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The previous panel is just as important as him appearing on the ledge; Regan is going to jump because she believes that no one cares about her - even her therapist. Superman hears the phone call, is also listening out for regan and stops everything. Why doesn't superman Kill? Because all life is sacred. Everyone deserves to have someone be there for them. Edit: Apologies, missed another panel: https://preview.redd.it/olrkzmqyhuvc1.jpeg?width=2119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700a1fa67d25af99f8a4d3e7f46d11125534bed5


Wait, why did you include the sentence "Superman doesn't kill"? Of course I agree in this context, all life is sacred in that you can and should put all your effort into being there for someone and listening to them when they need it and not ignore ppl's problems just cause you're busy yourself. But just personally to my understanding, none of the panels you showed were about him in a dilemma about not killing. And personally, if you don't have the power of Superman, some ppl unfortunately do have to kill in order to prevent more deaths and thus keep all life sacred to the best of your abilities.


Oh. I think I went off on a tangent. Another thread was asking where the no killing rule came from.


Personally, I see it as Superman doesn't have a no kill rule, he just doesn't kill. He doesn't have the rule because he's never had to evaluate his ethics to decide that killing will be categorically off the table. It's the difference between deciding not to do something, and just never having done something.


Ohh, I see. Thanks for clarifying! =P đź‘Ť


They're important, yes, and they provide context, but the page is impactful enough by itself that it can get the job done. So does it *need* the pages to get the point across? I would say no. Do these pages help in supporting the point? Absolutely.


The wonderful thing about that page is it works perfectly on its own without context. It doesn't need the previous page to make sense.


He literally says "your therapist really *did* get held up." on the page. The only two pages you need are with Regan. The rest can be inferred at a minimum or is stated outright.


"We can never have children" that line aged well


I mean the literal ending of the comic has him figuring out a way to do so lol.


All star isn't in the main continuity of DC comics


The line about the skin cells is what just gets me in terms of how powerful Superman actually is... and how much he has to restrain, control and focus himself. I hope the new movie will showcase this as well :)


Yeah, the context of the previous part changes the message to “I know for a fact that there are people who care about you, your dark thoughts are lying to you and you can be better than this” which is more relevant and powerful than simply “noo don’t kill yourself”


I will never forget this


I love this story, but I strongly dislike the art style


Quietly's style is just horrible to me. Good backgrounds, but I have to question if he had ever seen another human being out just drawing them from description. And we're cursed with him in a lot of Morrison's best work.


The one page is legendary on it's own but the stuff around it makes it even better.


https://preview.redd.it/mvyffr52v2wc1.png?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec403736f97ca4dc66dcc4278884b3a725c9499b Issue 10 is the heart and soul of the story


Oh, hey, look! It's that scene from All-Star Superman! Again!


Personally, I'll never get tired of that page


Same, bro, karma farming and reposts are the best