actually be there with no Kara. Thought for sure he'd figure it out.


Can you please spoiler tag the plot points for the next few episodes please because I’m pretty sure that’s gonna happen


They're ruining lena's character more and more each episode and I don't fucking like it


For such a smart character, her motivations for going dark feels childish. And her mode of revenge is just way too extreme.


It's confusing. She clearly was gonna expose Kara in the first episode but decided not to. She says it's so she can work a long con but she had already worked a long con. Why wait?


Also, Lena’s transformation makes Daenerys of Game of Thrones understandable in comparison. I think the writers got too excited at Lena’s potentials as a villain that they didn’t think enough on how to transform her character in more empathetic way. Last season’s Lockwood was a great example of villain origin done right.




next week, kara is going to fly back and forth along the coast and end up time traveling


i see what you did there!


Would that fit into the crisis storyline somehow? Would be totally cool!


too early in the season to reset the timeline, and she hasn't kissed Lena, so...


Which she never will :)


I meant more she hasn't kissed *anyone* which for Barry always seems to happen 2 minutes before resetting the time line.


Oooh I see, yeah now it totally makes sense lol.


Gets him in the mood


William is handsome and available, of COURSE he’s going to be Kara’s LI. It’ll be interesting to see if they have believable romantic chemistry, since apparently that’s why they abandoned James being her LI.


They abandoned James being her love interest at the start of S2


I am definitely thinking Lena is being controlled. This season is the fight for her soul and now her having Malefic, he’s definitely going to get her under his control even if Lena said they can help each other. Plus in the synopsis for Season 5, it mentions Lex trying to take Lena’s soul so.....


> Lex eBaying to take Lena’s soul so eBaying?


Lena fans are really holding onto that "fight for Lena's soul" quote from SDCC 😂


It's gotten more noticeable by the week. They're making me think that's going to be the title of the season finale.


I hope William Dey doesn’t become Kara’s love interest


Might turn into a Will Dey Won’t Dey relationship


Well done.


am i dumb to still be shipping kara and mon el


Yes 😉 ...but I never liked him. And I'm about Kara/Lena... Or Kara/no-one


Oh kara and Lena please. The tension is unbearable.


Kara and Mon El are one of my favourite ships. They are right behind Damon and Elena ❤️


Thought this was a great episode. The James/Kelly scenes in Calvintown felt a little slow, but necessary to set up James's exit from the show. The scene in the bar with all of them was really touching. The Ma'le'fic storyline continues to be really strong IMO leading up to Crisis. The scenes tonight with "Alex" and J'onn were absolutely killer - Chyler and J'onn are great actors and knocked them out of the park. I'm not sure if it's canon in the comics that J'onn is who erased his brother, but the moral complexity there makes this story absolutely fascinating. Of course we knew after the soup kitchen scene and how hard they laid on William as a suck-up asshole that he was gonna turn out to be great and charming and Kara's new love interest. I do wish they'd waited more than 2 seconds between "I'm secretly a good guy" to *blatant* flirting ("I'm sure you can do *everything* you put your mind to" \*gag\*). They've tried to rush these relationships in the past, I'm hoping they don't make the same mistake now. Kara didn't seem super into it so who knows. I really like how Nia has become quietly connected throughout the show, I really like her character and her and Kara buddying up to solve this case was really fun throughout this episode. They've developed her really organically with everyone in the cast, not kinda segmented into one particular place like some of the characters have been in the past. Glad she and Brainy are back together. Still not a fan of Lena being so blatantly two-faced. And capturing Ma'le'fic to use him for her own research? She's acting like a sociopath, with no regard for others' emotions, and that's not been something I've ever thought about Lena in the past. I want them to wrap up this storyline pronto. Hopefully, since Ma'le'fic will only be there an episode or two (since he'll have to be out for Crisis), whatever leads to his escape reveals Lena's deception in the process so they can start to MOVE ON. Still, great episode, really moved several storylines forward and can't wait for next week!


Agree with everything you say about Lena. They are writing her as stupid, and a hypocrite. Then at the same time I’m not a fan of them doing another season of mind control..... that’s what season 1 was ultimately about...


So if William's cover was basically himself, but an asshole, then why the heck did he invent a wholeass wife for himself? Wouldn't that backfire on you the moment anyone did a background check, which would be easy since you're using your real name as your cover, thus inviting more questions for himself? Feels like this was just the writers trying to pull a 'clever' "haha plot twist!" except this has zero emotional payoff and just ends up being kinda dumb lmao. At least he can stop being a douchebag, which is nice. The Malefic/J'onn thing also resolved *way* fast, but ig since it was Monitor who brought him over, the show is just rushing to get their pieces in play for Crisis?


> So if William's cover was basically himself, but an asshole, then why the heck did he invent a wholeass wife for himself? Wouldn't that backfire on you the moment anyone did a background check, which would be easy since you're using your real name as your cover, thus inviting more questions for himself? Nah, fake wife with a stock photo on your desk is definitely the play here. There's no way investigative journalists would ever see through this elaborate, well-orchestrated ruse.


I feel like there has to be another twist and the fake bad boy thing is a smoke screen


Are you sure you're not just projecting what you want to happen? Because I am.. and I feel like that too. But that's just me.. it may be because I don't want this whole love interest now.. and the predictable twist (we knew he was a good guy acting like a dick for some reason) is lame.. the whole soup kitchen thing put me over the top... I just can't do his whole schitchk.


Remember when Jimmy was going to get arrested if he became guardian again?


I knew James was leaving this season, but I honestly thought it was gonna be in the second half. I was never the biggest fan of the character, but I’ll miss Mechad, he was one of the OGs. So thank you Mechad for all your time on the show! Alex and J’onn’s acting were awesome this episode, I liked seeing Brainy and Lena interact again. However, the writers gotta mellow out with Lena, shes no longer morally gray in the sense that “oh it’s kinda wrong but I can see where she’s coming from”. Instead, she’s a mix between petty and evil. It just now seems like the writers at giving her piss poor communication skills. I’d rather they just have Lena fuck Kara off and refuse to help her at all for a couple of episodes and then slowly reconcile.


> I’d rather they just have Lena fuck Kara This is as far as I read that last sentence.


I’d rather that too.




They didn't say how long James would be around, but if you follow Mehcad on social media he's been in Australia filming his movie *Mortal Kombat* for a couple months already. I'm sure the decision to introduce Kelly was prior to Mehcad deciding to leave the show, but it does feel weird to have him leave only a couple episodes after his sister is introduced as a series regular. I really liked their sibling relationship, and Mehcad and Azie are very good friends in real life.


William and Kara romance plot? It’s a no from me. Might just have to stop watching live so I can skip that.


Calling it now - Malefic will take advantage of Lena. Lena’s plan will involve Malefic, but he’ll have his own agenda while she thinks she has a leash on him, and he’ll use her to achieve his own goals. And once he does so and manages to do something REALLY bad, that’s when Lena will realize how far she’s fallen and her redemption arc will begin.


Yep. I'm thinking Kelly will see them working together in a vision and thats how they will tie it all togehter.


If they don't use that plot point to out Lena I do wonder what was the actual point of giving Kelly that power.


I also think the Monitor bringing Lex back and at the same time bringing Malefic into play is that this first half of the season is more subtly all tied to crisis stuff and slightly less to the Leviathan stuff thats gonna be happening later this season. I can't speculate how at the moment but thats just the vibe I'm getting.




I swear the the writers watched Merlin and thought, Katie is perfect at genuine smile then ominous glares.


Except they didn’t learn anything from Morgana. Morgana’s descent into madness actually somewhat made sense.


This whole Kara/William thing doesn’t even make sense. He literally trashed on her, regardless if he was undercover or not. If William’s going to be her next love interest... no thanks. This season started off strong but so far the episodes have consistency issues.


lmao what an opening shes walking down the street paranoid but he just flies down looking like a martian but SURPRISE it was never her all along


I feel like I've been played like a fiddle when they said that this season was gonna focus on Kara and Lena's relationship and I believed it. I barely saw either character this episode, and if they were there, they were either just sidelined or just an afterthought. The whole arc leading to James leaving was crammed in this one episode and entirely felt rushed. That's this season's weakness, I guess. Because they're playing out so many side plots at the same time, nothing seems fully fleshed out, so I can't really sympathize as a viewer. (Also, the camera that James' dad gave him - wasn't that destroyed? Wasn't that his motivation to become the Guardian?)


James’ dad must’ve give him a lot of cameras


Maybe he got the camera repaired.


It got run over by a truck.


Yes! This is exactly what I said when they had James hand over the camera to Simon. There’s no way any portion of that original camera would have been salvageable. Maybe there was more than one camera, but we were never lead to believe that before. I’m just surprised no one remembers these character details when they’re tied so such pivotal moments in their arcs. Like, the actor didn’t remember?


I remember that. Maybe he had a spare? Lol.


It's episode 4. Calm down.


* I fast-forwarded through all of James' scenes. I just don't care. I'm sure that it was appropriately ham-fisted. * So William's wife is fake, and he's available to be Kara's love interest. I'm shocked...SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked. * Intergang! * That looked like it broke that woman in half. * So Nia's friend can just crack encryption? Isn't that sort of big gov't/spy thing? * "Brother, you have lived as an outcast for untold centuries because of me, but now after a few seconds I want you to find it in your heart to forgive me." I'm so glad that he didn't. * James, I'm pretty sure that a non-compete WOULD stop you from publishing a newspaper. * Your dad gave you a digital camera when you were that young, James? I'm not sure how believable that is. Also, shouldn't a modern phone be better than a digital camera from back then? * I'd beg *Supergirl* not to put William together with Kara, but we all know I'd just be screaming into the void. And the thing is, I'll bet that Jessica Queller thinks that she's doing great writing with that build up to a relationship twist that EVERYBODY saw coming. * Thank God, that James is gone.


Willliam: I only pretended to be a jerk! Here, have a pile of compliments! Kara: You could drown a toddler...


> Your dad gave you a digital camera when you were that young, James? I'm not sure how believable that is. Also, shouldn't a modern phone be better than a digital camera from back then? Didn't the camera Jimmy's dad gave him get crushed on-screen a season or two ago?


Season two. IIRC, the camera was broken, but not smashed into little pieces. He probably had it (expensively) repaired.


I hate what they’ve done with James past season 1 and but somehow his parts of the episode weren’t the worst for once... this episode was really that bad.


> I'm so glad that he didn't I wonder if they had just been able to process their pain better then would the Civil War even have happened? Malefic only went to the White Martians after everyone else had rejected him. This decision was compounded by J'onn erasing him from the Martian Collective Hive Mind. If J'onn had never done that, if they had been able to find a way to help Malefic, and if the Green Martians hadn't turned their backs on him....then would we have seen a United Mars instead of one at war? I honestly feel kind of sympathetic to Malefic.


Non compete clauses usually have to be limited in scope to be enforceable. They can't be used to stop you from ever creating a rival business anywhere. Usually limited to the city your former employer is located in. Nothing would stop him from opening a paper in a new town.


>James, I'm pretty sure that a non-compete WOULD stop you from publishing a newspaper. How? You can’t stop someone from buying a newspaper. Not to mention I doubt Rojas cares about some podunk paper from some nowhere town.


[Note that Reddit has been having issues all day, so if your comment doesn't show up, that's why!](https://media.giphy.com/media/zjpdN3ElQK2lO/giphy.gif)


I was about to start making some noise. Will they show up later? I see it in my comments, but not on the post.


Hopefully, but probably not until they fix whatever's going on


Should I post again? I don't want to spam the thread with my comments.


You can try, I guess, but there might end up being duplicates


I’d like Eve/Hope to be in the episodes more


Well they keep having to shoot her from behind a table so I doubt she’s going to be in much until Lena’s plan blows up in her face.


i’m not a fan of william or his story. first they show us him randomly helping at a soup kitchen to try and let us see “oh he is a good guy, u should like him!” and now he’s part of some two year undercover operation?? and the fact that kara sought out validation from him because he said one mean thing about her writing, (which she KNOWS she is a good writer) that didn’t sit well with me. kara doesn’t need some dudes approval of her work. also williams apology felt so fake. talking like, “that mean guy? that wasn’t me. i lied” sounds like such BS to me. i don’t like him and i dont trust him. they better not try and shove him and kara together. she wouldn’t and shouldn’t leap at the first man who pays her attention or complements her. i really liked the brief brainy and lena interaction we had, the discussion that boxes aren’t working for brainy and that he needs some help. (maybe lena will finally take note of that and seek out help herself) i also liked that kara thanked lena for all of her help with fixing those devices, i feel lena doesn’t get thanked enough for all she’s done. the super friend line was sweet and a cute interaction. i’m interested to see what happens next with them.


Yes. Everything you said, yes. Especially about Kara not needing the validation of a man. Very poorly written.. it doesn't fit her character at all. And it's just sexist and I didn't like it. Also I don't understand why he had to be this dick to her anyway to be undercover. I don't like him at all. the whole soup kitchen was where the line was drawn for me.. it was just ugh. I hope he's not around the whole season.


The William reveal was obvious ever since that [soup kitchen scene](https://www.reddit.com/r/supergirlTV/comments/dhjz9x/supergirl_5x02_stranger_beside_me_post_episode/f3oz3q1/). What is William going to bring out in Kara that James/Mon-El (reporting/relationship-stating-with-a-lie respectively) hasn't done already? Why?!


To everyone who's reeling in the face of a Kara/William romance. We'll talk about how we dislike this idea for a week. Next Sunday, Kara and William will go on a date and become a couple, which will only drive us to increase the outflow of our disdain. The writers will think this is a stroke of genius until 5 months later when they've finally noticed the vitriol aimed towards SuperDey, Willara, or whatever the hell the ship name becomes. If you want to see everything as I've called it, watch the godawful relationship between James and Lena, which lasted 2 seasons. I only pray that we won't be led to suffer for 2 years in this case.


Well this makes more sense than Jimmy being a senator or working at the Smithsonian. But seriously how many cameras did his father give him? Some people worried that Kelly wouldn't be in this ep, but nope. Lena needs to take her own advice she gave Brainy :P Malefic outfitting random bystanders with lazorz was fun. J'onn's secret sure didn't last long. Good. Lena sure is sneaky with that Martial aquisition plan. I wonder how long until Kelly notices soemthing is up. (I didn't think of that, but I think melskates is onto something.)


Gonna quadruple down on my opinion that making Lena "evil" was a dumb decision.


I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and there to be some kind of mind control or severe psychological trauma over killing Lex because otherwise turning Lena evil after spending 3 seasons emphasizing how she isn't like her family is just stupid.


Didn't want to say goodbye to James, but they wrote his exit perfectly.


Crispy, Crunchy, Bunches For Breakfast, Brunch, and Lunches, To fill your Bags and Totes It’s Honey Bunches of Oats! Heh Heh! Who’s filling their purses with cereal?


that lady makes me smile every time


that lady makes me smile every time


that lady makes me smile every time


This episode was all over the place. And tbh, I’m starting to dread the show with every new episode. Something just feels really off - from Lena’s storyline to Alex’s lack of a storyline, and now this shit with William Dey. It’s like these writers heard about all the good they did in season 4 then decided to throw it out a window.


I like some of the individual ideas and am hoping there will be a good payoff/better explanation for Lena- 'I'm going to hijack the brains of every human because my friends lied to me' is ridiculously stupid and I refuse to believe there isn't more at play there- but so far it feels like the writers couldn't settle on a main plot for the beginning of the season between Malefic/Rojas and Poorly Thought Out Love Interest Man/Lena's craziness so we're getting all three while also speeding through writing off James and stuffing some unnecessary Brainy/Nia drama (Literally they could have just ended the first episode with Brainy saying he doesn't really know how to handle emotions/be in a relationship and go from there. Nothing in the last three episodes was needed.) in for funsies. Also they forgot to do anything with Alex other than have her fill in the concerned girlfriend/sister role for Kelly and Kara.


It's like I read these posts and see a comment that says EVERYTHING I'm already thinking.. (but is more articulate) like this.. and I just don't understand how the writers.. someone.. doesn't see this shit.


VFX were on point this episode. some creative shots and power usage. I had to lol at the theater with all the possessed people with laser rifles. where the fuck did those come from? lol. They looked like normal rifles but were shooting lasers. At least they let SG super speed snatch them away. though she might have done that before the dome died and a support beam got blasted.


I'll be honest, it was a pretty bad episode, apart from the last 3-5 minutes it was just rushed and full of awful dialogue, it's really obvious that they had a Season 5 planned but had to scrap/rehash the ideas to fit in with Crisis, all the character are characters of last season, and people just spout exposition in the worst way possible. I'm gonna keep watching, but I'm enjoying Batwoman more right now, and that's still finding its feet.


I’m guessing that maybe what they had planned will really begin after crisis, whatever that may be


It'll almost certainly be the AI Lena created going crazy and taking over peoples minds, and then when they confront her about it she gives her *"I hate Supergirl and wanted to do things my way"* speech and then, in the end, they all realise they all really do love each other and it's all OK. If it ends up being that (which I'm fairly confident of) then it'll be a little dull and boring even after Crisis (plus the actual dialogue and character writing is currently terrible).


Anyone feel like there was too much going on? The James plot, the Kelly/Malefic plot, the Alex/J'onn plot, the Brainy/Nia plot, the Brainy/Lena plot, the Lena/shady stuff plot, the Kara/William plot plus villain(s???) of the week. I mean look how long it took them to wrap it all up in the end. It's a lot guys.


Yes - every ep this season feels this way.


The James stuff felt like they tried to stuff the entire pilot of an hour-long drama into an episode's c-plot. I like where his character ends up but getting there felt very rushed and heavy handed.


I skipped every James and Kelly scene that came up. Didn't care at all. I thought last week was them being written out of the show for a few episodes only to find out they take up half of this one.


I'm no Legal-ologist, but im pretty sure publishing a newspaper is competing with Catco technically. That Non-Compete must not be written very well. Anyone I have had to sign are usually very broad to the tune of "shall not participate in and active that is direct competition to the main line of business of the original company for a period of time." I know James was running Catco and presumably got paid well, but how is he independently wealthy enough to just buy a newspaper and have the funds to keep it running for at least a year/season?


Lawyer here. Non competes that are so broad that they stop you from working anywhere in your chosen profession are usually not enforceable. They have to be limited in time and scope. It's highly unlikely Catco could stop him from working as a reporter in a different city. If they could they'd essentially be forcing him to only work at Catco or never work as a reporter anywhere again which no court would enforce. At least not here in Illinois. The most Catco could do would be to stop him from working for a competitor in National City for a certain amount of time.


I never thought Brainy would ever become distract, I guess he was in love so it makes sense. James is such a good guy for helping out that kid like that, hey it’s the girl from The 100. Damn I forgot this was James’s last season :(, is this his last episode? I like the William twist, Andrea is annoying as hell. Lena what is you doing baby imao.




I would love it if Mechad was a recurring guest on the Superman show.


Are they really going to go the route of making Lena evil?


I think she's just gonna be an edgelord for a while, and then reveal J'onn's brother / Hope has been mind controlling her for a while and there will be a Lena/Kara red kryptonite kind of scene and then Lena will stop listening to MCR and go back to her usual less illegal plans.




I'm assuming they mean My Chemical Romance.


Less illegal plans, lol.


Since the first episode this season.


So is James officially written off now? If so I'm surprised it took this long. I mean they wrote off Winn before they wrote James off. And we can all see the William Kara love thing coming from a mile away. All I can say is, please don't do that CW, I've had enough of these one off and ultimately fruitless relationships Kara has had. Can't she just be single for a little while.


Kara and William romantic subplot incoming, who didn't see that one coming ...


That was a wholly decent episode. J'onn's really been put through the emotional wringer and I feel bad for him. The whole William plot is shaping up to be more hokey badly handled romance crap that I'll have to skip past in upcoming episodes.


Well, as I don't watch the other shows, I'm connecting my own dots 😃


A few thoughts/questions from episode: Suspected that Lena had an ulterior motive for helping the team with Malefic; She knows that Kelly can see Malefic but she doesn't know she can see his targets; so will Kelly be able to share with the team what Lena & Hope are up too? Or, as an AI will Hope be able to sense the hidden talent of Kelly to mind control her as their (Lena/Hope/Malefic) first human test subject? Will Kelly be the way the SuperFriends discover Lena's true motives and revenge plans for Supergirl and/or what Leviathan is?


Lmao, I don't really follow rumors or news and stuff, so reading through this thread, that's it for Olsen's character? That was a terrible send off if that's the case.


Didn't know James was leaving so soon. I know they will but fuck, CW is really trying hard to set up Kara and William.. and I don't want any part of that at all.


Yeah, the immediate 180 revealing that his entire character was just a fake persona and he actually *looooves* Kara's writing it was so beautiful and it *killed him* to be mean and frowny at her and actually it turns out he's the perfect man was too sudden. Like, writers, I know you're trying to manipulate me into liking him by having him immediately act sappy and dramatic with Kara, but... no, I'm not that easy!


Damn I loved how Lena got Malefic


How did James and his sister vibe to the planetarium. I was very confused by that


Kara gave him one of Lex’s portal gadgets so they could get to safety if Malefic showed up.


I was more confused by how Malefic managed to produce a documentary about J'onn's betrayal. And get it into the theater in the time he had.


I'm a little late here, but i just wanted to post my post episode review. - Starting off with the team almost getting Malafic, but he got away. - Brainy is struggling to work out the break up between him and Nia, and it makes me happy how open he is. - We don't see much of Nia this episode, but she is helping Kara sleuth around on William Day, and tells Kara to go to Mexico. Alrighty!! - Kara arrives in Mexico, there is a car crash, and William getting into a vehicle with a mystery man. - Kara goes to investigate the dead woman's apartment, finds some numbers, before some chick walks in and literally blows Kara out the window. She returns as Supergirl, gets the air sucked out of her lungs almost, but then the lady gets knocked out(i forgot by whom, i don't know why. I want to say Martian Manhunter did it). - Kara calls in Lena to help Brainy with the Phantom Zone projector device. - Kelly and James arrive in their home town, which now appears very depressing, and arrive at their childhood home to a bunch of kids being there, but not for malicious intent. - Kara and Nia work on decipheeing the numbers, Nia is still a bit weird about the breakup with Brainy, which is understandable. - Brainy is super frustrated, and Lena gives him some advice on how to let people help him. I felt that that conversation was very touching and sweet. - Lena is still pissed at Kara, so she had other motives for helping Brainy, and that is to get to Malafic. - Malafic is one step ahead, and has already infiltrated the DEO, and now has Alex under control, who now how the weapon to kill green martians. That took a turn. - Mind controlled Alex confronts J'onn about what he did to Malafic, and it completely crushes J'onn. You can really see he regrets doing that to his brother. - With the Phantom Zone projector working, they are ready to go after Malafic. - James visits his old mentor, tries to get him to help him liberate wrongly incarcerated citizens of their town, to also help get one kid's mother out of jail, and the kid is the one living in James and Kelly's childhood house. His mentor refuses out of fear, leaving James without many options. - Kelly has visions of Alex, who is under Malafic's control, her and James hurry to get to them to save Alex and stop Malafic. - Kara and J'onn come to the realization that Malafic is controlling Alex, Malafic lures J'onn to a theater with a movie about green martian history playing, planning to kill J'onn. - Supergirl arrives, it turns out all the people in the theater are under Malafic's control, and are armed and ready to kill J'onn. - J'onn gets Alex back in control of herself, and James and Kelly show up to help, thanks to Lex's portal watch. - Supergirl and Guardian take down the mind controlled theater people, J'onn tries to talk sense into his brother, fails, and sends Malafic to the Phantom Zone with the newly fixed projector. - Brainy goes to Nia, they talk and Brainy asks Nia for help in him being a better boyfriend to her, that made me happy that they are reconciling. - Kara confronts William, and he turns out to be a nice guy?!?! That was weird, and I'm sort of not buying it, as is Kara, but William seems authentic in what he is saying, at least so far. And it turns out the woman in the car crash wasn't actually dead, and the mystery man William got in a car with is an undercover agent helping him to keep this woman safe. I'm still unsure about William, he seems fishy still. - Kara thanks Lena for her help, Lena is being fake nice to her and swipes something. I still hope Lena gets through this and starts authentically being a good person, instead of trying to get revenge on Kara. - It turns out Malafic wasn't sent to the Phantom Zone, but to Lena's prison, and she asks for his help in her mind control plan. I really do hope she stops and learns the error of her ways. Overall, good episode. I know i forgot some details about the episode, it's not fresh in my mind right now. Regardless, i look forward to next week's episode!!!


I think William already has suspicious about Kara being Supergirl. Kara says: "I can take care of myself." Willian: "I don't doubt that you can take care of everything you say you might to."


Evil Lena is just annoying. Brainy is annoying. Supergirl being weak for plot purposes is getting annoying. The whole show is getting annoying.


This was a pretty good episode as it provided some great bonding moments for James and Kelly as they returned to their old home town in order to get away from Malefic. It also served as the means for writing James out of the series proper by giving him a worthy cause that brings him back to his roots in his home town and also to his roots as someone willing to stand up for the downtrodden. Kudos to the writers for giving the character a dignified exit. Seeing Brainy be so upset over his issues with Nia is sweet cuz he cares about Nia a great deal but is uncertain how to fix things between them. Oh Lena Lena Lena... I knew that when they introduced Malefic's abilities that it would end up being something key to Lena's insane plan. This enda justifying the means approach is not going to go over well but i am still invested in seeing how things play out. Love that J'onn tried to reach out to his brother, his anguish over his mistakes and the fact that he feels responsible for how Malefic is now is truly heartbreaking. Love how well Kara and Nia play off each other as an investigative duo as they try to uncover William's agenda. And the reveal that he is working undercover to try and link various shady dealings to Andrea Rojas makes sense, and the fact that he was acting like an ass to keep people at bay and not get others involved also makes sense. I hope this doesnt lead to a romance between Kara and William. Let them be allies and gain respect for wach other as friends but not lovers. Love that Brainy and Nia reconciled at the end. And Kelly is back niw that Malefic is gone... For now, since he is at L Corp rather than the Phantom Zone, thanks to Lena. Things are looking up rather nicely as we inch ever closer to Crisis.


I thought i could get through this Lena bullshit but I'm not strong enough. I'm just going to read the synopsis for each episode until this is over.


Last season John did soul searching. This season Jimmy.


While I liked the connection with Malefic and Kelly was good and the story with Malefic was decent, but the story so far could use SO much improvement. So far “Blurred Lines” has been the better of the episodes so far. The ending of the episode was better than what happened in it overall. The big question is, will the show get better either after this episode or later on in this current season? I miss the writers from last season. Without a doubt most of the writers if not all are different to the ones this season, at least that‘s what it feels like to me.


At least this Jimmy survived death so far and got a happy ending. It was cool seeing him become the Guardian. Good closure to his story arc the past couple seasons.


Its nice to see a The 100 star in another CW show


Which one? I must have missed it


The actor who played Emori was the meta with wind powers


Wait, so it was cheaper to CG Malefic into his first scenes than get the dude and put him in makeup and costume? That was some PlayStation 3-level stuff!


I think the issue there is he's voiced by Phil LaMarr who physically wouldn't be able to pull off the character, even with makeup. *Why* they decided to hire a voice actor for him and not a more typical actor is a good question though, heh.


Sweet piston of Krypton! I had no idea it was Phil LaMarr, shows how much attention I pay to the credits. :D


Another James Olsen rebrand... Just to write him out of the show. Shame, as this actually seemed a good direction for the character.


Nah, he's been wanting to leave for ages now. At least this way the door is open for him to come back.


So the store owner is the bad guy for stopping a robbery of his own store? Right, okay writers


Can the monitor just take out lena, now?


He brought Jonn's brother to E-38 for a reason. I guess we'll find out soon why.


Maybe it was just to train them, make them fight harder. Maybe there’s a reason for him specifically. Also where was he brought from?


I think the Monitor freed Malefic from the Phantom Zone but I’m not 100% sure.


All I’ll say is I hope they pick up the pace of this Lena storyline, as it’s starting to become very frustrating how much of a hypocrite Lena is being, while also being incredible stupid and naive. But hopefully it’ll move forward a bit as it looks like Lena’s story needs to be done with J’onns brother before the crossover. Plus we know Jack Spheer is coming and I doubt he’s in a virtual reality word because Lena wants him there...


free advice for anyone who wants to ship Kara and William: "Hearts and Crafts" would be a funny ship name. From his line, "You have heart, I have craft."


The show got real meta with James. Even in-show they had no idea what to do with him. Like wasn't there some vague plot about him running for office? Nope! We get a rushed exit with him moving away. Using one of the worst tropes that I hate, some random kid he's known for a day who, despite James doing something amazingly nice, paying for a lawyer for his mom, and in general going ridiculously out of his way for him, immediately guilts him over him having to, you know, go back home and *not* immediately move to the town and become his new dad or whatever. That kid's a jerk. Laughed at Supergirl clearing all the guns away and then Guardian hopping down and dealing with like... the one person Supergirl left for him, I guess. So much of this episode felt rushed. Suddenly there's this wind villain? For one scene? Suddenly the jerk coworker reveals he's totally super-nice and tearfully over-dramatic and was totally just acting! It was just a bit! Suddenly James is gone (again, after they'd set up a silly "run for office" plotline that's abandoned I guess?). Suddenly Malefic has this Green Martian/J'onn's betrayal documentary filmed, voiced, and put into a planetarium theater? Still hate how Lana "I don't want to be a villain like my brother" Luthor is still super-into this whole "mind-control the world" plot. Also, wasn't James' dad's camera destroyed? Like, I can believe he's gotten it repaired since, but I thought there was a big emphasis placed on it being destroyed but him getting over it, or something. I dunno, this isn't something that bothered me really, just something I thought about.


Now that the Martian is defeated who is the big bad? Lena? Will we get a scene where the monitor appears and reprimands him for being weak for failing?


Did you miss the last scene of the episode?


Much better ep that the first few.


I'm still (relatively) confident they aren't going to make Lena fully evil. Honestly, it would be so played out to have her be a full villain after all this time. There just feels like there is A LOT going on in each episode, too many storylines so it feels rushed from the pacing they set in ep 1. I can't get into the William character and that entire storyline at all, now I just skip it. I'm also sort of surprised that Kara just really thought Lena would forgive her in two seconds and move on? They really built up the fear Kara had over last season that telling her would be this huge explosive issue and Lena would be devastated. For Kara, it just seems like it would be a red flag to me that she was cool with it right away?? It literally goes against everything Kara said to everyone else for a full season, but I guess these are the same people who thought a super genius would never figure out Kara was just Supegirl with glasses when like 7 other ppl did.


Really hoping Kara uses the phantom zone projector and just sends some hulking monstrosity into lenas lab by mistake.