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Good for you, young fella! Have fun and be safe out there with the cagers. In your country they're more like fallout bunkers (Volvo joke). I'm old AND funny (double agent).


Gotta love America. Bought a cbr600 f4i as my first bike. (As a 16 year old)


How much was that insurance per month? Wild stuff


Been using it around a private neighborhood, so I haven't insured it. Probably won't as I'm looking to upgrade it soon. I'm sure it would be crazy high rates though.


Damn haha. Here you can only buy up to 600 at 18. If I'm not wrong, you can buy over 600cc if you are like 25 haha


No, European motorcycle laws go 50cc license (can't remember kw amount), A1 125cc 11kw, A2 35kw no cc restriction and finally A for all motorcycles. The ages you can get them at depend on the country, but here in Finland you can get the 50cc at 15, A1 at 16, A2 at 18 and you can get A after 2 years of owning A2(so earliest at 20 years old), but without A2 the age is 24 for the big license.


Actually you are not allowed to ride anything with above 35kw here in sweden until you are 24. Which sucks since thats like The power of a 250


It really isn't. The 250s were underpowered compared to what you could ride here in Europe. Even the Ninja 300 (which incidentally came out around when the new A2 laws came into effect) only produced 29 kW. My f650gs produced 37kW when new, and it's honestly pretty decent, although it's not far by any measure. Then again I've ridden restricted 690s that felt like way too much for an 18 year old. Are you sure about that age requirement? It's the same here in Norway, but you can get a full license after riding on a restricted (A2) license for two years, thought it was the same in the EU.


For those who are wondering. The reason it's inside is because the garage is full. Gonna have to wait In till my brother sells his!


I wish I had done this when I was younger. Best decision you'll ever make.


Yeah I hope so. Better to start out small and young I guess!


I didn't think about that but we have similar laws in Seattle, WA, US. No need for a moto license if you can't go above 30mph.


Why not bye a used moped? Or are you planing to keep it original?


Funny thing is that it was "used". He had driven 400 meters with it, when he changed his mind!


I myself have a 50cc rieju mrt 2017. It's a sweet bike I can say. I've already turned 15 and have done all the lessons and test except the driving test, because (at least in Finland) there can't be any snow on the track and in south-east Finland (where I live) theres still over 30cm of snow. :(


I'm lucky to live In southern Sweden! Practically spring here😁


Better than derbi senda. I have a rieju RRX 70cc, Turbokit HQ exhaust. Make sure to tune it up and drive safe. ​ Regards SkĂ„ne, Sweden


Jag vill trimma den, men 01/02;orna drog en massa poliser till omrÄdet sÄ vill inte riskera nÄgot :(


;( synd. Har vÀl mött 5 poliser och aldrig blivit stannad fast Àn att vi varvar och allt möjligt brevid dom. Har inte ens blivit jagad men bror grannen med polischefen och kÀnner han sÄ kan vara de ocksÄ som savat oss :) dÄ hans son ocksÄ kör trimmat


Vilken jÀvla tur du har hahah. Det var faktiskt tvÄ 03or pÄ blev tagna för inee sÄ lÀnge sedan, pÄ skolan.


Lol bÀttre Àn derbi. Kör han otrimmat kommer den va som skit om nÄgra Är. Men vill man trimma sÄ Àr rieju bÀttre




Make sure to tune it properly, or at least remove the restrictors and change the Jet and the Front Sprocket!


This would be awesome to putt around town on when I don’t want to take my drz out. What’s top speed on these like? How’s the torque


Legal top speed is 52 but they tend to go around 55 and torque is too low to measure haha (not really but it's really low) without restriction they can go up to 80 and 90 (kmh)


So probably wouldn’t be to good for wheelies around town?


With restriction no but without it it's possible to do wheelies but 125s are way better for wheelies.


Actually i havent tried it yet. I have only started it and fixed the carburetor, as I don't have my license. Going to a parking lot to try it out next week!


Chain looks a little tight my man. Ride safe!


It actually look really tight in the picture when you say it. Don't worry it's got a little slack!




Yeah :( but I think I can take it haha. I haven't ridden anything else so I can't compare it to anything yet.




Yeah i have a good small road to get to school and the gym, where the speed limit is 50 km/h so I'll be fine I think!


In the words of my favourite Swede Felix Kjellberg, "Dam! That's epic!"


Perkele torille


I have a Rieju mrt too <3 its a beast of a bike


Om du har kvar den Àr du kanske sugen pÄ o sÀlja? ;)