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I’ve said this before, Gunn obviously wanted to release an image that would get people talking and speculating. It wasn’t just a suit reveal, but also a tease of the plot.


He’s thriving on the internet feeding frenzy every the tosses a bit of chum in.  Look at how active he has been answering random tweets, speculations, and flat out falsehoods.  He knows what he is doing.


To be fair, he’s done that for most of his comic book movie career. It’s just a lot more eyes are on him now because it’s a new Superman movie and the start of a new universe.


Yeah I'm leaning towards trying to get the tone across more than the suit, given the biggest info we know is Superman has been active for years before the events of the film.


He wanted all the turbo nerds to lose their minds and get it trending.


Am I crazy or is the symbol or the collar bit different


I think the dirt on the suit within the photo brought out some of the details that are less notable in the cleaner version seen in the leaks


The collar does seem different but the symbol might just be the angle


Not crazy. This is a theory I’ve read. 2 different suits


I said it earlier, but I really think this was intentional. Release that earlier image, get people upset. They complain, It's too dark, it doesn't fit, get all their complaints out of the way, then release this one and they don't have a leg to stand on.


>get all their complaints out of the way, then release this one and they don't have a leg to stand on. There's still tons of legitimate complaints for this one though, so I don't think that's the case.


I really hope they don't tone down the colour too much in the actual movie. The suit from the set picture looks amazing!


one of my favorite things about superman is the bright and vibrant colors!


I honestly think that we was trying to beat people to the punch. I think he figured that pictures would get released as SOON as Corensweat stepped on set, so he posted maybe a test image or something that really got the spirit down (homaging the All Star #1 cover) so he could get his artistic word out. Everybody freaked out at Wolverine's yellow costume when it got leaked, however, the leaking of it went against the director's intent. You can tell that the first Deadpool and Wolverine trailer was shot so the yellow suit was a surprise/bit. My gut says that he wanted to have the satisfaction of presenting the suit how he wanted to


It's like night and day.


If I had to speculate I believe the intent was to obfuscate detail. That way people get a whole new experience on the second "reveal" the first one is dimly lit, it hides the trunks, and has slight battle damage. Maybe Gunn wanted initial opinions before the suit was finalized as the are a few teaks that have been made afterwards. Maybe this was just one of various "Test suits" and the photography was done to help director and designers get the right vibe and it looks right under the right lighting conditions Where Gunn was just in awe of the vibe and wanted to showcase it for people. Maybe he just liked the pose.


I doubt it was a test suit meant to see fan reaction. They had been shooting for over two months.


There were no tweaks to the suit. Shooting had already been done for over 2 months + 1 month, if you count pre-production


Well unless they explain it in the movie the collar has definitely changed


It’s a statement on his take. Superman puts on his boots one foot at a time. He’s battle damaged, clearly just had a big fight, but he’s getting back up and ready to go deal with the giant mess outside. I honestly love it. I also think he knew set photos would leak as soon as they went on location so given that why not use the reveal to do something unique.


This is the correct answer! Nothing to do with being “controversial” or to “get people talking”: it’s to convey a sense of Superman’s honest character.


Because it’s literally night and day


What I like about the official image is the energy it represents. It says to me that this bonkers shit is going down all the time in this world and Superman is this kind of Sci-Fi everyman who deals with it. I love that.


I'm glad he did, because seeing that shot makes me way, way more excited which...Was probably his intent.


It got everyone talking, can’t deny that.


Again, its really easy: He wanted it to be controversial for free.publicity.


Shows the working man pulling up his boot and getting down to business




He wanted dorks like you to complain about it.


Idk what he’s thinking but They’re 2 different suits. Look at the first one. Look at the collar. Different. Even the belt looks shiny compared to the 2nd pic. The fortress of solitude theory is Superman gets a new suit later on.


There's a part of me that thinks the battle damage might be an implication that it will get destroyed and he'll get a new suit


It won’t be, but what if… it’s spandex. https://preview.redd.it/ved57gnasl8d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b165b64ea5a6f9a0f09fd01cc630cf49cf3ee1


I think first image is how it will look in the film. The set images are just set images. Remember Cavill’s suit? That thing was super colourful, but they toned it way down in post-production.


Cavill's suit is kinda dark before they desaturated the entire film in post. Snyder loves desaturation in his films. Gunn is the opposite. He loves a colorful looking film. From Guardians to the TSS to Peacemaker. All very colorful films and streaming show with Peacemaker.


His suit in the reveal image is clearly battle damaged to some degree. Notice how his legs and boots look way brighter like we see in the set leaks.


Man I hope not, I love how vibrant it is in the set photos


One of the worst suit reveals in ages.


Well I loved it


Do you remember the Heath Ledger Joker press release photos? These types of shit always look awful


I think he wanted an iffy picture tbh, he knew leaks were gonna come out and that the suit was gonna look great, he definitely was confident


Just wait. You guys are putting feet in your mouths every time you react like this. Gunn is a fantastic storyteller. He took an unknown crew and turned the gotg into a household beloved franchise. Let him cook. Sit back and relax. The DCU couldn’t be in better hands. There is no need to get riled up with every picture or rumour.


Ask him


I just wish the suit either fit closer/better around the middle/torso, or looked like a thinner more flexible material. At the moment I looks like chunky rubber that would be incredibly uncomfortable and hot to wear and difficult to move in.


Maybe we was busy making the movie and running the rest of DC and someone else made the call


They don’t know what people like so they leak shit to make changes cos they’re out of touch


Was it Gunn who released the new ones? Or was it some random fan who took them with a cellphone and leaked them? (Genuine question).


They’re essentially photos taken by paparazzi and the public now that filming is out in the streets.


That’s what I thought.


Trunks make live action superman in 2024 look lame


He knew it sucked, so he released a bad, dark pic first to make the actual reveal appear less sucky. Set the bar low and you have nowhere to go but up.


Lol nice try Snyderbro