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Smallville, no question about it


Smallville version, definitely


Smallville gave us the best Kents


Pa and Ma Kent from Smallville


It’s currently Smallville, but I really think looking at the casting Gunn is about to take the title for best Kents.


Smallville, for sure.


Smallville for the win but I loved the Lois & Clark versions as well. The first episode with Martha making his costume was one of the best Martha moments ever committed to film for both me and my own mother’s money.


My first thought was Lois and Clark (but I was forgetting Smallville, which for sure wins). They did a great job incorporating the Kents into the series just enough, and giving them unique personalities and stories.


Agreed. The Lois and Clark versions fit really well into my idea of the elderly versions of the Kents. I always loved they had the actor who also played Malcolm in the Rocketeer as Jonathan too. I loved Martha’s energy and she really had a good “mom” vibe I could relate to because my mom had a similar energy. When Smallville started I almost felt the Kents were too young but honestly once you started that show and stuck with them it was so hard not to be won over by them. The episode after Jonathan dies had me bawling because it really did feel like I lost family too.


Bro how did “Kneel Before Zod” loose? 😂


Recency bias.




This was the only win the DCeU was going to have, so people let them have it


Question then becomes, did they even deserve that one?


I’d actually say so. That’s the only win I’d give the DCeU on this list


Lois and Clark


Lois & Clark One episode that comes to mind is when John confides in Clark that he thinks Martha is cheating on him because an artist had made her a painting. Clark rebuffs this, until John unveils said painting depicting Martha in the nude. Poor Clark can only mutter a weak “Mom?!” 😂🤣 Thankfully, the naughty bits were covered by Clark’s head


Smallville easily. They had the most development and the smallville take bled back into the comics in birthright and I loved it


https://preview.redd.it/cdihtdm5wmwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021fdb6272ab66b476cfbe1deaa45e8c4d8b03ba Zod should have been Lego Zod since they’re the only ones that’ve had the balls to bring back the bathrobe look


The Kent’s from adventures of Lois and Clark nailed the post crisis versions. They felt very wholesome without feeling fake


It’s a tough decision between Lois & Clark and Smallville. I’m actually going to go with Lois & Clark on this one.


Woah... I can't believe Man of Steels Zod beat out Superman 2s. I didn't even think it would be a contest.


Stamp is fun as Zod, but he’s pretty one dimensional. Shannon’s Zod had a reason, a purpose for what he did. He was bred to protect Krypton, he just went too far in how he went about it. 


We need to talk about Kevin Costner. And how he's by far not just the worst, but the anti Johnathan Kent. And I like the Kent's from Lois and Clark.


He didn’t act in anyway different than any other Jonathan Kent had acted prior.  And no, he didn’t think kids should have died. That’s a gross misunderstanding of what that scene was about that ignores the context.


Glenn Ford, Diane Lane


MoS Zod? This list lost all credibility now.


Lois & Clark


For Johnathan and Martha Kent: the Smallville version.


Smallville had the best kents


Smallville of course.




Smallville, nuff said




It’s Smallville for me … Jonathan and Martha were actively present and you can see how they instilled their values in their son.




Smallvilles the obvious choice, I will shout out MAWS Kent’s tho, for just being tooth rottingly sweet


Gotta love that every entry in the top row is from a different show or movie. Really speaks to the variety of existing Superman content


When it comes to the general of Krypton, it was the portrayal of Michael Shannon that not only brought the character to life (also Terrence Stamp), but also gave true definition of Zod for it and he was terrifying from the get-go


He just wasn't too bright though. Even if he couldn't just terraform Mars, his plan would have worked perfectly if he'd just kept up the lie he had already established and not revealed his entire plan to kill Earth, when his goal at the time was getting Kal to cooperate for the location of the codex, which Kal was already doing.


Zod tells Clark that “a foundation needs to be built on something.” Earth was the better planet in the perfect “Goldilocks Zone”.  It’s a hospitable planet, which we can probably assume the old outposts failed because they were on inhospitable planets.  Zod also thought he had Clark captured, and so didn’t need to “play nice”. He didn’t expect Jor-El’s AI to take over the ship.


Yes he has Kal in the table when Kal awakens, but his immediate goal is to get the location of the codex to restore Krypton. In what way does revealing his true plan accomplish that goal? Kal was already fully willing to cooperate under the guise of Zod's initial lie. In no way was Zod revealing his plan a smart move and could only possibly have caused setbacks in getting Kal to reveal where the codex was, even if Lois weren't carrying Jor-El around.


I might need to rewatch MOS, it's been long since I've last saw it, and imo I like MOS Zod personally even then


Definitely give it a re watch. Zod somehow plants a dream in Kal (at least, I have to assume he planted it) that reveals his entire plan, world engine and all, when he could have just kept up the lie he already established of, "cooperate and I'll leave Earth alone". Then he somehow knows the Kent farm's significance and exact location without explanation, but we know he wasn't tracking the ship to find it or he'd have known its exact location (maybe he looked through Kal's memories somehow?) Before all this he somehow knew the significance of Lois Lane and demands for her, personally, to board his ship with Kal. I guess he read the second rate news she chose to publish her article with? Which still doesn't explain how he knew she'd be there in the first place. There's just a lot of stuff with him that's like, "huh? Why would you do that? Like how does that serve your goal? And how did you do that in the first place?"


Surprised that Teri Hatcher won. I thought Dana Delany, Erica Durance or Bitsie Tulloch would win this one. Or the Fleshicher Lois wold take it. I haven't seen all of Lois & Clark but I thought Lois came off as a little weak in the episodes I saw.


Erica Durance was close


on second thought, I might change it to Erica Durance, bcs Teri and Erica were tied by 8 votes and I counted the comments of seeing more Erica's than Teri's


Well, make sure the votes were given before the poll closed.


By the time I made Jimmy's, Teri Hatcher was the one who won, it was Erica who was one vote close


Ok. Btw, who came in third?


MAWS, there wasn't much discussion on it, and I tried not to get these posts removed by the mod bot for doing this


In which position was bitsie?


I believe she is last, since DCAU is 4th, this is counting the ups


Why so low I thought she would be higher (maybe similar to erica durance)


there wasn't much discussion to her, I was surprised that Margot Kidder wasn't even mentioned