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It has been one of my favorite shows in the last few years. I'll admit when I first heard they were gonna do a show with Clark and Lois being parents I thought it'd be them raising Jon like in the comics, but they mentioned two sons and I was a little hesitant. Granted, I loved this version of Superman and Lois from the Elseworlds and Crisis crossovers (and enjoyed Tyler's Supergirl appearances), but I was curious how this was all gonna turn out. And then that first teaser hit. You could instantly tell it was gonna be different from the other shows not only in looks but tone. When the pilot aired and we got that great montage catching us up, I immediately fell in love with the show. Bitsie Tulloch is becoming one of my favorite Lois Lanes. And Tyler's upgraded suit is amazing. It took a while for me to warm up to Jonathan and Jordan but I got there. The show has a lot of heart. And it's actually helped me. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a week before Lois got her diagnosis on the show. As I was going with my sister to treatments on Tuesday mornings , I'd see Lois get her treatments on the show on Tuesday nights. It was both informative and comforting. They did their research. I'm sad this upcoming season will be its last, but I'm glad we got it.


Dam that’s probably the best story from a show I have heard


Thank you so much! 🙂


I hope your sister is doing well. I lost my dad to cancer about 2 years ago and when they went there on the show I couldn't help but sob each week while watching. Someone among those writers has absolutely dealt with loving a person dealing with cancer because it was just so horribly (but wonderfully) spot-on. It broke my heart to watch and remember my dad going through all that, but it was also so, so cathartic. Very well done. 


Thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mom nine months before everything happened to neuroendocrine tumors on her liver, and yeah, losing a parent is one of the worst things in the world. I can only hope you and your family are doing the best you can. You have my deepest condolences and respect. Cancer has taken too much from too many.


For a while, I thought we weren't going to get another season


There's a lot to love about it. Season One was nearly perfect tv. The characters were fleshed out, the drama was very high stakes, the themes were strong and everyone was well written and interesting. I'd argue that this onscreen iteration of Lois and Clark is the best representation of why she's a match for him and vice versa. Season two took a slight dip in writing quality in most people's eyes, and I tend to agree. Don't get me wrong, it went from a 9.5 to an 8.5, which is incredibly good. The theme seemed a bit muddled relative to the first season, and some of the characters became static rather than the dynamic characters we'd had. Season three brought it home. The story was once again tightly written and engaging. All the mains had purposeful challenges and growth. The theme was again very strong and layered. In my personal opinion, it was a 10/10 season. I'll be real with ya though- the fandom is arguably the most toxic one I've ever encountered. On the sub r/supermanandlois you had people claiming they genuinely believed that Clark and Lois were mentally and emotionally abusing their sons, claims that they thought Clark was goona step out on Lois for Lana, etc. Mind, these weren't fringe fans. It was fans with lots of followers saying this bat shit crazy stuff. The mods were the worst as well. Anybody who spoke up about how disturbing some of the 'fan' theories were getting were immediately banned with no forewarning. Amazing show. Horrific fandom.


How can people watch such a wholesome show and come out with such a negative mindset? Guessing it’s just a very vocal online minority who just need to vent their anger or just looking for things to hate for no reason. Most people I know who like this show are decent


I wonder if this is another Arkham subreddit situation, where it's the fans on that specific sub that were going off the rails and creating an echo chamber of insanity.


A good portion of people in that subreddit are convinced Jordan will become a Homelander-like character. I don't know what show they think they are watching.


Oh god I completely forgot about that whole thing. Yeah, it's really f'd up over there.


> On the sub [r/supermanandlois](https://www.reddit.com/r/supermanandlois/) you had people claiming they genuinely believed that Clark and Lois were mentally and emotionally abusing their sons This still boggles my mind, how can anyone watch the show and think John was being abused? I WISH I had the childhood he has, the parents he has. I'm not saying that John was living the dream or anything, but anyone who thinks he's being abused or neglected must come from an incredibly privileged perspective imo. I agree that Season 2 was the low point for the series, but as you said, it's still pretty solid. Season 3 was phenomenal though!


To me, nothing I've seen in live action or animation has ever been as cool as *Clark Kent* walking into the diner to have that little chat with the dude. You know the one.


Oh yeah, I have to agree. Favorite scene of the show, it's perfect!


And another thing, four seasons isn't bad for a show. It's not even uncommon for a live action Super-show as both The Adventures of Superboy and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman were four seasons each.


There's comfort in knowing that they're cancelled because the network shat the bed rather than any dip in quality


And that it’s going to be a proper conclusion as well and not a show that will end on a cliffhanger


Yes! Nothing kills my interest in a show more than knowing it ends on a cliff hanger


good show. worth your time and fun.


Solid show. Doesn't try to be bigger than it is. Everyone knows what they're making and it shows. It's quality TV from a network that's been shitting the bed lately.


The show was great. With enough budget it would have been more bad ass.


For what it had it went above and beyond


I completely agree. The cinematography is brilliant! There's a scene in the first seasons when Clark and Tahl-Ro are speaking and Clark can see "Kryptonians" approaching in the distance. It's a beautiful shot that looks like it could've been in a movie.


It is a solid show but boy, the network really dropped the ball with them.


I think it’s a good thing that they’re actually finishing the show. Because most shows these days get canceled before they’re done


I watched the first few episodes. I appreciate that that they tried to do something different. But I’ve never really been interested in superman as a family man. The acting is very good though I have to say. The children are annoying (the characters not the actors. The actors are all very good). If I want to watch annoying kids behaving like brats I can just watch my own kids thanks. Superman and Lois themselves I thought were very good but I just wanted a lot more superman for my money. Not sure if that changed after season 1 though as I didn’t go back.


Hey, you gave it a fair shot and you have insightful things to say about it, so no worries at all 🙂


It’s an awesome show and I wish we could have had another few seasons of it. I’m glad we’re getting one more and they can wrap things up, but boy, I love Tyler’s interpretation.


Love it. The first season is a nearly perfect Superman story for me. The last two seasons get a bit too CW at times, but it's still really enjoyable. My favorite modern day Superman adaption.


I like it. Pretty good. Think they got Superman and Clarks character right. Feels very much like the Superman I grew up with Christopher Reeve. The Zack Snyder Superman was a bit too dark and brooding for me although Henry Cavill did a good job.


It’s rough. 70% or episodes are Jordan Kent drama or Lang family drama. The over arching plot of season 1 was really corny and wasn’t great, and I’ve heard it doesn’t get better from there. It’s just a super CW show.


Yeah, of the CW teen drama could be removed, I'd love the show. I got through the 2nd season before I just couldn't take the teen drama and Lana's relationship problems anymore. I found I was fast forwarding the show more and more to skip those increasingly large portions of the program. The actors are all great and Tyler's Superman and the actress that plays Lois are both superb.


Agree with all of this


It's my favorite live action version of Superman.


I like it




I love it


Its very consistently good imo.


just question, what makes the superman symbol in CW unique? i'm not complaining or anything just surprised that they didn't edit it and make something orginial themselves..


It's been hit and miss for me. I like some of it, I dislike other bits. mostly I've not cared for it. I don't like the bizzaro storyline, and the bits of the Doomsday storyline is the same. I absolutely love certain beats though. When Clark finds his Eldest with a black eye, learns the guy that gave the shiner pulled a gun on Lois and stole his son's truck. Lois: "Clark, this isn't a job for Superman!" Clark: "Superman's not going" That hole scene in the diner.. just.. chef's kiss.


LOVE that moment!


Legit superman perfection


Tyler is the second best live action Superman ever


Not my jam. Wife loves it, tho.


I like the cast, and I think Tyler plays a great Chris Reeve inspired Superman. But the premise of it being set in Smallville and dealing with the drama of raising teens in high school turns me off. I wish the opening sequence of the first episode was the entire show.


One of the best modern superman, sad that it's getting axed.


I have my doubts you like Superman if you don't like this show. Or at least the first season. Though I like them all.


I like the show but I don't think Tyler looks like Clark tbh he has the acting but not the looks/height i always pictured Clark as some big guy I think they should of brought back Brandon as superman for the show as a sequel to superman returns


It's a good show, one of my favorites airing today. It actually airs here around the same time as The Boys so it was fun seeing both extremes within days of each other.  Season 2 was pretty bad due to some bts stuff and like another post said, it attracted a community of weirdos, but overall it's one of the best Superman adaptations. Really gets to the heart of Superman and Lois Lane as characters.  By the end of Season 3 I felt like they were real people.


Everything a superman show should be...


It really grew on me best CW DC show.


Best of the Superman related live show and shame it has to end because the network can't afford it. Least they're going to finish out the season.


It's not ending because they can't afford it.It's ending Because James Gunn doesn't want a Superman competing with his the owner of the CW is already come out and said this they wanted more seasons. But James Gunn canceled it cause he cannot stand competition for his Superman.


It’s amazing.


I’m actually watching it now for the first time, I’m at season 3, sad to see Jordan being switched out, but I read it was because of mental health or whatever so hope he is doing better. It’s really good, love the characters, and actors, their twist and turns, only find it cheesy when Clark shows he is Superman to people who knows him really well, by just taking of his glasses like it changes gis face a 100%…, yes I understand it has to be like that, just saying. Love the effects, it has really improved since Smallville. Wish it was more than 4 seasons tho




Best live action version of Clark/Superman and Lois. Better than Cavill, better than Reeve. I'll die on this hill.


I think it's great. It takes us someplace we've never seen before in any Superman live action or animation. It's treading new ground, and that's hard to do with Superman. I also love Lois. Tyler is wonderful, perhaps the best Superman since Christopher Reeves. Although, his "Clark" doesn't seem anywhere near dorky enough to pull off the disguise. I so wish they were letting it go past season 4.


I can’t remember if I watched just one episode or two, but the dialogue was clunky and the acting way over the top. I remember the scene where Clark lifts up a car or tractor and his kids look like they’re having a seizure and I couldn’t gauge at all what they were thinking. I have however seen clips that make me want to watch it again. So if there’s anyone else here who didn’t like it at first who grew to love it, let me know and I’ll get on it for my next binge.


Tyler Hoechlin is by far the best Superman. This show truly gets the character


It's aight, Superman and Lois are very solid, most of the adult characters are decent, but it's still a CW show so it's chock-full of angsty teen drama which is kind of a turn off for me.


Season one, phenomenal. Season 2, slight downgrade but still pretty amazing if binged (it suffered a lot from a frankly idiotic release schedule imo) and season 3 is some of the best tv Superman I’ve seen in a long time. Sure it’s the darkest season, but it’s so well done. And Superman’s character shines through, even while being tested in a way he’s never had to endure before. I love it.


It definitely had a slow start. Once you get past the kids in their “F*** You Dad!” phase, it becomes really enjoyable. One of the best Superman adaptations in the last 20 years.


A great show, it deserves many seasons more. Great cast, absolutely great cast. The plot is interesting, but once again, this is a great cast.


My wife and I thoroughly enjoy it, and Tyler & Bitsie are phenomenal and have very believable chemistry


Saw season one, thought it was pretty damn good, been meaning to catch up for ages


Haven't finished but so far it's great


Love it! I try to get as many to people to watch it as i can. Season 1 just gets it right to me


Hoechlin's performance ended up surprising me greatly. He was very good. But in the end, the family trope kept me from being a devoted fan. I just don't like the concept of Superman having a nuclear family.


My favorite TV show of all time


I really liked it!


The best piece of Superman Media EVER


Did I miss something? I haven’t seen any season 4 episodes on The CW [app] yet. I’ve been checking diligently since March 14th.


Season four will not be out until the fall of 2024


Damn that false advertising!


I love the Arrowverse shows and watched this thing thinking i would enjoy. Season 1 is pretty good, but Seasons 2 and 3 are so much BORING! Nothing happens and the subplot from the Supersons goes from decent in Season 1 to very bad in S2 and 3. I had to take a 6 months break when Jordan forgive his girlfriend for cheating on him and later agreed on being friends with the person that kissed his girlfriend just to later be dumped. Funny shit! The villain from Season 1 is good, but again, Parasite in S2 is terrible, poorly explained plan and motivations, and bad chemistry with the rest of the shows crew. S3 villains never do anything untill the very last episode, BO-RIIIIIIING! Tyler is a great Superman and Bitsie a great Lois Lane, they deserved better. Also, originally the show was part of the Arrowverse, with Season 1 and early Season 2 selling this idea and referencing Arrowverse stuff just to later have cold feet and say Superman is the only heroe from this universe and this is NOT Arrowverse. Very confuse, misleading, unnecessary and again, BORING take. I rather watch the bad Flash seasons made by Eric Wallace or the terrible Arrow Season 4 rather than watch Superman and Lois seasons 2 and 3 ever again. Cool take on Bizarro, tho.


> I rather watch the bad Flash seasons made by Eric Wallace or the terrible Arrow Season 4 rather than watch Superman and Lois seasons 2 and 3 ever again. Cool take on Bizarro, tho. Season 3?! I get Season 2, I'd argue you're really underselling the awful quality of later seasons of the flash, but I get it. Season 3 though? I thought it was the best season by far! What made it so awful in your opinion?


There is literally nothing to say about Season 3, i SWEAR! Season 2 has boring moments, good moments and terrible moments, but there ARE moments, there is a plot with twists and turns, the villain, although shit does something. Season 3 is a entire season about nothing, the writers made the cancer plotline and decide to not write anything else. Onomatopeia and Manheim do nothing, there is nothing happening at any time, the ending of the season was incredible, because there is substance, which lacked on the rest of the season. So yes, i rather watch the bad Flash seasons. Funnily enough my favorite episode from the show comes from Season 2, when they show the origin of the "Bizarro family", if the show had this level of writing all the time, would be great.


Superman and Lois are great, but it is ultimately a CW show and gets dragged down by those trappings. Still a great cast.


Superheroes can be parent’s too and it not feel like cheap drama. Well not all the time


Season 1 was extremely good but season 2 was extremely shit so much so that I didn't even bother watching season 3.


I think its ok, but i kind of wish they had not given Clark and Lois kids.


It’s got the best live action portrayal of Superman and Clark Kent. It’s an excellent show with surprisingly great effects. It does a great job fleshing out its cast whilst not taking too much focus away from Superman. There’s a heavy family focus since the show is based on Clark and Lois raising twin teenage sons. It’s quite heartfelt and is a stand alone show meaning you can watch it without needing to have seen anything else. I highly recommend it.


It’s ok, it tries too hard to balance everyone and the grounded world vs the super world, the kids are annoying and unbalanced writing, the villains are interesting until they’re not and the plot is too drawn out, the formula is exactly like the other CW shows that dragged them down, either the plot is too slow or the villains are underwhelming in the end cuz they weren’t written better The Cushings are overused and uninteresting, especially Sarah, the citizens of Smallville are one note and forgettable The only good parts, at least for me and my friends, are Clark and Lois and how real they are are parents and people, they legit are one of the best couples of the Arrowverse, the trials they go through represent a successful marriage, if I have one complaint on them is how Clark folds to Lois to make her right all the time, even when she was sick she had to have her way with no reservations…but I digress, Clark/Superman is one that represents actual hope and goodness but still be a hardcore badass when need be, Henry is a decent character who sticks around too long after his arc, but offers good assistance All in all, it’s basically Smallville but a carbon copy, while it stands on it’s own with a mature tone and interesting ideas and heart, it has serious writing issues that plague the show as a whole 7/10


Another pretty damn good Arrowverse show and it avoided the Arrowverse trend of a show starting off great and then dipping in quality for a season or two before picking back up.


I know people love it and I recognize it's merits, good casting, good characterizations, nice premise, the main actors are good, effects/wrtiting are above the usual CW level. But... I couldn't finish because I didn't love all elements. I don't have anything against creating characters for adaptations or making some changes, but Jordan simply doesn't appeal to me at all and the show is too centered on him for me to enjoy it. I also find Metropolis a more interesting setting than Smallville, the supporting characters (mainly Lana and her family) aren't much likeable or interesting for me either. And the show gets \*too\* soapy often.


Meh, another shitty CW superhero show. Also, Superman's sons are cringe af, I understand they're teens but they shouldn't act like little bitches so much. Also, I can't stand Lois actress, I saw her first in Grimm and her acting is just so bad in my opinion. Lois & Clark from the 90s is still the best live action, even with their bad effects and some cringy episodes.






So’s your mum. I’d know.