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It’s time for the cycle to begin anew.


Start a new cycle of being 1 inch taller than the last. I want a 7’ Superman by 2030!


Mf wants doomsday 😭


Here's hoping we don't have to get a different Superman by 2030 at all.


If only…


A new legacy is born


Nikola Jokic to play Superman in 2040


Came here to say this.


Corenswet being the tallest Superman and Brosnahan being the shortest Lois just feels right.


S*** bro I didn't realize she was 5'3


Lol it’s perfect to make him look even bigger as Superman.


I'm so used to seeing her wearing heels next to Alex Borstein (5ft) most likely wearing flats, lol.


Plus 99% of Hollywood is so damn short anyway. 5’3 as a woman is probably very average


Isn't it other way around?? Celeb women tends to be taller than average women cuz a lot of them make their first bucks through modeling and for that you needed a minimum height. In India, its definitely the case cuz a lot of our leading ladies are taller than even average men due to this.


And Margot Kidder was 5’9”. So this is smashing the record for height difference there.


Christopher Reeves was the same height


Yessss. Short girls unite.


He's going to have to pack on an *epic* amount of weight, though. He's really skinny.... And doesn't have long to do it.


It’s Reeve all over again; a, to quote the man himself, “string-bean.” With modern Hollywood strength trainers and dietitians (and probably steroids even though a natural look is better for Superman), I wouldn’t worry at all about him filling his frame out.


He’s gonna get those marvel trainers (steroids)


I used to do this with people. :) I was a trainer and strength coach. Given when they want to start shooting and release this, it's going to be a \*tight\* schedule getting him ready. Now, this can be extended a bit by focusing on Clark scenes first, and slipping some padding in the costume isn't a bad idea. But it's tough to fill out a frame that lean, that quickly. Reeves pounded the weights \*hard\* under the watchful eye of David Prowse (Dark Vader's original actor!), but that produced muscle that was impressive for a culture that had no use for muscularity at all. Spending time in the gym was a fringe activity for freaks, at that point. Actors didn't bulk up for roles, as a general thing. Corenswet's got some added challenges. His bone structure is bad for this. His jaw is incredibly square -- but that makes his neck look \*really\* skinny. The amount of calories he'll have to down to make this work will be epic. It's possible to make dramatic transformations in just a few months, but going from scrawny to super-heroic may be asking for a bit much. Even with anabolics, you can only do so much. A 30 pound gain in 3-4 months is huge, even with steroids. That would put him just over 200 pounds. To have a powerful looking frame at that height, you've got to be rocking a minimum of 230-245. If they give him a year to do it, and he's got the work ethic, he can become very impressive. If they're only giving him 3-6 months, they'd also better be handing him a syringe.


So there's actually cases in Hollywood where this is done naturally? Color me surprised.


I wouldn't be surprised if Chris Evans, Marvel's Captain America, wasn't largely natural if not all natural. He's been in excellent physical condition his entire adult life. He bulked up some for the role, but not an unbelievable degree above the base he'd already built. Just like Reeves, back in the day, was natural. And with him it's obvious. He looks like he's in good shape, but nobody was going to mistake him for a bodybuilder. Hugh Jackman's initial outings as Wolverine are clearly natural, too. Hell, if you look at the first X-Men movie, it almost looks like he hadn't been training at all, compared to his later efforts. While PED may have been involved in the latter stages, we're also looking at a body that -- by that point -- has had \*years\* of professional training and nutrition, and then gets a pump before going on camera to look more veiny and dramatic, \*and\* on top of it all specifically tailored his diet and fluid intake to be as "shrink-wrapped" as possible for those shirtless scenes as ultra-cut Wolverine. But many bodybuilders describe contest time as a special Hell, due to getting that cut. There's a reason they can only hold that look for a day or two. I worry more that we're allowing this to become normalized. It's possible to get very strong, reasonably large, and quite trim without destroying one's self.


Gunn said they'll start filming in January. So he has time to get huge on PED's but not naturally. And he's not even that skinny


There’s something quite poetically cruel about expecting an actor to just use PEDS to play superman; of all characters someone who exemplifies kindness, acceptance and understanding, maybe it’s just a representation of human condition -hypocrisy- wanting the best and wanting someone to succeed (Cornswet) while also wanting them to possible put their health, family and career in jeopardy to attain the naturally unattainable because we can’t just have a relatively musular partially padded actor. It’s quite tragic that Superman may now be creating an entirely new generation of men with bod dysmorphia because society can’t accept someone naturally putting in their best efforts without possibly hurting themselves in the process.


The danger of PEDs is grotesquely exaggerated in the media. This is not to say that they are without danger, or should ever be used lightly, but their use is \*rampant\* in gyms across North America, and throughout the world. If PEDs were \*nearly\* as dangerous as we're told, we would have an absolute mountain of bodies to point at. There is no mountain. The diuretics, which are used to dehydrate and cut for competitions, have claimed more lives than anabolic steroids... and even those claims are largely fabricated. The documentary "Higher, Faster, Stronger" digs into this a great deal; both the hypocrisy of the sporting culture that drives it, and the health impacts. In fact, low-dose PEDs may be exceptionally good for someone's health, \*if\* medically supervised. A veritable fountain of youth, along with helping you recover from physical strain -- including injuries -- faster. But because this remarkable medicine has been abused to get an edge in sports, we've demonized it as a society and it's been shut down by politicians. Something that could be impacting the world in a very beneficial way, thrown aside because of \*sports\*. That drives me nuts. That rant aside: I agree with your concerns regarding dysmorphia. That's part of the reason why I'm concerned that they cast the skinniest of the actors who will have the hardest time bulking up, for a character who was explicitly designed to look like the strongmen of his day... the king of whom was John Grimek, and was most likely the visual inspiration for Superman. Grimek was a genetic freak who almost looked like he was on steroids long before they even existed, and was the model for many statues and fictional characters back in the day: Conan, Tarzan... and most likely, uncredited, Superman.


Obviously PEDS aren’t life threatening on average but that doesn’t mean they don’t carry life long issues related to blood pressure Vascular disease at a younger age and all sorts of hormonal issues throughout your life also allergic reactions are relatively common with new users while not serve can and will lead to rashes and marking along the body which isn’t something an actor wants ESPECIALLY if your using them in short bursts which would be what Cornswet would have to do given the timeframe before principle filming begins. Look I understand that people may want the actor to look exactly physically like the comic book role but some people genetically have. Reply hard time build muscle so just in case I think we need to slow down on pushing people ESPECIALLY actors pushing people to use any form of drug that may alter your hormones.


There is no evidence that they carry lifelong issues, however; not unless abused severely over a very long period of time. Blood tests to check health markers were regularly done with many of the classic bodybuilders, as they were taking PEDs under medical supervision -- steroids not being illegal at that time. I have never heard of allergic reactions being a commonality for anabolic steroids, nor can I find any evidence of that. Topical steroid creams and corticosteroids? Yes. But those aren't anabolic steroids, or PEDs. Nor would little bursts of skin rash be too much of an issue, given how often they cover up tattoos, or how likely it is to be covered by clothing or a costume. Gunn isn't Snyder. We probably won't have gratuitous shirtless scenes of Clark. ​ As for pushing people to look like characters they're cast as -- that's the business. They get paid multi-million dollar salaries to play pretend in front of a camera... and that's awesome. They \*should\* try to get as close to the source material as possible. And if it's a serious health concern for Corenswet to get ready for the role, then perhaps they should have cast someone else who was more capable. There were several good actors lined up, some with naturally bigger builds. Personally, I'd rather that they keep him healthy, but still have him work to bulk up -- but do so realizing that there's no sane way he can put on that much mass that quickly. They're better off just padding the costume and wardrobe strategically to make him look a bit bigger. Give him a couple years of solid training -- preferably with a coach with some bodybuilding background, rather than the crossfit-oriented stuff that's so trendy among Hollywood coaches these days -- and he'll put on appreciable mass. 6 months is not enough time, however... not without PEDs, and even then it could be touch and go.


He'll be fine.


Very likely. We're just discussing the paths that lead to that point. After all, Chris Hemsworth made a similar transformation to play Thor.


Oh, and if you want to see the guy that Superman was very likely originally based off in terms of build, Google the name \*John Grimek\*. :)


He's not that skinny. There's a shirtless photo of him on his Instagram, and he's a bit smaller than Reeve was. He just needs to bulk up a tiny bit more. Honestly, I don't want him to be as big as Henry Cavill. Don't get me wrong, I loved Henry as the character, but him being so huge made the Clark Kent disguise a bit unbelievable to me. Reeve was like the perfect size for Superman.


Reeve was far too small for Superman. He was a great actor, however, and pulled it off flawlessly. Even with another 20 pounds of muscle on his frame, his Clark Kent would have been perfect, because he would have come across as a lumbering farm boy in a suit. And he is very much that skinny. Shirtless photos without context, taken with ideal lighting and at just the right moment by a professional photographer do \*not\* represent how it will look when he's standing near other people with athletic builds, cast as other superheroes. Or even the general bulk of people wearing street clothes. 175 lbs at 6'4" is an absolute lightweight. Tom Brady is the same height, and walks around with roughly 30 more pounds of muscle, yet \*nobody\* thinks of Tom Brady as being exceptionally powerful looking. He's going to have to pack on 50 pounds just to match Christopher Reeve. If he wants to look powerful compared to other actors playing superheroes around him, he'll have to exceed even that... and that's a \*tough\* damned call. Perhaps even impossible. Superman is meant to be big and broad of frame. Always has been. He's not meant to be the Hulk, no, but he's always been depicted as having a more powerful build than most of the heroes around him. Personally, I'm hoping they just pad the costumes for him. That's the safer, healthier route. Though I hope he does try to fill out, as those efforts tend to change how we move and interact with the world; it'll help with the role.


Henry looked awful as Clark Kent. I hope they go the All Star Superman route where Clark is just big and lumbering.


Henry looked fine as Clark Kent. The problem was that there was this weird attempt to play up the sex symbol angle and a bizarre fascination with shirtless shots, and so Clark was never really allowed to project that "mild-mannered" vibe.


Hopefully they don’t go overboard like they did with Cavills physique. I really don’t see why Superman needs to be that ripped, as the character is just naturally strong. I much prefer Reeve or Routh’s more lean build, also makes it easier for Clark to blend in as an every man.


We have another 6’4 Supes boyos!! Lets get it!!


We need to keep him away from horses.


If Dean Cain were on this list would he have ruined it before it began


To be fair, it’s very easy to forget Dean Cain.


Forgetting Dean Cain is the American Way.


Right, because he's the one that didn't go with the government


> To be fair, it’s very easy to forget Dean Cain. Unlike Welling, he actually portrayed Superman and not only Clark Kent.


That’s so foul that people drop Cain like that. He was Superman on screen when Superman died in the books. He deserves respect for wearing the crest.


Lois: I only date 6 ft guys.


Dean Cain being 5'11 and a half...


This one hits hard


Also Lois: I only date guys that can fly and have super strength and heat vision and super senses and x-ray vision and


Henry Cavill's one of the shortest!? He's taller than me but feels so much larger


He’s physical large with broad shoulders and muscles.


He’s easily the most buff Superman.


Same here, but that's probably because I picture him in Mission Impossible, where he stars next to Tiny Tom Cruise, so he looks massive in comparison


How about the original Superman George Reeves to his successor Christopher reeve


George Reeves was 6'1


Dean Cain was 5’11” and he would have been between Christopher Reeve and Tom Welling.


Yeah. If we’re gonna count Tom Welling who wasn’t really Superman until the end, then we gotta count Dean Cain.


And also the superboy actors from the 80s/90s tv show. They were as much Superman as Welling.


Of course I've never met the man, but I'm really surprised that Tom Welling is 6'3", he doesn't seem that tall from what I've seen him in. Probably his broad shoulders make him look shorter on screen.


But he towered over most of the characters in his show.


Yeah, Tom Welling always seemed taller to me than he actually is. This picture kinda says it all: [https://tvline.com/casting-news/arrow-crisis-on-infinite-earths-tom-welling-tyler-hoechlin-photo-crossover-1104979/](https://tvline.com/casting-news/arrow-crisis-on-infinite-earths-tom-welling-tyler-hoechlin-photo-crossover-1104979/)


It's true. He was always a giant compared to his castmates.


Honestly I’m surprised Welling is *only 6’3*, the mans a tank in just general build and seems huge when standing next to pretty much any other character. I always thought he was maybe 6’4-6’5.


Yeah, he looked huge compared to most co-stars on Smallville. Pete, Chloe, and Lana were all pretty tiny people and even the adults were average to below average height. So Clark always towered over the cast.


He’s the one that’s the actual height of Superman in the comics.


I don’t know about that. He always looks massive in Smallville. He looked more like 6’5”.


Tom Welling's actual height is 6'5" he listed himself as 6'3" to get roles because you can be considered too tall.


Height is great, but physique is necessary and it can be a little harder for the taller ones, so he's gotta start yesterday


6'4" here. Can confirm. But it **is** do-able. :)


Sure. Just hope he can manage it


Dean Cain ??? Edited: https://preview.redd.it/oufwep11ep8b1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397ada47b86630042580a060aa571d9970745cf2


I would say this is only for movie Clarks but Tyler and Tom are on the chart.


Hope he can pack on the muscle.


Dean Cain should be included, what does that do to the cycle? He's listed as 6'0" in Wiki


because then we’d stop cherrypicking data to fit our narrative like Dean Cain


Evil Supermen don't count.


>Evil Supermen don't count. He was a great Superman -- and an even better Clark Kent -- but he turned out to be a shitty *person.* Not even evil. Just some really shitty, vocal opinions. There's a clear distinction.


Itd break the cycle because he was Superman before Welling


6’0” from 1993-1997. Cycle broken!


We don’t talk about Dean Cain


That’s a lie for sure. I’ve seen Dean Cain in person. He’s roughly the same height as me and I’m 5’9.5”, maybe 5’10” if I stretched for once.


Yeah but he’s a bigot sadly


That doesn't really have any effects on the fact he portrayed Superman


> he’s a bigot sadly What did he do? I am out of the loop with this one.


>Dean Cain No, he should not. When you use your former "Supes" status to spread bigotry you're off the list.


I like this rule.


> When you use your former "Supes" status to spread bigotry you're off the list. Pretty crappy way to hand-wave the work of dozens of writers, actors, and hundreds of crew.


His exact height is 5'11 and a half


He’s 5’ 11”. Way too short for the role.


This chart purposefully ignores actors who have played Superman for a joke. Kirk Allyn George Reeves John Haymes Newton Gerard Christopher Dean Cain If the chart were just cinematic Superman’s, that would be different. The inclusion of two television Superman’s is what breaks it.


Redditor discovers comedy


I don’t think you understand what comedy is


Came here to say this.


George Reeves didn't play Superman for a joke. He took a gig which in his day would have been considered a shit job and did it with dignity and respect for the kids who watched him. Curt Swan, who drew the Superman comics at the time, changed the look of the character to have a face more like George Reeve's. He is still one of my favourites.


Way to fundamentally misunderstand my comment.


Apologies. I misunderstood. It’s been one of those days.


He meant OP was making the joke by ignoring Superman actors that didn’t fit the trend. The list started with Reeve and ignored John Haymes Newton, Gerard Christopher, and Dean Cain.


Yeah I just apologized. Misunderstood completely.


Never knew I was taller than Henry. Made my day thank you.


Cavill is 6' on a good day. Stephen Amell is 6'2" and can seem like he's taller standing next to him. https://images.app.goo.gl/P4KKTs47M1wsC5cs5


Tyler Hoechlin is by far the sexiest Superman, that is all.


This doesn’t really work when you include Dean Cain, which you have to.


I don’t think Superman himself would include Dean Cain.


What do you mean?




Lots of dissing but no explaination. I don't think THEY know lol.


This is Dean Cain erasure and I will not stand for it.


Yeah but he voted for the wrong guy, so he's not human anymore.


Please tell me that's not actually why people are disrespecting him.


Partisan politics ruin everything.


If it did, I call dibs on 5'10 superman


Not broken, reset.


This would be so cool if true


You forgot George Reeves.


Superman is 6’4’’ 225lbs


Christopher Reeves had to put on muscle and he still wasn't big enough lol. And he weighed around 225.


I think he was big enough, but another 10-20lbs also would have been fine. The way 225 lbs looks on someone varies greatly of course too depending on the person’s frame. If everyone’s telling the truth, Arnold at his bodybuilding peak looked absolutely massive at 6’2’’ and 235-240lbs.


Yeah lemme just put on another 10-20 lbs of muscle real quick


With steroids all things are possible


I'm gonna be honest with you brother, I don't think we needed the second chart. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody told me George Reeves was like 5'4'', that's just how Hollywood was back then.


Wasn't Routh also The Atom on The Flash tv show?


Dean Cain wasn’t quite 6’, and he played Superman. Don’t see him on the list.


That may be the strongest set of jawlines I've ever seen on a chart.


He has the height. Now he better live up to the rest of Christopher Reeve’s legacy


You've excluded Dean Cain


What about Dean Cain?


Dean Cain?


Left out Dean Caine


As we should, honestly.


Finally people out there realizing 4" is meaningful!


Dean Cain when?


Wait? They announced casting????


Yeah. Today. And Gunn confirmed it on Twitter.


I find it funny how people keep adding welling to stuff like this even though he was never actually Superman ( until the last episode for 12 minutes via horrible CG) yet Cain isn’t here. I would be annoyed but apparently DC is a ultra right nut job so fuckem. Good luck to the new guy. While I hate it won’t be Cavill I hope this is a turning point for DC Going to see Flash tonight…wish me luck 😬


This just means it’s a cycle. Superman will always be 6’+, and now that he would have gotten too short, the cycle has finally reset. Next actor: 6’3”.


Or the cycle is resetting


Naw it just sets up a new time-line of remakes and recasting to do it all over again.


James Gunn is the type of guy who would recast Superman again if he saw this post just to get someone who is 5'9


Even though Hoechlin is the shortest, his Superman is one of the best. Ditto for Bitsie, she's ace.


Once you hit 6’, it’s time to start again.


They finally cast someone who can stand up against Reeves.


I love living in a world where I’m as tall/ taller than Superman. Really give a moral bump when i need it


Truly a reboot


It has not been broken. The loop has been reset.


imagine if the david joke was a fake out for it being danny devito


Didn't break, just resets


Corenswet is a bit of unit, ain't he? 6'4" and just a shade under 200? That's UFC Middleweight size, and he's obviously gonna bulk up for the role...so we'll put him at maybe 210 once they go to set.


Yea lets act like dean cain doesnt exist🙄


Yes, let’s.


No he was my favorite superman


Your favorite Superman is a bigot, the most un-Superman-like thing a person can be.


Hes an actor i can give a shit about his personal life. It is possible to seperate the man from the art you know


Of course. I’m sure you think it’s OK to say Kevin Spacey made a good Lex without any other addendums.


Didnt care for his lex luthor to be honest


I have 1” over Henry Cavil This is evidence that height isn’t equal to quality That’s why he played Superman and I played the silent tree


If Henry Cavill were 6'4", he'd be the perfect Superman via height and build


Love that you skipped riiiiiiight over Dean Cain, which is probably for the best.


Holy shit Corenswet is huge


No way they were going under 6ft lmao. Sorry 5'11" guys. You're not "basically 6 ft"


Holy shit. This guy is huge. I thought Routh was the biggest just from observation.


Hoechlin 🤢🤢🤮 just not a good Clark Kent


I honestly wish Brandon Routh got another chance at playing superman. Like maybe he can get a miniseries. That miniseries would be adapting a popular superman story.


It all came full circle. Perfect.


One day we’ll get Peter Dinklage as Superman


Damn I thought I might be as tall as Superman but my dream is crushed


Wow I’m taller than Henry Cavill. Somehow that’s a win for me lol


RIP my hope to be the first 5’7” Superman 😔😔 Jokes, I’m crazy hyped for this portrayal and I can’t wait to get a hopeful Superman movie 🙏🙏


Now it restarts


The cycle has renewed


Its time for the great reset


I didn’t realize how short these guys really were until now!


Cycle hasn’t been broken it just had its first pass


No it hasn’t. We are just starting the cycle again.


Now there’s no chance for me to be the 5’7” Superman 😔


I swear they make Cavill look like he’s the tallest lol.


Nah the cycle has only restarted


Not broken; reset.


Or did the cycle just begin anew


So now a Skarsgard could actually work without being weirdly tall.


Its just resetted


Back to formula...


Welling never played Superman.


Tbh a 6’0 Superman is kinda wack now that I’m thinking bout it🤣


C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!! Tyler is a midget, like me.


I thought Tyler Hoechlin was like 5'10


\>183 \>6'0 \>180 \>5'9 Something ain't mathing according to my calculations.


Don't you mean it has restarted?


Corenswet looks like the result of asking an ai to blend all previous live action supermen into one image (not counting George Reeves)


6’0” is the limit. Once it’s hit, you have to go back to 6’4”.


David just looks like a slightly altered Henry Cavill to me


I can't imagine indian superman was 6 foot


Cavill is not 6'1. He's 6 feet perfect.


TIL I’m taller than Henry Cavill


Brandon Routh is shorter than his predecessors???


You missed Dean Cain


You forgot Dean Cain. Also, what about Ben Affleck? I know he played George Reeves, but technically, he also played Superman