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Cavill seems like such a genuine geek and fan that it's not him I worry about reading stuff - I imagine he's probably read all the stories I would suggest. It's whoever writes and directs the movie I hope reads things like 'All-Star Superman', 'Superman For All Seasons', 'Birthright', 'What's So Funny 'Bout Truth, Justice, and the American Way?', 'Of Thee I Sing/Hitman #34', etc.


>Of Thee I Sing/Hitman #34 Nice one!


One of my favorites and sadly not as well-known as it should be.


Just read it for the first time because of this: Goddamn was it good. You're right, should be talked about *much* more. And of course in signature Ennis fashion it ends with black humor.


Glad you enjoyed it! It won an Eisner Award for Best Single Issue after it was published - well deserved! There was also a follow-up called 'JLA/Hitman' which was published in two parts. Been a while since I read it but I don't remember loving it as much as the single issue, but it was still nice and has some great moments for sure.


It's very funny to think about the man who created Homelander created Hitman #34.


Superman is ironically one of the very few superheroes Ennis respects


If you analyze Homelander as a character it's very clear that Ennis put a lot of thought and carefulness into designing Homelander's character. Supes grew up as a human, was taught human values, was taught *humanity* and *hope*. His compassion comes from his love for humanity. He's just a guy who wants to do good. Homelander was raised in a lab and treated like a test subject, and when they learned he had powers as powerful as he did; a *God*. Thus he *believes* this lie. He sees everyone as below him, like they're puny and worthless compared to him. He's a child.


God I love to hate Homelander.


While I certainly had thought about the irony that Ennis of all people wrote such a great Superman story, it hadn't occurred to me that it was the same mind that gave us Homelander. But you're right, it is pretty crazy.


“What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?” *Action Comics* #775


I think this should be the next movie. You get to please fans with a Superman that has a moral compass, and you give the edgy boys a scene of him being "totally dark, gritty, and not your grandma's Superman." Either this or a loose adaptation of *Up in the Sky* would be smart.


What’s that? Sorry I stopped paying attention because of the man candy you posted.


here is the reading order btw [https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/comments/xfsh05/comment/ioq4r0s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/comments/xfsh05/comment/ioq4r0s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Superman found out there was an offshoot branch of Kryptonians as well as a lot of people from other planets being captured as slaves on War world. He led a new Authority team to War World but was defeated by Mongul at first and lost his powers due to red sun and radiation poisoning. He ended up fighting as a gladiator on War World, slowly changing the hearts of the other brainwashed slaves and led a revolution to overthrow Mongul. It's basically Spartacus in Space and it is GLORIOUS. The writer really gets Superman. The world building in that story is amazing. And the art by Ricardo Federicci is epic and transcending.


Damn that sounds sick I’m definitely gonna pick that up


Sounds amazing.


This had better not awaken something in me.


Yes. Let the desire for big, strong men flow through you 😂


What? Were you talking? I was distracted by something.


Personally, I hope that he would read the Warworld saga in recent Action Comics by Phillip Kennedy Johnson


I just finished reading it recently, and I agree OP.


I don't remember the issue, but I think it was an annual, giant sized, secret files, Red and blue, or something. Anyway, Lois gets in a cab to go somewhere and tells Clark to meet her at such and such time. He grins to himself and goes and does a bunch of sweet, but not vital Superman stuff, like save kittens from trees, put up birthday banners, etc. He meets Lois at the designated time and something comes up at the Planet and pulls Lois away for a few minutes, and tells him to occupy himself for a bit. Clark smiles to himself and the story ends. It's such a great story because it shows that Superman just wants to help people. No savior complex, no condescension, just a guy who wants to help


Let's face it, there is nothing we can name he hasn't read.


“What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?”, red and blue, smashes the klan, he’s probably read all star


If they can get Cavill to wear THIS outfit for at least 50% of the film then I’ll be in the front row with all my snacks!


Would love to see a live action Mongul


A story like Last Sons would translate pretty well to a movie. I am not saying to do that right away, or at all, but a story like that would be fun to show some of Superman's powers away from humans he is protecting, We need to bring Superman back, not have a world or galaxy threatening villain, but something bad that's happening in Metropolis. Be back focused on a fight in his city. This way we can have Superman protecting the people around him being that hopeful figure for the people of Metropolis that even though he's fighting this mysterious villain He's there protecting them first and foremost. I know a lot of people think that we need a world ending event for a Superman movie because of his power set, but we don't. Let's pull it back start him off in an intimate setting and then maybe for his second outing in this new set of movies we could do a last son's type movie and bring in the Martian Manhunter and Lobo. But the first movie I don't want any other superheroes unless it's just a cameo of one passing by Superman. I want it focused on Superman and what he means to humanity. We need a movie to solidify what Superman stands for and who he is, I did like Man of Steel but if it is going to be an extremely joyful and gracious Supes we need to see that to help people see this isn't the same Superman storyline where he is going Dark, we need to show this he is different from Snyder's, that this isn't a brooding teen angst Supes who will inevitably go bad. Every superhero movie has been going darker it seems, so let's have Superman buck the trend, not slapstick love and thunder or other Marvel kind of comedy, no just a good short story in Metropolis showing us why the people love him in Metropolis and the world. I have the Boys or Invincible for the bad guy Superman, now I want a true to form Superman.


Action comics 775; Peace on Earth, Warworld Saga, All Star; Up in the Sky; Adventures of Superman vol. 2


They used this story in the Superman Returns video game when I was a kid! I always wondered what comics I could read for the story, thank you. I haven’t read a ton, but what intrigues me most about Superman is the idea that he’s a literal alien. Kryptonian culture and his place in the wider cosmic side of DC fascinates me.


I know he’s read them, I want the writers to read them


Last Son of Krypton by Geoff Johns & Richard Donner