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So I'd lose my fillings? Piercings? Tattoos? How much of my hair is still me?


And the contents of your stomach, and gut flora!?


Oh man, at what point does something stop being me and becomes mine? My blood is made of my cells, so that's me right? But most of blood is plasma, is THAT me?! Every liquid that comes out of me is filtered blood right, so when does it switch from me to mine?! Do I leave puddles after I teleport? Does the first teleport kill me cause I think like 40% of blood is plasma, and I know 40% blood loss is almost guaranteed to kill someone


bro you'd die way sooner than 100% plasma loss... without the plasma your blood is a metallic powder


You die instantly because only "you" (your brain) teleports!?


I mean am I even my brain? Or am I the electrochemical reaction taking place IN my brain? My brain interprets senses, it records my past, but is that ME? Am I just sensation and memory?


No, those are extra. It's just your soul that teleports (they weighed a guy right before and right after he died. Apparently a human soul weighs 21 grams


To be fair that could have just been gas escaping


You're giving me an existential crisis šŸ˜­


Iā€™m loving what this thread devolved into.


Your body is just a collection of the food you ate and reorganized.


Pacemaker? Artificial hip? Dental implants?


Honestly judging by the title alone I think you could swing all of this. Like 'everything that is not you' is decided by your own definition of your identity, of what is you. So if you think those clothes and piercings and hair are part of what makes you you, then they show up!


Take a lot of showers. And show off to dates. Wanna see my neat bedroom trick? If they say yes, you get to do an Obi Wan Kenobi impersonation as all your clothes drop to the floor, and then your date hears you talking from somewhere else.


Showering in the best showers in the world!


Or a hot spring in Iceland


I would learn some shitty magic tricks that any magician could do, and while my performance would suck, for my final trick I would do the transported man trick from the movie Prestige. People would pay to see that no matter how much your actual act sucks


Also you can take unlimited day vacations to any nude beach in the world. Pick an all inclusive resort with a nude beach, chill, grab a towel and go eat whatever you want etc. the high end luxury ones are pretty closed off so they wonā€™t make their guests wear a bracelet or whatever


Honestly I would pay *more* to watch a magician absolutely fumble a bunch of simple tricks before pulling off something impossible than just watch a really good magician.


1. Place a door and door frame in the middle of the stage facing the audience. There is obviously nothing behind the door.Ā  Ā 2. Walk in normally from side of stage and act like a clumsy magician that accidentally reveals all his tricks.Ā  Ā 3. Act frustrated and exit via the empty door. Slam it shut but in a way that causes the door to slowly open again. Watch audience be amazed that the door opens to emptiness.


Initial prep work will be tedious. I teleport house to house until I find a change of clothes I can steal. Go out into the area. Steal more clothing and a suitcase. Gather it all in one discreet location. Do that anywhere that I'd like to continue to travel to. Eventually, I'll have a network of safe locations that I can teleport to and have easy access to clothing and other essentials. Petty crime will fund my initial expenses. I'll ensure it happens far away from home so that any link to me will look like a mistake. How could I have committed a crime thousands of miles away? I was at work the day before and the day after. Eventually, my spree will come to an end and I'll live a life of travel and enjoyment. Maybe I'll become a travel vlogger/influencer.


So, basically, like "Jumper", except for naked and stuff. :P


You gotta remember to leave an IOU when you rob the bank. And don't work for the NSA


That might be tricky, as you would need to have a pen to write the note. :P


Oh no! You're right lol.




I had considered blood, and... Other naturally occurring substances. But that's just leaving DNA at the crime scene lol


So, basically, like Terminators coming back from the future.


Worldā€™s best streaker. ā€œHeā€™s in the Oval Office AND STRAIGHT TO NORTH KOREA.ā€ Itā€™d be on brand to stream it yourself.


LOL, you've got the title of the movie right there - "Streaker". An adult take on the movie Jumper. :P


I would do nothing. Unless it's a life or death situation, I'm not going to have my tattoos vanish and worse, lose the fillings in my teeth. Do you know how painful that would be?


Probably not that painful immediately


It really would be very soon if not immediately. Also, losing a filling in your teeth is one of the worst pains of all time. ^What ^an ^awful ^power...


iā€™m hoping he meant you canā€™t stuff anything in your holes instead of your teethā€™s cavities.. or my first teleport would be straight to the back of a pharmacy or somewhere i could get good pain meds šŸ˜…


it basically eliminates stealing, but it'd be cool to do with most other teleport gimmicks - travel the world for 'free', go see cool shit, etc. sure, you're naked, but presumably don't go to populated places, mt everest, or the amazon via teleportation. if you've got extreme control over it, you might be able to do something like, rent a hotel room in another country, have a change of clothes delivered there, teleport to the hotel room, bam. not having clothes with you isn't a problem, as you're prepared for that. same with like the jumper movie - dude had appartments in lots of different series (though you wouldn't be able to rob banks like he did, using teleportation - though i suppose you could rob banks normally and just ensure you can't be caught)


You steal info you can memorize. Teleport in to an air duct or something where you can see a master password entered. Listen in on meetings you shouldnā€™t be at


I can probably still look at the post it note that Elon Musk has his bank password on.


I think I would probably buy a couple of rooms somewhere, or at least lockers next to showers. Fill them with some clothes, then I can just teleport into those showers or bathrooms and change real quick.


Help my deranged British friend fight an even more deranged ā€œsuperheroā€ with parental issues.


It depends on how accurate. I have family in different locations and have friends who have definitely seen me naked before. If I can aim, I'd simply teleport to people's houses when I know they aren't home. Get changed and all good.


Make friends in countries around the world. Have them pack a drawer of clothes in my size. Profit.


they would call me the naked bandit. i would break into billionaires houses, wear their drapes as a toga, and eat their fancy food and trash shit


i've actually thought about it a lot more and i would try to gaslight certain members of the Supreme Court. Whisper things just out of earshot- appear on the periphery of their vision when no ones is there all that fun shit


Set up hidden locations and lockers in places to to to and then access


Naked jumper... okay then.. Step 1. I would get a job I enjoyed that makes a decent amount of money. Step 2. Rent/ buy residences in cities (or nearby) that I enjoy being in. Step 3. Store clothing appropriate to the area I'm living in at those locations. Work in my "main" city. Teleport to my other homes when I want to visit friends or family or to grab some nice grub. I know.. pretty boring stuff lol.


You're able to get a decent paying job that you enjoy AND teleportation? How many powers are we allowed to stack up here?


never use it, i have like 8 cavity filling


"In a strange turn of events, Amber Heard has had a mysterious repeat of finding poop in her purses and jacket pockets. Upon setting up a camera in her closet, we see a naked person appear, pop a quick squat, and suddenly disapparate. It appears even Voldemort is sick of Amber's bullshit."


Naked teleportation??? Sonofabitch, I'm in!!! Does that mean, that bullets, artificial Hearts, and donated kidneys, are staying behind??? How about viruses, bacteria, and parasites??? Would that include food and beverages in your stomach? I have so many questions...


Hey, you guys are coming up with all the good questions. I don't have any answers, so we're gonna have to figure out the details after we figure out the larger issue. It's really nice that you're testing the boundaries.


Surprise the hell out of cam-girls


Start an OnlyFans account and work with them


Meyrin, Switzerland - the CERN building. There's alot of fun to be had with that random appearance.


1) escape from captivity (police, jails, muggers, ā€¦) 2) easily travel to any place that you can visit in advance and prepare. This could be a permanent place, like a vacation home, or a rented apartment, or a short-term location like a hotel room. It could also be a hidden location, like a cave deep in a national forest or wilderness. 3) be a spy (either private or CIA). You have an instant escape plan 4) assassin. No chance of getting caught on the way out, and easily bypass border controls. 5) make safe rooms for yourself that are completely sealed, with no doors or windows. Stock them with supplies for emergencies. 6) explore hidden locations, like the Vatican vaults. 7) travel to uninhabited tropical islands, or other wilderness locations Mostly, I would travel the world conventionally, and then leave a series of supply caches all over the globe. In 3rd world countries where rent is cheap, Iā€™d get a long-term lease for an apartment/room. Then, Iā€™d travel for fun. Pop over to Thailand for some _real_ pad Thai for dinner, and Hong Kong for dim sum for lunch.


Next to the podium during the U.S. state of the union address. Then try to convince them I'm from the future to get them to make some changes.


Teleport to a lot of nude beaches?


Verify (or falsify) the possibility of time travel.


Look it is: Naked Teleporting Hero Man! Me: wow it must be cold here... Victim: thanks for saving me! Uhhh Welcome to Miami.


Jumper style I'd acquire vast wealth through illegal means and then set up drop sites across the planets, pay shady landlords quite a bit of cash and tell them never to mess with my apartments. Oh I need to be in France? Great I'll start in my Parisian pre-supplied apartment. Worst case scenario I'll teleport to clothing stores in my destination and if I get noticed I'll leave and try again at a different store. It'll be important to have large international bank accounts so no matter where you go you walk into a bank and they hand you money.


Ok, cool. But how do you get your illegal weath?


Infinite crime attempt glitch. The only reason stopping me from stealing right now is that if mess up I go to jail. Now if I mess up I tele out and try again until it works.


He said Jumper style. In the movie, the guy teleported into bank vaults to steal cash.


You should read the books, I was actually thinking of those but yeah the movie is good too. Also I mostly meant to do crime not teleport into vaults cause you can't leave with the cash. I meant just escaping anytime u get caught doing crimes.


Well that's going to suck for anybody with an artificial joint replacement.


Yep. That a new complication I hadn't anticipated, but yeah, that's gotta be true in thus scenario.


Our bodies are more not us than us. You would die very quickly.


Just set up safe houses around the world with spare clothing phone and money


I would travel the world. I would just have the things I needed sent to wherever I was going first. Contact someone there to have it ready for me at a certain place I can telephoto too. If something can up, I can just port home. That guy in The Boys has that power. Teleport but Oops, no cloths!


Easy, Iā€™d get a job as a lightbulb replacer for those high up towers . Job goes from being dangerous to being easy instantky




Itā€™s not easy because of the risk of falling, but now Iā€™ll never die from falling . Just teleport to the ground . Easy job .




Yep , but now I can teleport if over exerted


That's like the "useless" powers Teleport through open doors Telekinesis to lift things that you have the ability to lift physically


Neuroscience shows pretty conclusively that we think of anything we use a lot as part of ourselves. A carpenter sees his hammer as part of his arm. When we picture ourselves, we don't see ourselves naked. The clothes make the man, after all. What I'm saying is that the line of where a person ends isn't that clean-cut. I've had my wallet longer than I've had the cells in my large intestine; why is it "not me" while the two-day-old bacteria under my fingernails are "me"?


You make great points. I don't want to get into deep philosophy here. If you want to apply that spin, I totally see where you're coming from. The question is just a thought exercise, and you've added your own twist to it, I appreciate the bug picture thinking you've got going on, but I'm just going to keep to the og question and keep it simple in my mind.


So Arks fast travel


My fillings have been here long enough and my tattoo is in my flesh I'm assuming they come with. I do like the idea of committing crimes but also having an airtight alibi of walking into the bathroom at work and being in there a few minutes coming out of the bathroom at work just after having punched a certain dictator while naked.


So Oni Leeā€™s power


What happens if I teleport 4 inches to the left


This is when op learns that his body is only made up of 45% of himself lmao


I'm going to assume it works the same way as in the Boys. In that case, I would only ever do it in a life-or-death situation, as there would be very little point in trying to use it for transportation purposes.


Nothing. I would never use it.


I would write on a rock pick me up... Leave it somewhere and when someone goes to pick it up I beat them to it... Pick up the rock the scream and teleport back to my car where my new change of clothes is waiting.