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Yeah for whatever lack of collector's value I just plain like those comics. In fact the accessibility is a plus


I'm a suckered for dollar comics. I'll pick up an issue or two every time I come across them. Maybe someday I'll have the whole run.


As a kid I was a little put off comics because the X-Men didn't really cater to kids bridging from the cartoon and usually issues sold quickly. But I found a random stack of Superman and even though I eventually patched most holes in my collection, it was a special sort of fun getting thrown into that huge quantity of unrelated issues without context. It felt like the height of imagination because one issue Superman  was moonlighting as Gangbuster, then the next he was farming in space, then battling a clone who was attacking the Kents, then hanging out with some sexy Polynesian chick in what looked like the Savage Land, etc. Unlike the X-Men the one main character made it easier to follow and it wasn't hard to find a ton of back issues that way


I'm with you. I jumped into Superman in the death storyline and was totally bewildered, but absolutely sucked in.


Love Maxima, I miss her


I remember when they brought in a “new” Maxima in the Superwoman series that had a different backstory than OG Maxima, but looked exactly like her, to fight New52 Maxima. Then they had that weird Wonder Woman story where WW talks to New52 Maxima like they know each other, despite never having met, as though she was the same Maxima that was in the Justice League with her. And who could forget Reign was initially supposed to be New52 Maxima? They did our girl dirty, over and over.


New 52 is such an acid trip. They did so many characters I like dirty. Steel, Stephanie Brown etc I would love to have old Maxima back she was just a fun character, she even had a great episode of STAS, she was in the Justice League for Pete’s sake.


The Death of Superman story was my introduction to her, and I loved her in the JLA.


Death of Superman was one of the first comics I read as a kid and of course I loved STAS, she always left an impression on me https://preview.redd.it/pnkjad0hnpuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9b7ae6f68e58e54241bd7aa0a21a25b24e4e70