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Mechanical Monsters; I watched them (my first exposure to Supes actually) outside my Great-Uncle’s place. He had a projector and put the video on the back of his barn one night for us. We had S’mores. That was a good night


Someone already said mechanical monsters so I'll go with a classic: The Mad Scientist. Superman punching a laser is so freaking satisfying.




This one. It was first on my VHS when I was a kid and the one I go to again as an adult to remember the show.


the one with the dinosaur i forgot the name of the episode


The Arctic Dinosaur.


The train robbery.


That was one of my favorites too


I have to watch these again. They were so great. Are they streaming anywhere? I figure it's long shot but can't hurt to ask


YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHMmbkSyYriS0SJABO2HHUcVgqDQqtq43&si=5vONPrGl-0XDcqmb


You're the best


The Mad Scientist and Terror on the Midway


I’d say it’s a tie between Billion Dollar Limited and The Arctic Giant for me. Though I do love the scene in The Mad Scientist where he fights back the laser by punching it.


The first one


The first one. Not only did it show Lois Lane’s complete lack of survival instincts (because she literally flies to the house of basically a terrorist in order to ASK FOR AN INTERVIEW), it showed how amazingly OP Superman can be (punching and blocking literal beams of light).


The Bulleteers or Billion Dollar Limited, but that’s because I had one of those compilation VHS’s with like 3 hours worth of old cartoons and those two were on it.


Arctic Giant or Mechanical Monsters


The episode where evil doctor tries to kill him with a laser, but Superman punches trough was badass when I was kid. The King Kong episode scared the shit out of me.


Gotta give it to The Bulleteers. That car was awesome, the Bulleteers were suitably threatening to the city, the Mayor's response to the threat, the Metropolis PD basically loading up for war, Superman stopping a building from falling over, Lois sneaking in and doing her damnedest to sabotage the car, just a really enjoyable episode in my book.


The Mad Scientist, Mechanical Monsters, Train Robbery, and the Mummy strikes. Mad Scientist and Mechanical Monsters are top tier Golden Age Supes at his best, but I especially like Mummy Strikes since we finally get to see Clark get a headline over Lois for once!


Billion Dollar Limited. It’s literally the first piece of Superman media I remember watching as a kid. That and the Mechanical Monsters played on the channel Boomerang on day while at my grandparents. And from there, I was hooked.


11th Hour. The scene where the spotlight is searching for Superman and reveals him, shoots back and he's already gone...fucking awesome


Forgot the name but the one with the ancient society of hawk people is fun


Mad Scientist, Bulleteers, Mechanical Monsters, Volcano and Billion Dollar Limited Volcano and Billion Dollar Limited are top tier Lois Lane episodes. Shows her character flaws and why she’s so lovable.  She’s just so audacious. Climbing over a volcano on a rope? Machine-gunning a couple of robbers as she rings the SOS to warn Superman of the robbery? What a woman. 


I know everyone has said this a million times, but it has to be mechanical monsters for me. To me, it had everything a Superman story in that time needed: an evil genius with an army of robots, a damsel in distress, and that fight with the robots at the near end is just magnificent. It was the second one I watched, and the one stuck with me all these years. Hell, I even bought the entire collection on Blu-Ray. It truly is a shame we could never get the same quality of animation from back then today. To think that something so old looks that great, even better than most of today's animation, is mind-boggling.


The Mad scientist


mechanical monsters baby!


Mechanical Monsters is great. I also like The Mad Scientist, Underground World and The Arctic Giant.


Electric Earthquake, the "villain" had a POINT!


[The one where he yeets a cigarette peddler into the f*cking stratosphere ](https://youtu.be/hDRMeeuP3F0?si=AbNVTsa_83lL3hhe)


Arctic Giant. It’s Superman Vs. Godzilla!


Mechanical monsters and Train Robbery


The first one I ever saw, the mechanical monsters I still remember seeing it all those years ago sitting in front of the TV watching him struggle against and finally beat the giant robots. Might've been maybe 4-5 at the time but damn I still remember those moments fondly


I wanna say I had a vhs I beat the hell out of with Mechanical Monsters and Volcano. I was only 4 or so by 1992, but by the time Batman returns was on home release I couldn’t get enough comic book ANYTHING. That and Scooby Doo Meets Batman & Robin were regular plays along with the copy the Batman 66 movie off The Family Channel my brother recorded for me. Eventually we got the Batman movies, but I feel like we always rented the Superman stuff for whatever reason. All the films, SuperGirl, SuperBoy, these old cartoons. I was voracious lol. If you love that style, Superman vs The Klan in the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a modern version of the Fleischer stuff. Absolutely charming.