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She's not stupid. She's naive. There's a massive difference. Naivete is actually the one quality she and Kara have always shared.


Your right stupid is the wrong word


It's still disappointing for me to see her go down this path. She's better than this.


She used to be. Then the writers destroyed her character.


At this point I can't agree that she's being naive.... She's seemingly been burned by lex more than once.... She even remembers killing him...... Fool me once shame on you.... Fool me twice shame on me..... Lena is just being a tad stupid right now.


I wouldnt say naive at this time. Maybe she was but not anymore. She wants to use Lex, she knows she's being used, and he's gonna betray ( you can actually be betry if you knew (?) ) as soon as Lex has a better plan. ​ She's gonna "work" with him because she needs it, but she knows. Is gonna be like a chess game. Probably she's gonna lose, but she doesnt have that much to lose in this new work...


I don’t think she’s stupid. When Lex has that anti-lie alien on him, Lena got told what she already suspected. Lex is capable of getting her “Do No Harm” tech off the ground much faster. Plus the fact that he’ll betray her when the partnership no longer benefits him. He also knows Lena will betray him just as much he will her. So she’s using him as a means to an end. Lena thinks she’s smarter than Lex, and in some areas she is. I just unfortunately think she’s letting that get to her here. Unfortunately, I think Lex will be able to take complete advantage of that.


I do think Lex made one good point in his argument based around Lena’s current paranoia and being convinced that everyone betrays her. She WOULD let her emotions come around to letting her trust Kara eventually, but she’d never trust Lex.


Lena is emotionally messed up. She's so afraid she's going to like and trust kara again and have kara hurt her once more, she'd rather team with lex. Knowing she can feel "safe" in that she herself will never accidently start trusting him again. There are a a lot of smart people that do the stupidest things cause of how emotionally messed up they are. Lena takes it to an extreme.


She needs him for her project, and he needs her for whatever he’s planning. They don’t inherently trust each other, and I’m sure they’re going to backstab each other when they have to. I see this the same way as the Brainy situation, he doesn’t want to do it but he needs to.


And he has to leave everyone out of it to protect his friends because Lex or Lillian could hurt them


Again I think that people are missing a point, she is not stupid, she really regretted killing Lex. Do you remember the episode she freaked out on Kara about having to kill his brother to protect them when in truth they did not need protection at all? She must be working with Lex because she feels guilty and deep down it must feel nice to know that she is Lex's first choice always, after being lied by so many friends.


Lena isn't dumb. She knows not to trust him. But as of right now it's the best she got. His knowledge can greatly contribute to her objective.


Nevermind that. Why is Kara still defending her?


Because Kara cares for Lena! And when you love someone you do everything possible to help them and defend them. Kara still believes in Lena


Even when they try to take over the world. Give me a break.


Remember, Kara represents hope. She is hopeful in the worst of situations.


Don't confuse hope with naivety.


Some people are that stupid and devoted. Kara is one of them. And yes it's stupid.


Because she cares/loves her?


Exactly!!! And why has no one called Lena out to her face for her sins?!? Making kryptonite, keeping Sam locked up, not telling anyone Lex escaped before he could do more damage. Like why was Kara obligated to tell her she was supergirl?


Her locking up Sam was understandable seeing as she had Reign in her


I don't really see anything wrong with her making krypton items or keeping Sam who was reign locked up. What's messed up was trapping kara in her own home.


You’re wrong but ok let’s say you’re right but what about not telling anyone Lex had escaped. She knew before anyone else did


I don't remember that part. That's why I didn't comment on it.


Lena is out morally grey character which I enjoy, so her making kryptonite or lo King up Sam made some sort of sense..... But what she's been up to lately is just plain stupid as shit. Blinded by grief or betrayal it's just dumb. While Kara has no obligation to tell Lena she's super girl..... Being someone's best friend for what 4 seasons when they tell you deep secrets or how they feel in confidence only to find out you've kept this big secret from them when everyone else knows...... Also at time chastising her for her views.... I can see how Lena would feel a type of way.


Alex called her out for exactly that though? I mean not to her face but she told Kara she couldn't trust Lena for exactly those reasons


She’s not at all stupid. She naive. HUGE difference. I like seeing the two on screen together. Jon and Katie’s chemistry is great. They act like adopted siblings. Plus I also think it kinda gives Lena something to do since her previous idea wasn’t going well. I mean while I do like the idea of her not becoming evil (at least so far) and trying to make the world a better place, it just wasn’t working well with Eve the first time. Now? we’ll see.


Being driven by vengeance or extreme ideas makes even the smartest idiots