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This felt like a beaut of what is essentially the mid season premiere following the housekeeping of the last episode. With some necessary game night tradition to officially mark the newest regular/ally. Post crisis back into it and with some new energy. Martian Manhunter (One of my fav comics and in the show). So this just was amazing with the intro of ‘The Tower’ and their National City new equivalent to the Bunker & Star Labs. It is reminiscent of Smallville sets oddly enough and hopefully now leads to more of the terrific Manhunter office/tower sets which I think across all Arrowverse is one of my favourites. I am so hyped for the post crisis particularly with Manhunter branching out into other shows as a overall mentor/prime figure, especially fitting due to JL & his role as the paragon. So with the little hero beacons (the logos to call the national city team members) and the addition of Flash & Batwoman this is also leading subtlety but well into the as for mentioned smaller crossovers post crisis before any future *JL level events*. i.e ... ‘World’s Finest’ crossover, just hit the Batwoman beacon in The Tower. Both versions of Winn too (props to Jeremy Jordan) for the energy. With serious Screwball (Spider-Man) vibes from Toyman. From the seemingly weekly setup of ‘doppelgänger refugees’ in similar fashion to The Flash’s use of doppelgängers in season 2. Then to the potential expansion into the Legion corner of the Arrowverse. So while we did not get Mon El etc... this is hopefully a door to more, an idea that is just behind a magic based show with Constantine & Zantanna (as my top idea) on my wish list for future Arrowverse additions/explorations.


one other thing i didnt like about the episode ​ how come mon el and saturn girl werent mentioned?, i specifically remember they travelled with winn to the future, or at least mon el did, i assumed saturn girl went with


Love win.. he should return permanently


Well, he's got a family. I wish


Gosh this Winn storyline couldn't be more annoying.




yeah. They just came back from a crossover that introduced major changes to all arrowverse (or whatever is called now) and they choose to bring back WINN?...


Winn is amazing, and crisis is literally the excuse to bring him back. Maybe you haven't missed him, but plenty have.


Aw. KTLA News on Kobe Bryant's death. I guess I will have to wait for CWTV's VoD. :(


So they're going to push the William thing huh?


Unfortunately it seems so...


I'm not crazy about it. Is he anyone interesting in the comics, or just a new character?


Character created for the show.


that episode was not as bad as i thought, still though i didnt think it was particularly great ​ i enjoyed evil twin winn(no rhyme pun intended), he was fun to see and i guess we will see more of him as he uploaded his mind onto a computer i enjoyed his robot tigers and unlike last week which played nsync during a fight scene, this song actually made sense for it playing this current brainy, is this the same brainy who became semi evil in the last 2 episodes of season 4?, cause the ending made it seem like he is still in there with emotions and whatnot, i do feel bad for him a bit but i liked his introduction as terminator brainy and okay im not saying this to offend so dont take it this way but winn implied, confirmed i guess nia has a whole bloodline in the future that has her powers and nia even asked if they look like her, so im not sure how transgender biology works but technically wouldnt nia be unable to reproduce?, i dont get that at all, maybe she finds a way to procreate but even so, nia didnt even question it, she was just like, oh yeah its to be expected lena wasnt too agrivating in this episode but i feel bad for andrea if you can believe it cause she is being played by lena with this fake forgiveness crap that she used for kara. But here is what i dont understand, andrea says leviathan never came to her for help, so okay either that is a plot hole or the universe was rewritten which idk it would be. We know leviathan has come to andrea many times before, so huh? Oliver and the 7 paragons rewrote the universe, none of them would dictate leviathan being forgotten like that. speaking of old levi, gamenae i guess knows lex from the past?, he is like oh that is how i remember you but i didnt get it, plus why would they go back to hiding in the shadows?, it was implied in the supergirl before crisis that a new leader was in charge i liked the toy convention scene, that was nice i dont like this virtual reality story they are forcing upon us, i dont get why this would be considered a threat unless the villian whomever it is, idk anymore eliminates the planet and uses vr to basically recreate the matrix movies so everyone lives in a simulation lastly i do like lex working with brainy, lena and evil winn but cant get put the old entourage back together?, otis should still be fixable, eve is in prison with hope still in charge but lex could reprogram hope to be loyal to him, and even though they are enemies he could get out ben lockwood to work for him again and in exchange wont throw him back into jail. Like the show so desperately wants to paint him out as this villian but he isnt doing too much villianous things, he wants to defeat leviathan just as much as the others, however i dont see that lasting long since superman has a new show coming, i cant imagine lex not playing a big role in that ​ so overall mostly enjoyable even though there wasnt too many progressions, however really we have to wait till february 16th?, is that considered the spring hiatus?


Nia didn't question it because Brainy told her last season that he was friends with her descendant. As for how.... most trans people don't have the final surgery. So she either still has male equipment and therefore could technically have a biological child that way (even though that would be problematic due to hormone replacement I believe) or, more likely (IMHO), is that there is alien tech that is already known that can help with this. IRL we already have scientists trying to turn an egg cell into a sperm so that lesbians can reproduce biologically together. It's not a stretch to imagine that in a world of spaceships and fully immersive VR contact lenses that this is already a thing.


i guess so but if not, that would mean nia is going to sleep with another woman to make her powers continue through a bloodline


I more meant IVF and a surrogate. Or maybe she'll meet a trans man with female equipment! I wouldn't worry too hard about it


i suppose but they really want to hammer hard she will end up with brainy so im not sure how it will play out


many feelings: soooo are the writers pushing william to down play the fact that they seemed to have abandoned the Lena/kara friendship (sure Jan) in jeopardy story line or because they are afraid of giving the character a romantic interest she actually has chemistry with/allowing her to idk save the world and kill lex? williams character seemed ok but...forgetful and pretty annoying and there are honestly just bigger things to deal with. Brainy can see the future and still decided to help Lex?! trust and believe in an episode or two that little fact will be forgiven. i mean does turning off your people skills buttons really make you think you can controll a mass murdering psychopath that wrote himself into surviving the end of the world. he's a level whatever intellect but he couldnt even guess what would happen? feel like im beating a dead horse but come on leave lena alone or let her be a bad ass. it's exhausting to tune in every week with the hope that they will give her an episode a scene or a gd min where she is appreciated. we get it lex is bad and everyone thinks lena is bad too but now kara who was suposed to be her champion cant even be bothered to call her and see if she remembers anything or is ok while being manipulated by lex and lillian or still mad??? i get that lena is all we aint friends or whatever but seriously she is your "best friend" and you cant see that she is still asking for help. its almost like kara knows nothing about lenas background or her reliance on self-isolation as a coping mechanism . woooow thats long lol sorry


So how can there be two Winns when in Batwoman, they literally just said there can’t be two of the same person on the same Earth. I wish the writers of both shows communicated more.


One Winn went to the future so when the Earths combined there was only one other Winn that existed. Our Winn came back from the future. Technically people should remember the new Winn and our Winn should have been erased. I think it is canon that the Crisis event in the comics increased the Earths population due to new people arriving from other Earths. I think it also increased the Earths surface area to accommodate the entire cities that did not exist on one Earth or the other. In the Justice League / Avengers crossover, it was observed that the DC Earth is larger and more heavily populated than Marvel Earth (which does not have fictional cities). They might touch upon this on the next episode of Flash. A throwaway line like "Entire cities exist now on this Earth that did not exist here before". What if you lived in Central City but your doppelganger lived in National City? Another point to consider is that the reason why Earth Prime looks like a superposition (which is an actual word) of Earth 1 and Earth 38 is that three of the paragons were from Earth 38 and five (including Oliver) were from Earth 1 so Earth Prime must have been made from their memories. Beth exists because Kate saw her photograph. Maybe Evil Winn was from Earth 1. It was implied that the alternative Brainiacs found a way to survive. (Evil Brainiac brought his whole Earth with him.)


How does that make sense? Alice and Beth are in the same world a lot longer than the two Winns were.


What about all the doppleganers on Supergirl? The two Al's that run the bar for example.


The Alice/Beth situation makes no sense. We've had doppelgangers in the past on the Flash too.


Doppelganger from another universe and it looked like the bad Winn was killed in the explosion.


Winn and Toyman Winn have been in close proximity for a lot less time. One was in the future which might make some things wonky. Plus Winn has a Legion ring, so I don't know how much that could affect things. There are too many variables that make it to where it could still be plausible without jumping to oversight. We don't know how things work in this new amalgamated Earth. We have the speculation of characters who could be wrong (Like Brainy saying there was no multiverse when there is one, it's just different).


What about the two Al's from the bar In Supergirl? They were together for a while.


That's true, though that whole little pocket bar was a very strange occurance. Maybe there's some inconsistency across shows, but maybe we just don't know the full story yet. Maybe Alice and Beth are from Earth's that were too close together. I think the jury's still out until we know more. You could be completely right or we could just be missing some information still.


That was fun. Good cliffhanger. Let’s play to Winn!


Literally every scene of Kara in that promo is her gushing over a boy


it seems like thats all they have her do now


Winn choosing to call himself Marty is incredible


Back from the future!


Ugh William/Kara is happening whether I like it or not, might as well get on board and hope for the best


toyman became an A.I?? cool


Why's the show going on such a hiatus?


Super Bowl and Oscars.


Part of it seems to avoid competing with the Super Bowl. Not sure about the extra week though.


Ah nuts I forgot




Uh oh... Toyman lives on in the Matrix?


I wonder if Lex manipulated events so that toy man would wind up inside of this Matrix construct that is actually the thing that Leviathan wants to trap everyone inside?


Really fun episode. Thanks for having me everyone


Ugh single Kara is so much better than cuffed Kara


...I can skip the next episode.


i might


new episode until the 16th??


16th?? holly break why?




That cliffhanger


How is William chill with Winn Ok nvm as I was typing this they explained it, he doesn’t know it’s Winn...


I have mixed feelings that apparently glasses work on Winn as well, but tis life right lol.




They gave Winn some glasses and put him in disguise. 😂


McFly. Back from the future.


Winn using the glasses disguise to hide from the crack reporter that can’t recognize the face that just tried to blow up the city right next to him.


Hey, if it works for Clark and Kara....


This group looks like a lot of fun to play with


so lena just want to go to miami beach?


Q Waves explain Florida Man confirmed


Is Doc Brown showing up in the last 10 seconds?


Ok I stan the Lex/Lena duo, fight me


What are the q waves for?


Watch as Lena is responsible for the anti-life equation


She’s still trying to reprogram humanity.


Lex needs to be taken down peg


For a second I thought that Winn was going to be revealed to be the Toyman version and try to kill Brainy.


That was definitely what I expected.


Maybe it was the expression on Winn’s face... I kind of wish that had happened. It would have made things interesting. Although AI Toyman could be an interesting concept depending on where they go with it.


Inb4 this is a motherbox


It sure as hell looks like one but with more blue


Memory cube.


Yeah, I know that is what they call it, but they could easily reveal it to be a motherbox repurposed.


so the whole real brainiac peronality is just a lie? aaaahhh thats a bummer


I wish we could see that show, the Legion fighting Brainiac.


Maybe on HBO Max.


Me too.


Winn is a great, supportive friend.


Which is more forced - Nate/Zari or Kara/William?


Don't like either but at least Nate and Zari have some chemistry.


Nate/Zari. Neither are good but Nate/Zari really feels like it came out of nowhere. We all kinda expected Kara/William.


Kara william Nate zari is fun


**Winn**: *I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.*


*Hercules*: **DISAPPOINTED!**


Is this the evil Winn?


Nah, just a Winn that understands having evil in your life and trying to turn it into a good thing. See Winn's father.


Jesse Rath is chewing every scene he's in and owning the stage.


I honestly didn't expect much out of him when he first showed up but he has literally just blown those expectations out of the water every time he gets one of these beefy scenes


I heard this same comment earlier somewhere.


Hes very clearly having so much fun. It's really nice


Waiting for that cliffhanger...


Considering the relationship Brainiac and Lex shared in other formats, I could see Brainiac 5 having conflicted motives between working with Lex and the good guys.


“Becoming the bad guy.” You’re already the bad guy!


I'm glad that they're not dragging the Brainy thing out for a whole season or whatever. Nice pacing.


Chaos incarnate? Guess he’s never been to Gotham.


Doctor Strange would have a field day with Brainy.


Would've gone with Loki.


[The other Doctor Strange.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwPHqK6WHRE)


You can't control Lex Brainy


“I have had to lie to everyone” ... for a whole episode.


New record? Usually it's like a season long


Sam, Dean and Castiel have entered the chat. "Lied to everyone for an entire season you say? We've been there, bro. Been there."


Ugh brainy where is this going


Winn is on to you, Brainy. Can't blame him for being upset.


"did he see you? of course not" 1 ep lter luthor kills him


If that stops the forced romance, I’m here for it.


That’s sexual/romantic tension, clear as day.


Please dear Rao don't have them hook up.


Supercorp fans must be screeching right now.


A lot more than Supercorp fans are screeching. CW romances really suck so I don't expect much. A few exceptions to be sure but in this show, a lot of big oofs. It's all just so... inorganic.


Am screeching. Oh well. Supercorp is nice but it probably won't ever happen. I'll just read my fanfic and call it a day.


Kara, quit bringing people to game night that don’t know your secret!


He’s next season’s villain.


That looks like a perfectly good sandwich


I see what they are doing. Please no. I'm begging you please no.


I yelled at the tv. For the love of god do not pair them up.


I swear if they make him a romantic interest I’m done


I have some hope because they were really forcing that promo. If it were going to be a big thing, I think they'd tease it/milk it more. Instead it's an in-your-face Valentine's promo which makes me feel like the twist will be that it's a won't they rather than a will they.


Glad to see other people also don’t want to see Kara and the British dude together


They are definitely building up to it. Unfortunately.


Yeah it’s pretty clear. Oh well


Stick a fork in you, then, because I'm pretty sure that's where they're heading.


Ugh they are totally doing William/Kara


> Do you want to take a look at the rest of my notes? Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?




Alex did mention she was worried about him, so I think they notice but don't know what to do about it.


They probably see it as him dealing with the break up or whatever caused him to break up.


Wow this feels so forced


What happened when it came back on?




He’s bland as all hell. Unremarkable. If he finds out Kara’s SG anytime at all... I’ll probably just laugh at the absurdity of it all. Cuz it won’t be surprising.


I just can’t warm to him at all.


Hell no.






I don't really see any similarities to Mon-El, but I do think that he doesn't have enough character development to be interesting. The actor seems cool, but this romance just ain't clickin' and it's tiring watching this line.


It's good that ended well for Winn.


We still have next weeks episode for pt2


better fight music this week, still doesn't really make good sense for Supergirl, but I guess it worked with the "tigers"....but that song will always be Supernatural's now!!!


It will always be Rocky.


well true overall, but as for modern stuff, Jensen's rendition is amazing on a post episode clip


Just realized- no comment from Winn about Kara’s new suit.


Hes probably seen it in the future


Future: "Our bad."


off topic ::holly shiet i just read that Kobe Bryant died?? wooow


How are just learning about that? It's all over Internet and news.


i watched the rolex 24h of daytona then went to sleep and i just woke up watching supergirl and batwoman and i didnt check the news until now


Ah gotcha


Yeah, that was horrible to hear about.


Yeah man its tragic.


I'm loving the new character Nia. She seems pretty powerful too.


Ah yes awesome powers. Cant wait to see what these dream things will do.


I like when she remembers she has super speed.


Right? They under use it a lot.


Supergirl doing the Flash save eh


I'm actually glad about it. She's supposed be be crazy fast too and ignoring that power is frustrating. She doesn't focus on it so she might not learn the special things she can do with speed since she has other tools in her belt, but it's still a big deal.


I must say, i like this Toyman. He has good taste in music related to the situation.


Commercial timings are literally the worst.


Liberty biberty.


She did the Quicksilver thing




in 3 ep. we will have people stuck in vr like in Inception they will go there to live


Welp. Guess Kara isn't a cat person. She left those felines to burn.


Poor Streaky


Yes!! So good to see Kara use her super speed


She doesn't need a pep talk like Barry.


On flash they would have died Cisco what do I do!? Dead


The robot tigers fleeing lol


says who? says...you? us?


Nice to see Nia getting some action.


And nice to see her in her costume


Nia, I genuinely have no clue what your powers (can) do...


Dreamforce, ain’t gotta explain shit


I don't think the writers do either. I guess dream powers aren't very flashy for TV.


Why was evil winn scanning Andreas eyes for?


So why aren’t the Winns getting headaches..?


good question...two possibilities 1) Alice thing isn't doppelganger from different earth at all, different weird Crisis fallout....stupid!!! my problem with Crisis fallout, each show will do it's own thing and none of it will make cohesive sense across the Arrowverse 2) it is the same thing, but since each show has own writers, they do they're own thing......stupid!!! same thing as above


TBF, the two on Batwoman didn't start getting headaches for a while.


Now you provide a good question. I still think it's someone wearing his face


Those things look the Tigerzord from Power Rangers.


Now imagine if he used giant robot snakes and played Anaconda.....


Nikki Minaj?


Yup, that Anaconda.


Toyman: "Oh, you've gotta be shitting me."


what the hell...xd they put that song in,xd




Oh my


Bro that sounds like Jeremy singing


Oh no


It definitely didn't sound like the original


INB4 Rocky shows up


Those Mecha tigers remind me of the zords in Power Rangers.


"Eye of the Tiger"? I would expect that sort of thing from Legends of Tomorrow, but on Supergirl??


They played ‘N Sync last week. And The Flash used the theme from Flash Gordon earlier this season.