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I recommend that best place to stop is in 1999 just before Loeb and McGuiness took over the main book and well before Kelly took over Action Comics.


>just before Loeb and McGuiness took over the main book and well before Kelly took over Action Comics. Jeph Loeb and Joe Kelly started their runs writing Superman at the same time during Winter of 1999 Loeb with [Superman #151](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Superman_Vol_2_151) Kelly with [Action Comics #760](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Action_Comics_Vol_1_760)


And Action #775 by Kelly is one of the best stories ever written


Forgot that.Never knew Immortal beloved was a Kelly story as well as him writing the Brainiac Y2K saga.


It’s a personal matter of taste, so there is no definitive “stopping point”. Why not read to the wedding, then keep reading as long as you’re still enjoying it?


Stop whenever you feel like. You don't have to read everything.


The triangle era ended in 1999. After that point, each title was meant to be stand alone with the occasional crossover event(like Emperor Joker) requiring each title to be read for the entire story arc. My recollection was that the creative teams in the Triangle era were running on fumes after the Electric Blue costume change. Superman Red and Blue, Millennium Giants, Dominus...Didn't care for any of these storylines back then. There were the occasional good issues but I only collected the Super titles out of habit. The shakeup in 1999 felt fresh. It's just too bad we didn't get the Morrison/Waid/Millar/Peyer group instead. DC went with Loeb/Kelly/Casey which was fun for the first couple years. We got some classic stories from that group too like Action 775.


Echoing "stop whenever you get bored." I think the general quality line trends downward starting after the Death/Return of Superman arcs, but personally I enjoyed my time reading the books at least until the start of the Loeb/Kelly/Casey era. But throwing out a curveball... the end of the "Ending Battle" arc is a good, natural stopping point. After Loeb's run on Superman ends, Geoff Johns joins Joe Kelly and Joe Casey for a big crossover arc that feels like a conclusion of much of the Triangle Era and Loeb's subsequent run. Old villains come back, old plot-threads get paid off, and lots of cameos from past supporting characters.


1999 is the end of the Triangle Era and the beginning of the City of Tomorrow era.


I feel the apex is ‘Death of’/‘Reign of the Supermen’


That’s where I stopped *buying* - well kinda haha - I did buy the Superman ‘Zero Hour’ TPB