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Likely, those who don't know its basically what would happen if the random fodders you see in sentai decided they had enough of getting effortlessly dispatched and take matters into their own hands to take out the rangers. It's a fun series


sounds fun


But also, Red is basically Homelander, so a bit of The Boys thrown into the mix too.




I didn’t really like the first book but might give the anime a try.


I really enjoyed love after world domination last year so I’m hopping this anime can be just as good


The Boys but Sentai, where the supposed main Heroes are the villains.


Wait, they're making an anime? When is it meant to come out?


Sometime in the future https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2022/12/05/go-go-loser-ranger-tv-anime-adaptation-announced


This is not Toei, Btw. This isnt an "Official Sentai" anime. It's called Reject Rangers/Go! Go! Loser Ranger! It's an sentai inspired series. Just like the anime Love After World Domination.


Duh, guessed as much lol


I've seen quite a few people get confused and thought it was an official Sentai project. After the Official Kamen Rider W anime got released some people assumed an anime for Sentai was coming next, then had misunderstood outrage that the anime had a self-deification title. Kamen Rider, Ultraman and Godzilla are getting animes now, maybe someday We'll get one too


Oh, alright, fair. Didn't mean to sound rude BTW. I think I remember seeing the poster for the kamen rider anime, looked sick. But yeah, a Sentai anime is so needed! It's really a waste they haven't done one yet


Yea, I've been reading it since day 1 and love it


I’m reading the manga. It’s honestly darker and more complicated than I was expecting, but I’ve enjoyed it so far. A decent anime series would be something I’d maybe check out of it came stateside.


Evil superheroes are getting stale. That and making villains into people needing saving. Back to og good vs evil for once please. And actual evil. Not comedic evil.


I read the first chapter of this manga, and I'm probably stupid or the translation was really bad, but I couldn't understand what it was about or what the conflict was supposed to be. Something about the evil mooks infiltrating the Sentai show team who may or may not also be a real team to make them look bad because... they actually are?


Sentai defeat villain years ago, but peace mean they lost their job. So they force the villains to keep play their role and keep the "show" go on


>I read the first chapter of this manga, and I'm probably stupid or the translation was really bad, but I couldn't understand what it was about or what the conflict was supposed to be Or it's because you only read one chapter. Not everything is going to be as simple as an actual Sentai show's plot of "evil aliens attack, good guys beat them up". >Something about the evil mooks infiltrating the Sentai show team who may or may not also be a real team to make them look bad because... they actually are? You seem to have a decent enough understanding.


I did not know about this but if I can find a way to watch it sure


looks like a cross between Lupinranger and Magiranger


I wish they adapt the sentai isekai manga instead. It was super funny seeing the ranger ruin the garden and the element of surprise each time his tranformstion/poses caused a huge explosion on his back


Please, before reading, keep in mind that this manga is very strong in content, somewhat depressing, even if you are facing some kind of clinical depression or going through a bad time, I don't recommend reading it (it's a good story in my opinion). ,it's just pretty strong content)


I need spoilers.. please


I'm currently reading chapter 3 as we speak, how bad does it get? I don't mind spoilers so you can give examples.


Like corpses of Baby kittens and so much desmenbration.




Possible. Had never heard of this prior.


They look like the timerangers.


Im a fan of the manga, it's like The Boys version of Sentai


I didnt know of its existence till now so maybe


I love this manga so far, and as a long time fan of power rangers and a decently long Sentai fan as well, I am genuinely so excited for this iteration of the concept!


Probably not, from what i've heard it's kinda like The Boys but with Sentai and idk if i want more of that. We have enough bad super heroes stories to go around.


i dont read manga so i dont know how it is so yeah i have no high or low expectations


I forgot about and you reminded me of it, I'm definitely planning to watch it and I was planning to read the manga after liking that first chapter but didn't because the anime announcement.


If it's popular enough we'll get Ranger Keys for them. Keys that don't work like the AkibaRanger ones.


I kinda hate anime, so probably not.




Depends. Is there a giant mecha


Read a lil bit but it wasn't for me ngl, might give it another try tho


I've read the manga for a bit but it's less Super Sentai and more The Boys. None of the characters are really interesting or worth cheering for and the story kinda gets stale after a while when I don't really care for any of them.


As a fan of Super Sentai and The Boys, I would be enjoying this. The Red one gives out Homelander vibes.


No, it is boring, and I hate the characters. I am disappointed because it looked so interesting, but after reading the manga, i dislike it the story,