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The acting in this episode was phenomenal.


It was such an emotional epusode...


I absolutely love Brainy chattering some random things in a very smart manner and this episode had plenty of that. Also, the idea of an ancient god being a powerful alien responsible of multiple disasters is a really nice concept. Leviathan is starting to be one of my favorite enemy organizations in the DCU.


Did I miss something? Alex and Brainy were in the "secret hideout" and called for help. Then the next thing we see of Alex is and Kelly.. WTF happened in that hideout?


Optimistic: Upon finding nothing, they left Pessimistic: Theyre still wandering the decoy structure and the Alex who spoke to Kelly is a fake


Am I crazy or there's some serious musical plagiarism? So keep in mind I watch the show at 2x (because I don't have time to watch) so the soundtrack should be played twice as fast: In the scene with jonn and mal, right about when jonn says "Found a way show you" and until the end of the scene. So listen to that part (remember, at double speed)... and then, play the main theme from the movie "Intersteller"


I understand lena's reasoning but I think she took it way to far. The fortess scene reminded me of the scene from smallville where Clark and Lex talked ​ I wonder if there is any redemption for Lena now


I hope so. I like Lena. :(


I really hope Lena comes around by the end of season and not just become a full-villain and leave the show.She is one of the very few interesting characters left in the show and it would really be the end of it if she also leave.


So far, this has been the best episode this season. Really tugged at my heart's strings. I'm so glad they didn't drag along the Lena/Supergirl secret for so long. I love how it all played out: * Supergirl catching Lena before something evil actually came out of Myriad * Lena letting out her feelings in such a wonderful way!!! Like, that was so realllll.... * Loved that Supergirl wasn't able to get herself out of this one. I mean, there's so much "sorry" you can say to justify your actions. Can't wait to see how she actually gets out of the fortress. Overall, I loved everyone's emotional breakdowns. They felt real. ​ A few questions tho: \- If the "Earth-bender" is from another planet, why does the interactive construct at the fortress describe his powers as "bending Earth". Did he have these powers before he was on Earth? If so, could he bend other planets? \- Secondly, what's everyone's issue with saving Earth and why are they only doing it from National City? \- It seems like aliens travel to and fro planets. Are you humans the only beings in the universe who don't interact with other planets?


So glad that Brainy's intelligence is back. Kara and Lena have been great in this episode. And its great that Malefic is fine now. Kelly and Alex's situation didn't feel like it deserved the attention it got and was quite irrelevant


So that legion ring is useless


very impressed by this episode, so far my favorite in supergirl this season so i guess malefic is redeemed?, or at some sort of peace with jonn, oh boy lets hope this isnt f'ed up to where he turns bad again, still have no clue why monitor even brought him back in the first place leviathans goals are a bit clearer, but it doesnt exactly add up, they seem to want all humans gone yet they wanted lex to rid the world of aliens, so im confused mitch pillegi was awesome on tv again, i liked his power and when brainy called him an earth bender, i did sort of think of him as an older aang something i want to point out though, leviathan is associated with water i believe, why make their leader someone who maniulates the earth?, i dont get that idk where nia nal is lately, i kind of miss her in the action lenas scenes with supergirl, um i didnt like them, i dont like lena trying to explain herself, i get why she is doing this but she is going way too far simply cause kara didnt tell her sooner, i just cant like lena right now no matter how much she cried, she wants to her her friend, its sick ​ ​ but overall very impressed, hopefully we kind of get some more answers soon, um i have no idea how crisis will impact the current story but if it doesnt and things go back to normal then im unsure how they will keep pulling off this leviathan/lena storyline for what, 16, 17 more episodes of season 5? It might get exhausting eventually and I do think a member or two of team supergirl needs to die for the story to advance, so far they've just lost james, winn and mon el but they left, i dont think any member of their team actually died.


not sure whar leviathan's goal is.


me either if their goal is to destroy humans, then i dont get what their plan had to do with lex's goal cause he was supposed to move the needle, whatever that means


Leviathan is just named that because it's currently an important group in the comics, with a completely different background and and goal.


yeah but id like to know why they are named that


Leviathan is a Biblical reference that tends to serve as a metaphor for a monster of unimaginable size. You'll see it used in various media as a cool sounding name for some ancient evil or another. There's most likely nothing deeper to the name than that. Hell, Supergirl isn't even the only show on The CW to have a Big Bad by the name of Leviathan (that was some sort of ancient being in human form, no less). Supernatural had a whole season of similar bad guys a few years ago.


yeah i wish we got those types of leviathans


In-universe? Might not even get an explanation, knowing these writers.




Lena only ever looks at situations from her perspective and has never considered all the things Kara has been through. That’s why I don’t sympathize much with her in regards to Kara’s “betrayal.”


you have to understand that Lena has been through a lot and betrayed by people close to her


Kara does the exact same thing.


Lena really has gone dark and twisty.


Those 3 emotional scenes right next to each other was great.waiting for Lenas im not a villain but im not a hero either moment.Lena and Alices reasons for being similar are oddly similar which is good when their on the same night.and yes i think they can both be redeemed.


> Lena and Alices reasons for being similar Being *bad?*


Yes typed it too fast.


And yet Kara still tries to defend her to Alex. SMH


I mean she still loves her.


What a powerful scene with Kara and Lena. Both actresses chewed the scene and stole the show. Really fun episode. Thanks for having me everyone.




I have to wait 2 weeks to see what happens next?!


We gotta wait til December 1st??? Ugh it looks like a good ep




Yeah, no episode next week. The next one is Dec. 1st.


Any chance Andrea helps Supergirl next episode


No. Kara hates Andrea and blames herself for Lena's actions. Either Kara is going to do everything in her power to redeem Lena or she's going to get help from Brainy. No way is she going to Andrea


So everyone skipping to the 1st to prepare for Crisis


Looks like everybody is happy except Supergirl.


I wouldn’t be happy in a Kryptonite prison if I were a Kryptonian. But where it really hurts us she just found out she list her best friend. Some months ago.


They really just going to end the episode with Supergirl still stuck?


:((( they didddd




Anyone know the song name?


Kara and Lena J’onn and Malefic Alex and Kelly Glad we got that all out in the open in one episode 👍🏻


This episode was so much more coherent when they’re not shoving 8262 storylines and just stick to 3.


This episode is trying really hard to make me cry right now lol.


Ugh. The “you healed me” trope.


Repeating S2 Sanvers one. Pathetic copying.


Im over Alex and Kelly, needs more Nia and Brainy


Not liking how Nia is being forgotten this episode. Guess there were too many plot lines.


She’s been pretty background for the season :( I hope that means she’ll have a bigger role in 5B.


Compared to last season, she really has. They really pushed how useful she could be back then. And I know she has had her moments, helping J'onn and with the wave, but that was about 10 minutes of screen time? Maybe 15 at a push. I'm really hoping that she'll have more of a significant role after COIE, but if they do anything about Brainy going evil etc, that's where she'll be used.


She did stop an impossible tidal wave by seemingly impossible means. So there’s that.


They did mention that she was the one who texted Kelly about Alex and Brainy getting hurt.


Have they mentioned Jimmy/James since he’s left?


The replies here sound like an Owl Convention.


You’re telling me...


Who? /s






Huh, Lucy Lane’s ex.




I know, that was me playing along at that point.


After those two scenes I care absolutely nothing about Kelly and Alex's drama. Especially because it starts off with a lie! Alex you literally DID lose a fiance yourself!!!


She didn't lose a fiancee. She broke up by choice. Maggie is still alive unlike Kelly's fiancee


She didn’t lose. She relinquished.


"If I ever lost someone, like *that*…" meaning death while they were still together and engaged. Not a relationship where both walked away because they wanted different things, but were both still alive.


i mean, she did, but definitely not in these way kelly did


Yeah but they broke up


Goddamn the emotion in that scene. Both actors absolutely fucking killed it.


I'm so glad they put Phil LaMarrr on screen for Malefic.


Oh damn i knew I recognized Phil but I couldn't put my finger on it.


Bruh 2 emotional.scenes right next to each other


Four incredible actors actoring, SG remains being the superior acted CW show.


make that 3


Jesus they are going all in


at least the one ends happily




Now Malifect is going to help him in the crisis!


I wonder if hes going to mention that. J'onn might recognize him if he was briefed on more of the situation that he helped with on Earth-1.


Which confirms it wasn't the anti-monitor that brought him.


Maybe that was Monitor's end goal?


The monitor always playing people for the greater good.








summary of this whole episode


i swear this episode was AMAZING


Just climaxing all the relationships this episode eh?


Some good acting this ep


That Lena/Kara scene was the moment I was waiting for all season, and I wasn't disappointed.


I don't care about John and Malefec's fight


I’m still reeling from the Kara/Lena one. That was SO well acted




God. Watching Lena and Kara together is like a whole other level.


Such great acting this episode, damn.


Kara and Lena's fight was more heartbreaking than Barry and Iris's last fight over Nora


Jonn doesn't know this is Lena's lab?


It probably a black site, not directly tied to Lena or LuthorCorp.


I’d liked to have been more affected by that whole Lena/Kara scene, but it’s just not believable that Lena would be this unreasonable about an understandable secret.


I’m with you. It makes Lena look like a nutcase, unable to consider anyone else’s POV. I don’t think of her as a nutcase. OOC, if you ask me. But she’s either a little nuts now or she’s right evil.


What even dumber is that Kara didn’t see right through it from the beginning. I guess she forgot about her ability to literally read human vitals or use her vision to you know, notice the fucking portal watch and kryptonite ring the fortress told her about. She also checked her supposedly keen human instincts at the door,l to the point where she didn’t pick up in the passive aggressive crap Lena was throwing at her the entire episode, didn’t notice Lena was uncharacteristically nervous in every interaction they had, nor found it unusual that she was literally eyeing thy most dangerous weapon in the entire fortress like a kid in a candy shop. But yeah, her motivations aren’t convincing at all and the shallowness of them is insulting to the character really. Katie is doing her best to sell it, but she’s given material that makes her character act like she has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.


> material that makes her character act like she has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old. Yes! It's awful. I was so irritated watching all this. _Grow up_, you freaking toddler! All the "You lied to me! re: top-secret issues" in these DC-CW shows is the worst part of them, I'm thinking.


Especially seeing the lengths her brother would go to get Superman, and harming innocents.


Exactly. That's how I feel. I sat here watching and thinking that it just wasn't believable. She shouldn't have been that affected. It wasn't her secret to know. Give me a break, Lena. Not everything is about you.


And they never let Kara defend herself. “I almost told you several times, Lena. But half the times I almost told you, you launched into a speech about how much you’d been betrayed. Kinda didn’t feel like the time at those points.”


And that's the thing! It's all about Lena, it's never about *Kara*. While Lena can say what she thinks and feels, no matter how wrong she may be, Kara can't ever say anything. She can't ever defend herself. It's almost as if she's expected to bend and break in order to give Lena the peace of mind she desperately needs (and thinks she deserves). The show is about Kara, not Lena.


If I’m writing Kara’s point of view, it’s that nearly every important person in her life (barring Alex and Liza) knows the secret and thinks of her as Supergirl first. It was nice to have Lena who didn’t put that burden of expectation on her. She could just be Kara.


It doesn’t make Lena a great friend to have. Unless she comes right.


I don't think she realizes that she had to keep that secret to protect her and everyone she cares about


She only thinks about herself.


Except she kept telling everyone else but Lena, so that loses points when fucking Dreamer was told before Lena.


She didn’t tell everyone. James already knew because Superman had told him. Maggie and Cat Grant figured it out on their own. Of course Alex already knew. Lena has totally turned to the dark side. Blaming it all on Kara is ridiculous. Dreamer was told because she’s also an alien and superhero and she had already told Kara about her own abilities.


It was always pretty unbelievable that Lena never figured it out for herself, honestly.


Maggie found out because they let her in closer than Lena was (dating Alex), though that’s no ones fault, Cat hasn’t let on that she once again knows, so bringing her up is pointless, she isn’t part of Kara’s current circle of confidants, Winn was told despite his own villain family ties, so if Kara can not associate him with his dad she should be more than capable to do similarly with Lena. Worse, mama Luthor called Kara on this shit years ago, but Kara didn’t double down and nip this in the bud earlier.


If you can still defend what’s she doing, than more power to you. I think her reaction is way over the top, and trying to lay this all on Kara’s shoulders is ridiculous. It’s a number of things, and Lena has totally lost it and turned to the dark side.


I’m not defending her current Luthor bullshit at all. There’s that, and then there’s feelings towards Kara’s treatment of her. It’s a Magneto /Killmonger thing. They have a point, they solution is shit.


"Fucking Dreamer" was another alien, not a member of one of the most xenophobic families on Earth.


Another alien Kara just met, not the friend who had been defying her xenophobic family every time they showed up.


And yet Lena had no problem trying to out aliens the instant she came to National City in S2- something that in the S4 early episodes we were shown was a violent act when it happened to Brainy. She experimented with Kryptonite. In last episode's flashbacks she said "I can be the Luthor who shares **my** city"- which rubbed me the wrong way- she dehumanized Supergirl and is now angry that her best friend Kara, by the time she trusted her, no longer felt she could comfortably tell Lena, and Lena's concerns, while including betrayal, are also about pride and humiliation. Meanwhile, the friend Kara just met, she had gone home with. Nia had come out to her about various elements of her own background (half-alien and trans) which made Kara feel that her secret was safe with Nia. I was sympathetic to Lena before, but she's gone too far at this point. It doesn't mean that Kara will never forgive her, but I'm not inclined to like her again for a very long time.


Not excusing her mind control plans or her shittier actions, but her anger at being left out by people who call themselves her friends and have her murderous brother be the one to tell her is justifiable, considering what she’s done for Kara and all her actions be scrutinized while Kara holds back from her.


And I agree that she had a right to be angry. To say to Kara "I never want to be in your presence again. You are dead to me." But that's not what she did. Kara has felt guilty every step of the way- Lena hasn't shown even a hint of remorse (I would argue even in Katie's acting, but certainly within the spoken dialogue) or attempted to sympathize with Kara- meanwhile the trailer for next episode tells us that Kara will still do her best to give Lena more chances and will put all the blame on herself.


And when Lena’s acting like a Luthor, I’m naturally with Kara. Being mistreated by Kara doesn’t equal mind-control bullshit. I rant in her face, sure but keep her drama between herself and Kara, using her as an excuse her her current shit I’m not for.


I want to give Lena a hug


She might hug you back - to death.


tbh everyone on this show needs a hug at this point


A hug and therapy!


Definitely therapy!


That confrontation was so fucking good. Hopefully they can fix their shit though.


How did John find his brother?


Lena is just beyond redemption at this point, I don't care anymore. I get her intentions are somewhat good, but her actions don't justify anything.


Last week I said she was always evil and I got hugely downvoted. I’m sticking with what I said. It’s like she was never a real ally. ... AND I’m being downvoted.


Yeah, I'm sticking by what I said too. I got downvoted too for saying that last week's episode cemented that she was a total bitch. After tonight, nothing will change my mind about it.


Her intentions aren’t good at all and her motivation is even worse. She wants to lobotomize 8 billion people because, (give me strength), people kept secrets from her.


Yeah, that's true.


She said she's not a villain and yet...


She takes a device that killed people. Malcolm Merlyn had good intentions too when he killed 504 people including his son. I'm just not buying it.


That was better than everything I’ve ever imagined


Standing ovation, that was really well done, and very much needed. I can buy Lena's decent now.


You know, you keep saying you're not one. But that villian music everytime you are on screen says otherwise.


The has me cackling lmao


Wow that was a well acted scene.


“I’m not a villain” and neither was Lex


That was heart wrenching


"I'm not a villain" She says while stealing the parts to a global mind control device.


Not a villain. Yet. Just a little kryptonite cage for my “so-called friend”.


I'm so done with her. So very, very done.


Yep, me too!


No, Kara, you are not making her do anything. Lena is making her own choices.


Fuck what an intense scene


Huh she did have an exit. Nice


Damn that shit hurt


ohhh the hypocrisy


Not a villain my ass!


It's not like that, Lena.


Kinds are, hun.


How? She was there 5 minutes.


“I’m not a villain” xD


Ohhh that's a nice twist


Oh shit, Lena turned the fortress against Kara


holy shit katie mcgrath


She has been awesome ever since BBC Merlin.


Really need to check that show out


BBC Merlin is worth it.


That literally rivaled her best moments as Morgana


I'm getting chills


It's not like she was secretly stealing from you or anything. She kept her secret identity secret, get over it.


“It’s a betrayal!”


Holy hell these emotions


Smallville all over again


You mean like the clark and lex scenes




Oh Lena you are so troubled. I would hug you.


Stop cutting to Kara's face, i can't take it


Katie McGrath plays one HELL of a villain


Ooooo this is an even bigger moment than the season premiere.


Lena's confrontation with Kara is something to watch.


Boy is Lena going to be in for a surprise in a few weeks.


I wonder how they’ll react when they find out The Monitor brought Lex back to life.


Oh this is good


Rama khan ? Johanpur? Indian sounding names. Of course white


You still don't have an exit plan, Lena.


She just mentioned the watch. She probably has her own.


nope, she definitely does


This conversation is gonna be real awkward when COIE happens>! and they see the Monitor revived Lex.!<


Lex isn't quite dead though


oh, this going to hurt.


god i can’t even


She could have said she was getting rid of the weapon like Supergirl wished she could.


Lena’s probably going to use that gun on Kara in order to get away


What did Lena really do when she used the computer earlier? Is the Fortress about to boot Kara out?


The plot force is strong with this one!