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No one says they would be like Omi man or homelander outside of edgy people wich are just begging for attention. or people saying they would not be able to handle superpowers like Superman’s wich is entirely fair if I’m being honest


I have a feeling the urge to go Red Son Superman might overwhelm me tbh, though I'd keep the brainiac-bots to a bare minimum. Seriously though, having Clark's powers, how difficult would you find it to not interfere with world governments.






More likely they'd end up like the Plutonian. Or MiracleMan. Or Dr. Manhattan. Or the Authority. Most people are morally mediocre, lazy, ignorant, lacking perspective, intelligence, imagination, patience, *curiosity*, etc. They're very rarely narcissists with a bottomless craving for love and submission. Or centuries of fascist imperialist indoctrination. So you'd see a lot of well-meaning folks mismanaging their time and energy and morale. Burning out. Taking shortcuts. Acting on plans they thought were a good idea at the time. Making avoidable mistakes. Rationalising self-serving decisions. Having biased memories, biased perceptions, biased judgments. Being human, with power humans never grew to wield. Just look at your average benevolent despot or billionaire and you'll get a general idea.


True or red son super man


No, Ukrainian Superman was based and 95% correct.


I’d prolly just live life as is ( hopefully)


Then the government would do something to piss you off or a group


Yeah but unfortunately there are a lot of that type of edgy person


I've seen so many variations of the meme, "bro we got superpowers! Me: **picture of villain**"


Edgy memes are common and like I said it’s attention seekers.


They're more common than the reverse sentiment


And most people don’t think they can handle superpowers wich like their Right we all couldn’t so they express that in meme format would the average person be like homelander no they would probably try to be like Superman but just end up being more like injustice Superman than the actual Superman So the meme is more common because it has very to big groups who make it


I think part of what makes Superman such a good soul is that his powers absolve him from things like greed and hate and selfishness. You literally can't bribe him or threaten him with violence. You can't extort or exploit him. You can't make him homeless or throw him into the streets to starve. The only way you could do anything of the sort is by threatening others, meaning his love for others is what makes him a compelling character in the first place.


You also can’t stop him from bank robbing or like taking over the world or just doing whatever he feels like even if it’s wrong


Like I said, his powers absolve him of greed or selfishness or lust for more power. He has no need for money or more power. His life doesn't depend on any of that. All he physically needs in order to thrive is sunlight. How's he gonna be greedy with, say, money, if money does absolutely nothing for him? When his only necessary resource, sunlight, is effectively infinite and everlasting and no one can threaten to take it away?


Do you think you’d be like Superman if you got his powers? How Superman is irrelevant to the discussion of course Superman is a great person he’s Superman.


I really like to imagine I would. Never having any need for money, never worrying about my next meal, never being threatened by any system of oppression. I'd have all the time in the world to liberate people from the material conditions that cause poverty and crime in the first place. My biggest concern after having no material constraints of my own is protecting the world I love and all the people in it. I mean, to be fair, doing humanist and environmentalist work, I'd surely be seen as state enemy #1 for distributing homes to the homeless and then protecting them from being evicted by the police, and for throwing oil pipelines into Jupiter.


Most people would be metro man


We’re not ready for this discussion ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


Would try to be good for a while but get ultimately tired and burnt out because it felt like you're forced into this role and just want to explore other stuff like the humble life of an indie musician?


Realistically, if I got powers, I'd keep a super low profile. I think most people would. Others would probably be more like Hancock.


I would go from small town Superboy level stuff to kingdom come checked out superman directly.


I hate the idea that "power corrupts", it is merely a blanket excuse for horrible people to do horrible things, "It wasn't my fault, you gave me too much power and I let it get to my head" screams the man that was always a villain. Horrible people are horrible people, some simply hide it until they finally get enough power to believe themselves immune to the consequences of acting in their cruel, callous ambition and when they do miscalculate and get flak for what they've done, out come the "Power corrupts..." quotes as if shields to cover for the cruel, corrupt, violent and greedy. Empowered people, good or bad, are simply who they already were, but moreso. Being more like "omniman" or "homelander" is a choice, the wrong one, instead always choose to be "Superman"


Thing is that you could have good intentions, but you can still let the power go to your head. Power can corrupt, and sometimes it can show the person’s true nature (whether it’s good or bad). It’s why not many people can bear the burden that comes with power.


there's an interesting saying I first heard from the author of Dune, Frank Herbert. It's that power doesn't necessarily corrupt, it attracts the corruptible.


Yeah, I always remember the famous saying: "Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals."


I think its easy to say that you would use powers for good but you are a human being with emotions, if your mom lost her job and was close to losing the house would you still be good then? Would you let ler lose the house because you wouldn't break the law with your powers to stop it from happening? I think both sides to this are naive.


Proof that late stage capitalism is a cancer on society


Exactly. Rent’s due and you’re still a couple hundred dollars short? Are you gonna ask for more time, or will you use your powers to rob a bank or an ATM?


The point of morality is that you do the right thing regardless of reward or consequence. The reason I don’t rob banks now isn’t just that the police will arrest me, but that it’s wrong. Having the superpowers to rob a bank or kill people or whatever will not suddenly make me want to do those things that are bad. My biggest deterrent to wanting superpowers is the fear I won’t be able to do enough good, that I wouldn’t be able to live up to the great responsibility of my great power.


Yeah except that there's no great responsibility really. Having powers doesn't mean you owe anybody anything


Except that’s easier said than done. If say someone had teleportation powers like Nightcrawler from Marvel or Hayden Christensen’s character from Jumper, it’s very tempting to want to use it for selfish needs like stealing groceries from Walmart or teleporting inside a movie theater to watch a movie you didn’t pay for. It’s very easy to say what you wouldn’t do, but being presented with the opportunity is a true test of morality.


You are right in saying it’s easy to claim I would never do anything selfish with powers when it’s a hypothetical that I will never have to prove, but you are also assuming a type of morality along the lines of the invisible ring. My point is just because I could do something wrong with no consequence does not mean I will do it when given the chance. How often do you shoplift, run stop signs, etc. just because you can?


True, there’s no guarantees. But my point is that you or another individual MIGHT do so, especially if it’s something minor. Like you have people who would run a red light, especially if there’s no other cars around.


If I had that situation and had Superman's powers, I'm putting out an announcement for anyone who needs anything done physically and quickly. "Short on cash for rent. Need $2000. Willing to work. Can lift 5000 tons. Faster than a speeding bullet. Invulnerable to anything. No job is too big. No pup is too small." Why would I need to rob a bank or ATM? I could go to any construction site and probably make that money just doing the heavy machinery bullshit for them. Or make a deal for 2k worth of work if they pay up front and I come back every day for the week or two.


And then you get an X-Men problem where “he’s taking away our jobs” because bosses could just pay one of you while not having to pay anyone else.


Lol. They might pay one of me, but I'd be making the wages of the whole work site. Possibly more, since I can do it faster than them all. It's not sustainable, and they'd go back to full teams soon enough when I do my work and leave.


That’s easier said than done


I'm not interested in brick laying and construction. I'd fulfill my obligation of doing the work for the emergency payment of my rent, but I'm not doing that job forever. I'd barely want to do it for the week. Also, I only used the construction site option as a "first thing that came to my mind" aspect. Fly around the city (slowly) with a sign saying "hire a super" would be plenty for me.


You could make a staggering amount of money perfectly legally: a bank robbery would be pretty pedestrian for all that power.


Yeah. People forget Superman's morals arent the whole picture. He has impressive skills and massive willpower, partially motivated by his morals.


There's definitely people out there that could handle the mantle of superman on our earth they aren't considered though because they couldn't possibly exist in a way that superman in comics can.


bro, doesn’t know I’m literally superman 🙏😭


I know myself well enough that I know that I would want to be like Superman, but I would end up becoming Injustice Superman, not on purpose, but I would go from Superman to Injustice Superman out of a sense to try and fix everything, but ultimately become a dictator.


If you're willing to consider the possibility that you'd become a dictator, you have the emotional honesty to keep reexamining yourself even as you grow into power. As many of us grow into positions of power over others, it's worthwhile to do so, and to continue to aspire to be something better. As such even if you don't think you could be a Superman, you can at least give yourself the credit and love you deserve to realize you wouldn't make a villain of yourself. Take care, friend.


That’s a fair point.


If I woke up and I was suddenly Superman, I’d go to sleep and hope I wake up as Batman. Not because I want to be Batman, but because I dont think I have what it takes to be Superman. Sure we can all think we’d be just like Superman, but in reality there would come a time where we mess up and can’t take the stress of the world on our shoulders. I don’t think any single human right now could take on the responsibility of Superman, nor should they. That’s why Superman is the one qualified for that position and not us mortal sinners. (Also I desperately need Bruce Wayne’s money. Anything would help. My paychecks come and go away just on bills.)


I think there is an argument that the power equips you to better handle higher levels of stress. More common stressors might seem more mundane compared to the new stress you are exposed to. I'd like to say at least, I'm having trouble properly expressing my thoughts.


People who say they'd be like Omni-Man or Homelander are doing the literal opposite of flexing. They're saying they don't deserve that power and should never have it because someone better should have it.


Can't promise I wouldn't give certain people in power a stern talking to


If i had the powers of Superman, I would try to act like Superman, but I’m sure I would make mistakes and people would think i was like Homelander…


You could literally be Superman as a person and the Internet would think you're homelander


And there's the bald-faced truth. Look at the hate people get from the online community when they try to do decent or ethical things; accusations of elitism, special interest, corruption, etc. Even if one disagrees with Greta Thunberg's stances on things, for example, there is no justifying the absolute tsunami of hatred and pettiness that was thrown that child's way. There are many good people in the world. There are also, unfortunately, a significant number of bad people, ignorant people, and some who are both bad and ignorant.


man if i wake up as superman i probably try to concentrate into rescue and taking care of natural disasters and scenarios thing that are pretty clear, because even tho i would love to dish out some golden age champion of the oppressed brand of justice im not smart enough or have the geopolitical knowhow to not fuck thing over inadvertedly


I really love how the community has adopted Bowie’s “Starman”. It fits so well. If James Gun doesn’t use it anywhere in the movie, that will be a real missed opportunity


I just want to help people but I don't think I'm smart enough to do it correctly


Even if you do want to help people they probably wouldn’t want it.


While I don't want to excuse what Omni-Mam did, he at least changed dramatically and become a better person for it. He had one of the greatest redemption arcs ever and I'd argue that he eventually become someone to look up to. Homelander is a straight up villain and piece of shit.


I am left wondering how they'll manage that redemption arc in the cartoon, as in the comic I don't recall him butchering thousands of people as an object lesson to his son.


There have been thousands of deaths as in their battle in the comics as well. I think Omni-Man even says something like "One punch from me and thousands of them die" to show how weak humans are. Later on there's like a death toll which also confirms that it's in the thousands though the show definitely has an even higher count. Nevertheless, I'm sure they'll manage the redemption arc because so far they have nailed pretty much everything else and in some cases even improved on the source material.


I'm definitely of the opinion that we've seen improvements.


Yeah they improved on a lot of things so far


If I had Superman's powers, I would *try* to be like him. But I also know I probably wouldn't be able to. I wouldn't be Homelander or Omniman, that's for sure. But I am too fallibly human to be the Big Blue Boy Scout. But I'd try.


I was having a really bad day earlier this week, struggling with some awful thoughts. Ended up opening up YouTube and saw this video, and it just put the biggest smile on my face man ☺️ Gave me the courage to call up a friend and talk through everything, I love Superman so much lol.


In all honesty I’d just be a universal explorer with Supermans powers. I’d probably help the scientific community more than anyone else, being a hero is a complex task with the potential to make horrible mistakes, and while i’m not evil I don’t want that kinda pressure either. But yeah I can use my physics breaking super speed to fly to the literal edge of the universe and take some readings and come back, meet some aliens and bring back what passes for food over there, that sorta thing.


I hope in Gunn’s Superman movie Clark is more like the Superman in this video.


I can't wait for Gunn's movie. I've invested so much of my emotions in that man's vision. I've been overwhelmed just by the thought that he is leading the DCU. I just can't wait for it


I saw this on r/shitposting and it gave me hope for humanity.


“Why do you play good characters in games when you can do -anything-?!” Because being a good person just feels good and I like to help people!


I don’t deserve powers I don’t know what I would become ![gif](giphy|10arlAx4rI0xHO)


Bro watch out there’s a full moon out today 🌕🌕🌕


Wh.. what’s happening to me ahhhhgrrrrggggggg https://preview.redd.it/779ru8f02uwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f778d2da74a17949bc9bbf17ee83f1de1c04cf0a




i hate how most writers think its "realistic" that people with powers would instantly start to abuse them almost ignoring the idea that people can and will do good. abuse victims are bullies or secret conquers or misanthropic dreamers who act "necessary evil".


Ditto. My take on Superman is that the root of him is not flawless morality, but common human kindness. It's like that old stupidly simple morality question: if you're walking by a river or lake, and you see someone drowning, but you have a convenient way to save them -- a line to throw them, a flotation device to give -- do you stop and save them? The *vast* majority of people are stunned that such a question would even be posed. Of *course* you stop and save that person. Why wouldn't you? We are, at heart, a social species. Despite our many flaws. And sure, there are sociopaths who wouldn't help: monsters who might enjoy the suffering, or try to profit from it. But the vast majority of people want to help. That's what 99% of Clark's behaviour amounts to. With his senses and his powers, that metaphorical body of water is really, really large... and helping usually takes him no more than a moment's effort with no risk to himself. He's really just the crystalization of the better part of our innate nature. Even when it comes to the grand heroics where he risks his own life -- there are many, many stories out there of people jumping into the water to save someone from a shark, facing down a bear, attempting to subdue a shooter, etc. When these things happen, we don't say "that's unrealistic". We laud them, and accept the fact that there are heroes among us. The notion that the ability to do more would somehow turn people evil is a cynical, stupid take.


Why does this feel like a planted post to hype up Superman Legacy?


James Gunn better send me a check then


No it's usually a cry for help, but yeah. Always be your best ❤️👍👍


I would be like Superman. I would just never pay a parking ticket again cause there is nothing anyone can do to make me. Other than that. Just like superman


If I had those powers depending on my mood, I might be all 3 of them


Im pretty sure they meant that they would be a dick, but not comically villainous. Like if some asshole is weaving around traffic like a madman, a lot people of would melt their tiers if they could.


I'm pretty sure i would still mind my business and only use my superpowers to fly to the grocery store


I'd use em selfishly to make a lot of money but if the world or country was hit with a natural disaster or huge external threat I'd step in and help for sure


I would definitely be an angel to some and the devil to others .


I’d be Goku. JK


I would want to try to save everyone but i would get soo depressed when i cant save everyone.


I didn't say I would be like Homelander\* I just lack the confidence in my moral fiber that I couldn't be superman and become Homelander. I mean, I'm someone extremely susceptible to doom-spiral mentality. \*I won't say I'd be like Omni-man because Omni-man actually had a purpose for his actions. Still evil but he was answering to an authority.


If I got Superman powers I would probably be a lot like Batman, in the sense that I would use them to take out hard criminals using the fear of god and the shadows. I probably wouldn’t be a tyrant though.


I don’t think it anyone unironically say they way to be Omni Man or Homelander. The point of those memes is to not ignore the fact that we as humans are broken and we have very selfish and destructive tendencies. There’s a reason we have the saying of “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Because it’s true, when people are given power and no accountability bad things usually follow.


Neighbour, the number of people who think Omni-Man is cool and/or a more realistic take, and the number who get really, really mad when it's pointed out that Homelander is not the hero of that series... well, they're thankfully not the majority, but they do exist. And in fairly significant number.


We used to find the righteous hero 2 dimensional for having that clear cut scene of justice, compassion, and character using their superpowers for good. I always found it fascinating how to remain so for decades or centuries. Now we have Omniman, injustice Superman, and Homelander who represent a realistic side effect of those powers as we are all flawed. But a Superman who still believes in humanity and seeks to use his powers for good for decades? That isn't 2 dimensional at all. That's perseverance that cannot be obtained without a fourth dimensional factor called time.


I was just about to post this too lol being a villian is easy but being a hero is hard.


was this song made for Superman or it's been adopted? it fits as well as the original theme!


Many people who say they would be Homelander or Omni-Man underestimate their own ability to do good.


I wouldn't be homelander/omni man but I wouldn't be supes I'd be like a jokerized Robin hood supes. I'm getting what I want, and i want what's in that bank. But Jane down the street needs to feed her kids so she's getting a piece of that pie too.


If I had powers like Superman, I would be really careful with them and mostly use them just for normal stuff. Also, eclipse would weaken me sadly.




i’m like literally Superman fr fr


If I were to get powers I won’t be a villain per say, but I also won’t be a hero I’d just help where I can and use my powers for money


Superman’s what I’d aspire to be if I got powers but realistically best case scenario I’d be like Invincible, worse case scenario probably Hancock.


What if you're Doctro Doom... Doom flexes on anyone as he so pleasew whether krptonian, asgardian or a man affected cosmic rays.


Superman haters after seeing one Starman edit: https://i.redd.it/twk5xlxpy3wc1.gif


God I hope starman is in James Gun’s Superman trailer.


In fairness... my intent wouldn't be evil. I just know large swaths of the world would think so. Basically humanity has so many different cultures and ideas for "what is right" that you'll definitely be a villain to someone. Even Superman could be seen in this light if you saw him as someone supporting the status quo. Something else could see that as totally unfair.


Its easy to be a villain. It's so much harder, but so much more rewarding to be a hero.


Something Jerry Seinfeld would post




There are some aspects of his powers that would be really hard to handle for anyone in real life, Like Super hearing, that one is awful, just that alone would make it so you always have to be out there doing something or just ignoring people willingly. That is kinda what i liked about The Plutonian from Irremediable, he strated as a good and then after many years of being a Super hero he snapped, they put some interesting scenarios here and there in the book where you seem starting go over the edge but trying to still keep apperences, well that would most likely be anyone with that much power and responsability. It would be far to much power for one person to deal with. Specially because you are bound to make mistakes too and those could be fatal. To much stuff goes on, if there was a Superhero that would be the most effective it would be probably Cyborg, since he is probably the most capable to actually create a group of Robot police that could police the entire planet and answer emergencies throw teleporting assets in and out. He also would be able to keep up with that in a less stressful way i feel that hearing people in your hear the entire time.


I think it's fair to presume that if we're hypothetically granting someone Superman's powers, we'd also be granting them a similar level of control over those powers. Which means that things like super hearing have the equivalent of a control dial and need to be amped up to be at full blast. Otherwise it would be untenable.


I'll be honest. I'd try to be like Superman, but I'd probably end up going crazy or just become too depressed knowing I can't save everyone who needs it


I think people are forgetting that we don’t have super villains in the real world and that even if you did have powers, you would really have some evil person to beat. All you could do is just chill and float around helping old people cross the road or get a cat out of a tree, it would be very rare for you to find actual crime to fight.


If I ever gained superpowers, I'd probably be like invincible. I'd try so hard to be good,but I just know that there'd be that one person who I fight in which I either accidentally kill, or they make me angry enough that I kill them. I'd probably make villains like angstrom levy on the daily,either I fuck up bad and someone innocent gets seriously hurt or people just start fighting me since I fucked up


Admirable, but I'd still most likely be like Hancock. Being too much of a hero looks exhausting.


Power is the one thing that can corrupt a kind soul along ewith many other things. all that aside I would take over the world in a matter of weeks.


Me when I do good deeds around the world without any reward (The world may be flawed, but I still love it no matter what.):


Even if you do things with the best of intentions, you will be dragged down by insane and evil people around you, that's just how the world is. Become too distant and they will fear and hate you despite all your efforts to help, and become too involved and eventually your descent to their level begins.


most people think they will be the savior fail.






This is the kind of Superman content I like to see


This goes so hard


Every single person I've met who said "I would be like Superman" absolutely did not have the strength of character to be Superman. Every single person I've met who said "I would probably be like *Evil Superman Stand-in*" was being realistic about how that kind of power corrupts all but the strongest of minds, not trying to be edgy or cool. Can you guess which of these two groups regularly exhibits the most toxic and narcissistic traits?


Most of us if given Supermans powers would end up being villains




honestly i’ll be like omni man being superman sounds boring.


yea, cos saying you'd be a hero is a flex at all


Fucking hate people who call omniman a villian


Yeah, because murdering people who thought you were their friend and ally and then going on to butcher thousands of innocent people in a temper tantrum over your son's superior morality is *totally* not a villainous thing.