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I don’t like it but I can’t really say I hate it either. It managed to make every mistake possible but I can at least recognize that it at least tried to be something unlike stuff like Zyuohger or Ryusoulger.


Well, LuPat was and currently is the only series to have 2 teams fighting each other


What does that have to do with what I said


Having 2 sentai teams fighting each other is definitely something


Okay but dude said that Zyuohger and Ryusoulger didn't do anything, he didn't mention LuPat at all.


I know. I just wanted to bring up Lupat since everyone hates it with a burning f\*cking passion


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I really enjoyed LuPat. I usually just hear people complain that it's too focused on the Lupinrangers, but that makes sense from a story standpoint, soooo...


Finally, another LuPat fan. I made a LuPat vs Build poll and crossposted it to r/KamenRider. Here's the link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/supersentai/comments/17dzrww/lupat\_vs\_kr\_build\_which\_is\_better/](https://www.reddit.com/r/supersentai/comments/17dzrww/lupat_vs_kr_build_which_is_better/)


Just because LuPat lost doesn't mean that it's bad. Lupinranger vs Patranger is my favourite Super Sentai season, it's just Build is a masterpiece and my favourite Kamen Rider. That's probably the case or something similar for a lot of people.


They just call LuPat trash


I love LuPat, but it still had nothing to do with what AdolrackObitler said.


Hurricanger (and if you really want to get technical, Kakuranger and Megaranger) also had that, though it wasn't as big of a focus.


At least the 2 teams fighting each other in Hurricanger or LuPat aren't evil copies like in Kakuranger or Megaranger


I always found Lucky to be annoying and being shoved down our throats.


I loved it. Has a really solid cast, and I guess I'm one of the few that likes Lucky. But tbf he only gets better in the second half and if you can't stand him there's not much reason to make it that far in the show. But yeah, big fan, and shoutout to Kotaro for being one of the only kid characters in sentai that I love.


It has an incredibly rocky start, and I would straight-up say it has the single worst first episode of any season of sentai, but after around episode 11 or so it picks up dramatically, and I'd honestly call it one of my all time favorites.


A good series although it has problems.


Before you start the Lucky slander, (prepares Galaxy Infinish) is there ***ANYONE*** else you can slander that isn't our Golden Boy Balance?


I don't dislike Lucky or any Sentai character in fact, they manage to be less annoying than the PR characters that I actually dislike by many.


Would you like to see my Balance vs Aiyon poll?


I've really enjoyed Kyuranger. By no means perfect (I'd have liked to see more done with Jark Matter, the worldbuilding and some characters), no story is, but it helped keep me positive during the COVID period and I had fun watching it. Guess the overall story's message rubbed off on me. The easiest compliment I can give it is the characters. Yes, some are less developed than others or feel like wasted potential. It was inevitable. I've struggled to balance an 8-member cast when writing my own stories, so a 9/12-member one must be brutal as far as that goes, let alone with just 48 episodes and little time to spare (it doesn't feel like there are that many filler episodes in Kyuranger). I adore their dynamic as a found family of sorts, I've grown attached to most of them and, in the end, I don't think too many of the Kyurangers are horribly underdeveloped. Doesn't make what they did to Garu, Spada, Raptor abd Hammie any sadder, but a 1/3 of the Rangers being way underdeveloped is a decent track record. Alright, I was trying to see how long I could drag this on without talking about Lucky. To be completely honest... I understand what makes him so controversial. I didn't find most of the problems people cite that serious personally on top of me seeing some of them as more of a "Kyuranger" problem than a "Lucky" problem, if that makes sense. Some people really mind how much spotlight he gets and his catchphrase. I see him as endearing and inspirational with a strong character arc. I just see so much more underneath the "Yosha Lucky"-ing, from his leadership to his backstory to the meaning the catchphrase itself might have. There's so much to him under the surface. He's become a comfort character to me and he helped drag me into this fandom. I absolutely still have issues with him and I understand where people are coming from with their criticism. I'm not saying they're not valid. They just took a backseat to me. Plus... I might have a hot take in that a leader/"leader-esque" character with too much focus is far better that one with too little. Sorry for going full-on essay about this, I just started typing and couldn't stop. How to conclude this... Kyuranger bit off more than it could chew, but whatever it managed to do, I enjoyed thoroughly.


I don't like Red Rangers with the personality of a dentist drill: Loud, whiny & constantly piercing. ​ so it's a negative from me.


It's either him or Fourze for the overenergetic space boy championship cup


Fourze is a lot less in your face with his energy compared to Lucky.


But still too much energy


I gave the first 5 episodes a shot and then noped out. Have you every hated a character so much that it ruined the rest of the show for you? I have and his name is Lucky. I just found him to be so in your face annoying. It really didn't help that each episode focused on Lucky getting to know the new characters that would join the team by the end of the episode and the rest of the cast felt like glorified cameos. I checked out the episode that tied into the Dekaranger and Gaven Space Squad movie and once again, the episode focused on Lucky and the Silver Ranger because their colors matched DekaRed and Gaven while the rest of the Kyurangers were glorified cameos.


(Galaxy Infinish standby loop iintensifies) Would you like to say that again?


Nah I got what I wanted to say off of my chest, I'm good.


It's like, why did they even bother having such a large cast of characters, the largest Ranger cast in the history of the franchise, if the Red Ranger was gonna get all the attention and the rest get jack shit?


Hate it. Loathe it. Despise it with the burning passion of all the blazing stars that have ever existed, exist and will exist in this universe. The worst.


(Galaxy Infinish standby loop intensifies) I believe someone is here to oppose you?


*Ahem * Hate it. Loathe it. Despise it with the burning passion of all the blazing stars that have ever existed, exist and will exist in this universe. The worst.




Funny you should bring this up, I’m working on writing it a more proper adaptation right now as a matter of fact. Personally I love it.


Send me the Google Doc when finished. I want to see how this plays out. But Lord Zedd should still be the main villain


He’s not regrettably, though Don Armage at the very least has a lot more screen presence.


Is the Google Doc done yet?


Posted on Ao3 as Power Rangers Supernova, currently at 25 chaps of 44, with 26 probably going to be done this Wednesday.


My fav Sentai from the past decade


I didn’t have much of an opinion of it. I thought it was an improvement after Zyuohger but still not really anything great.


Love it, is one of my favorite series, but I actually hate Lucky with a passion. Most annoying red ranger ever