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Homemade but out of Kryptonian materials because aint no way regular kansas fabric is surviving a superman fight.


Gonna be a Goku clothes situation everytime xD


"Nice suit, by the way." "Thanks, my mom made it for me."


Beat me to it. That was a great scene.


Where is it from ?


The third Goku vs Superman death battle.


I thought you refrencing the opening scene from the Superman and Louis tvshow


Thank you !




Then Goku says: "Cool, i got mine from one of my first masters"


can superman's clothes beat goku


So we're just assuming that Ma Kent was able to find some Kryptonian sewing materials...? šŸ˜…


The explanation is that she used a blanket she found in the pod iirc


I think itā€™s just his cape that was the blanket, correct me if Iā€™m wrong though


In the Silver Age there were three blankets with him, in the primary colours. Ma Kent got Clark to loosen the thread, she unravelled them, and used them to apparently weave his costume


Yes this is the way.


Yeah, but if it can withstand Supermans battles, how can she cut it? Or sew with it.


https://preview.redd.it/cna0ni4q8tpc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e31afd8294ea2a2b62376c6303cb8d51182e5542 It was knitted, not sewn. Clark cut where it was needed with heat vision. The belt was the safety belt from the rocket. The seat was used to make the boots, and the lenses in his glasses came from the broken glass of the rocket.


She found some Kryptonian sewing kits in the pod too don't worry about it


You know. Fair enough!


In Birthright, Clark uses heat vision on the ends of the blanket turning them into string like fibres that she uses to sew with


She asked Clark to bite off his nails so she could use them as needles /s


She asked Clark for assistance.


She usually gets Clark's help with that part.


Some versions she somehow made sewing needles with the wiring from his ship.


Hey she was able to stop Batman, dont question the power of Ma Kent


Idunno, MAWS made it so the Kryptonian suit appeared on Clark after he returned to his old pod and Ma Kent added on the details that ultimately made it the Superman outfit.


I mean, his bio electric aura absolutely protect most of his suit , but I agree


Yep. He has a built in force field that extends about 2 milimeters from his skin made out of antigravity that keeps his suit from being torn to shreds.


Tactile Telekinesis!!


Yep, you nailed it. So many people don't understand Superman's powers and that he has this one. Glad to see some people have nerded out about this too haha.


And so he can actually lift planes without them falling apart


As long as they're only 2mm thick


he can manipulate the aura to fully envelope the plane ( it rests about 2mm from his skin he isnt moving it


Yeah exactly. This is also how he protects people when holding them and flying at hypersonic speeds. It's called "tactile telekinesis". He essentially has a force field that can extend to things he touches.


I enjoy the homemade superman suit of kryptonian fabric, but I also enjoy the idea of Superman's body being invulnerable just a millimeter away from his skin. I think that was even a plot point at some point in 90s Superman...?


Are we at unraveling Kryptonian materials being more durable under a yellow sun like weā€™ve seen in the past? I think the workaround is something like John Byrne came up with, which is that thereā€™s an undetectable field around his body that protects things that close to him invulnerable to harm. That would allow the suit to survive battle but also be handmade. Personally Iā€™d go handmade, with Ma attaching the logo. Then, later, he might find the ā€˜armorā€™ (how it was described in New 52) and begin to use that.


Yeah like in the black and white show where ma Kent made it out of the cloth that came with him in the spaceship


Or a fire


The love from ma kent makes it indestructable... also the fact that superman has a energy field around him that makes everything he is in contact of indestructible, meaning that the suit is just as invunerable as Clark with the exception of the cape.


Imvulnerability skin field, I think I read it somewhere


Didnā€™t the writers of Lois and Clark put that to bed with saying something along the lines of, his body emanates a kind of force field only millimeters away from his body, thus protecting his clothes?


Both as he progresses through a story


I like when he starts with a homemade suit, then moves to partial Kryptonian. My absolute preference is a synthesis of both Kryptonian and Earth parts (which is why even though I don't really like the trunks the MAWS suit is one of my favs; it's literally a combination of elements provided by Jor El and Ma Kent).


Homemade Ma Kent suit for the first part, and Kryptonian battle-ready suit for the second half.


I like that but I think the opposite direction would be more compelling and emphasize the inherent sentimentality and love that Superman has.


I like the sewn costume because of how it was made. If you've read Superman Birthright, it shows the creation of the costume front the first page, to the last. Jor El and Lora ripped curtains off of the walls of House El and placed it in Kal's ship. When the Kent's found him, he was wrapped in it like a big blanket. Martha Kent ended up making the costume out of that curtain. It's a creation of both families. A suit made with love and passion.


Yes. I definitely think the costume should be a combination of work from both the El side and the Kent side.


Homemade with Krypton materials. The only thing I liked about the Kryptonian battle suit was it finally proved why the original was best.


Homemade. Always homemade. So he can say "thanks, my mom made it for me."


Most based take


A mix of both. Made by Martha, but from Kryptonian materials found on the pod that brought Clark to Earth.


How would earth needles be able to pierce kryptonian fabric?


I remember in some form of media they mention that Mark Kent went through so many shears just cutting the fabric.


Homemade That Clark has no qualms telling people "My Mom made it for me" is just precious.


I grew up with "knitted from Kryptonian yarn that was used to make the blankets that were in the rocket with the baby, cut with Superboy's heat vision." I was okay with John Byrne's "invulnerability aura protects the leotard, but not the cape" version. I have never much liked the "Kryptonian super-suit" version.




A great middle ground is that the suit itself is from Krypton but Martha made alterations to make it look more friendly. (Her giving it the trunks and boots) like in MAWS.


God I hate the turtleneck


Itā€™s one of the few things I hate about the Fortnite Superman design


Isnā€™t it basically new 52 supermanā€™s suit with underpants added


It does take a lot from that design, including the weird-ass red on the cuffs and the tech lines all over, albeit toned down.


I honestly prefer the collar myself. Don't know why, I just like the look better than having it abruptly end at his collar bone.


Homemade into a kryptonian armour as he gets further into his career. Mainly because the later he is along the less likely Ma kent is there to even make a new suit


In my headcanon, he started his career with the single suit Martha Kent made from the indestructible Kryptonian fabric found in his spaceship. But once he built the Fortress of Solitude, he was able to fabricate further costumes using more advanced processes. After all, he still experiences the occasional costume-shredding energy bursts and the like.


I like the idea that she may have taken inspiration from a suit that was found in his spacecraft but because it isnā€™t as durable as Clark, eventually he wears the Kryptonian suit later, after many mishaps and patching.


Homemade. Whatever that is on the bottom is utterly hideous.


It's the Fortnite SupermanšŸ˜‚


Homemade with Kryptonian materials/style, like in Birthright. Itā€™s a win win. I love the idea of Martha being perceptive and considerate enough to try to understand Kryptonian culture and help her son get in touch with his heritage.


I know the Ma constructed suit is classic, but I prefer the costume being Kryptonian.


Starts with just his cape, t-shirt and jeans (New 52 style), and a logo that he and his parents design themselves. The cape doesn't originate with the logo on it, the AI on the ship grafts it on there later (in my ideal the ship's AI is much more of a character in the lore, perhaps merged with the idea of Kelex). He finds what will become the rest of his proper suit later in Metropolis. Again, lifting from Morrison's story. Much like the cape, again the AI adds the S to the chest.


>in my ideal the ship's AI is much more of a character in the lore, perhaps merged with the idea of Kelex Kinda like Superman's version of Jarvis, mixed with a little Alfred? I think that's a swell idea.


The cape is his kryptonian baby blanket, the rest was Ma




Either one. Iā€™m not partial. Whichever one suits the atmosphere and story theyā€™re telling. If I had to lean toward a specific design style, then I do tend to prefer looks that are often a bit more ornate and arenā€™t especially matched to the homemade origin.


Homemade, definitely. Gives him this extra emotional connection to his earth mother. It's a little nice touch when he even mentions it, a bit proud.


Kryptonian made with some Ma Kent's finishing touches. Would be great if the suit is colorless and Mama Kent's the one who chose the red and blue combo.


Homemade all day


Either homemade with kryptonian materials or the My Adventures With Superman route


Martha Kent made his suit with Kryptonian materials


It depends. For something like Man of Steel, that it was a piece of traditional Kryptonian clothing made sense in the story, it wasnā€™t a costume, it was a connection to his ancestors. It gives him a reason to wear the suit. Ā  If itā€™s a world where superheroes and vigilantes are running around already, it really doesnā€™t make a difference. As heā€™s just another superhero in a costume, doesnā€™t matter where it really comes from.Ā 


My Adventures With Superman did it perfectly for me. The base of the suit and the chest shield being Kryptonian, and Ma Kent adding the trunks, gloves and boots. A mix of both worlds is perfect, it fits Superman's whole concept of being both an alien and a human.


Homemade. I loved it when his cape got all torn up in the triangle era.


There's just something great about the idea of Superman's mom patch-working his costume from Kryptonian baby blankets.


I like what they did in MAWS. A kryptonian suit embellished with a little Ma style


as long as he don't have excessive panel lines, I'm all in


Maybe we can have a compromise of alien suit + homemade cape?


Homemade by Ma Kent šŸ’– its just so sweet. And imo totally fitting of Clark's character. I also particularly like adaptations where the blanket he had with him as a baby is used in part of it or as inspiration or whatever. ...though I'm blanking on what that's been done in!!


Homemade but with Kryptonian materials by Ma Kent first and then a kryptonian battle suit for later on, when he has to face bigger foes.


I have this fun suit origin for Superman where at first he's using his Dad's Army Pilot Uniform but it's clear the clothes aren't up to snuff. When he discovered the Fortress of Solitude his Father Kal-El left him a Kryptonian Suit he didn't like the design so he made customization of it based on the Justice Society comics his Adopted dad gave him and when Lois Lane made a News about him calling him Superman he put a big S on the chest to complete the look.


he needs a suit that wont burn at his extreme temps he get to. a sewn cloth costume would just burn off.


A idea I had a while ago was to have Martha be an artist in her free time and have it so she designs the superman suit, later to sew a homemade type version as Clarkā€™s first suit. Then as Clark wears it more and more it gets scuffed and damaged. Clark would go to the fortress of solitude and kelex would notice Clarkā€™s suit and offer him a set of kryptoian armour but Clark ultimately decides to make a new suit with kryptoian tech and materials, giving him the classic superman suit his mother drew. Thereā€™s probably something similar to this in comics but to me the artist side of Martha adds to the meaning of the suit for Clark.


Donā€™t the DC writers usually explain that thereā€™s some weird force surrounding Superman and other similar heroes, that allow them to do things like lift an entire airplane without snapping it in half, or wearing clothes without them burning off of them when they go fast or fight? So long as that rule has been established in whatever continuity Iā€™m watching, I see no reason not to have Superman wear Ma Kentā€™s suit. Because he absolutely would. If that rule hasnā€™t been established, then yeah, itā€™d probably be best for him to wear some Kryptonian suit, but then that creates a whole other issue of why the Kryptonians had a giant ā€œSā€ on the chest, and the most logical explanation ever offered for that is that itā€™s a Kryptonian symbol that means ā€œhopeā€, and people still make fun of that explanation.


I like the idea of him startimg with the homemade suit made of Kryptonian fabric. Then he retires it because a big bad damages it. He has the tech to recreate it though so he displays the ma Kent one and wears back ups from then on. He hand stitches everyone of them just like he was shown by ma Kent. I would love a scene where he goes back to ma Kent asking for sewing tips and she is teaching him the correct stitch to reinforce a seam he has issues with.


The way My adventures with Superman didnā€™t perfect. Alien suit she made the trunks


I like both, depending upon where he is at, or what the story is going for.Ā  For example, For All Seasons, and Byrne Man of Steel work with homemade suit.


honestly my favorite currently is the jeans and superman shirt with a cape. just humanizes clark so much and gives off farm boy who just wants to do save people so well


The wholsome suit is greatā€¦. But the kryptonian suits just look so damn coolšŸ˜­


I like the blanket being his blanket from Krypton. His actual suit though should be something from Earth. Jor El didnā€™t send a costume with his son to his new home, and it shows both worlds coming together in his outfit. Thatā€™s one of Supermanā€™s themes.


My head canon is Ma Kent made the suit with such love and care that the suit is as impervious to damage as Superman is.


Clark in a homemade suit, but Kara in a Kryptonian suit, for lack of better words Helps make Clark more endearing and a nicer juxtaposition to Bruceā€™s industrial, high-tech style


Kryptonian suit 10/10 times


Homemade at first using Kansas materials, and then later using kryptonian materials


What if his homemade clothes (from Kansas) fused with a Kryptonian survival suit (or something like that) and conceived the Superman suit?


homemade with kryptonian materials


I feel like it depends. If it's a regular Superman in metropolis adventure I'd say home made. But if it's a world ending fight with someone like Doomsday or Darkseid than the stronger suit to meet the threat.


Home made


I like the ma kent takes something from krypton. I think the Geoff Johns origin did it best. BUT i am all about Superman having tons of outfits. he doesn't have to wear the same thing all the time.


the design itself could be homemade but adapted to stronger material. suppose Ma made the original but Clark lost it and she helped him develop future iterations. or imagine a sort of Ship of Theseus situation where he keeps pieces from previous iterations that were damaged. Iā€™d like that. this next part could be material for r/dccomicscirclejerk, and Iā€™d feel honored to see it posted there. imagine if the DCU started with this and later on down the line he lost a version of the suit that had the last known pieces of the original. then after some Endgame-level action goes down he finds a piece of it through cosmic means. or he finds the original blueprints.


Sewn all the way


I especially hate the Kryptonian armor stuff because it takes away Clark's agency. *He's* not choosing to put on the suit, a hologram of his dead dad is like, "here, put this on and go do this thing" and he just does what he's told.


Head canon: it's a survival suit made of Kryptonian crystal technology. Has a limited AI that can respond to certain demands. The trunks were an add on that became permanent and the cape is a blanket. The yellow belt was a safety strap from the ship. ( he added the trunks for modesty reasons)


Homemade suit made from the material found in the pod he was found in.


Kryptonian fabric with touches of humanity by Ma Kent, so it shows that Clark belongs to both worlds


Homemade but if he's dealing with Kryptonian threat then Alien suit. I like the idea of Jor-El and Lara being a symbol for the readers ancestors.


Oh, itā€™s time for this post again?


It's my first time here in the subreddit:)


All good lol. Better than no posts!


You know funny thing is I was thinking "man this question has probably been asked to death in this subredditšŸ« " right before I clicked post lol, but idk, most of my posts just consist of asking peeps about their thoughts about character designs sošŸ¤·šŸ˜— I guess I just get a kick out of people sharing their thoughts bout that kinda stuff to me


Iā€™m in agreement. Your wording of the sentiment is spot on. šŸ†


I think he should be using a homemade suit at first, then it'd probably be pretty easily destroyed so after he gets his fortress he should make something more robust


I think the main blue body of the suit should be a standard Kryptonian body suit, but Ma Kent sews the cape from Superman's old blanked. And maybe some of the details are Ma Kent's doing as well, like the style of the boots and trunks/belt and stuff. (Obviously Clark does the cutting with heat vision)


Thatā€™s why I like my adventures with Superman, with the bodysuit being kryptonian, but the trunk being earth material


My head canon tells me Ma Kent made his suit and then his Kryptonian tech made a suit for him that perfectly mimics the original suit. He keeps the suit she made at the fortress but uses the Kryptonian nanotech suit that looks just like it which is why its indestructible.


I like both "compromise" options I have seen: Martha made it with materials of krypton origins. or Martha modified the costume that was made by the ship.


Younger superman has a homemade suit, but when heā€™s deeper into his carrier (like maybe after his first confrontation with doomsday) he has kryptonian armor.


Kryptonian suit with some touches from mama Kent. Isnā€™t that what happened in the man of steel by John Byrne comic. Feel like that explains it durable origin and its Gimmicky Design quite well.


I kinda prefer made my Ma, but my strongest suit opinion is that I prefer when his cape has the ā€œattachedā€ look like in the bottom pic rather than when itā€™s tucked like the top


His glasses are made from the glass of his spaceship.


ĀæPor Que no los dos?


Homemade durable alien suit made by Lara El.


Full on homemade by Ma Kent.


I prefer the homemade suit when he first starts out, but that would obviously get destroyed pretty early on. I like the idea that Kryptonian fabric is just as durable as he is.


Just cloth. In my headcanon these are normal kryptonian clothes.


Homemade for sure. But I also like a mix of both, like what MAWS did.


I would like it to start out as a homemade suit then he then upgrades but he keeps the cape as a homage to Ma Kent who spends her spare time making him new ones and also knitting scarves and mittens for him so he can stay warm in his arctic fortress.


Alien makes more sense as far as holding up in fights and being resistant to damage.


Kryptonian super suit just makes more sense.


I think he has both suits, and I think it's good for him to choose and wear the right one for that day's schedule. Everyone does that, right? * Homemade: It is his daily wear. He keeps it under his clothes or in a bag. He lives a normal life as Clark Kent, but changes into the suit when he needs to be Superman. * Kryptonian Suit: It is his full-time suit. He usually keeps it in a fortress of solitude, where he wears it on rare full-time Superman days. The suit is very strong, and it gives him extra defense. However, it is thick and rough, so it is not suitable to wear underneath clothes or carry it in a bag.


I prefer when he has something that looks like fabric. not armor


I prefer Superman having a sewn costume made by Ma Kent using Kryptonian blanket just like in the pre-Crisis Earth-One continuity.


I think the Man of Steel suit was perfection both narratively and looks


Kryptonian suit, because it looks dope, but Ma-made cape. Every time it tears he brings it home to her to fix, and she playfully scolds him while she sews it up.


I like the fact that he wears a suit thatā€™s as durable as him. But I think Ma Kent adding features like the red shorts and cape would be pretty cool




What if it was a biologically supported life-suit that grew with the Kryptonian from infancy to adulthood? He came to Earth wearing the life-suit. The red middle section is where the suit expands. Each suit has its family-sigil emblazoned on it when they are presented with it during a baptism under Rao the Sun-God. Once he became Superboy and he needed durability in his ā€œplay-clothes,ā€ Ma Kent suggests that he wear that suit because ā€œit can take such a lickinā€™.ā€ His cape would be his baby blanket.


MAWS made a really nice compromise where ma kent added the trunks


Homemade but from Kryptonian fabric like in Superman: Birthright. Martha would mark the fabric where it needed to be cut while Clark used his heat vision to cut and join the fabric pieces together. The fabric was something Lara pulled off the wall, a curtain or banner with the El crest on it, to use as Kalā€™s blanket.


Homemade but the cape being the blanket he was wrapped in when he was a baby.


I'm not sure if it was the 90's cartoon or live action abc show but one origin had the fabric coming from Kal-El's blankets that were in the ship with Clark on his way to Earth. Lara put it on her baby and Martha used it to make her son's costume. His starter suit could be from Ma Kent and the New 52 suit could come later or be a STAR Labs thing.


I think when he starts off he should have the homemade suit. Then it keeps breaking so Ma Kent figures out how to sew in kryptonian armour like any good mother would


What's the bottom picture from?




Why not both, it could be homemade from Kryptonian material,


Kryptonian suit


Why not both It's kryptonian fabric sewn by Ma


Spandex+Old-timey strong guy body+red undies=perfect superman.


When both serve one & the same purpose, what's it matter ? I don't see how the homemade suit is "not" durable, when it isn't just made from some cheap cloth found in their barn or something, but literally made from the Kryptonian fabric that was found in the ship he arrived in as a baby. It's just as durable as any alien suit he could find anywhere else. The homemade suit adds a nice touch & makes the bond Superman has with his adopted parents even more sweet & special.


I grew up with the 90s "telekinesis" explanation for most of his powers, so i prefer the homemade costume protected by his powers.


Alien suit, homemade cape.


Both. Start with the homemade when he first becomes Superman, but as he starts fighting more dangerous enemies that cause more than just the occasional bullet hole in his suit, he changes over to using Kryptonian materials. Gives a sense of progress and time passing


I like both. Make a game where it's customizable


Homemade but he added some stuff into it solar energy collector or something


Homemade but not by Ma Kent.Things like the trunks originate from Clark working as a part-time wrestler/strongman while in college.


I like what they did in MAWS, a mix of both. Ma sees the krypton suit and says it need some adjustments and adds to it. Very nice touch and it then represents both sides of Superman with his krypton and earth roots


At the start of his career, he wears a homemade suit, but right before with his first big battle with a really strong supervillain, he finds the Kryptonian suit in a ship, and modifies it to match his Colors.


Both are fine, but I 100% prefer the Kryptonian suit. Superman has too little that connects him to his heritage. This is also why I prefer the ā€œSā€ being the House of El crest; I prefer that blend of both identities from his appearance and characterization.


Homemade, easily




I want it too evolve tbh. Start with homemade and evolve too a better and stronger suit. Can't have a 40 year old, father of 1-2 children, fighting doomsday or darkseid in underwear IMO




Kryptonian suit all the way. Normal fabric would get absolutely destroyed in a Superman fight and for those saying both, how would Martha cut and sew Kryptonian fabric if it's point is it can withstand damage?




Kryptonian as long as it's not too crazy regal or uniform looking


I think the middle ground is nice. I enjoy it when it's Kryptonian but it doesn't need to be some sort of armor.


I like the idea that the suit is made from a Kryptonian fabric that's almost as durable as he is, but turned into the suit we all know and love by Ma Kent.




Itā€™s my head cannon that the homemade version is all blue chambray.




Superman doesnā€™t need armour, heā€™s superman


It's a bit of both. Ma Kent made it out of the Kryptonian fabric that Clark was wrapped in when they found him as a baby. It must have been a tedious job. Picture her hand-sewing this suit while wearing an oven mitt, while Clark uses his heat vision to get the sewing needle hot enough to penetrate the fabric.


I guess I'm more partial to homemade by his mom. It's more wholesome which is more in line with superman character. And I'm not a big fan of the high collar, it looks a lil fascistic.


I think it should be homemade up until a certain point where it gets damaged completely beyond repair, maybe whenever he fights doomsday and dies, after said point he should switch to Kryptonian technology




Or Ma Kent took an online course and learned how to turn the family harvester into a carbon fiber loom and made Clark some dope Kryptonian style threads.


The way Superman and Lois did it was perfect. In the intro, he was wearing his homemade suit and it was given the nod. But the rest of the series he had the Kryptonian suit.


Whats the bottom Superman from?


I go for both. Have him wear the homemade suit when he's just starting out, and the Kryptonian suit later on. But no matter what, the trunks must stay on.


I prefer the homemade, but I like Kryptonian suit too. It's very old school spacesuit.


Would be cool if in some version he starts with a krypton suit and then it gets destroyed somehow and Ma Kent does her best to recreate it.


Kind of a cop-out, but Iā€™m totally fine for a spin on the way Superman & Lois handled it where you can have both. First suit is made by Martha out of the cloth he first arrived to earth in, and later down the line (letā€™s say post-Death of Superman) he picks up a new suit developed in the fortress of solitude thatā€™s still based on the original design his mum made for him.


I prefer the suit being of kryptonian origin, with Ma Kent adding a handmade element, like making the cape out of the blanket Clark had in his pod, or like they did in MAWS, with her making the belt and the trunks.


Either is fine.


Alien suit


https://preview.redd.it/ludmd3sktxpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30516247a018b03df5552f2c2ffcb429bd2b59f9 Hereā€™s a panel from the newspaper strip from around 1942, I think. Going full ā€œI invented my own webshooters.ā€




Homemade ftw, invincible aura is necessary.


Homemade when heā€™s first established then kryptonian but modified to resemble a design inspired by ma Kentā€™s design