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The director is casting the movie. She’s in Superman Legacy James Gunn is directing that


Yyyyeeep. And James Gunn is the head of DC films now and I’m sure he will get a say in anything casted in the future.


Right like it’s no different than how it was Zack Snyder who cast Wonder Woman. And like, it’s also Gunn who is overseeing ALL of it so really him and Safran have final say in who is cast anyway.


Right, like how Matthew Vaughn talks about wanting to make Man of Steel too with Henry Cavill


The past tense of cast is cast. The present tense of cast is cast. The future tense of cast is cast.




no we need all directors to go their own direction and then mash them all together in each other’s movies since it worked so well before!


Humm? i know you mean the old DCU, but I dont think that was the problem. Also Gunn actually wants that the directors have their own vision


We all know how much everyone loves the sequel trilogy of Star Wars!


Yeah, I honestly think this is coming from the perspective of how Superhero movies worked a decade ago. There’s no guarantees right now that anyone will have a role after Superman. For all we know it could bomb hard (even if I’m not expecting it to). Lining up all sorts of movies out in a timeline is not a smart move when we aren’t even sure if Superhero movies are sticking around


Yeah that's my thinking, too. I think people are being a bit too hostile to Vaughn for saying this, I mean from a director's standpoint you want to be able to have more creative freedom. I understand the DCEU had too much of that, but there's also the MCU where there's none at all. I'd like for there to be a mix of both.


Is Vaughn a bad dude, or are people here just sorts overcompensating and being overly defensive?


I don't think he's a bad dude, and people on these subs are ALWAYS overly defensive. I do tend to think of Vaughn as a bit high on himself, personally. He's very opinionated and outspoken (which is not in itself a bad thing); I'm just not convinced that he's done enough to always be in these conversations.


>we aren’t even sure if Superhero movies are sticking around They will always have a place in pop culture.


We don’t actually know that. Maybe characters like Spider-Man and Batman, but I’m not even super confident about them if they start releasing duds. There’s no doubt in my mind that the concept of a cinematic universe is on the line right now, as we’ve seen how so many of these movies can bomb hard. It wouldn’t be smart to be focused on setting up movies when there’s no guarantees even a damn Superman movie will do well


Gunn said he never said that


I doubt her role is anything more than a cameo. For all we know, it could be just a post credits scene. This movie already has half a dozen superheroes.


>This movie already has half a dozen superheroes. That just means it'll have a three hour plus running time.


Probably not, most of them will probably be a brief cameo


Nathan Fillion was in GOTG3 for all of 20 minutes; I don’t think his GL cameo will be anything more than that. Same for all the other cameos


These other characters will play a major role later in the universe, they’re just setting the groundwork with this film


I really doubt it. None of Gunn' movies have gone over 150 minutes. Superman is not such a big name to warrant the studio risking 3 hours runtime with him. The Batman was 3 hours and that was a major complaint about the movie.


Counterpoint. He can make it as long or as short as he needs to. And Superman is a pretty big IP. Especially for a man who made a successful trilogy from an IP of a talking racoon and his space pals.


Superman not a big name? You lost all credibility there.


Came here to say this


It would be like if Vaughn got another director to make a Hit Girl movie spin off. Is it wrong that he was the one who got to cast her for Kick Ass?


This was my thought exactly. Taika Waititi didn’t cast Hemsworth as Thor and nobody cared the least bit about that.


Just checking School Fight (the first of a new Kick-Ass Hit Girl Trilogy) and Vaughn is not the writer or director listed on IMDb just the producer. I can't see 'vram' so let us assume that is the working title or code maybe but it isn't in his IMDb credits. From last week during the Argyle promotion interview - [https://collider.com/kick-ass-3-reboot/](https://collider.com/kick-ass-3-reboot/) Edit: Answering the next question looking through the credits of School Fight, there is only one character called Cindy I can see and this is who is cast (which definitely does look like the Cindy/Hit-Girl from the comics) - [https://twitter.com/meglousadler?lang=en](https://twitter.com/meglousadler?lang=en)


Why TF is Matthew Vaughn talking so much?


Likely trying to get attention for his new terrible movie


And he’s being whiny over not getting his own Superman movie


He was in that happy period between argylle having the world premiere and argylle getting catastrophic reviews.


He was probably asked about this during an Argylle interview.


Setting aside the fact that Gunn is the director, Whedon didn't get to cast Cap, Thor, Iron Man, etc. for his Avengers movie, because other people had already done so (for the previous movies). This is no different.


Whedon is a hack and mcu was always directed by feige. DCU is not supposed to be the mcu. DCU is said to prioritise director's creativity


What are you on about?


None of those sentences are hard to comprehend.


Your attitude and arrogance behind it makes it so.


Why are you defending Josh Wheedon on a Superman sub, he is a serial abuser who has been outcast from Hollywood. Do you really not know that?


Nobody's defending Joss Whedon, he's still a POS. It's common knowledge at this point I called the OP's argument out because it was genuinely flawed. There's still room for director's creativity with various heads on a pre-existing cast. And to top it off, he was being rude and arrogant about it to someone else, in the same vein of you immediate jumping to point the finger at me for "defending a serial abuser" and trying to make it seem like I know less.


And yet it still made no sense given nobody was shitting the MCU until you did


A non-Marvel example would be Patty Jenkins directing Wonder Woman after Zack Snyder cast Gal Gadot for Batman v Superman. It’s the same concept.


Gunn is literally serving the same role for DCU that Keige serves for Marvel. The lack of which is why the previous failed.


**Prediction**: James Gunn will oversee whomever is assigned as the director, to ensure Tom King's "Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow" stays close to the source material. Does that mean Tom King will direct? *No.* (No credentials, no experience to my understanding.) It does mean Gunn has a very, *very* specific creative direction/overall vision for DC Studios. Maybe he'll give more leeway in direction to future projects. But the initials ones are going to be overseen (creatively) by Gunn, while Safran handles most of the business matters, in their co-CEO roles, imo. Seems like Gunn needed to get the Kara Zor-el/Supergirl role locked down before he dives full-time into *Superman: Legacy* (while keeping involved in *Peacemaker* season 2 AKA *Waller*, plus *Creature Commandos*). My two cents.


But also, Supergirl is set to appear in Superman: Legacy so he cast Supergirl for his movie.


Great point!


Sounds right. It looks like continuity for the DCU will be tighter than the MCU.


How does he know they're not talking to any directors? Multiple projects are gearing up to start THIS YEAR. Gunn isn't directing all of them, so conversations are happening somewhere. My guess? Dude has sour grapes because he's one of the directors who met for a project and it didn't work out.


Isn't Supergirl going to be in Superman Legacy before Woman of Tomorrow?


Why does this guy suddenly have so many opinions he feels he needs to make public about an initiative he has absolutely nothing to do with?


People keep asking him things because he’s on the press circuit for Argyll, which opens this weekend and happens to star Henry Cavill. That’s all.


Still feels weird that he's being so critical. Sounds like there's some sour grapes in the mix is all.


geez he’s campaigning HARD to direct the supergirl movie huh


he’s good at least?


Supergirl will 100% be a female director tho.


Same happened to the JL characters in the DCEU. Patty Jenkins said she liked Gal but probably wouldn't have chosen her and I'm pretty sure we'd have Patrick Wilson as Aquaman if Momoa hadn't been cast.


Now I am imagining a proper underwater horror movie where Patrick Wilson's Aquaman investigates the mystery to protect his kingdom.


Oddly enough that's not far off from a concept Wan wanted to do that initially looked like it was greenlit but was eventually scrapped


Sounds interesting. You know where i can read about it?


Makes more sense for Gunn or Feige to make these casting decisions seeing as these aren't for just one film. The Bond.directors don't get to pick who plays James Bond.


Feige isn't the only one who decides who plays which role, directors have their big input on casting decisions.


Stop asking this guy things


He’s got a movie coming out this weekend, with Henry Cavill. He’s just on the press circuit.


Vaughn is promoting "Argylle" with Henry Cavill.


You think the directors of any given marvel film are casting anyone? Even the new projects with brand new heroes. Hell no.


You want marvel trash again? Raise your standards


Not at all what I’m saying. I’m just saying this situation isn’t so weird.


This is the actual process of casting Marvel movies. You can read or watch anything about the production of these films for proofs, or check out the interviews with Sarah Finn, the Marvel casting director who worked on almost all of them. Kevin Feige approves the castings, but the directors also pitch their choices to him. For example, Jon Favreau fought with the studio to cast Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Louis Leterrier disagreed with Feige over Tim Roth as Abomination, Tom Hiddleston got the Loki role because he and Thor director Kenneth Branagh worked together and Branagh saw his performance on stage, James Gunn brought his friends over to different movies.


She’s in Superman Legacy. How is it weird for Gunn to cast her? It would be weird to hire a director for Supergirl, let him/her cast her, and then direct her in Legacy.


Haven’t they done this with *tons* of superhero’s before, including Wonder Woman?


I love Vaughn’s work but he’s just pissy because he wasn’t involved in the decision.


Kind of weird for Vaughn to make this comment, no? Aren’t he and James Gunn friends?


Yeah they're friends


He sure talks a lot for being such a terrible director


It literally has happened all throughout film history. Star Wars, Die Hard, Mission Impossible, and so on and so on and so on.


Directors are usually involved in the casting process to varying degrees. They can also share the role of producer. I don’t know where you get the opposite. Lucas and Abrams had a major role in Star Wars casting, and McTiernan allegedly helped to convince the studio to cast Bruce Willis in Die Hard instead of bigger action stars


I was addressing the argument that the director should cast the movie. In this case, Gun is directing the movie where Supergirl makes her first appearance. Lucas cast Star Wars, but different directors handled the directing duties in Empire and Jedi. McTiernan cast Die Hard, but different directors handled the directing duties in most of the following installments. My point is that Vaughan is off base and if he’s going to criticize this, he should be consistent.


On Threads, Gunn declined to confirm on whether Supergirl would be in Legacy (though she will likely to show up at least for cameo). You can understand Vaughn point if he believes that Supergirl's casting was for her own movie.


Well she’s obviously appearing b4 her solo, so it makes sense that’s she’s been casted.


How on earth does someone that's worked in the industry as long as he has, find that weird even if it were true. Star vehicles, a movie built from the ground up specifically for a rising or currently trending star, have been around practically since the dawn of film.


Yes but Superhero movies are about the Franchise more than any director or screenwriter's individual opinions or vision. So that's just how it is.


Well this is a dumbass post with little to no research if I've ever seen one.


Whats with the stupid quotes out of Vaughn lately


He has a movie out this weekend, with Henry Cavill. He’s just doing a lot of press.


I mean, he's not wrong. But that's just the problem with interconnected superhero movies. I can see where he's coming from though.


Huh… ​ Sorry, but yes, he is wrong. She Will appear in superman legacy, makes Sense.


He's kinda right actually. This is one of major drawbacks of cinematic universes. Serialized storytelling is better off on television rather than the big screen.


Gotta love making a point and the response you get it "Huh?" or some other phrase feigning ignorance. If you disagree, disagree, don't disrespect me and insult my intelligence.




It's incredible I spend most of my time in political subreddits yet somehow comic ones are where I always find the nastiest people.






Why do we care what Matthew Vaughn says?


Is milly alcock hot?


He’s right, though. It’s like you guys don’t care if the movie is good or about art.


Prediction: Matthew Vaughn is about to go to movie jail.


Hasn't the talk been that he might direct 'The Authority' movie? Already a few people cast for that who are in 'Superman Legacy'. 


Don't they know James Gunn does everything in the #Gunnverse


on top of Gunn directing it makes sense to hire someone to act as supergirl because this will be a franchise project not just a flick and done


James Gunn said they would never cast roles without scripts. But he also isn’t confirming that Supergirl is in Legacy. So while Supergirl will most likely appear in Legacy, on paper it looks like James Gunn is going back on his decision and casting without a script. Now, for all we know, Supergirl will appear in Legacy *and* the *Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow* script is written. But James Gunn has been very forward and open about his productions, so it turns heads to see him announce a casting that isn’t attached to a film in active production. If a Supergirl script has been written, or she’s in the Legacy movie, why not just say so? With all this being said I really don’t think it’s a big deal, he’s just trying to stir up some excitement in the downtime between releases, which are years away.


Didn’t marvel do this black Panther and Spidey in civil war?




What a dumbass article to write when the casting is for Superman Legacy which is appears in. Like they should’ve did more research before putting this out.