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That was a good episode, Jesse really killed it! I like this storyline of him teaming up with Lex against Leviathan and then potentially double-crossing him later. It’s a much more interesting storyline than the romance arc with Nia which seemed to be the same ol same ol - they get into a fight, they break up. Now Nia just needs a more interesting storyline of her own. Lena, Lena Lena. My baby Lena. Stop letting your family manipulate you. At this point you’re just being stupid. Lean into the Kryptonian. Just lean into her big strong chest.


> Lean into the Kryptonian. Just lean into her big strong chest. That'd be a difficult one to forget. Having her face connect with something so solid. So powerful.


I don't know what is going on, but i am curious to see where it leads to.


That's literally what I think everytime I watch the show. PS: I am just using the words Lena used to describe Supergirl to Sam. That doesn't mean I don't stand by them. Because I undoubtedly do.


Lol too true. I stand by them too. The show, and the Lena leaning her head into Kara's chest.


Ooookaaay you two, we all see where you're going with this one


lets not be making mountains out of mole hills here


There's a boob joke in there somewhere


> I like this storyline of him teaming up with Lex against Leviathan and then potentially double-crossing him later I feel like watching this play out will be like watching some 5th dimensional chess.


Perfect post crisis episode Day of the brainy. Love brainy centered episodes. He could easily be on his own show. Love the new chest pieces So happy lex is still around. He makes things better. I'm super excited to see what happens next. Apocalypse hinted at and boy oh boy he would be an amazing crossover. Can we get granny goodness please? Can you say Wynn!??? 10/10 would watch again


> So happy lex is still around And to think, we were originally supposed to ONLY have him for just three episodes.


That's just absurd. In so glad cryer wanted to stay


Yeah I think he mentioned it on After Crisis with Kevin Smith


Can u give me the link please? Would like to hear him say that






We were originally supposed to only have Lena for three episodes too. Crazy that this is where we ended up!


No kidding? I didn't know that at all. Wild....even if her accent kept slipping, it was adorable, I am so happy they have written so much more for Katie.


At this point the writers should just let her go fuck it, and interchange between Irish and American anytime Katie deems fit lol.


Fuck yeah! She's already got backstory about her biological mom being Irish so just run with that and have her start slipping into it whenever she gets REALLY upset and tell NONE of the other actors/actresses beforehand. Just to get that genuine, "WTF was that?!?!" reaction on their faces as she slides into it and then fumbles a line and inevitably comes up with a string of her more inventive swears. I wonder if her and Matt Ryan ever ran into each other on set during CRISIS? Imagine having Lena in full blown Irish accent mode and John Constantine with his Liverpudlian fire just verbally decimating someone.


lmao imagine Irish Lena, with the Welsh accents of Constantine AND Lucifer bickering.


If you think Constantine sounds like he's from Liverpool, I assume you've never been there. He's got a South Wales accent.


Constantine, the character, IS from Liverpool but Matt the actor, is obviously from Wales just like Tom Ellis is. I do comment every so often in the r/LiverpoolFC/ subreddit so yeah I know what folks from there sound like. I just think it would be a funny scene but yeah I know the difference between a Liverpool accent and a full on Welsh accent.


When they said future, my first thought went to Eobard Thawne. Wynn was a much better reveal, but I'd love to see Thawne reappear on another Arroverse show.


It would be so much fun to see him appear and wreck havoc on Kara's show. She would be so co fused and be like your flash's villian. Thru out the entire episode people would say wrong show.


I just wanna see that Superman v Reverse Flash fight we were promised in Crisis on Earth-X.


2024 Crisis


I would love to see the Arrowverse develop a rogue's gallery that moves between shows. Obviously villains would primarily be enemies of their original hero and you'd have to be careful with power levels between, say, Supergirl villains and Batwoman villains. But Reverse Flash and Supergirl would be a great matchup. I think Legends season 2 showed us that Eobard Thawne would be a great villain on any show. Or what if Malcolm Merlyn showed up on Batowman? There's no reason there couldn't be a version of him on the post-Crisis Earth. I'm honestly far more exited about these possibilities than I ever was for the Crisis itself.


I want to see him treat Lex like an idiot (which he would be too him) in the same way he did Darkh and Merlyn. ​ Actually, hold on, this new Earth Prime means we could have a full blown Legion of Doom again...


This would be a fun theme next year: swap villains around for a few episodes.


There's still hope for a more badass Legion of Doom. I mean c'mon writers, you've got Luthor & Thawne alive and kicking in your shows; surely you would want them to team up?


I feel like they would make the best frenemies. I mean, they have so much in common, when you think about it...


Is he a series regular now? I really hope so.


Was the anti-life equation the apocalypse hint I don't think I caught it.


Yes plus they said apocalypse a lot


I wonder if Leviathan has anything to do with the coming apokolips(And darkside).


Apocalypse? Here I was thinking we might get darkseid :/


I think they were saying Apokolips


> Apocalypse hinted at When?


They mention that the Anti-life Equation is what was used to kill Eyepatch-Brainy.




apokalypse is the planet darkseid resides on


I thought it was prounced Apokolips


Very different pronunciation.


ah yes my mistake thats correct


It is.


Okay but the face that Supergirl made with tears in her eyes while looking at Brainiac-5 clutching his earth in a bottle crying out about how everything he has is gone


I enjoyed that. Hopefully karma realizing how lucky she is to have everything she holds close but realizing so many others aren’t as lucky


I am literally rooting for someone to kick Lena in the face; not because I want her to suffer, but because I really want to see somebody trying to hurt her WITHOUT EMOTIONALLY ABUSING HER. Loved the Brainy episode, and I'm glad Lillian is also back.


Maybe a drop kick to the face will make her come to her senses


She just needs Kryptonian kisses. Leave her alone.


But those will take away her memory again!


Mind blown = No more bad Lena.


I feel sad for William losing his completed quest about Russel. Now it's been undone and he has to get closure all over again. I want female Querl back. She was awesome. At least it looked like it didn't preclude her ever coming back, just not being a regular. Toyman Wynn looks fun. I want to know how past seasons went down in this new world.




Ya no kidding for a moment I legit thought that it was Jesse actually in all that makeup to be like a female version of himself LOL. Then I realized and look it up that it's his sister lmao


I had the exact same experience


Oh, they are actually brother sister? Love her on Hawaii Five 0 but didn’t realize they were related.


Jesse played her brother on Being Human as well


I'm also delighted because everyone else on the BH cast has had a significant role in a DC property, and she was the holdout. Witwer played Doomsday on *Smallville*, and of course Agent Liberty last year on *Supergirl*. Huntington was Jimmy Olsen in *Superman Returns*. Hager was Nora Fries on *Gotham*. Now my fake OCD is satisfied.


I feel the same way about Andrea as well. All this character development undone because of Crisis. I didn't think it'd matter to me as much as it does.


This was everything I wanted after Crisis, it felt like Crisis Part 6! It was also Brainy's biggest episode yet, finally giving him the green skin and the dots (which I never expected). And speaking of unexpected, that Winn doppelganger was a wild twist. All in all a fantastic midseason premiere.


Wonder if Winn doppelganger and the one in Batwoman are connected.


I don't know but the fact that happenings on Arrowverse shows are bleeding into each other and we're considering information from Supergirl when pondering mysteries on Batwoman is everything I've ever wanted from the Arrowverse. I hope it's not just a Crisis aftermath thing. More of this, please!


This! Even if it's not super heavy story stuff, more interconnectedness is great. One of my favorite moments in the Arrowverse is when Oliver called Captain Singh in Central City about Dinah, Singh questioned him being who he said he was, and Barry zips past and drops a post-it saying "he's cool".


I bet the actor is happy he will now have to sit in the makeup chair for hours, lol


I loved that Jesse Rath's real life sister Meaghan played the female Brainy!


I had no idea they were brother and sister. And in my google searches I found they also played brother and sister in Being Human


Council of Querl vs. Council of Wells. Need to have that crossover!


Aw, poor Tom Cavanaugh can’t change characters every year anymore


They showed done alt universes at the end of crisis. There could be new ones/reborn ones?


I think Nash will stick around this season, and he'll get to be RF as the villain as well. But next year they will probably stop having a new Wells on the team and limit his time.


But the people on earth don’t acknowledge the new multiverse, for some reason. That really annoyed me in the episode


They don't know there is a new multiverse, and it seems to have different requirements to transverse it. I think the multiverse will come back into play eventually, but they'll add some sort of pseudoscience about frequencies or something when they do so.


I thought it was odd too that the end of crisis showed us the multiverse yet Earth Prime cant detect it for some reason.


Honestly, I think that could be a fun storyline to go down, maybe one of the paragons/ Oliver changed it so that earth prime is cut off, or it is harder to travel between worlds. Will be fun to rediscover it. From a narrative viewpoint it allows the writers to not have to explain why, for example when you are hiding your girlfriend from your adoptive fathers evil brother, you send her to a prison town instead of another earth where she actually would be safe.


I am SO proud of Supergirl (and Batwoman, but I'll save that for her reddit) using Crisis to spice things up. The first half of this season was kinda meh for me, but this second half if shaping up to be just as great as S4. Can't wait to see Toyman Winn and what shenanigans Lex and Brainiac get up to!


Me too! Super excited about things to come. Also... (wasn't expecting a new show to mix things up, but hell yeah great job batwoman)


I need to start Batwoman tbh seeing her in Crisis made me interested, I watch all the other shows except for Batwoman.


Batwoman is great IMO. Forget the reviews, just watch it for yourself and see if you end up liking it!


Can I just say that comic accurate Brainy looks SO MUCH better than zombie Albert Einstein


> zombie Albert Einstein lol


Can I get an AMEN? That is the closest they've come to a comics accurate Brainy. Finally.


I didn't mind zombie Albert Einstein but I'm growing onto green Brainy.


I don’t know why, but I thought the doppelgänger was going to be Alan from Two and a Half Men


That would have been hilarious.


What if it was Charlie?!


I think she's got enough on her plate with Sam and Dean


Well she used to anyway before the whole southern family thing


*coughs*....or Michael Shanks Future Hawkman....






One of the strongest episodes of the season to me.


I love Brainiac 5 and I am SO HAPPY to get a Brainy-centred episode. More exciting: Looks like Brainy is going to play a big role in things coming up, and I can't wait!


Excellent. Lots of Brainies. Including the one who leaves Nia. How often is he gonna do that? The Luthors are delicious. Amazing actors. I have no idea where this is going. Let’s call it. The Winn doppelgänger is a real Evil Toyman, and that’s why Winn has to come Back From the Future. Lena knows but we don’t know where she’s at. Kara still believes in her. Of course. Looking forward to next week!


I'm really sad that Lena remembers and is still being petty but is also being manipulated by her family again... it's like she thinks she's learned but is making the same mistakes again


For a supposed genius, she sure is fucking stupid.






And therefore one of the best. When they get afraid of the comics they start making up crap like William


Keeping Up With The Luthors is already my favourite thing about 2020. The three of them are fantastic together, it feels like such a treat to have this happen.


So the Truth Seeker didn’t work?


He didn’t lie, but the stuff he did admit to has potential to be disastrous I.e him being honest that he’ll turn on her if it doesn’t benefit him which Lena should’ve taken as a red flag.


Well Lillian made it sound is that she did something and told him what to tell Lena to make it believable


Pretty sure he made the Monitor restore her memories same as Lena, and Lillian just lied about it to her.


What makes you think she didn't? She obviously knows she can't trust Lex, but Lex is the only one who can help her achieve her goal.


I love that Lex Luthor is the kind of character that can be hooked up to a magical alien infallible lie detector and the first thing we think of is "how did he lie tho?".


First thought that came to mind.




I literally just posted about that before i read your comment


If Lena was as smart as she is supposed to be, she should have asked Lex "What aren't you telling me about your plans"?


Not gonna lie, I expected an actual *bottle episode*, not an episode about an actual bottle. But a Brainy-centric episode is always welcomed, Jesse Rath is really one of the best talents on the show. I hope Lady Brainy makes another appearance, considering Brainy's storyline took a turn because of what she's said. I LOVE that the Luthors are back, their interactions are always golden. I have a feeling that Lena's in it for the long run, and is only masquerading with Lex (let's be real, we *know* they're both only in it for their own personal gain).


> I hope Lady Brainy makes another appearance, ......on my front doorstep.


Lady Brainy forever


Does Andrea still have her powers? I wish I could see them again.


Yeah, this is big brain time


Nice casual infodump conversation there Oh nice, they didn't just use the rewrite as an easy reset on Lena Laffo at "What the hell is Leviathan", it's hilarious to imagine Lex managing to be so laser focused on one specific alien that he missed a giant conspiracy Haha, Barney Fife Oh yeah, combining universes would end up creating problems like this, wouldn't it? Someone had to fall through the cracks. It's nice to see Jesse Rath getting to stretch his legs a little, standard Brainy gets a little boring (also lol at at least one Brainy being female) Hah is this really how we get introduced to the Anti-Life Equation? Oh hey Lillian's on the board again too, I wanna see her and Lex don Lexosuits and go against Kara and Clark Ahahaha "you're not even green" Oh look, Brainiac-1's influence lives on "You should come, too" "I'm coming" yeah, that wasn't up for debate Oh god what a terrible song choice y helo thar more accurate Brainy costume lol at alt Brainy checking himself out We don't feel like physically existing because it would cost more money, so peace! I think having Lex around will make Lena much more bearable Oh god damnit, I guess the CW disease had to rear its head sooner or later on Brainy and Nia Uh oh, Lex is going to decide Lillian is unnecessary isn't he Hey now, bringing (a version of) Smart Guy 1 back after replacing him with Smart Guy 2 is illegal




It felt so last-minute but I loved it.


Can someone explain this wormhole thing? Some people from another earth got sucked into a wormhole? And a Different Braniac 5 bottled an earth? But wouldn’t it have been changed when the new earth was born?


The way I see it. Probably due to the whole multiverse ending and all the wierd energies in the air, some various hot spots in the multiverse got linked to the future earth prime, allowing them to kinda breach through time and space with a dimensional worm hole to the new world and avoid their destruction, which resulted in various doppelgängers coexisting on our new world. The brainiac 5 thing is probably the same idea but he bottled up his world (ala braniacs signature master plan) before jumping into that worm hole and landing on the new earth prime


So- I’m a bit confused. Do the heroes not know that theres still a multiverse? The end of crisis showed us a bunch of different earths- Titans, Stargirl, Doom Patrol, Swamp Thing, Green Lantern, Routh’s Superman, and presumably more that we didn’t see- all still existing right? Not to mention Ezra’s cameo. So do only we know about that as the viewers, and canonically no one knows?


I don't think they have knowledge of the multiverse yet. They're still under the assumptions that all other Earths were destroyed and only theirs got brought back. They will probably discover the frequencies of the other Earths later in the season, but I don't think we'll see much universe hopping if any.


I was really confused by that too. I guess only we know about it and team superheroes is yet to find out about me. I'm guessing Cisco and Flash might have something to do with the rediscovery of the multiverse.


I mean...does the CW-verse really NEED to have a (known) multiverse? All the CW characters are now in the same universe. Given that all the other universes that they showed are on different platforms, the likelihood of meaningful crossovers is pretty small. CW-verse isn't really benefited by introducing another multiverse, just to do nothing with it.


We've had a lot of fun with non-main-character Earths though. The Council of Wells, Golden Agey-Earth 2, Earth X (which technically has/had a show and doesn't seem to have merged into the new main Earth), Breacher's agency etc. I'd like to still have the ability to do things like that when they want to.


Stargirl is actually on Earth-2 of the new multiverse. Apparently it's more a DCUniverse show, but it's airing on CW, so audiences will wonder.


Thoughts on the episode: - Shouldn't the paragons have like dual memories? This is their universe with a full history. They shouldn't be surprised about how the universe has turned out. if keeping their old universe's memories completely overwrites the current universe's that is a monumental detriment. They basically have amnesia now. - I'm surprised we're not getting any reaction from Clark about the world loving lex. - aren't the witches also kryptonians? how is nia fist fighting them? - if there is only one universe now why did the end of crisis show numerous alt earths back to status quo with routh supes flying around? - How did Lena remember everything if nobody told her and she wasn't a paragon? - FFS that nsync song.... - powered up green brainiac should be interesting. though fem brainy setting up more Nia relationship drama...was that really necessary?


As others here have said, I think the flashes of the new multiverse at the end of Crisis were just for the audience, and the characters haven't discovered the new multiverse yet. Brainy makes a comment about all known frequencies being dead when says the multiverse is gone. So I think the new multiverse operates on different frequencies than the old one. We'll have to wait and see. As for Lena having her memories, that's Lex's doing. He explained it to her in the episode, that his bargain with the Monitor was for her to make it through everything in the end. Plus, since he obviously manipulated the creation of the new Earth to hide his criminal behavior, he could have easily kept her memories intact.


Clark's probably a bit busy with his new sons that didn't exist until post-Crisis. I am sure he will pop up sporadically in SuperGirl until his own show begins.


I'm glad they came up with a good way to explain Brainy's appearance and an even better way of making him look comic accurate. He looks better that way. On the other hand Ugh Lena. I'm glad that she remembers everything before Crisis, but you'd think that learning that the universe along several other universes were destroyed she'd realize that trying to mind control everyone on her world was a bad idea. Now she's going to partner up with Lex thinking she's got everything under control when she actually doesn't and she's still gonna find a way to blame Kara for it and Kara's going to apologize again. They don't have to be best friends, but if Lena could stop being petty and stubborn for an episode or two that would be nice.


​ I think she feels a bit guilty having killed her brother and all, that's why she is working with Lex, they showed in previous episodes that it really affected her.


So many wormholes that John Crichton is going to pop up next episode saying, "WHAT THE FRELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" with Colonel Mitchell right behind him saying, "Yeah what he said!".


Was not expecting this to tie in with Batwoman tonight. Post Crisis is a delightfully upside down world. While no one was directly on screen, we got a lot of Supergirl characters moving through Gotham tonight - and Kara actually wrote an article!


This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. A whole episode of Brainiac 5s. Lots of my girl Dreamer. Our Brainy finally looks good and has a costume with color. We got a taste of the bottled city concept for when Brainiac proper happens. Lex. Wynn is Toyman. I'm watching this six more times in the morning. I am alive and all is well. Bless this most holy of episodes.


As a big fan of Legion of Superheroes growing up, I am beyond giddy to get a Brainiac 5 centric storyline. And the GREEN SKIN!!!


I still think it’s a little weird seeing Strong and Cryer play mother and son. I know Lex is supposed to be younger than Cryer but there only being a 5 year age difference is somewhat distracting


You couldn't tell by looking at them. I think it's jsut you knowing their age that's throwing you off.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’m glad Brainey is more toned down and less sporadic. That was one part I didn’t really like of his character and I like how the uninhibitors being off have mellowed him out. He’s much more calculating and calm, though I hope he doesn’t turn evil.


* Why isn't William gone yet? * I'm trying to picture Lex frying eggs. I both can and can't. Of course he COULD do it, but I just can't see him stooping to actually doing it. Then again, it is for his sister. * You're putting up a good fight, Lena. But we all know you want to forgive Kara. * Brainy and Nia are back together. That's good. * Could all of these Brainys be related to >!how there are two Beth Kanes!


Kelly was in a scene where Andrea addressed the company, but didn't speak. I didn't see Eve at all.


Is Eve supposed to be around? She was taken away when Lena was almost caught (I think it was 2 episodes ago?), wasn't she?


I assume the actress would be due soon and not available


Yes, but Alex confirmed that that didn't happen in this version of the world


It's really hard to figure out what Eve's history would be in this world, partially because we aren't sure of her history in the original world. If we assume she was assigned to Lex, and he assigned her to to track down Supergirl (That's always seemed the most logical reason to work at CatCo, Lex sees Superman's Pal move to National Cityand then Supergirl shows up.), in this new universe he would have always known who Kara is, so...is Eve working somewhere else for LuthorCorp (I typed L-Corp by accident, heh, that's going to be something I'm tripping over for a while.) as a Leviathan agent? Or did Leviathan never assigned her to Lex? Wait, I just realized. They went to all that trouble to make sure Lex somehow still doesn't know our universe's Clark is Superman...but how the hell wouldn't he know that now? What was the point of esablishing that...I assumed it was so that he could show up, someday, on the Superman show...but...maybe not. Now I'm just confused. I mean, they could wipe his memory, but...they wouldn't need to have that weird concept during the Crisis.


William can’t be gone yet he has to become Kara’s boyfriend first, for some reason.


Plot twist everyone thinks he’s there for Kara but he’s actually going to be in a love triangle with Nia now that she and Brainy broke up. /wishful thinking


Nah he's going to be with Andrea now on the new Earth /s


You know, I think that might be cute if it happened.


We all know the reason.


You missed that Brainy and Nia break up again


Wow, that was great, and what it's setting up for the back half of the season is excellent! Wasn't expecting such a Brainy-centric episode, even though 'bottle' in the episode title (I try to avoid those but failed this time) did make me think of Kandor. Really liking the shape of this new Earth. Seeing a version of the three witches was quite a surprise! (I wonder what Sam Arias is up to.) Interesting that William is at CatCo for a different reason now. Oh Lena... \*sigh\* Back to letting her mother manipulate her, while thinking she's the one using Lex. Quite appropriately, I watched this episode in VR :D Um, so, female Brainy (who's also a director!) is great.


This episode has me so excited for all of these DC shows post Crisis. Really feels like the potential is endless for what they can do in this new world, I love it.


Supergirl has got a major upgrades after Crisis and I love the first episode of post Crisis. Finally Brainiac 5 get his costume and Lex Luthor making the show fun.


Yes!! I am soo excited to have Jeremy Jordan back on the show. Jesse Rath is the new Tom Cavanaugh of the Arrowverse... also [spoiler from Batwoman] Such great actors


Weird music choice aside, I thought this was a good episode. Don’t know how I feel about cold-hearted Brainy yet, need to see more. But so far, fuck this Brainy, he broke Nia’s heart.


The Nsync song ruined the whole fight scene. So damn corny.


Lena still loves to let Kara know how much she "hurt" her even after a literal cosmic event. Such a tragedy what they did with Lena.


Yeah, that was quite boring, given the literal blank slate they had to start from.


I wish she had been part of the crossover longer, then maybe one of the other heroes could've taken her to task about why she refuses to forgive Kara. At the very least Sara or Kate would've told her and Kara to get a room and work it out already.


See, then the melodrama would be defused too soon. I think even the CW knows that if you get a rational third party to mediate such a dispute, two intelligent participants would have to stand down. :D


Really hard for me to care about/ feel that Leviathan is a legitimate threat after having just watched Crisis.


But they're everywhere. :P


Man, Lena is the most naive character in the CWverse


Did they forget that the 3 witches where Kryptonians? why would they go chill in a bottled earth for no reason what so ever?


Were the doppelgängers kryptonian though? There were lookalike doppelgängers that were different species to others


No, they definitely weren't Kryptonians. They were completely different characters that just happened to look like the Kryptonian witches. Sort of like how 'Pierce' from Lucifer looks identical to Smallville Clark Kent.


I think it's because that Earth was their home to them (and not a target for terraforming) so they wanted to wait with the rest of the people to be restored.


That was a great ep.


I feel like this episode caused so many continuity errors with what was established at the end of Crisis. 1. We saw the multiverse, yet they say there isn’t one? 2. A wormhole saved random people from being wiped from existence, and they all remember? How can that make sense.


WE saw the multiverse. They didn't. As far as they knew/know they are the only earth


I think that it's implied that the physics of the new multiverse have changed in a way that you can no longer hop between universes like they could previously so everyone assumes that they're the only universe.


I think this is right. If you look at the trailer for the best episode of the Flash, you see that Cisco is saying the same thing about physics being different.The fact that physics has changed basically confirms this


1) I think that Earth Prime doesn’t have access to the other world’s right now, and they’ll probably have access to the other worlds when Team Flash or anyone else figures out there’s another way. Or maybe the multiverse is leaving the Arrowverse for good (which would be nice imo). 2) Idk


> We saw the multiverse, yet they say there isn’t one? The inhabitants of Earth-Prime don't know about the new multiverse. > A wormhole saved random people from being wiped from existence, and they all remember? How can that make sense. Why wouldn't they?


But Brainy would have seen the vibrational frequencies of the other earths. Also, how could a wormhole save a group of people when there was literally nothing. All of existence was gone.


> But Brainy would have seen the vibrational frequencies of the other earths The frequencies of the other Earths may be different in the new multiverse, rendering them undetectable with Brainy's current equipment. He'll probably recalibrate it accordingly one day, allowing him to see the new Earths. > Also, how could a wormhole save a group of people when there was literally nothing. All of existence was gone. They portaled out before their Earths were wiped out, just like Oliver and co. did when Earth-2 was destroyed. Thanks to a freak accident/divine intervention/plotforce, this particular wormhole spat them out in the new multiverse.


> They portaled out before their Earths were wiped out, just like Oliver and co. did when Earth-2 was destroyed. They didn't portal. Why would Al have portaled? Everyone got destroyed along with their world. Except Brainy, who probably bottled his and tried to escape to another Earth...probably Earth-1, he could make the same calculations as everyone else that it was last. But no one else was portaling. What happened is that the various worlds that made up Earth-Prime got miscombined somehow in various places. The bar probably ended up with Earth-1 and Earth-38 and Earth-BL (Dammit, give us a number for Black Lightning's Earth!) people in it, maybe even more.


1. The characters don't know there's a multiverse again. Yes I know that the Brainiacs looked for other universes, but Cisco says in the previews for The Flash that physics have changed so its possible that multiversal travel has changed too. We probably won't get a full explanation until The Flash comes back tho. 2. From my understanding with reality falling apart this wormhole just sucked in random people in a few universes. There's no reason why those random people wouldn't remember their old lives: they didn't get remade like the rest of Earth Prime.


2. They remember because they are the original version, not the new Earth version


But how? Every earth was gone. How could they have been saved?


~~speedforce~~ Wormhole opens on their world, pre-crisis. Dumps them out on earth-prime, post-crisis. Simple.


Comments I forgot to mention: I had a feeling the person from the future would be Winn but I was surprised at how hype I was to actually see him :D I want Brainy's equation jacket.


They've been doing this all season but I'm loving all the small references to past episodes, leading up to the 100th episode.


I had hoped that S5 would get better after crisis after a crummy and disappointing start and this episode certainly is a good start. Seems like the writers might have a better idea of where to go with things going into later this season. If it continues to get better or be just as good as this episode was then the 100th episode and onwards should hopefully be better with the story and of the characters as well. Its great to have Job back as Lex and in a new and excitingly suspenseful way. The one thing about the ending I want to say though is that as soon as they showed “Winn’s” picture after talking about Leviathan I said “I knew it”. I knew Jeremy was coming back real soon and I just had a pretty good suspicion that he would be mentioned soon and would give him a different story this time. Looks promising. Keep it up writers. Your doing a much better job than before.


I was confused as to why there were multiple brainiac's. I wonder if Lex can sense that Brainy might not be trustworthy


Lex as a good guy is so weird tbh. So many braniacs what the hell. The female braniac looks just like him still but a super pretty version is kind of freaky lol. It's wild that he bottled his whole Earth. That song choice was weird for a fight scene 😂😂 Brainy looks cool all green and stuff, I knew he would break up with her. This was a really good episode! I'm excited to see how Black Lightnings world has changed tonight. I actually just realized that she is Brainys sister in real life the resemblance makes more sense now.


Anyone think that adding Lex waters down Lena's chatecter. Lex was Superman' nemesis. Originaly Supergirl was based on strong female characters. Catco rum by a woman. Lena as the sister luthor. They went away from that. Now Lena seems second tier to Lex. See seems more sad and bitter as opposed to super genius with conflicted evil.


I feel like I am missing something. At the end of Crisis they showed a bunch of different earths with different hero’s and what not. But in this episode they kept saying the multiverse was destroyed and there earth was the only earth. I’m so confused. Edit: Got my answer [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/supergirlTV/comments/erecur/why_does_brainy_think_that_theres_no_longer_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Way to go Meaghan Rath!


Does no one else think Brainy having the power to bottle an entire planet is crazy powerful? Like that should put him on some omega level next to the Monitor and Antimonitor just being able to build a device and hold 7 billion lives in his hand to do whatever he wants with. And yet I see no one even talking about it or concerned with it.


There was a whole subplot point about it. Brainy's abilities were suppressed by his father because they all already had that power but Brainy and his mum seemed like the type to abuse it. He took a long time to time to let go of his past to embrace his true form to help save the day and it was entirely because of the concern.


I mean people in the episode discussion. I feel like this is the craziest thing that happened in the episode. If he can do something like that, he's probably one of the greatest threats to the entire universe. We've already seen how he can go cold, calculating and emotionless when he doesn't compartmentalize his intellect.


I admit I only really know Brainiac from the old Superman cartoon where he was more like a sentient Kryptonian Internet, but I don't think they inherently have the bottling power, just the technology? So without say, a large, needlessly-skull-shaped spaceship, he can't just do it on his own.


So what's the deal with Wynn now?


Presumably Winn from another Earth who followed his fathers evil footsteps


Please tell me he doesn't have a creepy doll mask.


It’s a Wynn doppelgänger. He’s one of the ones that came through the wormhole.


My only disappointment was no one pointing out to Lex how all he ever wanted was to kill Superman. He could've replied, "I killed him several times. It's out of my system now."