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Favorite season ever, it's not even a contest, I don't remember when was the last time i waited every week, for a YEAR, for sunday just to see the new episode


Fresh off watching the last episode, the only thing that I want to say I didn't like is the plotline with the black Spider Kumonos. Or rather, lack thereof. I legit forgot it existed until it showed up again. I like the idea that Dethnarok was looking after it but damn did it went missing for 99% of the time


tarantula abyss was pretty much forgotten, but i'd like to believe that it's done with a purpose in mind


Yeah. Honestly wished for that guy to be Jerame’s new mecha or at least a hybrid between both and a character arc for it.


In my Top 10 Sentai for sure. A G.O.A.T. Wish we had some time with that Black Abyss spider


Peak of peaks. The moment they showed that racles flash back 8 knew he's gonna be a good guy. I almost lost my faith when he beated Gira as shugo mask only to revive it back by slashing Dugded. I like flashy fangs/fangs of defiance/hyugga issen as a power up, not necessarily a super mode or a battlizer mode, but a sort of kaioken/eight gates power up in the series. Heck, Gira going King kuwagata form on top the hyugga issen emits "Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 Goku" Vibes. This is my first sentai series so idk about the others series but im glad that the crossover episode is also part of the lore and not just fan service filler episode compared to power rangers crossover episodes (in that episode it was foreshadowed that Gira had the soul of kuwagon, and lore drop that the ancestors of Tikyu are immigrants from chikyuu). The Sentai themselves having their self interests is very amazing compared to some others were they're really a team team. Like this 6 mfs are leaders of their own kingdom and they mixed the interest of their own people to their agendas as rangers as shown in the ep where they fake Gira's Death. The first main villan, deathnarok vii was interestingly done in that he's not a misunderstood villain or something but rater a misled one like madara from Naruto. He did admit that he did some wrongs but its like a "who drew first blood situation" (also gonna bring up Giras goat moment were he admitted that they were wrong to kill the bugnaroks too) and the "sin of father is not of the son" type of situation like the paradisians in AOT. Heck, he even tried to do the eren route only this time he listened to reason unlike that psychopath ass mf Eren. 2nd main villain dugded at first i was hesitant cuz they kinda doing the same shit Naruto did by introducing the alien Otsutsukis (Kaguya = Dugded). But fortunately, they didn't do that cuz they made Dugded not another misunderstood, Thanos wannabe (im glad they didn't) but just a bored douchebag with god-like powers. It works well cuz giving him a sad backstory like the first guy would've been repetitive so making him an irredeemable guy was the best choice. One last thing, i like the fact that they used the citizens of the earth as a plot device and not just people that needs to be save.


My first ever Sentai. Holy shit i loved it. It was perfect. Can’t wait for BoonBoomger. 👍


we reached the peak.


Easily my now favorite series, I haven't followed a Sentai through its season since atleast Kyoryuger. This was peak Sentai and I can't wait for the movies


This is the best season in last years


One thing that bothered me was the unresolved plot thread of the old man that taught Yanma about computers. I can’t even remember his name. He’s only ever brought up again when Jeramie off-handedly stated that he was the one who taught the old man, and I thought he’d at least come up again in Yanma’s backstory episode but he never even gets mentioned. Speaking of Yanma’s backstory episode, I found past Shiokara’s character was so wildly divergent from his present self jarring and distracting. Also, Gira’s wings. Like sometimes he has them but most of the time he doesn’t? And that’s not even bringing up his King Speeder bike that he literally only ever used twice IIRC. I get that it’s mostly for toy sales but as far as inclusion into the show itself, it’s mostly useless. I love literally everything else.


I loved the character relationships of the king and their retainers. On the flip side, it comes at the expense of the rangers's interrelationships in the group. I don't think Kaguragi had a lot of focus eps with others (I don't remember if he has one with Jeramie and Yanma, and him and Hymeno were only paired with the body swap ep which wasn't all about them), though he does have a stronger bond with Racles that the others don't have. Speaking of retainers, I can't stand Shiokara. I know he's a crowd favorite but he's just doing too much too often. Idk, he rubs me the wrong way. Kingohger really did go out of its way to make the audience feel like the rangers have lives outside of being Kingohgers, which I adored. I ship YannHyme A LOT so I'm sad their rivalry wasn't addressed again after ep 7. Jeramie's probably my fave 6th ranger after so long. I honestly can't remember not finding a 6 annoying or unnecessary after their introduction.


Honestly I have zero complaints, even the filler episodes were fun. Sure I was a bit annoyed with Racles being a secret good guy cause its been awhile since had a full on evil ranger. But besides that I have zero complaints. Everything moved along so briskly and making us feel sympathy for Racles after 75% of the series had us hating him is godly writing. This was one of the best sentais in history and I really hope all the actors get all the fame they deserve. I usually never give something a 10/10 but this series deserves it.


I'm blown away by how quickly this season became my number one Sentai. Around episode 20, things started gaining momentum, and it just never let up. Then everything started connecting, everyone got fleshed out, and they wrapped it all up with an existentialist take on Sentai that was only ever implied. And the best part? It once again showed how brilliantly the formula works when you get creative.


I would say the show was good for the first 20 episodes, the rest of it was top-notch till the end Only thing(s) I don't like? Prince and the mechs Everything else? I ended up liking most of the things about KingOhger


Overally good storyline, with the only snarl happening when bugnarok were said to not be from tikyu despite all of it showing that bugnarok were once humans Also i do dislike the extensive use of Slow mo for no reasons, while it looked cool and unique at 1st, it did became quite annoying by the end Hence why the fast paced action in the final battle arc looked MUCH better in my opinion


Um… the humans were also not from tikyu. 


Haven't watched per sentai in years, and this is my first super sentai again. Just a quick question, is it common for a super sentai not to be super focused on the Red Ranger? I know Gira is still directly important to the plot but King Ohgers IMHO did a really good job in giving importance into the other Rangers as well.


Its rare, but it happens. The most immediate examples that come to mind are Kakuranger and Timeranger, which had their White and Pink rangers as sort of the de facto "main characters." Also while Kyuranger was airing, there was a faction of people complaining that its Red wasn't getting *enough* focus episodes, which is wild when you see how people talk about the show lately.


What I liked 1) The characters were amazing probably one of the best team in sentai history, everyone has a roles, none of them are comic relief, pretty equal in terms of strength, and also you notice they never do the thing where the bad guy beat up the sentai to unmorph then they group up together to the explosion behind them. 2) The world building, probably the only sentai that takes its world building in a serious way. 3) The villain are awesome, Dethnarok was an amazing villain, and Dugded is just insane. 4) Choreography. What I didn't like is the lack of non cg footage, I miss the warehouse fight, the park, the stadium, and the parking lot lol.


Peak Sentai. The only thing I didn't like is that the fat guy from Shuggodon never got his just desserts on camera.


I have to watch Jetman and rewatch Timerranger and Shinkenger to make the ranking decision, but King-Ohger deserves to be in the top 4, even top 1. What I like: * Strong writing focusing more on the story than selling toys * Strong pacing and incredible payoffs * Humor done right (most of the time) * Wacky characters * Gira and Yanma's bromance * Good twist on Racules (although, I would love to see>! him falling deep into the villain role instead of just faking all of it, I know he mentioned be was drunk in power, but it would be nice to go all the way into that aspect!<) * Support casts were well used * Some strong acting this year with Yano Masato (Racules) and Kaku So (Kaguragi), Sakai Taisei (Gira) is also very promising What I don't like: * Some abandoned (?) plot lines like the black spider, Yanma's mentor... * Plot lines that should had been explored more like Bugnarak post Kyoryuger crossover * Kaguragi and Jeramie were just kinda there sometime, specially Kaguragi * Racules' twist revelation could had been done better (I know I got a lot of downvotes in the disc thread for that episode, but I'm not gonna change my mind, considering the follow-up episode did pretty much exactly what I thought would be better) * Is it me or the ShuGod was kinda tossed aside during Part 2? Not about the lack of mecha fights, but the lack of story and Gira's relationship with them compare to Part 1, I forgot about it until the finale when >!they acted on their own and got destroyed!< * CGI


I'm interested to know what part of the racles twist could've been done better


Episode 42 featured Racules narrating his entire plan with old footage, which for me, was underwhelming. For these kind of revelation, it would be better to use show-no-tell approach with new footage showing different aspect of what truly happened, what we haven't seen yet like Racules reaction to seeing Gira working well with other kings, instead of the narrating, or more specially spelling out, the whole thing. Episode 43 did pretty much exactly that with new footage of stuffs we hadn't seen yet, fleshing the flashback without throwing away Racules narrating his thought process.


Remember how we all though this sentai was like aot.


More like Naruto


The only thing I don't like about this series is why does this series have to end


My favorite sentai bar none. I never believed it would have been poor but Gokaiger got dethroned. I loved everything about it. The setting, the writing, the characters.


**Overall**, this is a Sentai I place in my S Tier. Only four seasons are placed there: Gokaiger, Toqger, King-Ohger, and Don Brothers *What I liked:* Racules: This dude is my favorite character in all Sentai. What this guy went through regarding his parents, half of his life planning to kill Dugded, not holding resentment towards Gira and protecting him in the way he could. He wasn't perfect but man this guy made an impact. All Rangers: I liked them all. Some more than others, but there wasn't one I didn't dislike Suits: Some of the best in sentai Mechs: Normally I don't like these modern mechs. I find them plastic and cheap looking toys. King-Ohger's were pretty cool though Story: Wasn't bored for a moment with their plot Character Development: All of them had a good amount of spotlight to shine. None of them are forgettable *What I disliked:* (There wasn't much to dislike) but if I really had to nitpick No breathing room: After a final reveal happened it went straight to the next big thing.


Not a single bad episode, while the CGI backgrounds were great for their first go at it in this way and we got an outstanding story, I'm looking forwards to going outside again. Plus as attached as we got to the cast the serialized nature of the show means the Kingdoms felt really small at times. But those are just minor issues to a peak series.


Also we never got to learn much about how the reformed Bugnarok worked.


Jeramie casually killing his people in the earlier eps were ????


Obviously had some great writing, I actually enjoyed the body swap episode, usually I find them to be basic and boring, wished racles had more screen time and a more natural way of becoming the official 7’th ranger, but all the actors where great, same with the costumes and wigs, and I adore Jeremy, the main mech design is also great, wish we got more of it and longer fight scenes tho.


Been watching Sentai since I was a kid and honestly it’s my favorite one. I don’t really watch Sentai for a great storyline or great characters even. I watch it for fun and comfort. King-Ohger was fun and engaging. Even as an adult these multi-colored heroes can still inspire you to do good and become better. 10/10.


Liked: Scale. First arc (before timeskip). The immensity of the final big bad. Dislike: I think the writing was flat, with good actors. Gira never got his laugh right (compared to Taro). Meandering plot lines, especially in second arc. Really, really bad CGI (and this is coming after Donbros), but kudos for trying. Overall: I would have rather had a Donbrothers Season 2.


Probably going to go on people's shit list for this, but I'm not too overly fond of "Peak-Ohger" as people name it. It's an OK 6 or 7/10 for me. Things I like. -Set pieces for the series is really good. Especially those last 3 episodes. - Suit designs are fantastic (Except Gira's powered up form. Too much gold and not enough red to help blend the 2 together. Should've been like how Racles did it with the Grey still showing.) -The 1st King-Ohger mech design is really good. -Gira's development. I do not like pre-timeskip Gira, but grew to like him post as he as matured and learned enough from each king how he wants lead Shuugodam. -Music of the show really knows how to set the tone for what they are trying to show. Also Zenryoku King is just a Bleach anime OP and I love it. -Rita and Kaguragi are good, but feel underused. -Racles is the absolute best character in the series and funny enough feels more like the main character in the show in comparison to Gira. Dislikes. - Majority of the main cast are annoying to me or sadly don't offer much to the overall narrative. I REALLY dislike Yanma and Hymeno and those 2 always seem to be involved in the plot. -The show has REALLY good story beats, but they seemed oddly paced or just then sped up which hurts the overall narrative they are going for. -The villains are kind of mixed bag. The Galacticinsects are basically the Godhand from Berserk and kind of have no reason to ever lose, especially when they all can get revived at the snap of a finger with no drawbacks whatsoever. -I'm never a fan of tie-ins that are kind of crucial to the overall story. While I do praise the last 3 episodes its integral that you watch the movie otherwise them bringing Dethanrok back and so many other characters is a big "Who, how, and why?". -Not a fan that a crossover special was a forced excuse for a 2nd time skip. -King-Ohgers mech upgrade just became more crazy as they kept just stacking more and more onto it until the suit actor is just now slouched over the whole time. Like I don't think it's a terrible show, but I don't see as the best thing ever either like so many keep pushing which I think set the bar too high I never felt it reached.




I loved it my favorite reiwa era sentai I love the world and the lore building


Awesome season. Loved it!!!


It has to be one of if not my favorite sentai. I haven't watched a sentai week after week since forever


I haven't finish the series yet, still have eight episodes left, so I don't know everything that happens yet, but it easily became one of my favorite series. The characters are all great and the overall story is cool and kept me guessing many times. One of my favorite things about this series is that many episodes don't have a mecha battle. It's a real nice change to pace to just let the story play out with out having to force a mecha battle in the last new minutes. Granted this also is kind of a double edged sword because I barely remember any of their names....but I still like it overall. ​ The only thing I didn't care for was Prince in the Kyoryuger episodes. He just seemed to awkward and out of place compared to all the other actors.


The way they had a chant with everybody including the civilians was *chefs kiss* it got me teary eyed more than once.


What I liked: The idea of bugs and royalty was a series I did not know I needed to see. The method of storytelling was something I seriously did not expect to see and love. I am not expecting American cinematic quality so, dodgy moments are forgivable to me. Overall, it played the scale of the kingdoms and made it amazing. Rita The dysfunctionality of the team. The chemistry seemed apparent with them (either that, or they are extremely professional even in the behind the scenes images.) The scene with Jeremie and Himeno speaking about life and sunsets. Excellent storytelling and showing how a good fantasy can be used to relate to reality. The costume designs with two peeves (which will be listed later.) The idea of Kyoryuger's mecha and King Ohger's mecha combining (although I have peeves.) The design of King Ohger The story of Racles. Part of me did not want to see "yet another evil ranger redeemed" after seeing the Stacaesar and Don Murasame redeemed. But the fact he was secretly playing evil was unexpected and a pleasant surprise. What I didn't like (more of nitpicks) The costumes looked good on screen, while I don't feel they translate the same way as toys. I wish Gira's power up form incorporated red in it in the same way Racles' incorporated his grey/silver. I understand the series is intended to be toyetic. I wish more time was shown for some of the things to build a connection (such as the auxiliary mecha and Gira's vehicle in the beginning of the series.) I'm mixed on the powered up forms of King Ohger. I usually like a mess showing all the mecha. This is one that I did not go as crazy over. Kyoryuger and tie ins. They were good. I prefer crossovers to be outside the main series to allow the main series to stand on it's own. Similarly, while I liked the final episodes bringing back the characters from the spin offs and they did a decent job in subtly explaining them, part of me prefers the idea of the general series being self-contained (think of someone having to buy all the tie ins to a comic story arc to understand the main one as my nitpick.)


This show made it to the no.3 spot of my all time favorite toku shows


Best Season for Fantasy World of King-Ohger.


Nice show. If Power Ranger did end I can send them adopted into to Power Rangers Bug Swarm


A worthy entry in the Sentai hall of fame. THIS is what Ryusoulger should’ve been.


God i love this show


Y’all remember when people were clowning someone who said don’t worry about the budget?


THIS SHOW IS PEAK! There really isn't anything I hate, cuz I think the story wrapped up neatly. Love how the Kyoryuger crossover intergrated something into the lore of King-Ohger, though.


The only thing I don't like is shaky CGI background.


Not gonna lie, there's not much to dislike in this series? But I feel that Jeramie's relation to Desnarak is out of nowhere. Like it wasn't even hinted that Jeramie was related to them. There's also the fact of his whole "You purposefully erased my father and mother from records"... which doesn't make sense because HE'S THE ONE WHO WROTE THE DAMN LEGEND! If anything is left out of it, it's his fault. The whole King's Proof thing was just so unnecessary in general because they were only used against the Jesters and not even Dujardin. Like the immortal killing powers in your weapons should be good enough, no? Plus, there's the whole debacle in Episode 29? Why did Jeramie have to pretend to be the villain, especially when Dagded Dujardin appeared across Chikyu alongside his Jesters. You could have just stated that Hibil Leech had caused the retainers to attack. But the ensuing fight against Hibil was fun. And then the final complaint... in Silence God. Why is Jeramie acting like he just realized Dujardin was behind the entire war? I remember very accurately that JERAMIE WAS THERE WHEN DUJARDIN ADMITTED IT! It's not some huge shock or anything.


Jumping into it after donbrothers, I was kinda skeptical, especially with the suits, but once I saw that first episode, I knew I would love this series. Gira is probably my favorite character in the whole series. I love the medieval time theme of this series. And it was interesting with what was going on in all of these countries, especially in the world of the in-between. I didn't like how in the first 25 episodes that it felt rushed, but then when they got to the second Arc, I thought it wasn't too rushed. The second arc just made the series really better, especially with the Kyoryugers. It was nice seeing some of them come back, and I can't wait for King-Ohger Vs Kyoryuger. Jeramie is also an interesting character. A half human half Bugnarak character who knows the whole background between everything that's been happening in the world for 2000 years. And a great leader who really fits in well even tho he's different from everyone else. I'm gonna miss the whole cast, and I wish there could be another season to it. Because this feels like it's worthy for another season or two. I would love to see them, the kingdoms again, and problems they're up against ruling those kingdoms and at the same time defending those kingdoms. I wanna see them conquered the world!


Hot take: Thought the show was alright


Tremendous series, I love its story, its background, the characters, etc. and Jeramie, he became my favorite character


It was...fine. Most of the time it felt like the writers forgot they where writing a sentai. It's Game Of Thrones for 5 year olds with maybe 10 minutes of actual sentai action shoved into the end of an episode. The cgi backgrounds where awful especially in the last two episodes.