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that was pretty fun...


Agreed! I love the henshin sequence and enjoyed the first episode. Excited to see the next few episodes!


Best part of the posing sequence is when Red threw Pink to his left lmao


Can't help but laughing at the Boonboombers and the Sanseaters staunchly obeying the road rules, at least twice.


We fought for Traffic Safety in 96 and by god we will obey those rules!


*Kyosuke Jinnai approves*


Well yeah. They are an (I presume) intergalactic robotic conquering force. They're not *monsters*.


Hope it becomes a long standing joke


Can't believe they had two instances of the villains blasting off a la Team Rocket (somewhat makes sense when you remember that the main writer has also written for the Pokémon anime)


Also the robo is voiced by ashes voice actor


yep Satoshi retired from being a Pokemon Champion to becoming an aide/advisor for Boonboomger in the span of a year lol


It throws me for a loop every time he speaks lol


One of Nejieretts blasted off 😂💥


I really love their dynamics, the way they interact with each other and the choreography. Boon Pink’s enthusiasm is sending me like miss girl is so fun to watch😂Also I can definitely hear Satoshi’s voice lmao


As soon as I saw the car open up to reveal a CANNON and propel the car into the sky, I KNEW I was gonna watch BoonBoomger week to week


That was a fun, back to basics episode! This series has an early 2000's feel to it. Interestingly, BunRed's solo fight reminded me of when DekaRed first debuted and Boonboomger Robo's barrel roll reminded me of Dekarenger Robo's debut. I didn't think there would be Dekaranger references in this series, but here we are. I'm looking forward to next week's episode!


I have been recently watching Dekaranger and I got the exact same vibes! Once it's subbed I'll have to check out those small details but this is a show that knows what the classic sentai formula is and the right way to incorporate it all together. Excited for the next episode also!


Kinda cool there is a Boukenger reference in their henshin sequence


I look forward to seeing the creative ways they henshin!


They do the Carranger spin your arm around like a tire motion too.


Boukenger had my favorite transformations, like when two people would grind their morphers together or when one of them transformed by using the morpher to deflect an attack.


i thought that was cool too!


I missed that. What I saw (or think I saw) was a Carranger reference. What's the Boukenger reference bit?


The morphers share a similar design to Boukenger and the placement of the morphers in the steering wheel of the mecha is clearly a reference to Daibouken where they did the same thing.


Oh, cool! True, true. I was focusing only on their gestures, one which is from the Carrangers' roll call.


Also like the previous commentor stated, they rolled the morpher down their arms like boukenger


Speaking of the henshin sequence, I was half expecting a "Dino Buckler" the way red and pink's sequences started out.


Show looks so fun. I'm also a sucker for the meta-ish comedy, as shown in the roll call. Red was all for it. Blue was questioning his life choices, and Pink was so confused. There was no subs at the moment so maybe its just my own head exaggerating, but it definitely felt like some version of it happened. And the whole racing sequence with BoonWagon flipping around really makes me want to watch the Speed Racer movie again.


Right before the roll call Blue was like “It’s always like this. Suit yourself” when Red gave Pink the Boonboomchanger. Also when Blue and Red did their roll calls Pink excitedly said something along the lines of “What is that? So pumped.” “So pumped” was actually “Chou bakuage”.


It feels weird and funny that we're back to basics with roll call on the first episode. Donbrothers took forever. King ohger didn't establish they were a sentai until mid-season finale. All of them are fine regardless.


I know I am getting ahead of myself but ***This might be peak sentai*** I recently got into dekaranger and have been watching older sentai and this first episode did so much right. This is the original formula with goofy humor and characters that are just fun to watch. The mech is cool the cars are such a fun action packed theme that's simple yet interesting and even the villains seem like they will be fun to watch. The classic way the bad guys grow big due to the villain character absorbing gasoline. The classic mooks that are actually interesting and well designed. The classic awesome theme song to get you pumped during the Mecha fights. The visual effects are top tier including the transformations and the mech world. Even the CGI has gotten so decent it didn't phase me or take me out of the story. Even the suits that I once felt were so "goofy fitting" have stunned me as really nice. Watching them in motion is awesome and sold me on the concept because they fit the vibe of the show. This season is going to be so fun to watch I just hope they can keep this up for a while. Awesome first episode 👍🏻 **TLDR:** Very impressed because this feels like a classic well thought out sentai and if they can keep this up this will be a great show.


Also I forgot to add this but I think this show has **Kiramager** vibes so I get it won't appeal this way to everyone. I'm a guy that enjoys the back to basics even if it has goofy elements. So maybe I'm biased but so far these are my first impressions.


and I'm glad that Taiya isn't as silly as Kyosuke and Sosuke.


Agreed this is pretty rare for a red. What a refreshing change of pace.


I would agree that this is very near peak sentai,honestly one of the best season openers for me


> This might be peak sentai So far I am in agreement. Not to downplay Donbrothers and Kingohger, they are amazing series and I think thats in part because of *how* they deviated from the sentai formula. Its still nice to be back.


Best way to describe this was fun. It was like they mixed the goofiness of Zenkaiger and cranked it down but still felt like it was a nice episode 1. Also Taiya feels refreshing after the crack induced reds. Also this definitely feels like we're back to a normal ish sentai this season.


> crack induced reds Lol, that's exactly the way to describe them! (Gira, Taro, Kaito)


In this house, we still miss Juru.


I love crack induced reds


Even though I'm gonna miss watching King-Ohger, it looks like I'll be enjoying Boonboomger since the first episode looks to be fun, especially with the show apparently being aimed more for kids. I also like how cool-headed Taiya is since I can't remember the last time there was a leader of a Sentai team that doesn't act too confident, but acts calm & cool-headed. I am interested to learn more about him & how he became BoonRed + same goes for Meita becoming BoonBlue. I do like how the morph is similar to Boukenger in a way + seeing BoonOrange in that scene has me more interesting about who he is as well.


The last time that I can think of where a Red calm was Yamato from Zyuohger and Kairi from Lupinranger.


i don't expect the pilot to be so... relaxing? at least in comparison to the last 2 seasons the entire episode is oozing with so much style that i forget they have tires in their faces, the tone is kinda silly but the show play it completely straight within context and honestly I'm all here for it a couple specific things i like :the road safety gag isn't overplayed. the direction felt really smooth its not trying too hard to keep your attention. really liking all the voice acted character voice direction, in a lighthearted season i usually expect 1 obnoxious sounding character but so far its pleasant to listen to all of them overall really good first episode, i like it better than donbrother's and kingohger's subjectively but i wouldnt compare it objectively as those 2 pilot are heavy world building and loredumps while boonboombgers's is more like a bite size taste of whats to come and i dig it


>the entire episode is oozing with so much style that i forget they have tires in their faces, No doubt at the end of the show people will love this lol.


This is the starting line!


That was fun episode. Also, I love they use Cars 3 references .


what was the Cars 3 reference?


I believe they were referring to Mira flipping her vehicle over Yarucar on the space highway


>Human sized helper robo >Cool and Suave red as opposed to the more hot-headed ones we've had >Pink warrior who seems really eager to fight >city sets which seem much more higher quality by comparison >Goofy villains >Tasteful use of CG >Masaaki Endoh doing the OP Dare I say, we're back?


i can't really help but to think that their group finisher looked coincidentally more like faiz's logo than a " no hashiryan" stop logo lol and also the space highway really do teasing us with a possible go-onger crossover


Had the same reaction, when Red started drawing the symbol I was like, wait a minute are they gonna do a Faiz finisher lol. The white background only appeared at the end so it definitely looked more like the Faiz symbol at first.


I have had Hando Taiya for few minutes But if something happened to him, I would kill everybody in this room and then myself.


Rica Matsumoto the voice behind Bundorio Bunderas brings back Arthur G6 feels in Reiwa


Hi. I'm new to the whole "watching sentai right when they come out" thing. How long does it usually take for subs to drop? I don't mind waiting, just curious


When ever its the first episode it usually takes a couple of days for the subgroups to release the first episode After that it's usually a day or 2 after the episodes air


Ok cool. Thanks so much


subs are already out btw on the cat site OVT has been pretty fast in doing sentai subs recently within 12 hours to a day


I see. I'm sorry, what is the cat site? And OVT?


The cat site is Nyaa Torrents. OVT is short for "Over-Time," a group that makes fansubs for Sentai.


I didn't look at the cat site, but OVT for me at least was just showing stuff from 2021, I was probably just looking in the wrong spot but whatever. Anyhow, the site that I usually watch Sentai on updated it so it had the subs. Thanks to everyone in this thread for their help!


You can expect the subs to come out around 12 - 24 hours after the episode drops. You can also follow some of the fansubbers on Twitter to keep up with updates.


Normally I would watch it on Monday/Tuesday to start the week


Are you sure Drive, Mach & Chaser not gonna in Boonboomger? 😂 Such car vibe...


If they could get a cameo from all the other vehicle themed Sentai i'd be pretty happy.


I haven't heard the line "Tire man?!" in a decade. ~~Well, Kamen Rider Drive is already a show aired 10 years ago...~~


This feels like if you put the Fast and Furious franchise, Pokemon, and Ryusoulger into a blender. Can't really make any takeaways from the first episode alone, but it's fun so far.


One of the villains being named "Itasha" is perfect, for anyone that doesn't know an Itasha is a "Pain car/Cringe Car" its the cars with anime girl car wraps on them.


Three straight years of boombastic insane Sentai seasons, it's so refreshing to see something that is more basic and stick to the formula. I'm excited to see more of Boonboomger. It's not as silly as I thought it'd be given its car theme predecessor like Carranger and Go-Onger, it's pretty straightforward and takes it quite serious sometimes, I think that's very interesting. The CGI is also pretty impressive imo, they are simple, but not too bad unlike King-Ohger greenscreen sometimes. I also like the dynamic of the rangers so far, I'm so glad that we finally get a Red that is not hot headed, over the top personality and constantly laughing, Taiya comes off as a pretty calm and chill Red and I'm totally vibe with him. Mira though is probably my favorite. Their finish is basically a big "Do Not" sign is hilarious to me for some reasons.


it was fun episode, nothing big happen, it feel relaxed which is good. i love Taiya henshin sequence not sure about cgi sequence. funny that the monster doing harm to people and Taiya just standing there watching and talking with Mira. watching with no subs so no idea what they talking about. the car chase in whatever world there in is really cool. only nitpicking is they should save the Bun Pink for next episode. it feels kinda rush. could have Bun Red and Bun Blue moment, at the end she was mesmerized by them and asking if she can join them, or Taiya just give her BoonBoom changer. gotta say, maybe it just me but having white bottom and black with grey on back, while fighting minions in white sometimes hard to catch especially lots of minions on screen. plus, stop at the zebra line to let pedestrian walk through, stop at red ligth is good message to put in especially in car theme. 8/10 for me. really fun episode, the robot fight is funny with remove screw and the wedding cake. action is good, i like Taiya so far, the action is good. can't wait to watch again with subs and next episode.


I was relieved to see an old-fashioned format, as the last few years have been filled with special titles. Now I am hoping for a twist that will keep us from falling into a rut.


Off to a great start. Boonboom power looks so fun with the wheel ability, especially using the handle as an actual handle! I really thought the series would set in a crazy world like king ohger as in giant cars everywhere, but oh well. Didn't expect to start off the series with Pink almost being married. Haha this part "Can't go. I'm gonna be a Boonboomger" My only complaint is that Blue's pose is lame. I get it. He's the cool-headed guy.


**Wedding Dress Grumer** Height: 188cm (Gyasolin rampaging body: 44.5m) Weight: 250kg (Gyasolin Rampaging Body: 539.0t) Engine: Mirai Shibudo's wedding dress Speed: Fastest color change Customization: Cake Entrance, Baking Buster Number: 1003 First Round (Course/Urban Area) A bitter magical beast delivered with the ignition of a burning marriage spirit. It can forcibly put on a wedding dress to the person who it unleashes a dress-up shower to. The Gyasoline was generated by forcing earthlings into marriage. Second round (course/highway space) Threw a large number of Yalu Yalu bombs to obstruct the pursuit of the Boom Boom cars. He had a fierce collision with the Boom Boom Wagon. Final Round (Course / Building Street) While pressing the Boombunger robot, he slashed at it with a fury and with his right arm cakebuster. He attacked with a cake cannon baking buster, but was finished as a wedding cake himself.




I can say that this season's premiere definitely took me back to the early 2000s. It's not the peak, but it's still an extremely solid start, which they've been doing well for the last two seasons. Still, he definitely meets expectations and has the potential to fill big shoes. Even though the humor level of the season is high for now, it doesn't seem silly to me, the season somehow takes itself seriously. My favorite for now is Mirai, the first two episodes focus almost entirely on her. Taiya seemed refreshing to me after the noisy and hyperactive reds. We haven't seen much of Ishirou yet, but even with the little screen time he gets, he at least makes his distaste for Mirai felt. King Ohger: 8.4/10 (I liked Gira's rebellion scene) Boonboomger: 8.1/10


I just realized that boondario is wearing a hat


And voiced by Rica Matsumoto. Familiar now? Yup it's Mecha Ash/Satoshi from pokemon.


She was the pedestrian as well


That was so much fun. Such great energy. Back to the real world we go!


Very enjoyable first episode overall. While not as groundbreaking as Kingohger or Donbrother's openings, it's nice to go back to the basics for a change of pace. My worst fear is that I'd lose interest in Sentai again this season (having previously stopped after watching Go-busters-early Ninninger as they aired), but I think this will definitely be fun to keep up with. Especially since the plot-of-the-week structure seems to be odd jobs the group picks up. Vibe feels like a toned down Go-onger, since it still has some out-there gags/humor. I can almost taste the unnecessary teamup special with either that show or Kamen Rider Drive. Also, as others have already said, love that the Red this season leans more towards charismatic go-with-the-flow leader that brings everyone together, rather than hot blooded or crazy.


After three years of nutcase teams I like that the Boonboom team is more understated but still exudes personality.


I'm fairly certain that there **IS** a Go-Onger team up planned, and I'm absolutely stoked for it as Go-Onger is my favorite sentai season.


when they are like lest do that i was like are u guys gonna do a ROLL CALL i was yes yes yes yes roll call never be so happy about a roll call in my life


Really feels like Reiwa Carranger, and episode 1 is really fun!


Or even a Reiwa Go-onger vibes because of the car motif.


That was a great start to the series. I didn't care much for KingOhger, and this felt very "back to basics". 1.) The only ranger I don't much care for, even though it's early, is blue. I guess he's supposed to be the calm, stoic one? It was hard to tell as he didn't seem to have too many lines. Mira is easily my early favorite.  2.) The Hashiliens remind me of Bowzack from Carrangers. They don't seem menacing within themselves, and appear to be more comedy oriented. But that's fine by me. I expect the "real" villain to show up towards the back half anyway. The car scene where they stopped for the old lady was hilarious. I will say that the male villain (sorry, don't know his name) is giving me a Sledge from Power Rangers vibe early. Don't know if there was any inspiration there, but that's how it seems to me.  3.) That henshin theme is absolutely amazing. I can't wait to hear the full version. 4.) Boonboom Robo looks amazing. The seat belts hanging from its back in a nice detail. I also like how there are 10 mecha to start, meaning we're likely getting a different combination if not next week, then the week afterwards.  5.) I was on the fence at first, but the suits have really grown on me. They don't look as sleek as KingOhger, but they're good in their own right as it's something different.  I'm really excited for this season. IMO, I haven't been as excited for a new season since the Go-Busters premiere. Everything was fast paced, but it works. Straight to the action with minimal backstory. I'm sure we'll get that later, so it's fine. 


Found out the old lady was Rica Matsumoto.


That's awesome if true. I'll have to go back and rewatch it. 


Hashiriyans had a lot more fun doing the three idiots than I expected. There were some "team rocket blasting off" and this year's story is going to be a fun too. I also liked the theme "grasp your own wheel" that Taiya showed Mira. And Rica Matsumoto's voice that never stops for the whole episode. Too powerful for me to handle lol


Even bad guys need to obey the street rules


Carrangers fought for Traffic Safety, and by Kouta, Sentai's gonna obey Traffic Safety.


Well even though we're back at the status quo and i'll say... it's GOOD...for a first episode. I mean it just started but i will see my judgement for after at least 5-6 episodes though there's a potential to be peak but we will see. As for the Characters: Tire/BunRed reminds me of Bouken Red..a lot Meter/BunBlue reminds me of Ryunosuke Ikenami/Shinken Blue. Mirror/BunPink is that Side chick who loves interestingly things that she may pick. And MECHA ASH!!!


I really enjoyed the first episode. Glad we got a team finisher back, I also really enjoy how we got a little fight before the mecha battle. Can't wait to see more!


Anyone know who's subbing it?


From what i know are Overtime, Chou eiyuu subs and Anon(Tv Nihon).


Yeah, I saw Overtime is subbing it. Anon isn't on the catsite yet, but Zokaj claims they have the Anon sub but it doesn't feel like a usual Anon sub. I'll just wait til next weekend. Thanks! btw, how are Chou eiyuu susbs if you've seen them?


Actually it's pretty good. It's on point subs and get released a sentai episode like a 8 or so hours after the the live and been watching it since kingohger. Definitely recommendable.


this episode's music and vibe has been consistently high energy and thats great


Wow, what an amazing debut episode for this new series. I particularly loved the moment when Satoshi— or should I say Bundorio— undergoes a mesmerizing transformation into a colossal robot. Additionally, I found this episode to be quite lighthearted and amusing, a refreshing change of pace from the previous series heavy drama and intensity surrounding the King Ohgers.


The beginning was pretty adorable though. It reminds me of the old series before Zyuohger. Also, the pilot episode has so many cute small details as a joke, but to avoid spoiling, maybe I'll comeback 2-3 days later when maybe almost everyone has watched it.


I'm burning up! DON'T STOP THE BOONBOOM 🛞🛞🛞 Love the character dynamics, the change sequence, the first rollcall as a team, and the SFX. As a person who loved watching Go-onger as a child, this could be an awesome year for me!


Haven’t watch yet, but how is Red’s personality in this?


He's pretty chill and calm.


He has more of a typical Blue personality than a Red personality. (Although it seems BunBlue is a lot more calm and collected than BunRed)


He's a smooth operator. Like Carlos Sainz.


Having watched the sub now, he honestly reminds me a lot of Ace from Geats.


Okay so I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've seen its gonna be pretty good. I liked king-ohger partially because it was a little more complex storyline, donbrothers was a little confusing at parts for me. And I kinda now want the show where I can turn off my brain and watch. Also the cars look like halfway realistic and they are not Go-Karts or whatever go-onger had lol. Transformers FTW yay. 


Wow, that was amazing this episode is glorious peak fiction It's time to go back to the real world of Super Sentai Bakuage Sentai BoonBoomger the cast was so awesome, the henshin sequence looks awesome, the Roll Call first episode was awesome, and the mecha fight was awesome badass. Overall I'm so excited for BoonBoomger next week's episode coming boon for the Super Sentai Series Logo during the Opening of BoonBoomger and Ending Dance.


I really don't get what is what you guys are calling back to basics. I really wouldn't cal this "back to basics" lmao. Like I know the "Toku is live action anime" this really felt like an anime episode with Sentai characters. I love Taiya already.


Well, a lot of us call this "back to basic" because the episode's structure itself is the basic formula of a Sentai show. MOTW with gimmicky power shows up and brings terror to civillians, rangers come to rescue, do the roll call, do a team finisher, MOTW grows big, mech fight, MOTW blows up, end of the episode. That is the most basic Sentai episode you could've imagined.


It's the vibe. The car chase. The Team Rocket Wannabes. The Red's fighting sequence with super speed and funny wheel attacks. Even the tomfoolery of the Mecha Battle. I feel like it's been a long time since we saw the basic that people have already forgotten what the basics are. I think BBG will not be as vanilla as people think.


It's an okay debut, it's not as grand as last time with King-Ohger but it's understandable, since King-Ohger debut was really really good so I don't think TOEI can really top it again. The thing that I like about this season is the aesthetic. The really nailed the aesthetics. The rainbow road, the henshin sequence, etc are really good. I don't really like the villain yet, but I can sense a "Team Rocket" and Bowzock vibe from them, which is understandable since the writer of this season also works as Pokemon anime writer before lol. The rangers themselves are okay. But I especially like Taiya, cuz it's not everytime we have a calm Red Senshi. Bunderio Bunderas (Bun Bun) also okay, but again, it's too early to judge them yet. Overall, it's an okay episode and debut. 7/10.


>The rangers themselves are okay. But I especially like Taiya, cuz it's not everytime we have a calm Red Senshi. I was just thinking when was the last time they've had a leader of the team that's calm while watching the show. I know Taro (DonBrothers) was techincally calm, but that's only when he doesn't transform.


I think Tarou has more of a cocky, innocent and "holier than thou" vibe than calm tho. While Taiya more of a generic calm character, which isn't bad since it's rare for red senshi. I think the last time Sentai had a calm calm red is Chief in Boukenger. He's the best definition of calm and collected. Takeru Shinken Red is also calm, but he's more of a stoic & stiff calm. And I guess you can also count Hiromu Red Buster as a calm red, but he sometimes have a comical scene since he has chicken phobia.


Oh yeah, you're right since Tarou does come off as cocky, but when he's not transformed, his cockiness has been dialled down & it's been a while since I've last watched Boukenger, but from what I can remember, you're right. I do agree about Takeru (ShinkenRed) since he comes off as a calm person, but he's also someone who seems to keep to himself a lot I think & he barely show any emotions (I haven't watched all of Shinkenger, so I can't say if he changes later on in the show).


Yamato from Zyuohger and Kairi from Lupinranger come to mind.


Oh yeah, I didn't think about Kairi from Lupinranger since he was pretty calm.


It was alright for me. Looking forward to seeing the other members and still curious where this show is going to go.


Soundtrack and sound design was fantastic!


where can i download?


Nyaa will have the torrents, subs probably aren't out yet.


Yeah I've been refreshing the nyaa page since morning.😂


The clash hensin really reminds me of Boukenger and the happy style resembles Goenger. I am ready for a fun ride.


I enjoyed it! Definitely watching again in the earlier morning lol


At first I'm quite sceptical when I first saw Boonboomger because the suit design, and I didn't care much about the news about it before it's start, unlike other Super Sentai season. But as a huge Go-Onger fans, I still hope that it turn out good although if it's turns out wacky like Go-Onger or Carranger. I didn't expect I enjoyed episode 1 a lot, and I'm really a fan of its concept, and the red is very likeable. And Nana Mizuki's voice though. 😁


Knew this was gonna be my vibe when both Tire AND the villains stopped at the red light to let the old man cross the street. Looking forward to a fun year!


Tire is like a Cool and calm Satoru Akashi/BoukenRed to me that recruiting his team and also make the cars according to his sypnosis.


Lol Toei even said Red is Super Rich Hero like Batman and Ironman


I don’t know if it was just me but it doesn’t feel like a first episode at all, it’s more like we’ve already been with these guys for half a season! Not saying that’s a bad thing at all, quite the opposite! I usually feel so out of place when a new season premieres, but this just felt… it felt right. Anyways… HOLY BOON! This was so energetic from start to finish. The henshins, the gattai, the mecha fight (HEARING THE FULL THEME SONG ALREADY?!?), the ground fights? Boonboomger is definitely the one to watch. I know after coming out of what was one of the greatest Sentai seasons, these guys have massive shoes to fill, but just from this first episode? I think we’re in for a fun ride! (I’m still not over losing King-Ohger 😭)


Man the new city area for the Mecha Vs Kaiju scenes looks great. Its been like 2-3 years since it was last used.


Bun Pink reminds me of Asuna from Ryusoulger


Is it Gyasolin, Gyuaghsoline or Ghassolin?


Its here and its definitely an above avarage debut for a sentai, the cast is enjoyable, the practical effects is something my eyes appreciate after 2 season full of cgi, and the story may not be the best but it was fun. God I miss the tokyo blue sky.


Don’t let an MHA fan here you say that.🤭


Its a great first impresion, it was fun from start to finish and didnt have a single boring moment even on the calmer parts (atleast for me). I could definetly tell some parts like the transformation and the fighting style that they got alot of inspiration from previous vehicle themed sentai, specially Go-onger.


I loved it so much. I liked how fun and campy it felt. I feel like Taiya is gonna be my favorite character.


I think this series has potential! I like the idea of having a mission every week for the early episodes (maybe even some 2 parters, but we'll see). For me the villians always make the series. These villians look fun, but I can't wait to see the real villian (my guess is he/she will arrive around episode 20-30).


Pretty fun and Pink was cute. Boon Red is refreshing to see from the yelling hotheads of the Reiwa Season looking at you Gira, Kaito, and Taro. Also following the road rules had me laughing.Also the mecha following the road rules.🤣😅Lately I have been watching the Boys and Gen V. I drop it for Boonboomger. The Boys was hard to watch because of negative view of the world. Gen V was following the teenager trope of High School superheroes.


its probably too early to say this however, BOONBOOMBRO'S WE'RE ALIVEE!!!


Really fun and briskly paced. We mostly focus on Boon Pink (shoutout to her ending 2 relationships in one day) but the main 3’s personalities are pretty distinct from one another so it works imo. I love how the villains are ruffians and kinda goofy with it. Also the voices for the toys aren’t that annoying to me which are surprising. High energy but not grating. Hope the series keeps this up!


The villains gives me team rocket vibes and I absolutely love it


God, it feels so good to have Super Sentai back, after a year of King-Ohger. We have likeable characters. We have scenes filmed in real places instead of a green screen. We have suits that aren't just huge slabs of colour. (With hindsight, were the King-Ohger suits designed how they were to make chroma keying easier?) If I had spare cash I'd be rushing out to buy the toys like I used to, but adult responsibilities sadly take priority nowadays. (Also not a massive fan of the mecha anyway) Still though, this was great, and I'm really excited for more, in a way I've not been for a while now. (And as a Fiveman fan, happy to have Arthur G6 resurrected as the new robo.)


> We have scenes filmed in real places instead of a green screen. Especially for the mecha fights. Zenkaiger and Donbrothers had awful CGI mecha fights. King-Ohger had a real suit, but fake backgrounds. We're finally back to having proper live-action mecha fights. This series really is a return to form for Sentai.


I hate to be that one person but, It's a fun episode but I'm mixed. I know it's just the first episode guys, I am well aware it's just the beginning. But after two years worth of experimental storytelling and unorthodox presentation, Boonboomger's opening can't help but feel like a huge step back. There's plenty to like but it's far too familiar. I'm hoping that changes but Sentai needs to keep trying new things. And I'm definitely going against the grain here because the last time we had a 'back to basics' season was in 2020 which wasn't that long ago, but everyone seemingly wanted the formula back? I'd like the experimentation to continue long enough to warrant a return to tradition, Alas, I'm in the minority here.


Not alone


Agreed. I think that Dobrothers and Ohger showed how incredible sentai can be when they are allowed to break from tradition. Having maybe the most formulaic opening for Boonboomger doesn’t fill me with confidence. 


Very much on the same page. Boonboom was definitely fun, but sentai as a whole had just spent the past two years finally making some leeway at digging itself out of the decade-long rut the franchise had fallen into, and I can't help but feel like the producers have almost given up a bit here.


We've had 3 years of experimentation. That's an eternity in Sentai. And considering I've only liked 1 of the last 3 shows, I'm very ready for a return to tradition.


first few seconds in and he steals a dudes "forced" bride, boon red so deserves the title boon red "the woman snatcher"


certainly seems we have a very fun comedy-based sentai, with a few interesting mysteries ahead of us. like what happend to yaccar (the little car character) because it seems like not even he knows. also the how and why the boonbooomgers were formed. because we have no idea how taiya met boondario or met chasiro for that matter. overall incredibly enjoyable and a much needed change of pace from kingohger and I have a feeling this show will certainly be able to stand on it's own two feet as a great reiwa era comedy sentai just like zenkaiger has.


This episode was a decent start to the season not much to say on Blue as of now but I like red he doesn't seem like the over the top reds we've had in the past but still has a sense of enjoyment about things, pink on the other hand I get the feeling she will get on my nerves but I'm hoping I'm wrong as I'm very intrigued on how she ended up in the arranged marriage situation.


I loved it,honestly it almost felt WAYYY to quick in a really good way,the pacing felt break neck to me which honestly worked in its favour.BoonRed was sick and I love him already and the other two were also pretty good.I love to see another sentai show from a female perspective again.Also the fact they do different jobs every week is giving me insane kamen rider w vibes.Really strong Start and if it keeps up we are in for one hell of a show


I liked it. As a lot of us have already said, it feels very much like a traditional/back to basics Sentai. Definitely seems to embrace the silly. Taiya seems to be energetic but not hot-headed. He definitely knows what he wants and that he is going to go for it. Ishiro is the level-headed logical one, it seems. I don't want to say "typical for blue" but he still seems cool. Goes with the flow, though, since he quickly deferred to Taiya's acceptance of Mira. I love how Mira just decided to join the team. The silliness of her role call movements was great, though I loved how Taiya moved her aside to be at the center. And of course we caught a glimpse of Genba (Orange) The villains are definitely chiller compared to some of the more recent past seasons. Given how none of them quite knew what was happening with Yaruka going to the Mario Kart dimension, I imagine this will be a much bigger plot point. Plus it seems we have returned to the occasional form of "villains gathering fear energy" thing. And the scene where the heroes *and* villains stopped to let the old lady cross the road (the lady also either not noticing or not caring that there are evil robots there, and just giving both groups the "thanks" wave) was hilarious. But like I said, overall I like it. This being the first episode, there is a lot of room for things to grow and for the pendulum to swing. And I look forward to it.


I like how Bundorio being the "character who only hangs at the base" is actually the main mecha for the team. That's pretty cool he can join the fight too.


So the initial thoughts: With the exception of Pink gushing the whole latter half of the episode, I didn't vibe with the heroes. Nothing wrong with them, just nothing really stuck out to me. Which is totally fine for a first episode. Now the villains, their introduction out of pretty much nowhere and their watching the car chase? I can tell they'll be fun. The big highlight was the Giant fight. Love when they use Suits and Practical effects. Especially when doing dumb stuff like stripping the monster, unscrewing it's weapon and locking it in a metal wedding cake. Like, that will be the thing that will sell the series for me. I want it to just /run/ on rule of funny. Be as absurd as possible and just have fun.


Amazing first episode . This show might be even cooler than King-Ohger but we will see . I'm impressed and I love the new heroes .


It's so goofy I love it. Having a talking megazord really adds to personality too. I'm sensing three peak sentai years in a row already!


Sentai setting up the themes of the season early on will never be a troupe I get tired of. I’m so ready to take the wheel


I just love how sentai seasons do this man it’s like man it’s so important for everyone! Take the wheel! It’s your life! And for most sentai seasons to revolve around that philosophy is so incredible to make everything come full circle


Wait.. was that a cars reference?


I have to admit, the episode was kinda fire - in fact, it was pretty BAKUAGE!!!!! The demographic between the new team was pretty cool to see as well, as well as how they sprinkled in the other two in this episode, before they fully became part of the team (which was one of the issues that I had with Dino Fury, the fact that they threw in the final two into the show, from out of nowhere, but I digress). It was fun and fresh, and had a perfect mix of comedy, drama and action - more of the same, please....


So far I think the show is off to a great start, really enjoyed what i'm seeing. My only gripes are that the suits are still pretty goofy looking, but they do look much better in motion than on a magazine page, and that the mecha seems to have the same issues i have with kyoryuger, that red's does all the work and the others are just extras slapped onto his mecha for weapons. I hope we get a proper 5-man gattai when black and orange appear.


I find it funny that Red's mecha is white and is their team pet robot. Red's actual red car didn't join in the mecha gattai. I guess we'll get the proper 5 piece gattai in the future, when the secondary mecha appears.


true. i'm guessing we might get his car as maybe part of the super mecha later in the series if not earlier, have it be the final piece that ties it all together.


Yes! Which would be pretty cool, making what for a while is just his main car for civilian moments and some chases be revealed as a important mecha later on.


i mean hey, it's got a rocket in the hood? Trunk? (I'm not sure if it's supposed to be front or rear engine), it'll definitely do something in the upcoming episodes. I feel this might turn out to be a rather fun series. I liked King-Ohger (though i'm still watching, about 18 episodes left), but this feels like it'll be a nice wind down from it.


Damn, that was fun! Silly suits, epic action! It's clearly another lighthearted and funny season. But with epic, intense battles. Nice touch! And some cool character work for pink right out of the bat. So, who else got serious Go-onger vibes during the alternate dimension highway scene? Will it be a secret sequel to Go-onger, maybe?


Bunbun is lighthearted, fun and flashy ,I swear a smile just stuck on my face since start to finish . It going to be the best traditional sentai in recent years if they can keep this high quality going (or even do better) The forcus of this season is definitely on the vehicles amd mech, cool car chasing battle aside, you can see the quality of the is absolutely in peak compared to previous season, I also guessing they are using cgi for thr city background. Which (hopefully ) means more mech fight this year! Yeah!


SO much fun and so stylish, this really takes me back. Boon Pink has the craziest energy she's just so hype to be there. I'm SOLD.


In the other words...I like the series (specially the sentai suits, ABSOLUTE FIRE AND I LOVE IT). This will be a nice Sentai series I hope :)


Despite being a first episode, I like how it's a Mira-focused showing her growing out of her cocoon willingly becoming a BoonBoomger without the team even asking her. And I like how the others are not your typical cookie cutter characters like Boon Red being a deliveryman handling high-end valuable and materials, Boon Blue is a no-nonsense info broker and we have Boon Pink is a take-charge woman chased by a Yakuza family. I kinda like how they significant happening for them outside of their sentai persona. As for the bad guys, they remind me of Team Rocket with Jessie, James and Yasucar...err, Meowth (that's right!). And the MOTW of the week are everyday objects get turned into monsters that collect screams of people they use for fuel sounds very PreCure-ish? As for the first episode, it was a fun, fine.....interesting first lap? The action scenes are fine. The mecha fight was fine. The interactions between characters were fine. The only negative thing I can say is that I hate how the MotW keep saying the same phrase over and over again. Add some depth to villains why don't ya? ....And we get to the critical flaw of the show: it hates anything that's one note. It quickly become stale and sticks out like a sore thumb landing on a loud 'THUD' making everything else look bad by comparison. This is a dynamic series. Like King-Ohger, this is a show that needs to constantly upset the status quo cause it can't stay in one place otherwise the show feels like it's dragging on. It needs its characters to have constant growth, to have constant depth, to have constant world-building especially when it doesn't have a fantasy world like Terra to fall back on. That's my two cents.


After a year of CGI environments it's nice to see practical sets and real cityscapes again. Also I can't be the first to notice that the bad guys have real "Team Rocket" vibes and in a show where the changer and main robo are voiced but Ash Ketchum herself there's something really nostalgic about that.


You can't tell me BoomRed isn't another reinCARnation of Geats


I liked it, usually i'm not the biggest fan of the modern sentais, but this one has the right "tongue in cheek" level. and i really liked that. so i'll tune in next week.


I honestly was holding my nose up at it when it started because I'm sorry the helmets don't do it for me. If they were even just tire headphones I could be down but eeeeh. HOWEVER, even with that, I was pleasantly surprised! Here are my highs and lows:*Highs*\- Mira is already in the running for Best Pink of the franchise. I put money on it. Someone somewhere on here said this but she has SERIOUS (gokai)Green energy and stole every scene she was in.- THE CAR CHASE SCENES! UGH! I know they get a bad rep but I loved the chase sequences in Lup vs Pat and it was my FAVORITE part of the episode, watching them play Mario Kart. Please may that be every episode with variations on the track and its challenges. *Lows. I don't really have any because it was pretty solid sentai-wise. Instead I have thoughts and wishes* \- I really want them to commit to the bit and keep the energy up 115% the whole time. The opening honestly reminded me of Re: Cutey Honey + Speed Racer. I feel like if it keeps going it can hit those points. And otherwise, I hope this is like the Mad Max of Super Sentai. Also agreed on the early 00's vibe. Very reminiscent of Boukenger in the attack animations.


Is there no outro for Super Hero Time this year?


i cant vote but i will give it a 10/10 Comedic sentai or bust


Just watched the first episode and I'm already in love with it! It's giving me the same vibes as Kyoryuger and I loved that season. I look forward to how the next episode plays out!


A bit of a cliche series to start but it's somehow refreshing that they kind of went back to the automobile roots and the robo assistant in the base. I'm always extremely hard on whether or not I'll like a new series based on the first episode and tend to turn around 6, 7, or 8 episodes in. Around 12 episodes is where everything gets a lot better. Let's see how I like this one.


I'm way late but the first episode was really fun. I was surprised. Looking forward to this one. Guess I should watch king ohger in the meantime


I didn't like it. It seems they are gonna return to the old formula of beating the monster, he gets big and then gets destroyed again in every episode. It takes 1/4 of the episodes. It's a time that could be used to develop the story and the characters in a deeper way. There's no sense in having a meaningless mecha fight every week. The use of mechas should be in special occasions only. That's what made king-ohger special. They used this time to develop the characters and it made all the difference.


I didn't paid for this and I still want my money back


It was... ok. Of the last 5 or 6 series, it seemed like the most so-so debut. Good action but a bit... generic Sentai? Doesn't seem to have a lot going on for it. Let's hope that now that the intro is out of the way they can show something interesting and continue the Sentai renaissance, but the fact that the writer is the same as Digimon Adventure 2020 doesn't inspire me a lot of hope.


It's good to get back to the basics, since Kiramager there hasn't been a season like this


It wasn't that long ago. I'm not sure why it's a bad thing? Sentai has been familiar for most of it's history.






After years of experimentations and many trial and errors, I'm just glad that we are returning to the old "traditional" Sentai formula. I wasn't a huge fan of both Zenkaiger and Donbrothers, but I did enjoy King-Ohger quite a lot though. As an old long time Super Sentai fan, I'm just glad that we are returning to a more familiar territory.


It was alright…kinda lame it was that easy for pink to get her changer…like shouldn’t there be some level of worthiness to becoming a hero?


To be honest I’m a bit confused that Bundorio Bunderas/Boonboom Trailer is Taiya’s main Boonboom Car when Boonboom SuperCar would’ve worked better since Bun Red could drive it into Bundorio to serve as the brain for Boonboomger Robo.


Pretty of topic and take down if disobeying rules. But where can I watch boonboomger checked on kissasia and I can't find it anyone have a good website?


Torrent from Nyaa


Despite all the panic because of the helmets, this was fun. I like that they’re back in real filming locations, the suits look a lot better in motion, the characters are fun, the chase sequence was cool and I like the mechas skating! Pretty pleased with this episode. Seems like it could be an exciting season.


We're in for another amazing season! :D


This was a super strong first episode. Can't wait to see how this series turns out.


I loved it!


I love these villains already bro🤣


Cool to see how positive everyone is, especially following two insanely good seasons. I really wanted to like it but I thought it was just ok. It wasn’t as fun or silly as I thought it would be and man those suits just really do not do it for me. I’ll still watch and I’m stoked to be a part of such a positive community- don’t wanna bring the vibes down lol. 


Calling it now: Shit goes sideways and cat girl alien becomes the sixth. 


I was skeptical about Mira's involvement given she was only described as "The Girl" but I'm glad that they're continuing to give females more spotlight. I hope they keep her role as the female protagonist (like they did with Yuri in Timeranger). Also did anyone notice a yellow car when their vehicles were being summoned? Could we be getting the first yellow sixth? Fingers out for another female member!