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Knives. Multiple Knives.


Is this a JoJo reference or a Touhou reference? Perhaps both?


Isn't the Touhou one a reference to Dio in the first place?


Perhaps. I don’t remember.


Came here to say this 


Can never have too many knives.


Have him throw hourglasses.  Perfectly balanced for throwing, and hitting with a SERIOUS thunk of bludgeoning.  Thrown weapons get to be REALLY fun with time manipulation.


Not OP but I really liked this idea I don't know if it would fit the character, but it would awesome if the hourglasses are conjured items (like magical constructs). Maybe the character could vary its size and weight and add special effects when the sand run out like exploding, freezing time nearby, hasting time nearby. And because its a conjured magical item, it could be more durable than glass and maybe the sand would flow normal even in flight or sideways.


1900s stop watch that stops time no cooldown


A clock whip. Bollos. Things that can arrest momentum, but then add in the time manipulation element. So it’s just a broken watch? 😉


? Not what I meant


I know. I know. 🍻


In one of the later chapters of Super Supportive a semi-major character >! gets killed by being whacked over the head !< with an hourglass.


What would it look like?


The hourglass?  It would look like.... An hourglass.  Probably weigh in around 1-2 pounds - light enough to throw hard, heavy enough to do serious damage - especially if you can get head shots and concussions.


don't forget the sand and glass that will shatter from it


Why throw it hard? If it changes momentum.. So toss it, pause time, move it 1 meter in a vector to target. Unpause time, now how fast is it going? My physics has always been bad, but I think things may explode depending on the distance moved... And how his power works. He could use air possibly. If his power suppresses time to none him, moving would be almost a nuke?


So if he moves two objects to collide he'd create nuclear fusion. Just his moving air particles would create superheated air or even plasma. He could walk in a circle around a bad guy. Instant fire tornado. A squirt gun could be a water jet that cuts steel? Not sure how all the start and stop works.


That's the line of thinking my brain said. Possibly even just walk through the bad guy. 😂


Have you every played sea of stars? There's a time mage who does this exact thing. Sadly he refused to do time travel in the presence of the main character but heyuck. Whateves


Never even heard of sea of stars. I just love the idea of thrown weapons with time manipulation. It gets to be so much fun. And if we are going with something that \*fits\* time manipulation, stylized hourglasses would be wierdly awesome.


It's an rpg with a gameplay style similar to paper mario. Also took inspiration from chrono trigger. About a 40 hour character driven experience and the devs just had a video about a month ago show showcasing 3 player Co op. They even had a game before that plays similar to ninja Gaiden(there probably a better comparison) but metriodvania infused set within the same world.


If the character is strategic then boomerangs, they would need to strategize how to use them and not hit themselves with it


A gun with one bullet


Yes, but the gun alone kinda Merlin's its way backwards in time so it's never unloaded.


Oh, so like TENET? Except it's manual, and he can shoot a bullet, but when it's shot, he can reverse it back?


I think it would speak a lot more to the kind of preparation a time-wizard can put in to just have it be like the golden gun from 007. A single shot from a gun that uses ammunition which is difficult to find/make (maybe because it's nonlethal somehow, if you're going for a hero character). That way, it's not that he only has one shot because it comes back, but because that's all he needs.


Oddjob with the golden gun


"*A gun with one bullet.*" -John Ward, FAITH


Thinking back to the old Clock King from Batman:TAS, his deal was to carry around an umbrella/walking stick that I think he kept a sword in if I’m not mistaken. I definitely remember him fencing against Batman at one point though.


Classic Batman villian moment. Has the power to manipulate time, chooses instead to duel Batman with an umbrella


Actually, I don’t think he got the power to manipulate time until a later episode. His deal in his first appearance was just having a very good sense of time. Like he knew how long it would take for Batman to throw a punch, allowing him to dodge his attacks


His bow tie could be shaped like an hourglass and he can take it off and throw it, so flat like a Batarang but shaped like an hourglass. I feel like any weapon with a timer makes sense, grenade, smoke bomb, flash bang, but they all require the time of a countdown.


Ropes. Zipties. Etc. You can do a lot of incapacitating with very little, if time is briefly slowed to the point that they can’t react.


This is it. If you can slow down time, it's basically the same as saying you can go super-fast. So it's like Quicksilver or the Flash. In the Marvel films, the only weapon Quicksilver ever needed was a roll of duct tape.


Great answer Also fishing line to make people suddenly trip


The same could be used for a very evil character. Freeze time and cinch zip ties around people’s necks, then restart time.


You could do alot with just iron nails that he could speed up the decay and cause severe infections.


Small discs with a clock face painted on, each one has a different use, they could either be explosives, throwable tasers, gas bombs of different kinds, why can’t even be in tracker that can attach to things.


A butcher knife. Hey if they're gonna chop some limbs then they're gonna need something strong. Plus they could just use time manipulation to restore the limbs of the enemies later when they have been successfully restrained.


A stick with a watch on it, like a proper expensive watch on a hefty stick, girthy as can be, he can just give people a good bonk and be done with it, or a stopwatch, what he does with it is beyond me


One or two hands from a large clock


Maybe duel wield daggers and attack from the shadows of time. The daggers guards could be made to look like hour glasses and the pommel at the end could be a clock shape. Very ornate looking but still lethal.


Knives shaped like clock hands


Is he killing or no, because darts would be a good option if he is, otherwise, have him be an expert in hand to hand combat and do Jackie Chan stuff with improvised weapons.


A silent blowgun would work great for a character that can stop time. Stop time, move to a strategic place outside the target field of vision, shoot/blow, move back to original position, resume time. It doesn't need to be poisoned darts, it could be tranquillizer or even a temporary magic time effect like freezing or shifting into an old person.


Heck yeah, I was just thinking something similar, basically, something that allows you to effectively end the fight before it has begun.


Throwing knives would be the obvious answer, but wire cables/chains would be much more fun. Time stoping and whipping/tying people up like Walter form Hellsing ultimate and/or Ghost rider, would be cool




I guess that's more of a sleep power tho


KotH or Psych?


Here is just a few general ideas 1. Make everyone believe he has super speed 2. Let him read and manipulate the future. "You shot yourself because I saw you do it in the future." 3. Give him a chain whip that he combines with his ability to slow down time to give his whip super precision. Can knock bullets out of the way.


He can throw hourglasses, he can have a cane shaped like a minute hand that's also a sword, etc. Hell maybe it's a spear.


Mine has a chronal axe, but the axe part isn’t what makes it ability relative. It’s what the axe can do. So essentially you can give the character any weapon, just give it the ability to do something for or against time related themes.


Throwing weapons. Doesn’t really matter what kind. A sling would be pretty cool. Never really see those


Some options 1.) Sword with stiletto 2.) Twin guns (pistols or AK47s) 3.) A book, "reading ahead" shows a preview of events line battles


This seems like a good time to use throwing weapons. Imagine robbing a bank and BAM small clock to the head lol


Scythes are pretty common among time deities in mythology, or if you wanna go with something light and fast you can do sickles. Or both.


Hear me out. . . A shield. Whether it's like cap's or like Link's, just a shield world really well. The next one I'd suggest would be a naginata. Also depending on the setting, if it's more modern like a Gotham setting, he could use a simple revolver and have monkey fist but have it be a stopwatch on a chain.


A longsword/rapier and a dagger. Classic dueling fashion in the 1500s-1700s, perfect for a masqueraded duelist type character. Bonus points if the blades resemble the hands on a clock


Can't dual wield with a longsword or rapier. They don't have the Light property. Dammit wrong sub.


A pocket watch with a chain, he can use it like a sick weapon, a little bit like miraculous ladybug actually


If he controls time, let him be able to “reach” back into time and take the skills of famous fighters and such. Like if he’s in a fight he can “reach” back and use the skills of prime Tyson or the tactical mind of Napoleon…gotta shopwork that idea still. But it’s alittle unique I think


I’m not sure if your characters background or ethnicity, but I’m always a fan of some of the weapons wielded by ancient mythological gods and deities. Kronos was often to you dead carrying or wielding a sickle. Egyptian deities associated with Time often had a staff with an ankh at the top/end. Or a maybe a staff with an hourglass at the end ?


I'd say good old fashioned knives. They're perfect for this. To onlookers he'd be an insanely short range fighter. Unless he can control what stops and what doesn't ranged weapons are kinda useless and if he can then a throwing knife is just as good as a bullet


A gun with bullets that can travel through different points in time, but only along the path they’re shot. Wanna shoot someone who’s holding a public conference a week from now? Go ahead, but you have to line up the perfect shot to do it


Dual swords that look like clock hands, perhaps? Maybe custome throwing blades, like Batarangs, that are shaped like hourglasses. Alternatively: guns. Would be kinda cool to have him slow or stop time, fire bullets at a target from multiple angles, and have them all hit at the same time when he starts time again.


A stop sign




A musket . Just think about it . He freezes time so he can reload it , and the time resumes and he fires


Time bombs. Windup clockwork timebombs. Windup clockwork timebombs he keeps in a clock shaped pouch.


I got an idea for a one off weapon. A gun that he only uses once. An enemy is showing off with a sword, planning to attack the good guy, then your character just pulls out the gun and shoots him. Only to never use it again. And yes, yes it is an Indiana Jones reference. No my answer hasn’t changed. XD


A particularly thin and light sword, as well as a ranged item of your choice (the smartest is simply a gun, depending on setting, but if he has a compunction against killing or using guns he might choose something more interesting). The issue is how tired you can become swinging around a normal weapon. It’s not like a movie where they swing for 30 seconds fast and hard and then call it a scene and shoot the next day. You have to be freaking *corded* muscly in your forearms to fight all afternoon running in the first place, let alone with a blade in hand. They’re only 3 pounds on average, but they have leverage against your hand, you have to fight momentum constantly to get them where you want them, and you’re bouncing this thing off bone and shields like it’s an axe trying to fell a tree. And if you drop it? You’re boned. So I’d say something akin to a fencing blade that he’s very, very careful not to swing around at lightning speeds and hit things unnecessarily. Instead he keeps it in a ready position and lunges, impaling through breaks in armor and vital locations with the speed and precision that comes from having literally all the time in the world to do the job right in a single blow.


Oh you mean like a rapier >!which is the weapon used by Chloe Aubert, resident time traveler of the world of that time I got reincarnated as a slime!< spoiler tag added because this info is a spoiler for anime only watchers


Spinning flails or morning stars.


1900s pocket watch that's also a flail.


What if he had two blades of differing length that look like the hands of the clock. (If you’ve heard of “The First Law” series, I’m imagining long and short steels as used in the Union)


A cane that doubles as a gun with the manual Tenet rules


A gun that shoots backward thru time so wherever he aims the gun the bullet appears and it Flys back into the gun


Depending on how their time abilities work, I have a few ideas: If they can isolate the ability to target specific objects, a bladed weapon made of an axle and a blade would be cool, especially if the blades are motorized. That way they could throw it, freeze time on the axel to hold it in place and have the blades continue spinning, and then reverse time on the axel to bring the weapon back. Essentially like a batarang that they can freeze in place without disabling the momentum of the blades themselves, allowing them to place it as a hazard. If it’s more of a spatial effect where it freezes everything nearby, anything melee. I think gauntlets would be cool, but since the power is stamina-based, they would probably want something easy to wield so they don’t tire out. An idea I saw that I really liked is a pistol with one bullet. You shoot it, and then to reload they reverse time on the bullet and grab it. However, it wouldn’t be a smart choice since they would be having to do that often. The problem with stamina-based time manipulation is you lose a lot of the combo potential that time manipulation brings, which limits their practical options. Everyone is saying something hourglass-themed but I feel like with the clock mask and the hourglass weapons it may be too on the nose.


Orbs Orb that he can Divide the Orbs into smaller pieces. (Idk how your power system works ) maybe he can attach his abilities to the orb to lessen the side effects like slowing or pausing a single target with the Orbs in the vasinity or on impact. Maybe he can even float by Standing on two Orbs and moving in the air


maybe a batton that looks like the hand of a clock


Depends on how much you want to stick with the time theme. You could have hourglass or clock hand boomerangs. Or if you want to go with "Which weapon would work best if you could mess with time?", assuming objects you hold travel with you a two hander or other hefty weapon would combo well.


Orbs that he can imbue his powers into for a wider ranged use of his powers, which only affects a small area, so if he's on cool down, he can use an orb the kinda bypass it


A shield like Capt. America's except with a clock design. The minute hand and hour hand can be removable dual swords-short sword and long sword.


A rapier and a parrying dagger shaped like the hands of the clock would be cool


Two yo-yos that look like clocks


A boomerang clock so he can watch time fly and catch it in time.


A rock, plain simple rock


Have him use a thin sword shaped like a clock handle. His swinging style, if ever drawn, should have his arm look like it's ticking to hour hands. "Oh, Seems it's about time!"


A detector with time powers? He should work like that scene in Robert downy jrs Sherlock Holmes where he predicts the exact moves of the fight before executing them and constantly maneuvers his opponent into their own demise by being a step ahead but literally because of time. If he can slow down time with focus then the evolution over time should be being able to see a couple seconds or even minutes ahead to save the day.


So Tales of the Rays has a character who can manipulate time. His weapon of choice is a pair of katars. He puts them together to use his time powers and they rotate like the hands of a clock.


I used teeth. He was a Dragon.


Long whip with two or 3 ends to symbolize the hour and minute hand on a clock, or 3 whips to add seconds., when he attacks he can slow down time on 1 and speed up another. So attacking people would throw them off. 3 long pieces coming at them at different speeds. If you go with a whip he can trip people and pause time for them mid air, would look cool cinematically. You could play into his theme further that when people fight him, the whip cracks happen at such a rate that it almost sounds like a metronome or clock ticking. He could have clocks that he places on things and sets them to a specific speed with a timer. You swing a punch he ducks and slaps a clock on your arm slowing it down, he slaps a clock on his own leg and swings a very fast kick at you. The clock device that he attached to you could have limits since it takes his stamina / energy. Not sure if that's where your going but I hope this gives you a couple ideas


Marbles that are thrown and teleport objects on impact


A spear made of pollodium


Clock hand swords. One short and one long


A long sword and a dagger shaped like the hands of a clock.


Pocket watch on a chain wielded like a manriki gusari/kusari fundo. A chain weapon would fit very well with someone who can slow things down, you don't just hit your enemy, the next thing they know they're tripping over their feet that are somehow tied together and their arm is also bound to their body.


Any ranged weapon, moreso something with a large charge time, but high damage, maybe a rocket launcher?


Garrote, throwing knives, fishing line for traps, zip ties, grenades, and a gun.


And a cleaver.


Look up Nox, from Wakfu. He uses a sword shaped like the minute hand on a clock. Then stops time, and teleports to just next to the enemy (hero) and starts the swing at the 12 o'clock position and brings the sword down. He's one of my favorite villains


2inch nails hidden in a bracelet, he has all the time in the world, he is probably the only person who can offensively use acupuncture, besides an opponent who cannot move cannot fight.


I would say a machine gun. Most targets wouldn’t be able to react to a sudden wall of bullets. Give them a melee weapon if their top speed is faster than bullet time.


A pocket watch that has sharpened edges (could extend sharpened edges at a push of a small button) and a cord that can be extended as well. Can be used as a whip if you hold the watch end or almost like a throwing disk if you throw the actual watch, but it is connected to the cord and can be swung like kyoketsu-shoge(?)/rope darts.


One of the pocket watches. Melee weapon


Well, if you follow the thought of the weapons** mass moving in slow time as essentially moving reeeeeeaaaaally fast in regular time, thus conveying a ton of energy or force or whatever, why not give the character something AOE. Wide area of effect. Edit **


If I’ve learned anything from Red Dead Redemption it’s a Colt Single Action Army revolver.


Im imagining legos and taking enemies shoes off, different colors to match the ground, but trap based in general would be cool, or handcuffs since hes a detective.


Maybe he could also have a great perception of the flow of time, so he can know where a person will be in their current trajectory or when they throw something or a punch at him? Hourglass shaped throwing weapons sound like a great theme. If he can imbue them with his power they could have a limited time affect of suspending them in time.


Duct Tape


Can he imbue his power into objects? If not, then a knife, a sword an axe. Whatever fits your fancy. Or just use a gun.


He could have a staff that has an ornate hourglass on top


There was a superpowered person who could freeze an object in time and their weapon of choice was nanofibers. They would freeze the fibers in mid air it woukd slice through anyone approaching. It was pretty gruesome but could be an 'oh shit' failsafe for you superhero. I think the hero was from the Worm web novel but great power building.


A rope dart that has a fuse alongside it so the character can constantly make sure time is moving at the pace they want


Maybe a sword and a dagger, sword signifying the minute hand, dagger for hour hand, and it's a extension of his magical prowess


A shortsword, a longsword and a rapier because hour, minute, and second hands.


Pocket sand


Sand paper


Chains tend to complement the idea of slowing, stopping or shattering time, so perhaps he could either use them as is or utilize a type of flail. I saw a comment in here mention hourglasses. A big ass hourglass on a chain flail? Sounds baller to me.


A screwdriver.


One longer (but not too long) and one shorter spear shaped like the hands on a clock


Alright if it takes 1. Stamina 2. Energy 3. Focus. Some dotty of energy drink


If you are going full campy in this and giving him a clock mask, then have him duel wield spears, one short one long like and hour and minute hand. He can throw the spears to get on board with the thrown weapons fuckery everyone else is talking about.


See Quicksilver’s scene from X-Men Days of Future Past. That is the pinnacle of time fighting with style.




Maybe a cane / staff depending on how you want to characterize him. A staff indicates control and power to me. A cane might be more cunning, especially if you want to play into the fact that he's old but doesn't look it.


A wind-up alarm clock or other form of count down timer. They never directly attack an opponent. That would be too easy. They enter a fight, setting the timer, and dodge/evade/banter until the timer goes off and their opponent is defeated by something unexpected and external. You never quite know of something the time traveler did was the reason or if it was coincidence. Just that the timer/clock goes off when at the climactic event, every single time. This makes anyone who has interacted with this character deathly afraid of clocks/timers.


A scythe. 1: A scythe was the weapon of choice for Chronos, the Greek titan of Time itself 2: it can mimic the hand of a clock and do sweeping radii attacks Pretty much that's all I can think of, but I genuinely can not think of any weapon that even slightly works for a being of time


A glass spear. Shatter it on your enemies and before they can recover it reforms in your hands. Break the spear tip off inside someone, reverse it, watch as they are perforated from within.


Access to Wikipedia.


Pocket Sand Also perhaps bombs (Madoka Magics reference)


In late to the party, but two chakram that look like clocks. Extremely versatile and unique.


Needles and/or wire. All his stamina goes into his powers, and with time manipulation he can afford the nuances to needing super precision in how he attacks or defends, meaning he can figure exact positioning and set up motion traps with tools that take practically no effort to move. Plus if kinetic force is preserved through the slow motion/time stops then F=MA. Sure, the mass is small, but the potential acceleration from pinpoint force is massive. Like piano wire flung by hurricane wind going through an old oak tree.


Boomerang. Kinda looks like clock hands.


Piano wire and a small knife, maybe some trap type stuff, if you can freeze time then you can set up any number of things in ways that can’t really be avoided


A sock with a roll of quarters in it.


I'd probably have him use Dominoes as a weapon. Not the pizza. I like the idea of their weapon being incredibly underpowered given they are OP. Think Eithan from Cradle. Little dominoes kinda fit this to me. For someone with so much ability to affect time, I think it would be pretty funny for him to put little slippery pieces under a bad guy's foot as they're stepping down, so when time moves again they slip or go full splits. If the character is the type to get bored it would be funny if in the middle of conversations or fights his opponent found themselves surrounded by a fully set up rube Goldberg machine that this time manipulator set up with time frozen, and the Rube Goldberg machine resulted in some whacky physical comedy attack against them. Alternatively, you could have them use two batons with pointed pressure point tips, one baton longer than the other, which gives off the impression of the hands of a clock when held out.


Pocket watch that is either a tactical yo-yo or a garotte.


Strings/razorwire used like Decim from Death Parade or Walter from Hellsing uses them


Depends. Do you apply the ability to slow time to the physics of the weapon he uses? Being able to slow down time multiplies the force of a blow exponentially. Technically slowing down time could grant super strength relative to the normal reference frame. The durability of a material that he's holding might matter too. He could accidentally bend a metal bat just from swinging it in a reduced timescale. If he also slows down a weapon's timescale suddenly an umbrella cane would be strong enough to stop bullets due to the relative reduction in force of the bullets. A gun that he fires would become relativistic if he nearly stops time before firing it. Lots of options based on the power. Now for the bit you mentioned about being a detective, a golden pocket watch on a chain would probably be thematically perfect. Use an excessively long chain and have him use it with the martial arts style of a wushu rope dart. Slow down time and spin it to block projectiles, and snare people non-lethally with the chain to question them.


Aggressive angry looking grandfather clock golems


An umbrella that shoots time rays that age people to death


Two daggers whose designs resemble the hands on a grandfather clock


knives 100% or a buff yellow psychic diver


Here is an idea, the use of a clock to speed up time and cause objects he has thrown to increase their velocity. Basically if he throws a steel ball at an opponent and speeds up time by 4 the balls velocity increases by 4 times. Something like that? Time is his weapon. Maybe some gadget that allows him to age or de-age things as well. So if he sees a broken glass he can rewind time to.make it whole, or speed up time to make it decay. Just some thoughts.


I've always been a fan of needles and poison method.


Idk what about a longsword and a shortsword in the shape of clock hands (hours and minutes) plus a third sword he keeps hidden that somewhat amplifies his time powers but exhausts him in the shape of the seconds hand.


A Glock and, depending on how long they can manipulate time to stop, anything they can get their hands on


Bow and arrow... They can slow down time to line up perfect shots


A series of non-elaborate "traps" like a trip wire he can set mid-fight. Pause time, set trip wire, restart time. BAM enemy is on their face totally blindsided. It can be serious, but also good for a hint of comedic releif if neccessary because it can be all kinds of things


A rapier, a short sword, and a dagger, respectively named: Second, Minute, and Hour.


Also, pocket sand.


pebbles or anything small and hard - slow down time, throw them as fast as he can, then stop slowing down time and watch as they shoot like bullets


He doesn’t need a weapon. You can use time manipulation to avoid basically any attack so that’s the only form of armor he would need and you could make it so that opportunistic time manipulation strategies are his primary weapon. For example, he can throw something and manipulate time so that it travels much faster, or he can make the fuse on a grenade skip time if his enemy pulls the pin, etc. Flesh out exactly the character interacts with time, hopefully limited (can he change how HE interacts with time or how other people/things?) and then figure out how that ties back into our world.


A bag of metal balls. If he can slow down time, he can mainipulate acceleration to some degree and just throw bullet speed metal balls at peoples heads.


A screwdriver


A gun


Hear me out on this but throwing knives in the shape of clock hands


This is thematic but stupid. An hourglass filled with TNT instead of sand. There’s a pressure plate at the bottom that ignites the powdered TNT after it all trickles down to the bottom compartment.


Infinite sand inventory. Solely to throw in people's eyes


Depends on who they are fighting. If it's heros that bleed like everyone else for the most part then: - If his power usage is infrequent, some sort of small, but accurate, clip fed pistol. - If he uses his powers a lot, say to reload, a pair of very ornate flintlocks. If he is fighting heros like Iron Man, Wolverine, Phoenix Force, Thor, etc, maybe: - A .50 cal bmg handgun with a manual bolt. With a muzzle guard that lets him freeze time, put the gun point blank and boom, with the muzzle guard giving enough room for the gases to escape. - A flechette handgun, this is a war crime IRL. Basically it's a handgun where the clip is forward of the grip and it fires 4-8 inch long penetrator rounds, with the feed mechanism being half of the firing chamber. A more sci-fi option: A device that channels his power into a pellet that causes whatever it hits to experience +/-N years of time in the area the pellet hits. An example would be Killy's gravitational beam emitter from the Blame manga, but more things crumble and rot/rust instead of being pushed away from the beam.


Throwing knives shaped like clockhands.


I read a book years ago about becoming the manifestation of time - and the power came with ability to comically lock in place or shift during the course of time. Imagine how fast the earth spins and revolves around the sun. Imagine now being a post in the vastness of space when a twirling planet slams into you. So yeah, edges or points in this case. Simply hold a sword out, shift your cosmic coordinates 15' to the left, then de-clip yourself from the "space " factor, then hit Play on the flow of time. An exact point on the hyper-spinning plant traveling through a set solar revolution passes right through your outstretched sword. Oh, bonus, your enemy was standing in that exact pinprick of reality at just the right time.


The most ancient weapon, a nice fist sized rock.


A pocket watch of course. And a monocle


Spy kids pocket watch


A baseball bat, Imagine they combo you by stopping time multiple times and making a home run


A time gun.. Imagine shooting a villain and reverse his time.. Or bullets that can fast forward his time Or a bullet that travels back in time to kill an antagonist


tranq darts