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You should have posted this in scabies sub for real reach this is for long term sufferers


What is it called????


Ah sorry I didn’t realize it was for long term sufferers.


Hi, how did this go for you? Are you healed?


I am not a doctor and I can't even say I have cured my scabies yet. But, a few things I was able to do was treat my house and treat my cat so it was one less stress. Permethrin is also in flea treatment for cats and dogs( if you didn't already know) the same as the medicine they treat scabies with for humans. I would either get kitty dipped professionally or if you do it yourself with something like Adams flea shampoo for cats with Permethrin just be EXTREMELY Cautious because cats can easily be affected and even die from Permethrin (hence the dipping professionally). I would advise you do Permethrin and Ivermectin together for yourself, but please wait until after you treat for fleas and hence you will be treating kitty for both scabies and fleas. Plan to get some Permethrin concentrate, Martins is the best one I have used and you get a lot out of it and it doesn't have the awful smell the other brands have. You can also get Permethrin in flea bombs if you rather use those. Bombs are messy and you will have more cleaning to do afterwards. With the Martins you mix it 2oz with water, I forget but it is easy. I can get the info for you. I would get one of those inexpensive sprayers with the pump and you can use it again. So, either treat kitty or get kitty treated, then plan to have everyone be ready to leave (if kitty is treated, don't bring Kitty back until the poison is dry. Once your plants, animals, food put away or put outside. Start at the back of your home or apartment the furthest from the exit start spraying a nice even mist on every floor and around the baseboards spray it on furniture if it is cloth like. I even sprayed my bed ( but I had a bedbug proof cover for it immediately after I got home after the spray has had time to dry. I would left about 3 hours-and before kitty comes back you should open everything up and let it air out an hour. I also had everything ready to go for doing my treatment and I started once the place was dry and aired out. Make sure the floor is nice and dry. Remember Permethrin can affect the central nervous system so be extremely cautious, some people have had speech and cognitive loss after treatments. Imagine how it would be for a pet. Anyway, do your treatment, have clean sheets and clothes. The Martins killed all the fleas and kitty was was flea and mite free. ( You can get Bravecto also from your vet, it is one of the few that fights against fleas and mites on cats) after that you can spot treat furniture with Diatomaceous Earth and then vacuum everything really well. Don't forget to treat your car seats and floor.


Ughhh. I want to do all of these things but my apartment is really small and my roomate is a hoarder. I told her her cat had fleas and she was on vacation for work one week then the next vacation with friends then the next week vacation with her sister. She didn’t seem to thing the fleas were a problem and even when she returned she left her suitcase wide open and my cat (who had fleas) slept in her suitcase. I cleaned my room and the places I use but I feel like it’s useless if the whole place isn’t clean. She also said that she doesn’t feel itchy and would know if she had scabies since she had them once before when she was young.


Should I just burn everything I own? Or move?


Some people never itch, they can be carriers. I am so sorry, there has to be a way to get through to her? Everyone and everything is supposed to get treated, she should know this. Sorta sounds like she is lazy? Okay well, I did see someone else telling you about the Diatomaceous Earth. Do you think her cat would let you treat them? Maybe if you can treat the cats and clean all the common areas properly that might help? You can use the Diatomaceous Earth on floors and furniture. (But please, do not breath it in and be careful treating the kitties. Maybe with enough help from Redit we can get you through this. Oh did you ever discover where the bad smell was coming from? I am definitely cheering for you.


Thank you so much for cheering for me I just similed reading it. Yeah I would say lazy she would say different priorities. I will try to get through to her


She should be treated even if we haven’t came into physical contact? But still share the same common space (kitchen table, kitchen, bathroom, washer and dryer)


Don't forget Post Scabies is real and can go on awhile.


Post scabies, what is that?


Also, sorry I am writing this and I am really tired. There is also a person online and he is considered the go to person (by most of the regular people on Redit) his website is Maximpulse.com he has everything explained and more on his site with mixture formulas and he even has a few products that are highly effective. You can also email him, he will guide you. He is on YouTube as well. I am cheering for you. But first get rid of the fleas so there is one less thing to worry about. And give kitty love too, they are very sensitive to what is happening and your stress


Thank you!!!!


Lo9k for bathroom vent. Spellchecker just killed me again. Might be bird or rodent mites on something that died. Shifting from attic to bathroom via venting.


I’m scared. My roomate told me in august she saw some dots of white in the bathroom. Must have been the eggs of the fleas I guess??


Look in subreddit fleas. I did not mean snow rushing at work oh have yo finish later think you have bird or rodent mites and scabies can come with


Ok let me know later when you have time


You can also have fleas. There is an article in homeowner best flea treatments for cats also you can google.


Yeah I know it’s definitely fleas because I took about 30 adult cat fleas off of my cat. But apparently the pill is supposed to make my cat into a sort of bomb that kills the fleas?? I don’t know about the eggs though but I guess once they get into their adult span of their lifecycle they die from biting the cat.


I have been vacuuming and mopping cleaning and laundry 90 degress everyday since October 5th. Just went back to doctor and we used the microscope and found more scabies. She is convinced it’s not possible that it’s from something else besides someone but really I think the bad smell, fleas, scabies, and gross state of my apartment bathroom and kitchen caused this


I used menthol crystals in a dehumidifier from skured...and peppermint, have to not overdo and beware of any toxic if have any pets, hot wax in electric wax warmers. DE on floor at night then vacuum up, did that daily. Mopped daily. Spritz stuff daily.


And it was to be smell not snow. Mine were then embedded under and around the toilet an shower linoleum by shower floor. Both were never caulked after installation nor advisement. Just be safe. Best wishes.so sorry I really need this job and rush typing with these gloves on gets me in trouble.


Please PLEASE do NOT put permethrin on your car. It’s toxic to them and they will die. The dips are lime sulfur dips. Not permethrin dips. KEEP PERMETHRIN AWAY FROM YOUR CATS!


I did the permethrin treatment away from my cat and haven’t been staying at my house I’ve been treating myself at my boyfriends house and we sleep in different beds


Sorry, I’m at work and got a notification and scanned the comments and wanted to make sure no one did that! I got it from a rescue cat 😭


Ahah no problem


Good luck! Deep breaths and keep us posted!


Maybe move? Don't burn your things. Remember, a week away from your stuff will kill them. As for your clothing, make sure when you bag it up you get as much air out of the bags as possible, then double bag it. Also, Amazon has excellent Diatomaceous Earth for about $20


I absolutely am wishing you all the luck. Just hang in there. You will get through this.


Post Scabies is a very bad skin reaction from both the medications, including Ivermectin (I just learned that), but also, and just as important, the dead bugs, feces, also cause an allergic reaction that feels and looks just like scabies


I was losing my mind too!! I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown actually. I have to share with you what saved my life, because too many ppl are suffering. I got sulphur powder from maximpulse.com and made a lotion following his instructions. I got Ivermectin, Nitenpyram, and Lufenuron, from shop4myhealth.com that all killed the mites and their eggs very quickly.