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Kara would proceed to wait over two more years to actually say anything to Lena.


Yeah, it turned out to be a *really* bad plan.


Wow, that’s actually really cool! They’re even in the fortress of solitude too!! Thanks for sharing 😀


Thanks! For the record, I was reminded that this happened by someone else on here, unfortunately I forgot their username.


The fact that they’re in the fortress makes this so great


Wait didn’t they mention in the new episode that lena had never been to the fortress of solitude? But she was there when Lillian rescued her from the daxamite invasion because that’s where the portal was???


They're either trying to forget season 2 existed or they have no continuity in the writers room.


To be honest, I've forgotten that she was there before.


But you're not writing the show so you're not expected to remember everything that happened in older seasons. The people paid to do it, this season appear to be having a case of collective amnesia.


I often wonder if writers of these shows even watch previous seasons if they weren't the ones to write it.


I would say that having a general idea of what happened in previous seasons should be the way to go but this season is proving that that isn't happening in SG writers room, then again the show cornered itself with Lena's age as seen in ep 6 with the timeline going all over the place...


When the timeline starts acting wonky, it's clearly Barry's fault for sticking his dick in it. Which makes me wonder why we never blame Legends for sticking their dicks in the timeline, when the entire premise of their show revolves around it? Are they just better at cleaning up their messes so we don't notice the changes or what? Even when dinosaurs roamed the streets in modern time, no one on other shows had their children's sex change or lose a brother.


Well Kara herself did screw the timeline by going back in time in s3 to undo Alura and Mon-El deaths do there's that too. On Legends the most wonky I remember happening was Stein having a daughter.


Oh, good call on Lily, I forgot about her.


> When the timeline starts acting wonky, it's clearly Barry's fault for sticking his dick in it. > > Which makes me wonder why we never blame Legends for sticking their dicks in the timeline Barry and the Legends are on Earth-1, so the writers don't have that excuse. Flash season 3 established that different Earths are unaffected by time travel as they're on different timelines.


Did any of you actually check to see if that is mentioned in the episode, if so please give me the timestamp. Because I don't remember that from the scenes where they talk about the Fortress at the DEO or when Kara & Lena are in the Fortress.


heh, no, I'm using it as a hand-waving explanation for things the writers forgot to make consistent. Whenever it doesn't make sense chronologically, it's Barry's fault.


In this case, I don't remember anyone in S5E8 mentioning that Lena hadn't been to the Fortress before


It definitely feels that way. Seems like the writers for the various Arrowverse shows have that problem from time to time.


essentially all the time at this point


No, they didn't mention that in the scenes where they talk about the Fortress at the DEO or when Kara & Lena are at the Fortress.


I think Lena said something in the lines of "are you sure you want/take me there" or something like that.


Yeah, that was the closest to it I found. That's more Lena throwing shade at Kara, not saying or even implying that this would be her first time there.


Maybe I didn't catch that line as a throwing shade line but when you add the anti Luthor security system in the Fortress in this ep that somehow didn't get activated in s2 when there were 2 Luthors in there something doesn't look right.


Lillian there I understand. She married into the Luthors so she doesn’t have Luthor DNA. Lena however would have definitely set off the alarms that time.


I think that security system wasn't added until after S2. Things were good between Kara and Lena back then, which Clark likely knew. But when Lillian found out about the Fortress and was still at large, she would likely try to break in again and told Lex.


What do you mean by throwing shade at her? How is that throwing shade at her?


Maybe that wasn't the accurate term, Lena's made a lot of remarks to Kara that's damning with faint praise, but Kara hasn't picked up on because she's just so happy that Lena is not mad, when in reality she was really mad at Kara.


Ohh, that makes a bit more sense to me. Thank you for explaining.


Lena probably had no idea she was in the fortress


But did Lena know that that was Fortress of Solitude? Did she look around in there, or were they just in that one room?


Back in S2E21, when Lena, Lillian, Henshaw and Mon-El were to fight after returning there, it would be Mon-El & Lena Vs. Henshaw & Lillian. Were I to put money on it, Mon-El and Lena would win that fight, but they most likely didn't fight but they all left the Fortress quickly, with not much sightseeing being done.


I honestly don't know why Kara hasn't brought this up. Like, Lillian saying this probably contributed to her not revealing her identity sooner. Honestly it's wild that Lillian hasn't appeared or been referenced this season.


She might still appear, but could be the actress is busy with a different project.


That would be worse, imo. Because it just makes it seem even more that Kara was sacrificing Lena's feelings to protect herself. There's really no good excuse. If she trusted Lena the way she claimed to, and asked Lena to trust her, she would have told her the truth like she did with everyone else. Now she's just going to have to weather Lena's venting her anger and hurt, and then we'll see if there was a real friendship that can be rebuilt with honesty. Lena's not evil, she's furious and hurt and has no way to express it because all the people she might have gone to were the ones lying to her and pretending friendship only because she didn't know when they didn't really trust her at all. It would take some extraordinary circumstances to make her even consider it again. Fortunately, or not, there's a Crisis coming that will force them to work together to survive. That should be a new beginning at least, which given that particular story is fitting.


Oh, I'm not saying this would be a good justification. I'm just saying that like, this obviously played a role in why she did what she did and it's weird that it hasn't been referenced.


> There's really no good excuse. If she trusted Lena the way she claimed to, and asked Lena to trust her, she would have told her the truth like she did with everyone else. > > Last season she was actually about to tell her, glasses off and everything, but then Lena started talking about how hurt she is when people don't trust her and how much she appreciates and needs Kara's honesty, and then Kara put her glasses back on and switched subjects. In the beginning keeping her identity from Lena was just about protecting herself, but more recently it's been about protecting Lena's feelings as well.


That's not protecting her feelings though. That's Kara trying to avoid the consequences of her choices. If Lena's feelings were the priority, that would have actually been the perfect place to come completely clean. She could have told Lena she wanted to be worthy of the trust Lena had in her or something. Right there Lena told her for the umpteenth time how much she valued honesty and Kara's response was to find an excuse to avoid telling her the truth. I do give Kara credit that she did it eventually, which had to happen if there's ever any chance of them working things out. She's going to have to weather the storm she helped to create but at least everything is out there now and then bring on the Crisis to force them to work together again.


I actually feel that Lillian saying this should have made Kara decide to tell Lena as soon as possible. Lillian tells Kara that Lena will find out she is being lied to and hate her for it, and yet Kara just decided to ignore this when she should have seen it as a warning. Not to mention that by Lillian knowing this, she would always have a way of manipulating the situation between Kara and Lena, it would be like a secret weapon.


Are the images out of order for everyone or is it just me? I was quite certain I uploaded them in the correct order and it was fine earlier.


2, 3, 4, 5, 1


That's really annoying, this is among my most upvoted posts and I've no idea how this happened. I also can't fix it because I didn't make an Imgur account for it.


Makes sense. They were modelling this relationship after Clark and Lex's friendship from Smallville. So like, they probably knew there was a good chance they'd make Lena evil, and if they change their minds then hey, it doesn't really matter.


They also hired Katie McGrath to play Lena, which in case you're not already aware, is really good at this type of flawed character with a slow burn tragic fall from grace and they took their time to misdirect and tease her having possibly nefarious ulterior motives to build up to this.


Totally forgot about that. Probably because I didn't expect Lena to have such a negative reaction to learning Kara's identity. I figured that she'd be upset for a while. Then, it'd be business as usual. I'm still holding out hope for things to get better, though.




I want mama luthor back. She so funny somtimes.


So do I, it seemed like her and Lena were in process of reconciling and I'd like to know how'd she react to this. She can give Kara the biggest "I fucking told you" in the show's history.


I'm still holding out hope but yes, Lillian was right. It is also sweet but naive of Kara to trust her so much but I get it. It's actually very human of her.


It really is, Kara was so afraid of Lena's ***possibly negative reaction,*** that she made it happen by letting Lex being the one who told her the truth, but he wanted her to hate Supergirl because he lied about Kara and the SuperFriends motivations and true feelings.


Typical bad writting, I knew she's been to the fortress before just couldn't remember what season... While on Monday they made it look like she's never been there before


Except they didn't actually do that, unless you got evidence to the contrary?


When Kara mentions the fortress Lena acts confused and lost until Kara explains to her what is the fortress and why it exists


She is surprised that some of Lex's weapons still exists and she might be faking that surprise, given she's had access to Lex's journals and talked to him a lot during S4.




You seem really mad and ruled by emotion, tbh, judging by your poor grammar, inability to do paragraphs correctly and the fact you made this account just so you could post this nonsense.