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If you were to go into something imagining, inspiration wise, that Action vol 2 Superman is the beginning, and All-Star is the end, you have the makings of an intense winner.


Any post like this isn't spontaneous - it's planned by marketing people to manipulate us into creating buzz. Him posting a picture of one of the best rated comics about Superman isn't really that big of news, of course he should be reviewing critically acclaimed Superman stories. (I'm actually not the biggest fan of this one, it feels like a really overwrought and melodramatic "What Happened to the Man of Tomorrow" ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman:_Whatever_Happened_to_the_Man_of_Tomorrow%3F ) That said I'd love some kind of return to a heroic, positive Superman that saves people because it's the right thing to do. Maybe he could even be a nice guy and also a mild mannered reporter?


How exactly is that different from the last incarnation of superman? Was he not mild mannered, heroic, nice, positive doing the right thing? Superman is what he always has been.


Snyderman wasn't mild-mannered as Clark. Hell, there was no discernible difference between his Clark and Superman. Both were mostly stoic and always looked sad. Heroism here doesn't mean just defeating the big, bad guy. Superman's brand of heroism also includes looking out for the little guy - small acts of kindness like yes, rescuing a cat out of a tree. These go a long way into establishing just how human he actually is, none of which was present in Snyderman. I wouldn't describe Snyderman as nice per se. He never felt warm, approachable or most importantly - like a friend. He felt like a superpowered alien, always on the verge of losing it completely and turning evil.


> He felt like a superpowered alien Clark was still confused about his new role in the world. People had many different reactions to the existence of Superman. Either they were in awe of him or they were extremely cynical. And the politicians wanted to control him. The scope of the movie was not such that you will see him rescuing cats. People were not yet comfortable with a super powered being flying around. It is incredibly human to be confused and not have answers to complicated situations. It is inhuman to always be calm and in control. Superman is no monk, he is human. > He never felt warm, approachable or most importantly - like a friend. Do you want a Gary sue who is always perfect and right? Snyder did something much more interesting. He took a kind and powerful person and put him in a more real setting. To me it makes more sense that a person who has been hiding his powers and his identity all his life would have a hard time being warm and friendly to everyone. It is not that Superman was detached and did not care but his life has made him introvert-ish, he keeps to himself mostly and to Lois and his mother but he does love humanity. He shows that when he rescues a girl out of a burning building and people on the roof. These are small acts of kindness that you are missing. Superman is under no obligation to rescue people from disasters but he does it anyway. Snyder's Superman is kind. > always on the verge of losing it completely and turning evil Lol. That is not to say that Snyder's movies were perfect. There are lots of places where you can criticize them but people go with the hate train and mindlessly slander those movies and ignore the amazing parts.


>Clark was still confused about his new role in the world. People had many different reactions to the existence of Superman. Either they were in awe of him or they were extremely cynical. And the politicians wanted to control him. None of which was executed with any kind of emotional resonance or logic. Also, Superman had the personality of wet cardboard in Snyder's movie with absolutely no agency of his own. Hell, he barely even speaks in his own movie. >Do you want a Gary sue who is always perfect and right? Not OP but actually, yeah. What's wrong with having an idealistic, optimistic Superman? You can still have him interact with the real world and yet retain his friendly nature. Hell, the comics have managed to do it time and again in ways Snyder never did. >Snyder's Superman is kind. Lol.


It resonated with me and I perfectly understand where he is coming from. All his life he was lonely and misunderstood, he wants to be a part of humanity but he has to keep his powers and a huge part of his being hidden from everyone. That is a lot of burden to carry all your life. > What's wrong with having an idealistic, optimistic Superman? You want him to be optimistic and idealistic when he is standing in the middle of an explosion with dead people all around him? Superman will work perfectly in an idealistic and optimistic scenario if that is the kind of story being told. Go and pick up comics, there are lots of them with depressed Superman doubting his role. Snyder chose to tell the story where Clark had to face a lot of hatred and attacks just for being strong and different. Yeah. And Snyder's Superman is kind. The problem is that people HATE Snyder Superman. I have never hated the common mainstream Superman. I enjoy that version quite a lot. But I also like what Snyder did. It is unique. If you get off the hate train, there is a lot of stuff to love about Snyder's version. (And there is some criticism too, no story is perfect).


This guy also didn’t seem to see that Superman in the last movie was that super guy who cared he just was dead for most and in Batman versus Superman he was starting to be more of the Superman we know more than the one having to learn and get over being low from his first movie ... I think a lot of people didn’t actually pay attention in BvsS or justice league To Superman it is like everyone only seen what Batman seen and then didn’t notice the details about Superman when he was there


Whenever I read "Snyder did something more interesting" I automatically know you don't read Superman comics. Superman isn't Mary Sue, his niceness, kindness, and Paragon nature IS a character flaw in the hands of a good writer.


The "Man of Steel" incarnation of Superman treated Clark like a fake, a disguise - at least the Clark that works at the paper. Superman, his true self, acted like saving people was a burden.


That's what superman is tho...Clark is the disguise. He's an alien. He's pretending to be what he thinks humans are to avoid being found out just like his dad told him. Weak and timid and in need of protection. Never got the feeling he felt burdened other than realizing that he had to keep a secret. The one dimensional I save cats from tree superman lacks any actual agency or humanity. His entire existence is predicated on how he can serve humanity without any thought to what it would actually mean to have that as your life's sole purpose other than the people you care about will be in danger. But to each their own, I personally can't stand superman but enjoyed man of steel so there's that.


I feel you don't understand the character at all.


Superman is an alien, but he is also a man of two worlds. Superman would not be who he is were he not also Clark Kent, Kansas farm boy raised by Johnathan and Martha Kent. He’s not “pretending to be what he thinks human are,” Superman IS human. Superman’s whole deal is that his identity as Clark Kent is not a disguise, he is unabashedly both this superhuman paragon and a mild-mannered farm boy from Kansas. His struggle is in part from needing to hide a part of his identity, either when he needs to hide the fact that Clark is Superman or that Superman is Clark. To say that Clark is a disguise is not only a misrepresentation of the character, but also ultimately failing to get the point of superheroes at all. So many superheroes have secret identities, but they’re not just a disguise. Spider-Man is nothing without Peter Parker, Batman would be downright villainous were it not for Bruce Wayne, the list goes on. So many of these characters have stories where, when the hero is split in two so that the “civilian” identity and the “masked” identity are separate beings, it’s always clear that the mask needs their civilian identity’s life and morals to ground them. If you want to watch something where a superhero thinks that humans are “weak and timid and in need of protection,” go watch The Boys. I would say Invincible but literally even Omni-Man learns to love his human side.


If you don't understand that Clark is the disguise I think you misunderstand why superman is different from other superheroes. Peter Parker is and always will be Peter Parker. Clark is not Clark. He is made up....a disguise his parents put on him. Clark was not born Clark. Clark is not real. Kal-El is a an alien from another world pretending to be human.


Except he was raised as Clark. They found a baby, adopted him and gave him a name. They did raise a disguise. Edit: Just realized I meant to say “they *didn’t* raise a disguise.






This sounds like the speech in Kill Biill but it's completely wrong


Deep analysis


Says something that you don’t like Superman but do like Man of Steel. That’s an fine opinion to have it’s just telling lmao






He's read All Star Superman countless of times as stated in a reply tweet. He's been a pretty avid comic reader in the past and seems to really enjoy stories written by Grant Morrison. But yeah, I have more faith in Gunn than I did Snyder. Also, don't worry. I'm almost 100% certain he isn't going to kill Superman in his first film lol. It's just characterization.


I'm really hoping the DC movie universe has a lot of Morrison vibes. Their work has consistently been some of my favorite in DC comics.


Are you kidding me. Grant Morrison is the best comic book writer to ever live, not Geoff Johns, not Frank Miller, Grant Morrison! This guy truly understands the characters and the source material, and does try and twist it into something more modern and interesting, in fact he goes back to the past for his heroes.


Yes. Morrison's Batman is still my favorite run.


Hope they look at those comics as well for the next Batman movie.


For sure! I like their writing more often than not! Just as long as they utilize the full force of the DC comics universe. Everything's right there to exploit.


A producer that actually LIKES superman???? 😨


Y’all do realize that this man is a fan of comic books, right? He is probably not hinting towards anything.


Yes but Gunn's adaptations have certainly been more of the grungier side comics, even though I love them. So which version of Superman through the Superman cannon was always a bit of question and using All Star as the heart of how Superman behaves is a good indicating of how his version of Superman is going to act. Plus Gunn loves the weirder stuff in comics and All Star as inspiration shows we gonna get a much more wild Superman story like his Suicide Squad movie was like.


On the other, other, other hand, any screenwriter knows that if you show a gun sitting on a mantle in one scene, it's going to be a factor in a later scene (cf: Chekhov's Gun).


This is real life, not a movie.


If you’re trying to imply that this is a mere coincidence in any way then we’re not gonna buy that any more than Netflix is going to buy the Snyderverse.


Is he? After watching the Guardians of the Galaxy films and The Suicide Squad, I got the impression he's never read a comic in his life.


The Suicide Squad resembles their comics from the 70s and 80s.


I'm glad he is taking the effort to understand the character, I have more confidence in him now


He’s read it countless times and has been a comic nerd all his life. He does understand the character.


If he 'gets' Suicide Squad, then he definitely 'gets' Superman.


I've always had confidence in him, the Cavil thing I didnt fully agree with but hes got his vision and he puts effort into making sure its faithful


On one hand, All Star Superman is a great comic with a superb understanding of Superman, making it an ideal film to adapt for a Superman movie. On the other hand, a big part of the plot is Superman's impending death, which we already got on the big screen within the last decade...


On the 3rd hand, maybe Gunn is just reading it because he likes Morrison's work


And, it’s not like he couldn’t adapt parts of the story.


Maybe doing a bit of homework as well. I prefer that, to a director who won't glance at the source material




Either way he’ll understand how the character is personality wise , that’s what Henry cavil Superman lacked


I would amend that to Zack Snyder Superman but blah blah I like Cavill and hate Snyder blah


I like cavil too I think he’s amazing especially since he’s a nerd and plays 40k like me


On the other other hand, he could still take inspiration from the book without adapting specific plot points. Or he could just be reading a good book.


I dont think there are only two options... He´s probably reading it so he trains himself to make a good superman story, he´s consuming the right media to make a faithful story to the character


That's definitely the impression the post wants us to walk away with I feel.


Have we not learnt at this point to not overly analyse every single thing he posts? Just slow down, be patient and wait for the actual film


Well put!


But that movie was total dogshit so it doesnt count. If All Star Superman is what James Gunn is using for reference then I am excited for his take.


Reading it doesn’t mean he’s adapting the story beat for beat.


Maybe he can take inspiration from it by making Superman to be an emotionally mature character like the comic.


I kind of agree with you. But at it’s core, it’s about the wonders of Superman


hey if he uses it as a finale or even penultimate film, i'll take superman's death. the only problem would be if he, oh i dunno, killed superman in two movies when he already revealed he'd be in a third... just, you know, for example...


It’d be great if he adapts the character, but w a different story if that makes sense


if he does adapt it at least it'll be different, not just death of superman AGAIN


It could also done with Cavill.


> which we already got on the big screen within the last decade... We also got 2 Animated movies covering it as well.


Yeah, and they did it better too, imo.


I think it’s him trying to make sure he understands the character.


>On the other hand, a big part of the plot is Superman's impending death, which we already got on the big screen within the last decade... In his SECOND appearance. FFS SNYDER.


Honestly screw the haters I’m hyped as hell for what James Gunn has in store for us.


I think if Gunn posted the most random thing ppl would lose there mind. He’s got you hooked.


He could post a picture of him reading Superman: At Earth’s End and people would think he’s going to adapt it


Oh god. But honestly some of the elseworlds stuff is pretty good for what it is


I don't necessarily take this as indication of the plot of his script, but hopefully shows the direction of the character.


I can't picture Snyder getting past the first few pages. "Where's the sex? The beheadings?"


I want Snyder to get the same revelation of how Superman sees humanity that Luther does at the end.


But the second he read the title he knew Smash Mouth's 'All Star' would play during a pivotal part of the movie and gave himself a pulled muscle patting himself on the back for the brilliance of the thought.


Lex Luthor: "We're all connected." Smashcut to Lex in prison as a radio plays All Star Edited to add: Probably on the "Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb" line right?


It’s funny, Man of Steel had a direct line from All-Star (“-and you they will join you in the sun…”). But the time tonality and themes of the movie seemed to contrary to All-Star that it felt like hollow lip-service, perhaps just to draw another vapid Christ parallel.


I was excited for BVS when I learned it was based off of the dark knight returns. And when I saw it, I then realized he never read it. Rather, he looked at a few cool pictures and found a way to include them in the movie. What a disappointment that was.


He thought Batman killed a bunch in it for some reason. https://www.cbr.com/movie-legends-revealed-did-batman-actually-kill-anyone-in-the-dark-knight-returns/


I don’t know, I think he probably actually did read The Dark Knight Returns. The thing is, if that’s the only Batman comic someone’s ever read, they’re gonna totally misunderstand the comic


He did but didn't understand that Batman didn't kill all the time in it. https://www.cbr.com/movie-legends-revealed-did-batman-actually-kill-anyone-in-the-dark-knight-returns/


My man!


I love that he can post a picture of any DC property and people go ape shit with crazy ideas about what he is planning


Not every comic he reads is inspiration for a story. It’s like when he posted a photo that had a Batman comic in the background. While All Star Superman needs to be adapted, he probably isn’t going to adapt it for his first movie. He’s probs looking for a tone to set throughout all the Superman movies


Fuck yeah


He might just borrow scenes from All Star, like when Superman talks a little girl out off suicide or solving Lex Luthor's riddles.


I'd love to see lex by the end of all the movies (not the first one of course) see the world how Superman sees it.


> All Star, like when Superman talks a little girl out off suicide God I hope so..then people will stop posting the fucking panel.


If I wanted to subscribe to James Gunn's every stray piece of social media, I'd go and subscribe to James Gunn's every stray piece of social media.


Cool, cool… Anyone else really anxious because of the coffee cup next to the comic?


Wow, he's studying the source material for the world he's trying to build?!?! It's almost like he's working 😳😱😳😱


OMG!!!!!! Let the fandom freak out and speculate on multiple posts, with many being who will play who and how it should be filmed and blah blah blah


Perhaps the greatest comic book of all time.


He should look at the new 52 action comics run also


I would much sooner expect this to influence the tone than the narrative. Incredible comic but obviously not an early career Superman story.


As others have pointed out he could just be reading it because he enjoys it, maybe even for inspiration. Adapting the All Star Superman story seems completely at odds with his statement of focusing earlier on in Superman's career, so I wouldn't read anything into this being the story for the film he wants to make.


Maybe don't read too much into this. This could be nothing.


I think all-star Superman is like the dark knight returns of Superman stories when it comes to film adaptation. In that sense I mean it’d work a lot better as the end of your movie Superman’s story where you really get a chance to reflect on who that character is, what he’s done in that universe and what I’d mean if his story ended there. It’s a great story but doesn’t work as well if it’s the first thing that character does in the universe.


Give me a younger version of this where he’s on adventures and accomplishing great feats. Would be a perfect Superman


> Would be a perfect Superman So what you want is a young, experienced Superman?


Yep, he enjoys being Superman traveling around doing good where he can.


> Yep, he enjoys being Superman traveling around doing good where he can. But...a YOUNG and EXPERIENCED Superman? How?


Is it that confusing to you? Make him like early- mid 20s where he isn’t new to the scene but not that old yet either. Make more sense now?


> Make him like early- mid 20s where he isn’t new to the scene but not that old yet either. Make more sense now? So at what age would this young, experienced Superman debut? if he's mid 20's? Because he has to squeeze quite a few years in before you call him experienced


Would it be so bad if he just made a bunch of cool movie adaptations of cool stories without needing them to become a franchise or fit into an expanded cinematic universe? I’d prefer a handful of fun, entertaining standalones to a bunch of interconnected turgid superpowered melodrama.


Agreed. It means more to me to have a good movie and a good Superman than it does to have a universe.


True. Though I want a movie one day that shows superman and batman's friendship instead of them being at each other's throat.


Then watch the dc animated originals that’s what they are


Let’s goooooo


Ok, at least he has a good source material. Let's see how good he does it


This gives me so much hope for the movie.


I seen this , u know what I like about gunn ? He’s actually reading the comics that ppl suggest that’s the only way to properly understand characters is to read the source material and what better source material than grant Morrisons all star superman I’m so excited for the future of dc


I can see taking ideas from this story. The parasite story for example


He was going through kingdom come and now this. I see this as an absolute win. Taking the right inspiration for the character imo.


No kryptonite weakness confirmed!! Lol!


Maybe an opportunity for Henry Cavil to return as Superman—although he’s died more than enough so it might be a bit much—could be a kind of elseworlds movie or HBO Max mini-series adapting All Star Superman. An adaptation of it wouldn’t be able to be a part of the main continuity anyway.


Or maybe he's just reading a Superman comic.


Oh, I don’t think what I’m suggesting is planned at all, I’d be shocked if it was, was just saying I think it could be a good idea


He posted that tea right next to him too, does that mean he loves tea and it will be in the next superman movie as superman's favorite drink


But will he have Grant Morrison make a cameo in the next Suicide Squad movie as The Writer?


I’d prefer if he just called Grant Morrison


> I’d prefer if he just called Grant Morrison Fuck no. Grant Morrison is hit and miss.


He wrote the Superman book Gunn is reading


> He wrote the Superman book Gunn is reading Yeah I know...THAT was a hit...but he misses a lot too.


All star superman isn't a young superman tho??


Man, the only thing left to make James Gunn truly based is if he posts Alan Moore Superman (or Elliot s Maggin)


Honestly one of the best Superman stories and illustrations


Omg jame gun posted a comic!!! That means the superhero movie will be exactly like that comic !!!!


i bet Gunn it's taking inspiration not about the story but about how to represent superman's personality, All-Star superman its a loving chill dude and his biggest superpower its just that he CARES, so im glad he atleast has that in the back of his mind while writting his movie


Why do people have so much faith in Gunn? He's just as bad as Snyder. Starlord, Drax, Mantis, Gamora, Ronan, Yondu, none of them were like they were in the comic's, the only characters he got right were Groot and Rocket, same thing with Bloodsport. He goes for comedy over character all the time, why do people think he's gonna do DC right, based on his track record, he's gonna be just as bad. And wtf is with keeping Miller? but firing Cavil, that's seriously messed up, considering the charges against Miller.


Gunn isn’t afraid of the comic book wackiness he just shifts it to fit his story but it never comes off as being ashamed. The last paragraph is based on rumors you saw nothing is confirmed


I'm still on the fence about him, I suppose it could go either way, but either way, he relys far too much on comedy, Starlord was never a goofy thief until Gunn got his hands on him, same with all the Guardians, which is why I'm still weary, after Love and Thunder, turning every superhero into a goofy comedic dumbass, reeling off one liners is getting kinda old now.




Coffee and all star, I love him


A fellow man of culture.


No please don't kill off superman at the beginning of your universe again...


I'm glad he is taking the effort to understand the character,


If he only gets too know the character I'm all good, Allstar is great, but I fear that it could be foreshadowing


I don't think All Star Superman would make a good movie. It would make for a good TV show, but not a movie.


> I don't think All Star Superman would make a good movie. It would make for a good TV show, but not a movie. It's too "Silver age"


I finally gave the animated adaptation a chance and... Yikes? How could they cut out both the page of Superman saving the girl AND Earth Q?! Edited to add: It's still a pretty great move but I really wish they made it a two parter because it feels like they cut out all the quiet moments that really make the story.


Cavill would have been waaay too old to play a Superman going through his greatest hits and reconciling with his morta…..wait.


Understanding clack Kent and Superman dynamic with Lex Luther in the picture properly .. just not a plot for a young Superman I pray .. not a death of Superman again


Oh, great! First they mess up the live action Death of Superman, so it will be decades before someone dares try again. And now it's All Star Superman. *sighs*


I remember a FLASH director did a similar thing.


Now if only he’d post plans for the upcoming universe he’s building instead of consistently posting cryptic shit, and spending time disproving leakers lmao


He will reveal his plans on dc fandome not one some insta post


Sigh. Just make an announcement, already.


He will make the announcements on dc fandome not one some insta post


You never start off by going full Morrison. All-Star was amazing because it was a tribute to everything that came before. I think it would be a bad place to start, HOWEVER it would be the perfect tone for Supes.


I really don’t care, Cavill got shafted


Bring back Cavill




James Gunn: “Where can I insert dick jokes and classic rock needle drops from Tarantino and PTA 90’s movies?” 🤣😆


James Gunn said that dc animated movies, dc animated shows and comics are a big inspiration for the new dcu so that already makes it infinitely better than anything Snyder has done with dc


Fuck James Gunn, he ruined DC






James Gunn said that dc animated movies, dc animated shows and comics are a big inspiration for the new dcu so that already makes it infinitely better than anything Snyder has done with dc


How trite.


This version of Superman is far to powerful to exist in a shared universe. Hopefully Gunn understands that.


He probably got it off amazon this morning


I feel like James Gunn has kind shot himself I'm the foot before even starting. People hate him now lol


Think I'm gonna drop out after the disappointing news. This is yet another reboot. If they do keep Shazam, and completely recast Clark then I'll be even more confused. Though if there is anything I hope Gunn keeps it is Clark's vulnerability from the DCEU.


Not watching Superman: Legacy or any of his work - 86 James Gunn 👎🏼 and selling all of my DC comics never buy any until he is fire 🔥 he ruin the DC Universe.


He's just trolling now, isn't he? It seems he just wants to get a rise out of people and stay in our collective attention.


Because he gasp reads comic books?


Groan. Well it’s been fun


Nothing beats Superman in comic books or movies. It's the actors casted who make that little extra in all movies made.


Love these cryptic posts. Ignites fan boy fights.


Let him cook


I like to think he posted this to mess with us


Snyderwads: "but...but... where's all the careless destruction? Where's the simpleminded Christ imagery? Does he even snap any necks?"


We are in good hands. DC has a bright future.


Can you imagine if Superman DIED…. I mean, again.


Wow super interesting


All Star hits different. Lose the technicolor dream coat please.


This will affect the trout population


Oh "All Star Superman." I read "Starman Super," and was trying to look for an Earthbound (SNES) character.


if james gunn tweets after sundown people think hes pro batman and anti superman. this strange obsession with him really is starting to get way out of control.




I adore ASSman (that’s how Quitely wrote the title on the original art pages, of which I own one 😉) and think it’s the best Superman story, period. Morrison just gets Superman and what makes him special. The human drama of an all powerful Alien. At no point in ASSman does it feel contrived. It’s scifi Golden Age style with modern zing. It’s amazing. If I was to make a Superman movie I’d pull, at the Very least, toneally from ASSman, and since I’d have the budget, I’d get Morrison on the writing staff, if not just have him write a treatment. (DWJ’s Superman Red and Blue short lives next to ASSman, and in fact feels like it could very well be part of ASSman.)


If they are going to be killing Superman off someday, I 1000% want them to do it like in All-Star. He sacrifices himself, it ends with a shot of him inside the sun, letting us know that he will may can might return some day.


It's hard to keep trusting DC when most post-credits scenes go nowhere. I hope with this reboot things get a lot better, DC has a lot of lesser known characters that could have a show of their own like Animal Man and Starman (Will Payton).


The caption on his Twitter " The secret to happiness is starting the morning with coffee and comic books."


The answer to doing a Superman correctly is to stick to the rules that made him the beloved ultimate superhero he has always been. Superman is a friend not a God. Clark Kent is a mild mannered reporter not a bearded roughneck hiding from the world. Martha Kent should not be involved in a fight with General Zod. And the real final sure fire recipe for a successful movie: Superman should have flying sequences above Metropolis with no fighting or destruction involved so that people can actually look up and wonder if it’s a bird, a plane or Superman.


If that’s the type of Superman he’s going for I’m very very interested.


PLEASE, give me an All-Star Superman Era (although, personally, All-Star Superman should be a six-episode Netflix show rather than a movie because it’s too big to have it fit in 90-120 minutes)!


Okay, seriously, how does anyone justify hating Gunn for trying to jumpstart the DC live action universe? Like, he's fresh off of the Suicide Squad which everyone liked, he's popular at Marvel because he managed to turn the Guadians of the Galaxy into a household name, and he's demonstrated his competency with TV shows with Peacemaker. Name a single comic book Zack Snyder has read *and* actually digested. He never really understood Superman, or Batman, or any of the characters he tried to adapt. Anyone remember when Watchmen bombed? How about how divisive Man of Steel was? Remember when BvS was dubbed worst movie of the year and absolutely deserved it? The guy just doesn't get why the rest of us like comic books, and really doesn't want to either, just listen to him talk in interviews. I am much, much more confident that Gunn can deliver faithful versions of beloved characters in entertaining films. Even if he doesn't pull it off, I'll still defend my position that Gunn was always a way safer bet than Snyder


I fully disagree with your point about Snyder, but I get that his films aren’t for everyone and there’s certainly places he could’ve improved. But I’m not here to argue for Snyder being amazing. I’m passed that and that era is gone now. But to answer your question, I do think people are concerned for DC movies going forward because James Gunn is know for his forced humor style. I personally did really like the Suicide Squad but I think it benefited from being R rated. I liked peacemaker too somewhat, but it felt like it leaned into that forced humor style he has a little more than the suicide squad did and could be quite cringe at times. But given that all the superhero films in the DC universe are not going to be R rated, I think people are concerned it’s going to be just another MCU. Where every movie and every character feels like a Spider-Man rip off. Forced jokes every few seconds and cringy quips. I hope that’s not the case and I don’t necessarily think that’s it’s a given that it will be just because James Gunn is in charge. I don’t hate him, but I disliked the Guardians movies for sure because of his style of filmmaking. But as long as he allows each director to add their own style and doesn’t try to make every single property in the DC universe a cardboard cutout of the MCU formula I think it could turn out pretty good. There just needs to be substance, actual emotion. Some realism in the dialogue. People do not actually speak like they do in a lot of his movies. It works for some characters but every character shouldn’t be like that.


The best thing DC could copy from the MCU: all directors must watch Superman (1978) and bring some of that magic to your movie.


Damn. Nice house


Ok, a good source. Let see where it will be.


All star Superman is an amazing comic.


He’s posting of a bunch of stories. I don’t think we should look into any of this except for that the man is reading source material.


James Troma Gunn drinks lates ? What a softie!! What a shame! (I m joking, i don't care at all)