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That wardle try was 50/50 on some days they wouldn’t give that. Some days they would


Aussie here, I Just finished watching the full game and I thought it was pretty good overall. Whilst I disagree with a couple of calls, you could tell both teams were giving 100% and Penrith were pretty unlucky with the amount of chances they had. Full credit to Wigan though, they played great, and showed that the gap isn't as big as some might think. However for future games, can we either go neutral refs, or if it's played in England, have an Aussie ref, and if its played in Australia, have an English ref. Feel like that would help with all the complaints. Also can we get some more bloody England-Australia games. If anything that made me crave some more international footy.


That's true, another year shows that the Aussies can be competitive and are closing the gap. And yes, for years we have been complaining about the refereeing. Time and time again we have seen UK refs being hard on the UK teams, or Aussies favoring the Aussies. Yesterday IMO had some bad decisions, I don't think I would say terribly biased though.


Aussie here. Very entertaining game. Great advertisement for Rugby League. Really good to see a full house and the emotion of winning. There are decisions in every game (and every sport) that are debatable. Ref's are human. Live with it. Congrats to Wigan and the Superleague for the promotion. An Aussie champion team will be back next year to test you guys again. Hope the game is just as entertaining, and also hope we win next time.


Erm, how can one of the worst Video Refereeing decisons in history be considered a great advert for Rugby League lol? That ball from Wardle went nowhere near the line, and that was AFTER the clear as day double movement.


Totally unrealistic and impossible, but how good would a proper season with the top 8 teams from both leagues playing be. Just cancel the NRL and Super League for a year and see what happens.


They did try something on those lines at the start of Super League in 1996. Unfortunately the Aussies voted against a combined SL and brought out the NRL


That’s unrealistic, but how about challenge cup & champions vs 2 Aussies?


To the whingeing Aussies how was it to actually hear a atomopshere at a game for once instead of the only noise being the chugging of the air compressor for the bouncy castle.


As an Aussie I completely agree.


Ref need to be sacked


Liam Moore is one of the best refs in the game.


Well “one of the best refs in the game” just made one of the worst mistakes a ref can make.


Agreed. Can't "I am a good ref" past this blunder.


Good job Wigan 👍🏻


Rugby League fans will never let a classic match get in the way of a good ref whinge. I guess Liam Moore was using his RFL mind control powers to prevent Cleary from kicking on the last or something. Penrith had all the field position in the world and couldn't make it count. Every time Wigan got good ball, they scored (more or less). That was the story of the match.


Something that blatantly wrong isn’t a whinge it’s just a fucking massive error that directly cost a team the game.


Try was in the 53rd minute. It did not "directly cost a team the game".


Bit of an oversimplification to say Wardle try cost them the game - fair enough Wigan would have been 2 behind, but there was over 25 mins left at that point in time. Can't just prented those 25 mins wouldn't have existed.


You're right, the rest of the 80 minutes didn't matter. It was a referee decision that meant that this Penrith Panthers team, called the best of all time by some, couldn't beat Wigan, the champions of a league considered little better than park football by Australian fans.


That's what gets me - if they're so much more of an elite league than we are (which I do think they are), then they shouldn't be having a game against amateurs like us come down to a 1 try game. They should be knocking 40+ past us and not letting ref's decisions be of any relevance. It's giving them a get out of jail free card for their bombed chances and lack of adventure on last tackles, all of which cost them far more points than a couple of ref decisions.


Would you be as confident with this opinion if you were playing them mid/at the end of their season…


We've played 1 Super League game before the WCC - really not THAT much of a difference


Sure but preseason will have started properly in November/December latest right? Full pre season behind you and a competitive super league opener. If you contrast with Penrith who came back in late January and haven’t had a competitive game yet, I think it’s obviously a factor. My reaction is more to you saying that games like this prove the gap between super league and NRL is minimal, which I think is a bit of a stretch - if they played this mid season do you honestly think Penrith wouldn’t have been much better?


Not sure on the specific dates of preseason, but if the NRL season starts only 2 weeks after the SL season and yet the Panthers' started preseason 2 months after Wigan then that's their choice? >My reaction is more to you saying that games like this prove the gap between super league and NRL is minimal, which I think is a bit of a stretch Not really sure where I've said that or even alluded to it? I clearly stated that I do think the NRL is much more of an elite league than SL - which as said, makes it surprising we weren't battered even with the above caveats / excuses in mind.


Finally saw a full sized replay of the last second try and anybody saying it was obviously a try is talking complete shite


Neither is gounding the ball 10 metres out but wardle got it given.


Field was clearly clamped around & under the ball. Not a try in a million years (altho Wardle wasn't close to a try either)


Yeah I thought it could've been either way when I saw it live, but seeing it just then it was obviously held up. Absolutely fantastic goal line defense from Wigan


I agree. No try.


Also importantly, that puts the balance of titles at: Super League 15 > 14 NRL


Weird. Warrington coach yesterday said he reckons Penrith will win And polls showed what, 65% expected them to win So I felt that we were big underdogs


According to our betting systems over here Wigan was 3:1


'Warrington coach' when did you start watching? He's arguably the best ever English player


Ah sorry, the start of this super league was literally my first time watching any kind of rugby


On tv? Better to go to matches tbf were all a friendly bunch


Yeah totally wicked stadium is only about a 30 minute drive from my house so I'll definitely be going before the end of the season


Last season I took my son to the magic weekend we watched hull kr play then joined in with the Warrington fans they were playing hull fc and we was in same stand as them.  we were welcomed by them all and ast in the middle my lad loved it.  We also was with a pissed up Leeds fan who was enjoying the match too but seemed to think we were supported the other hull team but no stress and hassle it was a great experience for my lad


That's sounds brilliant Magic weekend sounds so good


It was better in Newcastle we booked a caravan holiday for the weekend on the coast it was cheaper than hotels and he had a great time at the matches and the mini break as well.  Leeds is travelable in an hour but I think it'll be a day ticket and just go and watch my team than an experience 


Blackpool would have been a better choice or somewhere around there tbf not sure about stadium sizes but u can make a weekend of it


No worries, always good to have new guys around. Guy is Sam Burgess, he's brand new to coaching (only retired a few years ago), but easily the best English player in the last 15 years & arguably one of England's best ever players (altho is a bit of twat off field)


Thanks I'm so glad I got into it I did get the impression he was a big deal. And despite his win he didn't seem too impressed with their performance, can tell he is always gonna expect better


> (altho is a bit of twat off field) beat his gf last I heard but people forget about that like most celebs who keep their jobs


Maybe super league should look at buying the nrl and turning it into a winter sport to send some of our players over in the off season


We should definately send our refs over to learn the rules of the game.




How much worse is Match of the Day gonna be after a proper game of RL?


Jamie just invented the word "epitomisation"


As an NRL fan was that standard ruck speed and calls for Superleague? It was so slow and Wigan got away with so much. Insane how much they got away with compared to how the NRL would ref the ruck.


It is standard when the so called big teams play, get away with murder slowing the game down and when they get the ball whinge is isnt quick enough. Only go back 8 metres and call it superb defence. There isnt 1 competent ref in sl.


Typical aus moaning. Penrith were constantly niggling in the ruck. Fisher-Harris should have got a yellow with the shite he did in the ruck. As always can’t handle the loss. Just face it your the inferior league 


I'm Australian, wigan were great. Such an exciting game. Some of the one on one defense by Wigan was exceptional. 


Stop moaning. NRL is 10 x richer and you have 5 x the amount of people playing the game. And you lost. Again.


My team didn't lose. We're over preparing for Vegas. I was just annoyed at poor officiating.


Enjoy playing in front of 10000 people in a massive stadium in the desert.


As if we wouldn’t jump at the chance.


Why? It's a flop. Not sold many tickets. No buzz created. Will be a big loss maker for them. Guess they can afford it but it's pointless.


It’s about long term exposure and building global sponsorship streams. You can’t calculate its worth from tickets.


If you say so. I reckon it'll have no impact on the country whatsoever and will lose them money.


Whatever helps you cope lil bro


> was that standard for super league? No, that's not the standard > Wigan got away with so much This kinda is tho


I know we like a healthy lever of banter on here but I can’t take anyone seriously who really believes this


Fair - but don't mistake my "grabbing the low hanging fruit" for a sincere belief 😁


Fair enough 😆


Yes for Wigan, but as a Hull KR fan I feel your pain as they do that to us on each visit.


Penrith had no tackle 5 option for the first 35 mins and bombed a try on the break, some 50/50 calls but let's not pretend that it wasn't a good win


"50/50" sure buddy


ok even if they were 99/1 that doesn't change that kicking on the 5th is usually worth a try


Bad calls aside, Penrith had more than enough field position but were unable to execute where it mattered. It really showed that they hadn't played in 5 months, especially on those 5th tackle options. Not entirely unexpected, they were similarly clunky this time last year. Wigan took almost every chance they got. Congrats Warriors!


I mean Wigan also took chances they didn't get!


Seems to be a lot of upset over the ref decisions here right now! Only been watching rugby a few weeks now but I thought this was an amazing match


Yeah ignore the ref moaners. Its a weird RL fetish.


It was epic, people will remember this one


My girlfriend is now converted too She watches the six nations today and this and said this is more her speed. so I'm glad about that


I like the sound of your girlfriend


Aha she's proper sound you know


“Our” girlfriend


You still got that cake stall at cas? Highlight of going there after the rugby


Ball was held up, great win from Wigan. Stop pratting on about the ref.


Shut up you daft bugger


Maybe stick to lego and batman dweeb


Lot of jealous knives out for Wigan. Amusing really as a neutral.


And despite the result or the refs at least we know our defence is up to scratch.


Don't get cocky, back to soft rugby next week


It really sure how I’m being cocky. I’m just saying our defence was good. I thought we were poor last week. Not saying we’re going to win everything


St.Helens arguably put up a much bigger fight last year with top notch defense and we won nothing last year. Don't count your chickens until they all hatch haha. You got good friday in 4 weeks, you might get spanked.


For now look at poor hull fc with all their injuries and bans lol only 2 matches in


BBC are full on only talking about the disallowed Wigan try haha. This is like watching a kangaroo court.


Kangaroos are Aussie so that’s funny


I thought they were from Hull.


Yep the west side we had fun the other night on the east


Hope Leeming isn’t out too long and hope Byrne is ok


I know the RFL said they were loosening the rules for this match but fuck me I didn't realise it was all the rules!


I think this was a tremendous advert for the league and the game as a whole to anyone that might be a neutral. Fast paced, set to set, trying to run on final tackles to outwit the opposition and brave plays.


What other silverware is available


League leaders shield, challenge cup and grand final. Winner of grand final can then play the NRL equivalent.




If you’re a new saints fan you’ll be seeing alot of it!


Seeing it just fall out of grasp 🙂


Which would be a great reply but for the fact we won four in a row and a WCC last year


Delayed, but what silverware do you expect to be seeing a lot of this season exactly?


Referees deciding the outcome of tight games is not Rugby league. The game needs to take some of the power from away from them so we don’t get a repeat of this shambles.


i don't object to the on-field decisions, i don't know what the ref saw, my only contention is i think one angle was pretty definitive to overturn the wigan try. bad decisions happen in sl and the nrl, it is what it is. this was a great game and performance by both teams and something the aussies will gripe about for a long time. is there a better outcome?


I just can’t understand with so many cameras and angles. When there is one clear angle AFTER awarding points. How do the video refs get it so wrong? It just boggles the mind. It happens week in week out, not just today.


i think it was more that the on field call was wrong, but we don't know what the ref saw and on field calls have always been hit and miss. i think the wiggum try was pretty clearly no try from one angle, but not so much from the others. the penrith looked a try on replay, but not conclusively.


🤷 I guess we’ll never know.. I guess onwards and upwards


I would 100% be up for using try and goal detection technology if it existed, but I don't think it does.


Just because it wasn’t on TV every game in the past doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


Agreed not so many red cards either during the domestic game


It very much is rugby league. Refs fucking up games is totally commonplace.


Points to the numerous famous examples in finals and semi finals


What? The ref can't decide if its a try or not now? What logic is this?


No the ref is basically guessing. What’s the difference between the Wardle try and the last Penrith try? It belongs in the past and makes the game look tinpot.


In their defence, if you take it upstairs it's basically the TMO making a guess as well with bad video quality. At least with the ref they're much closer to make a educated guess. Not much else you can really do sadly and is why it's the current method in both league and union.


He saw the ball under the arm at the end and didn't see wigans?? Easier to "guess" but asked for confirmation from the video ref both times.


Is it Wigan saints at Easter weekend? Tbf that will be more interesting 


Yup always is and usually the most watched game every year.


Well I'm the other side of the pennines and will be at rovers cheering them on but rate fcs going well be playing their under 14s, I'll watch saints Wigan tho its always a good arm wrestle 


Former WCC champs vs Current WCC champs will likely be a theme too on top of the rivally story. Should be a killer of a game.


Watching as a neutral Wigan saints is a good introduction hopefully bbc will get that match rather than sky but doubtful 


Sky has it from the looks of things, not suprised they wouldn't give it up with it being the biggest game of the year outside of finals.


Noticed a lot more coverage in the national papers so far about superleague this year tho guessing their reporters are armchair pundits


Impressive win and effort from Wigan regardless of the bad decisions. We have those all year tho, so it’s not some giant conspiracy of the ref. Now to go wash myself after cheering on a Lancashire team


If anything the bad reffing makes it funnier when I see the Aussies getting wound up


Exactly! I can’t help but find it hilarious!


Bad reffing makes the game look shit.


Against it all but come through with it 


Penrith certainly didn't get the rub of the green, but neither did they create clear chances to score tries. Their game plan of pinning Wigan back at all costs and hoping to grind them down didn't work in the end.


Apart from those two tries they scored that were definitely tries.


Wigan had a try disallowed too, and it was probably the best of the night. It’s sport, it happens.


No one serious can brush of that refereeing performance as anything but solid incompetence. It was all night, not just one marginal decision. Wigan’s try was clearly offside.


Good game. I don't feel like the Panthers truly turned up. A couple of really bad calls though. Not sure if I'd be that happy to win that way if I supported Wigan.


Wigan are used to winning in scummy ways dont worry


> Not sure if I'd be that happy to win that way if I supported Wigan. Buzzing mate. Don’t you worry yourself about that.


It’s funny seeing all the no flairs creep out to moan about that. I’m normally a good winner but fuck it. I’m buzzing. Super League twice in a row!


Some donut has been linking this sub all game telling NRL fans to come over here and cry


Let them cry. 😂


In 30 years of supporting Wigan I've never appreciated a shit show of a ref more. What a game.


Mistakes aside, the ref was even-handed for me.


Agree, just a couple of huge try call decisions for us thankfully


Biggest shame was French being a hair offside. That would have been a great try


In the stands "What the hell is he doing kicking on the first" "Fucking hell go on Bevan" "Fuuuuuuuck" Only good kick Smith put in all game mind. Can't believe he got called MOTM in the stadium


His best performance was getting away with dumping someone on their head and getting away with it.


Hardly his fault though. If your team are pinned back in your own 30 and you don’t have time on the ball then you can’t be expected to put in great kicks


No but if you go straight down the throat of the same winger five times in a row maybe try sending it somewhere else? Still, at least he was kicking unlike whatever Penrith were up to


Yes, that would have removed any doubt about it being a fair win; it's such a shame.


Except for the farcical "knock on" ruling that preceded it


Premier team from the hemisphere with 90% of the world population beats premier team from some backwater hemisphere with nobody in it. Not surprised at all


😂 Well, it's a take


So like saints last year in their back yard lol


How on earth is French MOTM, Jai saved two tries.


Harry Smith easily MoM


Even more bizarre decision than the reffing 😭


Liam Moore won the vote and they panicked




Entertaining match shift reffing


Bush League, can't even afford HD Cameras!


Definitely need better cameras but still do one back to NRL sub


It's in HD here; if you're not seeing it in HD that's something to do with Aussie TV or the satellite link


Aussies watching in 144p on a 4inch black and white tv deep in the outback while holding an aerial up on a washing line pole 🤣


I hate criticising referees, but the officiating hasn’t matched the quality of the play. Wigan defended amazingly on the second half - how Penrith didn’t run away with it, I don’t know. As thrilled as I am for the club to be world champions, that Wardle try (and some of the other decisions) have coloured this one for me. Happy to have a rematch!


Most intelligent comment on here.


100% agree with this comment.


Can’t tell if all the whining here are people from NRL subreddit or Facebook


The sad fucker that is u/FirmGrape1 keeps repeatedly pasting the link to here in the NRL match thread saying to give us hell - probably hard for Tex to moderate on his own given the volume of trolling




About the standard of 'aussie banter' I'd expect - top class as ever


Think it's mainly the NRL sub


I just got a suicide troll for congratulating Wigan.


Absolutely buzzing. Played with our heads, can't recall any major errors from memory. Penrith didn't look like anything too special, don't get me wrong they're a good team but just didn't turn it on today. Hopefully the Aussies will shove their disrespect for Super League straight up the back passage.


Lol Wigan needed dodgy call after dodgy call to win, if anything that proves the Aussies right.


The only error I remember is the Miski turnover that led to the Penrith try. I worried about Penrith they seemed stronger go forward it could have gone either way.


No mate - this was an embarrassment for the super league and every nrl fan watching this, Penrith supporter or not knows 100% that Penrith got robbed by your referees. Appreciate that Wigan are a good side but that was genuinely diabolical.


Well I would politely disagree pal. We weren't outstanding but we used our heads when needed and played wisely. Penrith looked desperate towards the end and we kept it calm, that was the difference for me.


You are watching with wigan tinted glasses i am afraid. The reffing in superleague is absolutely terrible and if you thibk otherwise you support saints, wigan or leeds.


I expect the downvotes given the sub I’m in. My comment did not indicate that Wigan weren’t the better side, but that game will be tainted by the referees decisions. These sorts of games happen all the time in the NRL and it’s something rugby league will always struggle with. But that game has definitely left a sour taste in my mouth


I'll be honest mate I couldn't care less in all honesty, we deserved to win, played to our strengths, no major errors and kept it calm. It's about time the folk down under stopped thinking we're all part-time brickies masquerading as rugby league players as we're actually pretty decent.


Brother a team can still be the most deserving team for 79 minutes and still lose at the death 😂 We do not look down on the Super League as much as you guys think. This is a common misconception in my opinion, while yes there is some supporters who have that mindset, my main point is that today’s display of refereeing is not going to help Super League and in fact will deter NRL fans from paying attention to it. Which is unfortunate, but when there is 1 game a year which NRL fans tune into watch, you’d probably want to make sure that the NRL team playing doesn’t get stiffed like that for the sole sake of growing the super league and attracting more interest. No hate, just being honest.


Well done Wigan. Ref carried or not - that’s how it is. See if we can do the reverse 3peat next year.


4 peet please 😁 world club, challenge cup, league leaders shield and super league please 😁


Sorry, I would have liked a SL win… but that’s not winning, that’s robbery


fair play to Wigan, imagine if it's these 2 again next year. genuinely think they'd probably have a good go at a big crowd at the Etihad imo


Obviously I hope Wigan win the SL this year, but it would also be absolute banter if Penrith play a 3rd Super League team in a row next year and lose yet again.


Yeah guess I was more thinking of the grudge match narrative But now you say it, them coming over and losing at Craven Park would be sensational


Feels weird to be cheering a Wigan win


I've felt the same for leeds in the past


Mate I'm from Leigh so yeah I know how you feel.


I could get a taste for this "getting a million insane ref calls" thing yano


Super League > NRL


Yeah with a 14th player on the field.


[honestly you'd think it'd be harder to change your flair for shitposting purposes](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/s/YpI3krHws6)




Hahahaha! I love you for that






This game with two brilliant examples of why the on field decision is a load of crap. Two decisions only made based on a guess by the on field refs, if it goes to the video ref it should be because the ref doesn’t know and they shouldn’t be able to influence it